Geometry Dash's Greatest Accomplishments

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What you are seeing here is an AI playing Geometry  Dash. And this is a Shrek movie scene in GD. Yeah;   these are only a fraction of the crazy  things we’ll mention, so stick around to   see Geometry Dash’s Greatest Accomplishments. Let’s start off simple. This is Khorne,   a level with over a million objects. The  dedication to build such a behemoth is   incredible but contrary to popular belief  it doesn’t actually have the most objects.   That would be Noclip Ocular Miracle which  has an outstanding 1.3 million objects. Yeah,   good luck running this on your phone. Anyhow, some  other levels actually have even more objects using   some weird techniques but this is actually a fully  completed level that’s meant to be played so I   think it’s fair for it to take the number 1 spot. But anyway, while I was searching for   accomplishments I remembered Mastergame. It’s an  entire RPG made inside of Geometry Dash and when   it was released it amazed everyone. It really  showed the community what was possible with the   in-game editor and a lot of people still consider  it as one of the greatest levels ever made,   for good reason. However, that was back  in 2017. Let’s fast forward a bit to 2019…  This is Dim, an entire 3D game in Geometry Dash.  The way it was made is by using a technique known   as ray casting to simulate a 3D effect, so it’s  basically an illusion. However, what’s more   interesting is that it was created automatically. That’s right, a bot literally made a Geometry Dash   level. By editing the level’s save file directly,  you can do complicated tasks that would take years   to do in a matter of minutes. The fact that  someone was able to do this is nothing short of   incredible but this isn’t the only time Spu7nix  was able to amaze the world, but more on that   later… (Idea: Have in the BG play a voice line  saying “I will make the greatest level ever!”)  For now let’s look at this player who  managed to beat an Extreme Demon invisible.   Yeah, they literally took the hardest difficulty  of the game, made it so you can’t see the gameplay   and just completed it, which is just have  their reaction play or maybe a little before  Since we are on the topic of Extreme Demons this  is Bloodbath, one of the most iconic levels ever.   When it was released it got massive amounts of  attention and was immediately considered the   hardest thing made by a long shot.  But that was over six years ago,   how has difficulty evolved nowadays? Wow. Even then, this is nothing compared to what these   players did. What if on one fine day you decided  that beating the hardest level wasn’t enough   and you wanted to complete the other 75 hardest  levels? Well, two players by the names of nSwish   and Spaceuk decided to do this daunting task,  even though they did it in different time periods.   It took them a while but in the end they pulled  through and did something that is still considered   one of Geometry Dash’s greatest accomplishments. Anyhow, while we are discussing some of the   hardest things ever beaten let’s look  at the player leaderboards. Here,   players are ranked based on how many stars they  have obtained from certain levels. On average,   most levels have around 6 to 7 stars, so  let me ask you a question. Do you think the   number 1 player on this leaderboard has A. 10,000  stars B. 20.000 stars C. 1 Star or D. No stars?   Well that’s a trick question, none of these.  The answer is 200 thousand. That’s more stars   than I have subscribers. Hey maybe we  could change that. No pressure, though.  Moreover, the number 1 player Smiffy, has  also managed to beat an absurd 5000 demons,   which is just, how. But no this seems  like an easy task I am determined to   beat Smiffy and pass them in demons, it all  starts with this level. Well, close enough.  Parallel to the player leaderboard there is also  the creator leaderboard. However, instead of being   ranked based on who has the most stars it’s ranked  depending on who has the most Creator Points.   Don’t abbreviate that. Anyways, a creator point is  something that is granted to you if the developer   of the game likes your level and needless to say  it’s pretty hard to get. But that seemed to be   no issue to the player named Viprin who managed  to obtain 281 creator points. That’s on average   around 140 levels needed to be made which is  an insane amount. In fact, it’s so insane that   he hasn’t been overtaken in over 6 years and is  still in the lead by around 39 creator points.  Hey, remember Spu7nix? Yeah seems like  they returned, oh didn’t see you there.   This time however they decided to make videos  play inside of Geometry Dash. Wait what. Look,   it’s the famous scene from the Shrek movie  that’s pretty cool. Or what about this,   a video of Geometry Dash, in Geometry Dash. What  else can this person even make at this point?  “A programming language” “Wait what”  “A programming language” “Nah there’s no way”  “You’ll see” Anyways, we’ll come   back to you later to see if you actually do that  but for now let’s look at some impossible levels.  This is Atomic in 2019. They’ve just managed  to complete the once thought impossible level   Thinking Space. Completing a former impossible  level is super impressive but Atomic certainly   wouldn’t be the last one to do it. Fast forward later to 2021 and pro player   Luqualizer would verify Silent Club, a level known  for starting this whole impossible level trend,   also known as the Silent level trend. This  completion shook the entire community to   its core, as back in 2014 people were  terrified of even trying this level.  But wait, you thought this was already crazy?  Wait till you see this run. That’s right;   this is Zoe getting 72% on Silent  Clubstep. Currently she is in a   race with Vision who also has 65% and they are  both going for something that is considered to be   the new upcoming top 1. Personally, seeing this  verified would be awesome because of all its   history. The fact that people can just take an  old impossible level and beat it is mindboggling   and is also another reason why I’m making this  video, to showcase and congratulate a lot of the   super impressive things this community has done. But anyhow that’s enough being wholesome, let’s   look at UFWM getting a 36% run on Silent Circles.  From the looks of it we are all going to have   carpal tunnel at age 30 but if it means passing  the first wave of Silent Circles I’m down.  But while these are all outstanding,  wait until the next one.  This is Sonic Wave. Beating such a level anywhere  other than PC would make you a masochist,   wouldn’t it? Well, Biprex decided to anyways and  managed to complete this level on mobile after 41   thousand attempts. For those who don’t know, input  delay on mobile is way higher than that on PC,   which for a game like Geometry Dash plays a huge  role. That fact alone makes this completion one of   the greatest things ever done inside of Geometry  Dash. There are also these levels that were   completed either on mobile or low refresh rate  on PC which you should definitely check out as   well as- what do you want?! “It’s me Spu7nix.”  “Oh not you again, what have you done this time?” “I made the programming language in Geometry Dash”  “Wait what” Yeah it turns out Spu7nix managed to make a whole   programming language, in Geometry Dash. The way  they made it is actually really sick and involves   them making their own programming language outside  of Geometry Dash. Basically, since GD triggers get   messy real fast, they made a language that is  basically GD triggers but in lines of code. Then   they used that to code the programming language  they wanted as they normally would which then   got inputted in Geometry Dash as triggers. Ok I  know that sounds pretty complicated but trust me   it’s pretty cool. Anyhow, on the topic of code  people have developed mods for Geometry Dash.   Yeah! For example look at this one by HJFod called  Better Edit which improves the editor by a lot.   And of course how we could forget Megahack V7 by  Absolute, which is a whole hack client type thing   that has so many cool features. Like did you know  that you can now make your wave trail ultra big or   that you could hack your way up the leaderboards?  Actually don’t do the second one that’s bad.  While we’ve gone over a lot so far, I decided  to save my personal favourites for last as I   think they are some of the craziest  things ever done, so let’s continue!  This is White Space by Xender game, an  absolute masterpiece. Show small montage.   This level has everything, amazing design, great  gameplay and even awesome storytelling. It truly   shows that Geometry Dash levels can really be a  form of art and expression and in my opinion White   Space does just that. Another level that achieves  this is In Silico. You are supposedly someone   trapped on an island and your goal is to escape it  as fast as possible before it explodes. The song   and the design choices complement the intensity so  well and it makes for an unforgettable experience.   Another memorable experience is definitely  “Castlemania” by Serponge and others.   This is an open world Geometry Dash level. You  are in a castle and your goal is to escape,   but how? Well, that’s up to you as there so  many different routes! Maybe you’ll venture   through the mysterious underground segment  or the magical library, it’s up to you.   And these three levels aren’t the only ones  that use GD as an art form. There are tons   more that if I wanted to mention them all  it’d take years so just know that Geometry   Dash truly is a beautiful game where people  are free to express themselves as they please.  But what if we wanted to push  human skill to its limit.  These are two challenges, VSC and The Third  Variant. Both of them only have one victor and are   hard. VSC features some of the tightest wave  gaps ever and The Third Variant has 18 360 Hz   frame perfects, meaning you have only one frame  to execute a jump on 360hz, which is around   0.002 seconds to react. Oh and they are also like,  kind of invisible. It is jaw dropping that these   levels were even able to be verified and it really  shows how far Geometry Dash difficulty has come.  But now, for the thing you’ve all been  waiting for, a Geometry Dash AI. Somehow   a GD modder known as Adaf managed to make a sort  of AI in Geometry Dash. The way it works is that   it basically finds all the possible paths  it can take and then decides which one is   the best. It actually managed to get pretty far  on Base after Base all on its own without any   pre planned route which is so impressive,  I legit can’t believe something like this   exists. While it seems to not be able to  do very complicated tasks at the moment,   who knows, one day it might be able  to complete things us humans can’t…  There are tons more great accomplishments  that it’d take me forever to mention so if you   feel like something is special leave it in the  comments below. Anyhow, have you ever wondered   what the Limits of Geometry Dash are? Well you  can find out here, goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Channel: [ER] Ender
Views: 266,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pCzwwhlsjSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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