Germany's Demographic Demise? - A Response to The Iconoclast

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"If you are The Iconoclast or a Black Pigeon Speaks you probably think you're daring truth tellers [...] but that's not what you are. You spend your time on this planet to spread lies and propaganda that is demonstrably, objectively, absolutely baseless. Lies and propaganda that people believe and act upon, and sometimes bring tremendous harm to our communities. So it is actually you who are the traitors to the nations you pretend to care about, while at the same time seemingly despising everything that makes it worth preserving in the first place"

Holy shit dude. Most other breadtubers either mock or demean these far right youtubers, but three arrows went for the jugular here. He laid it out the way it is. Liars and traitors to be people they claim to protect.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 234 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/randomfluffypup πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video just shows what a task is at hand again.
How do you deal with people that are simply not interested in basing what they think or do in any evidence or facts? That just spout this stuff, only the goal in mind, but don't give a crap about what they are citing, what they are saying or how that correlates to what they want their sources to say?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 89 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PandaDerZwote πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


All those things ^ were either said by my classmates, my homeroom teacher,or my relatives. Tbh, here in Poland, fascist propaganda like this is near mainstream. I'm really greatful for people like Daniel and Shaun. Thanks to them, I can remind myself that this is just a bunch of nonsense that shouldn't be treated seriously; that conspiracy theories I have to hear every week from my only father figure are just that: Far-Right propaganda mindleslly reapted by a Useful Idiot.

Once again: Thank you, BreadTubers

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 70 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Behanort πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kinda unrelated but Dave Rubin has gone full fascist now

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1999-2017 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Three Arrows has a really strong stomach. The video he's responding to is really unbearable, and I usually find some morbid fascination in fascist propaganda.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I used to think Three Arrows was kinda bland. I felt he didn't have much of his own personality, but holy damn did he change things up here! He was so fucking savage in this and using his bilingualism to show better and news sources was just magnificent. Also, that ending quote was amazing. I look forward to seeing more from him now, he's really taken to his own here.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ILikeMonitorLizards πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

As an outsider, this is the best breadtube video i've seen in the past 6 months. If you want to pick one video to send to your "anti-SJW" friend I would go with this one

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love Three Arrows. American/Canadian Right Wing YouTubers love to put up their German scarecrows and his perspective just demolishes their arguments.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have a lot of work to do, I really don't have time to watch all this right now. I will anyway of course, but I shouldn't.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Some_Prick_On_Reddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
DAN: Hey, you! I'm glad you made it here, because the video we're looking at today is truly something special. It has everything the heart might desire: from out of context quotes, to selectively quoted studies, all the way to Jewish conspiracies regarding the destruction of the white race. It's like a rundown of right-wing YouTube's greatest hits, with some parts being so hilarious, that my head hurt from laughing the first time I saw them. But enough teasing. The video we're taking a look at today, is called: "Germany's Demographic Catastrophe | Almost Half Of Kids Are Migrant Descendants | Emigration". Which is quite a long title, but it seems to be successful, since the video is on its way to reach half a million views with an overwhelmingly positive resonance. The creator of this video calls his YouTube channel "The Iconoclast," which produces your typical right-wing scaremongering content. But sometimes he goes way overboard, and reveals his true... deranged colors, let's say. In the video just mentioned, our narrator tries to show that the alleged "demographic catastrophe", that Germany is supposedly undergoing right now, is actually NOT the result of observable political decisions one can trace from point A to point B; but that it's a grand plan, cooked up by a single individual, and executed by various modern political figures. And not only is this plan in full swing, but the results of it are observable to everyone... or are they? As always, I'll link the original video in the description, so you can make sure I'm not misrepresenting anything. So, without further ado, let's listen to The Iconoclast making his case. ICONOCLAST: Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, a prominent mixed-race politician and philosopher during the 20th century, and the man, who many credit as being the spiritual and ideological father of the European Union, wrote in his 1925 book "Practical Idealism": [quote shown on screen] He advocated for a united states of Europe and was, by every definition, a globalist ideologue. His influence runs deep within the European Union today; and he has many adherents of his vision, and many willful acolytes carrying on his dream. DAN: So, there's quite a lot to unpack here. I have been waiting to talk about Kalergi and the conspiracies surrounding him for quite a while now, so I'm glad that I finally get the opportunity. To make it short: Coudenhove-Kalergi was one of the first figures in Europe, who tried to push the idea of "Pan-Europeanism" into mainstream politics in the interwar period. After World War I was over, a lot people in Europe looked around the ashes of the previous conflict, and thought to themselves "War is some bullshit." And Kalerigi's proposal to preventing another European conflict was to federalize the European states into the 'United States of Europe.' If you type his name into your preferred search engine, that is probably not what you're going to find. In the dark corners of the internet, he is usually mentioned in the same breath as the so-called "Kalergi Plan," which is one of the most prominent conspiracy theories of our times, I would say. So prominent, in fact, that Nick Griffin, head of the British National Party, had a short speech about it in the European parliament in 2014, demanding a new Nuremberg Trial with the present members of parliament sitting in the dark, which is probably the biggest national embarrassment I've ever seen. Sadly, it is also one of the most unopposed conspiracy theories, since you can't really disprove something that doesn't exist. The so-called "Kalergi Plan" is centered around a couple of statements in one Kalergi's books called "Practical Idealism", which is a sort of stream-of-consciousness monologue about how he sees the world and its future. You just heard about one of the controversial quotes, about the man of the future being of mixed race. One paragraph later, he goes a bit into detail about what he means by that. [From "Practical Idealism" by Kalergi] DAN: My apologies there for Kalergi essentially calling the British a nation of inbreds. In Kalergi's mind that is not an insult, though, I should mention. He wrote this book in the 1920s, when people still had all kinds of weird ideas about race. According to Kalergi's book, humans can be separated into the "rustic man" and the "urban man". The former being a product of inbreeding, [and] the latter being a product of mixing and therefore possessing multiple souls. He goes on to explain, how both these types bring their own negative and positive personality traits to the table, etc. etc. Weird, outdated gibberish. The point of the man of the future being of mixed race refers to the, as he describes, "Planetary Man", which will be the result of hundreds, if not thousands of years, of people of different races voluntarily starting families together, and in the end, understanding themselves as one single human race. Now, in this book, or any of the other ones that he wrote, there's no talk of a "plan" to make this a reality. He thinks this will just happen gradually over time, similarly to how white Americans today don't identify as being of Anglo-Saxon compared to German descent. They just identify as white Americans, but to someone from the 1800s a modern white American would be would be of mixed race. Or, sticking with my home country, identifying as being of Teutonic, Frankish, or Saxon descent has been replaced by identifying as German. Okay, so much for that, but we will return to this book later on. For now, let's look at Kalergi's political legacy - which unsurprisingly, is unrelated to his attitudes on race. As just mentioned, Kalergi was strong advocate for a 'United States of Europe', and what is important for us, is his reasoning why. The Iconoclast claims he was, quote, "By every definition, a globalist ideologue"; which he juxtaposes with the claim, that Kalergi welcomed the prospect of a single human race. Now, the term "globalist" when used by right-wingers, if it's not used as an anti-Semitic dog-whistle, of which there are plenty come in this video, is usually someone, who puts international interest before national interests. So surely, when we'll look at why Kalergi wanted a 'United States of Europe' we will find, that it's supposed to be a gradual step towards world unity. Uh... in reality, the exact opposite is true. Kalergi was very much a European nationalist, and he was convinced that Europe would lose its independence at the hands of the other world powers, if it didn't band together. The most condensed form of his ideas for future Europe can be found in his book "Pan-Europa: Eine Widmung an die Jugend". And full disclosure: the following passages are translated by me, but you can find the link in the description and use Google Translate, or so. In his own words: These are not the words of a globalist ideologue. Kalergi was convinced, that if Europe did not federalize, it would share the fate of the Holy Roman Empire as soon as a Russian Napoleon emerged, or it would become a slave to American capital. He was also not a fan of multiculturalism, outside of the cultures, that made up the European one: Now, if there's any doubt in you left, that this man was not a globalist, and in some regards almost a European supremacist, let's check out his plans for Africa in his vision for United States of Europe. In the same book, he describes how the colonies in possession of the future member states should form a single European colony, supplying Europe with resources. He then goes on to talk about the challenges this brings, like turning the Sahara into farmland, and eradicating the African sleeping sickness. He concludes: So, according to his own political writing, Kalergi wanted to turn almost the entirety of Africa into a slave continent to supply the United States of Europe. And if you paid attention earlier, makes it very clear that he doesn't even seems to think Africa has a culture, or at least not one worth naming alongside the others. Okay, so much for a short overview of Kalergi's political goals. Let's listen in to the supposed "proof" of Kalergi's ideas on race guiding some of our modern day politicians. ICONOCLAST: Every two years, an award in Kalergi's name is handed out by the "European Society Coudenhove Kalergi." Yes, that's a real thing. "To individuals, who have been determined to be doing exemplary work in the field of 'European integration'; individuals, who Kalergi himself would certainly consider great allies, if he were alive today." DAN: Okay, so briefly regarding this award: It's given away by the European Society Coudenhove Kalergi, which is not in any way connected to the EU, by the way. According to The Iconoclast, this award is given to politicians who further Kalergi's ideas, implying that idea being the eradication of the white race in Europe. Luckily, we can easily check out some of the political ideas of this Society, under their page "European letters." There, they published text discussing modern political topics from their perspective. The biggest contributor of these letters is a man named Heinz Wimpissinger, who is also the general secretary of the society giving away the award. Here is what he wrote in a letter regarding the refugee crisis: Wow! Building strong borders around the EU and employing a European army to defend said borders? Where's all the talk of open borders and the Eurasian-Negroid race by the general secretary of the society giving away the Kalergi award? It's nowhere, is the answer to that, but still - let's give our narrator the chance to link the actions of this society to ANYTHING policy-wise. ICONOCLAST: In 2015, the award was given Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the EU commission. A man, who seems to spend most of his time under the influence of booze, but nevertheless, still manages to hold down positions of significant power. In 2012, the recipient was Herman Van Rompuy, who at the time was the chairman of the European Council, but is probably best known for being insulted by Nigel Farage. [Nigel Farage] You have the charisma of damp rag, and the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk. And the question, that I want to ask... [people booing] The question, that I want to ask-- that we all want to ask, is "Who are you?" I'd never heard of you, nobody in Europe had ever heard of you! I would like to ask you, president, who voted for you? And what mechanism...? Oh, I know democracy is not popular with you lot, and what mechanisms do peoples of Europe have to remove you? Is this European democracy? ICONOCLAST: And I can't disagree with anything Nigel said there. And it 2010, the award was handed to a German woman by the name of Angela Merkel, who in the 8 years following, would prove herself to be a worthy winner, indeed. DAN: Well, that was disappointing, wasn't it? And before we go through this, I really need to point out the selective editing here, because if The Iconoclast would include the entire page in his video, it would include a bunch of other people, for which he probably also fails to explain, how these further the cause of white genocide. If we scroll down a bit, we can even see that in 1992, Ronald Reagan received the award, which would be quite strange from our narrator's perspective. So let's talk about the three presented here. Juncker - obviously, the head of the European Commission, and I'm definitely not a fan of Juncker; but if I had to pick between a president, who cowers down to authoritarians, and one who slaps them and calls them dictators to their face, I would probably pick the latter. Juncker: "The dictator is coming." Junker: "Dictator." SLAP Journalist: Not the usual greeting you would expect to hear at an EU get-together, but "dictator" was the word chosen by European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker, as he welcomed Hungary's Viktor OrbΓ‘n in Latvia. DAN: Next one is Herman Van Rompuy, who The Iconoclast claims is best known for being shouted at by Nigel Farage... 7 years ago. And this is a little callback to an earlier video of mine, because our political commentator here seems to only know two major European politicians from clips he has seen on YouTube. Anyway, Van Rompuy is probably more known for being the former prime minister of a country, with millions of people living in it. He, in fact, gave up his position as the prime minister of Belgium to become the first permanent president of the European Council, for which he received the Kalergi award. It's really great though, how our narrator shows a clip of Nigel Farage telling Rompuy that he doesn't know who he is, and then adding "I fully agree with Nigel here". Almost like an automated Non-Player Character (NPC) response. Anyway, last one presented is Angela Merkel, who received the award in 2010. Almost 6 years before the occurrence of the refugee crisis. So, did they just anticipate it, or did she maybe receive the award for her work in "managing" the Greek financial crisis? You can decide for yourself, which one seems more likely. Before we move on in the video, let's take a quick look at the organisation who founded the society giving away this award, which is the Pan-European League. It was founded by Kalergi himself, to mobilize people around his idea of a united Europe, and today its head is Karl Habsburg-Lothringen. Yes, π™©π™π™š Habsburg. The head of Kelergi's organisation is a former conservative politician, from the Austrian royal family, and this will make more sense in a second. On their website, they neatly spell out the principles on which their actions are based. The first one being: The paragraph concludes with: Next principle: And I have one more for you, from the section "Future of Europe". Now, listen: I read a bunch of stuff this organisation and its members put out. And could read it to you for hours, just to show how far away The Iconoclast is from reality in characterizing Kalergi's work and political legacy. But at this point, you probably get the idea. The organisation founded by Kalergi is arch-conservative. Which makes prefect sense, since Kalergi himself was an ardent Catholic. They don't want mass immigration, they don't want left-wing policies put into practice. They are conservative, European nationalists. There are even Antifa pages about the Pan-European League condemning it as a right-wing organisation, for crying out loud! If you honestly think this organisation is secretly orchestrating the eradication of the white race, by giving worthless awards to various politicians... you need to get your head checked, I'm afraid to say. But - The Iconoclast will now explain to us, how all of this works (in his mind, at least). ICONOCLAST: But how does this shadowy group of people actually operate? What policies do they put in place, to further the Kalergi goal of a mixed-race global Europe? Well, a demographic study released in Germany recently puts it all into perspective. As it was revealed, that in western Germany, 42% of all children under the age of 6 are from migrant backgrounds. Well done, Angela, you've made the great man proud. DAN: So, just if you didn't catch this - he starts with posing the question, what policy this "shadowy group" enacts, to further a mixed-race global Europe; and then pulls up an article about 42% of children in west Germany having a migrant background. Okay, so... what's the policy exactly? Who enacted it? Where's the connection there, dude? Did your brain shut down and restarted at that point in the script? Anyway, I won't go too much into this Breitbart article now, since the exact article will come up later again. But just for now: having a "migrant background" in Germany means, that one of your parents was not born in Germany. So you can be born in Germany, speak German as your first language, and lived your whole life there - - if your father was born in France, for instance, you'd still have a migrant background. But more on that later. ICONOCLAST: Final part of Kalergi's quote, explaining how the new Europeans will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals, is exactly what is happening in Europe today. I've spoken about this a lot, as have many others, but the sheer rate of third world immigration or, if you prefer a more explosive term: invasion, has done nothing but weaken the continent as a whole, and watered down the native populations of each country to a staggering extent, in a relatively short space of time. We're at a point now, where we are told, that a British person, a German, a Swede, don't really exist, and actually never have. That anyone from anywhere in the world can take up these identities as they see fit, and our societies will gladly embrace them without a second thought. We're at a point, where white Brits are a minority in their own capitol city, with the same pattern emerging in numerous locations across the nation. And instead of us being horrified by that, the media, the government, celebrities, the charities, the activists, the financial sector - - everyone is praising it as the "new frontier, in our culture of super diversity". We've been subjected to propaganda, telling us that this isn't anything new, and that it's always happened this way, and anyone complaining about it, is nothing more than a flag-waving simpleton. Propaganda, that instructs the old natives of a country to integrate with their new, non-European neighbors. Because it's our responsibility, as good little white people, to hasten our own demise. DAN: So, there isn't much I can say here. It's just manic rantings, really. "We are being told X, everyone is praising it, we have been subjected to propaganda", he said, while himself producing white genocide propaganda. The next part about the Dalai Lama is quite funny, though. ICONOCLAST: The West is the only place on Earth, that is intentionally doing this. It's a situation so absurd, that even the Dalai Lama had to assert, that Europe belongs to Europeans. A comment, that enraged the globalist left, earning him accusations of being a "bigot of the first order". I'm curious, who these people think Europe actually belongs to in this case. Because if they claim, that Europe belongs to everybody, even millions of people with no traceable ancestry to the continent, and those, who aren't related to anybody, who sacrificed and built this place; then surely, I can say the same about Nigeria or China! Maybe we should all move to Cameroon, and inject some diversity into their society? And while we're there, change things to make life better for us, the white migrants. I'm sure we'd be supported and encouraged, every step of the way. DAN: So, "the Dalai Lama said Europe belongs to Europeans", and that "enraged the globalist left". The "globalist left" being, of course, someone on social media according to the presented article. Commenter Harry Pixels even suggests, 'We need a "Europe is for Europeans" shirt with a picture of the Dalai Lama on it.' And received a little heart from our narrator for that. And just as an alternative, if you wouldn't want to pick the Dalai Lama for this shirt, since you know, he's a socialist - you could also pick Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, because he wrote the exact same thing in his "Pan-European Manifesto". Which is even shown in the video! And the Dalai Lama will come up again shortly, but just regarding that "people injecting diversity into Nigeria" bit... I would assume that people in Nigeria, a country which has been extremely affected by the brain drain, would love to have more comparatively highly-educated white people migrate there, to fill those needed positions. Anyway, let's listen to what the Dalai Lama also said. ICONOCLAST: This isn't the first time the Dalai Lama has echoed these sentiments. In 2016, during an interview with a German newspaper, he said that there were "too many refugees in Europe" and that "Germany cannot become an Arab country". He asserted that "Germany is Germany", and we can safely assume, that he recognizes German identity as being a real, tangible thing that exists, with an ethnic foundation. DAN: So firstly, when the Dalai Lama says "Germany should not become an Arab country", I really don't know who he is talking to. Is there any political figure in Germany, who claims it should be a majority Arab country? I doubt it. After making these comments, the Dalai Lama was of course co-opted by everyone, who vehemently opposes immigration or taking in refugees. But if we look beyond this headline, at what the Dalai Lama thinks about the refugee crisis in a bit more detail, it becomes pretty obvious, that his positions are not in accordance with the far-right. This is taken from "An Appeal to the World: The Way to Peace in a Time of Division", when he was asked about the refugee crisis. And I'm really curious, if The Iconoclast and his fanbase agree with the Dalai Lama here as well, western countries having an obligation to help refugees, and all. And if we look at what the Dalai Lama said here, and in his bold statement in the newspaper earlier, it becomes clear, that his position mirrors what the German position on the refugee crisis always was, and still is. As Angela Merkel stated in early 2016, which is shortly after the initial migration wave: Going on to say, that the current legal protection, in accordance with the Geneva Convention, is limited to 3 years, and that it had to be made clear to all who are affected, that they only have a temporary residential status. And as an example of how to handle this, Merkel mentioned the example of the Yugoslav war, during which Germany took in half a million refugees from the Balkans, and of which, more than 70% have returned home by now. Now, if you're on the right, or a fan of The Iconoclast, you might say: "Daniel, aren't you being very disingenuous here? Presenting Angela Merkel as a basic conservative politician, when it comes to refugees and migrants? Did she not unilaterally invite the entire third world to come to Europe? Even the supposed centrists I watch on YouTube, to balance out the alt-right fascists, are telling me that's true." And my answer to that would be: no. A causal connection between any of Merkel's statements and a significant increase of refugees coming to Europe does not exist. There are various factors, which played into the situation in late 2015, from the Taliban regaining massive ground in Afghanistan, to the under-funding of refugee camps in Lebanon. I did a whole video on it, which you can check out. The "Merkel invited migrants" talking point has just become a truism in right-wing circles, that they endlessly repeat like a bunch of mindless... robots. And the Dalai Lama never said German identity is connected to enthnicity, you know? You're imposing that onto his statement. But we CAN just look up, what the Dalai Lama thinks about nationalism, or how he thinks people should organize. Here's another one for you. And only a few paragraphs after, the Dalai Lama deems nationalism "shortsighted, narrow-minded, unrealistic and outdated". And names the European Union as a successful example of international corporation. What a globalist shill, honestly. Putting the Dalai Lama to the side for now, you might be wondering who our narrator thinks is NOT of the opinion, that German identity is even a thing. Well, according to The Iconoclast, it's no one lesser than Germany's president! That sounds crazy! Let's listen in. ICONOCLAST: [...] A view, that German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier completely opposes. As he claimed, that there is no such thing as a native German. "There are no half or whole Germans, no biological or 'new' Germans." "Germany is a nation of immigrants." Yes, it takes a Tibetan monk to point out to Europeans, that they even exist at all. DAN: You know, whenever I check for videos that might be worth responding to, and I see the Breitbart font in one of said videos, I'm almost 99% sure, the presented story is a bunch of crap. And no less with the story The Iconoclast presents here. But to unpack that, I need to give you a little context. In early 2018, there was a little public scandal surrounding one of our national football players, Mesut Γ–zil, who is a German, but also has a Turkish background. He and another football player posed for a picture with Turkey's authoritarian leader Erdoğan, who most Germans greatly dislike. Handing him a jersey that read, "With respect for my Turkish president". This led to many people posing the question, if Mesut Γ–zil actually sees himself as a Turk rather than a German. And when meeting our president, Mesut Γ–zil publicly reassured that he is loyal to the German state, and will try to correct the wrong image he brought onto himself. Shortly after this affair, Germany got knocked out of the football World Cup in the group stage, after losing to South Korea. This to many Germans was quite the embarrassment, and the players of our national team got a lot of flak for that. The earlier-mentioned Mesut Γ–zil was particularly criticized, sometimes mixed in with accusations of being "disloyal to Germany", and also racist insults. This led him to announce, that he would leave the national team, including the sentence "If we win - I'm a German, If we lose - I'm an immigrant" in his explanation. And this led to a wider public debate, on what hurdles we set for immigrants to be seen as "Germans" in the public eye. And that if you have brown skin, some would never deem you a "true German". And this debate is what president Steinmeier was commenting on in his speech, which Breitbart translated in extremely dishonest way. So let's go over this statement. When Breitbart claims Steinmeier said "there are no biological Germans", they are really misconstruing, what our president actually said. He said there are no "BIO" Germans. "Bio" being the abbreviation in Germany to mark organically grown food. And the term "Bio-German" is often used to refer to Germans π™¬π™žπ™©π™π™€π™ͺ𝙩 a migration background. Point being, that there are no Germans, who are worth more than other Germans. Secondly, and even more dishonest, is the claim Steinmeier said "Germany is a nation of immigrants". What he said was "Germany is an 𝘌π˜ͺ𝘯𝘸𝘒𝘯π˜₯𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘭𝘒𝘯π˜₯". An immigration country, literally translated. Which means, a country that people immigrate to. Not a country wholly made up of immigrants. And that's just factually true, people immigrate to Germany. The overall speech this was part of, was Steinmeier's attempt to take a stand against divisions based on arbitrary characteristics among Germans. And he also later called for "democratic patriotism". Adding, that Germany should be proud on its traditions of freedom and democracy. A German constitutes a citizen of this country, who holds up the values of our constitution. Not just having a similiar-looking skin to ours. This is how we define what a German should be, and Germany's population is perfectly capable of doing this on its own, you know? Why should we listen to some Scottish douchebag on the internet about what we should deem worthy of the label "German"? Anyway - forgive me this little digression, and let's move on with the next claim. ICONOCLAST: Now, as a result of Angela Merkel's devotion to Kalergi's grand plan, Germany is now undergoing a transformation, the likes of which it has never seen before. A transformation so extreme, that any hope for a peaceful or democratic reversal is now surely impossible. Last year, the city of Frankfurt became the first German city to officially record native Germans as the minority population. As with every other European city, where this has occurred, similar patterns emerged. Namely, the economic disparity between natives and migrants. Where the rate of migrants falling below the poverty line is more than double that of Germans, and the rate of unemployment is significantly higher. The argument, that these people pay more than they take out, is quickly losing all credibility. And now, due to the demographics of Frankfurt, it's now the minority German group disproportionately subsidizing the majority non-German group. How is this a fair outcome? How is this progressive? DAN: So, first claim: are native Germans now a minority in Frankfurt? Yes, if you exclude people who were born in Germany, hold German passports, and speak German as their first language, but of which at least one parent was born outside of Germany. There people are actually not Germans, according to The Iconoclast, because they fail his blood purity test, or something. And, by the way: the single biggest group of people having a migration background are what we call "SpΓ€taussiedler". These are people, who have left German-speaking territory at one point in history, for various reasons, but then decided to return to what they might see as their true homeland. To give a practical example: a ton of German-speaking people migrated to Russia, after czarina Katherine the Great invited people from all over Europe, to populate certain regions of her kingdom. There, those German settlers would often set up German enclaves, opening German schools etc. You know, refusing to integrate, and then later decided to come back. There were various points in history, where something like this happened, which is why, when looking up countries of origin for a bulk of people migrating to Germany after 1947, you read "Russia" or "Kazakhstan". Particularly, after the fall of the Soviet Union, millions of SpΓ€taussiedler returned to Germany. These people are apparently NOT true, native Germans. And when it comes to foreigners in Germany, the biggest group of people coming from other countries are EU citizens. Who typically do not look like these folks. If you want to see an excellent take-down od this whole "white people are getting breeded out" talking point, you can check out the video by my favorite skull creator Shaun, which you will find in the description. Second claim: are the minority native Germans, now funding the majority non-native Germans in Frankfurt? And I really have no idea, what ran through our narrator's head, when writing and recording that line in the script. Does Frankfurt have an unemployment rate of over 50%? And do all of these people belong to the earlier-mentioned category? Of course not. The rate of unemployment in Frankfurt is actually at a historic low at the moment, coming in at 5.6% in early 2018. [on screen: "Lowest unemployment since 37 years"] Which is higher than the national average, but lower compared to other German cities of similar size. And just to not let open any wiggle room here: what I said earlier, about most foreigners in Germany being EU citizens, also hold true for Frankfurt, with EU citizens making up 60% of all foreigners. And there's one more thing, that is worth mentioning here. ICONOCLAST: Economic inequality can no longer be brushed away with casual accusations of institutional racism anymore. The data simply doesn't show it. Frankfurt will end up just like London. And that's not a good model to follow, I'm sorry to say. This demographic catastrophe was, of course, praised by a group of self-loathing Germans in the press. Who claimed, that transformations like this would serve greater opportunities for "social justice". They also π™¨π™‘π™–π™’π™’π™šπ™™ politicians for daring to ask migrants to assimilate into German society, stating: "If there is no longer an ethnic majority group, everyone will have to adapt to everyone else. Diversity will be the new norm." That's a clever tactic, actually. As we all know, integration has never really been possible on a big scale. So the left have decided, that we shouldn't bother at all anymore! Because Germany won't even be majority German soon. Brilliant! That solves that little problem, eh? DAN: The data The Iconoclast shows, regarding the economic disparity of Germans and migrants, is taken from the magistrate of the city of Frankfurt, and apparently, "can't be brushed away by casual accusations of institutionalized racism." ...or can they? Why don't we look at what the actual researchers, who presented this data in the first place, wrote in their conclusion of this report? Now, it does not say "institutional racism", granted, but that foreigners and Germans with a migration background face a worse starting position in Frankfurt than the rest of the population. But of course, that's not part of The Iconoclast's video. Apparently, he trusts the researchers enough to cite their data to support his narrative, but leaves out their explanation for the causes of this economic disparity. So, what were these "self-loathing German researchers", who also apparently represent the entire left, all about? They conducted a study on the attitudes of Turkish second generation immigrants, and how their social mobility related to their social attitudes. Most second generation Turkish immigrants in Europe were born to rather low-educated parents, who came out of the same Turkish regions, but then spread out all over Europe. The researchers then found out, that their social attitudes towards things like gay marriage vary strongly from one destination country to another. They later came to the conclusion, that social mobility and the experience of discrimination largely correlate with their social conservatism, and their rejection of certain values. And these researchers "slamming" people, who just ask immigrants to integrate, is in reality them concluding, that this method is demonstrably ineffective. According to their results, immigrants with a lot of ethnically mixed groups of friends, and who experience greater social mobility and access to education, are integrating significantly better than those immigrants, who are just told to integrate. That's why demographic like those in Amsterdam, for instance, offer a great opportunity for social justice. Because if done right, immigrants and their children will integrate better, and will be faster to adapt their new, national identity. Now, I'm of the firm belief that it's actually the right, which mostly argues from their feelings instead of facts. And this is a prefect example, because even the suggestion of more diversity being a positive thing is enough to have The Iconoclast and Breitbart foaming at the mouth, without even looking at the actual research. ICONOCLAST: Now Germany as a whole is on the brink. As a two-year study revealed recently, that 42% of children under 6 are from migrant backgrounds. DAN: Now, there isn't much to respond to with this Breitbart article. It would be just me repeating, what I explained earlier, about what "migration background" actually means. But just to add something for this article, it should be noted, that the percentage presented varies heavily across the country; with the same category of children only making up 12.3% of the total in East Germany, for instance. We're about to get to the very... "best bit" of this video, though, in which The Iconoclast attempts to show, that Germans are fleeting the country in droves, because of immigrants. So, I'll just let you listen to this little tangent, and at the end, I'll reveal something rather funny. ICONOCLAST: And while this is cause for alarm by itself, the situation gets a lot worse, when you look at he figures of Germans emigrating from Germany on a permanent basis! In 2017 alone, according to the German newspaper "Die Welt", 249,000 Germans left the country. 167,000 moved back from overseas, but the overall population drop of native Germans was 82,000. However, during that same period 1.7 million Germans died, with only 1.2 million babies born. And there's no confirmation, if these babies were ethnically German or not, as the paper only states, that they were "of mothers with German citizenship". Either way, in just two years, Germany had lost over 700,000 people. To put that into perspective: that's almost the population size of the city of Leeds in the UK. Vanished completely, over two short years. Here's a handy graph, showing us just how steep emigration from Germany has become. Well, would you look at that! There seems to be a sudden, sharp increase in the number of Germans leaving Germany, from 2015 onwards. What happened in 2015, to cause this exodus? I'm scratching my head! Oh wait, that's right. That's the year, when Angela Merkel opened the borders, and invited the third world to move to Germany. How could I forget. Interesting, how this event lines up with this graph, isn't it? Something tells me, that many people in Germany aren't particularly happy with this demographic transformation, and have chosen to get out while they can. DAN: Yeah, it's very interesting how this lines up indeed. Let's just rewind that clip a bit, to the graph that our narrator shows. And this was the moment when I realized, I just had to make a response video about this. Because, mister Iconoclast, this whole tangent that you went on, about what possibly could have happened in 2015 to explain this spike, with the obvious conclusion, that it must have been Merkel's supposed invitation; is debunked by the picture, that you show while you talk about it! See that little star there, at 2016? That refers to the remark below, which says: "Strong rise due to a changed counting method". Which you would also know, if you read the full English version of the article. When you move into a new district in Germany, you have to register with a local government, so that they know where to find you, and also to know, how many people actually live in their district. Then, when you move out of that district, you have to de-register, of course. And register with a new district you moved into, and so on. You get the idea. Now, the article explains that since 2016, the number of people who de-registered themselves, but did not yet register in a new district were classified as having left the country. So, anyone in that gap got included in the numbers from 2016 onwards. That's the reason for this spike. And let me just juxtapose this rigorous presenting of facts with something from the "About" page of The Iconoclast's website. "Iconoclast Media aims to examine and report upon the biggest political and social issues facing the West today." And you know, they say "aim for the stars", but maybe turn down those ambitions a notch? Maybe start with the biggest political and social issues facing your local neighborhood, you know. Or your domestic bird population, or something. And just regarding the bit, where The Iconoclast claims, that there is no way to check if the babies born to mothers with German citizenship are ethnically German... You kinda dropped the ball here. You're supposed to talk about culture, and how that needs to be preserved, etc. etc. Not so much about race, because then it becomes obvious, that you only care about someone's blood purity. Germany even had a period, in which the state handed out verification to citizens footing the perceived "ethnic foundation of the country", if you will. It was called "the Ariernachweis", till a bunch of SJWs came in and started virtue signalling all over the place, guilting people just for being proud of their heritage, and that sort of stuff. Now, there isn't much left for me to say on this video, and there is some more unhinged ranting left, that I could go over, but what's te point, honestly. There's also this short clip of two German girls, being interviewed on the refugee crisis by someone. Why would I, or anyone else, care about what these two randos think? At least try to connect it to a broader attitude, or something. Otherwise it's just not representative of anything, besides these two random girls. As a last piece, let's go over this short clip, in which our narrator touches on our friend Coudenhove-Kalergi again. ICONOCLAST: I started this video by discussing Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, and his ideological influence on modern Europe, especially the European Union. And there are many more things I'd like to say about that man. His quotes, his belief, his allies, and the people, who implement his vision against our will. But that is a rabbit hole for another video. One, that I will create in the future. DAN: Let's go over some of these three frames here, like this Frankenstein's monster of a quote. So we have the earlier quote, about the race of the future, and then a quote reading "Russian Bolshevism constituting a decisive step towards this purpose", making it look like 'the purpose' is a mixed-race world. Almost needless to say at this point, is that the second part of this statement is several pages away from the first one. And at that point in the book, Kalergi is talking about the fading of what he called "blood nobility". Kings, queens, and that sort of stuff, being replaced with an intellectual nobility. And the Russian revolution being an example of this change. And by the way, Kalergi absolutely despised communism. Even little fascist bird Black Pigeon Speaks included that in his propaganda video on Kalergi. Which is also quite similar to this one. Maybe they cannibalized the same blog post, or something. But, if you ripped those two quotes out of their context and mashed them together, it falls in line with the conspiracy theory, that the Russian revolution was a Jewish plot to destroy the white race. Which is, by the way, one of the main motivations the original Nazis had for attacking the Soviet Union. Just as a little reminder: this video has over 460,000 views. Anyway, that last part of the quote is - again - a few paragraphs away from the previous one. And here Kalergi describes, how Jews are in a particularly good position to become part of the "new, intellectual nobility". Because according to him, old Jews, who were quote "weak-willed", have been eradicated by centuries of persecution, leaving only the elite behind. Next frame: this one is kinda weird, I have to say. It shows the flag of the Pan-European League, which is supposed to represent Christian love and Greek spirit, combined with the flag of the EU, and the flag of Israel. Very odd, but the blatant antisemitism engraved in this conspiracy theory will become more obvious in a second. This picture shows Louie de Rothschild, a friend of Kalergi's, who helped him find funding for his movement. Which might seem innocent, but since he was a banker, and also Jewish - you know where it's going. Kalergi actually had a lot of Jewish friends later in his life, since he used to be an anti-Semite, but after researching for his book "The Nature of Antisemitism", he came to the conclusion, that it was all just pretty much based around irrational, religious hatred. From that point on, he became a strong advocate against Antisemitism, and also later married a Jewish woman. And the idea of Pan-Europeanism was also attractive to European Jews, since being a Jew in Europe at that point in time, meant being alienated and distrusted constantly, no matter what you did. A shared European identity had the potential to put an end to that. The next two people in this little slideshow are George Soros, which every leftist of course knows from their monthly paychecks; and to the right here - Barbara Lerner Spectre, who founded the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden. Which also seems innocent, but there's also a 30-second clip of her floating around the internet, in which she says "Europe has not yet learned to be truly multicultural", and that "Jews will be at the center of this transformation". And that's it. Now, the video The Iconoclast mentions here, doesn't exist yet. And I have no idea, how these two are connected to Kalergi. But I personally can't wait for the expansion of the White Genocide Cinematic Universeβ„’. Before I get to my conclusion, I would just like to read you a last quote from Kalergi. And I know I've kept you here for a while now, so thank you for sticking around. While listening to this, just think about what you have seen of The Iconoclast's work in this video. Because, if he had actually taken the time to read some of the stuff Kalergi wrote, he would have probably felt pretty blown the fuck out! [fragment on screen] Damn! Someone should make one of those "REKT" compilations, but with Kalergi quotes. Anyway, I know we had a lot of fun going over this sheer inability to read articles, or how outlandish some of the presented claims here are. But we shouldn't kid ourselves, that this is the main reaction towards this kind of content. If you're watching this video right now, there's a high chance that you're already part of my acquired audience. So you don't believe anything The Iconoclast claims for a second. But think of it the other way around: Think of someone - only one - out of over 460,000, who believes everything in this video 100%. That there really IS a grand plan to destroy the white race, which is being executed by our top politicians on behalf of the Jews. And which has already brought in results, that make a democratic reversal impossible, and that people must fight back at some point, to save Germany from eradication. And what might the consequences of that be? If you are The Iconoclast, or Black Pigeon Speaks, or anyone else in this vein of creators, you probably think of yourself as a daring truth-teller, going beyond political correctness, to talk about the truth, that is being hidden from the masses. But that's not what you are. You spend your time on this planet spreading lies and propaganda, that is demonstrably, objectively, absolutely baseless. Lies and propaganda, that people believe and act upon, sometimes bringing tremendous harm to our communities. So it's actually YOU, who are the traitors to the nations you pretend to care about. While at the same time, seemingly despising everything, that makes them worth preserving in the first place. Thank you for watching, everyone, and my apologies for ending on such a grim note there. But I felt like this is a point I really shouldn't gloss over. On a more positive note, we recently passed 100,000 subscribers on YouTube, which is just insane. Thank You to all of you, and especially all my Patrons, who collectively keep this channel going, one buck at a time. Passing such a milestone means it's time for another Q&A, for which you can send me your questions, via the Curious Cat page in the comment pinned below. I would love to talk more about Kalergi and his ideas, but that's probably something I'll do on my livestream sometime in the future. Maybe I'll see you there - until then, have a good one.
Channel: Three Arrows
Views: 500,235
Rating: 4.6044664 out of 5
Keywords: Three Arrows, The Iconoclast, Refugee crisis, great replacement, great replacement debunked, germany migrants, Kalergi, Coudenhove-Kalergi, Kalergi plan
Id: 2o3pkoZyYRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 28sec (2908 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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