GeoTracker by Keentools - Matchmoving, tracking the camera

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[Music] foreign [Music] again and thanks again for coming to another geotracker tutorial this one we're going to look at the camera tracking which is a pretty cool feature it's uh it works exactly the same way it tracks geometry through a shot but instead of applying the data to an object to a to whatever that geometry is it applies the data to the camera and leaves the object stationary and thus you get a camera track uh I think uh as you use it more and more you'll understand the kinds of shots that it's more useful for I don't think it's an all-around motion tracking solution I think it would struggle with a lot of stuff but it's very useful it's very cool uh it's just amazing that it does it so let's dive in and try it out so I'm gonna delete the light we don't need that we are going to use this box though but we are going to put it on the ground so I'm gonna go tab GZ1 enter Tab and all that does is puts it moves it up one unit to put it on the ground I'm also going to scale it in X nice and thin and scale it in lie nice and long and I'm going to hit apply apply those and another thing I've learned uh through practicing this a few times and tracking a bunch of stuff is uh the wireframe is important right because Geo Tracker lights up the wireframe bright green for you to be able to position it and see it uh and if you have this object and it's in wireframe uh you don't see very much so uh what I would suggest doing if you're doing a wall or something like this let me show you the footage we're tracking this is what we're going to track uh we're not going to do the whole thing it's like 848 frames we we didn't got time for that so uh we're just gonna do the first maybe 200 it captures this nice little sideways drift and then starts going down uh down this alley thing here so we're just gonna do the first 200 but we're gonna track this wall over here I think you could probably do either this one kind of goes out of frame this one on the right goes out of frame earlier so it's safer to track the one that's in frame the whole shot so we're gonna track this section and this is kind of what we're doing so uh to track that you need to see it right so we we're gonna put some more uh we're gonna tab into edit mode and put some more Loop Cuts in here just so we can see when Geo Tracker lights it up green we want to be able to see more of it so I'm just gonna put a whole bunch in here hit enter enter and do the same thing vertically enter enter and we are good to go go back to our shading mode and there we go we know it has did I apply scale already if not I'm doing it again uh and there we go we're good to go so let's go ahead and create our Geo Tracker uh we've got uh same thing as when we did the face we've got the cube already plugged in the camera let's go find our footage scroll down here right here select the whole thing all of it load clip it's looking to analyze it we're going to hit analyze and like I said we're not going to do all 848 we're gonna do like 200 ish whatever you want to do hit OK and it starts analyzing I'm also going to set this to 200. just so we have a better idea and it goes a little bit slower now I think it's larger footage than the other one uh I think this is almost 4K right I think so and uh yeah it's obviously more frames so I will come back right before it's done okay it's just about done you can see it coming back from doing the backwards analyze uh again like I said in the face tracker one I think what it's doing is an optical flow I'm not entirely sure but I'm pretty sure it's an optical flow analysis of the frames so it knows where every pixel is going on every frame and can drive uh motion from that let's go ahead into our camera view and uh this should look pretty familiar we don't have to set up the ground plane like we did in the other one uh the face tracking one because uh the whole point of this is it's going to reposition the camera correctly based on on where our wall is and our wall is sitting on the ground plane so it's gonna it's gonna do it just fine so let's go ahead and switch this to camera instead of geometry which tells it where it's going to put the data the motion data it's either going to go on on the geometry or on the camera or we want it on the camera and we can even turn this on as well estimate focal length that can be helpful so we'll we'll turn that on for now and see how that goes and then let's just do start pin mode and see what happens so here you can see why we put Loop Cuts in our geometry right if these Loop Cuts weren't here you wouldn't see that thing at all so there's a few other things we can do to see it better as well uh down here under appearance excuse me uh there's this wireframe brightness just crank that up all the way you can even change the color if you want but I think we're okay here um it's got this adaptive opacity uh looks brighter with it off I'm Gonna Leave It Off uh pins explode this is what we want background right we can turn down the exposure a bit so we can see exactly what we're doing which is great so now let's uh I'm going to start with this corner back here pin this guy right there and then I'm going to bring this corner way up here so what I'm looking at as I line this up right I've got this wall back here pinned pretty good I think go right there go right there looks good this is where it needs to be um yeah like that so now what we need to do is get the angle correct right the perspective so I'm kind of looking at this line right here in the footage these lines all kind of like maybe there was another building here or some kind of roof or something or lean to but those kind of give us a hint as to the perspective so I'm just kind of trying to get this guy a little lined up with that that those marks in the footage and I think that looks pretty dang good so let's go ahead and track forward right track forward let's see what happens uh looks like it's sticking pretty good sadly it doesn't keep that exposure on all the other the following frames I think it does keep it on the frame where we set it on I wonder why oh yeah just exposure in current frame so you literally have to do it uh per frame so that's interesting so there we go another thing you can do you can reset that uh so now it's all set another thing you can do if you want is under the camera settings obviously you can background image and turn that way down and then you can get a better idea of how it's tracking and that looks pretty dang good I don't think we have to refine anything or do anything it doesn't come all the way down to the edge here but maybe we can fix that if I exit pin mode and we go to our 3D View you can see now that the wall does not move but the camera does which is spectacular you can go here look at your motion path if you want calculate it do it display turn off all that junk in there there you go there's our camera path so that's pretty cool right this is a pretty straightforward simple shot so it kind of makes sense now that we can kind of extend some things out all right extend that out let me leave that right there actually go back into camera view got a wireframe is that helpful at all uh gy just trying to get it lined up with like the edge of the door there right there then I want to go pick all these frames uh all right like all this stuff all these guys and move them in a bit and move them on x g x kind of get the wall kind of the right Dimension there and uh we could go up further as well up there but I think we're all right for now we've got that wall kind of blocked in another thing we can do texture Uh current frame just uh you got to be has overlapping UVS so let's do um it wrecked it that's funny um that's from the uh because we extruded that out so let's go uh you unwrap uh that's better but we gotta re-texture it current frame do it again better no still broken um let's go uh let's smart frame it or smart UV it tab you smart UV project I always leave a little bit of a gap okay tab uh and now back in here don't give me that error boom nailed it so now when we look in here now you've got your wall texture as well so you're kind of rebuilding the set which is uh spectacular uh what else can we do we can also do now that we've got the scene set up we can add in other things right like this right rotate Y what is that negative 90 uh tab GZ1 enter tab puts it on the ground plane let's move it down here a little bit uh let's duplicate one put it back here and rotate it on Z 90 degrees uh that's a good start let's grab this guy going back into our camera view and now we can line up this wall as well all right scale Z bring it down scale y make it longer and there we go now that lines up great we could do this one back here this one back here is pretty far away so it could get uh it could get tricky um TY but maybe not maybe it was track see scale X let's see where's the frame where you see a lot of that wall I guess it's right there right it's pretty good uh I might even uh let's do this rotate it a tiny bit I guess this ground isn't perfectly flat Maybe uh but we'll see but that looks pretty good right and we can go back to this Frame what is that frame 120 we can go into shading and with that guy selected add a new surface and bring in a new image texture and I said that was frame 120 right 120. let's go find 120. yeah come on come on come on 120 open image select these two guys hit F connects it we do need to UV map that AI go U and unwrap project from View Tab out of that go back into layout and when we go back here it should be the wall so there you go that's how easy it is to start uh putting together your whole scene uh I mean we could have used a plane for this but I kind of wanted to get this little edge here too so even though the the archway is starting to happen anyway you get the idea uh pretty slick right pretty slick to just be able to throw together a camera track like that uh really neat such a great Tool uh yeah there we go uh so yeah have fun with that and uh yeah King tools they've made some great stuff uh they've even got uh I think if I remember correctly for nuke they have uh deforming geometry that it can track uh it'd be great to see that come into blender someday you're literally tracking people talking and stuff like that that'd be astounding anyway thanks for watching and I hope this was helpful and uh yeah leave me some comments whatever uh tell me what you think or if you've done projects with it I would love to see them as well so I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Sean Kennedy
Views: 19,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gS-4W3b-g7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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