Get Started with Creality Slicer (for New Printer Owners)

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Hello, 3D Printing Friends! Today on the  BV3D Channel, we'll learn the basics of   Creality Slicer, from installation, to adding a  printer, to slicing and printing your first model!   Stick around and we'll get into it right after  this! I'm Bryan, and YOU... are watching BV3D! Hi, welcome back! Hey, if you're new here, and  you're wanting to learn about 3D printing, 3D   modeling, and other 3D printing-related stuff...  Start now! By subscribing, and clicking the bell,   so you don't miss anything! Ok, so today we're  going to get into Creality Slicer. And this   video is primarily for new 3D printer owners, who  maybe got a new Creality 3D printer for Christmas.   But since Creality Slicer is basically Ultimaker  Cura slicer under the hood, everything I show here   works just as well for any of the hundreds of  3D printer models that Cura has profiles for.   It can be confusing when you're just  getting started with a new 3D printer.   I know it was for me. I had lots of questions.  Like, "Where can I find things to print?"   "How do I get from downloading a cool  3D model I found online, to actually   printing it?" "What software do I need?" And  those are the questions I'm hoping to answer here.   And I guess I need to cover a few basics.  So first, let's talk about model files.   3D models are composed of triangles. I guess  the simplest example would be a tetrahedron,   which is a pyramid shape with a triangular base.  It has four faces, and all four are triangles.   And you might be thinking, "Okay, wise guy, if  3D models are all just triangles, then let me see   explain a cube." Well, okay then. Let's get a  look at a cube. It has six faces. Each face is   a pair of right triangles. So the cube can be  described by 12 triangles, two on each face.   And now you might be thinking, "Huh, okay, that  makes sense. Well, what about a sphere?" Well,   you got me there, because a sphere in a 3D model  won't be perfectly spherical. It'll be made out of   lots and lots of triangles. The more triangles  it's made of, the smoother it will appear.   So, like I said, 3D models are composed of  triangles. Sometimes just a few, sometimes   hundreds, sometimes thousands, sometimes hundreds  of thousands, and sometimes millions! Now, by far   the most common file type you'll encounter is a  Stereolithography file. Now since that's a big,   unwieldy word, it's generally referred to as an  STL file. Okay it's mostly referred to as an STL   file because that's the file name extension. Like,  "My Cool Model.stl." STL files contain all the   data about all those triangles and how they're all  connected to each other. And because of that, I   have also heard people say that STL means Standard  Triangle Language. And I kind of like that one   better than stereolithography. If you're wondering  where you can find and download STL files, well,   there are several online repositories where people  upload and share 3D models that they've designed.   The vast majority of models are available for  free, but some are paid models, costing as   little as a few dollars. And there are also some  3D model search engines, which return results from   several different repositories. And some sites are  hybrids, combining the function of a repository   and a search engine that returns results from  other sites. In the "repository" category, you can   check out PrusaPrinters, MyMiniFactory, Cults3D,  and Thingiverse. In the "search engine" category,   you can check out Yeggi, and in the "hybrid"  category, you can check out Thangs. Links for   all these sites are in the description. The next  thing to talk about is software. Specifically,   what do we need in order to convert a 3D model  into instructions for a 3D printer? Well,   filament-based 3D printers generally do what they  do one layer at a time, so we need software to   convert these three-dimensional models into  many many stacks of two-dimensional layers.   Yes, technically, I know these layers are  not two-dimensional. They do have thickness.   Or thin-ness. They're very very thin. Anyway,  that class of software is known as a "slicer,"   because it slices the 3D model into layers for  the printer. And each slice gives the printer   the movement instructions it needs in order to  print that layer. The movement instructions come   in the form of g-code. Technically, g-code is a  programming language. So what's really going on   is that the slicer is writing a program for your  3D printer. And I guess when you think about it,   the 3D printer is a robot. so really, the slicer  is programming a robot to make things for you.   Pretty cool, right? Okay, now we know a little  bit about STL files, and what slicers are,   and what g-code is. You can probably guess that  Creality Slicer is a slicer that's designed   for use with Creality 3D printers, and you'd be  correct. Creality Slicer is a customized version   of Ultimaker's Cura slicer, with configurations  for pretty much every filament-based printer   Creality has ever made. It's a few versions  behind the official Cura release, but that's okay.   The official Cura release has a much shorter list  of Creality printers, mostly ones released in the   past couple of years, and does not include the  newest Creality printers, like the Ender-3 S1,   that are in Creality Slicer. But the official  Cura release has printer profiles for hundreds   of non-Creality printers. Apart from the printer  list, some Creality branding, and a connection to   the Creality cloud service, it seems identical  to Cura. They both pretty much look and work   exactly the same. Creality Slicer is usually  included on the memory card that comes with   the printer, but it's not always the most recent  release. So I recommend opening a web browser,   and visiting, going to Support, and  clicking Downloads. Then get the current release   for Windows or macOS. For the actual software  installation and first run, I'll show this for   both operating systems, because the installation  is slightly different between the two.   But once it's installed and running, it operates  the same on Windows as it does on Mac. So first,   the Windows installation. If you're a Mac user,  you can skip past this section using the chapter   markers down on the video's timeline. Okay Windows  users, ready? Let's go! After you unzip the file   you downloaded from Creality. open its folder, and  then open the Setup application. When prompted,   give the installer permission to write to your  hard drive. In the Setup app, click the Next   button to get started. Then agree to the license  terms with the I Agree button. Select a location   for the installation. I just took the default, and  installed it into program files. Then click the   Next button to continue. The setup app wants to  create a Creality Slicer folder in the Start menu,   and I'm fine with that. So I'll click the Next  button. Then the Setup app wants to know which   additional components to install, in addition  to Creality Slicer itself. It wants to install   Arduino drivers, some Visual Studio stuff, and  the ability for Creality Slicer to read STL files.   For this video, we don't need to include any other  components beyond what Setup wants to install,   so click the Install button. It'll take a moment  for Setup to install the software. Once it's done,   there's a check box already checked that will run  Creality Slicer. Leave that checked, and click the   Finish button. A few seconds later, Creality  Slicer begins to launch, and when it's done,   we're presented with a Welcome screen. Click  the Get Started button to... uh... get started.   Agree to its license terms, click past the data  collection notice, and then you can select your   Creality printer from a HUGE list of Creality  printers, both past and present. I'm going to   select the Ender-3 S1, but if you have an Ender-3  V2, or a CR-200, or pretty much any Creality   printer, find your printer in the list, and select  it. Then, click the Next button. The printer gets   added, and all the settings are configured for  that particular kind of printer. Even the Start   G-code and End G-code fields are set up for you.  Click Next one last time, and you're done with   the installation, and with adding a printer. There  is one thing I want to make you aware of, though.   Up here in the top center area, right between your  printer's name and the name of the print settings,   there should be a Materials menu. That's  how you select the kind of filament you want   to print with. To make that menu appear, it's  necessary to widen the Creality Slicer window.   I think the problem is that the Print Settings  menu is locked into being really, really wide,   and it pushes over into the space where the  materials menu would be. Once you make the   window wide enough, that Materials menu will be  able to peek through. That's it for installing   Creality Slicer, and adding a printer. Now, bear  with me for a moment, while I show the Mac users   how to do it on their computers. If you want  to skip ahead a bit, use the chapter markers   down in the video's timeline. Ok, Mac users, let's  get this installed! After you unzip the file you   downloaded from Creality, open the resulting  disk image. To install Creality Slicer, drag   its icon onto the applications icon. You may be  prompted for Admin credentials to do this. If so,   provide them, and click the OK button. Creality  Slicer will be copied to the Applications folder.   Close the disk image's window, and then  look inside the Applications folder.   Double-click the Creality Slicer icon to run it.  Once Creality Slicer starts up, click the Get   Started button to...uh... get started. Agree to  its license terms, click past the data collection   notice, and then you can select your Creality  printer from a HUGE list of Creality printers,   both past and present. I'm going to select the  Ender-3 S1, but if you have an Ender-3 V2, or a   CR-200, or pretty much any Creality printer, find  your printer in the list, and select it. You may   have noticed that the blue text showing the name  of the printer we selected suddenly went wacky.   That's been a thing in Cura for a long time,  and since it's in Cura, it's also in Creality   Slicer. I've pretty much given up hope of it ever  getting fixed. Anyway, click the Next button,   and the printer gets added. All the settings are  configured for that particular kind of printer.   Even the Start G-code and End G-code fields  are set up for you. Click Next one last time,   and you're done with the installation, and with  adding a printer. There is one thing I want   to make you aware of, though. Up here in the top  center area, right between your printer's name and   the name of the printing profile, there should be  a Materials menu. That's how you select the kind   of filament you want to print with. To make that  menu appear, it's necessary to widen the Creality   Slicer window. I think the problem is that the  Printing Profile menu is locked into being really,   really wide, and it pushes over into the  space where the Materials menu would be.   Once you make the window wide enough, that  Materials menu will be able to peek through.   And that's it for installing Creality Slicer, and  adding a printer. Okay, at this point you've got   Creality Slicer installed, and ready to do its  thing. Now you need a file to slice. I'll show   you Thingiverse, since that's a site I'm pretty  familiar with, and navigating it is usually   pretty easy. You don't need an account to search  or download models, but you will need one if you   want to mark things as favorites, or gather things  into collections, or upload anything to the site.   We're just here to download, so there's no need  for an account. And just as a reminder, there are   several different sites you can get models from,  all linked in the description. And I think I want   to print a Flexi-Rex like the one I've got on the  Plastic Park T-shirt that I got for Christmas.   This is a fun little print because it's got  articulating hinged joints between all its   segments. It's not something that prints in  different parts and gets snapped together;   the hinges are part of the print. When it's done,  and we take it off the printer, it'll be nice and   wiggly. So searching for something when you know  the name is pretty easy. Here on Thingiverse,   there's a big search bar at the top. I know this  is called a Flexi-Rex because I printed it before.   But what if I didn't know the name? Well, it  still looks like a T-Rex, so I'll type that in   the search field and press return. And here, in  among various T-Rex skulls and skeletons, and...   shower heads? Anyway, here's what I'm looking  for: The Flexi-Rex with Stronger Links. Clicking   its picture takes me to its page, and from there  I can click the Download All Files button. That'll   switch to the list of Thing files associated  with this model, and from there I can click the   Download button next to Flexi-Rex-improved.stl.  A few moments later, I've got that STL file in my   downloads folder. And now that it's downloaded.  let's get it into Creality Slicer. To do that,   click the Folder icon here, then find your way  into your Downloads folder, and open the file.   You should see the Flexi-Rex centered on the grid.  By the way, that grid represents the bed on the   printer, and it's sized based on the dimensions  specified in the printer settings screen when   we added the printer earlier. That darker gray  border around the edge is kind of a no-fly zone   for the nozzle. Creality Slicer reserves that area  to keep the nozzle away from the edge of the bed.   Some printers have glass print surfaces, and  they're held in place with clips. So this feature   keeps the nozzle from crashing into the clips.  Before slicing this model, let's go over some   basic controls in Creality Slicer. First, let's  cover how to adjust your view of the model. There   is a set of five icons at the bottom left corner  of the window, which set the view of the bed.   These change to a 3D view, a front view, a top  view, a left view, and a right view. Looking at   the 3D view, the blue outline shows the printer's  entire build volume. As long as the thing you   want to print fits inside those boundaries, your  printer can print it. Once you set a view, you're   free to click drag and move around to look at your  model. You can zoom in and out by scrolling up   and down with your mouse's scroll wheel, or if  you have a trackpad, using the scroll gesture.   You can adjust to any arbitrary view by clicking  with the right mouse button and dragging. If you   have a trackpad, use the right-click gesture and  move the pointer while doing it. To slide the   view around within the window, hold the shift  key while dragging with the left mouse button.   Next, there is a set of icons along the left side  of the window. These become active when the model   is selected. So, click once on the Flexi-Rex to  select it. And don't worry about accidentally   messing up the model. The undo command on the  Edit menu will undo what you've done if you make   a mistake. And in a worst-case scenario, you  can use Edit > Reset All Model Transformations   to return the model to the condition it was  when it was brought into Creality Slicer.   The first icon lets you move the model around on  the bed. I mean you can just drag the model around   and put it at any location you want, but the  controls on the first icon allow you to move the   model a very precise number of millimeters from  its starting point. The second icon allows you   to scale the model up or down. You can specify a  particular size, or percentage for scaling on the   X, Y, and Z axes, or you can drag the red, green,  or blue handles on the model itself to scale it.   That Uniform Scaling checkbox is checked, and it  means that when you scale the model in one axis,   it scales proportionally in the other two.  The Snap Scaling checkbox is not checked,   and so you can adjust the scaling to any arbitrary  value. If you turn it on, the scaling occurs in   ten percent increments. The third icon allows you  to rotate the model around its X, Y, or Z axis.   The fourth icon allows you to mirror, or flip, the  model on its X, Y, or Z axis. The fifth and sixth   icons are related to supports. One helps generate  custom supports, and the other blocks supports   from being created. Supports are extra structures  the slicer adds when there are parts of a model   that would otherwise be printed in mid-air.  In a gravity-rich environment such as ours,   printing in mid-air usually doesn't work that  well. And while there are exceptions to that,   the Flexi-Rex won't need supports, and  it definitely won't need custom supports.   The seventh icon allows you to place  anti-warping tabs on the model. These   are also known as mouse ears, and they're just  little circles about one layer high, that keep   sharp corners of the model stuck down onto the  bed. Flexi-Rex isn't going to need these either.   Okay. We've gone over some basic controls, but  before slicing the model, you need to know the   temperature range for the filament you're  going to print with, and you need to know   the recommended bed temperature. The temperature  range is usually on the spool's label, and if not,   check on the box it came in. If you can't find it  there, check the filament manufacturer's website.   A good strategy is to pick a temperature in  the middle of the filament's temperature range.   For example, you might have a spool of PLA, and  the label says it prints between 190˚C and 220˚C.   That's a 30 degree range. Taking half of that  is 15 degrees, and 190˚C plus 15˚C is 205˚C.   So that's the temperature I'd want to start  printing at. And the bed temperature for PLA is   almost always 60˚C. Now that the temperatures are  decided, let's look into slicing this Flexi-Rex.   The standard settings are already set here, but  click the Print Settings menu anyway, so you can   see your options. The profiles are listed by layer  thickness, or layer height. I usually say layer   height. The thinner the layers, the more vertical  detail a model will have. But increasing the   vertical detail also increases the printing time.  The available print settings have layer heights of   0.12 mm, 0.16 mm 0.2 mm and 0.28 mm. The 0.12 mm  layer height would give a lot of vertical detail,   but would take a lot longer to print. The 0.28  layer height would not have a lot of vertical   detail, but would print faster. Personally,  I tend to use a 0.2 mm layer height for most   of my prints, since it's a good balance between  speed and quality. You can also set the amount of   infill. Infill is a pattern that gets printed  inside the model to give it some structure,   without having to print the entire model as a  solid chunk of plastic. I'll slice this as I go   over some of these settings, so you can see what  they do. For example the orange lines here inside   the model are the infill. Setting the infill to a  10 or 20 percent value is usually sufficient for   most decorative prints. You may want to go higher  on functional prints where you need more strength,   but values above 50 percent are probably not  necessary. Remember when we talked about supports   earlier, with those icons on the left side of the  window? This checkbox controls whether supports   are on or off. We'll leave them off for the  Flexi-Rex because it doesn't really need them.   And this Adhesion checkbox controls whether  the model is printed with a brim around it,   or just a skirt. When the check box is on,  a brim will be printed, and when it's off,   a skirt will be printed. A brim is extra material  attached to the outside of the first layer,   intended to help the model stick to the bed  by preventing the edges of it from lifting.   A skirt is just a couple of laps around the  outside of the first layer of the model, spaced   a few millimeters away from it. so that it doesn't  actually touch it. It's a way of making sure the   nozzle is primed, and filament is flowing, before  the model starts printing. Anyway, Flexi-Rex   doesn't need a brim, so we'll leave that off.  At this point, even though the model is sliced,   it would really be a good idea to verify the  printing temperatures before we actually print it.   To do that, click the Custom button. You'll  see a bunch of settings categories appear.   Click the one for Material. This is where you can  change the printing temperature if you need to.   I'll set the printing temperature to 205˚C. And  I'll leave the bed temperature set at 60 degrees.   So another component to a model structure, besides  infill, is how thick the outer wall of it gets   printed. Click into the Shell settings, and you'll  see this is set to have a wall thickness of 0.8   mm. Since this printer has a 0.4 mm nozzle, that  translates into a wall two lines wide. Greater   wall thickness adds strength, and some models  may need another line or two of wall thickness.   With all its little built-in hinges, I think  Flexi-Rex could benefit from adding an extra wall,   so I'll change the wall line count from 2 to 3.  Okay. So having made changes to the temperature   and the wall thickness, I'll close the Print  Settings panel to get it out of the way. And now,   click the Slice button, for real this time.  Finally, right? Okay, after it slices the file, it   gives us a printing time estimate. Sometimes these  are pretty close, and sometimes they're WAAAY off,   so take that with a grain of salt. Okay, click the  Save to File button, and save this to the desktop.   Then put the printer's memory card into the  computer. You may need to use the USB card   reader that came with it, if your computer doesn't  have a slot for the kind of card the printer uses.   Copy the file to the card, then eject it, and  remove it from the computer. Just a side note,   Creality Slicer can usually detect the card, and  can show a Save to Removable Media button instead   of Save to File. But I chose the Save to File  method, because that will always work. Meanwhile,   back at the printer... Make sure it's turned  on. Make sure you've got some filament loaded.   Then insert the card into the printer's slot, and  select the Flexi-Rex file to start printing it.   Here is a quick time lapse of the Flexi-Rex  being printed. And this is sped up quite a bit. Now that it's done, I can pop it off the flex  plate. If you've got a printer with a glass bed,   you'll need to let it cool back down to  room temperature before trying to remove it.   And here we go, a fine, fancy, flexible  T-Rex-ible. Just like the one I'm wearing!   I know I said it before, but I like this little  model because it shows one of the cool things   you can do with a 3D printer, that you can't  do with traditional manufacturing techniques.   Each of these segments is hinged, but  the hinge pin prints inside the hinge,   so it's all one thing. Nothing snaps together.  It's... I don't know, I just think it's neat. So that's the basics of using Creality Slicer. Now  I know I didn't really get into using supports,   apart from just briefly touching on what they  are. If you'd like to see a video about using   supports in Creality Slicer, let me know in the  comments. But this should hopefully be enough   to get you started. And feel free to share  what you're making, and tag me on Twitter.   I'd love to see what you're printing! Well, 3D  printing friends, that's about all the time we   have for this episode. And now that we're  at the end, let's go print something cool! Hey, real quick before you go, I wanted  to say THANKS! for being one of the Super   Awesome People who sticks around all the way  to the end, and thanks for all the likes,   comments, and shares. And an especially big thanks  to those of you who directly support what I do.   You're all wonderful for doing that, and I  really appreciate it. If you liked this episode,   a thumbs up would be great. And if you'd like to  help support the channel, check the description   for ways you can do exactly that. And hey. If  you haven't already subscribed, please do! It's   absolutely free, and it's an excellent way  to help keep me making these videos for you!   Well, that's it for this one. Thanks again, and  I'll see you next time here, on the BV3D Channel.
Channel: BV3D: Bryan Vines
Views: 182,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Printing, 3D Printing Friends, creality slicer 4.8, creality slicer software tutorial, creality slicer setup, creality slicer settings, ender-3, ender-3 s1, ender-3 s1 3d printer, new 3d printers 2022, new creality 3d printer, new to 3d printing, get started 3d printing, how to get started with 3d printing, 3d printers for beginners
Id: PzQe6xfWyzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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