Get Rid of Vertigo with One Simple Exercise! | Different than Epley's! | Visual Ocular Reflex (VOR)

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hi everyone I'm dr. lantry hammer vibe physical therapy how many of you are dealing with vertigo or having balance issues sometimes it's related to the eyes not just the ears so we've got a great exercise coming up next [Applause] all right so our eyes are very important to become visual ocular reflex so it's vor a lot of the time that is actually referenced or used from the cranial nerves in the back of your skull somewhere around your occipital cerebellum now that's all the scientific stuff but if you're getting dizzy every time you get up and you've tried the Epley maneuver yada yada yada and it hasn't gotten better this might be the reason it's coming from your eyes or this little reflex loop that has to happen so we're gonna check in and I'll show you the exercise next so here's two basic tests when you might have this problem or you think you might have this problem so this is worth checking first you wanna take a pen or a stick like I have and you want to track it and it's sometimes you need a little extra help to see if your eyes are bouncing that's no good with all the sub cons but you want to be able to go here and for me going to the left actually forces some string and actually my eyes kind of drop a little bit so as I go here I kind of get a little pressure back here so sometimes headaches can be caused by this so now as an exercise sometimes it's just to keep working on that that's not a bad idea just to keep going that way another one is convergence so right now I can see one stick now basically if I tip this closer to you you should still be able to see one stick up until about a thumbs length to your nose so for me it can keep seeing one stick and then it starts becoming to right about here now the nearsighted people like myself it you're like I said the goal is here so have a distance to make up for it so I want to keep doing this type of exercise to get this better but ultimately we want us to stabilize our eyes so here's the exercise in its entirety what you want to do is you hold it in place and you want to make sure you're you're you keep stabilizing you can go up go down but you want to see that you know every time I trim in this way and I'm trying to which reminds me of this test it makes it a little tougher so I just keep going in and I keep going out keep going in going out and then it just starts getting easier and even the picture or my periphery just improves I can tell you that just doing this three or four times I've been practicing this before but this is really important so you want to keep practicing until things just get easier and you'll be surprised that you're walking gets better that's the stable stability of the way you walk and even sometimes just getting up out of bed you might not be so you're having so many issues alright so hopefully that is a great exercise to help you if you Belize doesn't work and your blood pressure is fine check with your health care practitioner make sure this is the right exercise for you but all in all it doesn't hurt to work it and improve your eyesight the way your eyes move so you know have at it but oh you might notice that after doing this for a period of time you do get a little bit tired because you're taxing parts of your brain you probably haven't used in a very long time so if you like what we're doing please subscribe below leave a like and any comments you'd like to leave or I can email us at rehab and revive media at I'm dr. Lynn remember we heal smarter not harder you
Channel: Rehab and Revive
Views: 797,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rehab and revive, physical, therapy, therapist, Dr. Lin, rehab, pain, relief, rehabilitation, injury, fitness, physio, health, wellness, exercise, workout, vertigo, dizziness, inbalance, balance, visual ocular reflex, vor, problems with balance, strengthen eyes, eye strain, nystagmus
Id: UsKjMj7jt4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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