Germany: German Tourist Scams

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get a pill travelers market Walter's world today we're in Freiburg Germany here at the train station off for another adventure here in Germany and today we want to talk about her some of the scams you might see when you do come here to Germany and first off I will be honest you're not gonna get a lot of scams when you are in Germany because they are pretty straight-laced people they follow the rules and if people see something wrong you'll hear a hollow that people will call out people that are doing something wrong so that's a really great thing as a tourist you feel a lot safer when you're here because of that but there are some things you probably want to look out for in terms of scams when you do come here to Germany and actually going to start with one that isn't a scam because a lot of people ask me what's with those ladies outside the toilet is that some kind of scam or they just trying to take my money look the toilet and the toilet women they're not a scam those are legit there's a reason why the public toilets are so nice here in Germany is because those ladies go in and clean them so you leave a tip for them to say thank you you know usually about fifty cents that's why I usually have you know a handful of coins when I'm here in Germany just in case okay so that is not a scam that's legit now some of the scams you might see here I mean they have some of the traditional ones you might see like the petition scam you might have someone come up in a big city ask you to sign something never sign anything when you're here I mean you have all the sausages and those bratwurst right and you have with mustard so you might have that oh I got a little mustard on you let me help you get that off your bag disappears again it doesn't happen a lot but it is a good idea to keep you know pay attention especially gonna be coming here for like Oktoberfest you're gonna be here for the Christmas markets there's a lot of people and you're outside you're all bumping into each other and things like that so do have a heads up obviously another one is when you're you know taking public transportation and you're gonna be driving around getting in and off the metros and stuff like that it's not really a problem in small towns or on the transit stuff like that in small medium sized towns it's a bigger thing like in Berlin or Munich you might want to just have your eyes open for that in Cologne there could be some issues and the reason why I'm filming this video here at the train station is because private once Campbell you probably bump into in one of the bigger cities these people trying to resell their train tickets whether it's the byun ticket like the there's a ticket where you can travel around a region for a whole day for five people or they might try to resell you a subway ticket a new Bond ticket or a spawn ticket or a bus ticket like here just give me a year I'll give it to you I used to have that all the time when I was in Berlin I mean it was every day something like hey you wanted my ticket I'm like now I'm good man most the time those tickets have already been used so you're not getting the deal anyway so just go buy your own ticket keep it legit they like the legit people here in Germany okay and the thing is here in Germany you notice you actually just walk on the trains and the subways and the buses and stuff like that it's a lot on the honor system so you don't scan them as well you buy your tickets because there'll be people that will come around and actually check tickets occasionally if you don't have it you can get a big fine for that so so don't don't do that okay but that they do come and they ask your ticket they have to have a badge and you have the option to pay then or you can pay later so if they're like no you must pay now you can't get out of this you might want to just kind of make sure you get some more information first now when you come out of the train station that's not really a scam but there's something that might bother some people they come out you know a lot of times outside the train station you'll see a lot of guys look a little rough there maybe living rough and they've got their dogs out there you're kinda you get a little worried about them don't worry you'll be okay they might beg for some money and stuff like that you just walk by you'll be okay and you will see occasional beggars here in Germany it's not uncommon to see this I just know that you know some of them actually are set up as a you know a game kind of thing it's not like it's a legit someone that there's nothing that could be part of a gang so I'm not saying don't give I'm just saying realize that maybe that person that's begging isn't necessarily as down on my luck as they say they are because they know tourists come through here and they're easy prey so have a heads up for that another scam I see actually happen is you'll see people walk around I see this a lot of like McDonald's or Burger Kings around you know train stations are around you have busy tourist sites and stuff like that or cafes our Starbucks you'll see people walk around and they'll just put a card either like on your train seat or on the table of your your restaurant or whatever say look I'm mute I can't talk I can't hear please give me money and I'll be honest a lot of those times those people are just lying to use your you know goodwill to get some money for them so have the heads up for that but honestly in general you don't really have to worry too much here in Germany the people are legit I mean I know some people feel the Germans are cold but they're not they're looking out for everybody when you're here and so if you're getting ripped off or something happens they'll let you know okay so if you hear that puddle you know something's going on alright so I hope this helps you know a little bit about the very few scams you might bump into in Germany mostly you're looking at public transport stuff but otherwise you're pretty good but of course always use your travel inside if you don't feel comfortable in certain places stay away from that area if you feel like this this person isn't on the up-and-up do be careful for example if you're buying a train ticket and you're at the kiosk is someone's overly helpful just ask them to step away because only uniformed the deutsche bahn people can help you here not random people that are helping that might make your bag disappear or something else or just accidentally take your change or your card so do have a heads up for that anyway I hope this helps you know Laura a little bit more about coming to Germany it's a fantastic place we got tons of videos from here all over the world but all over here in Germany we got little mistakes tourists make the don'ts of coming here the shocks of Germany all kinds of fun stuff to get you ready for your next trip to here in Deutschland anyway I would show the best I'll say choose well I viewed as Aten I'm here in Freiburg Germany
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 190,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy
Id: FWM7wauydD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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