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Welcome back to JForrest English. I'm Jennifer. And today we're going to read a news article together an advanced news article so you can learn all of the natural Expressions, Advanced vocabulary, and complex, grammar naturally and easily. Let's get started, our headline nice and short life on Mars. A very interesting topic, a new study published in the journal science, Shows definitive evidence of organic matter on the surface of Mars, organic matter, simply means living matter matter. That is living. For example, in this picture, it looks like there's some green when you see green, you think plants. So it looks like living matter, organic matter. Now, let's take a look at this shows, evidence shows definitive evidence. When I See This I say, wow definitive evidence. Definitive is an adjective. That means firm, final or complete. So this evidence is firm its final. You can think of it as not to be questioned. So you can't question this evidence. It's firm and final. So real evidence, it makes it a lot stronger of organic matter, on the surface of Mars. Now, notice here, we have the journal science and you see those science has a cap. Capital S, this is because it's a proper noun, and you need to capitalize the first letter of a proper noun, proper noun, and as a proper noun because the name of the journal is science, that's why it has a capital S. But if you were just talking about this subject science, I love science. Class, you don't need to capitalize it because in this case it's not a proper noun. The Otto was collected by NASA's nuclear-powered rover Curiosity again. This is a great example, curiosity, which you probably know as a noun curiosity is a good thing when you're a student. But in this case, it's the name of the Rover. The name of the Rover is curiosity and that's why we have a capital first letter. It's a proper noun, it confirms the Rover. Citee confirms earlier findings that the red planet once contained. Carbon based compounds, I'll be honest with you, I'm not exactly sure what a carbon-based compound is. It's a compound that contains carbon, that's all I know about that. Red planet is another name for the planet Mars because it is red. So, when you see red planet, you know, they're talking about Mars, These compounds, they're talking about the carbon based compounds. Also called organic molecules are essential ingredients for life as scientists understand it. Now notice how they explain what these compounds are, or why they're important because the average person like me who doesn't have a scientific background has no idea what a carbon-based compound is. So they explain what this is. So now I know No. Okay. Essential meaning very important extremely important. Important and not just important very important. Essential ingredients for life as scientists understand it. So now I know you can't have life without these carbon-based compounds and they have found definitive evidence that these compounds exist on Mars. The red planet, essentially saying that life on Mars is possible. I've summarized all of the lesson notes and you can find them in our free lesson PDF, you can look for the link in the description. Are in the first comment, let's continue the organic molecules were found in Mars's Gale crater a large area that may have been a watery Lake over 3 billion years ago, the Rover encountered, traces of the molecule in rocks, extracted from the area, when you extract something, it means you remove it or take it out. So they have a raw Rock. And within this rock, there are molecules, so they took those molecules out. They extracted it. This is also the terminology you use. If you need to get a tooth removed, you can extract a tooth, which means simply to remove it. So, to remove or take out to remove or take out and you remove something generally from something else. So, you Act the molecules from The Rock. The Rocks, also contain sulfur, which scientists speculate helped preserve the Organics even when the Rocks were exposed to the harsh, radiation on the surface of the planet. Remember, we're talking about the planet Mars. Now, let's take a look at this verb. Speculate a very common verb, When you speculate on something, it means you essentially guess what the answer is and you do that because you don't have enough information to be certain if you're certain, it means you 100%. No. So you can present that information as a fact, but if you're just guessing you use the verbs speculate. So when your audience here, speculate that They know that you are not 100% certain you are in fact guessing so scientists speculate so they don't actually know that this is 100% correct. It's their best guest based on the information they have scientists speculate helped preserve the Organics even that when the Rocks were exposed to the harsh radiation. Let's take a look at harsh. Harsh is an adjective. So, I could say exposed to the radiation, which means the radiation affected it. It was in the same area as the radiation, so it was exposed to the radiation to the harsh radiation. So harsh is an adjective. That modifies radiation, and harsh means unpleasant, unkind cruel. More severe than necessary. So radiation is very strong and they're saying that this radiation was very severe, perhaps more severe than it, usually is the harsh radiation on the surface of the planet. Let's move on. Scientists are quick to state that the presence of these organic molecules is not sufficient evidence for ancient Life on Mars as the molecules could have been formed by non living processes. So here, they're casting some doubt Incheon Life on Mars. So, they're saying right now, we don't have enough evidence to say that previously, In ancient times, there was Life on Mars so that would be ancient life. So not sufficient is saying we don't have enough evidence not sufficient, so not enough not enough to be convincing not enough. And in this case to convince You could say, I don't have sufficient time so in that case is not enough time to do something. I don't have sufficient time to complete this article. I don't have enough time to do it. So the scientists are suggesting, there could be another reason why these molecules are there. But it's still one of the most astonishing discoveries, which could lead to Future Revelations. Let's take a look at astonishment as an adjective. This means surprising or it can be amazing. That was astonishing that was amazing, but maybe it was that was astonishing. It was surprising at the same time, so it depends on how it's being used in this. This case, it could be really either the most astonishing discoveries which could lead to Future Revelations. Let's look at Revelation in this case, it's a noun, it comes from the verb reveal. So when you reveal something, you make that information known. It's the same case as all Revelation a revelation is when a fact becomes known. Now it can be When a unknown fact becomes known. So before we didn't know it and now we know it, it's a revelation or it can be when a secret fact becomes known. So certain people knew it but the general public didn't not. So when the general public found out what a revelation, remember this comes from the verb to reveal. You and you reveal a secret which means you share a secret that you previously had not shared especially when one considers the other startling fine that Curiosity uncovered around 5 years ago. Remember curiosity is the name of NASA's rover which is the machine that operates on the surface of the planet Mars. Now let's look at startling as an - a startling fine. When something is startling. It's surprising but usually in a worrisome way. So you could say, I went to the doctor and I got some startling news that doesn't sound very good because it's news that surprised you but generally in a negative way, in a worrisome way. So especially when one considers the The other startling find that Curiosity uncovered around 5 years ago. So we'll find out what that startling find is that surprising fine but somehow in some sort of a negative way perhaps a worrisome way the Rover analyzes the air around it. Periodically periodically is an adverb that means from time to time periodically from time to time. So, consistently means all the time, but periodically means perhaps once a week, or once a day, so on a schedule, but not all the time, which would be consistently. Are you enjoying this lesson? If you are? Then I want to tell you about the finally fluent Academy. This is my premium training program, where we study native English speakers on TV movies. He's YouTube and the news so you can improve your listening skills. A fast English and learn Advanced phrasal verbs, idioms, expressions, and vocabulary, and grammar and pronunciation all in a very natural fun, engaging way and you'll have me as your personal coach so you can look in the description or the comment section for more information on how to join. Now, let's continue on and in 2014, it Rover, it found that Are contained another of the most basic organic molecules, and a key ingredient of natural, gas methane. So the Rover found another molecule on the planet. Mars methane, one of the characteristics. A methane is that it only survives a few hundred years. So, a few hundred to me. That sounds like Jared, maybe 400 maybe 500 because a few is more than 2 because 2 is a couple a couple hundred years is too and few is generally more than 2 but less than definitely less than 10 325. I would say a few hundred years. This means that something somewhere on Mars is replenishing. The supply when something is real One ish, it means it's filled up again. So for example, if a lake had water and then there was a drought, very dry conditions and all the water evaporated. So if you put more water in that Lake, your replenishing, the lake. You're filling the lake again. So there are saying that something on the Planet. Mars is replenishing. The supply of methane, which could be the startling, find it. Surprising. And maybe there's reason to be concerned. What is this? That's replenishing. The supply. How is it doing this? What does it mean for us on earth? That could be the startling part According to NASA, Mars immense thousands of tons of methane at a time. The verb. Mm, it simply means to to produce or to send out to produce. Or send out, but we use this in very specific cases. We use it with gases. In this case, we also use this with sounds sounds. So the, the truck emits, a lot of gas for one. And a lot of noise. Oh, the sound that that truck is emitting, or the building is emitting. It's really hurting my ears. We also use this. S4 light. So the airport emits, a lot of light, its blinding Mars, immense, thousands of tons of methane at a time, the level of methane Rises and Falls as seasonal intervals in the year. Almost as if the planet is breathing, it sounds a little strange. Perhaps, that's the startling information here. NASA specs, the methane comes from deep under the surface of the planet, the variations in temperature on the surface of Mars, cause the molecule, which is methane to flow upwards at higher or lower levels. Okay? So this is the, scientists are speculating because if you suspect something, you don't know for sure. I'm sure otherwise you would say NASA knows the methane comes but they suspect, which means they're about, 80% sure they're guessing. So again, you could also use the verb speculate, NASA speculates, the methane comes from deep under the surface so they don't know. 100%, for example, in the winter, the gas could get trapped Underground. I see crystals. Okay, so, this is what's happening to the methane. These crystals called clathrates melt in the summer and release the gas. So, this is their theory on how this gas is being released at different times of the year in winter. It's frozen. The gas is Frozen in these icy crystals, but in summer when these Crystals melt, they release the methane. Again, this is not a fact because there are speculating they suspect. This is what is happening. They don't know it to be true. However, the source of the methane is still a complete mystery. Complete is an adjective and it means very great or the highest possible. So we're seeing it's a mystery, but not just a mystery. Imagine the greatest mystery you've ever thought of, that's a complete mystery, it's a very great mystery, the highest mystery possible. It's a complete mystery. So the source meaning, how the methane is there originally? Where does the methane come from? That is a Complete mystery, the world of astrobiology considers. Both of these studies, a historical milestone. A milestone is an important event and it's an important event in history, or in your life as well. An important event in history or one's life. For example, one of the big Milestones is, when you graduate from school, that's a milestone. That's an important event in your life. When you graduate, when you get married, when you get your first job when you have a baby, E, you buy your first car, buy your first house, these are all Milestones, but of course, there are also historical milestones. And this, the information found in these studies is one of those Milestones. According to this information, Mars is not a dead Planet. So of course, a dead Planet would be a planet that cannot sustain life. On the contrary we use this as a transition word. We want to introduce a contrasting point. So, dead planet is the one point. Now, the contrasting point would have to show something with life and we can use on the contrary Mars is not a dead planet on the contrary. It is quite active with life, with molecules with organic matter and maybe changing and becoming more Edible, if you describe something as habitable, it means you're able to live there because the conditions are appropriate. So able to live there, for example, a very, very old house that has a lot of damage might not be habitable is not suitable to live there. You're not able to live there or after a flood or not. Cyril disaster. Maybe your home is no longer habitable. Of course this means. Further research is necessary. Scientists say they need to send new equipment to Mars equipment that can measure the air and soil with more Precision. More Precision, is another way of saying, more accuracy accuracy, they need to be more accurate. There are already missions. Underway underway means they're in progress. Now in progress now, In progress. Now the European space agency's exomars ship lands in 2020 and will be able to drill into the ground on Mars to analyze what it finds. Additionally, NASA is sending another Mars Rover in the same year to collect samples of Martian, soil and return them to Earth. So, Martian. This comes from the word Mars. Just like, if you live in Italy, you're an Italian. If you live on Mars, you're a martian. That can be something you can maybe look forward to. So live on Mars equals Martian, Martian soil, Italian wine, Pizza tomatoes. For example, Martian soil, And notice how Mars Martian Earth also have that Capital first letter because they are proper nouns. Remember, we talked about proper nouns at the beginning. Proper nouns. So you need Capital first letter and here NASA is in all capitals because we also capitalize acronyms. So each letter stands for something to be honest, I don't know what NASA stands for. I The essay is space agency. National, what's the a Association space agency? That doesn't sound right? What is the acronym for NASA? Do, you know, put it in the comments because honestly, I'm not sure, I'm pretty sure essay is space agency, but I don't know what the n and the A stand for because nobody ever says it. Everybody says NASA. Let's continue again. Let me know in the comments. The possibility of Life on Mars has fascinated humans for Generations. It has been the subject of endless science fiction, novels and films. If you describe something as endless it means again and again and again. So how's you know, there are always movies and books about aliens. Martians life on other planets, right? So again and again and again non-ending. Again, and again, non-ending endless. Are we alone in the universe? Ooh. Or have there been other life forms within our solar system if the current missions to the red planet? Which again means Mars Mars. If the current missions to the red planet continue. It looks as if we may discover the answer very soon. Wow. Isn't that a interesting way to end an article? So that's our article on Mars. Now I will go back and I'll read the article from start to finish and this time you can focus on my pronunciation Life on Mars. A new study published in the journal science shows definitive evidence of organic matter on the surface of Mars. The data was collected by NASA's nuclear-powered rover, Curiosity it confirms earlier findings that the red planet once contain carbon based compounds, these compounds also called organic molecules are essential ingredients for life as as scientists understand it. The organic molecules were found in Mars's Gail cater a large area that may have been a watery link. Over 3 billion years ago, the Rover encountered, traces of the molecule in rocks, extracted from the area. The wrongs also contains sulfur, which scientists speculate helped preserve the Organics even when the Rocks were exposed to the harsh radiation. On the surface of the planet, scientists are quick to state that the presence of these organic molecules is not sufficient evidence for ancient Life on Mars as the molecules, could have been formed by non-living processes, but it's still one of the most astonishing discoveries which could lead to Future Revelations. Especially when one considers the other startling find that Curiosity, uncovered around five years ago, the Rover, analyzes the air around it, periodically, and in 2014, it found the air contained. Another of the most basic organic molecules and a key ingredient of natural, gas methane. One of the characteristics of methane is that it only survives a 200 years. This means that something somewhere on Mars is replenishing the supply. According to NASA, Mars immense, thousands of tons of methane at a time, this level of methane, Rises and falls at seasonal intervals in the year. Almost as if the planet is breathing it NASA specs, the methane comes from deep under the surface of the planet. The very Patience in temperature on the surface of Mars, cause the molecule to flow upwards at higher and higher levels. For example, in the winter, the gas could get trapped in underground. I see crystals these crystals called clathrates melt in the summer and release the gas. However, the source of the methane is still a complete mystery. The world of astrobiology, considers both, Both of these studies as historical Milestones. According to this information, Mars is not a dead planet. On the contrary. It is quite active and maybe changing and becoming more habitable. Of course, this means further research is necessary. Scientists say they need to send new equipment to Mars equipment that can measure the air and soil with more Precision. There are already Missions under way the European space. Agency's exomars ship lands in 2020 and will be able to drill into the ground on Mars to analyze what it finds. Additionally, NASA is sending another Mars Rover in the same year to collect samples of Martian soil and return them to Earth the possibility of Life on Mars has fascinated humans for Generations. It has on the subject of endless science fiction, novels and films. Are we alone in the universe or have there been other life forms within our solar system if the current missions to the red planet continue? It looks as if we may discover the answer very soon if you like this lesson then make sure you subscribe because I put lessons like this every single week and make sure you get this free speaking guide where I share six tips on how to Speak English, fluently and confidently. You can get it from my website right here and why don't you get started with your next lesson right now?
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Keywords: speaking with news, Free English lesson, How to Learn English Vocabulary, JForrest English, English vocabulary, learn English, English, English grammar, speak English, American English, English reading, native speaker, english pronunciation, reading comprehension, reading, learn english with news articles, learn english with newspaper, english reading practice, learn english through story, learn english with news, reading practice, improve your fluency in english, fluency
Id: bj1MJM8rP8E
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Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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