Foreman's first big test on comeback -George Foreman vs Dwight Muhammad Qawi -Flashback Fight HL's

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[Music] and good evening or good morning if you prefer welcome to another edition of sports world extra the program that aims to make the small hours fly by with top sporting action from all around the globe and tonight we concentrate on two sports international rugby and heavyweight boxing in his 10-year absence from the ring George Foreman found God and lost his hair and now he wants Tyson's world title tonight we have comeback fight number eight it's a tough one his opponent is Dwight Muhammad car we twice a world champion in rugby the New Zealand All Blacks won last year's World Cup so emphatically questions have to be asked some of the answers tonight if the UK wants to play social rugby then okay then don't bother coming to the World Cup I would suggest but I don't think that's the wire plus our weekly look at the pic of a continental football action France Germany and Holland all on the schedule tonight we're going to start with boxing and one of the fight games legends George Foreman the man who destroyed Joe Frazier to become world champion and who looked as invincible in the 70s as Mike Tyson does today well Muhammad Ali proved Foreman was only human he knocked him out and very soon afterwards George quit the ring devoting his time to lay preaching but now as he told his former trainer Gil Clancy boxing is once again a big part of his life I'm happy to be back in a craft that I'd really worked hard on Heather you thought really and I've gotten back in the ring gotten myself back in shape and I'm getting better all the time so I'm really happy about it to be able to put it down and pick it up but now you're fighting a guy that was a former world champion he's only lost to the best in the business Holyfield Michael Spinks and the first Holyfield fight was just the terrific fight the second Holyfield fight he feels that he lost because he had to take off too much weight he's much more comfortable as a heavyweight did you really want to fight it soft guy like this not really I don't know I don't really like fighting tough guys I would prefer to fight guys who are 110 pounds 5 foot but it just so happened that as you keep moving around the promoters they have a lot to do with who they match you with and you want to match it evenly as you can and I think this kind of fight is really basically I'm ready for these kind we know George after this in my opinion you have to fight a guy in a top ten and from there Tyson is right right around the corner that's right I hope to keep fighting as often as much as once or twice per month and eventually I'd like to clean up the whole heavyweight division that includes the heavyweight champion of the world I like to be done that uh I mean I wouldn't want any other way you know you know if it likes fuse my fire you know I am and you know it's I like me nah it's okay you know it's um it's okay to get on a dog because I want him to have all the confidence in the world there's the tale of the tape both in their mid to late 30s Foreman with a huge height and reach advantage car we known as the Camden buzzsaw just five defeats in his record former world champion at light heavy and cruiserweight he lost his last title to Evander Holyfield George Foreman gold medalist of the Mexico Olympics his records still very impressive only Ali and Kimi young have beaten him our commentators then I killed Clancy and he's alongside al Bernstein okay you're going to box for 10 rounds you know there were some boxing about using any kinds of POW don't throw any punches during the break is not clear sega's come out fighting George Foreman ready to take on Dwight Muhammad Kali is crowd in anticipation of they don't know quite what because Foreman and his other effort says one every time depending on your outlook it's a good idea for him to be back or it's a bad idea and there's an overhand right by Kaui he's the Guido tronic I'll tell you crunches onto it for me while we leave that a foot overhand right shut chose a little bit just to start things off [Applause] Padilla is a referee who usually has kind of a hands-off policy about I don't know why George isn't working on left jab he's he's allowing you to take liberties we who is thicker on middle making a question about able to pretty much walk in if we keep his little guy away pop just keep snapping that Drake today as in his face there it is and of course the uppercut you would expect to see from George Foreman looks like it's kind of toying with and there's the jab from Foreman he's not snapping at you though [Applause] I did the fighting which we talked Ronnie who was knocked out by for manslaughter Friday who is nowhere near what kaalia was able to bounce left and right off the head up corners you start to stay inside getting something a lot of trouble his two most important weapons have just missed with them you know you mentioned the fact that the power you stick around the middle actually he's got no body to his he's talks a lot behind his chest buddy you'll be a low blow George is allowing why we need to take so many liberties how we can hit him with the overhand right it looks like just about any time I don't think he doesn't have a good left hook behind that right hand lands the hook I think the key question Gil is what will happen at all we eat when Foreman land something if he lands something big look at the jab of Cowie he may be short but as you said many times it's timing that makes a left we see many a short guy out he had these big tall guys you can come in behind the other guys Jim white cows having himself a fine first round hit holding his hand to keep warm in the pain George Foreman butch ponderous and slow right now and that was shooken body shot by former two-foot body shots out for this fight starting as how we would like it to it's not the same very busy cow way that we saw as a cruiserweight in the light heavyweight but he's landing there's the right in the left by Foreman hey yes we down [Applause] rush because what they're seeing here is not exactly I don't think what they thought they'd see you know I think a very more confident why we went back to the corner if this all the way that first round win okay he's here - come down - you did all right weed uniform right we got to keep moving Slim Robinson whistling huzzah any better quarter round that's a hops in the business they really know that business and Eddie at Lee I'll go in there to work cuts that's a good trio of men well that means they're taking this bite very seriously as they should and then George Foreman's corner he stood up in the entire round which I completely disagree with take advantage of that minute rest he can get the guy's attention better when you sit them down in front of him George just stands then at least his own man he does his own thing you had first-hand experience with that when you trained him he has won all his fights and his comeback effort in truth it hasn't been a glittering group that he's beaten but he's won them all won them all by knockout George Olin in this fight is he's not snapping that jab he was trying to think a little too much while he's giving them a lot of head motion now the question it may seem early to talk about stamina but it isn't because you saw Cowie in training get tired very quickly he's carrying all that extra weight he's George the fluid has never been known for his strategy but he has been improving in that area I guess cause he's a little more relaxed I saw box 12 sleepiness in the gym without a rest which I also disagree with doing it well this shows he can do it for Kali the left hook lands and if he keeps getting hit with those punches [Music] George's trying his Timerman just a little bit of head loss now he is giving him his throwing Cornwall he just got to let his butt just go this one is to let him and made the third hook uppercut is starting to get there against Yahweh in the old days the Dwight Muhammad cow either the social school does the light-heavyweight the cruiserweight would probably not be hit with those he was very tough for him right now he's getting nailed by former are we standing in their way the DIA steps in right now he is definitely stunned [Applause] after a good first round Maui has been nailed with some big right hands the right hands were dropping off Romans headed my water not there now [Music] much slower Dwight Veronica we slowed Foreman as well there's the gif by Foreman that's funny that's what he should be woman pushes them over now right George Foreman felt those punches he is getting nailed with some big shots now by golly with the jab that lands now he is talking to him the ropes melody growl - to say the least certainly was George looked like he was getting her some pretty good ston and get his timing why we came back with a series of punches and they all continues we did Lance a big one to the last round let's take a look a little action from that last round his George very lazy with the jab and he gets counted by a left hook in around another left hook and George is trying to push him off and that a very familiar posture Foreman but you killed through it you kill me it would be all right here okay sit down [Music] three that is George Foreman the 39 year old ex Jim trying to recapture that glory looking across set though what looks like kind of a tired white incomin jolly but a Cowie that's landed some big shots he's first couple of rounds now we need the former light heavyweight and cruiserweight champion gets another right hand home and cause George is not using that jab but they should be telling you for is Jared Bobby's chest he's not gonna miss him if he hits him on the chest and he's got a knock him off balance when you can vote there's the jail well he just pushed it though out he's got a snap woke up the crowd and he doesn't back up keeps coming sar right hands at the back [Applause] look to me like they've got hit in the back on a kidneys they're not I guess not I guess [Applause] to see what that was [Applause] throws him out of the ring his head it was not called a knockdown apparently there was no well the referee didn't give us any indication of water was his own no eight count so it away on the deck and we should have at least give us some kind of it pretty good short punches himself we've said that before and he seems to come back woman under the microscope to be sure [Applause] we in a bad spot for him [Applause] that left hook was it go home left hook but it missed under a minute left to go around around which both men have landed big shots just like the second round in the write-back how we account aright have any snap of his girls at all out pushing punches that's probably why cow was still standing because he's landed some big shots those are not tremendous pungent mrs. Hill said they're not being delivered properly his big punch my best punch is still that love Japanese leggings bigfoot-like right now we doing what we thought Ronnie did so well those over hand hooks and overhand rights getting there the George Foreman defense is not his strong suit right now he pulls his hands so far back before he punches out and he is but that has always been the case [Applause] [Music] you can do it now let's take a look and I see that about that mysterious knock down little left hook and there it is right to the kidneys while we just fell down it was that strange right it was a delayed reaction which is why it was tough to tell what did it he must have hit him pretty hard me come talk to car we were headed into round 4 longer than a lot of people thought this would go get your clothes fight it certainly is it George bone was just bouncing up and down like he's trying to feel his legs there's all that pushing that I was done my opinions were just working on punching the gorge question it's not using that left jab at all not even a little bit would you think that from the other fights you knew that was his best punch but that's where they'd be going stamping out that he used it very effectively in his fight with Rocky Sikorsky and even the fight with Trani and all the other ones how he gets in a slapping right hand gives former a warning for backhanded was it back this has really slowed here and what we saw in the Norris like straight could take place here two men very tired he tells us George in the corner what better idea how we not much on his punches right now in fact nobody's really punchy strategies they can get George into the later rounds Georgia be tired Georgia's corner strategies to is the rough while we to make in tired I mean they just depend on fighting abilities skip read right he had counted like Maui the combinations by Dwight Cowie he's able to haul George all but one him to throw that woman better start punching here's the jab uppercut by Kaui and so what has been landed in this round primarily has been landed by Kaui dichpalli now he's talking George just a bit a woman is going to have to start putting a little snap especially in the left there isn't much on George Foreman Georgia started to gasp at me around right hand by George does very little damage to Kali or the clearance torch looks disinterested looking over at his corner lands the uppercut punch the for the cynics that didn't think George they're probably making their case right now because he's not looking good as heavy as Clowry has become he still was able are going with the guy not gonna be in the holy people he has abilities oh yes he definitely does no question about that he was hit with three good shots by Foreman I don't know about you but I have my answer I think the foreman is let me knock him out it left me with a series of punches he's going to have to start again I snapping that live chip really gets her snap into it get him on the end of the gym if you don't do that he's in for a long night [Applause] [Music] George Foreman Charlie shapes has been not real active in his corner talking to him but pretty subdued George for the 52 and to record 49 span of personal too many loss to Mohammed a decade ago using to the fancy boxing gym Elan in one photo he goes hundred degrees in the building well he with the deficit father's once snap as I've seen George have on a punch tonight he has not gotten leverage on his punches landed some business couple of good shots woman pushes back while he's off balance he doesn't jump on it and that type that takes a little energy pushing that 220 mm while we just relaxed step straight back and George doesn't look that tactic started when he did so effectively in this instance it seems that's not necessary you could just stand back like that we'll get hit all night out bombs down he's really not trying to he's landing in this round no question about sandy [Applause] in a left hook another hook by Kaui Mormons just pushes him off but you have to start thinking decision here if this fight keeps going us start talking about who's landing more functions Norman's had a pretty good six round but that we came with a couple of big shots if this fight continues this way I think we're going to see a very controversial decision it does have split decision written all over it [Applause] right hand that was fascinated I've never seen a fighter fake that much no looks like he was going down [Applause] we've all seen our way sake being hurt for not quite in that posture now George turned around and looked at his corner Guil do you feel like everything is kind of in slow motion here watching a fight as if you could stop it and use a still every 10 or 12 seconds there's 22 seconds left in round [Applause] [Applause] nothing was called [Applause] next round is going to be while we gets by the how much will [Applause] serious questions being asked here's what we thought might have been a knock down big left hook by George that is an octave when the ropes prevent you from going down it's supposed to be a knockdown so what the rulebook says but in this case it wasn't [Music] as well left eye of George Foreman we're moving into round seven been about in which the Batman George Foreman is hurt got we a couple times but Cowie has also nailed it I think [Applause] [Music] this is going to be and if you're wondering George Foreman since he started his comeback in March of 87 has never gone to the seventh round new territory from him since he came back tonight Canterbury's leading promise he's so light open to her left open to me faint that she had he could just rip that whole Fonda and he would think that would be something George Foreman would be using to tell him it's true and even then what makes you different the right hand gets there by Foreman there's the that right hand pushes Khali back before we he was [Applause] and the jab helping us set things up and as you said yell at something he should have used earlier Scott a great Jam buddy just move music there's always the case even in the old days five consecutive to the party [Applause] well you said this would be a key round and right now George Foreman is dominating was the first food left hook to the body which I think you can land and I'm not sure that didn't really hurt shall we [Applause] that's it [Applause] it's an unsatisfactory and as you look at George Foreman he'll take it because he gets the win my guest continues on in his comeback we thought it might be lovely it was nothing sparkling about the fight whatsoever joy and there were of course many times in that fight it'll be interesting if we get a chance to to get the judges scorecards how they had that sport because I there's a very good chance in my mind was maybe even or a little bit and it was closer to very very close more than two well George Foreman wins on a TKO it is his eighth straight win since his comeback and all the others had knockout this time he was extended to seven rounds the long he has gone and some people will wonder did he beat anybody in flight Mohamed Cowie and what would have you a top heavyweight do to him what I guess we'll get that answer in the future let's take a look the end of there was that good left hook underneath I think that took all the rest of the fight out of white while we either mentioned it was why and he's just brutalizing now look no big snap but the punches are there and I guess while we knew he was out of gas and that was the end of the fight George if we can spin you around here if that's possible this fight started out on a tough note because Cahuilla was landing those overhand rights and those left hooks were you hurt by any of those well not really but I was really devastated by his energy his ability ability to recover from punches you it looked us like you had a hard time getting off with your jab and then finally you got that left hook into the body was he a tough target to hit let's face it shorter guys I really hung out the docs for boxers the shorter they are the harder to get it unorthodox to jail ball for him and he was playing it real good he played my gel but as a rule that caught up with Anatole did catch up with him did a fine man brave individual were you happy with what you did tonight well you know I'm happy when I win but he wasn't hurt that I'm thankful to go out follow that like to say hello to my farm ponder Roscoe down in Houston he was the middleweight who got me in shape for throwing fast punches and I'd like to say that uh I feel overshadowed by you you too much of a celebrity you know your finger and everything I'm just a boxer but but in this fight there were moments where it looked like you got everything going and there were moments where it was very difficult to you well I really didn't want to get out there and get a first-round knockout that's what I was trying to avoid I wanted to use my left jab see how I could do again shorter guys who help good overhand right the heavyweight champ of the world fights like that so it's come on benefit that I go one or even several rounds with these kind of fighters I'll only get better and they'll get hurt anyway because they can't definitely reach me at our time talks a very good fight the George Foreman bandwagon rolls on but a victory over someone in the top ten is what he really needs before George can be counted as a genuine challenger to Mike Tyson it took one or two too many punches for my liking in that fight right we have plenty more still to come we've got a hard-hitting look at the All Blacks domination of rope
Channel: Great Fights
Views: 162,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foreman, las Vegas boxing, Qawi, george foreman knockout, greatfights
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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