Geometry Dash 2.2 Editor Guide - Basics, Blocks, Colours [#1]

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wow it's woy welcome back to the Geometry Dash uh edit a guide video it's not a welcome back this is a new beginning uh am I playing with like mods installed like there's so much stuff on my profile I just came back from America and everything's different because of the updates I know like nothing right now I feel like an absolute Noob I'm going into the editor guide and I feel like I'm just going to go through oh my God there's so many different categories so this is a guide written by Viper and auton Nick that is officially like embedded into into the game and it basically tells you how to use a bunch of features it says that you can use it as a noob or a veteran you know it's just got everything everything you could possibly ask for why don't we just start small and then maybe just build up our little experience going through this editor guide from scratch this is what I'm thinking of doing for like a little series I have to find my way to the editor you know what we're going to go through this just in case this is going to be a geometry dash series for people of all scill levels so we're on the my levels page then we click new at the top I can set a level name and an optional description okay new level and I'm going to put this is my description okay nice we have the title and the description then we click this one to get into the editor okay now what to start editing click the left button okay I'm in the editor now I have to go into the main level settings which is accessed by the gear button in the top right corner which can decide the level starting State okay let's go for slow speed we can make it start off as a robot if we want to or literally anything classic is the original way to play J dash levels and platform is the newest game type we're going to go with original for this starting speed can be changed the mode can be changed don't all that uh we have the different mode descriptions and then we have options let's take a look at the options tab then here's mini mode dual mode two-player mode rotate gameplay what does that mean oh I can just start the other way around hello wow that is strange then we have reverse game play which I assume we go left okay no time penalty uh okay that's mainly for platformer so we've went through all the options then we have background ground and middle ground I am assuming that the middle ground option doesn't crash the game anymore okay so we can change the background font the color and the song let's do it we're learning the editor from Square One let's choose a new 2.2 background I quite like the look at this one we can change the ground to this thing that looks neat or I can just have a complet blank ground let's see I preview the ground yeah ooh no I like the look at this this is cute I like it Middle Ground I don't know if this crashes the game I'm just going to save just in case okay so now in between we have this middle ground layer uh Middle Ground Middle Ground 2 What Okay so let's just change it to black and white so I can see what's what okay so this has like a kind of a Bas in a detail kind of thing um let me change it around a little bit like this yeah so you can change the way that this looks with these two values that's cool I can even click this little plus button I'm kind of skipping ahead in the editor I'm guessing now you can make this transparent that's crazy to me because you can never change the background transparency back in the day so that's cool I like it is this going to crash my game though that's the question let's just make it blue like everything else just by copying and pasting in here let just take a look at all the new fonts that are in 2.2 okay this is cool I dig it these are nice all of the that one's hype what the heck is that the meme fond I don't actually know it looks like it though these are so slick dude there's so many cool looking ones that one's nice probably missing a couple of references when they use fonts from games but this one looks like a wild western style this one's just cool oh my goodness there's so many 60 I can't read we'll go with font 60 why not and then we'll change the colors uh let's just go for purples here we'll go with like a light purple for this ground and then we need to change this to a purple as well okay I like this a lot lot okay this one sounds nice to me the effortless Society normally you can open up new grounds and stuff but I'm just going to save time and use one that I had saved already going to experiment with the middle ground real quick I think maybe putting on pink or something not that shade but like a different Hue might look nice and then the ground can be more this way yeah see what I mean you can have like a gradient now and it just makes like much more sense rather than having purple background pink ground you can have like a magenta middle ground that really eases the transition I think it's cool placing object we have made it to page 12 back to the main editor screen you will have the build button uh all the objects in the game are located here clicking on an object selects it for use and then you can place it in the level just going to do that real quick okay so we can put some objects down just like this and then we play and we can jump on them neat perfect fantastic while an object is selected you can enable swipe on the right side to place objects over the area you swipe swish nice okay very good very good there are various types of objects grouped into a specific specific tabs yep okay we have blocks outlines and slopes which are all in this tab spikes 3D gameplay objects anime object animated object pixel art items symbols decorations pulsing objects rotating object triggers custom objects so yeah we have the outlines here these are all the slope objects very nice they seem to only have the old slopes from like 2.0 and under but that's okay these slopes are in this tab for some reason uh then we have a bunch of stuff with slopes in this box it's it's fine it doesn't matter I like that everything's collected so you don't have to go to like page 706 to get these blocks and then think oh where are the slopes for them to go in here page 4 billion like it it's fine I like how it's collected spikes and stuff I found out are you kidding me the the spike decorations aren't in the spike tab why why are there actual spikes here 3D objects orbs that's cool or like portals that sort of thing yeah these are all the animated objects then we have pixels Collectibles very neat o this one's sick and then we have the static objects nice perfect looking glow object look at this thing dude this is so hype then we have the little decoration tab the saw blades and stuff a lot of these seem very unchanged all of these triggers that I've got to learn editing object after placing objects you may want to edit them in some way you want to move these three spikes to the right you click the edit button which is here and then you click the button to the right which is here okay you can select more than one object at a time by enabling swipe in the bottom right making it blue okay that's something that's not very intuitive about the editor by the way let me show you so I have these objects in the editor right and swipe is green I can only select one at a time but if I have swipe on Blue I can select multiple at once it kind of makes sense but it's also like huh it's not something that you'll pick up very quickly until you're like more experienced with the editor probably and I can move them these move them five blocks at a time very nice these move them like a tiny little pixel at a time that's cool oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you get the bigger arrows too so you get these things which is a 15th of a block if I remember correctly this is a 60th of a block then we have half blocks which move them half of a block that's cool these buttons aren't very intuitive either just saying we have the swap which basically just flips them around I don't know why I made the top section completely symmetrical when you flip them like this you'll notice that it kind of just mirrors itself same on the vertical you can rotate these all at once and then we have 45° and free rotation which is turned off for static objects let me just delete those real quick now put down some other objects you can then 45° rotate this set then you can rotate them freely then there's the snap option say I have this slope right and I want to put these two blocks on this Edge right I would bring them over and and I would press snap like this and it brings it to the exact same angle and then I would just move it into place using the keybinds on my keyboard instead of pressing the actual buttons cuz it's easier then we have scale scale and warp so scale is going to increase the scale like this just on a complete full size whereas with scale X and Y you can make it like taller you can make it skinnier and the warp tool just gives you complete creativity with that and you can do a bunch of really weird stuff and make the slopes like super super high like this it's crazy but we're not up to that yet I think I've probably just covered this whole section uh another way to do this is to select free move and snap I would have skipped over this thank goodness so in the bottom right of the screen you can see free move and snap so for this object if I have free move enabled I can just why is it copy pasting itself hello what that's never been a thing why did it do that okay let's just pretend it it never did that and let's just continue like it just didn't do that at all so I can just move this object wherever I want and it doesn't really go to the grid but if I enable snap Kaboom it goes to the grid no matter where I drop it nice you can also do rotations based on this button here but again that object has to be noncollision just because it would mess up some hit boxes and stuff you can click deselect to be satisfied that's cool you can also deselect by placing new objects that makes sense I want to see more about warp so you see there's a lock button here and there's a couple of other buttons that I didn't get into as for the circular buttons the middle one is used an anchor point for rotation while the outer one performs the actual rotation huh The Anchor Point affects how much you can skew so skewing object is a thing so let's test that okay so we have a spike here we should probably put a bunch of them just like the tutorial so we have them selected we go warp and then we put the Anchor Point oh and then everything is kind of skewed based on this that's cool cool probably also yeah you can skew them vertically as there's a limit but it's cool and then what is this this is a rotation button what okay that is weird and I assume I can just move this circle point in the middle and it rotates around there instead wow this system's unbelievable what the heck that's so sick so I can put a spike I can warp I can set the center point over here and then rotate it up to here that's going to be so useful to create like circular patterns and stuff and then wait everything is based on this Anchor Point what that's so weird so all of my movements are now based on this one anchor which I can move wherever I really want to that is crazy okay gotcha and then so what does the lock button do let me see warp lock okay so this just means that when I drag the corners it doesn't it doesn't go all over the place like this it kind of just gets stuck in its aspect ratio what do I mean by aspect ratio okay let's just say that I have a spike that's like two wide and one tall no matter how I warp it it's always going to be twice as wide as it is tall unless I use the other buttons If I use the corner ones it's going to stay this way whereas I can change the ratio if it's unlocked okay gotcha oh we can change the color all righty let's just see let's just say I've got the spike I can make it player color one for me it'll be orange and it goes to that color then we have player color two nice light background which should go a light purple cuz the background is purple nutty and then default is just going to be the object color for a spike nice the object color can be changed in oh my goodness what wait where do you change the object color now what how do you change the object color background ground ground to line Middle Ground Middle Ground 2 what what really you have to change the object color here that's so weird that is so weird so changing this object color for example to Yellow would mean that anything that has the default of an object color if I like any blocks for example like most stuff has some sort of default object in it at least for the base that's going to make it always yellow let's go to color channel number one we can part like pink there's a whole lot of stuff on this menu but let's just set it as pink for now cool yeah the default varies from object to object that's cool you can select custom color channels which is what I've just done you can press next free to find a color channel that you haven't used okay what it's talking about now is the fact that I can just press next free I've already used number one so number two is is going to be available let's just go into number two and I'm going to try changing the actual RGB values themselves it'll be really helpful to make gradients because for example if you wanted something fully red you could do that then you can go to the next color Channel and you can say Okay I want this to be like halfway towards blue but still red you can put in like 122 which is pretty much uh that's the wrong math that is the wrong math like 128 which is halfway and then you put something that is fully red and fully blue it goes from red to Pink to vener and like a nice consistent little swoosh I don't know it's cool hex value if you know the exact hex reference of a code based on its RGB values you can put that in the box that's cool the opacity can change how transparent the color is so say I want this color to only be 25% transparent I can just put sorry 25% visible it's 75% transparent there we go you can see it's kind of not as visible as it was and then I want to copy this value I go to the next free and I paste it it doesn't store the opacity which is pretty interesting so I can just see how it looks normally I just copy paste it across channels like that and default sets it back to standard white I didn't know that copy color lets you input another color channel to copy from but with potential changes this is so awesome this is another way you can make really cool gradients and I'll show it with an example like this okay so say I have three spikes and I put them all on color channel 3 which is pink I can then go into this one go next free and make a new color Channel which copies the color color of number three and I can change the Hue by like Plus 50ish for this entire color Channel what you could do is go into this little HSV button and then change it to 50 that way and that would do the same thing but this makes it an actual color Channel using the original number three which can be pretty useful because it's kind of a hassle trying to just like go into every object you want to Hue and go HSV 50 no you can just select these objects and just put seven which cop number three you have the spike then say I want to have another one just copy the color of number three again and then change it by plus 100 and this is another gradient you can do nice something else that's nice say number three is blending which I'll explain in a second the rest of these color channels that copy it are not blending unless I put blending on this channel so it does kind of make a difference this way because now I'm copying the color channel of three which is blending with color channels that aren't for example seven and eight blending makes it blend with the visuals behind it so let me just see if I can give an example of how blending works if I just darken this pink right here and you'll see by the way that these spikes because they copy three they go much darker just all on their own and I only changed three this is darker now and it's also going transparent because there's less of this color present in the actual level let me just delete these so I have this color channel 3 right if I go and get myself a square just a square like this I'll scale it up just to make things nice and clear make it three and then I copy paste it a couple of times in the same area like this you'll see that the colors are kind of stacking on top of themselves whereas usually it would just be one solid mesh and I think this looks a lot better it basically brings the color in with the background of the level which is super important for like color consistency and just like having a nice display that's not like really muddy and has like really bold colors so say if I use the color channels that copy it again you can see the difference by having blending and not having blending on the copy colors and whatnot it's cool some objects have two different parts that can be colored indicated by detail and base okay Spike only has one customizable color which is the outline so Basse is the only one shown which is why the inside of the spike hasn't changed color because it doesn't have a detail option okay so I'm going to cut off here and do deleting next time but I want to just do a Bas and detail example some object you'll see are colored a little bit differently in the tab so these are all like very gray but these ones have a little colored inside and that shows that you can have a base color and a detail color so I could have three on the base and the detail as eight and they will be different colors I'm just going to turn off blending just to make this explanation a little bit more easy to see here we go so I can change the inside of this by changing the color there and I can change the outside by going on the base now that's purple okay cool okay so that was my first little reading of the Geet Das editor guide made by Viper at auton Nick very cool stuff it's nice to go back to the beginning I'm hoping that it's going to help people that are struggling to understand the editor at its core I know a lot of people have really enjoyed looking through it themselves but I just wanted to record myself learning it all together rather than just assuming that the people watching know about all the basic concepts right thank you so much for watching I'll be sure to make more of these videos cuz I'm really excited to get to the really technical stuff check the links in the description leave a like And subscribe and have a good day
Channel: Wulzy
Views: 32,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash 2.11, wulzy
Id: CjBn4SRfEcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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