Game of Thrones - Lord Eddard Stark VS Ser Arthur Dayne [w/subs]
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Channel: Repo
Views: 1,247,428
Rating: 4.8772049 out of 5
Keywords: Game of Thrones Raid on the tower of joy, arthur dayne, got, game of thrones, got hd, got 1080p, got 720l, got 720p, arthur dayne vs eddard stark, ned stark vs dayne, ned stark vs 2 knights, ned starks vs kingsguard, young ned stark, eddard stark, ned stark, sword of the morning, spoilers season 6, spoilers got, got easter eggs, Ned Stark vs dayne, got in hd, got telltale, Arthur Dayne, House Dayne, Sword of the Morning, Gerold Hightower, Oswell Whent
Id: xdGEqdanLWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2016
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