Get the most out of HILDRYN in 2023 | Warframe

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Belgian Prime is right around the corner we're already released if you're watching this after March 15th acquiring normal hildren can be a bit of a pain for many players for some it's the requirement to reach rank 5 with Solaris United and for others it's due to accessing the boss fight in any case let's have a look at what this shield-powered Warframe can do I'm Nick engineer let's solve a practical problem [Music] if you want to farm hildren directly you need to defeat the exploiter orb on the orb phallus to do that you must acquire diluted thermia from the thermia fractures event or bring along a friend who has grabbed some and head to this cave here on the orb Wallace inside is the entrance to the boss fight though this isn't a guide on how exactly to run that one eldrin's main blueprint is separately acquired from little duck once you have reached Rank 2 with voxelarus itself requiring rank 5 with Solaris United however you acquire a hildren like most warframes comes with her passive ability and four active abilities a passive is an enhanced form of Shield gating when her Shields deplete to zero she becomes invulnerable for the next three seconds rather than the normal 1.3 seconds most warframes get this invulnerability timer resets only once hildren has recovered to Max Shields by any means on top of this hildren's overshields are reinforced to prevent any damage bypassing them such as toxin damage this only applies to your overshields so hildren is still very vulnerable to toxin attacks if she isn't above 100 Shields at the time Hilton's active abilities are powered not by energy as she has none but instead entirely by her Shields likewise subsumed abilities on hildren will cost 10 times the normal energy cost but as a shield cost instead this comes with all the expected positives such as not having to worry about energy drains from magnetic rocks and disruption debuffs NG Max reductions in sorties not worrying about having enough energy at the starter missions or during them to keep going on the flip side using shields for abilities comes with all the downsides you might expect as well hildren cannot cast abilities if she is out of Shields and has no free cast perks active despite this being her most vulnerable state if you're in a no-shield nightmare Mission hilgen will be unable to cast through the whole mission acting like a discount in RS main effects which would restore energy have no effects on hildren with the sole exception of energy orbs which will instead Grant hildren just 25 Shields to compensate for this Shield cost hildren has the highest base shield capacity of any Warframe now as for hildren's active abilities they each fit a very different role hildren's first ability is bail fire activating her exalted weapon the Belfast charger the belfi charger uses pistol mods firing AOE projectiles that deal electric damage in a small area on impact the area of effect has zero fall off dealing full damage to every enemy caught within the AOE with no line of sight required the attack also has an incredibly strong Ragdoll effect on enemies vulnerable to crowd control sending them flying even if they aren't killed at base set this is comparable to the castaners or into a low critical chance in critical damage with innate electric damage type Bell firefighters much more slowly than the castanas but deals much more damage to balance this out now you can charge up the attack to deal double damage though this comes at the cost of 4.5 times as many Shields consumed with every shot because of the imbalance cost and time taken to charge I'd usually advise against using the charge shot unlike normal secondary weapons the bail fire charger has no no ammo pool using Hilton Shields instead and it benefits from the casting stats on heldrin Hilton's strength will enhance both the minimum and the maximum damage hildren's range will enhance the radius of the explosion area and hildren's efficiency will affect the cost of firing each shot with suitable strength and range you can get a lot more out of the bail fire than it may at first seem which I'll cover more with the build later in the video if you need a little more from it Bell fire has an augment available from the parent sequence or cephalon Suitor called Bell fire surge this allows you to use charge shots to generate Shields from direct hits as well as destroying nullifiables with good accuracy this can allow indefinite use of bail fire without any other sources of Shield recovery though this does come at the cost of the mod slot next we have pillage hildren's second ability and the one she offers to the helmet system pillage creates an aura around hildren expanding from its initial cast range at 20 meters per second cleansing her and her allies of negative status effects while active any enemies in line of sight and in range of Aura will have their defenses stripped of all defense reduction abilities pillage has the lowest space percentage per cast taking away only 25 percent of current Shields and Maximum Armor at 100 strength in order to get a total strip in one cast this would require 400 strength which is a lot to demand fortunately you can get away with multiple casts for removing armor as well as stacking with your corrosive projection each corrosive projection in a squad reduces the strength required on hildren by 72 percent down to just 112 for instant armor removal with a full Squad running the aura strangely enough pillage does not alert enemies to having their armor removed while shielded enemies will be alerted as it's treated as damage to the shields when pillage deactivates either by timing out or by being recast the stripped Shields and armor are drawn into hildren charging her Shields to a maximum of her overshield capacity even in mid-level missions this can be enough to max out held in Shields in a single cast acting is a huge part of a sustain this sustain only works so long as there is something to drain however once enemies have their armor and shields removed entirely or if they never had any in the case they infested hildren can no longer recover from Lowe's enemies that's where the augment blazing pillage comes in this works only on hildra allowing her to recover Shields and deal heat damage to enemies with pillage if the enemy is also under the effect of Haven given the force Synergy let's look at what Haven actually does Haven is hildren's third ability creating an indefinite Aura around hildren and draining Shields over time based on what is in the aura allies within Haven's range will be empowered gaining a higher maximum Shield improved Shield regeneration rate and sharing in hildren's passive for a longer invulnerability period on being reduced to zero Shields this Aura also affects Companions and defense objectives if an ally goes out of range of Haven or if Haven is deactivated they will retain the enhanced Shield hit points as overshields again up to their overshield maximum as for enemies in the auras area they are negatively affected constantly struck by radiation damage with weak units also being staggered this has a further drain on hildren Shields per affected enemy so you do need to be careful managing your Shields when you have Haven active on lower level missions this conserves a way to outright kill enemies without having to use any weapons while on higher level missions it's almost entirely just for powering the Blazing pillage augment but otherwise a little bit of crowd control and Ally support lastly then hildren's fourth and ultimate ability is Aegis storm hildren channels her Shields into allowing her to hover reducing her overall speed and Mobility to cosplay as a bladeless helicopter while doing so she creates a swirling Aura which will lift up enemies in range incapacitating them and deal radiation damage periodically the ability will also inject energy orbs from lifted enemies this way while the ability is active this ability locks you out to doing most useful things as hildren including casting pillage which limits its overall effectiveness as a support option it does generate a significant number of energy orbs but this will only support your team as it will not generate enough orbs to continuously power a guest on Shield drain fortunately for you the helmet system exists so this ability can be swapped opt out for anything else that takes you fancy instead and I'll cover that in more detail with specific builds tailored around just that alternatively if you really want to use akistorm you can still jump into operator mode to do more than ominously hover so we've got an exalted weapon a defense strip and sustainability a team support and Synergy ability and a hovercopter helmet slot let's have a look at some builds that'll work with this then as ever the first build is a go-to all-rounder hilden owing to the high demand for strength on pillage is not a cheap Warframe to get the most out of as demonstrated here this particular build uses four former for two dash polarities and two V polarities added in thankfully hildren does start with 2D polarities as well as a d polarity on the extra slot and a Dash on the aura slot which goes very well with a couple defensive mods Prime share footed and the corrosive projection Aura with this particular setup you'll achieve a 98 armor strip in a single cast which will make most steel pathconeer between 10 to 30 times easier to kill depending on their armor while this isn't a Total Defense strip that actually serves to let you use damage type bonuses in your favor such as radiation versus Ally armor alternatively a single extra cast or an ally running a second corrosive projection Aura will land that full 100 armor reduction with the slightly enhanced duration and range on this build Haven can be comfortably applied to both allies and enemies within 19.5 meters while pillage will cover up to 61 meters and you can still make use of both battlefire and eggiestorm as you see fit alternatively swap out Aegis storm for your choice of helmet ability such as in snare or raw if you intend to take this build against the infested you should swap out either Prime continuity or umbral intensify for the augment blazing pillage to allow you to still recover Shields against them if you don't want to invest this much into hildren skipping Prime sure footed will allow you to skip the two dash polarity formers used on the organ mods if you also downgrade Prime continuity and umbrella intensify to their normal versions this will save you another former through a v polarity though this will reduce your casting Effectiveness be aware that whilst this build has two organ mods involved they are only being used for the casting stats as the August set effect does not work on hildren at all as for arcanes the brand new Arcane said fast can allow you to pull off free Castle pillage or subsumed abilities which can help with your overall Shield economy especially if you take a sudden burst of damage or just lose track of your Shield usage Arcane Angus on the other hand allows hildren to become an absolute Bastion of Defense with constantly regenerating Shields even under reasonably heavy fire you can opt for the cheaper and weaker arcing barrier instead of Vegas if you strapped for platinum but Aegis is simply Supreme for shield generation to supplement pillage if you're comfortable dropping your overall tank down you can switch to more aggressive arcanes such as Avenger for increased critical chance or malt augmented for additional strength throughout a mission if you do choose a strength option this can entirely replace humble intensify in favor of your pick of range duration or an augment in terms of helmet adjustments you can focus on a little more range and go for breach surge this will crowd control enemies through blindness and the high strength on hildren will allow for incredible damage growth on the breach surge particles combine this with Haven and pillage to both reduce enemy defenses and constantly apply damage proving to be especially effective in high enemy density missions alternatively you can go the support route with the helmet specific ability voracious metastasis this does very little for yourself turning Shields into healing on hildren which she doesn't really need however it also turns the shield spent into energy for the whole Squad with this build it'll Grant 775 energy to every Squad member in a finty Range over the next 12.75 seconds that's a rate of about 60 energy per second by having an increased range hildren can still apply Haven to allies as well which doubles down on the support all with pillage still being a strong defense reduction and self-sustain option ideally when you're running support your allies should bring at least one more corrosive projection Aura to reach total armor strip in a single cast the extra range on both of these builds also supports the use of veil Fire by boosting the AOE however you can dial this up to 11 something with this fourth approach by throwing away a lot of strength in favor of overextended we do lose a lot of Defense stripping for enemies with lower defenses in squads with more closer projection or if you simply double cast pillage this won't be an issue this opens up a base radius on bail fire of 7.95 meters which can be extended further by modding on the weapon itself combined with the strength Bell fire goes from being comparable to the castanus to instead being on par with the Aquarius unlike the Aquarius we've got no ammo issues whatsoever allowing us to paint the entire map with bail fire in this particular setup I've included mirage's Eclipse to multiply the damage even higher now in terms of modding the bail fire charger there are a few options you can choose from where customizing to fight your enemy will absolutely give you the highest returns or you can sit on an all-rounder approach as well the all-rounder is this build here corrosive heat is a tried and true setup for handling factions all round working with the innate electric present on the bail fire will also getting full value out of primed heated charge primed formulation extends the radius of bail Fire by 44 especially powerful given that belfire has no damage fall off even at maximum range because Prime formination applies multiplicatively with the range Boost from hildren's own stats battlefire reaches a radius of 11.5 meters this is a higher range than can be achieved with the kuvazar or cooperogris the downside to bail fire versus other secondary weapons is the lack of an Arcane slot but the low critical chance means we've got a spare mod slot for Hornet strike to compensate for that lost potential in damage now if you have a source of absolute critical chance however such as through Arcane Avenger adarza kavat or a supporting Harrow Ally Then it becomes worthwhile to swap in prime target cracker over Scorch the loss in Elemental damage is made up for by the critical bonus even when considering the option of having the crit chance without crit damage modding the more external critical chance Buffs you receive the more effective this becomes If instead you're running either ranged nor critical bonuses you may find it worthwhile to instead switch to a faction damage mod such as primed expel Grenier pushing the damage as far as it can go on a per enemy basis while technically the strongest hits on paper this loss of range does make this the weakest approach however if you're facing groups of enemies instead this is more suited to dealing with individual heavier units like Xmas if you're struggling with them in terms of overall power battlefire doesn't keep up with the absolute strongest weapons in Warframe but are practically unlimited ammo AOE exalted weapon isn't something to gloss over especially with how strong defense reduction is in the current state of Warframe don't let the lacquer crits fool you on this one belfire is still very powerful looking back at hildren once you're into the late game you can look into adding in Ark on shards to get even more out of these setups naturally both health and armor shards are pretty much wasted on her and you'll find yourself unable to give her energy based shards as she doesn't use energy instead you can for example give her a single Health pre-gen Sharp to try to mitigate any toxin damage that might slip through to her health otherwise focus on Crimson shards for Ability strength with each Shard you can potentially downgrade or outright remove some of the strength modding on any of the earlier builds to accommodate additional range duration or Mobility options mix and match to your taste there finally with eldrin consider using her alongside a sentinel or mower companion with the guardian mod equipped when you run out of shields this will instantly replenish your Shields to 100 whether you're still getting used to hiltrin or taking her into high level missions this can act as a huge safety net the mod does have a cooldown of 30 seconds so it won't make you immortal but it can still be a Saving Grace definitely worth bringing overall hildren is a strong Warframe it's perhaps to a detriment that her most impactful ability is the one also available on the helmet system but only hildren get maximum value out of it at least in any case I hope this helps you decide how to set her up to be the ultimate shield-based warrior she's designed to be that's all from me for now though so as always build Shields blast enemies and fight well tenno
Channel: TheKengineer
Views: 60,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, hildryn, build guide, review, overview, setup, mod, mods, modding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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