Vtuber model - Blank canvas to fully rigged

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel I know I haven't posted a lot well I don't generally post a lot anyway but I thought it would be quite interesting to record the process of making a live 2D model from basically a blank canvas to a sort of finished thing so here we are um I am not the most confident when it comes to drawing so I don't usually record or even stream myself drawing anything thing from scratch because I'm very self-conscious it's very strange um but here you can see the process of how I do everything I guess um I basically start sketching just winging it and hoping for the best and then I Ed this program called design do um with regular drawing it kind of depends on the pose I'm not a very visual person like I can have an idea in my head but if I focus on it and try and draw it it's just like everything disappears so I really struggle with getting things from my head onto paper so there's this program that I use called design doll where you can basically pose like a little mannequin in any pose that you want and I use that as like a reference either from the beginning or I like I did on this model I overlay it over what I've drawn to see if I'm like close to what it needs to be or if I'm way off and then I can like tweak things if I need to so that is what I do for like the full body uh this character is very much heavily inspired by childhood Nostalgia so back in the day they had this kind of obsession with making everything transparent so you could get see through computers and gaming cons STS uh shoes bags uh chairs like had a lot of um inflatable Furniture my sister had like a inflatable chair once I was so jealous but there you go so she's very much inspired by things like that and like technology like tamag gois and like just like fun things you know colorful and fun is basically the concept I went with her I used a lot of mood boards as well of like things like that as like inspiration too oh dear sorry I'm not used to talking so much my voice is going already uh I did change her outfit um cuz I wasn't such a fan of the crop top thing um her tail as well I wanted her to be like a fluffy kind of dragon but I did try and give her like a very fluffy tail but it didn't look very reptilian so I I changed it I apologize for the squeaking in the background that is my dog playing with her toy um so you can see like I go through a few different stages of sketching so I do like a rough sketch and then a rougher sketch and then a less rough sketch and then I go over it and then eventually when I'm happy I'll do line art and you'll probably see in here as well I do actually change the line art a lot as well y there I go I changed the lineer a lot especially with the eyes I think I redo the eyes two or three times cuz you know that's the joy of drawing digitally you can just change things whenever you want like I'm absolutely useless with pencil and paper cuz my paper just ends up with like all these faint lines of everything that I've erased and redrawn again but yes I uh I'm still kind of getting used to E clipse Studio as well I'm getting better I think I'm not as bad as I used to be I know where most of the tools are now and I am getting there so I redraw things redraw the hair now back of the hair I don't actually know this is bad like I I did watch a lot of tutorials for like live 2D but I never actually watched any tutorials for how to split your model and like how to cut things up so I don't actually know like the proper way way to do it so what I do is I figure out as I go what's going to be like its own layer for movement and then I will draw like the line art for each separate part so like the hair is all separate layers for the line art and then I will color stuff in its own separate layers as well I really wanted my character to have like a pink kind of hair so that's what I went with this well it's very I've struggle a lot with picking colors as well you'll probably see in this as well that I I used the like Hue and saturation thing quite a lot to mess with colors cuz I don't know what goes together in real life I just wear black I wear black black and a little bit of black that's that's basically what they wear in real life cuz I don't I don't know how colors work man okay it's hard but I wanted her to be colorful and I did experiment in the concept with having like purple hair or blue hair but pink is what I liked the most so that is what I went with I made it a little bit more muted in the end cuz I wasn't a fan of like the brighter pink I think I did anyway I don't remember I don't remember what I did yesterday let alone what I did when I was doing this anyway here are the horns so going back to what I said earlier about like seethrough things I wanted her to have some see-through horns with like some things inside so that's what I'm doing here I made her top horns kind of semi-transparent with a little bit of gradient near the base just to give it a bit of interest you know and then I put like little shapes in inside the horns that I will later mess with in live 2D so that they will move around on the X and Y parameters and also I will give them some Physics as well so they will squash and squish and the Stars will have a little bit of a spin to them as well [Music] here's the neck which on my last models I always forgot to make separate so I always had to go back and redo so there's an improvement already I remember to do the neck separately I'm coloring the shirt a really bright color because I wanted the shirt to be a pale color and I didn't want to miss anything and like coloring and have holes so I do I'm doing a a darker and brighter colors and then putting lighter Colors Over the Top for [Music] the whole reason why I decided to make this model was because I recently played stray um with my friends and I used my model while I was streaming it for them and they had these live 2D assets of catus that had physics when you moved and I found them so fun that I just wanted to make a model that had like that had uh ears like that I apologize again for the squeaking he's dead quiet and as soon as I start recording she's like no it's squeaky time here I am remembering halfway through that you can use the lassu tools to do uh some nice hair Shadows because I absolutely suck at shading hair I don't know how to do it but I think the L is quite fun it looks okay as well [Music] so I also haven't got the whole recording of everything I mean if I did this would literally take hours but I also uh I have to leave my computer a few times cuz obviously you can hear dog I take uh I take my dog out or like I go and make myself a drink or I go and cook food I need like bathroom breaks and then I come back and I forgotten to hit record again on OBS so there are some bits missing both in the uh drawing process and also the rigging process as well I will like just be working and then I'll like look and like oh God I forgot to record live 2D also has uh that issue with physics as well because uh my OBS doesn't it doesn't pick up the physics window so I have to trigger it manually and I often forgot to do that so I haven't got most of the physics settings on here but I mean it goes so fast you can't really see what's happening anyway and half the time when I did have physics recording if I didn't switch off the window the giant like save thing would cover the screen or like the name of the parameters would just be huge in the middle of the screen and not go away so I lost a big chunk of rigging because I had like a physics window not physics window but like the name I think it was horns yeah it was the horns I don't have the recording of doing the horns because in the whole in the whole recording of that process it's just like a big HP X1 in the middle of the screen and it's so annoying but never mind so here's the tail I think I mentioned the tail earlier I don't know I'm just yapping man I don't know what I'm talking about so I made it fluffy on the bottom and then like more scaly looking on the top just with like some patterns on there just to make it look more reptilian cuz she's supposed to be kind of like a fluffy Dragon I also put a texture over the top to make it look fluffy oh and now we are on to the rigging very nice so here I am putting everything where it needs to be and clipping it to stuff so I'm clipping like the shadows and all of the parts inside the horn to the horn mask so that when she's moving it's not going to pop outside of the horns and it's going to stay in there same with the eyes and the tail cuz the tail has like little things as well I will be going through hiding all of the uh little toggles and stuff for her jacket as well doing the head first for the Z axis on there I'm doing the neck as well hooray I didn't have to go back into clip studio and make the neck separate and reimport it for this is my third model I'm saying that technically it's my fourth model but it's my third like humanoid model and I tried to do most of it without any help I did still use quite a few tutorials while I was going through but I did do a majority of it well more of it myself than my previous ones so I am learning slowly but because of that I did also make some pretty dumb mistakes as well which we will see later [Music] ey movement this is all on I think 2 time speed by the way I tried to make this video as short as possible because I knew it's going to be like hours long but also I thought it you know it's interesting to watch how things are made I think I enjoy it anyway [Music] so and there eye physics very nice jiggly eyes eyes are great in life Tod they're one of my favorite Parts like I just love like the movement in the eye with the blinking I think it's really cool I'm doing some movement to the eyelashes as well so when she blinks her eyelashes will jigle too which is pretty cute one thing I didn't do is move the eyelid maybe I should move the eyelid I can always go back and do that later I'm doing the little hair dangles now is so that when the head moves the hair is moving too oh I think at this yeah at this point as well I'd already made the huge mistake I very stupidly somehow some way some reason I don't know brain fart moment maybe but I did uh the head angles X and Y angles on uh blend shapes which means um that I couldn't synthesize corners or anything and in the physics it got very confused and instead of looking left and right it just kept looking up into the corner or down into the corner instead which was very annoying yeah I noticed that when I was in uh the physics window and then the next day I uh I redid All of the angles for the face which was great I'm very annoyed with myself because I hate this part find it very hard to uh make the angles look good I think I did better um on this model than my previous models I am quite proud of how it turned out in the end but here it is it's uh a bit of a tedious task is head angles I think making sure everything looks like 3D and looks good I give a little circle eyebrows I think they kind of harder to be as expressive but I just think they fit her better than regular eyebrows the nose as well make sure that it has some kind of movement going on on the side so it doesn't look like it's just plastered to her face very good very good and also moving the [Music] horns and the ears so they don't stretch as much I did my best it's not perfect yeah headaches and why takes forever and I'm very impatient person so that's why I don't like it like somehow like the eyes take quite a long time as well but I'm fine with the eyes but it's just like head X and why I don't find it fun I do actually myself with uh with headaches and my again as well um because I'm doing them on separate parameters to add some Physics to the X and Y to make it a bit bouncy um I do have to set that up in the physics settings so that the X and Y movement is triggered when the head turns left and right and up and down and uh for some reason I put put I think angle X to trigger a bit for a y which obviously you don't want to do if you want to look up and down you don't want to be looking to the side at the same time yeah I don't realize that until I'm actually setting up things in life to do and I'm like why can't I look up and down why am I looking up to the side or down to the corner yeah I fix that eventually as well you're moving the hair on the Zed AIS because if you move your head to the side your hair does not stay sticking out as if it's made of plastic it will go to the side that you're facing okay ears I'm attempting ear physics now I have never done floppy ears before are any kind of ear physics I have my uh my Crow model she has like Flappy Wings for ears but this has uh a few more parts to it and I wanted them to be like kind of wavy and floppy so I was very excited to try this I could probably have done it better but I can always go back and redo some stuff if I need to [Music] for oh we're on the horns now it must have been something else that messed up with the uh physics window then okay here I am doing the horns the movements for the horns so when they go they go up when she looks down cuz they're bouncing around in there I redid these a couple of times because I didn't do enough differentation between the parts inside so when she was like looking left and right there was kind of like moving as a huge blob instead of individual pieces so it didn't look that great so I redid that so that everything moved a little bit differently at different rates he time for body movement this is my first time trying the uh skinning for arms I think it turned out pretty good it did take a few trial and errors to get it to work though I put the rotation deformers to far out so they weren't like attaching where they needed to be so she had like floating arms for a minute it was very very scary but we got there [Music] this thing is so interesting that like a 2D image can like move around like that that's really cool I don't know I'm just watching like uh the body XY I'm like wow this is a flat image but it's moving amazing so on the Y uh AIS I wanted her to look like she was was bending down originally I wanted her arms to go in front so like she was laying down with like her hands on her knees but it didn't look as good as I wanted it to I thought it looked quite cute with her hands behind her back instead I also forgot to draw the uh different hands for her hands on her knees I will have to draw her different hands eventually as well cuz I want to make like a waving animation I have uh recently gone back and edited her jacket so that when her jacket is activated her arms do go in front of her body but when they're not they go behind [Music] [Music] oh hey look I managed to actually capture a physics window s like testing uh testing some movement am i setting I'm setting up the jacket in there I think the physics for the jacket and do some little hip sway movement [Music] say I'm watching this I'm like what the hell am I doing I have no idea oh now I'm doing physics for clothes nice so I'm adding some Wibble wubble to the socks and also the uh tongue of the trainers ah now I'm doing the sleeves physics what the heck physics was I doing before then oh God I don't know it's like watching another person right now someone who knows what they're doing I ended up uh hiding the arms underneath the sleeves because uh I couldn't put skinning on the sleeves [Music] I'm doing the arm skinning at the minute this is where I had issues because I put the rotation deformers on the wrong part I think this is where I fixed it though yeah I cut out a lot of the dumb stuff that I did or else this video would be like 700 hours long I'm doing the upy sleeves I love the upy sleeves they're really cute I do have some more toggles that I need to make I actually made this model in quite a rush because as of recording it's Final Fantasy 14 Dawn Trails release day and they wanted to get the uh the model finished before then and hopefully I'll get the video finished today too or else I'm going to be gone no life in the game so so I haven't done everything that I wanted on the model and I actually realized I forgot some things as well she is supposed to have like a little bag that is um cassette shaped so I will make that for her eventually and then maybe I'll have some toggles for the bag as well with like stuff coming out of the bag that would be quite cute I also need to give her her gaming toggle as well instead of a controller I'm going to give her like I mentioned before like one of those transparent um game boys or something instead to play on I might also give her like a little Tamagotchi on her bag as well making the sleeves Wibble wobble I love physics physics of my favorite part of life Tod just making things jiggle like I'm not good at animation at all I tried to make an oh sorry an idol animation for her ears man I could not do that I tried like three times it just looks weird so I'll keep trying with that because I think it would be cute to have like Idol ear flck animation I'm doing her eyes right now as you can see this is my first model with eye toggles so I wanted her to have confused eyes and like excited Starry Eyes the confused eyes I wanted to spin but as with my other model the spinning did not work in my favor so I just added some Physics to them instead so they jiggle a little bit just to add a little bit of movement to those the stars as well I added some movement on the breathing so that they like move a little a bit like they expand and squish I also have um this like Shadow as well I might make a toggle just for the shadow but I thought it fit quite well with the confused eyes me when math here I am doing the tail physics it's not something that will ever be seen but it's there I've redone the tail about two or three times and I might redo it again like this is my first time doing a tail as well so I'm not really sure what I'm doing the first one looked horrible the one I have now is okay but the end of the tail does deform a little bit so I need to look at that now we're on to my least favorite part which is the mouth the mouth always gives me so many issues so I saved it until last I'm even procrastinating here and doing more toggles cuz I don't want to do the mouth like I'll do the blush toggle right now I'll do the blush toggle alas we cannot escape the mouth forever so I was following a uh a chart a mouth chart which always confus me because I don't really know which part supposed to be which you know which parts go on mouth form which parts go on mouth open I don't know I guessed and it worked so you know in the end and all is well the mouth actually didn't give me as much trouble as it usually does I had a lot of trouble with the bottom teeth in the end but the actual mouth I didn't have any issues with like the mouth back sticking out which I always did on my previous models my previous models like You' like turn to the side and like the back of the mouth would be sticking out and Weir clipping issues which is what I'm always dreading when I'm doing mouths but this one actually behaved for me which I'm very happy about other than the uh the bottom teeth which when I was uh setting up things in live Tod like I was talking and the teeth were just floating around in there and I was like what the hell is going on here there's also like a tiny bit of skin sticking up from the bottom lip which is annoying but the teeth cover it most of the time I don't care it's whatever man I'm too lazy [Music] [Music] her mouth is looking quite High when she's smiling so eventually not in this video I think no I did it this morning or was it last night I don't know but eventually I do move her mouth down a little bit so it's not so high up I will also be putting her nose on some of the key frames as well so her nose will move with her mouth her eyes do as well I think and now doing the angles on the inner mouth I hate mouth Corners they look so dumb when I do them I don't understand how people can make mouths look good I mean the front's fine it's just like the Corners it's weird I don't [Music] know now I'm on to the fun mouth things the V brid your mouth so I'm doing mouth X and yeah not mouth X andwhere it's just mouth XG so when you move your mouth to this side she does too I thought it'd be cute to uh move the ears up and down on this one as well and then we're doing the lip press mouth open which on this model is probably my favorite it makes her so expressive like the faces she can pull just because of that one thing is hilarious mouth peer gave me a lot of issues you probably see later on in uh in the settings but I think that was on V Bridger side because I had the settings in there too high it was basically when I was puckering like my whole mouth was just squishing into nothing and like everything was clipping out of the uh mouth which was not good one thing though is that I I can't actually do mouth pucker like the mouth is always a little bit open I don't know how to fix that but it's not like I'm like making kissy faces all that often so it's fine it's fine oh and here we are setting up all of our outputs which is something that still very much confuses me I try my best I did actually end up watching a video for the mouth because the mouth was not doing like I spent all that time on that mouth and it was literally only doing like two of the mouth forms I was like excuse me I did not spend hours just for only two mouth forms to show thank you very much so I did fix that eventually so here I'm noticing the uh the issue with left and right as you can see she's just like looking up to the corner when I look up instead of looking straight up so I'm like huh I'll look have a look in that in a minute I'll fix that and here I am doing the Vaper part as you can see I was very amused by the che [Music] a mouth stroke was triggering cheek puff so I do go and edit cheek puff a little bit to make it a bit harder to trigger setting up all the parameters is one of my favorite Parts just like seeing everything come together and the seeing the model come to life it's really fun I had uh fun music playing while I was doing this as well so if you see her like wiggling up and down and swaying left and right it's cuz I'm dancing when I was vibing oh you got the dreaded mouth pucker I do delete this yeah you can see it's like what the H clipping a little bit I do delete it but I added it back um yesterday evening and I just edited the stuff in V Bridger so it's it works fine now I still can't actually par on my lips but oh here I am fixing stuff going back and doing some bug fixes so I think I fixed the teeth floating issue I also oh here I'm looking at why is she not looking up and down and then I fixed that so doing some more stuff here what am I doing now oh tongue I remembered I hadn't done the tongue and I had not done the boa physics either so I went back and did those and I'm doing my toggles setting up the expressions and then setting up the toggles and then we are done so thank you very much for watching here is my Mot [Music] e e [Music] n a [Music] a [Music]
Channel: Rue
Views: 1,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speed paint, live2d, vtuber, vtuber model, making vtuber model, vtuber rigging, dragon vtuber
Id: NLWaLQubxFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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