Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Erkekler Sarışınları Sever) 1953 1080p

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Dorothy wait a minute Louie will you ask mr. Esmond to come back to our dressing room he's sitting in his usual place right away miss Lee what's the rush he's not gonna run away I know but I just can't wait for what so I say didn't you notice his pocket was bulging yeah that could be a bag of gumdrops no it was a square goes like a box for a ring I think he's got a present for me you know I think you're the only girl in the world that can stand on a stage with a spotlight in her eye and still see a diamond inside a man's pocket [Music] good evening mr. won't you great come here thank you I'd love to cognate leaving Dorothy you were wonderful tonight darling simply wonderful you were magnificent you were good too gee thanks cuz that makes me feel all warm inside yes is it the right size oh he can never be too big do you think it's too small Dorothy looks like it ought to have a high ball around it I mean does it fit your fingers oh yes it gets perfect daddy how bad you made me the happiest girl in the world I don't know what you do honey unless you use novocaine in your lipstick Danny huh hey I killed Dorothy if you wish Dorothy hmm mr. Esmond and I are going to be married to each other of course to each other who else - well I don't know but you guys I always sort of figured Lorelai would end up with a secretary of the Treasury do I think yes what on Saturday we're sailing on the ILD parents still depart so going to be married in Europe why not get married in America and then go to Europe well or is that the old-fashioned way well we've made our plans come in mr. Esmond long-distance call oh dear from Dayton Ohio well thank you very much I'll be right there it must be father I hope nothing's happened I'll meet you at my table there father never mrs. Gus's old man right on cue too bad honey nothing's going wrong this time Lorelai the old boy is not about to let you commit matrimony with his son I think you'd rather shove him down an elevator shaft Dorothy I'm sailing on Saturday with or without mr. Esmond and I'm not coming back from Europe until he comes and gets me when we're in France where his father can't phone him twice a day well guess I'll never let you go alone sometimes mr. Esmond finds it very difficult to say no to me well that's very possible [Applause] come on guys we can't check the roll if you don't stick together Peter's here Randall yeah Sanford here sim here Stevens Stevens Willard chase Stevens yeah why don't chance your visit check your passport right over there thank you it's this away to Europe France where not Europe France honey France is in Europe who said it was well you wouldn't say is this the way to North America Mexico would you if that's where I wanted to go and would the dealer passing this ship goes - sure boyfriends thank you ever soon see say what's all the talent in the blue jackets that's not a band is it no no miss that's the Olympic team they're sailing with you on the ship Olympic team yes for me now wasn't that thoughtful somebody dibs on the shot footer Dorothy Shaw I want you to remember you're supposed to be the chaperone on this trip now let's get this straight Gus the chaperones job is to see that nobody else has any fun nobody chaperones to chaperone Dorothy that's why I'm so right for this job Oh thought you were gonna be late they're over there at the passport desk I want your arrest as a blonde the brunettes are friend Dorothy sure never mind about her we don't care what she does I care have fun son come on please you guys move along let's get on board [Music] [Applause] [Music] Steve suppose the ship hit an iceberg and sank which one would you save from drowning those girls thank you it's just like a room isn't it oh look Fran windows yes dear just put that there frisbee Jessica Oh frisbee wait for me on the pier yes Lorelai where's Dorothy I don't know someone whistled at her and she disappeared I hope she's not gonna be a bad influence on you oh no lover Dorothy's not bad honest she's just dumb always falling in love with some man just because he's good-looking it's just as easy to koala in love with a rich man is a poor man but she says yes but if they're tall dark and handsome she never gets around to vital statistics until it's too late that's why I'm a best friend I guess she really needs somebody like I to educate her yes dear but very few girls have your wonderful willingness to learn I suppose that's true I want you to put this in a safe place what is it a letter of credit oh that's real sweet you started writing me even before I went away no no do you see a letter of credit is like money honey yes just take it to a bank in Paris when you get there well it's wonderful fish your nightly every day I'll be so lonesome I bought you a little going-away present dear sometimes I think there's only one of you in the whole wide world oh sorry wrong room who is that a stranger he had the wrong room yeah but he's good-looking hope he isn't just seeing someone off Dorothy well quite a little place we have here oh come on in folks meet the real a-team how do you do nice to know you how do you do we're gonna have ourselves a little bon voyage party Skeeter put the phonograph in there [Applause] Dorothy sure I'm counting on you to keep those athletes to yourself what a coincidence that's my plan - gangway pardon me Lorelai I want to talk to you sure dear I want to tell you I want to remind you of something very stop that please it's most distracting dear a lot depends on how you conduct yourself on this trip as you know dad is dead set against our marriage and well even the slightest hint of any scandal even the slightest I don't know what I could do about it my goodness whatever you don't have to tell me that oh I'd give anything in the world if I was sailing with you baby me too I don't know what I'll do in Europe without you I don't know what I'll do without you either I'm not so sure about that can be a pretty naughty boy sometime oh you don't have to worry about trusting me [Music] byebye baby remember you're my baby when they give you the eyes although I know that you can't want you write and acclaim that though on the loose you are still on squid I'll be gloomy but send that rainbow to me then my shadows will fly though you'll be gone for a while I know that I'll be smiling with my baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and that rainbow to me [Music] I know they'll be smiling with my baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi miss Shaw what are you gonna be doing right you guys keep moving mr. Amos Jones invalid what are you doing i checking the passenger list mr. Alfred Loman invalid mr. Eugene Martin invalid why the sudden interest in ballots when a man has and valid after his name he's definitely worthwhile I've simply tried to find a suitable gentleman escort for you well don't bother I've just provided myself with about 20 Dorothy did you ever hear of a rich pole vaulter maybe not but who cares I like a man who can run faster than I can I hate to think where you'll wind up you're wasting all your time and unrefined persons without any money honey did it ever occur to you that some people just don't care about money please don't be silly we're talking serious you don't want to end up with a loveless marriage do you me loveless that's right because of a girl spending all of your time worrying about the money she does in here how is she going to have any time for being in love I want you to find a happiness can stop having fun that baffles me you'll thank me someday he's a good one Henry Spofford the third invalid I remember reading this Buffett family owns practically a whole state a big one - I think it's Pennsylvania well I guess I could settle for Pennsylvania this is Henry Spofford the third and violet it's not going to have anything I don't have I'll see you later don't forget the cocktail party all right 5:30 the whole team that's right until after the games you mean to tell me you eat at 6:00 and have to be in bed at 9:00 that's right coach's trick they check up on everybody Holy Smoke 9 o'clock that's just when life begins 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 [Music] you dollars maybe we miss you that's a fairly tidy sum just to get a seat at a table that's the law of supply and demand this year already I got many requests for a seat at Miss Little Miss Rose table and the price was hop and hop and hop that's inevitable mm-hmm well sure regret it more than mu however the names Malone better get it down there while I can still afford it Missy Missy brother oh no man myself are you the head waiter at your service when was it I miss Li Oh miss Li well now in this ten what can I do for you obviously put a certain gentleman at my table oh I'm you mean until there is nothing I can do for you all seating arrangements are a completed final finished company that's too bad once I was in Atlantic City and all the gentlemen in the hotel wanted to sit at my table oh well I can't stand that some of them even went to the head waiter to give him money not happen what can one do one takes it why not that head waiter had to give it back indeed why because I had all my meals in my room I mean I didn't even come to the table at all so naturally the men wanted their money back well I'm amazeen I beg you do you want me do I have all my meals in my room must not be mad my said of course mr. Henry Spofford the third he's seated at my table oh it shall be when was it thank you [Music] hi uh hi this show well it's nice to see you in case you don't remember my name is Watson mr. Watson here we are all ready for you Thanks I need it what's the matter can you imagine the entire Olympic team has to be in bed by 9:00 o'clock what can you do about a thing like that send a letter to your Congressman catch me a pigeon I'd be glad to miss Shaw may I present Sir Francis Beekman how do you do howdy pigeon if there ever was one nope the blood-red ruby eyes don't need to run around he's jealous because I have a way with the ladies how do you do it makes a difference with the ladies is that diamond mine of yours diamond now if you'll excuse me I'll go on being the host oh good shot though see if we sit down and make ourselves comfortable what I understand that you're an entertainer miss sharp I do but you're a good window Thanks see is that on the level do you own a diamond mine well I'm happy to say I do I do are you interested in diamonds no no not particularly Britain really you must be extraordinary go would you do me a favor sir pinky just go be peaking would you do me a favor pick anything lady anemic would you be careful not to spread it around about your diamond mine I wouldn't want my girlfriend to hear about that oh she doesn't care for diamonds either believe me piggy I'm only trying to save everybody trouble do not tell her about the diamonds did you say dad by George I must say no doubt about no siree I judge no doubt about it at all Miss Lee me piggy you did say down second tier yes my dear you see my firm controls the second largest diamond diggings in South Africa but it seems that we mustn't say anything about it this young lady has a friend she doesn't want to know about me I wonder why oh no you don't god my saying so but having heard so much about you and all I expected you'd be much older me oh my you don't say or by Georgia older than what the pyramids of course I always say if a man is a certain age just isn't interesting oh honey lay off bless my soul bless my would you care to dance thank you could you use another drink no thanks I still can't tell the players without a program well I certainly want to know who the players are for instance who's the young man who just tried to steal second base my name is Malone sure Dorothy well mr. Malone you're the most attractive girl in the room so I came over to tell you do you mind no I might as well warn you flattery will get you anywhere in that case we haven't any problems as a matter of fact I've been wondering why you hadn't shown up before this well I I had some business to attend to and this isn't a vacation not entirely there's still a telephone in fact I just had some bad news huh that this two-year-old will never run again boat attendant he's worth 30 or 40,000 Oh not that I care about the money but this might have been a good one oh no you're not one of those are you wonder why the kind who thinks he has to tell a girl how much money he has what's the matter with having money yes I'm afraid you are do me a favor will you Malone go who's lubber Oh you might as well know I can't stand rich Playboy's who think all they have to do now wait a minute I'm not that bad all the time sometimes I'm very nice sometimes I just speak without thinking I get the picture you have sweet and half acid please miss Shaw I made a mistake yes you did honestly someone gave me some bad information now that I put my foot in it it seems to me I remember that it wasn't you they were talking about but your girlfriend no or am i wrong again no money is rather a hobby of Lorelei's [Laughter] [Music] I'm worried about her aren't you very observing am i forgiven considering the man shortage on this craft good we'll start all over again and I promise that I'm gonna be interrupted wait does have a jolly time what Oh mr. Malone miss Li and Peggy there I go again how do you do how do you do oh do I super best Benson so lighten his feet you never believed I was sure he would know and I'll see are you just trying to flatter me that what's the matter lady weak when my wife is that it was he's done there you are my dear would you come in join us I just have quite some idea Oh may I present miss Lee Shaw alone how do you do how do you do it the pleasure I may be so sure thank you thank you come sit down my dear we're having a jolly time lady Beekman it's the most beautiful jewelry I've ever seen in my whole life oh I am quite proud of the earrings heirlooms you know been in the family for ages you never know they look just like new Crichton you might be interested in my tiara I always carry it with me afraid to leave it in the stateroom and you're not afraid to show it to Lorelei yeah stop lady Beekman will know you're teasing did you ever anywhere anything like all blue stones cause a little job what yeah just hardly point minute of course how do you put it around your neck you don't love you it goes on your head you must think I was born yesterday well sometimes there's just no other possible explanation no no my dear she's quite right like so it's a tiara on your head I just love finding new places to wear diamond as the music Felix you my dear this New Year's promise me this next dance we've got to dress for dinner now what is only we must go Francis oh do please know what you owe my tiara thank you poor fella two-to-one she keeps him locked in her closet for the rest of the trip listen I'd be grateful if she did I think he's cute it's not the point you know very well what I mean you and that what are you doing just testing weird weird winner how does it look exactly like trouble I told the coalition leader what we need is a man who can do something about your story dear [Music] [Music] table madam good evening this Slee had miss Shaw this is mr. Crosley mr. Franklin mr. Mason how do you do mr. Brooks how do you do how do you do mr. Henry Spofford the food here and not yet but I believe this is his chair you're here miss Lee miss Shaw you're over here thank you pardon me my girlfriend's too shy to ask but could she please have your seat but of course she did sick if she rides backwards I'm sorry not at all how does it happen that we're at the same table this is the seat they assigned me lady how much did it cost you can't get too conceited yeah mr. Franklin aren't you you enjoy a new tree Oh how many times have you crops this is my year don't you feel alone not on a big horse well I have to do a conversation don't you pardon me mr. Henry Spofford hello hello hello well mr. Spofford are you traveling by yourself no I've got a ballot a tutor and a trainer oh pardon my saying so and all but having heard so much about you I expected you to be much older I'm old enough to appreciate a good-looking girl and I see one I promises to be quite a trip personally I don't intend to miss a meal how am i doing [Music] hey there's a place over there already would you get us some cigarettes sure I can't get over that passenger list I'm calling a young white mister my girl could waste a whole trip to Europe if she trusted her passenger list then you think we'd better give up the whole idea well he was 16 or 17 EMU could merriman Tennessee seemed a good idea to bring some drinks here are your cigarettes oh you're a dear good boy I mean what's your line mr. Malone a line well my most effective one is to tell a girl that she has hair like a tortured midnight lips like a red couch and an ivory palace and I'm lonely and starved for affection and I generally burst into tears very seldom works you idiot no I mean what you do for a living oh that kind of a line nothing I'm afraid just clip coupons and live off the fat of the land but it's like money isn't it I'm very similar I'm so pleased Dorothy's taking an interest in you I mean she's never been interested in anyone worthwhile no tasting no I'm a hobo collector I might even find room for you she's joking mr. Malone I hope not I'm kind of counting on it some people don't catch on to Dorothy's jokes I'm gonna try that's good go these are best and Loyalists friend a girl ever had she'll make some man a wonderful wife you'll find out well I've got to be going going where I don't worry about me only concerned about you too it's a wonderful mood tonight will you dance with me I shall be charlie well pleased if you will Thank You Evan I loved him that is if you hadn't asked me I was going to ask you really well by Jove I just I say will you excuse us [Music] do you remember last night very well I mean when we were talking about moon you said it reminded you of the moon you'd seen in Coney Island I was wondering the rich young man like you were doing in Coney Island oh well I thought you'd be in Bermuda or Palm Beach just dancing out in public yeah big much of a case out of that sound like a detective let's go find our moon and forget about your girlfriend anyway I'd probably get in trouble if I touched piggy overboard not with me hey wait why blame piggy it's not all his fault no I just what did you mean by that remark well let's say I just can't figure out how to girls can be so different be such good friends now listen Malone let's get this straight nobody talks about Lorelei but me she's quite a girl you just don't know her you don't mind if I like you better do you [Music] we settled that quarrel in a hurry now what do we talk about let's talk about you for the past hour I've been thinking thinking about doing something well what have you been thinking mr. wall [Music] [Music] Oh Oh batter clever you see that means come to my Bashar and I'll give you my old coconut shells now you see the natives believe the coconut shells ward off the snakes Clara what Africa must be fascinating gee Peggy a girl like I almost never gets to meet a really interesting man sometimes my brain gets real starved poor little thing it's a terrible thing to be lonesome especially in the middle of a crowd do you know what I mean you'll never be lonesome again now you leave it to piggy excuse me piggy I've got to see Lorelei alone well certainly certainly shall I wait in the next room if you like we're expecting lady Beekman for tea lady Beekman mm-hmm you yes oh I just remember I have another appointment I better pop off well turi luo jin jin and all that rock you know that was very mean of you I would never ink now you shut up and sit down and listen to me because you're in a jam me why what were you and piggy doing in here before he started barking like a seal he wasn't barking that's why he lee no no before that now think hard was there anything that would look incriminating in a photograph something you wouldn't want mr. Esmond to see why no my goodness yes what he was telling me about South Africa it's very dangerous they're practically full of snakes called pythons it seems her Python can grab a goat and kill it for just squeezing it to death we'll get to the point that's all well what's incriminate about that well Pia was being the Python and I was a goat Lorelei don't worry Peggy won't tell anyone he was being the Python he won't have to because just about the time piggy was squeezing the goat mr. Ernie Malone was taking pictures right through that porthole whatever for the National Geographic magazine Oh wake up honey mr. Malone has foxed us he's been shining up to me so he could keep tabs on you I'll pet you anything he's a private detective hired by mr. Esmond Oh Gus is jealous without pictures if he sees that when he'll be absolutely and reasonable yes he will I was going to crack Malone's head in but I thought better of it what do you mean better well we'll have a better chance of getting those pictures back if he doesn't know we're on to him I'll get them how he's a man isn't he no charm won't work he's too smart for that he was such a doll last night Oh Dorothy boy will I tell that stinker off when we get those pictures back the question is how do we do that well the simplest way is to swipe him come on we'll get our war paint on and go to work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by the way where's Lorelai tonight sound interested I am but not in her if you are interested I think I know where we could find her I was just asking a question [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Oh mr. Spofford would you please give me a hand I'm sort of stuck are you old burglar no mr. Whitlock Meehan I was waiting for a friend why didn't you ring for him I didn't think of it isn't it silly if you're a burglar I helped you escape please help me before somebody comes along I'm thinking all right I'll help you I don't feel for two reason never mind the reasons just to help me the first reason is I'm too young to be sent to jail the second reason is you've got a lot of animal Hey look someone's coming good evening I say whatever are you doing up there I just wanted to see the view from here it's better quite sure are you feeling well my dear yes thank you ever so except for being so cold I must have got a chill what say we go and get a spot of sherry oh no I can't well sure he's the best thing if a car is coming on honest I couldn't look a bit fresh my dear let me feel your pumps no no please do no cause for alarm my dear is purely medical there's no fever at any rate I'm all right I'm fine such a little flowery hair please put that back so sweet so tiny and yet it can hold a human heart stop that pardon what laryngitis I guessed there's no doubt about it piggy I better have some of that cherry will you get me something I fire on the wings of make yes hurry up all right my dear how can you stand that battery level can't you see his intentions are not honorable for heaven's sakes get me out of here wait a minute what do you mean you're all bruised Vaughn's been here with me the whole time mr. Spofford pulled me too hard mr. Spofford what Connie never mind the games did you get the pictures no they weren't there are you sure absolutely I looked everywhere and they're not in the camera shop either coz I went in and asked then he's got them in his pockets he must have jarn it of course he wouldn't bother to hide them as long as he thinks we're buying his act well there's only one thing to do listen order dinner for three in our cabin and get some drinks I'll have him there in about 10 minutes if we can't empty his pockets between us we're not worthy of the name woman I'll have everything ready you'll be here in a minute for some cigarettes I know some of this heat off leave it alone dear but honey it's hot Oh for him you know sometimes your brain amazes me thank you remember our drink is just water in bitter so don't make any remarks what are you doing with that one this is his do you think three sleeping pills are enough well three is quite a lot that's pretty potent stuff Dina's worth doing it's worth doing well here we go come in here you cigarettes I'm asleep already good make yourself at home see you girls no it's hot in here must be 110 yes it is a little warm but Lorelai is afraid of catching cold touch of laryngitis hero mr. Malone specialty of the house thank you that's quite a cocktail it's very Maya let's drink a toast do you know this one there was an old fellow named Sidney who drank till II ruined her kidney had shriveled and shrank but he drank and he drank he had his fun doing didn't he it's appetizing I know another one bottoms up he looks like he's going to explode what are you girls made of what was that just equal parts of Scotch vodka brandy Angie here try this wasn't water no it was straight vodka do you want some more no what's the matter don't you feel well I'm burning up I know oh yes you feel a lot better now you just sit down excuse me a minute any luck not so far sure you check the inside pocket it's not in here it's not in this coat darn it so what other place it could be where his pants mom we'll have to get those two do you read I did it alone no I think two heads are better than one I suppose so it's ticklish business any way you look at it come on we'll stick together you know I know they went to sleep sitting here you're suppose you could turn that heat down you know what I think he needs a good glass of water don't you honey yes we can't leave him here in wet pants can we not welcome to me I put them under the hair dryer no no no look I'm alright I'll just go and change don't be silly don't name one France why you're just in time something to put on him mr. Malone doesn't feel very well you know I think you'd better go to your room and lie down down for a month Francois help I don't think it's here it must be yeah $2 20 your negatives and positives prints and may I say in the immortal words of my countrymen Oh Thank You Alison oh hi there remember me yes you're one of the Olympians and eggs aren't you one of them sister I'm the only four that a man on the team I should think you'd be ashamed to admit it word by word by charge I must say this is the most contemptible bit of impudence I've ever encountered the idea of photographing innocent people through a portal why it's absolute invasion of privacy just imagine some newspaper getting a hold of it lady people would never believe what you were just being a snake I think I better sit down a moment are you sure my dear there's no more of these things about positive piggy do you feel better you little angel you don't even know that there is a certain kind of girl it would take advantage everything like this she'd have to be a pretty terrible girl to be mean to a sweet intelligent generous man like you piggy my dear my dear you must let me do something for you to show my gratitude may I may I kiss your hand I always say a kiss on the hand might feel very good but a diamond tiara lasts forever diamond tiara yes maybe beekman's I just love to have a good gracious wouldn't you rather have some furs or a racehorse or a motorboat no thank you well it should be very difficult for me to explain the lady Beekman that I'd given away jewels you're so clever piggy you could if you put your mind to it you really think so of course I do and besides it's only fair I should have her tiara because after all she has you my dear my dear my very dear let's give it right now [Music] keep an eye on the door all right Pierre take this thing back to my cabin I'm gonna stay here here's the microphone and a dividend merci Monsieur and leave the door open Pierre oui Monsieur Lorelai they're coming for our how did you get in here came in through that door I've been waiting till snooping around huh that's right but it has nothing to do with you I'm being paid to watch that blonde bandit I'd sure hate to have your job maybe you're right checking up on people is messy work sometimes but only when those people are doing things doing things like pretending to make love to a girl while you spy on her friend that part of it is not true I waited here to tell yourself I wouldn't believe anything you said if you had a tattooed on your for now wait a minute listen I'm Way sure like you're a wrong guy not wrong about you and you're gonna listen to me you're only making things worse all right don't listen but whether you listen or not I'm gonna take come on in honey you can hear better in here Oh am i intruding or is he leaving one hopes I'm leaving but Miss Lee before I go I'm gonna tell you this because once in a while even a mercenary nitwit like you has a decent impulse don't let your friend here get mixed up in any of your schemes cuz I'm gonna rub your nose in them and I don't want this character to get hurt on the way if you have nothing more to say crazy cat that's about all honey except for telling you I had money which I haven't everything else I said to you I meant and it wasn't part of my job either think about it why did you just stand there and let him kiss you you want to hear something crazy I think I'm falling in love with that slob oh you just feel that way because he's poor I hope so come on let's change we dock in an hour [Music] yeah we want to buy some clothes you know happy about the shampoo you know some good places we were to do koala all right that's where we want to go first [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's been fun hesitant to first-ever been shopping without a man along well Pierre you certainly we're a big help yes you've ever I did never spend so much money so fast oh thank you thank you yes me Dom how do you do I am the manager yeah help you certainly may show me a place to take my shoes off my feet are killing me Dorothy please leading everything is her feet her bangs your point you Mademoiselle you have your reservations yes we do it's in the name of mr. Augustus Esmond this is me sure I miss Levi hello yes we have been expecting you this week we're asleep it's Shaw I said surely in all Paris we could lose you Madame are these the persons you were talking about yes these are the persons well lady piggy I need Pinkman what a pleasant surprise hmm I dare say you may proceed Pritchard this person is Miss Lee comes Lee I represent the Suffolk and Greater London insurance company what did you ever sell I never buy insurance sell it to mr. Malone he needs it in the business he's in what is all this young woman if you return the tiara I'm willing to forget this qualit incident and lady Beekman tiara which is insured as my company has been reported as stolen to do with us we've been informed it's in your possession is that true absolutely not honey why don't you let Lorelei talk for herself she'll do better than that she'll sue you for slander honey tell them go on well we're waiting none of your business well I'm afraid it's very much our business honey just tell them you haven't got it tell Lorelai you didn't I did not steal lady Beekman scare perhaps you'll explain how it happens to be in your possession suppose we say that's my affair well that's one explanation Lord Beekman knows it wasn't stolen ask him we've already done so measly and he denied knowing anything about it and departed for the interior of Africa he wouldn't do that miss Lee are you or are you not going to give back the tiara I wouldn't dream of doing sane it's mine and I'm going to keep it that remains to be seen come Richard you'll find that I mean business really then why are you wearing that hat honey I want to talk to you they've made it my boy look Lorelei the simplest way to get out of this whole thing is just to give it back I do not care to converse with you mr. Malone we will not be into this man as long as we're staying in this hotel I regret madam you'll not stay here at all uh-oh what now Lorelei Desmond's canceled your reservation and your letter of credit after your hearing from you that's right I don't believe it mr. Esmond wouldn't do that did he exactly mr. Esmond refuses responsibility for your bill it's very inconvenient because we just spent all of our money so do you mind that it's not our concert come on honey let's get out of here anyway I hear your plumbing is noise Dorothy if you need any help I'm at the LSA Hotel you hold your breath till I call [Music] oh dear [Music] [Music] right over there oh thank you Lorelai oh hello there mr. Esmond don't you dear perfectly well when it say hello then after all he used to be a friend of ours nice to see you again nice to see you yes me Lorelai Lorelai wait look Lorelai I've flown the entire Atlantic Ocean just to talk to you now you might come in for a minute that's if you don't mind oh I don't mind if you don't mind mr. Esmond Thank You Lorelai aren't you even gonna say you're sorry myself I won't let myself fall in love with a man who won't trust me no matter what I might do no matter what you Lorelai that's being unreasonable well goodbye then how can I trust you after all fathers found out about it well my steamin was in you right there Lorelai it's men like you who have made me the way I am and if you loved me at all you'd feel sorry for the terrible troubles I've been through instead of holding in the kissed me no don't say another word I wasn't gonna say anything poor guess you have a pretty tough time you know if you really want to get upset go out and see the number she's gonna do next you mean [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you hi hard guts like your number he didn't applause he look kind of grim having my hat there will you please he is sweet isn't he I really do love Gus you do really there's not another millionaire of the world with such a gentle disposition he never wins an argument always does anything I ask he's got the money to do it with how can I help loving a man like that I guess so oh let's don't talk about love it reminds me of my friend Malone the human ferret hard Adam the police get here yes for you working for your arrest don't tell me now because you know the newspapers I'd you feel hurt my business come on sir now will you get rid of that jinx tiara the P gave it to me if I give it back it's like admitting I stolen Oh keep still honey you're in a strange country you can't prove that you didn't steal it do you want to take a chance at a couple of years in the best deal thank you I've got to give it back where is it in there oh come on let's get it what are you sure this is where you left it yes it's Tolan it's been stolen cops Oh sister we really are in a jam he's your best chance why but he can boost me any harder than you can Lorelai just a minute Gus listen either you hock some of that stuff or get the price of a diamond - you're out of him how much you think a diamond hero cost fifteen thousand at least taken or under 45 minutes alright you get the money and I'll take care of the genders oh never mind how you're not the only one around here with hidden talents you can come you know Daisy darling Lorelai I've made up my mind we're through through forever kiss you good-bye very well in front of everybody daddy this is your flag come in now Missy oh thanks very much Thomas you're finished busting yes I know I just wish to speak with this gentleman yeah miss you well Malone sorry mr. president have a nice trip my son where is he a few minutes ago he was in the cafe where the girls are working I explicitly told you and Mike able to stay with him until I arrived well he's don't you know he can't be left alone in the same city with that blond man trap well he's perfectly safe for a while right now the blond man trap is in the cafe am I on despawn Night Court getting ready to explain a few things to the police that's much better we'll go over there as soon as you get through this customs thing I'll be right with you well Sir Francis Beekman I heard you'd gone to Africa what why'd you say Beekman no so my name is not pigment my name is Avis Finch all right if that's how you want it though I say don't be such a confounded rush aren't you the chap on the boat I am I thought so oh I was just having a bit of a joke of course I'm Beekman you're sure well rather my plane leaves in an hour do you know what if I in Miss Lee I think so would you mind giving her a message for me but not until after I've gone glad to tell her tell her that I had no choice in the matter that what I did I had to do and all that sort of rot you know she'll understand if she knew my wife and tell her tell her I know that money means nothing to her but I'll make it up to her someday somehow I'll tell her oh thanks awfully old boy well Tory Lou it'll be a great favor by George a great favor all right Barone take me to see this young lady yes sir TC Timor it's your no harm or publisher are you don't imitate or tell that are such emo exon play feds are trailing koozies they don't aim at Mazzilli my mother Laura Lee farmers led to the very terror and hilarity you will please swear Miss Lee charge I never sway you've been asked to swear to tell the truth your truth nothing but the truth will you do that well yeah thank you ever so sit down wasn't my motherly have been requested to hold you for trial for a charge of grand larceny the complainer attest that you had stolen how do you say head piece of diamond tiara my goodness Chad your girl needs a little time to think just so much more intelligent than poor little me won't you tell me when I ought to say pleased one-celled apart measly yes judge how I was going to I was just thinking well it was all a terrible misunderstanding you see judge sometimes life is very hard for a girl like God especially if she happens to be pretty like I and have blond hair we can do without the philosophy we have interesting the facts only Michelle Paz did not kill play-doh tribunal mr. Pritchett is a little confused and would like to bring up a question I can hardly blame him what is the question mr. Petra doesn't see very well and we'd like to look upon was Ali more closely oh yes permission granted nah mostly yeah mr. Pritchett how nice to see you yes miss Li you are miss young Joe that's just who I am all right but my friends call me Lorelai I do hope you're my friend because I just love to have handsome gentlemen be my friend well my eyes are not what they might be have you ever heard me sing no are you sure oh I've not had the pleasure thank you ever so a kiss on the hand may be quite continental but diamonds are a girl's best friend kiss may be grand on your humble flat help you at the automat [Music] [Music] [Music] Cartier [Music] black star [Music] [Music] you are sorry but my son get mixed up with that type of girl now young lady we're here to dispense justice not to watch a cabaret show you understand me yes judge Forrest did you or did you not steal the diamond tiara oh no sir I did not steal it the fact is lady pigments husband gave it to me Your Honor I'd like to give some information the defendant here is wrong you have evidence that effects this case yes sir I have hollar means your honor before he talks could I explain something well I have a friend named Dorothy and she's a really good friend and Dorothy knows that I would never do anything that was really wrong Miss Lee do you have to set this oh yes sir I do there's a certain young man that Dorothy likes in fact she's very fond of him and Dorothy would never speak to this man again if he ever did anything to hurt me Lorelai so I think this young man had just better know that well well Dorothy thinks she's in love with him mr. Esmond I resign what I just quit the case you don't owe me a dime how did you are you out of your mind but I like it that way judge I have changed my mind oh I haven't anything to say oh this becomes more and more confusing but the solution is simple my decision is this the property in question will be placed in custody of this court until its rightful owner can be established by an affidavit from the big man himself now Miss Lee you will give me the chair can't if you refuse and must put you in prison well I don't refuse I just haven't got it it was stolen Your Honor I think I know where that thing is and I think I know who's got it who are you by the way I'm a private detective Your Honor if you'll give me a couple of policemen and wait about half an hour I can bring that tiara back and settle this thing anything would be better than this go with him Thomas you lose that lien newsfeed deku deku on Bebo Chapel the policeman wants you to remove yagi well why doesn't he say so what are you doing simply the British country a long time I'll take it in just a second Your Honor this is Sir Francis Beekman and this I believe is the missing tiara that's private property I'm sure miss Li will be glad to return it I certainly would but before that happens I believe his honor asked miss Li to give him the tiara I did I say that is I wouldn't go into that if I were you mr. Finch Miss Lee thanks Your Honor thank you miss your picture thank you your larger thank you chairs dismissed five minutes ago you said you wouldn't marry me that's before Dorothy phoned me what on earth could you say to make you change your mind she just said everything's okay now I don't quite understand oh dear well hello father hello son I know what you're here for father and I don't care I've made up my mind I'm gonna make her marry me Oh bless your heart that's wonderful I presume this is the young lady well yes such a pretty little girl American yes except for my father and mother side they're Irish believe me son I'm delighted about this I've wanted to see you married for a long time anybody but that monster Lorelei Lee what mr. Esmond I am Lorelei Lee pretty early in the game to start teaching your father in law what's the matter with you father nothing I can take a joke what joke this is Lorelei father this is not the sort of thing one would joke about I don't have my driver's license with me but you can take my word for it honest look that's I see my name oh I'm too old for this sort of thing father I don't understand you don't understand how do you think I feel with thousands of Lorelei leaves coming at me from everywhere but believe me son you're not going to marry any one of them father I love her I love her very much I've never had a feeling like this top young lady you don't fool me one bit I'm not trying to but I bet I could though no you might convince this jackass that you love him but you'll never convince me that's too bad because I do love him certainly for his money no honestly have you got the nerve to stand there and expect me to believe that you don't want to marry my son for his money it's true then what do you want I am for I want to marry him for your money fair Oh Lorelai you see that's why we have to have his consent silly well at least we're getting down to brass tacks you admit that all you're after is money no I don't aren't you funny don't you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty you might not marry a girl just because she's pretty but my goodness doesn't it help and if you had a daughter wouldn't you rather she didn't marry a poor man but I would you'd want her to have the most wonderful things in the world and to be very happy oh why is it wrong for me to want those things well I concede that say they told me you were stupid you don't sound stupid to me I can be smart when it's important but most men don't like it except Gus he's always been interested in my brains no no that much of a fool he's not father you've changed your mind I don't know son I just don't know what to tell you daddy oh no daddy not you I guess I mean Sonny I'd like to spend about three minutes alone with your father three minutes run along darling yes dear now mr. Esmond about what we were speaking well there's a great deal to consider I just can't [Music] please take your places [Music] remember honey on your wedding day it's alright to say yes [Music] we're just two little girl from Little Rock and we lived on the wrong side of the tracks but at last we won the big crusade looks like we finally made the gray [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Full Film
Views: 332,495
Rating: 4.924017 out of 5
Id: Lk-zhsa6Lyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 20sec (4700 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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