Get Wisdom | Get Smart - #1 | Pastor John Lindell

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[Music] we're getting ready to start a new series this morning got smart and the title of the messages get smart get wisdom get smart get wisdom I want to begin this morning by asking you a question if you were granted one wish what would you wish for three men were stranded on a desert island and and they had been there for several weeks and one morning they were walking along the beach and they saw something kind of sticking out of the sand they picked it up it was like a brass old lamp they began to kind of rub it off and out pop the genie and the genie said today is your lucky day you get three wishes since there's three of you you each get a wish turned the first man and said sir what would you like the man said I wish I was back in my office in Boston and poof he was gone the genie turned to the second man and said sir what would you like he said I wish I was home with my family poof he was gone Genie turned to the third man he said in sir what would you like he said I don't know all the sudden I feel real lonely I wish my friends were here that's almost like golfing on the ice well there was a man in the Bible his name was Solomon and even worshiping God had become the king of Israel and the Lord appeared to him at night in a dream and in second chronicles chapter one and verse seven that night God appeared to Solomon and said to him ask for whatever you want me to give you that's an amazing amazing statement imagine it that God of the universe the one for whom nothing is impossible says ask for whatever you want and I'll give it to you notice what Solomon asked for Solomon answered God you've shown great kindness to David my father it have made me king in his place give me wisdom what is it that Solomon wanted when he could have had absolutely anything Solomon said give me wisdom and God gave it to him but along with wisdom he gave him everything else I want you to notice this in verse 11 it says this God said to Solomon since this is your heart's desire and you've not asked for wealth riches or honor nor for the death of your enemies and since you've not asked for a long life but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people over whom I've made your king therefore wisdom and knowledge will be given you and I will also give you wealth and riches and honor such as no king who was before you ever had and then after you will ever have I want you to notice something that in that it really highlights a principle that that when a person has wisdom it affects every single area of the life that when you and I when the Bible counsels us to get wisdom what the writers of Scripture what Solomon understood was that when a person has wisdom it's going to raise the level of the of every area of their life they're going to be better in their financial decisions they're going to be better in their relational interaction they're gonna be better in every aspect of their life wisdom has that ability so we're going to be looking at wisdom in this series entitled gets smart we're going to be looking at what the writer of Proverbs what Solomon a lot of scholars believe Solomon contributed most of what was there in the book of Proverbs in fact these are these are lessons that either he is assimilating from other wisdom teachers or their lessons that King David his father had taught him or their lessons that he in the wisdom given by God had observed to be true and so Solomon compiled them in this book called proverbs this book then is a collection of wisdom and it's primarily it's designed not only to make us individually wise but it's given when you read through it as a compilation of teaching that a parent would give to a child in fact you're looking proverbs chapter one you'll see it's over and over again listen my son to your father's instruction do not forsake your mother's teaching that kind of statement is made 23 different times in the book of Proverbs it's almost made it's made in some chapter several times certainly at the start of many of the chapters chapter 2 my son received my words chapter 3 verse 1 my son do not forget my commands chapter 4 verse 1 my son's hear a father's instruction so this is a book of godly wisdom from a father to fathers about being a father or from a parent to parents about parenting so we're going to look at it and I'm just gonna lay a general understanding of wisdom this morning and then in the coming weeks we'll talk about different aspects what the Proverbs say on different subjects but this morning I want to talk to you about the importance of getting wisdom and what I want to do is I want to answer three questions question number one is what is wisdom when we're talking about wisdom what is it that we're seeking what is wisdom and wisdom is primarily three things first of all wisdom is fearing god it's fearing God look at it in proverbs chapter 9 and verse 10 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom it's where wisdom starts when you and I fear God we're talking about fearing God we're now talking about cowering what we're talking about Israel a respect we're talking about and honor may be the way to think of fearing God is there is an awe of who he is that that this God this being who was there before time began and will be there after time is no more this God powerful enough to to know the future to be at the future in the past simultaneously exists and in one eternal now if you will this God who is so awesome so amazing so great I mean wisdom understands the greatness of our God wisdom not only understands his greatness but wisdom when a person's wise when you're fearing the Lord you have an awareness that God is there that God is watching that God is with you that God is in every situation you know there's a lot of things people wouldn't do if they realize God is right beside them he sees them he's beside them he's aware of what's going on a wise person understands that you can't hide anything from God you can't hide from God but God is right there you're aware of his presence you're aware of the fact that he's right there and not only that not only are you in awe of him and not only are you aware of him but wisdom also just worships him and says what a god you are you are worthy I'm gonna live my life for you I'm gonna live my life for your glory I'm gonna let all that's within me be devoted to a cause bigger than myself I'm gonna worship you because you made me you have a plan for me and in walking in your plan there is life and there is grace and there is joy and so you worship God so we're talking about a wisdom that worships God not just on Sunday but a lifestyle that lives for the glory of God that is wisdom wisdom is fearing the Lord wisdom is also knowledge of God look at it in Proverbs it says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding so wisdom is not only honoring God and being aware of God but it's knowing who God is if you want to be wise know who God is know that he is sovereign he's a God who is in charge just understanding God's sovereignty his authority that he is in charge mate makes you live in a level of calm and peace he's in charge when you're calm when you're aware that he's in charge you don't feel like you have to do everything on yourself on your own all of a sudden you start walking in a different way which is wisdom so it's knowing he's sovereign it's knowing he's all-powerful it's knowing that he's all-knowing that there's never going to be a time you're gonna tell God something he doesn't know that God being all-knowing is to say God knows all things doesn't ever time that God learns anything he already knows everything equally and effortlessly that God is everywhere that God is holy that God opposes sin and he loves righteousness that God is unchanging Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever Hebrews chapter 13 and verse eight says he never changes you don't have to wonder if God's like tomorrow morning gonna change the rules and say you know out with wisdom or I'm changing the rules of wisdom or I'm gonna change what was the wisdom is as unchanging as he is he's unchanging he is just he is merciful he is kind in fact he is a God of loving-kindness the Bible says that that attribute of God is expressed more than any anything else that God is a God of loving-kindness that he's gracious that he's good that God is good and he does good that he's incurably an incredibly generous that he's a generous gift giving God if you don't have that revelation and that understanding of God then you're missing then you don't know him and when you know God like that all of the sudden that helps you to walk in wisdom so it's knowing about God I think who could say as well it's not only fearing the Lord and knowing about the Lord but wisdom is applying God's Word to our lives it's taking what we know and then applying it as we do life I mean you can you and I can know things and not do them if someone knows all those things about God but they don't do anything about it or anything with it could we say they are wise and the answer's no if a person says you know what that may be true but I don't care then that person's the greatest fool of all I mean the fools The Fool has said in his heart the Bible says there is no God so wisdom is the ability to apply God's Word to our life in every different area - to apply God's Word to teach God's Word to teach our children God's Word well second second question is how will wisdom benefit me what is wisdom well it's fearing God and it's knowing about God and it's applying his word but what will that do for you when you do it here's some things first of all wisdom will guard and protect you look at this do not forsake wisdom and she will protect you love her and she will watch over you the message puts it this way never walk away from wisdom she guards your life love her she keeps her eye on you one of the ways that wisdom guards us and it protects us is it keeps us from doing things that will harm us it keeps us from doing things that will diminish life it keeps us from making unwise decisions harmful decisions hurtful decisions it just from taking the long way around which invariably costs more more heartache more money wisdom can keep you from doing that proverbs chapter 2 and verse 12 says wisdom will save you from the ways of of wicked men in other words when you're walking in wisdom and and one of the first things the writer of Proverbs says in chapter 1 is when people come and they say let's go do this let's go to this let's go to this wisdom says a timeout don't follow people who are doing foolish things you'll wind up getting hurt wisdom can protect you says it'll keep you from making wrong turns or following bad directions I mean wisdom can do that it can keep you for example this would be one example of many how you could apply this as a parent I can remember when our kids were younger and one day they came home from school and and one of the kids went back in their room and all of a sudden we heard a big commotion a big ruckus and and Debbie went back there and and they were throwing their pillow and throwing things around in the room and she's like what in the world are you doing and and he said well he said I'm mad I'm mad and had a reason why I was mad and well then why are you doing this because the teacher said you know they they had a guidance counselor came in and said you know what you need to do is you need to vent it you need to get it out you need to express it well that's not wisdom and you see that's that's a problem when we live in a society that teaches people that they need to give vent to their anger because here's what the writer of Proverbs says a fool shows his annoyance at once but a wise man restrains himself so to be able to talk to our children and say listen this is not wisdom that's not do you see how wisdom could protect you as you learn to control as you learn to rein that in as you learn to walk in wisdom wisdom Kent to second wisdom we'll give you confidence and contentment proverbs chapter 14 verse 26 one of my favorite proverbs whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress listen when you're walking in wisdom which the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom all those sudden it's like you're living in this fortress that's not to say that there won't be problems so as we read through the Proverbs one of the things I think it's important to recognize is that the Proverbs aren't promises the Proverbs are probabilities what Solomon is doing is Solomon saying when I look and I watch how life worked by and large this is the way life plays out for people and when a person is doing certain things this is the way it works there may be exceptions to the rule but by and large this is how it works but when a person is walking in wisdom what happens is it's like all of the sudden that wisdom it keeps you from making poor decisions and it really becomes a garrison it becomes a wall around you that doesn't mean that there's not problems there will be problems it just means but people could shoot arrows but if you're in a fortress guess what the arrows are not going to hurt you wisdom surrounds a person would you notice and for his children it will be a refuge so what happens is as you're living a life of wisdom all of a sudden your life does is not subject to the instability of the world around you in the same way the world may be in a turmoil things may be going on but you have this calm and what happens is your children as they're there they're the recipient of peace a refuge the message puts it this way fear of God builds up confidence listen if you struggle with insecurity get where because wisdom what happens when people are insecure it's because they're either focused on himself wisdom says get your eyes off yourself or what happens is they're they're too aware of their failings wisdom helps build you build you up wisdom help strengthen you wisdom helps you see more clearly get wisdom and you get confidence and it makes the world safe for your children in other words when you're when you're walking in wisdom what happens is it makes the world safe because you're going to give them wise advice you're gonna help them make wise decisions and that's gonna add to safety in their life the writer of Proverbs goes on and says the fear of the Lord leads to life then one rest content untouched by trouble now let me say this in this life you're going to have trouble but the wise person has less of it I would suggest after pastoring now being a senior pastor for 30-plus years that 20% of your problems you know you couldn't have done anything they're just coming your way about 80% of your problems are the result of things you said decisions you made actions that you did words that you said you say when a person's wise all of a sudden what happens is it reduces problems in your life the more a person lives according to the dictates of God's Word the fewer problems I'm not saying you can't go through seasons of problems I'm just saying you'll have a considerably reduced number of problems when you're walking in wisdom fear of God life is life itself a full life serene no nasty surprises you're walking in wisdom God's going before you you're going to you're going to substantially reduce the number of problems that you face when you when you do that proverbs 3 and verse 13 happy is the man who finds wisdom think of that people look for happiness I say you know what if I can get a job with the corner office if I can get the if I can get the new car if I can get this relationship if I can have live in this neighborhood if I can get this degree if I can you know all these different things people pursue they say if I can get that then I will be happy but what's the Bible say happy as the man who finds wisdom that you know people are looking for a happiness in all these things that will offer a momentary happiness that fades away wisdom is the source of happiness and the man who gains understanding her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace wisdom gives you confidence it gives you contentment it gives you peace well there's a another thing wisdom will bring honor and financial blessing verse 3 there verse 4 proverbs 3 then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man proverbs 3:16 long life is in her right hand again this is where I would say that proverbs are probabilities we all know of people who were wise who were godly who tragically met an early demise so again we're not saying this is a a promise some people said I think it's the promise that I'm taking the promise I say hey great good for you do it but the what Solomon is saying is when I watch life I'm saying that wise people wise people by and large because they're not doing they're not doing unwise things they're not doing things that are stupid things that are foolish things that are wrong long life center right hand in her left hand are riches and honor you see when a person's wise and you start living your life wise what happens is God's wisdom in you begins to help you process life in a wise way and the way you spend money and the decisions that you make you begin to understand some these your confidence grows in the Word of God the more you walk in wisdom the more confident you are in the wisdom of God's Word and the more you apply got the wisdom of God's Word the more you reap the benefit of that in every air of your life and that includes finances fact look at it in proverbs chapter 3 honor the Lord with your wealth with the firstfruits of all your crops assist Solomon saying listen when you honor God when you put God first when you tied that's what the firstfruits is you're giving him the first part you're giving him the first 10% then all your barns will be filled with overflowing and your vats will brim over with new one Solomon says I watch this and you can't outgive God when you honor God he honors you that's wisdom and so it's the wisdom brings honor it brings financial blessing proverbs chapter four and verse eight says this esteem her that's wisdom and she'll exalt you it says embrace her she'll honor you so what happens is wisdom says God is over me I'm gonna worship God I'm gonna put myself under his hand under his leadership what does the Bible say it says it says when we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God in due season he exalts us so that his hand is under us his hand is over us his hand is all around us that is the blessed life I can tell you there's nothing I'd rather have than having the hand of God on me under me around me going before me if there's nothing I'd rather have for my children there's nothing I'd rather have for my grandchildren there's nothing I'd rather have for you why do I say that blessing over you at the end of the service because I believe it puts God's name on you and that there is a spiritual significance to it wisdom when you when you esteem wisdom when you say you know what I'm gonna do with him that's a good thing to have she'll exalt you she will honor you the message puts it this way above and before all else do this get wisdom write it at the top of your list I don't know whether you're one of those people that makes a to-do list but at the top of your list for the day if you say I got to get these things done today put get wisdom stop and say God I need wisdom today I need you to give me wisdom I need you to help me there are things I'm concerned about I need wisdom in those things there are things they're gonna happen today I don't even know what they are but God when it comes up may have wit may I have wisdom God when I open my mouth may it be wise God may I think wise thoughts get wisdom says get understanding throw your arms around her believe me you won't regret it never let her go she'll make your life glorious wisdom brings honor and financial blessing wisdom builds the house number 4 watch this verse 24 or verse 3 of chapter 24 by wisdom a house is built I mean it builds a house through understanding it's established listen wisdom can build your home it can build your marriage it can build you as a parent it can build your business wisdom builds house wisdom can build a church wisdom wisdom guides how you think it guides the decisions you make it guides the words that you say and the words you don't say wisdom builds the house says in proverbs chapter 14 and verse 1 The Wise Woman builds her house we could say the wise man builds his house when a person's wise it gives them an advantage helps them to know what to say what not to say what to think what not to think what to do what not to do it directs how we act where we oh it directs how we spend our money it directs who our friends are wisdom builds the house verse one goes on to say but with her own hands and again you could say with his own hands the foolish one tears hers down it's not talking about somebody sitting there pulling the siding off the house and wrecking it but you know what there's a lot of things people do that are just frankly unwise you sit there and and watch a lot of the nonsense on television that is unwise sit there and and and begin to listen to gossip what other people are saying or you're comparing that's unwise get grumpy or cranky and start saying a bunch of things that are caustic that are critical that her native that's unwise you know get too hard on your kids and you know kids spill something and you assassinate their character over a glass of spilled milk that's unwise I mean wisdom builds a house but you can tear it down you can tear your marriage apart you can tell your kids apart you can tear your business apart you can tear your future apart if you don't have wisdom this is why how wisdom benefits us because wisdom builds the house it builds your life well number three you say well if if this is what wisdom is and this is what wisdom does then where can I find wisdom this is the good news wisdom is not hard to find God so wants you and I to have wisdom they dad says you know what I'm gonna do everything I can to help you be wise look at it proverbs chapter 8 verse 1 does not wisdom call out does not understanding raise her voice I want wisdom hey then wisdoms calling out wisdom is like hello I'm over here here's wisdom if you're a come on I got wisdom for you I mean because the the Greek word for fool in the New Testament we get a word from it oh you will lack wisdom all you wore morons all you don't know what to do come here I've got and you know what the Bible says not only is wisdom calling out but folly is calling out and she's saying hey I'm really dumb but we'll have a good time I mean follies calling out wisdoms calling out and the question is this you say if wisdom is calling out then why why can't I hear it well because you have to listen closely because you have to tune in look at what the writer of Proverbs says turning your ear to wisdom another version the message has tuned your ears to the word of wisdom so neck exam for example wisdoms client wisdom say I'm over here you're saying I can't hear it what you have to turn on and tune in I got a radio in my truck but if I don't turn it on I'm not gonna hear right so you gotta turn it on and then I can have the radio on but if it's not on the right frequency all I'm gonna hear static right so I have to dial it in and when I dial it into the right frequency when I tune it in suddenly I can hear what's on the radio do you realize wisdoms out that way that that there's part of it wisdoms calling out wisdom is their wisdom wants to help us but you got a you got a tune in notice it says turning your ear that's the idea of going like this or or incline thine ear that's like you're leaning in you know I grew up on a farm and and you know we've this is before the days of really the nice soundproof you know GPS driven tractors that you just kind of sit there and watch TV well the tractors running in the field with the air-conditioning and the refrigerator and the um I mean all of that back then it was just you know a big diesel engine and a lot of dust but because of that I don't I don't hear so good so what happens is when I'm in the atrium or I'm in a restaurant a lot of times you see me in the atrium you'll see me if my arms are like this I'm giving you a little clue here you know he's trying to lean in he's trying to get closer so he can hear what's being said because I have to Incline might you may be saying it alright but I'm not gonna hear it unless I lean in that's how it is with wisdom you're needing wisdom wisdoms crying out but unless you lean in unless you adjust yourself unless you position yourself unless you incline your ear unless you dial in on the frequency you're not going to hear it you have to listen for wisdom look at it proverbs 8 and verse 1 does not wisdom call out hello does not understanding razor voice hey I'm right over here on the heights along the way where the paths meet you know what's interesting about this a lot of times we have the idea well I'm all going to get wisdom in church on Sunday yes you can get wisdom in church on Sunday in fact this is helping you to know how to listen how to tune in how to hear but what it's talking about is out in the workaday world and that's where we need wisdom the most we need wisdom yes in this house when we're gathered in here let's have wisdom let's walk in wisdom let's listen to wisdom but I'm telling you what you need wisdom tomorrow at 8 o'clock and you need wisdom on Wednesday at 2:00 in the afternoon and you need wisdom when you get home at night on Thursday you need wisdom in in the heights and the places where you're going and wisdom is available proverbs chapter 1 and verse 20 says this wisdom calls aloud in the street she raises her voice in the public squares at the supermarket you need wisdom are you gonna buy the high calorie or the low calorie you can buy the chips are you gonna have the wisdom to go over and get you some lettuce wisdom you know the public square is the place of Commerce well it's what it's saying is wisdom isn't just for your private life it's not just for your spiritual life wisdoms for you everyday life it's at the head of the noisy streets she cries out the boulevards of life the avenues of life the the intersections of life wisdom is right there where you can you find wisdom where you find it by listening for it you know it's interesting and first Kings chapter 3 which is a parallel passage to what we read in first chronicles you know where Solomon asked God God says what do you want me to give you he says give me wisdom in a parallel account in first Kings it puts it this way so give your servant a discerning heart literally in the Hebrew that's a listening air what's wisdom it's it's the ability to hear the prompting of the Spirit it can come to you this way you're getting ready you're you're like gonna make a decision but you you you feel an an easiness you feel you know in and wisdom God speaks to you God prompts you God directs you God can put words in your mouth and you're like even as you're saying you're like man how did Wow where did that come from I'm so good I mean you ever think you ever have that happening like wow didn't know I was that smart and you know you're saying it and God is prompting that or you're getting ready to make a decision all of a sudden there's a check in your heart and in wisdom you learn to discern that you learn you learn to listen sometimes somebody's speaking and all of a sudden you get the realization God is speaking through that person to you about your situation and they don't even know it you see that's wisdom wisdom is is there give me a listening heart give me a listening ear to be able to hear so we we get wisdom by listening second you can find wisdom by having wise friends and we're gonna talk about that next week proverbs 13:20 says he who walks with the wise grows wise get yourself around wise people this is why life groups is such a wonderful and valuable and let me say this essential ministry for the church to get people doing life together because most of us are going to learn how to apply spiritual truth in our life by watching others do it and listening to how it went that's wisdom I mean that that's what you want you can you can learn by learning from others and better to watch and learn from others than to learn by making a mistake in your own life right better to be wise and say you know what I heard them talk about this I'll watch them do that I'm gonna do this or to have them tell you listen in my past this is what happens and all of a sudden you realize well that that's where I'm at today well what happened and they began to tell and all of a sudden you learn you grow wise because you're around wise people well number three you can find wisdom by reading the Bible proverbs chapter or Psalms chapter 19 and verse seven the law of the Lord is perfect reviving the soul you know what happens as you and I are reading the Bible what happens is it just renews our mind it revives our mind it revives our soul it makes it sensitive it like resent eise's it to the presence of God the voice of God the prompting of the Lord that's one of the great values of reading the Word of God just hearing what God thinks causes us to be wise if you want to thank God's thoughts read God's thoughts and so what happens is the statutes of the Lord are trustworthy making wise the simple so you're reading you're reading God's thoughts all of a sudden you find yourself thinking God's thoughts because you've read his thoughts so grab the Proverbs read them if you read a chapter in Proverbs every single day you'd read the whole book in a month it'd make you wise do it for a year you'll read through that you'd be surprised how many of those verses come back during your day during your week during that month that direct you that help you that guide you well number four this is awesome you can find wisdom by asking God to give you wisdom how about that God I need was god I need understanding I love James chapter one and verse five if any of you lacks wisdom he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to him what's interesting is in the original it's if any of you lacks wisdom he should ask be giving God God loves to give God loves to give you wisdom God God says oh great they need wisdom it's a chance for me to give them what they need and he doesn't just say well you know I'm gonna give you a teaspoon today no God is a generous God God is a God who pours wisdom out on us generously and without finding fault he doesn't say man you know what you're a mess I don't know I'll give you what I got I don't know what do any good he doesn't do that he says you know what my wisdom will help you my wisdom will work in you my wisdom will bless you I'm gonna give you not only what you're asking for but I'm gonna give you more than you're asking for because that's who God is he's able to do more than we could ask or imagine you know this verse every time I read it I think back to the first time I ever really heard it explained to me in detail it was a Sunday School class study 9 where it had just been married a few months and we're sitting in the Sunday School class of young married couples and the the lesson is on wisdom and they're talking about wisdom and when we got done I can remember when we got done hearing that whole class in my heart I thought you know what if wisdom is that important then I need to be asking God for it every single day so at the top of the things that I pray for for myself after I prayed you know for the church and prayed for other people if I have time I get down to the end and there's a few things that I'll pray quickly about and one of them every single day I'm asking God for wisdom every every day I'm saying God I'm just asking you to give me wisdom God give me give me a listening ear give me the ability to understand to discern what you're doing to make wise decisions wise decisions with my life wise decisions with my time wise decisions with my word wise decisions with my finances wise decisions as I as I lead wise decisions as I determine what to do God give me wisdom and you know I look back on my life and and over and over and over and over again God has done that get wisdom get understanding put it at the top of your list you say this there's one place where everything begins though if you're looking for wisdom this may surprise you you find wisdom in Jesus Christ you find wisdom in Jesus Christ in John's Gospel John begins his gospel it's a very interesting beginning because you know Matthew's writing to the Jewish people so he begins with a Jewish genealogy a lineage showing Jesus is the king he would be the rightful king of Israel and Mark is writing to the Romans and presenting Jesus as a servant he's the he's a servant and and so mark doesn't doesn't give a big long genealogy because the servants genealogy isn't isn't the important slaves genealogy Luke he's he points shows Jesus as the Son of Man so he takes his genealogy ology all the way back to Adam the first man but John his genealogy is Jesus is the Son of God and so here's the way he starts it in the beginning was the word was that word logos we get our word logic from it in the beginning was the logic and the logic was with God and the logic was God the Greeks used that word logos as the rationale behind everything that is the reason behind everything that is interesting that Paul says in Colossians chapter one all things were made by him and for him and in him all things hold together he is the logic he is the reason he is the wisdom Jesus Christ fact it's interesting it says this Jesus preaching says to the people who are listening to him the Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation to condemn it for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom remember the Queen of Sheba she comes to hear and when she sees all she's like oh my goodness 1/2 has not been told me you are in exceedingly wise and Jesus says she came from the ends of the earth to hear Solomon watch us and now 1 greater than Solomon is here Jesus is wisdom personified Jesus's wisdom upon wisdom look at it in Colossians it says this in chapter 2 and verse 2 that they might know the mystery of God namely Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge Jesus is wisdom when you know him you know wisdom and if you don't know him then everything I've said about wisdom will only marginally help you you see if a person wants to be wise you have to it starts with embracing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior wisdom says you know what I'm gonna go to the source of wisdom and I need to know the source of wisdom and that's Jesus Christ and once you give your heart to Christ what happens is all of the sudden God begins to he in a minute changes you on the inside and a part of what he does in that moment is he gives you a mind to know him in a whole new way Paul refers to that in 2nd or in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 14 he says this the natural man it's the gut the person unsafe person understands understand it's not the things of the Spirit he cannot understand them for they are spiritually discerned you see when you and I come to Christ he changes our heart and gives us a mind to know him in a whole new way and then we begin to walk and a whole new wisdom if you want to be wise it begins with knowing Jesus giving your life to him because in him is all wisdom all knowledge you give your heart to him and wisdom will begin to grow up in your life he is wisdom therefore with all of your heart GAD wisdom it will bless your life it will build your life and it will it will help you to know God in a way you can't you know you can't begin to imagine the things God will show you as you walk close to his wisdom
Channel: James River Church
Views: 7,304
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: godly wisdom, what is godly wisdom, biblical wisdom, wisdom in the bible, proverbs, the book of proverbs, asking god for wisdom, messages on wisdom from james river church, john lindell sermons on wisdom, james river church, wisdom, solomon, smart, pastor, john, lindell, john lindell, pastor john lindell, james river, church, james, river, james river church sermons, sermon on wisdom, godly, christian, christian wisdom, encoruagement, inspiration, sermon, sermons, best sermons, best sermon, jrc
Id: vHOkE8AEPts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 48sec (2748 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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