Simple Exercises For Vertigo You Can Do At Home-Cawthorne Cooksey

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Bob and Brad the two most famous physical therapist on the Internet hi I'm Bob Shrum physical therapist Brad hanok physical therapy gather we are the most famous physical therapist on the Internet Brad in our opinion of course Bob Brad today we're going to talk about some simple exercises you can do at home for vertical that's that spinning sensation that you might get sure now the idea here is that you've already seen your doctor and that you've been diagnosed if you have BPPV benign paroxysmal positional vertigo that's a mouthful this probably isn't the one for you unless you've already tried the Epley maneuver and it didn't work right I'll put the link to the Epley maneuver and actually I'll put one I'll link one to the if you're having symptoms to the right and I'll link one if you have symptoms to the left two different yappers different procedures for the EPI but if you if you talk to your doctor and if he wants to do the Cawthorne Cooksey exercise okay call thorne cook see these would be these are those exercise okay kind of a variation so we'll go and start breath okis is going to be on Brad now Brad's first going to start and first thing with the seated position I'm not so worried about this but once we start doing standing ones safety comes first so if you're getting dizzy are going to fall over you're going to have somebody with you or you know make sure that you're in a position that you're not going to get hurt right soldier all right the first exercise you to do some eye movements slow then quick but first you're going to go 10 to 20 times up and down yep so the Brad's eyes are going up and down not as fat head just the eyes up and down okay 20 times and then you're going to go side to side 20 times stop moving your head Brad just move your eyes you didn't realize that your eyes your head was moving did you I feel like I'm on one of those movies where they show the eyes moving and the person on the wall yeah all right now you're going to go ahead and take a pen or a marker okay or something and go one foot away and then three feet away and what and your eyes follow it and just focus on it yeah focus on it this one seems like what's the big deal but once you start doing it you can yeah there's this 20 times okay okay now we're going to go ahead and do some head movement which so you're going to go head and focus on that same thing and I'm going to go ahead and have you flex and extend Brad your neck and keep my eye on I'm keeping your eye on that the whole time it's going to neat 20 times I can see where this would help you adapt if you have that yes your eyes are going to have to adapt to moving and focusing yep and then side to side you're absolutely right so this is not going to correct it but it's going to make your body adapt adapt should so they actually can it correct it quite often okay it may take a while to do it but it will correct it okay next one yep gonna go ahead and do shoulder shrugs so going to shrug forward and then shrug back Brad forward and then back so up like you're going to arc and forward up and back yeah but this is tied on there I'd be making a line of arc on that light board okay both shoulders at the same time yeah both at the same time 20 repetitions yep then what's next okay pick a ball up from the ground oh you're just going to repeatedly pick it up go all the way straight all the way stroller up good posture yep somebody with vertigo Brad this is not an easy thing to share and I should stay on the ball is a prize on the ball and airy I want to go ten times each arm okay do I have to do ten for the video Bubba no you can stop because right now we're gonna go ahead and have you stand up Brad and are going through some of the same ones that we just did okay let's start off with the eye movements so I decide can you see my eyes Lonnie so he's standing now again safety first if you fees side to side Brad you really have to focus on not moving your head at least I do okay now up and down up and down eyes up and down oh I did those already I know you're jumping ahead sorry okay then one foot two three foot remember that was good I'm a little slow sometimes Bob not sometimes we all know that breath okay now we're gonna go ahead movements so you're focused on your pen again okay and now you're going to go ahead and flex and extend your head while keeping an eye on this eye is on the object the holder and then right the left yeah so I decide I muscles get tired Bob well that's the idea Brad you're working the eye muscles okay okay now you're gonna go ahead and do your shoulder shrugs and rolls remember to roll forward roll back yep roll forward roll back I gotta take a breath everyone in to relax yep all right then we're gonna go ahead you're gonna sit down on this Brown good and you're gonna do sit the stands Oh with your eyes open ten times so just yep stand up now what if it's somebody that has a hard time sitting they can push off they can push up yet okay so you could push off the armrest if you needed to that's a safety thing as well particularly sitting down if you don't have enough strength then then you're gonna do ten times this is gonna be hard for a lot of people to even just do this physically right now yeah it's a little bit of work out okay and now you're going to do ten times with your eyes closed oh this is where a hand hold for a lot of people is really going to be mm-hmm and Bob don't pull the chair out from behind me I won't at this time okay Brad now go and stand up okay and you're gonna throw that ball that you've been having in your hand there you're gonna throw it above your eye level okay like juggling yeah that's an additional I love it yeah keep my eye right on the ball yeah okay give me another ball I can do this all right 20 time be serious okay now you're going to go ahead and throw the ball under your knees ten times each leg like this and should I be watching the ball up watching the ball this works better with a hundred eyes underneath yeah I'm under the knee Bob okay okay gara thank you that helps a lot okay now I'll do the other leg but you shouldn't try and catch it huh no you can catch it okay you can throw it in catching a baseball admit it be better okay okay we're back to sitting stands again Brad or grab your chair again Oh who are you going to stand okay it turn around so stand turn eyes open eyes all day all the way around sit down stand and turn the office either drink up does that count as one repetition yap you have to go both ways of down repetition 20 times 20 times yeah so it's a lot yeah it's an advanced one yeah all right let's go to some other advanced ones Brad here you're going to go ahead and stand on each foot three times ten seconds so 1,001 1,002 with a good I had happen all the head up yeah sure okay let's say with the nine and ten so yeah then go to the other cup three times each foot and if you're not able to balance like this should you just not do it or get a cane to get your well you can hang out a good close to a wall or a car top or something okay again safety first yep so you should have someone knit with you if there's any concern at all then the last one Brad you can do is go ahead and walk a straight line okay five times ten paces so I want you go this way Brad oh yeah she can yeah just normal walking yep well a straight line so you could actually go Oh heels a toll you have a heel to toe straight line like like you're walking a tightrope yeah and sometimes you know like in the clinic I actually put some tape down on the floor so you have a visual sometimes it helps to be may or may not want that it's going to be a difficult one to do and then though doesn't matter where you're looking for that I'm assuming you can look at your feet yes so these exercises overall Brad you can do twice a day and you should see some improvement over time your body will adapt share habituate and I can see even if I did that probably five times I probably have it almost memorized and but after 120 times Eve I think I probably wouldn't it become a routine yeah it seems like a lot right now but once you start doing them it's not that much you can start to see the patterns all-or-none if you haven't already make sure you subscribe to us we got a lot of videos on ever how does healthy and fit and pain-free and vibrant Bob and vibrant and then we got other ones that make you feel strong like bull oh yeah here's our bowl there we go there's our bowl - all right thanks
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 862,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob schrupp, Brad Heineck, physicaltherapyvideo, Physical Therapists, cawthorne, cooksey, cawthorne-cooksey exercises, vertigo, vertigo exercises, famouspt, famous physical therapists
Id: UjPOv-EH3U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2016
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