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this is Richard radio with Tom Friel this is wretched radio just reading a story that I wasn't planning on sharing till I got to the last paragraph and now I can't help myself this is an example of what we will be seeing more and more and more clever equivocations when it comes to morality issues so that a church can continue to thrive and rake in about 20 million dollars a year this happened to be a rather lengthy expose on one of these super groovy cool mega churches named one they're all pretty much the same so this reporter spent some time with the pastor and his wife asking some questions about issues like gay marriage throughout the two days we spent together writes this author the wife has few answers for me so I call her up a few weeks later to ask more questions what is the Church's position on LGBTQ members for example quote every individual is entitled to their persuasion and it's not our job to persuade it's our job to proclaim what they feel just as loved and welcomed in a part of our community have your pastor's views changed quote we are a church who loved and welcomed people regardless of their beliefs our background would your church be open to having a gay pastor as the reporter after a long pause the wife said we're very much in the category of we love everybody God is for everybody and God's heart is for people so our hearts are for people and that is where we land absolutely have you tried to look through jell-o pudding lately it gets a little fuzzy on the other side that is exactly what you heard jell-o pudding that and you heard the equivocation that you are going to see happening more and more and more and more frankly I wish these people they would just stop calling themselves Christian you know they changed their names so that it doesn't sound Christian there's nothing biblical in any of the titles of so many of these churches just be something else please just just go just just do your own thing create your own religion just please leave Jesus out of this regarding abortion there you go this is what the pastor said we've grown significantly in the past 15 years we hope to be a loving home for Humanity no matter what someone has experienced we know what we're good at which is the Bible in Jesus and telling his story and we know what we're not good at probably the Bible and Jesus and telling his story because if you can't get this straight how can you get anything straight quote there are amazing trained professional psychologists and counselors for that and that's why in the church app they do not have question-and-answer section they have question and response so you can go ahead and ask these people a question all you're gonna get is a response but you're not gonna get an answer expect this more and more and more and don't be surprised when it's not just the skinny jean pastors who start to equivocate don't be surprised there will be a shocking number of men who revealed that they're more interested in protecting little fiefdom than they are in protecting the Word of God and proclaiming the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ don't be shocked these these churches so many of them they are about as Christian as Christmas's which isn't very Christian at all okay is it just me or is these commercials that you see these days for Christmas it's like what holiday are we talking about here what is this that we are again it could be just me but I would almost prefer at this point that our culture would just say you know and I'll tell you what do you mind if we just celebrate winter solstice festival right well just stop calling at Christmas I think I prefer that over the perversion that is presented to us take your winter festival your merchandise shilling bottom line making sure that you're profitable for the Year celebration and go ahead I don't care we we might even participate to agree at degree as a family if there's nothing sinful about it but quite honestly what it what Christmas is used for these days by our culture increasingly sickens me it is so not about Christ I know this has been a belly ache for decades I get that but there's just there's just nothing about it and I suspect okay I don't have to suspect I know because I've gone to campuses and I've asked students what's Christmas about well it's about you know that's when Jesus was born terrific answer and who's Jesus well you know he's born on Christmas that was a response that wasn't an answer you could run a mega church with that kind of response they don't know why did Jesus have to come he came on a rescue mission he didn't get battered around by the the prevailing winds of power he came specifically to march to a cross on a specific date do you know that Jesus orchestrated the date of his death his birth date predetermined born at the right time at the exact right to fulfill all righteousness but he also died on schedule because he wasn't just kind of did it did it do well let's see what happens here at some point they're gonna catch me and I'm gonna act like Leonardo DiCaprio until Tom Hanks gets all old of me yep that was a movie reference right there but I didn't preach on it Church on Sunday morning that would be a crossing the line no no that's not what happened to Jesus Jesus - that's this is the time this is the schedule this is what has been predetermined by my father Annie marched to the cross so that you and I could have our sins forgiven in the world they don't know that the world is oblivious to that they don't have a clue instead they just they sing have a holly jolly Christmas they don't know what Christmas is isn't that something that should actually offend us that you've got people who don't honor Christ singing about Christmas and using a birthdate that is somewhat arbitrary may have been may not have been chants 1 and 365 that Jesus was born and it shouldn't we actually be annoyed that they're using it in the way that they are as opposed to hey we got to keep make sure that everybody keeps celebrating Christmas not like this this is this is to me if you can if you can desecrate a holiday what more do you need to do at this point can it become more crude and crass or am I just becoming a curmudgeon maybe that's a little bit of both becoming I know it's always been this way I get it but really I we were thinking about this at home aren't you you do you do your family will do our family but we were thinking about it at home it's like all right all this stuff that we do we were going to put up Christmas decorations on Friday after Thanksgiving and and decided not to cuz did I mention we went to Springville in Alabama did I mention if I brought that up at any point during the conversation and so we decided let's just let's not put them up we'll put them up next week which got us to thinking about why do we put up a Christmas tree I know it's an evergreen everlasting life but I'm not thinking about that when I'm putting the thing up and getting annoyed well why are we doing it why do we why do we get together and have this big meal why do we give all of these gifts why do we put up decorations what's with the tinsel what's with the bulbs I know we that we can say that they've got I know we can talk about the candy cane in the blood and the pole and the thing when the blood and the white and this and I'm not sure that we're participating really in a Christian celebration any more than the pagans are frankly something we have to figure out for our family you figure out for yours I just find it increasingly Grievous that our culture uses our christ for their well frankly bottom line and amusement from grace gems a faithful preacher is a rare creature and like a diamond as precious as he is rare one who faithfully preaches the word not an equivocator I bring this up because did I mention I was in Springville it's in Alabama a small little town outside of Birmingham the pastor there is a faithful creature and you can see it in the congregation you walk into the place and it's like wow I think they actually like me here why because they have been filled with the Word of God constantly preaching the word even when it is not popular it's a Spurgeon grace gem you can get yours at Grace Jim's org if you always enjoy your pastor sermons that minister is not a faithful steward did you catch that if you always enjoy your pastor sermons he's not a faithful steward he who gives out nothing but sweets is not acting wisely it is the duty of the Christian pastor if he would make full proof of his ministry to warn men of the results of sin to tell them that there is a judgment that for every Idol where they speak they will have to account some preachers my pastor skinny jeans in the mega church do not preach of eternal wrath and its terrors this is cruel for they ruined souls by hiding them from their ruin what a difference this pastor in this article in the pastor I met this weekend in Springville the object of all preaching is the heart godly ministers aim at divorcing the heart from sin and wetting it to Christ you got yourself a faithful preacher you've got yourself a gem a rare one until tomorrow go serve your king [Music]
Channel: Wretched
Views: 285,292
Rating: 4.8285713 out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Id: bZIn5mfH0eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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