Get Data from PDF using Power Automate

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hello everyone and a very warm welcome in this tutorial we are going to extract data from a PDF file so for the purpose of this demo I am taking this PDF file I want to extract data from within the square box so I want to extract customer id address email address and phone number I want to update this data in a SharePoint column I already have created the SharePoint column in which I want to update the data so without wasting any further time let's create this solution in power automate so let's start creating a power automate the first thing that I need to do is select a trigger a file is in SharePoint so I'm going to select SharePoint and I'm going to select the trigger the trigger is when the file is created or modified properties only to the trigger I need to give it a site URL so an address so let me go back and quickly copy the site URL and paste it in perfect next I need to go ahead and give it the name of the library it is demo Docs the next would be adding the action the first step that I need to do is get the file content so I'll use the SharePoint action and I'll say get file content so again I need to pass it the URL and I need to pass in the identifier the identifier will be returned by when a file is created or modified action now this my friend is where the real magic happens so I'm going to use the aqua Forest action to extract data or to get data out of the PDF file so get data from PDF is the action that I'm going to use the first parameter it needs is the file content and next it needs the expected keys so the expected Keys would be these particular tuples so I'll quickly add these keys I'll copy paste it in and next I'm going to go ahead and create or I can say that update file properties perfect [Music] I'll give it the site URL I'll give it the library URL and I'm also going to give it the title and the values that are returned by the aqua Forest action that is customer the ID number and the address and the phone number as well now next one question might come to you is that the source and destination is the same so how do we avoid the infinite Loop I'm using an account Chris TC it's a service account and no other person is associated with it so what I can do is that I can add a trigger condition such that whenever the file Whenever there is a trigger by Christy C do not trigger the flow any other account then trigger the flow I leave the formula for the trigger condition in the description of the video so let us go ahead and test our flow so I'm uploading the file to my SharePoint in fact let me just drag and drop it in the file is getting uploaded and let's look at our flow so our flow is running so it has triggered it is getting the data from the PDF so most importantly you don't need to create an AI model the action will do all the heavy lifting behind the scene it will go into the document search for the keys and extract the value isn't that awesome this my friend is actually intelligent AI behind the scene and the best part of it you don't have to create your AI model so our flow has completed and the values seem to be updated so yeah my friends if you see the values are extracted so if you look at the document the values are extracted into the SharePoint column I hope this demo or the tutorial I hope this tutorial was beneficial and thank you for your time
Channel: Clavin Fernandes
Views: 13,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SIHprUbksd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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