George's thoughts on the Israel Palestine War

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a lot of people they do DM me and message me they go hey man why don't you talk about this War I don't know enough about the war and I don't know enough about politics maybe when I'm older I'll be in that realm but if I'm not passionate nor educated I think then I could be a dangerous part of a voice we live in a generation where now random people have a lot of influence I think that we really haven't found how bad that could be if it goes into a wrong direction like if you don't know what you're talking about don't talk about it this whole idea that we all have to do everything correctly they just get mad cuz think I don't care it comes from me caring me speaking not about it is me caring you respected enough to say I'm not educated in that it's not right for me to talk about now here's the thing like I'm not there yet to give my opinion on anything I'm not
Channel: George Janko
Views: 92,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: George Janko, George Janko YouTube, George Janko Vlogs, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Dwarf Mamba, mike majlak
Id: Q_eSZn4n2uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 43sec (43 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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