ADVANCED HOSPITAL VOCABULARY 🏨 | Words & phrases you should know

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hello welcome to today's lesson which is really about trying to help you build your vocabulary i have these well they're more advanced words and phrases but i think they're also very important because we're going to be talking about hospital and medical vocabulary so if you are you go to the hospital these are some words and phrases you may hear or if you're watching a tv show or movie and something uh is happening at a hospital again these are words and phrases that that you may come across and like i said they are a bit more advanced so hopefully i well like all these vocabulary lessons i just hope that you learn something new today at least one new word or phrase um before we jump into it i want to say hello to everyone if you are new here please write to me in the chat or tell me your name in the comments uh if you love building your vocabulary please subscribe and hit that like button then i i can become your teacher i always want to to build and expand our our classroom i do want to say a quick uh hello um and i'll give shout outs as we go through the lesson vicky gustav welcome good to see you lali yashar sleepwalker angela a lot of familiar faces so the way this is going to work is i'm going to present these words kind of like a quiz so you'll have the opportunity to write your answers in the chat or write your answers in the comments i always want you to participate because this is interactive english i want to make it a little more interactive and have you actually participate in the lesson so let's go ahead and begin with our first um let's go ahead and begin with our first question and i want to start with some some acronyms okay so actually wait a second uh yes there it is all right so the acronym i've maybe you can see it here i've pointed out is er and the way that i'm presenting this to you is this is actually the a headline that you would come across in a news article so in this case nb they're talking about i believe new brunswick in canada so they're saying nb says primary care expanding to try and relieve er overcrowding so if we're talking about the hospital and you hear the the two letters the er what are what does it stand for what are people referring to when they say er that is the first the first question that i have for you and i the first few of them there there are acronyms like this and this is a this is something you'll hear i think quite often especially if you're watching a movie or tv show about hospitals they may mention the er all right so if somebody is talking about the er then they are referring to the emergency room all right excellent uh great job uh anna what uh yashar good to see you shar lucy and duty um let's see who else i saw some other answers in there um virginia excellent uh shaheen yes lali er is the emergency room and i think most of the time people are going to use that that acronym they're going to say er instead of emergency room the next one you guys rock that one awesome the next one is icu so again i'm just trying to show you how these are these are words and phrases that you will come across this is another article it says overwhelmingly overwhelming majority of icu patients in switzerland unvaccinated show show the the data okay so this is an article referring to um the pandemic the covet pandemic so overwhelming majority of icu patients in switzerland unvaccinated show data so if we're talking about the icu this is another um another acronym that you would come across that you're going to hear talking about hospitals medicine what does icu stand for okay and i'm actually i feel like i told you these are advanced but we're starting out a little i think a little easier and we're going to kind of ease our way into this and the icu it stands for as many of you have uh pointed out excellent the intensive care unit intensive care unit if is what somebody's referring to when they say i see you great job uh vicky gustav theresa um isan natalia angela sleepwalker ava perfect great i love it you guys everybody's participating very nice um so again if you just happen to be joining us we are talking about hospital and medical vocabulary so i do think i think this is really useful um useful vocabulary not that i hope that anybody ends up in the hospital but again this is a part of a part of our lives and there are also many tv shows and movies that have to deal with hospitals so the next one um this is the last uh the last acronym that i have for you for right now it's not a it's not all acronyms um it says once again it's another article heading guilfoyle ambulance offering free emt classes so if we're talking about emt what does that stand for all right emt and the the picture right there it's a it's a little bit of a hint you see this is a picture of an ambulance so ambulance offering free emt classes so if if you meet somebody and they say well what do you do for a living and they say well you know i'm an emt okay then you'll know oh okay i i know what this person does so if somebody tells you that he or she is an emt what that means is that this person is some of you got it an emergency medical technician and again once again overwhelmingly i think people are just going to use those three letters and they'll talk about an emt i'm an emt i'm an emergency medical technician so um excellent job like the thinking uh the thinking emoji that means okay you're maybe learning learning some new words excellent um great job anna what uh lucy and doody um who else got that angela vicky gustav some of you very close i think um emergency medical but the t at the end is talking about a technician emergency medical technician the next one that i have for you so an emt would they're gonna they're going to be in the ambulance all right let's follow up on that okay so still let's think about um think about the ambulance okay i just you just saw a picture of it before so this one is a the the meaning the definition is a health care professional whose primary role is to provide advanced merging emergency medical care for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system in general this is also someone who would work in an ambulance they may be in an ambulance so there are two different types of people like positions you have an emt and you also have this person right here that would fit this description so what is the other word for somebody who may work in an ambulance all right that's kind of following up on the previous question so as many of you correctly pointed out awesome you guys know that word i'm talking about a paramedic so again give you the the meaning of paramedic they're providing that primary role advanced medical care so great job uh lolly virginia um ceasar just throwing out some uh al al raza sorry if i mispronounced some names shaheen yashar perfect uh vicky gustav that's what i do perfect excellent um so the one thing i want to point out is sometimes if you don't know the difference between a paramedic and emt this is this is what i got from i think it was like the maybe the mayo clinic was the source so what it says is like emts can handle most of the basic healthcare procedures like performing cpr and using oxygen on a patient and paramedics can perform more complex procedures like inserting ivs administering drugs and more so basically i think paramedics there there's a lot more training um involved to become a paramedic and i believe i i could be wrong that somebody would you know become an emt and then maybe they study more and then they become a paramedic but a paramedic has more advanced training all right so more easier questions okay yes i told you this was going to be this is going to be an advanced some advanced words and phrases but again like i think useful vocabulary you meet people if somebody says yeah i'm an emt or i'm a paramedic then you know okay i kind of know what they do now uh here's some some pictures this is something that you may see if you go to a hospital and my question is just what is it what do you call this right here so this is it's not just something you would see um at a hospital i mean you would see them but even if you just go to a clinic and you visit and go see the doctor they they may be wearing this um and i'm sure whether you know the name or not i'm sure that you have all seen this um when you've gone to see your doctor so this is just a picture i just want you to tell me in the chat in the in the comments if you're watching this later what is this okay so being able to to put the the name with that image and you guys rocked it out um maybe just a few spelling uh for some of it but it's a it's a stethoscope okay so you would the definition it's a medical instrument for listening to the action of someone's heart or breathing and they would use a stethoscope and again if you're wondering this is the picture that i want you to put in your mind when you think you hear stethoscope okay the next one another picture one that i want you to tell me what it is in english this right here what is this um here linda excellent stethoscope emoji wow cool i've actually i don't think i've ever seen a stethoscope emoji very cool thanks for sharing so this right here it it has two names i'm looking for the more specific name so i'll go ahead and tell you that some people may call this a stretcher all right that is not the word that i'm looking for okay i guess you could say it's a type of structure but more specifically what would you call this all right and as soon as i say that i know everybody's writing putting down stretcher stretcher stretcher all right that's that's not that's not the answer okay you could say it's a type of stretcher um but i'm looking for a more specific and when i say more specific notice how it's designed okay it's on wheels so you have this stretcher on wheels you would call it what all right and i know i see some correct answers in there anna shashank um vicky gustav mickermault perfect yeah you got it it's called a gurney so a gurney is technically like a wheeled stretcher used for transporting patients at a hospital so this is something uh a gurney is something you would really you would see uh at a hospital stretchers could also like i said people generally could call this a stretcher but a stretcher is also one that's more i think it's flat and like two people would carry it so for example if they're thinking about a sporting event like a football match and somebody gets really injured and they have to carry that person person out they may carry them out on a stretcher and two people are holding one person at each end but this with the wheels you'd say is a gurney um but no that's good i think a lot of you um some a lot of you got that one that was good the next one i i want to talk about the difference between um these two words down here diagnosis versus prognosis so the way i've presented this is like the the doctor is telling the patient this so a they're saying looks like you were severely dehydrated and then b you know get plenty of rest and you'll make a full recovery so my question is which one is the diagnosis and which one is the prognosis so a or b um so one of them is the diagnosis the other one is the prognosis so i'm really just trying to point out the difference between these two words sometimes they they may confuse people mostly because the pronunciation especially toward the end of the word is the same so diagnosis prognosis which one is which all right looks like you were severely dehydrated and then he says get plenty of rest and you'll make a full recovery okay so i think um i think many of you guys you guys got this that's awesome awesome uh love it many people participating in today's lesson so let me give you i'll tell you the answer the first one because remember a and b a is the diagnosis and b would be the prognosis and i think many of you you got that um which is great because i think this is a these are words that you will use if you're talking to um your your health care physician you're talking to your doctor they may talk about the diagnosis and the prognosis so basically to to sum up the difference show you the meaning of them the diagnosis is more identifying a present disease illness or problem through examination and that is the diagnosis they're telling you what the problem is in general the prognosis is well as i said i got this from the dictionary refers to predicting the course of a diagnosed disease illness or problem and determining treatment or an outcome so you could think about it like the simple terms um diagnosis like the problem and the prognosis the treatment like what should you do what do you need to do in order to recover okay pri pro diagnosis versus prognosis okay um so you guys rock that one thank you guys for all those answers um i think a lot of you got that one correct this one may be a little more challenging so i'm interested i'm interested to see uh how many of you get this one correct and i think this could be a new word so we're talking about a separate a separate room in a hospital typically one allocated to a particular type of patient what would you call this room or i think in a hospital it may be like one it could even be an area um maybe more than maybe it's a few rooms but this one section this one area or like i said a separate room what would you call it to give you a little bit of a hint look at the picture so you see in this picture this is a picture of a hospital but it's very colorful it's um it's a little soothing and because of the colors who would uh you know who would typically who is this room for all right um and that's trying to kind of lead you into the into the answer and wow i think uh a lot of you a lot of you got this excellent uh sleepwalker manu um very good shaheen so what we're talking about is this separate room is basically referred to as the ward all right so a ward is a separate room in a hospital for a particular patient and you may hear it being used with other words for example what i was going for with this picture you could say this is the children's ward all right it's very colorful and therefore yeah it's the children's ward or you may hear people talk about the psych ward or something like that but the separate room separate area for a particular patient then we have i actually have um quite a few words for you this lesson and i'm trying to present it in different ways as well but overall you guys are i'm i'm very impressed with some of this uh advanced um these advanced words that you guys know maybe they're not too advanced after all so this is from an article and basically i've i've blanked out the word and i want you to put it in context what do you think it's talking about i know it's a little small i couldn't make it bigger so i'll read it just in case you can't really see it too well so it says it's a misconception to think that when most patients are um from the hospital they're back to normal so dr milan han chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at the university of michigan health in ann arbor okay so just really i want to focus on the first part of this where i've blanked it out it's a misconception to think that when most patients are um from the hospital they are back to normal this is the doctor talking which word goes in that blank all right when most patients are um from the hospital and i think the word i'm hoping that from is kind of a bit of a hint somebody is um from the hospital it's a collocation that i think is it's one that you will hear if people are talking about the hospital and i can already see that many of you got this one correct well done kudos to all of you we're talking about discharged all right when somebody is discharged from the hospital great job vicki gustav um lolly lucy doodle yusef sleepwalker yashar virginia shawshank um uh hijron you're new here excellent well welcome hey who else we got uh some people some of you put released i i think released in this context would also fit um you know fit well it would also work but i think discharged is to give you the meaning to tell someone you that officially that they can leave or must leave a place or a situation and i think it's that really word official that uh captures the meaning of discharge so somebody may be discharged from the hospital or maybe they might be discharged from the military those are collocations with with this verb if somebody is discharged um the next one you guys got that one excellent here is another article headline and i've blanked out one of the words that i i think i don't know i think maybe you guys can get this one um it's pretty recent from a couple of weeks ago it's saying that this top agent ra raula i i'm sure i'm mispronouncing it um i think this from in italy raoula has um checkup okay so top agent has um checkup all right so the first thing i think you would need to know and understand is well what is a checkup and then what's what are some words that often go before checkup so top agent has um checkup to give you a hint okay look at the this line right here is saying ibrah agent decries urgent denies urgent op report okay so think about the context or this person the agent is denying that it was an urgent op report i'm assuming they're talking about an urgent operation so the agent is saying no no no it was not an urgent operation it was a checkup so hopefully that kind of gives you a little bit more of an indication as to what word um i'm talking about it wasn't urgent they're saying no no that's not true it was just a um checkup all right and i feel like i've said um enough that i should show you the answer and i the the word that we're looking for i saw one answer in there sajad excellent sajad way to go um we're talking about a uh routine checkup so the this agent i guess there were rumors that um he had to have an urgent operation there's like no no there's nothing to worry about it was a routine checkup there are other words that you can use with a checkup somebody could go in for an annual checkup when they go once a year you could go in for a wellness checkup um just to see how you're doing so there are other i think words that would fit in there if you're talking about a checkup i think the the clue was the saying they're denying that it was urgent it was just routine i was supposed to go in anyway um but that's good those are some good collocations with the word checkup so routine is like a reddit a regular medical examination by your doctor just to you know to confirm that things are okay and there's nothing wrong with your health then we have another some more pictures for you what is this what do you what do you call this right here and i guess the to make it a little more specific i'm really thinking about like that that tube right there okay so what would you call well i should say these because there are many there are several there are four of them but what is that called this is just a picture and you um thinking well what is this what is this vocabulary word i'm talking about this thing so it is a noun okay and i told you like really referring to that that tube so wow you guys uh you guys know this vocabulary okay excellent um i don't want sleepwalker uh where is it eva talal seed so uh referring to uh syringe okay so the meaning of uh syringe you can see the picture right here uh and it's really like i said the tube is an important part the way the dictionary defines it is a holland a hollow cylinder shaped piece of equipment used for sucking liquid out of something or pushing liquid into something especially one with a needle that can be put under the skin okay so that that tube like a syringe excellent then we have this right here at a hospital or or even a doctor's office people might patients may have to wear this and they put this on and it is called a what what would you what would you call this um recently i had uh well very i just got a mole removed this was several months ago um but yeah i put uh i put this on right here so what what do you think what would you call this that a patient would wear all right and i see excellent um great job mohit the word that i'm looking for is a gown okay this is a robe worn by a patient in a hospital some of you had put um scrubs in there which i think if i'm again i'm not a medical professional but i think the scrubs would be what the like the the nurses or the doctors that's that's what they would be wearing the patients would wear a gown um a hospital gown is what and typically i think most of the time they are blue but imagine not always but this is what it says for a gown a robe worn by a patient in a hospital very good so then we have this i've given you the picture and the meaning um a procedure where a needle inserted directly into a vein to deliver liquids to the blood what what would you call this um and it's well i don't want to i don't want to give it away we've actually already talked about it in one of the the meanings of one of these other words before but hopefully that picture what does that that person have um that that's going into their their hand right there um and that this is the meaning that i found online the needles inserted directly into the vein and i think that that's a key word right there or phrase into the vein so the correct answer and some people i think you guys got this um the correct answer is an iv and i saw like yes angela caesar um vicky gustav uh perfect sid and an iv is short for intravenous and i think what the like the literal meaning of it is like into the vein um intravenous and this is they defined it as a procedure where a needle is inserted directly into the vein to deliver liquids into the blood and sometimes you might hear people talking if they're talking about their experience at the hospital and they say yeah they hooked me up to an iv because they had to get these liquids into their blood somebody was hooked up to an iv uh all right so i think a lot of you are familiar with uh iv which is good the next one this is a a drug treatment so you can see that this person has hooked up to an iv a drug treatment that most of that most often um the most often used to treat cancer by killing fast-growing cells in your body i've included this because again cancer is something that i think all of us um you know know about many are affected by this whether if it's not directly uh yourself but you know someone a family member a friend who uh is is dealing with this so i wanted to include this word the the drug treatment that most often used to treat cancer by killing fast-growing cells and many of you it seems like you guys are familiar with this because again this is a common treatment that people will talk about not just in real life but also in movies tv shows um it's a it's a pretty common word i'd say and like many of you said we're talking about chemotherapy so the drug treatment that in specifically it uses powerful chemicals to kill fast growing cells in the body chemotherapy is most often used to treat cancer since cancer cells grow and multiply much more quickly than most cells in the body all right then we have like following up on this following up on chemotherapy and talking a little bit about cancer i have another where i'm blocking out two words and they're both adjectives um and they're somewhat opposites i'd say so there's two parts a and b i'll read the the paragraph in case you're having trouble seeing it i know it's very small but it says brain tumors can invade or spread metastasize into healthy brain tissue and rarely to distant organs within the body brain tumors do not invade nearby tissues or spread to other parts of the body so in this case it's talking we're talking about a brain tumor so the first part brain tumors can invade or spread the next part is saying the the other the brain tumors do not invade nearby tissues so a is a one adjective that you may hear people talk about and b is another one um and i i included this with like talking about brain tumors again this is another um article that i found online and just block those out uh you may hear people use these words when referring to blame brain tumors so i think again like it seems like a lot of you are familiar with uh some of these words you guys are getting uh a lot of them correct it's great like i said i think it's great and very important vocabulary to know and i try to to teach you new vocabulary as often as i can related to a topic um so that we can stay on the same topic so let me show you the answers um so whoops let me move myself over okay um so it's saying the first one a is talking about malignant malignant brain tumors can invade or spread and then the next one that's saying they don't invade would be benign so it's really talking about the difference between malignant and benign and to give you the meaning and show you them to you right here once again there malignant means like likely to grow and spread in a rapid and uncontrolled way that can cause death so basically a malignant tumor is is a is cancerous so if you you're referring to a tumor and they say it's malignant that would be cancerous if it's benign then it means like mild type or character that does not threaten um health or or life so specifically talking about um a tumor it's it's not always cancerous but if it's malignant then it would be cancerous if it's benign then then no um so these again i think are two useful and important adjectives to learn when you think about um hospitals or health or treatment or medicine so these are kind of bringing it back around these are all of the words um that we went over today's lesson for those of you who are uh and what i want to say is that i think that like i said not only is this useful but these are words that you are going to come across um in it probably likely to come across in just your daily life alright so uh the next thing i did want to say i hope you guys enjoyed the lesson if you do if you like what we do i'm going to post these for the patrons and members if you like what we do and want to show a little love support you can join um get a youtube membership patreon saw a lot of members and patrons today lolly vicky gustav takayao um always appreciate the the support thank you guys so much for for joining me again my my goal is that i i hope that you guys learn something new a new word a new phrase um that you can take with you and hopefully put up here in your active memory so thank you guys for participating um again just throw out some quick goodbyes and ava uh caesar ario uh lolly um thanks for joining um vicky and gustav uh where is it takayo yashar good to see you mariano uh aguirre thank you um good to see you uh namrata eddie jane i think i could go on and on today it was a lot of uh i think there was a lot of great participation in today's lesson and of course uh in the future i will come back again with some of these more interactive lessons so please enjoy the rest of your weekend if you did like the lesson hit that like
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 512,484
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Keywords: interactive english, learn english, learn english online, american english, learn american english, build vocabulary, learn new english vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, advanced english vocabulary, learn advanced vocabulary, english vocabulary quiz, english vocabulary lesson, vocabulary quiz, vocabulary lesson, hospital vocabulary, learn hospital vocabulary, hospital vocabulary lesson, medical vocabulary, learn medical vocabulary, medical vocabulary lesson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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