AMAZING Real Life Angel Stories

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[Music] the supernatural power of the kingdom of God is about to invade your world [Music] go get the power of God get extreme' you mentioned earlier about an angel that comes and and and and serves because that's what angels do their ministers to those who are heirs of salvation so they come in services where sinister means and so how did this happen how did you get an angel or how did you become aware of the angel that God assigned to you when I was really young I remember sitting in the church I was probably 5 or 6 years old at the time and I remember sitting on Sunday and looking and I could see angels on a whole church sanctuary and I remember I sitting beside a little girl who was my friend and she could see the angels also we talked about it and just watch these angels going back and forth through the church and after the the service we went and we were telling some people about it and they said no you you can't see angels in you know that's just your imagination and something was cut off inside of me because I felt like maybe when I wasn't seeing was real because everybody said that I couldn't see angels and it wasn't until later on in my life when I had just a dramatic encounter with the Holy Spirit and I began to get into these things of the supernatural and God began to transform me on the inside that gradually one by one he began bringing back things to me that I'd known in my childhood and it was probably about four years ago that I was actually ministering in Ashland Virginia and while I was ministering there one night I had a dream and I went out in the spirit of my dream and I met my angels and I saw each one of them and that's how I came to know my angel and since then I've had visitations visions of this angel coming and working with me and ministering with me and I can feel his presence with me and I know it's just something that God's enabled me to to be aware of as the angels are working with us this is just so real it's part of being a kingdom child it is it's part of belonging to God and angels and things like that are just part of who we are and the King does amazing yeah it's a wonderful kingdom to be a part of and anyone can can come into the Lord and be part of this kingdom by making him their king right amen I remember in New Mexico we were doing a conference and I was worshiping and you were you were right beside me and I actually felt your angel come in but having seen it but I fell today and I thought wow and then I started seeing the gold show up on you right after I felt it right it was it was not on you but then it came on you after that angel showed up right and I believe that night in particular there was a real heavy release of the gold golden manifestation yeah it's wonderful people's lives got touched healed delivered it's awesome what God wants to do so if people just press in out of rest and love him and worship him they'll experience more of the glory realm that's what I believe Joshua Mills is one of our most favorite Friends of our ministry we love him dearly I think one of the reasons why I love Josh wanjeon is so much is because they have phenomenal integrity in the area of the glory of God they have such pure spirits and want to steward the move of the Spirit well but they are very well acquainted with angelic visitation I've never heard Joshua exaggerate a story and he's always very careful about what he shares when he shares and who he shares it with so I find it a great privilege that he would share with us the testimony that you are going to hear from him in just a moment oh my goodness I know the first time I heard this was in a speaker's lounge when we were having some fellowship and and he was sharing with us this recent visitation of the Lord it is over the top it's about angelic visitation and it's about the appearance of a sign and a wonder here's Joshua Mills we were going to do these meetings in Big Bear Lake California and our whole team had been gone we had been on a ministry cruise ministering for the whole week we took several of our people from our office on that cruise and so when we came back to California there was a lot of work to be done in the office so I told them listen I will just go to the meetings by myself Tuesday night I got up to Big Bear California the meetings were going on I tell you the weighty presence of God's glory was so strong so thick the cloud of glory was in that place that I could not even point my finger on exactly what God was doing but I just knew that it was so awesome I began to tremble in my bodies like earthquakes tremors going through my whole body I got into the room I called Janet I said Janet we need to close the office tomorrow everybody needs to come up to Big Bear you need to bring up you know my sister Tom Jeanette bring them all up to Big Bear because God is doing something so powerful I can't put my finger on it but God is doing something that night I went to sleep and I had this dream and in my dream I saw this white cloud begin a form and then from the front of the cloud an angel came out and began to appear this angel was absolutely beautiful had blond flowing hair was it was a male in appearance blood flowing hair had like porcelain skin and these beautiful blue eyes and he was wearing this like this the only thing I can say about the outfit was like it was shimmering or dazzling just reflecting light tremendously and he was holding this bowl in his hands that almost looked like a flower planter like a very large bowl and he took it and he poured it over like this began to tip it towards the earth and oil began to flow out from the bowl when I saw this all of a sudden I woke up from the dream it was just a dream woke up from the dream and I looked at the clock it was 2:35 in the morning turn the lights on and here sitting at the very end of my bed was two glasses that have been placed on a table at the end of my bed now these glasses were not there when I went to sleep these glasses the last time I saw these glasses they were in the bathroom wrapped in plastic they were at the end of the bed unwrapped full of oil spilling over the top is spilling out all over the table my Bible was open a revelation chapter five this is a Bible that I'd sent over on the entertainment stand along with five or six of my other Bibles this Bible had been moved open on the table and there was glory dust that was all over Revelation chapter 5 I read it it speaks about the prayers of the saints going up like an incense and being collected in these golden bowls insignificant to speak to me about our praise now worship because the night before there was such a tremendous weighty praise in a worship that was going forth and God showed me that it was going up being collected in the bowls but then the bowls were being turned once again and the oil was flowing out and so I saw this prophetically in the room and I got very excited about what God was doing and all that I was seeing and I couldn't go back to sleep and so I stayed awake and I just began praying into it and reading the word and just asking out for more revelation more direction I went to the meeting that morning I began to minister in the meeting by that time Janet and the team were were there in Big Bear Lake I began a minister in the meeting and God began giving me this message about may I bless you know begin to share this prophetic word in the middle of the message the oil sign began to flow literally begin to drip from my hands it began to bubble up in the very palms my hands in the begin to drip from my fingers and so I knew that God was doing something and I had to stop everything and immediately I told all the people to line up around the walls and I was gonna lay my hands and anoint each one so began to go around the room and anoint each one with the supernatural oil that was flowing it smelled had a fragrance to it and it smelled like a Cedars the Cedars of Lebanon and I began to anoint the different ones with this oil that was coming and I got to this young girl as she didn't say anything to me I just put my hands on her head and Slade there was a snap in her back she had for a long time had this spine that was all crooked in and out of order when I laid my hands on her head with that supernatural oil that was flowing instantly her spine came in line she was completely healed by the power of God miracles like this began happening all over the place healing miracles creative miracles all these things begin happening in i went and i anointed all 200 of those people that were there that morning i figured it was the end of the meeting got it done his work they all stopped flowing at that point so we're excited about the work of god the things that he had done and brother al gill he went to close the meeting and he somehow just couldn't bring himself to closing and he kept on trying to close it for lunch and he just couldn't do it and brothers steve swanson was up there and worship and all of a sudden the keyboard began playing by itself and sounds began coming out of this keyboard that were not in the keyboard i mean steve knows his stuff Steve knows his keyboards and he put his hands up in the air and just was in total amazement as heaven had overtaken his keyboard and he sounds started to come out of the sound system being played by the heavenly realm and so there was people that were amazed by this and then there was some people they were ready for lunch ready to go and this continued I don't know for about maybe 5-10 minutes where the keyboards played on their own and then all of a sudden the atmosphere of the glory shifted and the angels of God came down into the meeting and begin singing holy holy holy you could hear their voice singing it was not coming from the sound system it was coming from all around you couldn't put your finger on the place that the angels were singing it was surrounding us completely the angels of God were singing with this heavenly symphony that was coming out of the keyboard for half an hour the Angels sang people fell on their face people were weeping people were crying people were slain in the in the power of God in the presence of God it was absolutely tremendous as God came and visited us that morning his God said may I bless you God is wanting to pour out a blessing on us that is so big that is so awesome many times people say well I know the kind of blessing that God has or I'm praying in to the kind of blessing that God will have for me or or I've already seen it in the spirit exactly what God is going to give me I want to say this that nobody knows the blessing that God has free nobody can contain in their mind the kind of blessing that God is wanting to pour out it goes beyond everything that we've got it goes beyond everything that we've imagined because the Word of God says is that he will do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all that we have ever asked or thought of the blessing that he has for us is higher than our own mindset it goes beyond our own thoughts it goes beyond all that we could ever imagine God is wanting to pour out a blessing of the heavenly realm in this day he's wanting to pour out of the supernatural realms of his glory he's wanting to release of the angelicum some people have a problem with the Angels they say well are you worshiping an angel you know if God's sending these angels and maybe you'll get into error listen if it's an angel of Darkness it's a if it's an angel from that the enemy begins speaking a word that's contrary to the Word of God he just cast that thing out the Bible says that we have power over the demonic realm you we just cast out the demons but when God is wanting to send us a visitation in this day of the angelic realm of the kingdom of heaven we need to receive that which God is releasing Matthew says this seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you if God's wanted to send down angelic encounter if God's wanting to release miracles if he's wanting to release supernatural wonders if he's wanting to release these things the essence of his presence we need to receive what he's doing in this day because it is so big it is so large and it's beyond that which we can contain [Music] a few days ago we were at home and I was in the living room I was just studying the word and reading the word and our son Lincoln he had asked me he said would it be okay if I went into your bedroom and I watched some television and I said sure that would be great and so I took him into the the bedroom and I put him in our bed and he was watching the television I went back out to study and I was working on on some notes that I was compiling and all of a sudden I heard Lincoln yelling just just saying dude I do come into the room and come into the room there's an angel in the room I see an angel in the room and so I ran into our bedroom and lo and behold Lincoln had been watching the television and all of a sudden out of the corner of his eye he had seen the outline of an angelic being sit down in my chair in the corner of the room and when the angel sat back the angel actually left the impression of his head and of his body in the chair and Linc Lincoln couldn't hardly believe it because he'd never experienced the angels in this way I said Lincoln did you see it come he said yeah I saw it come and sit down I said look you can still see it that the impression of the angel in that chair and so I sat down in that chair and I said god I just want every impartation that you have for me God I want that download from heaven god I want to enter in to that ease of your glory Lincoln was so excited that he had seen an angel in this way and that the realms of heaven are opening you know not just for the older ones but also for the younger ones not just for the younger ones but also for the older ones the realm of glory is opening for everybody today it's for the entire family to walk in and begin experiencing the divine supernatural realms of heaven recently we've been experiencing a lot of angelic encounter in our lives in our ministry in our home a few months ago actually our senior pastors from our home Church in London Ontario Canada pastor Karl and Cheryl Thomas they came to visit us in Palm Springs California and they're with us for a week and the one night we were sitting in the kitchen just around the table and we were talking about some of the wonderful moves of God things we've seen 10 years ago five years ago things that gotta been doing and it was amazing because the more that we would talk about the glory the more that we would talk about the things of the Spirit it's like we could feel that the weightiness of the cloud of glory we could feel the things of God beginning to be imparted to us and something that began happening is we actually began feeling even that angelic encounter moving into that atmosphere and right as we got up where we were gonna leave and go to bed for the night and they were gonna go out to go to bed and when we got up to leave the table all of a sudden there were feathers that began to fall and just a tiny little feather fell Janet caught it in her hand and we realized that God was releasing this manifestation of the things that we've been sensing in the spirit the things that I was doing and the pastors they they went out to to go to bed and Janet and I we stayed inside the house around the kitchen for about 20 minutes we were just looking up and every once in a while we just see a feather come from here or a feather come from there they just began to float down it would begin to catch them and thank God that he has given his angels charge over us that he is assigned this angelic realm as messengers servants to bring His purposes to the earth in our lives and we just began to thank God for that a few weeks later I was spending the night just studying some of the things of God and just really giving myself to the word and to devotion and I was sitting in my chair in the corner of our bedroom and Janet had gone to Janet Angela had gone to bed and I was sitting there in the chair and all of a sudden I looked up as somewhere around I think about 4 o'clock in the morning and when I looked up I could see these angels coming out of our ensuite bathroom coming into the bedroom and the way that I saw the angels appear it was like I could see the outline of of their heads and the outline of the shoulders but I couldn't see any faces and I'd never seen the angelic like this before but I just saw them coming into the bedroom and and just coming up beside the bed and I was thanking God for whatever he was releasing I wasn't sure exactly what he was doing and but that happened at times when I was listening to the word and just giving myself to the things of God the next night I was in our media room and I was sitting there and I decided to put on some old DVDs that I had from some of our friends Charles and Frances how I was watching some of the older DVDs that they had recorded in the 80s and as I was watching Francis Hunter speak about God's purposes for healing and she was declaring God's Word all of a sudden I looked over to the doorway in the media room and I saw these angels these same angels had seen the night before they were coming in to the media room but they were coming in and then they're going out they're coming in and going out and asked God I said God what is it that you're saying two nights in a row I've seen these angels and I become aware of the angelic presence that's here what is it that you're doing when I ask God that he dropped it in my spirit so strong that what was happening was really Psalm 103 verse 20 it says that angels hearkened to the voice of God's Word that when God's Word is declared or God's Word is decreed and released there's angels that are activated on behalf of that word to carry forth the purposes of God in the earth when God downloaded it to me and I realized what was happening Francis Hunter had been on television speaking these promises of God and the angels of God were activated I realized the power that God has released through the resource through CDs DVDs books the things that we receive that talk about the things of the Spirit it's really an impartation for the heavens to come and visit us on the earth I was sitting there amazed and thinking you know Francis hunter she's gone on to to heaven she's not even on the earth any longer but God is still using her words through the media through the resource through the things that she was faithful to to record and to document when she was here on the earth God is still watching over his word to perform it and he's doing it through the Ministry of angels well welcome to everlasting love my name is Patricia king and I'm glad that you've joined us for today's program because we're gonna be talking about angels and I just love the topic in fact in the Bible that you know that there are over 200 references to angels and their interaction with man they're amazing and did you know that they are around you right now it says in the Bible that they encamped around the righteous but maybe you've said well I've never seen an angel or I wouldn't know one if it if it showed up I wouldn't know what to do with it well that's what today's program is going to be about and with us we have our good friend Joshua Mills and you know you've had lots of interaction with angels you've seen them you seen their missions in your life and and their activity and you know how to discern them and and so we're so excited to have you as our guest today thank you it's wonderful to be here today awesome well Joshua you actually began to discern angels at a very young age and you had interaction with him why don't you tell us that story when I was just a small little child I remember oftentimes being out in the backyard of my house or even being downstairs playing around and there were spirit beings that I used to be very familiar with and interact with and I remember my parents calling them my imaginary friends right you know because nobody else could see them nobody else understood them but do you mind me asking you how did you see them from for me my eyes I guess were open I mean it wasn't like I tried it wasn't like I was trying to make something happen it was ordinary like as real as you see me absolutely it was so cool they were very visible to me and they would interact with me and and play with me and they're my friends you know and I remember it's amazing because some parents they they wonder about these imaginary friends that children are talking about it I believe often times it's actually angelic presence it's angelic beings the Bible talks about childlike faith having a faith like a child and oftentimes children are much more sensitive to these supernatural realms these holy realms and able to interact in that way as a young child at church I remember going to church sitting in worship and seeing angels flying around the sanctuary of the church and I would actually be sitting there with one of my friends and many times Sunday morning we just watch and we'd be worshiping the Lord praising the Lord and this is normal is normal you probably thought everybody saw exactly it's angels where else would a church right arise until one week I went and I was sharing some of these things we're just talking randomly about what we were seeing and one of the adults and the church came up to us and scolded us and told us that it was impossible to see angels we were making up stories we're lying this doesn't happen angels don't fly around the church and when that happened the amazing thing is even though it had been such a reality for me up to that point there's something about childlike faith that just believes right it doesn't understand all the details it doesn't have it all figured out but it just believes and actually when when adults come along and they steal that spiritual innocence or that childlike innocence oftentimes what happens is that realm shut down and that's what happened for me in my life how did you feel like I you know like when they were confronting you and I mean calling you a liar I mean it's one thing saying oh it's possibly your imagination but another thing saying you're lying there's no such thing especially an authority figure for a child like did you actually doubt at that point then the reality of what you'd see I remember feeling grieved and at the time I didn't even know the word for it I don't know that was a word but I remember feeling grieved in my spirit because I knew what we had seen I knew I wasn't making things up and yet I was being told this isn't real this isn't right this isn't this doesn't happen and so somehow in all of that my processing that whole room was shut up and I never saw the angels again you know I think that that happens a lot and we want to you know we want to discuss that because sometimes if a parent cannot recall seeing an angel or an adult then they're just assuming that they're not there and then disqualify other people's experiences including children but I remember my grandson when he was just a brand-new baby I remember him looking up into the corner and it's his eyes were seeing something and then he all of a sudden started to smile and then the smile go down and he'd look like that and then up again and smile and I knew he was seeing angels absolutely I knew it and I remember sharing with with someone they said oh well it could have been gasps a little daughter she's 14 months now but when she's about 6 or 7 months old we were sitting in the backyard of our house and my son who's was 10 years old at the time he was sitting there with me and as I was holding my daughter she was looking up and she was craning her neck and she's just looking all around it was like she was looking at something and I looked up wondering what she was looking at there was nothing up there and I said to my son I said I wonder what she's looking at and he looks up and he says oh dad she's looking at angels I said what do you mean he said I can see them right there they're different colors and they're different lights and yeah she's looking at angels and here my son and my daughter were able to see into that supernatural realm and at that time I mean you are a seer but I mean you see right into the spirit realm I mean it's just not an unusual thing for you but at that particular time got it opened their eyes and not not your something I've learned since that there's always more to seeing right oh how much we've seen in the past doesn't matter how much supernatural experience we've had in the past God always wants to show us something new and that's why we have to be open right and sometimes he doesn't show you because he just wants you to believe by faith right absolutely and so you know sometimes that's a reason why someone might see with open vision another person not he deals with everyone differently and at different times absolutely yeah so what advice would you give to parents when their children are I mean a lot of our viewers will be wanting to know how do you nurture in a child the ability to see into that realm and how can you encourage that what can you do and what shouldn't you do I think one of the things that I would like to share with you is that you know when your children begin seeing in the spirit when God begins doing things with your children you might not understand everything that they're experiencing you might not understand everything they're seeing but be very very careful not to judge something that you don't understand if you need more revelation go back to the Word of God just begin reading and just cover your children with the blood of Christ just cover them with the Word of God and just begin pouring into them the Bible talks about the Word of God being a seed and as its planted into the fertile soil of childlike faith it will create a harvest of divine supernatural ability and potential and so I would just I think that's one of the biggest things is just to be very careful and mm-hmm and just to train your children in the way that they should go right in the well sometimes I've seen children and I mean children have this beautiful like almost like untainted imagination when they're really young because it's just the natural ability to see inside it it's so beautiful and of course that's how we become creative people because God gave us that imagination and sometimes like if they tell their stories about seeing something on the supernatural and they get a lot of attention for it they might fabricate a little bit more than right then what is there have you noticed that and if so how would you steer it without crushing the child but I think series why in our life in our own family we've never put pressure on our children to perform we've never put any pressure on our children to be super spiritual we just only ask them to be themselves and we've kind of created an atmosphere in our home where they can just be who they are and they don't have to be any more than that right and with my son Lincoln he's 11 years old now and we just we have a lot of honest talks with each other and just open we've been very very open with him and just raising him in that atmosphere where he understands that he can live in the supernatural but he doesn't have to be super spiritual he can just be who God created him I be I think that takes all the pressure off and all the all those things that would make children maybe try to get more attention or to write and fabricate stories yeah one of the things I adore about you and Jana Angela your wife is that you walk in so much integrity and you have very high standards about you know things being reported accurately without embellishment or you know if it's God you want to represent him right and I think that if the parents have that just as a natural you know heart then their children are going to learn that value also and I've seen you you know really you know you're so delightfully playful with your son and I've seen that acceptance and love and just be yourself but I've also seen the modeling of tremendous you know values including integrity on the testimony no before we finish this segment I want you to share a little bit how did you because obviously from the time you got shut down and you never saw any angels anymore for a while no more angels no more angels for years there came a time though that it got real wakened and you can you share how God did that for you right absolutely I was in my early 20s by this time I had gotten into ministry I was praise and worship leader I was traveling all around God was doing wonderful things seeing a lot of miracles and yet still I mean I knew angels existed I knew there's a reality to them but I wasn't seeing them and it wasn't until I was ministering actually at Calvary Pentecostal campground which is in Ashland Virginia I was doing a set of meetings there at their wonderful camp meeting and the one night I was sleeping above the snack bar in one of the the rooms that they have up there and I had a dream but it wasn't just another dream it was a vivid powerful encounter kind of a dream and in that dream I found myself in this atmosphere where there were three heavenly beings three spiritual beings and now I understand that they were angels that were signed over my life and in this encounter I asked them what their names were they told me their names I asked them what they did they told me their ministry functions in my life and in that encounter it was it was something that God used to open up the reality of the Angelica realm and actually being able to see them and and understand them they looked just like me but they were bigger and stronger and taller and seen a little bit more powerful but yeah I was absolutely amazing how God used a dream to unlock that realm and and just for a confirmation that's biblical to that you know oftentimes a person's angel looks like them that's why I think the prayer meeting where Peter showed up had after he got out of prison they thought it was his angel because they were used to seeing angels that that look like looked like the person now in our book powerful encounters in the god realm you have contributed an awesome chapter in this book on angels and has teaching in it as well as testimony as well as other authors have also written about the angelic realm in this book is a powerful book actually it builds your faith it gets you excited about God and I believe that there's transference when testimonies and teaching from the word is is shared so we're going to be letting people know more about that but I love your chapter in this book and I want to thank you for your contribution into that and also I love this CD ministering with angels how to activate the angelic realm in your life now we're going to go to a break right now but just before we do I want to pray for some of you that as Joshua was sharing his testimony I felt in my spirit that there was many of you thinking oh my I got shut down in exactly the same way but it hasn't been awakened yet I just want to minister to that right now because you're going to open up like a flower it's all going to come back so father in the name of Jesus I just pray for an awakening of that which was shut down and opening up of that which was closed off and Lord any shame or blame or guilt or anything that made them feel like they couldn't express the fullness of who you made them to be and experienced you we just lift that off now in Jesus name we'll be right back angels are everywhere learn to activate the angelic realm in your life with Joshua Mills angelic realm combo including multi authored book powerful encounters in the god realm Joshua is ministering with angels teaching CD as well as his power of the glory cloud visitation CD call eight six six nine eight zero five four six four an order television offer number one eight eight or visit XP to order joshua Mills angelic realm combo for just $39 order now Joshua Mills is a powerfully anointed teacher of the glory of God order his school of signs and wonders including a student manual two full-color study charts and a 14 DVD teaching library learn about topics like creative miracles and activating angels call eight six six nine eight zero five four six four and order television offer number one eight nine or visit XP to purchase school of signs and wonders for just $199 order now well welcome back we want to have Joshua share right now about some testimonies because you could write books and books of testimonies and encounters that you have experienced in God but what are some of your favorite testimonies about angels I know that one of them you were talking about earlier as we were discussing the program was the miracle fireball what's that about it's one of my favorite testimonies to share about the angelic realm I was ministering in Victoria Canada I don't know but maybe five six years ago something like that and I remember the one night after I was done ministering I just felt like I was supposed to dismiss the ministry teams to go pray for everybody and that I supposed to go back to my home the hotel and just spend some time with the Lord and so I went back to the hotel and when I got to the room the hotel room I put my key card in open up the door when I open up the door there was someone standing on the other side of the room and I got frightened it I was actually terrified that there was somebody on the other side of the hotel room but the next thing I know is this person that's over there reaches up grabs a fireball right out of heaven pulls down a fireball now I realize this isn't some kind of stranger and says catch I'm still standing in the this all happened very quickly no this being was like a real person yeah you look just like a ray look like yeah human being like a regular like a real substance person wasn't shining wasn't glowing looked like a regular person Wow until reached up and grabbed this fireball threw it at me said catch threw it at me and I caught it I was still standing in the doorway I caught it and the next thing I know there's gold it has exploded like gold all over the doorframe all over me all over the hallway all over the inside of the room and this angel said get ready to catch more miracles are coming Wow thank God just disappeared and so now I'm shaking I'm terrified and trying to figure out what God did what this was all about I went into my room just shook for about two three hours and finally I was able to to call my wife and share the encounter that I head and the next day I go back to the church and the pastors could see that something had happened to me and I didn't really want to share with them exactly what God had done but anyhow that night I was went back to ministry at the church I was preaching behind the pulpit and I'd shared a really nice message and at the end I looked out in the same angel that had been in my hotel room was now standing at the back of the church and I knew what was about to happen and so the angel reaches up pulls out a fireball from heaven Wow and I'm thinking oh Lord like you know I don't like to run and I don't like to catch and I'm like my reflexes are really bad and the angel throws the ball but instead of throwing it at me behind the pulpit threw it over to the other side of the the congregation and so I ended up having to run over to the one side of the congregation I had to jump when I jumped to catch the fireball it exploded again just like it had the night before explode all over the people that were down there all over me all over I mean it was everywhere but this time when I caught it there was a word of knowledge that came inside the fireball for miracles and that one was specifically for finances and the angel pulled it out another fireball threw it on the other side of the congregation I had to run all the way to the other side of the church I think God well people are sitting there you know we're having like a meeting in church and they're watching what's happening and there were a few people that told me later on that they saw the angel most people didn't see the angel but everybody saw the manifestation I when I would so show Gold Canada demo it was just like an explosion of gold dust all over the place and it would come over the people come over me it would come every way no Joshua I've actually seen it like not with an open vision but I remember we were in New Mexico doing a meeting together yeah and we're one of our speakers right and you came in and we were already in worship when you came in and then I felt I felt you come in so I looked at and and I I noticed because like because you do get the gold glitter I I look for I thought oh I wonder if it's come yet and I noticed that there wasn't anything on your jacket that time and you just already started worshipping in and so I went back into worship when all of a sudden I felt the presence of something come in behind you and I looked no I didn't see it with an open vision but I felt that there was an angel I could sense an angel behind you and lo and behold right at that moment I started seeing glitter show up on your jacket well so much came in those means like even in the elevator I don't know if you remember after and everything and it was just amazing but I actually remember that angel and then the other time was when you were here in Arizona with us and the Sapphire started coming all over us remember the Sapphire glitter came and I believe an angel had come with that because later on in the green room we were all up there having fellowship afterwards and there was a man who was a Jewish gentleman but he didn't he hadn't come to know Jesus yet and he was very skeptical he thought maybe someone had thrown out that glitter all over the place was very skeptical but his friend brought him up into the green room and then I saw all of a sudden this this this ball yeah of some water and it just and it got all over everybody and he saw that with open vision right so I believe it was another one of those angels bringing such a gift and he ended up giving his life to Jesus that night because of an angelic visitation and the glory manifestation which is what it's all about yes God releases his angels to work with his his children to work with Christians the Bible talks about the angels being those that ministered the heirs of salvation yes but it's to minister God's purposes so it's salvation it's healing miracles it's financial prosperity provision all these kinds of things God utilizes the angelic realm in our life and that's what I teach about on that CD ministering with angels how to activate the Angelica realm because a lot of people understand that angels are real they know that they exist because the Bible says it right but they don't understand how God wants them to interact with us now we need to interact with that and so often when an angel is sent by God to minister it's an expression of his love he always remember one time I'd sent an angel to take me on a chariot ride and I know some spiritual leaders they struggled so much with that testimony I can't denied they said well why did God do it night it happened well I actually asked God and he said I just wanted you to have fun you know and and he's he's a daddy he's not only this awesome righteous holy God that created the entire universe and beyond he is a daddy and he loves to play with us just like I like to play with my grandchildren right now he said you like to play with your children and you just love laughing with them and and seeing them in our surprise over something and sometimes God will do that just to knit your heart and love to him talk about the prosperity angel we've had a lot of prosperity angels show up many times in meetings but one time that I'm thinking of right now is that we were at our home in and several years ago maybe about three years ago and we had just got home from a trip to Singapore and as we're at home I laid down to nap for a few hours we're gonna head right back to the airport and go on another trip like within a matter of hours and janet was doing the laundry getting us ready for the next trip I laid down I was having this dream and all of a sudden in this dream again an angel shows up and I see this angel just pouring out prosperity all over us just gold coming all over splashing everywhere it was like liquid gold it was gold dust it was gold coins like unlimited prosperity just flowing all over us in this dream and the next thing I know janet comes in the room she wakes me up and she said Joshua Joshua I said what she said there's gold coming all over our clothes she was doing the laundry I said there's gold coming all over her clothes I said this is amazing this is awesome and I said God just gave me a dream about gold literally coming all over it's just this prosperity angel showing up so and that's sometimes a sign like a sign in a wonder right absolutely it comes in a sign but actually is a message saying get ready for for what about you for what you can take break even exactly yeah and what happened through to make a really long testimony a little bit shorter what happened through that we called our office Canada our Secretary was having the exact same encounter gold was coming all over her clothing at the same moment that we were having this encounter where we were and then I thought okay well I know what to do when I see this in the spirit when I can see the signs I know that I should sow a seed I should take what I have because I see I discerned this is an angel of prosperity and so lord I thank you for that I'm not trying to buy a miracle but I can sow into this encounter and so we took the largest seed that we had we had a little bit of savings and we knew that there was a minister that was in need and we took all of the savings we had and we called them up right at that moment we woke them up out of bed because they were on the east coast and I said we're gonna send you this money to meet your need and it's going to be wonderful so we sowed the seed had this encounter we knew that there was an angel prosperity that was visiting us within months God gave us a home for the very first time we were we got a home a brand-new home God gave us a new vehicle we had a blessing and her unprecedent blessing in our ministry began to write so many books I mean so many things beginning to happen in our life but it was I know through this encounter around the angel of prosperity and Bob Jones told me one time he said when God assigns an angel to you it is then with you for life right and I said can you give me a chapter in verse for that and he said well the Bible says that the gifts and the callings of God are without repentance either I'll take that in other words when God gives the gift gives the assignment he doesn't pull it back so so that that angel from that point on has been with you and your family and your ministry to be able to to poram prosperity it's not just financial prosperity it is everywhere anointing and the glory and the and the fruitfulness in life and God wants from every believer to be prosperous the Bible talks about angels of prosperity this is amazing it talks about an angel they'll go ahead and prosper your way and the whole purpose for that angel was actually to find a spouse isn't that amazing Wow to go out right find the right spouse that's right and so there's angels of prosperity the guns be able to release right now there's actually angels of prosperity there being release for even those that are watching right now to lead you into the place of finding and godly spouse a godly wife a godly husband so lord I thank you for releasing those angels right now in Jesus mind and releasing those prosperity of angels for prosperity in the family prosperity in the home prosperity in every way in relationships in Jesus name you know God loves you with an everlasting love he really really does and because he does you can expect angelic visitation father right now in the name of Jesus I thank you for blessing those that are watching right now I thank you for the reality of your angelic realm that begins to invade their life lord I thank you for opening up their eyes to see things that they have never seen before lord I thank you for opening up their ears to hear even angelic choirs and your heavenly voices singing from heaven lord I thank you for releasing a numerable unimaginable blessing in their life in Jesus mighty name I thank you for doing it
Channel: Joshua Mills - International Glory Ministries
Views: 80,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #angelprayers, #activatingangels, #healingprayers, #healingmiracles, #divinehealing, #faithhealer, #supernaturalministry, #spiritualwarfare, #propheticministry, glory realm, glory of god, prophetic word, signs and wonders, glory realms, angel prayers, angel school, glory institute, joshua mills, janet mills, spiritual warfare, canadian ministry, palm springs ministry, faith healer, supernatural ministry, prophetic ministry, miracle ministry, healing prayers, angel therapy, angelology
Id: Ct4urqhM__w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 25sec (2785 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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