Geralt enters the tavern covered in Selkie guts l The Witcher Netflix
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Channel: Gwynbleidd
Views: 2,066,650
Rating: 4.9354792 out of 5
Keywords: The Witcher, Henry Cavill, Netflix, Guts, Jaskier, Dandelion, Geralt of Rivia, Funny, Joey Batey
Id: T0kyovrxhG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 29sec (149 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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Cavill is actually shockingly good as Geralt. At one point in the show he says 'Come on, Roach' - one of the classic lines from Geralt that is used over and over in the game - and I was just like geez. He really nailed it.
Jaskier is great too
Why does this look so high frame rate?
Reddit is cheating on Keanu with Henry Cavill.
Burned through this on the weekend, it's a strong first season, and Cavill clearly loves being Geralt, and does good work of it.
I love the "Fuck off Bard" so much.
Never played the games, but book Geralt seemed a bit less of a stiff than the way Cavill plays him
I was blown away by how great Cavill is at this. You can tell this role was really important to him. He fits in so well. This is easily the best role I've seen him in. Hope he gets some award nominations.
proceeds to show scene where Cavill has two lines