Genshin Impact SUMMERTIME ODYSSEY FULL EVENT All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K 60FPS (Lumine)

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[Music] ah traveler it so happens that a friend of yours asked me to pass on a message when i saw you someone left a message for us [Music] my beloved retainer have you noticed that silver thread of which fate is woven now twisting and twining itself around you the outdoor earth along dusk thus gross and collido fantasmas will be watching you [Music] well apologies this message is unusually difficult to recite would you like to hear more uh definitely sounds like officials note what should we do we'll be watching you as you step into the glorious castle of the emmer knock rush come to me at once swear an oath to me in my blessed name and we shall journey together to the depths of the world anyway to summarize miss fishel asked me to ask you to go to the plaza in front of the cathedral please meet her there when you have the time she said that she will be waiting for you oh official such a mystifying message for such a plain and simple request well if fish is expecting us then let's not keep her waiting let's head towards the cathedral plaza [Music] there she is and mona too oh welcome welcome most loyal attendants of the princessin [Music] which one is it retainer or attendant make up your mind my apologies maine freudline tends to use exaggerated expressions when she's in good spirits you were looking for us right sounds like the fun started without us what's got you in such a good mood and so the whisper of eternal night summons you back to my side splendid what a blessed reunion a boon from beyond the even tide come partake of this joy with me my subjects traveler paimon it's a pleasure to see you again maine freudline and i extend to you our most sincere greetings to say a proper hello to you but taiman has no idea how to uh partake a normal person in this situation would simply say hi traveler have you been the traveler and i are like intertwined stars in the vast galaxy you of all people should very well know the fate foretold by this meeting precisely lady majestis please refrain from such unimaginative utterances lady a what now [Music] lady magistas has long since become a citizen of the emmanak rush she has been serving as court archmage under one's command for some time now that's just my surname don't mind that this is so embarrassing you're here because fishel asked catherine to ask you to come right indeed so my archmage did even this appear in thy divination why your powers are truly dangerous oh for the love no of course not you told me yourself that you'd left a message with catherine excuse me anyway in my case she practically beat the door down to get me to come along whatever she says please don't be too astonished oh don't worry we've been around the block you can't phase us oh faithful servants one's homeland the emmanoc reich which bears the darkest of all fates draws near to this world once more stand with me in anticipation for the glory of our kingdom is nigh wait what indeed only one's most faithful envoys are fortunate enough to be privy to this great revelation the imminok rush is near monstat no please that will be most unnecessary i know it sounds absurd but there's actually something behind this i promise basically what official means is lady magistas all right all right honestly look at me a genius astrologist forced into a juvenile role-playing game the truth is that yesterday her highness encountered the spark knight clee outside of the city both being of great fame they recognized one another instantly and began to converse it was already getting dark so in that spirit of great compassion and care for which she is known her highness personally accompanied clee back to monstat on the way her highness relayed to clee the story of her origins upon hearing the tragic tale of the fall of her highness's homeworld the tinder-hearted spark knight inquired with tears welling up in her eyes oh no is the immunochrist really gone won't it grow back oh mortal your sovereign's heart is touched by thy sincerity and sympathy but nay the ammonic rush is an everlasting realm and one day it shall make its reappearance really so how do we make your homeland grow back again oh please tell me please please since you inquire so earnestly give unto me a tranquil haven promise me eternal admiration lend me both time and wind and one shall revive one's homeworld could you cut the reenactment and just get to the point in short klee gave fisher an island to serve as the promised land where the imminent crash will appear i didn't believe it either at first but then i saw this letter providence has gifted maine freudline with an excellent opportunity esteemed traveler as maine freud line's cherished retainer you deserve to bear witness to this grand moment with us this island looks kind of familiar traveler curtail by umming and awing at once the throne of the emmanoc rush calls for me come be my blade clear the way and witness what is to come i i think she just wants to invite you along to the island with her that being said i have a feeling that i'll be better off not performing any divination where that island's concerned huh why not clee is involved in this which means her mother is probably involved which means that old hag is involved thanks but no thanks you who have traveled to the farthest reaches of the world fathom the celestial path of stardust in the palm of your hand and witness raindrops converge and become one with the undercurrent of destiny you yes you [Music] must chart the course that leads the way to the land promised to maine freudline by fate oh facial doesn't know the way there um since thou asketh for our help hi mine can tell us you that we are good friends with the spark night cle the guides of destiny come on just play along behold the watcher the guide the weaver of dreams the traveler [Music] excellent most excellent to sum up traveler since you say you know the way we'll let you take us to the island i mean the promised land oh good fine done right now lady magistas needs to go home to pack her things and catch up on some sleep your highness your other distinguished selves let's meet at the city gate at nine o'clock tomorrow morning very well then it is settled one blesses you with an undisturbed slumber lady magistas you too traveler maine freud means to say good night see you all tomorrow [Music] you all have proper rules how come on has to be a clock on the wall in the royal palace cuckoo it's 12 o'clock sharp in the immortal anyway since those islands are a pretty mind-blowing place why don't we get some people with mind-boggling ideas to help us out kyah's mind works in mysterious ways but no one in monster has ideas that bog of the mind quite like a certain somebody who's definitely going to be in the tavern at this hour come on let's go rope him into helping us [Music] we're here tonight [Music] what are they doing in monsta oh look at that you're really here come on take a seat and join our delightful conversation wow traveler pomon speak of the devil we were literally just talking about you truly a curious coincidence what are you doing here in a monstat cavern and how'd you end up having to share a table with the tone deaf bird don't deaf bored now that's a fun stage name it seems like you're a pretty well-known singer fella mo sadly not a rock and roll singer or we could perform a duet so you all know each other my newfound friends are my old friend's friends from afar how fantastic oh this is a rare opportunity indeed oh we should form a poetry club and call it uh the free poet society or something like that yeah i felt like getting out and finding some new inspiration for my songwriting kazuha felt like going on a trip too so we figured we'd travel together last month beto held a big booze field party called the drink till you sink championship and she put me in charge of the music that's where i met kazaha although xinyin can come across as unruly at times her musical understanding is highly nuanced and original safe to say our shared appreciation for music struck a chord in us both you can say that again in kazaha's hands even a leaf becomes an instrument that makes him an expert among my friends starting from leeway we passed through stonegate and kept going until we came into monsta then along the way we saw this really awesome manner it was something else oh yeah we know the one our friend owns that place really y'all sure have a lot of friends well whoever it is that lives in that fine place must be really loving life huh uh yes so similar souls tend to attract each other traveler and paimon you must have exceptional taste just like that friend of yours wow you're too nice unlike some people who only ever seem to poke fun at piemon by the way do you know anything about the iridescence tour it's supposed to be huge rumor has it that all seven nations up to that are gonna be involved [Music] well so far it's mostly just empty promises anyway it's supposed to be a music festival the organizer really did a number on me last time they canceled on me but i hear that they're still active i'd love to give the festival another shot but wouldn't you know it the plans fell through again how can they mess up this bad twice in a row music is all about inspiration maybe the organizers canceled the show because theirs dried up but fear not weary travelers for your journey was not in vain it has after all brought you here to me to the temple of music your temple of music must have more than just good tunes you're a bard ain't ya a song's gotta have a good story or it doesn't make the cut right exactly oh you understand the meaning of being a bard so well to express my gratitude i will even share one of these stories with you oh you're a funny fella are all birds like you i've met many bards during my travels but none of them are as entertaining as you i'm sure it all comes down to the richness of my imagination and by extension the poverty of theirs and on that note here is a fantastical tale that is sure to delight you all [Music] legends tell of an emerald isle in the middle of the ocean there the dodo king and his people live a blissful existence when a dodoco is born it dives into the water some learn to swim others are carried away by the waves all the way to monstat where they befriend the children there one dodoko made a new friend in monstat the little spark knight but the dodo king did not approve he demanded that the little knight come to the island and prove herself to him so the little knight together with her most important friend in the world braved the wind and waves finally reaching the middle of the ocean but dodo king was not there dodo king had lied there was no trial by fire or interrogation the little knight's mother who was a mage had built an entire summer city there as a gift to her daughter along with this message summer is the season of love it is the time for freedom and fun so everyone please sing dance and enjoy yourselves here [Music] the end [Music] how interesting i now have the urge to visit that island myself this is the thing about traveling you can't plan ahead better to leave when the mood takes you and go where the heart leads i'm glad you liked it well there's wine on the table and i have stories to tell seems like fate is feeling kind today here's to music come on traveler don't worry if you don't like wine there's juice as well in that case i'll have a glass of juice this one i like the color [Music] oh no oh this fella's drunk but uh wasn't he drinking fruit juice [Music] more more more more more more more please [Music] oops i think i accidentally placed some fruity cocktails out there my bad seriously anyway guess it's time to talk about business after all that drinking you came here because you need my help i presume oh yeah that's a good point we didn't come here to drink [Music] hmm look where we are yup i can sense that you're about to tell me something very interesting clee gave a special gift from her mother to an adventurer friend she's such a kindhearted child as i'm sure you've already guessed that letter is most definitely written by alice yeah that's so speaking of guess which two people i ran into on my way to the tavern today hmm master gene or lisa a mother and daughter both with long elf ears and the most amazingly adorable personalities alison clee [Music] ding ding ding correct dancer the unaging mage was taking her teeny tiny night on a vacation and i happened to run into them as a friendly greeting the mysterious woman gave me a gift she also said that if i meet any fun friends i should share this gift with them so now it's yours to keep [Music] minus the fuse so don't worry it's not going to explode come on take it this way we can talk to each other just like this even when we're apart it's called a dodo communication device and it allows people to stay in touch over vast distances however you can't just use it any time you want and there's also a limit on the number of times you can use it that's why it's currently only available to a certain select few i heard that the inspiration for this comes from another world alice is always full of surprises she and clay asked me to tell you ah please take this with you when you depart for the island no wait the promised land with your friends and have fun don't worry about how to get there the organizers of this vacation have made arrangements turn right after you exit the city gates and you'll see something that will make you very happy sounds like the two of you are in cahoots over this of course not is that really the sort of person you think i am traveler you're my friend and as your friend i just want to give you something that'll make you happy how can you think this of me fair enough the top death guard does like to joke around but he's still one of our best friends besides a vacation sounds great actually casual and shinyan seemed pretty interested in coming on this trip too let's ask them if they want to join us [Music] oh you're back poor kazuha is still out for the count seems like he can't handle alcohol so well xenon do you want to come to the islands with us [Music] adventure can't huh he doesn't want to go anymore he seemed really interested just a moment ago can't miss the adventure casa might act mature but deep down he's just another youngster eager for new experiences that must be why he didn't think anything of the fruit juice earlier well all the more reason for you to join the island trip you know a lot of people have praised the beautiful scenery there even bards okay sounds like a plan how do we get there someone's got it covered apparently there'll be a few others joining us on this trip and we're meeting at the city gate tomorrow morning we'll wait for you traveler oh yeah they aren't official yet do they okay so here's the deal there's a princess from a faraway land in her retinue who are also coming on this trip uh my mom don't get me wrong i'm just asking to make sure but from the way you're plugging this trip so hard did the iridescence tour folks put you up to this after all canceling the iridescence tour after people already made the trip that's kind of the same thing as tricking people into going traveling ain't it [Music] don't worry about that for now you'll all have the chance to get acquainted with each other tomorrow morning whether you're a princess a retainer a talking raven a samurai or a musician you're all vip guests of the island on your summer vacation and that's what counts right i'm sure looking forward to it i'll have to pass i have some work to take care of you serious the toad bard actually has plans to do some work i promised a young lady with cat ears and a cat tail that i'd sing at her tavern to boost business and beat the competition ah yes the competition being this place which has six-fingered jose aren't you allergic to cats yup i can always sing on their roof she told me that as long as their sails surpass their competitor there's a whole month's worth of wine in it for me oh what a fine employment opportunity virtually taylor made for me so have fun and don't worry about me i feel like this summer is going to be a very interesting one today is the day of one's reckoning with fate as foretold by the night sky humiliation suffered in the past the shame we have carried all these years one bids you would do for today it is time for retribution mean freudline if i may be so bold that final phrase did not sound like one of your own of course it wasn't i just overheard it from someone in the city i mean thy princessin is merely drawing on the wisest and courageous saying she has heard in the land to signify the importance of this day hmm let me see it really is someone else's catchphrase wow you're here early hi who've you brought with you oh to you a fabled wandering swordsman of inazuma and an enchanting musical talent of lyric hey i'm shinyan from leeway i like rock and roll sunny days and good times you must be the princess paimon told us about you sure do look the part i hear you're from a far away land it's an honor to be in the company of dignitaries and this lady over here my family tells me that only the wisest scholars wear appointed hats like this one guess and that applies to you too oh i like her she can stay your gaze pierces the dark veil of night to arrive at the truth beyond i am in need of one such as yourself very well you shall be one's musician laureate she's trying to say thanks you say all the right things um and the same goes for me too pleasure to meet you i'm mona an astrologist oh well it's nice to meet you too mona is amazing she can find out everything about you by divination a princess an astrologist and an articulate raven retainer in the company of giants my humble self hardly deserves mention i am kaidahara kazuha from inazuma it is an honor to meet you all divulge thy epithets in my vocation oh maine freudline would like to know where you work and what your field of expertise is um i'm afraid i'm just another [Music] [Music] near mortals could not look to comprehend what is he really that powerful let me take a look oh my hi causewa i'm absolutely delighted to meet a great swordmaster like you could we ask you to be our guard while we're on the island one hereby declares you captain of the royal guard of the immanue for even lady magistas to praise your skills you are surely one of rare talent okay lady [Music] lady magic what oh just call me mona stop calling me that weird name by the way lady majestic we found out how to get to the promised land a legendary great mage gave us a big hint come on everyone follow pymon [Music] look everyone here's our vehicle [Music] somehow i suddenly don't feel like going anymore what a [Music] unique little thing looks kind of like guoba doesn't it guoba is he the magical creature at one min restaurant now that you mention it it does look quite similar uh to be honest even pymon isn't so sure this can take us to the island after all [Music] i see i see only by meeting the lowliest events can we arrive at the emmanoc rush born anew behold the doorway cloven by thundering retribution by such means as i once descended into this realm to bring retribution do i now venture into the next come on lead the way i will enter first main freud i need not worry he's in and now he's gone why this truly is the path of retribution that leads to the promised land maybe i should just do a quick reading for safety lady magistas it's fine this is alice's creation it's totally safe spare yourself the trouble just come with us all right i completely forgot all right [Music] it's so dark in here um can someone turn on a light hey quit pushing come on now let's all try and stick out fishing you're treading on my hair i thought it was a snake [Music] we're flying everyone be careful [Music] we finally landed what was that all about what a beautiful place the wind is soft and the ocean is calm and a pleasant scent blows on the breeze [Music] yep hyman's feeling way better already now that we can see the ocean an ocean of life and a land filled with flora maine freudline we have finally arrived at the promised land whence we shall revive the immanuel oh faithful retainers this is the blessed paradise that one has been searching for here is where we shall witness the culmination of all things i who command the darkness shall lead you to yonder gate of dreams shall lead you to yonder gate of dreams [Music] your archmage magistas thanks you for your kindness your highness in this moment i offer my blessings to the emerald crush [Music] what are you uh oh don't ask just follow my lead oh oh right praise be to the princessin who has led us here to this sacred place my sincere gratitude to you for inviting me to join you on this trip your highness your happiness gladdens one's heart [Music] how it delights me to bring us all together here at this most monumentally fateful of moments now as i take my first step on this pilgrimage i shall perceive this ocean of life with my own earthly vessel after all this is where my soul belongs on the contrary lady magistas blessed as you are with the great power of hydro one yet finds too many impurities in thy soul [Music] maine freudline means lady magistas is perhaps not the most talented swimmer oh official that's enough i'm happy enough to join in with the play acting without complaining but how dare you ridicule my genius i think you can swim better than me i'll bring you to your knees young lady oh my main froyline steal yourself maine freeline oh yeah swimming race swimming race whoever comes and laughs is a rotten egg [Music] challenge accepted hate my words lowly lady magistas you shall pay for your foolishness for as long as you live ridiculous i've never lost a single swimming race in my life bring it on first one to run to the beach wins are they serious running i thought they were gonna swim [Music] i take it you have no present plans i want to start by surveying the area first want to come along are you coming it seems like everyone's got things to do i'll stay here and hold down the fort for now mona and official have gone swimming and someone's got to sit up camp don't worry i got this you're going to take a look around right well make sure you let me know if there are any good views thanks will do [Music] hey what's that huge weird thing over there it appears to be some sort of machine and an army cap with traces of hydro next to it it seems that we are not the first to set foot on this island also there are footprints here fresh ones likely no more than a few days old really hymen didn't notice them at all [Music] huh paimon stay alert why did you see something someone was here and they're still nearby judging from the scent they're visitors here like us there's other people here oh i'm scared now come on we need to track him down you said the cat had traces of hydro on it then let's follow the traces of elemental energy this pointy thing looks like the tower pretty unique too uh maybe it has something to do with that machine we saw but from the looks of it it seems pretty broken oh close watch out [Music] [Music] isn't there a single place in this world without mint sweet flowers and fertility interesting observation are you looking for something a cap i can't i can't lose it i don't know anything give me that copycat is this the cap you're looking for my brother's cappy cap ah this guy is not the sharpest sword in the sheath don't bully me or i'll punch you in the monster monster stop right there what are you doing here another we can ask you the same question what are you doing here protect cappy cat brother will get mad at me forget the cap it's your brother we're looking for what happened to him nothing he has a fever he's just a little delirious that's all i don't have to tell you anything don't bother someone else this island belongs to our friend you better watch what you say mister what i thought this island was uninhabited that's why we came here to never mind [Music] fine i'll tell you but then you need to leave me alone it's a new kind of energy generator that i invented we were simply looking for a deserted island to test it out on there satisfied yeah and if you don't do as you're told we'll uh oh we'll take his cap please don't hey stop crying all right i promise we'll stay within this area okay oh by the way um why is there smoke coming out of your machine because the cursive thing is broken as much as i hate to say it our tests did not go to plan we're getting ready to leave anyway oh well just see yourselves out whenever you're ready bye come on let's go okay hymon can't believe we have to deal with the fatoui during our vacation why would the fatoui appear in such an isolated corner of the world whatever their reasons it's likely more complicated than we might think even though we're on vacation we should stay vigilant also in the interests of keeping the ladies in good spirits i have a suggestion let's keep this between us for now let them enjoy their vacation while the traveler and i deal with any potential threats what do you think you're so considerate kazua paimon you flatter me i simply don't think it's worth ruining anyone's vacation over a trivial matter like this the scenery is beautiful i hope all of us can enjoy ourselves here [Music] we're back just in time so traveler paimon who do you think the real swimming champion is me official utter my supreme name and see how lady magistus the presumptuous is reduced to bitter tears oh no you dunk don't put this on pie mine oh wise piemon surely you can discern who the true winner is lady paimon the time to show your loyalty is nigh wait wait wait wait shouldn't pomona get some food in her first poor thing looks starving after such a long trek out thank you shinyan yes we did walk quite a long way right while you were off doing your own things i caught up some seafood and picked us a few fruits they taste real good barbecued now that you mention it i'm getting a little peckish myself i too well there's plenty to go around so dig in i can't say i've got the culinary skills of my chef friend but i promise you'll at least eat your fill time to eat inviting lady shinyan here was an astute decision indeed you guys carry on if you want to go hungry [Music] i love that barbecue smell [Music] this tastes amazing [Music] impressive since shinyan made dinner for us allow me to take charge of breakfast tomorrow [Music] you forgot about something uh let's talk over there that whole thing with the future is bothering you too right well remember the bomb thing that benty gave us we can contact him using that wait no not a bomb fenty said it's called a dodo communication device yeah let's ask fenty if he knows anything he always seems clued in on everything so if there's any intel floating around he'll definitely know about it [Music] miss me already i know that you're the only person who can contact me on this thing how come you're sneezing i'm at the cat's tail so many cats they gave me some allergy medicine but it's not working okay go on then what are you calling about could you be any lazier all right well fenty there's some strange things going on on this island we ran into the fertility of the fertility yeah they're everywhere aren't they the cryo-archons minions are a capable crew i'd be more surprised if they hadn't shown up yet but they're ruining our vacation really but uh you sound fine they can't have caused you too much trouble surely or if if they did i'm sure you have everything under control by now yeah but something just doesn't feel right that's why we came to you don't you have any information for us i haven't heard anything new about the fertility but don't worry i may be a lowly tone-deaf bard but you may contact me whenever you need me i mean i can't promise i'll be of much help but at least you'll have someone to talk to right sometimes just talking things through is enough to calm a worried mind honestly adventuring is what you do best it's only natural to encounter a few surprises when you head somewhere new but just remember not all unexpected encounters are dangerous the same wind graces the seaside as that which wafts over pastures green whenever you see clouds it was the wind that carried them there don't worry my friends the wind will always be with you okay then i have to go now my performance in the cat's tale is starting any second okay bye so he means we don't need to worry too much about the fatoui right well if that's what the tone deaf board says then fingers crossed we'll have a peaceful and relaxing vacation where nothing weird happens at all when you go off on a long trip with your friends the important thing is to have fun [Music] wake up traveler wake up oh thank goodness you're awake uh pyramid has good news and bad news which one do you want to hear first okay okay i'm sorry wake up something's happened okay uh bad news first the bad news is something weird's going on with this island and the good news is is it seems like it has nothing to do with what we came across yesterday today is a different issue entirely ah look she's awake careful not to frighten her she's probably just like the others ah humans such delicate little things how are you doing mate feeling a little fragile so as you can see the boat can talk no avoidance isn't gonna solve anything poor soul imagine being scared of talking squirrels and boats huh well we can't blame her after all humans aren't quite accustomed to hearing things like us talk wait have you guys always been able to talk of course otherwise how would we communicate with others of our kind so in other words we suddenly gained the ability to understand you oh strange maybe you've gained some intelligence congratulations [Music] so you're finally awake time to rise and shine oh you're back [Music] yes we went for a little walk the enchanting scenery and pleasant weather here soothes the body and mind everything is fine except that some places are a little peculiar the servants of darkness have descended rejoice for the return of the emmanuk rice is nigh maine fry line means that this is an unexpected development and she has never seen anything like this before no that's not even close to what she said oh my apologies please take that as my own opinion after last night there have been some unusual spectacles on this island yes swimming birds flying squirrels the sun and moon in the sky together some of these sights only lasted for a moment but that doesn't make it any less bizarre i heard a strange flapping sound on the island but didn't see a single flying creature around there was also a peculiar floral scent on the wind though there are many flowers on this island that scent did not resemble any of them seems to me like whatever these things are they aren't visible to the naked eye i tried to perform a divination but my scry glass showed only a chaotic mess that was impossible to decipher oh hyman has a bad feeling about this oh what have we gotten ourselves into hmm i had resolved to summon the imminocrish in this land but now we observe these puzzling phenomena could this be the spawn of the condemned trying to thwart my sacred endeavor wait you don't think alice could be behind all this do you [Music] but if it really was her it wouldn't make sense to do all this ah look at them old chap seems we scared the pants off them i well they've never seen anything like this before this old boat sailed all over the briny seas in its time and tried talking to many a sailor too but in all that time not a single person has ever spoken back exactly if it weren't for this environment who would have thought humans would be able to chat with us this environment what do you mean by that [Music] the environment could it be that that the environment is what's interfering with my divinations uh even if you were dreams aren't supposed to become reality right and a dream won't make you suddenly understand boats and squirrels what's wrong look over there [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] an illusion no it felt too real to be an illusion those things we saw flickering in and out that's exactly what i saw earlier this morning does this mean famine is real wait what um behold the ammonic rice has come just as your princess and had prophesized come my people a new chapter awaits us indeed maine freudline we all have witnessed this miracle with our own eyes and now is the time to celebrate the creation of a new world rejoice [Music] welcome to the yamanaka rush you look so happy pylon doesn't have the heart to interrupt her right now she doesn't seem surprised in the slightest does that just come with being an experienced adventurer or if this isn't an illusion we ought to go and investigate i got an idea if you hurt yourself in a dream you wake up right away don't you [Music] um yes you have a point right so come on kazuha hit me uh i'd rather not uh how about you hit me instead but that'll hurt real bad hey there'll be no need for any of that just leave it to us um hey traveler can piment hit you i like your senses of humor me hearties an illusion so talking boats and squirrels are just an illusion to humans huh now now it's understandable old chap haven't you heard as humans grow older they forget many important things and lose many of their abilities i saw they do a pity to be sure thinking back in all those years i spent sailing with the fleet i would have never imagined that one day i'd be laughing over something like this well then me lads and lasses don't you want to take a wee gander at all the places you're so curious about of course but how do we get there look here at what blimey at me of course oh that's right i forgot to introduce myself i'm the smartest chip you'll find in all these parts the names uh just call me whatever takes your fancy don't you have a name that i do i just can't remember it all i know is that i came here from inazuma in that case i'm on shall name you mitaburu how's that all the other ships in inazuma seem to have names ending in rue too mitovoru that'll do nicely you're lucky to have met me i can sail through the choppiest seas with ease there isn't a wave out there that can capsize me so come aboard and i'll take you wherever you'd like to go ah how very kind of you old chap unlike that animal archon who abandoned us here you know the animal archon of monstat don't you know some of these islands used to be monstat's mountaintops once upon a time the animal archons sliced them off to neaten the place up and chuck them into the ocean my great great great great great great uh great grandfather was on one of the mountaintops and got sent flying here along with it wretched animal archon how could that happen and we've been living here for generations since then fortunately there were a few other squirrel families that got stranded on these islands as well so we built ourselves a kingdom here the good thing is that there are no predators or competitors around all the pine cones on this island are hours for the taking the bad thing is we're stuck here can't see that coming sounds like the imran actress has a kingdom of squirrels hold thy tongue piemon please do not make such slanderous statements the imminent rice is of course a kingdom of night ravens hey lord yes you you're from inazuma i that makes us brothers every young lad of inazuma has to pluck up the courage to set sail on an adventure one day so are you coming to set sail is to leave one's homeland and travel far away i you need lots of courage and just a dash of heartlessness cause once you leave you may never return but if you stay you're forever a prisoner in your own heart inspiring words me to borrow and you're right the wanderer's spirit runs in my blood i'll go with you my friends are you coming too i want to take a look at the strange phenomena on that island also i smell ancient timber and waterproof varnish on this boat the scent is indeed from inazuma so i believe he speaks the truth huh what does everyone think oz lay down the gangplank thy princess and shall take to the seas let's all go it'll definitely be an experience great and we're off safe travels [Music] one with nature good going lads and lassies admires your bravery how long have you been here oh it's not your first time ha well i never well i certainly didn't expect to see you here this is a bonsai pot right it's nice but it looks like it's been a little neglected [Music] this bonsai was in my family for many generations i saw it once in a ten rio commission warehouse but it looked quite different from how it does now at that time there was a withered tree inside why would someone keep the plant in there if it's dead it's a way of sending a secret message it indicated that there was something hidden inside the flower pot there was a letter buried down at the bottom which told of an ancient secret in my clan i did not take the bonsai with me after reading the letter which means it should still be in the warehouse now i wonder who removed the plant and placed the pot here so the bonsai pot belong to your ancestors seems a shame to leave it empty like this kazaa what do you think about maybe putting a little something inside it all right though i still don't understand why it has appeared here i can give that a try i knew it wasn't gonna be that simple huh oh yeah everyone's here except for kazua kazuha where are you are you okay no response well let's keep an eye out for him look at the decor here it's like the inside of a grand mansion i don't think this is a perilous maze it's somebody's home most curious what secrets lie within this place i shall surely uncover [Music] let's take a closer look it looks like this letter was written by kazuo's father so keeping bonsai plants really does run in the family hmm but the fact that we're even here and could see his father's notes it just seems so unbelievable looks like a letter kazuha wrote while he was traveling oh what a sad letter lord kazuha the flesh resides in society while the heart yearns for the natural world such has been the way of the kaidoharas for many generations kazuha the future of this clan will one day be in your hands when that time comes remember to always stay true to yourself i heard an old man say something about the harass sounds like it might be cosworth's grandfather listen carefully kasuah al-qaeda horror blade is not forged for the purpose of harming people [Music] father what are you carving it's a rock garden i'm modeling it after the scenery i saw on my travels abroad it'll go with my bonsai later work has been so busy these years i've barely had a moment to spend with my grandson i hope he doesn't take after me when he's older he should get out there and see more of the world i believe the other voice belongs to lord kazuha's father oh i see we have ventured into lord kazuha's memory oh there you are huh where did you all go this place is a maze we all got trapped inside except for you i've been stuck in this room the whole time and can't seem to find a way out i have to say this place looks a lot like my childhood bedroom if this is your home why would you be trapped here is the maze trying to keep you out it appears that this whole maze is modeled after my family home and all the conversations you heard in there are in fact words once spoken by my father and grandfather you said that the maze is trying to keep me out indeed i'm the only one unable to explore this place i think these unusual structures are some kind of mirage according to what kazowa said all this seems to be constructed based on kazua's memory why should lord kazuha be the only one excluded maybe that comes from me too to me what is past is gone everything in the world is guided by its own rules and as for people we can never relive the past i think that this belief is the reason why the mirage was keeping me out i can get behind that it's a very sensible way of looking at things all our thoughts have consequences i don't consider it strange and i don't think it's anything you should be worried about [Music] we got in here by touching the bonsai didn't we so perhaps if we touch it again [Music] we're back hey look that whole mountain's changed completely wait everyone i might have an explanation the changes in the mirage could be related to the bonsai my father once mentioned that this pot was originally part of a collection belonging to my great grandfather he adored his bonsai and always took great care of them when our family fell upon hard times my grandfather traveled far and wide looking for a way to save the clan however during that time my great-grandfather became gravely ill he knew my grandfather had no interest in bonsai so before his death he gave most of his carefully crafted bonsai away this is the only one he retained hide the letter with that secret in it right yes and to give his son something to remember him by my grandfather returned quickly as he could but my great-grandfather had already passed away they never got the chance to say goodbye to each other before the end after that my grandfather would spend long periods of time standing in front of this bonsai lost in thought eventually he started to make his own bonsai unlike his father he preferred arranging rock gardens instead of plants perhaps influenced by my grandfather my father also took a liking to crafting bonsai back then our courtyard was filled with all kinds of them [Music] and this flower pot was passed down to me as a family treasure it's certainly no coincidence that it appeared here and became the entrance to the mirage it's almost as if it's giving me a chance to make up for past regrets there was once a time when the kaidoharas were an illustrious clan in inazuma after the ride in gokaden incident our clan's fortunes took a turn for the worse by the time of my generation our downfall was complete later i fled inazuma as i didn't want to be arrested with no one left in the kaidahara clan the authorities confiscated everything in our home including this bonsai like my ancestors before me i think i'd like to try it out for myself recreate a favorite scene from my travels and place it into this pot oh since the contents of this bonsai affect the mirage i'd at least like to try my hand at making something but what style should i use plants for the bonsai like my great grandfather or rocks like my father and grandfather perhaps a rock garden would suit me better so do you need any supplies to make this bonsai [Music] i think i'll need a set of tools and some rocks that can be carved and made into decorations got it we'll help you look we might just get lucky if the pots here then surely other stuff related to crafting bonsai can't be far away i concur lord kasua take heart in your search for my retinue and i shall help you retrieve your missing treasures thank you everyone this will do ah kazua you've come just at the right moment what do you think of this rock carving it's very intricate i based it on a mountain scene i saw in a book you know there are nations in this world where the mountains reach all the way up into the clouds [Music] if only i had the chance to see them with my own eyes father you can go anywhere whenever you want that's not true though the kaidehara clan is far from what it used to be i still bear all the same responsibilities as the clan heads before me but then again continuing in the way of our forefathers sacrificing everything for our declining clan is it really worth it but i i don't understand [Music] there's one thing i want you to always remember family ties are important but you ought to not let them hold you back family only exists because of the people in it if we are unhappy how can we hope to build a joyful one the events of the past have had a profound impact on our family but they are not your burden to carry if you ever grow tired of this tedious life just drop everything and go off on a journey see the world remember kazua don't let yourself get tied down in life yes father i'm sorry but i just don't understand kazuwa have you forgotten our promise do you really want to give it all up but but even if we're having a rough time you still have me by your side can't i be of any help when you are my age you are already helping grandfather out am i so incompetent that i'm a disappointment to you or kazuga [Music] now you're blaming yourself for all of this that's why i failed you as a father the kai de hara clan has been paying the price for our past mistakes ever since your great-grandfather's generation to this day we have never fully recovered from it though we are a family of bladesmiths you don't have to devote your life to the family craft if a wounded animal wants to escape from a trap it has to sacrifice the hind leg that was caught you might think of this as a loss but staying in the trap has far more deadly consequences enough now kazuha as the head of the family i failed to revitalize our clan you never blamed me for not giving you the life promised to you by our heritage and i'm grateful enough for that all these generations of suffering let's end them today from now on live your life with no burdens don't worry i'll carry the blame for abandoning our family business father please don't you should not be to blame for not upholding our family name even if that day comes let me share the burden with you let's just wait and see sooner or later i will have to lead the kaido hara clan when the time comes i'll deal with all our problems hey think you're tough enough to go against me yeah no response what's wrong did you really think it would be guys to pick a fight with the kaidah horror clan [Music] everybody stand back [Music] is no longer what it used to be why can't he hear us looks like it's just an illusion this isn't the kazua who came here with us [Music] maybe if i were more adept in the sword arts i'd be able to share my father's burdens [Music] this won't do i'm getting distracted by family matters and making too many mistakes i yearn to hear the song of nightingale my patient ears ready to attend a veil of mist obscures the western skies into its midst a silver moon descends to no one is fighting a losing battle and yet never once falter this shall be my father's legacy thought we might find you trapped here again yeah it seems those are the rules we entered that maze in the mirage again but the scene was different this time [Music] the mood was more deflated and the place more humbly furnished yes that makes sense what you saw was the kaida horror clan in decline we saw you in the mirage too but you looked a little different than now indeed i most certainly agree compared to the lord kazuha before us now the mirage we saw appeared lost with the burden of fate weighing heavily upon him i can confirm that his fate was a heavy burden indeed that means i am older and wiser now i'm sorry you had to see my less mature former self for a long time after leaving inazuma i've lived the life of a drifter but this is no bad thing because i learned much from the experience i wish that i could have met my past self too if he saw me i know that he would understand life is a long journey and that's why i must travel far and wide [Music] just as i thought the bonsai is the key to entering the mirage come on let's continue looking for the rock garden [Music] what's happened here everything is broken alas the loftier the clan the more devastating the fall broken into pieces and not a single soul around this must be the way things ended come on let's get moving [Music] the kaidahara clan has ultimately disbanded in my hands but as my father said i should not let life imprison me perhaps living the wanderer's life is what was meant for me after all [Music] you know they say that visions represent the arkham's gaze hmm but is being under an archon's gaze really a blessing i don't know maybe [Music] i have traveled far and wide in inizuma since leaving home and seen many new things along the way though material luxuries have vision hunt decree hand over your visions now this way hurry i know very well why people resist against the vision hunt decree ambition is our power in its rawest form we cannot live without it [Music] when no other option remains i will leave [Music] the almighty shogun is holding a tool before the throw unauthorized personnel are strictly forbidden from coming near wait the chin has a vision get him don't let him get away i need to train hard the life of a wanderer is full of hardships i have asked myself these questions many times should i go if so where to and by what means kaidahara that's you right get on board i'll get you out but why are you helping me i'm a wanted fugitive obviously the yashiroka an anonymous financial sponsor wants you to get out safely but there's only so much they can do after this you'll be on your own my grandfather once traveled to leeway while my father read about monstat but where is the right place for me the sky's getting dark looks like it's going to rain the rain ever stop [Music] stop i'm warning you do not attempt to resist [Applause] hey buddy you okay need a ride or something pirates you could call us that so you coming or not and look kazuha is over there we found you good timing i was just reflecting on my life so far and i think i'm all up to date so what do you think of the kaidahara clans bonsai old things often carry around some form of regret the kaida horror clan is no exception but that's okay partings produce reunions if not at home then in a distant land this mirage is quite fascinating it presents life like a stage play with each scene more captivating than the last they say that astrologists have seen it all so if this mirage intrigued you that says it was a worthwhile encounter how fair is thy mood main freudline inquires as to your present well-being lord kazuha hoping your heart is not too filled with sorrow there's no way anyone could be cheerful after reliving all that you have a point thank you all for your concern fortunately all those things are passed and gone now when i first saw this bonsai i thought of the possibility that i needed to wait for you perhaps that was why i had to be here on my own there was supposed to be a dead plant in that flower pot however there was nothing there while we were separated i had a lot of time to reflect i think i finally understand now the mirage is me the empty flower pot represents the state of my heart when the heart is clear the world is too and when the heart is unladen the same is true clear and unladen that describes how i feel right now although i would not say there are no regrets in this to be unladen is also to be empty that's why this bonsai appeared as part of my mirage it gave me a chance to fulfill my wishes i never realized that deep down in my heart i also wanted to make my own bonsai perhaps this is what it really means to keep kaidahara traditions alive have you finished doing what you wanted to do kazua yes you could say that you saw my past self and said goodbye to him only when you witness my whole story does it become truly consigned to history what really matters in life is not how strict we are with ourselves but the connections we make along the way there's no future for those who linger on the past so please believe me when i say that i've already come a long way and i intend to go further still i will always treasure your support i often travel during storms which means my eyes are often blinded by the rain many times i couldn't even see what was right in front of me one day i finally reached the top of the mountain i looked out with the clouds beneath my feet and only the gentle breeze murmuring in my ears the highest mountain is a clear and enlightened heart here there is no self no hatred no regrets and no desires let's embark on a journey for i am the breeze we will meet again no matter how far along the road life has just begun and maybe the whole world can be my home [Music] no it's been a long trip today hyman's getting kind of sleepy everyone must be exhausted let's call it a day [Music] what's wrong you don't look too good nothing perhaps today's arduous journey is making me feel slightly out of sorts [Music] i mean freudline are you all right oz curb thy curiosity yes main freud line i'll see if i can find something for us to eat go ahead and rest if you're feeling tired but anyone who's up to it is welcome to help out i'll help oh me too everyone's volunteering to help maybe we should too whoa hey i appreciate the enthusiasm but uh her highness looks kinda gloomy mona you two seem close why don't you keep her company for a while you noticed it too i was going to bring it up with you while we were preparing the food in that case yes just leave it to me all right we'll prepare the food yep this should be enough we can grill these next time we pass by one of those abandoned campsites i'll see if they have a cooking pot we'd have some more variety then wow that's such a nice idea you might not be a chef chinen but you sure do know how to keep the diners happy oh shucks pie mon it's no big deal just doing what i can even the crewmates of the alcor consider shinyan someone they can rely on we feel the same way about you too kazua we sure do well then as a trusted friend i have something i'd like to talk about from what you've been saying that miraculous mirage seems to have been based on my life story to date it felt just like a dream to me in other words you've always wanted to make your own bonsai could that be it all that was a means of granting me something i wished for and since this happened to me does that mean it could happen to everyone else too i agree but i wonder whose mirage will encounter next i'm actually kind of looking forward to my own mirage if it's a dream come true like you say wait you actually want something like this to happen with you too oh heck any barrage to do with me would probably be music related it'd be a good chance to showcase a few tunes you mean you'd want to do a performance in there why not i don't think any self-respecting musician could stay silent on these islands just look at this place so much confidence and optimism rocks oh um traveler wants to try some of the fruit growing on that cliff over there let's go pick some so those strange houses today huh and uh a mirage bonsai basically lots of weird stuff today um do you think we should tell venti about it [Music] there's no answer that's weird why is he ignoring us maybe he got distracted or he forgot to bring the bomb to his performance or he got drunk and fell asleep under that huge tree [Music] maybe we should try contacting him tomorrow traveler paimon so here you are luna are you all done chatting with fisher close enough she was a little downcast i think it has something to do with the mirage we saw today official has been very excited about this trip from the start but i have a feeling she doesn't want to see her own mirage why it seems like this would be the kind of thing she really enjoys i'm not sure at this stage but i'll keep an eye on her there's something else i wanted to tell you i tried performing a divination again on the beach my sky glass was still blurry but i felt a force coming from within i couldn't see its exact position but i knew that it was changing how could you tell that if you couldn't see it clearly hmm how can i explain this concept to non-experts oh i know it's like we're sitting in a room and there's a crack in the walls we don't know where it is but everyone can feel the wind rushing in not only that but the room is getting colder oh pine gets it now so you want to find where that crack is right you could say that i need to see the crack first before deciding what to do next seems like similar things happen every time i'm with you i'll attempt divination read the signs zero in on the target then solve the problem you're surrounded by all kinds of friends secrets and destinies it's incredible no you're incredible you helped fishel and us solve the third situation all things considered i suppose let's hope we can all stick together and resolve this like we did last time when you say together do you mean the two of you or all three of us okay okay the three of us then sometimes paimon offers an insightful perspective that can be very helpful to me really i'm starting to like you a lot genius astrologist mona yes that's the perspective i'm talking about you'll never meet another astrologist as clever and charming as me yeah everything about you is great except for um please don't laugh like fishel again ever oh sorry friends habits rub off on you when you spend a lot of time together don't they i'll keep observing the stars keep in touch traveler get up lazy bones the sun's so high it's right in your eyes yeah that's why you couldn't see that the sun's in your eyes i trust you slept well [Music] sounds like the same story for everyone i got up first today so i took a walk around and picked some fruits for our breakfast been waiting for you to get up so she can finally dig in huh official left first thing in the morning yeah she seemed unwilling to stay with us she said she had some other work to do for the adventurers guild a likely story what happened to coming here to restore the glory of the imminent now she has guild work to do all of the setting judging by that look on her face there was probably something on her mind we tried sending mona to comfort her like before but she said mona doesn't understand the work of the adventurers guild and can't go with her she didn't even make up some excuse about the immer knocks right to get some time alone huh that's out of character for her then she must be feeling quite troubled i'd love to help her as a friend but she was right about one thing we're going to explore another island today [Music] yep votes are in it's unanimous oh yeah about that pomona went ahead and voted for you she said since you're always together her opinion counts as yours and vice versa well you're an adventurer after all pima knew you'd want to go exploring official said there's something she wants to investigate and suggested that we all go ahead in the meantime she told me not to worry she'll catch up with us when she's done despite her quirks she's still an experienced adventurer i think we should trust her i haven't known her for long so this is just an observation but it seems like she's struggling with some internal conflict that seems about right in conflict with others you either resolve it or let it be but when the conflict is within yourself it's much harder to do either i've also had a time like that in my life so i understand what she's going through it may be best to give her some space i agree still it's a pity for today's adventure adventuring is always more fun when everyone's together always has great team spirit oh one other thing this morning we saw a mirage on the island in the north we can go take a look once you're done with your breakfast traveler this island looks pretty normal i smell something burning on the wind my sky glass is getting clearer but i still can't see much hey look what i found it's a well is it a drum or a plant an instrument made of a plant hmm do you think this could be your island oh you mean this instrument could have been put here just for me okay let me give it a try uh hold on when i touched the rock garden in the bonsai yesterday we were all transported to another space xin yen do you want to take some time first to get ready well you're right but it's all good i'm always ready to make some music i just got a mouth full of dirt piemon are you okay just as we thought we've been sent to another place oh why does this place feel so bleak chenin are you sure this is your mirage i think so yeah but you're right why is it so bleak here look there's something really bright over there it's almost like it's inviting us to go check it out okay let's go have a look wait wait wait this is too obvious surely it's gotta be a trip that well maybe but there's also nowhere else for us to go if this mirage belongs to shinyan i don't think we'll find any traps here now you're talking you know that wouldn't be my style that makes sense alright let's go then but let's also make sure to be careful the door is locked keep your nonsense to yourself thank you very much why did you lock the door you'd think i'd know this oh actually i usually put my key under the flower pot next to the door so maybe the key is nearby oh is there a flower pot around here hmm i guess it's worth a shot [Music] [Music] oh i hear music this place really is dedicated to music wow so we did get the key from the plant oh the puzzles in shinyan's mirage seem way easier than god well his life experiences are far richer than mine you flatter me [Music] wow that flower is huge it's so hot here is it because of that flower heck yeah i wasn't expecting visitors this is different hi we touched those drum-like plants growing on the beach outside and we're transported here are you the owner of this place this is the hall of music and i'm merely its gatekeeper tell me my friends are you here to pursue the ultimate expression of music oh you betcha then tell me what do you hope to express with music the spirit of resistance right on great answer i'm so glad to hear that i consider myself very lucky to meet another musician with the same ideals hearing giant flowers get along well with shinyan people who are easy to get along with make friends wherever they go well if you've made it this far you must wish to venture deeper into the hall of music however i must apologize my singing voice is required for entry but unfortunately my pipes are a little dry are you all right do you need uh some cold medicine or something it's just that i haven't had any glacial spring water in a very long time if i could drink some of that my voice would be rocked and loaded and ready to clear your path glacial spring water yeah with one sip of that anyone could sing the most beautiful song no matter if they were a weary adult a sleepy bird or even an ignorant child oh okay i'll find some for you where is this spring oh thanks you're the best well spring water helps plants grow up strong so they can scale the mountains that lie in their way so i imagine the spring can be found somewhere on the mountain range protected by plants you mean we have to go hiking oh prima thought some sea water would be enough spring water and sea water could not be more dissimilar oh but you may need my powers in order to see the spring give me your hand friends so that you can see through my eyes thanks you shook my hand guess that makes this friendship official whoa we're out oh it's much brighter here i didn't mind that hot cave though glacial spring water can be found on one of the mountains around here let's all look for it wait how can there be light coming from below the ground here is this a water vein according to that flower the water vein is related to the plants and the plants will lead us to that spring so i guess we should follow the water veins the flow of water is blocked here is it because of that everyone i found a note here [Music] oh so that's how it is what an interesting island look at this style and signature it's from alberto he's one of our friends from monstart he's an amazing alchemist who's visited this island before he left this note here for future adventurers [Music] oh so it's him he's saying this whole island has been turned into an instrument amazing and the underground water veins play an important part too oh maybe we need to clear all the water veins to play this island ah clean your instrument before the performance makes a lot of sense [Music] this should be the glacial spring water we're looking for [Music] so if you drink this you can suddenly sing like an angel you should give it a try if you're curious oh no no no i'm terrible at singing it would be um extremely embarrassing if it didn't work oh mona i actually think you've got a sweet voice that's well suited for singing if you're interested i can teach you a few things about vocals once we get back to camp oh really i i'd love to but you'd have to promise you won't laugh at me of course not everyone's got to start somewhere right right then maybe i can give it a try great but before that we should deliver the spring water to that flower okay well to re-enter the mirage we just need to touch the drum on the beach again [Music] i'm feeling a lot better now thank you very much now i'll send you to your destination i'm going to lose my hat this scent i think we've arrived at a mountain near lyre but it's so dark here wait listen there's a voice can you hear that the reason the birds sing so sweetly it's because they drink the spring water from up in the mountaintops xinyan we're not singers in this family none of us are what makes you think you can be any different oh so i just need to go drink some of this spring water and then i'll be able to sing oh i'll be right back mama [Music] you mustn't stay out so late in the mountains by yourself child you scared the bejesus out of me here this is the spring water you were looking for really oh you're the best daddy oh where did she run off to this time to find somewhere she could sing no doubt uh she can't be persuaded and we can't stop her from walking out the door did you really have to lie to her like that how was i supposed to know she'd go running off looking for spring water oh when is she gonna come to her census get down from there you can't set up a stage here if you can't sing you should be keeping your mouth shut not putting on a public performance [Music] don't tear down the stage my dear child why are you playing that crass instrument again it's not ladylike oh shinyan your mother has asked me to teach you some embroidery when i can find the time oh it's an elegant and enjoyable craft just come to annie's house whenever you're free quit making that racket by the side of the road if you have to play play something classy why are they being so mean oh these people [Music] that's it why are you not yelling back what happened to your rock and roll spirit and now you're laughing aren't you mad sometimes it's hard to get mad when you hear the same thing a hundred times still thanks paimon uh what auntie g sean how are you doing oh dear child i've been waiting to hear from you for a long time this weekend i'll be free auntie stop thinking about me for a hot sec your stove is still on and you're cooking soup right oh you see it's all burnt oh how did this happen oh my uncle jew little jew was playing in the mud by the river again didn't you tell him not to do that what that rascal is up to his old shenanigans behind my back again is he oh well we'll see about that oh sorry uncle hi i'll move my stage someplace else but your musical taste needs to evolve if you want to keep up with the times maybe you didn't know but even the most famous opera singer leo likes listening to my boorish music what did you say is that true you're not making this up are you i'll have to look into this oh they're all gone see knowing the right words to say and when to smile can solve almost any problem [Music] if that's the case then what's your rock and roll spirit for my rock and roll spirit isn't something i just used to win an argument that'd be a real waste rock and roll is a revolution transforming your identity and destiny saying goodbye to concessions and cowardice it does them all and most importantly it lets you do it with art rather than words my rock and roll has an unbreakable spirit like a flame in a rain storm that refuses to go out or the magma that never stops boiling under the surface of the land okay let's go let's go that way there's a side path right there [Music] what a great mindset you have if anyone ever called me anything less than a genius i'd be furious really i'm just tempted to give it a shot is glaring at me come on there's a difference between embracing the spirit of rock and roll and playing with fire to tell you the truth i'm also starting to develop an interest in rock and roll seriously well this better not be a joke no i'm serious rock and roll's ability to cultivate such a strong will in people is an incredible thing [Music] hey is that another door more delightful individuals await us on the other side i assume let me handle it piece of cake miss your hairstyle is really strange is that so i think it looks really cool take a closer look if you don't believe me your hair sticks out from your head and you wear spiky things in it nobody else has hair like that you're looking at it the wrong way if i don't look like anybody else once you've seen me you won't be able to forget me even if you try you'll still recognize me if you ever see me again in the future yeah you're right your clothes hair even the way you walk and talk it's not just for the eyes of others it's your style so you should go with whatever you like really but if i wore a jacket with a picture of a puppy on it people would say hey little like stupid little puppies then you should ignore them so you like puppies huh i do what about your friends well yeah they do too well then your friends are gonna love that jacket okay uh miss how come you don't do your hair in a nice braid people would love that no i can't help myself i just like the styles of personality ah plus i had no idea how so many people would dislike it before i started wearing my hair like this so why don't you change it now well this hairstyle suits my music and my lifestyle the regular ones are boring they're so uninspired plus they get in the way when i'm head bobbing away on stage if people don't like it that's up to them i ain't gonna change it what about your friends do they not like it too of course they like it they all say that they think it looks amazing your friends are nice to you that's cool not like my friends they left me here on my own oh hey now why are you crying what's wrong you can talk to me little lulu and little mong they're ignoring me we were gonna meet at the dogs today but they still haven't shown up these kids are way too young to be standing each other up like this no stay right here i'll go take a look around i'll bring them to you once i find them [Music] oh okay thanks miss i'll never say anything bad about your hair again see now you're talking sense i'll see you later [Music] excuse me are you little nung little fay is waiting for you at the docks he's been waiting so long now that he's in tears about it oh why is he so dumb he could have just come here and found us ah never mind i'll go find him instead [Music] ran off we should catch up to him excuse me are you little lulu are you looking for me miss didn't you promise to meet little faye at the docks why aren't you going to meet up with him he's crying because he thinks you've abandoned him huh oh that's silly dum-dum why didn't he just come to look for us we prepared a surprise gift for him a surprise gift how strange [Music] you dum-dum we were preparing a surprise gift for you we didn't think that you wouldn't come to try and find us and definitely didn't think you'd start crying about it i'm sorry for being such an idiot no i'm sorry you're not an idiot i guess we shouldn't have been so secretive about it we didn't come to the docks to meet you because we wanted to give you a big surprise for your birthday huh this is [Music] we brought you loads of yummy lotus heads and here's a handwritten birthday letter from me and lulu too oh please don't call her handwriting ugly okay you guys [Music] thank you and all's well that ends well it was all just a misunderstanding well sometimes that's just what friends do if my friends had ditched me to plan a surprise i'd have gotten upset too is that a hint for us to prepare a surprise for you too very clever no i was just speaking my mind i know i was just joking seeing if i could give you a fright uh everyone hyman's hungry it's almost lunch time so how about we have lunch at my house it's not far from here so even your house is in this mirage yep i just noticed there's the same road in here as the one that leads to my house in real life even though we're in a mirage i reckon some things will always remain the same in real life after a bad quarrel with the neighbors or a disappointing show the one place i'll always go is my house because well everyone has to go home eventually [Music] here we are please come in make yourselves at home no need to take off your shoes thank you for your hospitality oh chairs we can finally unwind for a bit huh did you guys hear a sound coming from the other room oh you all keep resting here i'll go have a look [Music] the lights aren't even on and there's no one whoa happy birthday what are you two doing why are you sitting in the dark inside my house he scared the pajamas out of me you are totally right she does get spooked it's your birthday so we planned a surprise party for you [Music] you girls really shouldn't pull these pranks while pretending to be all sweet and innocent huh come on now what's wrong with that who says that being cute and innocent means you can't pull pranks back me up shangling totally yunjin goba pulls pranks on me all the time too all right all right you win [Music] vader needs to do something today so she has asked me to deliver her gift to you so here they are a custom-made dagger and the score of a composition from abroad as for my offerings i had these gold hairpins and iron hair ties custom made for you by my family iron hair ties you're telling me that your family used their 1 000 years worth of experience to make hair ties what's the problem hair ties may look simple and unassuming but they actually require a lot of intricate craftsmanship to make [Music] my gift is one of a kind a little while ago i came across a bespectacled blacksmith on the street the way he worked and talked it felt almost like he could see right through stones i was skeptical so i asked him to help me make a bet and when the merchant cracked the stone open there was indeed a piece of raw jade inside i took the jade on the spot and ground it into a pendant which i then strung on a cord you can use it as an accessory wow you made a jade pendant for me yeah oh don't wear it around your neck put it on your guitar every day i see how much you pamper that guitar so i thought you should jazz it up a bit i don't know if i can bring myself to hang this thing anywhere except in a display case on an altar thank you shang ling you're so thoughtful [Music] xiangling has always been thoughtful but the blacksmith you mentioned who could see through stones can you tell me more about him if the story is interesting enough i might have to put it into my play i'm not exactly sure but i hear that he was sick for a while and was so disoriented during that time that he couldn't remember anything and felt as if his body didn't belong to him and then all of a sudden he recovered he's all fine now except for some reason he can now tell the difference between valuable and worthless stones just by looking at them hmm that's certainly peculiar no let's not get into that the food is getting cold let's eat [Music] wait didn't you pick up a trick from an outlander merchant the one you taught me on my last birthday huh oh you mean making a birthday wish yes that's the one they also like candles and cut cakes in other regions but we didn't have time for that because we were too busy bringing the food over it's fine i can just use my imagination okay let's count to three and you can make a wish one two three [Music] what should i wish for this year my wish is oh i'm back what happened hannah was just peering through the crack in the door given that we are in a mirage did anything significant happen inside the house [Music] she ran into some of her friends who were throwing her a birthday party yes i heard all that i mean something she did herself oh i made a wish [Music] it's pretty interesting now that i think about it when i entered the room i found shang ling and yoon jin two of my best friends [Music] that actually happened in real life they paid me a surprise visit on my birthday set a table with delicious food and persuaded me to make a birthday wish what was your wish my wish was to perform with someone completely unexpected hmm i wonder who this unexpected person might be i've just figured it out oh you already know the answer however before i tell you the answer i'd like to clear the water veins that flow through the mountains [Music] we've done everything we can but how do we deal with the last two mountains let's stick to it there's gotta be a way after taking a closer look it seems to me that most of the island mountains contain water veins and plants in their interior those together form a system that connects the mountains with one another however now that much of the mountains have collapsed the connection of plants and water veins is blocked if we can dredge all the blockages we'll be able to connect the islands to form the giant instrument described in albedo's notes and play music using the islands themselves yep for me to reach my goal we gotta do this but first i'd like to consult the flower it should know what to do some of the plants and water veins on the island mountains have been lost do you happen to know another way to dredge the blockages i know someone who can help you with that go ask my companion frozen soul who lives upstairs [Music] who are you and what brings you to me nice to meet you we were wondering if you could use your power to dredge the mountains on the island mountains oh i see you want to become great musicians too right oh is that what this is about correct in that case we seek the same thing despite my frailty i feel obligated to share some of my power with you plant my pedal at the ending point of the intersection of melodies and what had once sunk into the earth will re-emerge with the music as long as there is music life will continue to flourish in this world thank you [Music] so many regrets [Music] can you feel anything now that we've planted the petal yes i can feel it the sun is shining brightly the sea gleams like a gemstone the waves lap the milky white beaches and the grains of sand are pulled into the sea then pushed back ashore the sea birds are landing on the rocks pecking gently and making rhythmic sounds it's music this is indeed music in fact this whole island is a giant musical instrument since you are a musician you should be able to understand the meaning behind its original creation making music with the tides waves and sea breeze as your instruments it's the most romantic thing in the world let's go everyone it's time for my performance finally the time has come everyone i once made a wish to perform with someone no one could have expected and today on this island i found my answer no one knows the name or appearance of the man who transformed this island into a giant musical instrument so many years ago but he is unquestionably one of devatt's greatest musicians i never imagined i'd be able to see such an instrument and i never imagined we'd be able to play it during a high tide no music is the gift one gives to their kindred spirits so i'll play something that makes for a better duet with the original musician no rock music for today instead i'm gonna show you something new [Music] [Music] to you who lived here in the past i hope you liked this song [Music] how was it not bad huh quite impressive i've never heard a duet like that before it was very interesting and so elegant as well oh hyman's not sure how best to put it but it was just super unique thank you and now i can say my wish has come true is there anything else you'd like to do no in fact i reckon i'll get a good night's sleep tonight does this mean everyone is free for the time being if so i have a suggestion i'd like to return to the future camp and see what's going on there oh so you've discovered the fatoui camp as well wait you know about it too of course i'm a genius astrologist didn't i mention that my sky glasses recovered a little i can sense what's going on here through divination uh i didn't know the fatoui were here too indeed i also informed fishel of this when we parted waze today she runs into them she'll stay hidden and out of danger i see then perhaps we should tell everyone what we know [Music] a strange machine and delirious fatoui are you suggesting these are connected to the mirage [Music] i can't say i'm certain but i don't believe they're completely unrelated fair enough let's go check out the camp whoa where did they come from [Music] it's strange that on our way here we've only run into local monsters and no fertility how the tsar there are still signs of the camp and the machine is still here but all the people have vanished [Music] oh i give up i'm just going to divine the answer [Music] hmm what's this some kind of energy flow oh sorry everyone i can't seem to find any trace of the fatoui my sky glass has gotten hazy again but this time i can sense some sort of energy converging and taking physical form the destination is the island over there whose mirage will it be this time let's head over and have a look maybe we'll be able to find something there [Music] here we are [Music] huh [Music] my imprudent retainers you finally arrived oh my long time no see it hasn't been that long has it main freudline and i sensed a peculiar aura and came here ahead of time to reunite with everyone we weren't expecting you well what i mean to say is you arrived sooner than we expected or does i seem nervous the advent of the immanucrash is imminent and i still need to prepare for the consecration maine freudline are you sure you i am quite capable of acting on my own eyes if you're weary of the encroaching darkness of the night you are quite welcome to return to the blinding brightness of the day please maine freudline do not say such things i am your loyal attendant your eyes and i will never leave your side stop staring at me like that i anyway the time of explanation is not yet upon us oh maine freudline i do apologize everyone maine freudline is having a rough day please do not take it to heart i must also excuse myself now huh still no improvement in her mood even after all this time away from the group as soon as i saw official i realized that the mirage that's about to take shape here must have something to do with her yes i at least felt a peculiar sense of familiarity when i approached my mirage me too even though it didn't really make sense i just had a feeling that something exciting was gonna happen exactly if fischel and oz can also send something then our suspicions are likely to be right on the maura officials probably agitated because she doesn't want to confront her mirage how come maybe her mirage conceals some secrets that she doesn't want anyone to know about let's all take a rest here for now when the mirage appears we will get to the bottom of this [Music] mystery are you awake it might sound hard to believe but no nothing's happened you're awake then let's bring you up to speed we've searched everywhere and found nothing unusual at all based on the previous two mirages we should have been able to find something that acts as an entrance is it possible that the time has not come yet you mean we should wait a little longer yes plus official is still nowhere to be found and i highly suspect that she's even more eager to find the entrance than we are so let's wait let's give the mirage no give fishel some more time there's something on the beach a book and next to it is a raven statue this statue looks a lot like oz why did these two items appear together did the raven bring the book here what's the book about is it a diary let's see him of the holy land i have never heard of a book by that title from the cover it looks like it was written by fishel herself that would certainly fit her personality hymn of the holy land interesting i like it as a title it has a sacred ring to it so what should we do should we touch it officials still not back never mind let's head inside first once fishel finds the book i'm sure she'll be able to catch up with us piment agrees it's like we're peeping into her diary so pymon sure she'll want to come in and stop us though this truth has long faded from popular memory scholars have long known that princess in fiscal von luftschloss norfedort first descended upon the world during the time of chaos roughly 600 years before the era of the saints what a narrator we really are inside a book huh there's even a narrator telling us the story oh no the path has been cut off we can't go across oh there's a device over there that appears to be waiting for us to approach it is it just pymon or does everything in this place seem just a little bit over deliberate well it is the holy land what did you expect yeah everything's so blatant it's clearly begging to be noticed that's our official for you the princessing harbored much sympathy for all living things and wish to never see them in pain she harnessed the power of darkness and dreams to weave the night and gave it the task to safeguard all living things the people celebrated and worshiped the princesses authority and followed her call to migrate to the sacred land that would eventually be known as the immer knockthrike it really is the immer knock drive [Music] really looks the part i'm quite impressed we established a nation on the holy land revered the princessin as the absolute one and introduced poetry theater and adventure to the kingdom laying the grounds [Music] when the rain finally ceased the princess and descended from the palace steps as to allow all her retainers [Music] someone please help me uh isn't this a statue please don't refer to me like that my name is leon and i am a knight of the imminent rank a knight but you don't look like one you can't tell anyway please don't speak ill of cyrus valdo he personally designed and distributed the armor for denoted ribbon rita [Music] well you must have heard that one before surely that was his full name osvaldo hofnervines [Music] oh so magistus was the easy pronunciation i agree [Music] or so it seems dear friends i apologize for interrupting your lovely conversation but i believe you haven't been informed that the gate ahead has been locked yep that's news to us i'm hoping you'll be kind enough to save me and in exchange i'll gladly teach you how to unlock the gate well i guess we'll have to save you then [Music] valiant heroes no words can express how grateful i feel right now thank you very much remember this is the password that unlocks the gate may my people be freed from the shackles of ancient decrees may my people be freed from the shackles of ancient decrees the great secretary the lords and the devoted mounted the tower to pledge their allegiance to the princess kissing the hem of her exquisite purple dress and taking pride in their loyalty [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like it's a dead end there's only a book do you think what we just heard is the story from the book so the holy land in the book's title refers to the imminence this book sings the praises of the princessin from the perspective of the people in her kingdom we're on the last page of the book but the story doesn't seem to have ended what happens next wants to know what happens next i guess we'll have to keep exploring as for this book wait i have an idea now that we've finished it let's close it [Music] huh we've been transported again but we're not back on the beach we are somewhere in monstat greetings honorable kaiser endeavour ertalang [Music] amy dear i've made steak and fisherman's toast come on eat up before they go cold [Music] mother oh look at me being so forgetful dost thou knowest princess endeavor talang that the hour of luncheon encroaches of course mother ah behold the view from the window a delight to the senses princess and kaizerin would you care to join the kaiser diva utai long for a grand royal picnic we shall enjoy the scenic view and partake of the delicacies granted to us by the heavens yes i shall gladly join you [Music] does anyone want to say anything about that okay albert so amy that's official's real name seems like it the other two voices were probably her mom and dad [Music] why are you all giving me that look forgive me if this comes across as rude but is your surname truly magistus you think i was bluffing my full title is and always has been mona magistas the astrologist oh my apologies don't you think that's a bit long well it's a special case only geniuses get titles like this well that makes no sense what are your thoughts on the scenes we just witnessed well it seems that closing the book is one way of affecting change in this mirage well i think it's sweet that official's parents are willing to play along with her well they probably didn't indulge her forever based on the voice this was surely a memory from her childhood it's a different story now she's grown up you know a lot about facial mona after all we've been friends for quite a while speaking of i wonder where fishel is now that voice mentioned that she was heading out we may as well go outside and see if we can find anything [Music] [Music] oh we're back [Music] wait why are we back we haven't finished the story yet this feels as awful as purchasing a counterfeit astrology tutorial or realizing you've forgotten your wallet in the middle of dinner [Music] this is torture i think they're a little bit upset to be honest i also don't like to read books that end on an unexpected cliffhanger no one likes that alright let's enter the mirage again good idea let's go [Music] huh we're still here it's not working that's odd we were able to enter earlier but now we can't why why are we being denied the opportunity to finish the book this is pure sadism [Music] maybe it's because we've already reached the end of this book before leaving the mirage we saw that the book had been flipped to the final page i believe hymn of the holy land is divided into multiple volumes it's like one of those sneaky like novel marketing schemes if you want to know what happens next please buy the next volume i have to see the ending oh oh yes the ending everyone who wants to know how the book ends huh who's there oh heavens above she saw me stand up straight stand up straight you're i'm ask me for directions arnold that name's a little on the nose so arnold let me ask you something it's ask me for directions arnold so ask me for directions arnold let me ask you something yes ma'am are there other volumes of hymn of the holy land where can i find them oh you're asking the right person hymn of the holy land is the sacred scripture of the immernock reich there are three volumes in total with the other two stored in two high locations in the castle if you wish to find the second volume you must climb to the very top floor of the tower tower you mean that tower over there that is indeed the tower where the sacred scripture is stored if you look closely to the cave right over there you'll find a secret passage that will swiftly take you to the tower okay thank you arnold it's ask me for directions arnold do you have any other questions for me fair maiden concerning perhaps my relationship status or monthly income no goodbye let's ignore that raven and proceed there's a secret passage in the cave ahead that leads directly to the top of the tower oh oh but man are you sure you're not interested in me i only shared with you the secrets of the imminocrite because of your great beauty ma'am wait hey stop who are you [Music] you don't look like citizens of the emmernock reich explain yourselves what's your purpose here this place even comes with guards uh what are you doing how can you prove that you are her highnesses retainers such an absurd question betrays your ignorance may my people be freed from the shackles of ancient the that's the password of the imminent rice they really are her highnesses retainers oh my goodness we didn't know please forgive us now step down yes we're leaving now fairgone this is the second volume of hymn of the holy land everyone ready [Music] however the immer naktrai soon became plagued by a perpetual nightmare tosrock the wicked dragon infiltrated the subterranean crossed the bottom of the sea and eventually came to rome above the capitol huh a dragon the only thing i notice is gloomy weather could the dragon be some kind of metaphor if that's so her arch nemesis tess rack the wicked dragon is made up of everything that opposes her and rejects her fantasies [Music] oz my faithful escort through the darkness pave the way for thy princess and with the truth thine eyes behold all that is lowly escapes my gaze it is but a mere illusion is this to say that a flaw unseen is a flaw that does not exist maine freud line the princess and descended to confront the dragon but the great battle was certain to damage the [Music] help castle somebody please what did the [Music] glitter princess again oh thank goodness huh what are you guys doing here we should be the ones asking that what are you doing here i'm sorry you have to keep seeing me in such a wretched state i suppose i'm still not good enough to play the role of a qualified knocked ribbon writter play the role i'm ashamed to admit it but i'm not a real knight rather i'm a new actor who recently landed a job to play the role of a knight in a theater trip that's not really something to be smug about ah well you see that's where you are mistaken theater is an essential part of imminent rights culture a fantastic theatrical performance is the greatest tribute we can pay to our highness oh so this is your local culture exactly so i'm delighted that i got to play the night why does the princess and enjoy the theater so much her highness once said celebrate me by staging a play in the wilderness bow down to me and bring me beautiful dreams in return for everlasting glory within the eternal darkness i believe it is because her highness appreciates true art and can also sense emotions hidden deep within the souls of humankind the crystallization and sublime expression of emotion is the heart of theater people who truly understand theater always have a beautiful sensitive heart filled with a rich array of emotion oh so that's how it is thank you for your answer sir knight oh thank you so much for calling me a knight so basking still in this honor i will be off to my battleground may we meet again hopefully not be more careful in the future oh and please remember the password to unlock the gate upon my command spread your wings and take flight [Music] upon my command spread your wings and take [Music] greetings my most esteemed father and mother today is celebrated as a festival in the imminent rice and i hope you can both spare some time amy come on now darling you can't be carrying on like that at this age you're a big girl now it's time to forget the fairy tales but oh and i almost forgot to mention i've bought you a new set of music course books give them a read won't you you should dedicate your time to something more meaningful oh okay mom i am i understand we're back again i believe we have just witnessed the true nature of the wicked dragon this is something i am all too familiar with there are always people who believe that our passions are a waste of time [Music] you're [Music] ask me for directions arnold i mean you're back why oh but i came because i bet you'd be looking for the third volume of hymn of the holy land well you bet right on that front you need not do anything for me my dear lady the opportunity to behold your beauty is the finest reward i could ask for i shall give you the answer you seek the third volume of him of the holy land can be found on the top floor of the royal castle is it guarded by anyone but of course sir what sort of question is that no nation would treat its most treasured books as if they were just cast out into the wilderness that means we will still find nachreben guard station there it is a citizen's utmost honor to guard the sacred scriptures but it matters not i'm quite sure the fine lady merely seeks to peruse them and has no malicious intentions your face is captivating and full of wisdom and the company you keep appears to be heroes of some renown i have the utmost faith that you will be able to comprehend the meaning behind the stories in our sacred scriptures her highnesses accomplishments were documented by oz the great secretary and became great treasures of the immornock rice i wish her highness joy and happiness every time i read those books stop it's you guys again what's your problem we're the princesses personal retainers cut the lies her highness doesn't keep company with nobodies like you oh really are you prepared to take responsibility for what you just said i'll say it again her highness doesn't keep company with who are these nobodies you speak of her highness and sir us [Music] i must say guards it's immensely disrespectful of you to make such remarks to the retainers of the imminent right [Music] how dare you treat one's hand-picked retainers with such disdain be gone but you but me yes your highness [Music] you may consider that the case for the time being what maine freud line means is that it took us a long time to reach this place she couldn't bear to leave you all here even though she did not wish to confront this mirage didn't want to confront it huh sounds like mona was right it felt like we were peeking into your diary nonsense despite the existing threats the unrivaled glory of the immanuel would not exist in this world if i the princessin were the sort of person who could be easily swayed what maine freudline means to say is that there are other troubles in this area troubles have you run into anything dangerous um this matter can be revisited later for now let us proceed with more important work let's get this show on the road the book's right in front of us let's not just stand here [Music] hmm majestic but fragile vast yet vulnerable this domain both amazes and sickens me she means that she has never seen such an extravagant mirage before and even she is enthralled by it [Music] there's a castle here but some parts seem to be missing official is this yours um allow me a moment to reminisce maine freudline you may recall that this is the toy castle you accidentally destroyed in a moment of deep distress oh don't say it out loud i suddenly recollect that two pieces are currently missing from my royal domain so we have to find two missing pieces smoke amid a downpour of the dragon's blood she said may my people be freed from the shackles of ancient decrees such wise and compassionate words can only come from your own writing name [Music] yet this kingdom appears to be anything but what i've described she picked up mere stones to carve out mountains and oceans before bestowing upon her people castles and towns my magnificent kingdom is a small and forbidden paradise when the people worshipped her she replied celebrate me by staging a play in the wilderness bow down to me and bring me beautiful dreams in return for everlasting glory within the eternal [Music] darkness again please don't say that i can assure you fella if you want to survive and thrive you should be more careful next time a successful journey requires perseverance courage as well as a keen sense of danger you have the first two but in the future please strive to be more vigilant i shall remember your words for the rest of my life but it is time to say our final goodbye you may not have noticed but the weather has improved and the sea has become pleasant and calm we have awaited this day for a long time you may be amazed that someone as reckless as me could become an actor but please believe me when i say it's not by chance every knocked raven is looking for a way to contribute to the world we just want to find our place our destiny we were born to seek the roles that fate has assigned us to play you may not be aware that hymn of the holy land is also a book of prophecies prophecy but pieman thought it was a sacred scripture yes it is hundreds of years ago the immanuel reich was engulfed by a menacing shadow but our ruler stood by and did nothing as if she had lost interest in ruling the kingdom soon after oz the great secretary appeared among us he brought us the sacred scriptures and a most encouraging prophecy that prophecy is just as it's described in the book and predicts a blessed future for the imminent reich as a result we became convinced that the gloomy skies would eventually clear and we have been eagerly awaiting for that blessed day the soteria the princess and devarus she will eventually remember the paradise of the imminent reich and on that day we will devote to her the plays that were promised in the prophecy that is why i have stepped forward to take on the role of a warrior i do whatever it takes to prove my devotion to her [Music] your highness [Music] oh right yeah she was lurking in the back when we rescued you for some reason my citizen thy will is strong enough to sunder the wicked dragon's wings i shall now receive thy blessing it is my utmost honor thou hast done well tis almost most evident that thou dost possess the virtues of a knight go take thy position and wait for the performance to begin we commend your unfaltering loyalty to her highness her highness will now lead her retainers into battle against the shadow that plagues the imminent rice thank you your highness and thank you everyone in that case i will take my leave oh by the way please keep in mind that the password for the gate ahead is zeon my son octan is confused what were you guys role-playing just now is there not a single one of my lords and ladies who understood my precepts fools what maine freudline means to say is that you are all rather stupid yeah you didn't need to translate that i suppose this is the important business her highness warned us about earlier let's get this over with huh wait what is it what's happening time to go [Music] let's hope we won't get transported to another strange place this time [Music] library why are we inside a library you must be the arch nemesis i've been looking for the useless and cowardly so-called princess in how laughable what gives you the impression that you can defeat me you should know over the past few days i've seen all of your fear and trepidation why is there another you is it a shadow shadow yes i suppose that probably describes our connection aptly enough so have you come to surrender to me little amy you um and that raven over there you must be oz excellent i have been waiting for you for a long time i heard that a great secretary named oz brought the hymn of the holy land into the immanuel rice i suppose that was you at your service maine freud why did you call her main floor line as you can see that's also main freudline over there and if she is maine fry line then does that not make her my master seems logical enough [Music] [Laughter] i might as well inform you that the imminence is a place with no way out now that you've made it here i shall crush you and make you my servant as for oz despite bringing over that hideous book of prophecies and causing the foolish citizens to fall to their knees worshiping that piece of nonsense why don't you come over to my side after all fishel is destined to team up with oz maine vroyline flatters me i see no reason to refuse oz where do you think you're going he's actually going over to the other side fisher haven't you taught your raven anything about loyalty no this is not the time to discuss my shortcomings have you been bewitched oz why should you trust that she's telling the truth he's not the immonk rush a sacred land of liberty and theater you are gravely mistaken if you presume the imminent right to be some kind of amusement park listen closely it is a tomb for those who cannot face reality you will be buried here and i will take oz the product of our imagination and live forever in the royal castle a tomb you of all people should know about this why does it always reign in the immanoc rice why isn't there any music in this so-called paradise because of you it's all because of you how pathetic no dearest amy you not i are the one responsible for all of this you dreamed up a vast kingdom but you can't bear its weight slayed by fear you can't face the very world you've created you may try to avoid it but the fact is you can't change yourself i came here in your stead precisely because you failed to show up the immanoc reich is now mine and it is not your place to tell me what to do i i i am you are but a weak fool who does not deserve this world be gone hey are you done for you to give yourself such a piece of your mind it must have been bothering you for a long time luna [Laughter] what's that look on your face i i you're not going to admit defeat are you i hate to admit it but she might be right no please do not think that your highness do you still remember why we came here i am a samurai from inazuma who's been entrusted with your safety these individuals also responded to your call having your own tomb does sound pretty cool but the imminent knock rash is not a tune no so you've made some friends but do you really think that's enough for you to defeat me i am your fear your dark side i am the nightmare from which you have never escaped in all these years standing before me you are nothing [Music] no i can't i i can't lose not now i will be the one to claim victory just you wait i will make you regret everything you said [Music] take it one step at a time and don't rush you can win as long as you maintain a level head [Music] get it together don't lose to anyone and definitely don't lose to yourself you ain't weak that's not true at all my divination attempts are working again and the stars say the official i know will obtain a landslide victory impossible how did you make it through that nightmarish library stand down [Music] do you still think i'm going to lose you you look down on me you thought i was a worthless coward and yes i did used to be like that because i am someone who can't face reality who spends all day daydreaming and can't cope with setbacks or criticisms but now i understand i understood as soon as i first laid my eyes on this mirage do you see that incredible world out there so vast so breathtaking that is my imagination the source of my power you act so arrogant under that dark cloak of self-obsession but that's not your true nature you're no princess in you're just a narcissistic speck of dust hiding in my shadow you are the true loser the one who's holding me back you hide your fear in cowardice behind a facade of thorns and self-loathing you are far weaker than me now give it back what return to me what is rightfully mine the ammonic rice the castle my people and most importantly my companion odds oh maine freudline you speak with such eloquence and vigor now you've truly matured into the princessin you've got some nerve opening your beak traitor no maine freudline i've come here to prove something to you all as we all know oz will always follow fishel the princess endeavor ertalang it should make no difference whose side i am on because you're both official but consider this when i switched sides you did not lose your identity did you indeed these are words of wisdom what do you mean my identity whom do you suppose fishel truly is [Music] huh this is my question to you maine freud line [Music] is well official is she's a loser a coward who refuses to confront her true self behind the fantasies and lies no you are wrong official is me ah you caught on most rapidly huh that's it [Music] indeed maine frey line fishel is sometimes the princess endeavor to lung and other times not she may be courageous and arrogant but she may also be weak and cowardly fishel is you both noble and humble she is a first-rate adventurer with few friends and the princess ended the sovereign of the imminent fischel is both timid and strong she's afraid of others gossip yet yearns for their respect most importantly fishel is often self-deprecating beating herself up countless times yet she always finds a way to rise again maine freudline no one merits the name fishel more than you do it's a complex yet simple name that represents the beauty of dreams and liberty with or without loyal admirers amy will always be official you are fishel the enlightened one who has always carried that belief in her heart may my people be freed from the shackles of ancient decrees thank you for creating the imminent rice and giving us a homeland for authoring the hymn of the holy land in your subconscious which offered us hope for a bright future please embrace your darkness and return to your true form your highness [Music] [Music] wait a minute and now she's back shadow seems to have returned to fishel's heart where it belongs everyone lend me your ears there she is [Music] citizens of the imminence do you hear my summons yes your highness there she goes again i am so done with this oz speaks the words of truth today is a grand occasion for it is the day that i seize back my heart and reclaim control of my kingdom i hereby announce welcome to the yamanakarice yay [Music] one stormy night a girl found a way to the future in the library she said to herself i shall create my dream kingdom i'll carve mountains and oceans and erect castles and towns then she spoke to those who shared her dream please be proud of all that is unreal for we are greater than this world for our magnificent kingdom is a small and forbidden paradise [Music] what a wonderful day i reclaimed my heart and became the true princess and of ertalung the emma nakrish really appeared even so i know that all the negative emotion i've been harboring in my heart will not simply go away and that's okay i'll carry these imperfections with me as i fight on because i now know that what i have is unique and wonderful official the stage is all set up outside wanna go check it out lady paimon do watch your words oh right uh okay um your highness what is thou care to venture outdoors and uh check this stuff out how dare you retainer of mine mock the great and dignified princess and of artalung i concur now let us rejoice and celebrate this historic moment for the imminent rice oh what maine freud line means is that she entreats you to celebrate the arrival of the immanuel with utmost zeal and great joy all right all right we get it please don't translate her words back into official speak [Music] watching a theater performance in a nation like this must be quite an experience as for the puzzle i'm working on i should have an answer soon oh there's something we've got to do your highness oz please excuse us for a moment very well see you soon come on let's try to contact fenty again oh it's you huh that isn't the tone deaf board you're right we've never met before i know you want to communicate with someone beyond the islands but you can't do that right now so i cut off your connection huh wouldn't you rather find out the answer for yourself than ask someone else the fantastic mirage represents the deep dream the most fundamental reflection of the human heart go see for yourself witness everything with your own eyes and when this is all over tell me what you feel about it who the heck was that oh this is weird how was she able to cut off her connection to venti and why would she want to know what you feel [Music] nope tyler doesn't get it it's kind of eerie but but my mom will protect you piment will be there for you no matter what [Music] everyone over here is everyone awake now mona says that she has something important to tell everyone the first glimmering day break after the return of the immanuel most certainly revitalizes one's innermost spirits what maine freud line means is that she is ready to take on the next challenge yeah we're rested and ready too all right then i'll get to the crux of the matter i just peeked into my sky glass and there's a new mirage forming on that island over there and i have a feeling that this one is my mirage oh so now it's mona's turn you were with us for all of ours seems like it's time for us to go with you into yours well i'm sure there's nothing to see really lady magistas are you embarrassed no absolutely not it's not like i'm worried about everyone judging me after seeing my embarrassingly pathetic mirage or anything this emphatic no sounds rather like a thinly disguised yes well astrologists are often regarded as something out of this world right but what if my mirage is nothing like that fret not your princessin is not so foolish as to entertain preconceived notions on how thy mirage should or should not present itself yeah me neither not that i have low expectations of you mona but personally i think you're a kind soul and you shouldn't feel like you have to live up to anything more than that i'm sure mona's mirage will stay true to her kind heart [Music] yeah and it's not like we're going in there just to do some sightseeing there's other reasons too right really well okay then i suppose i'm not worried as long as everyone doesn't get too excited all right then let's get going according to my scry glass we've arrived at the mirage okay let's find the entrance first [Music] is that it over there [Music] this looks like some kind of pool [Music] uh we're not gonna have to swim to get in are we huh wait do we have a non-swimmer among us no i don't think that's the real problem here someone's scared huh well then i'll go first and there she goes she's gonna show off her oh so perfect swimming skills now um please be mindful of your wording maine froyline oh right see you later [Music] mona dived right into the pool and disappeared let's catch up with her [Music] what a spectacular structure wow i've never seen anything like this hey mona your mirage is amazing though it falls short of the glorious immanocrace must admit that it is an impressive realm nonetheless lady magistas at least it's not showing me getting lectured by the old hag thank goodness well what else would you expect of a genius astrologist's mirage okay let's get started i've always been very proud of my talent in astrology what is that my voice [Music] i believe that astrology is a valuable discipline and that it is capable of revealing the inner workings of this universe oh that's me talking to myself when people discovered i could perform divination they began to bombard me with inquiries when is my missing son going to be found do they love me or not will i ever recover [Music] [Music] being the honest person i am i told them exactly what i saw through the sky glass [Music] though honesty may bring about resentment i i couldn't lie in the face of such a noble art astrology is a scam that's insane can you please leave me alone now i need some space it felt as if i was being stabbed with razor-sharp knives formed by their disappointment i could see the future yet i felt miserable as if i'd fallen into an abyss lady magistis this is heartbreaking please don't try to comfort me it'll only make me feel embarrassed come on you don't need to pretend in front of us you need a hug no that was really how i felt back when i first started out in astrology but i've matured now i'm no longer so easily swayed by random people's opinions who would have thought even magistus the court archmage was not spared of vexatious times in her career it must have been difficult to be misunderstood by others i'm glad that you were able to move past that actually there are many who have given up astrology due to similar circumstances but i am a genius so it's only fair that i'm able to accomplish what others cannot it's pretty inspiring to hear you say all that in an amazing place like this yes good keep going sorry to interrupt but the door is that way all right i'll let you shower me with praise after all the mysteries are solved huh the surroundings appear to have changed this isn't the beach we originally left the area appears to be the mountains of monstat wait have we been sent back to monstat yet the boundless ocean still surrounds us [Music] there should be another pool around here for us to enter over here y'all [Music] why isn't it letting us enter [Music] oh something seems to be floating on the water there uh is it a painting or what is it it seems to be hinting at a specific place it is anticipating that the princess and would guide her loyal followers to the location that has been chosen by fate why is it always you that has to take the lead whatever doesn't matter let's just find this place first astrology reveals the truth unreservedly but not everyone is willing to accept their faith no matter running into difficulties is part of practicing the craft i must also become stronger myself in order to convince people i once met an adventurer on a mountain who also happened to be picking fruits he was even kind enough to share some with me so in return i agreed to perform a divination for him the results were terrifying i advised him to give up adventuring as soon as possible otherwise he could he fell silent for a while surprisingly he didn't doubt the results of my divination like others had but he looked quite perplexed even so i have to keep going adventurous can't just give up in the face of hardship with that he picked up his pack and headed for the peak [Music] however try as i might i could never forget that incident why is that oh we're back again [Music] so uh mona is that adventurer dead now [Music] that was the only time i ever saw him and that was more than three years ago which means he's no longer alive but isn't there still a chance that he's alive you know like maybe you just made a mistake you can't call it divination if you reject anything bad and believe the good unreservedly that's just self-deception of course casually performing divination for fun might be a different matter but in my field of expertise there's no room for lies to contradict my own reading would be a blasphemy against astrology [Music] cruel but truthful such is fate i don't usually say things like this but while we're on the topic i really hope you don't confuse astrology with those fortune stick peddlers that you see along the streets astrology does not exist to please we astrologists are here to verify and witness the truths of this world [Music] which is why astrology is a disdained profession it is a mighty art but unfortunately one that annoys people nonetheless why does thou protest so much lady magistas thou seems not to be the sort with whom one would be loath to be associated what maine freud line means is that she's glad to be friends with you no that's not exactly what i said whatever has gotten into you oz you misinterpret my utterances with increasingly alarming frequency oh my why could that be perhaps i have been concerned that maine freudline could offend her friends and have been attempting to soften her words although you're the only astrologist i know you've left an awesome impression on me you're not annoying at all those who go snooping around for secrets yet ignore whatever they don't want to hear they're the ones who should reflect on themselves knowing your fate doesn't come cheap if one could simply avoid fate with just a few words no one would have to endure the pain of parting mona don't take others comments to heart follow your heart and never forget what's right i don't need comforting thank you very much very tough you know well then um thank you what does thou say speak up and offer your highest reverence and blessings to the princessin okay okay your highness instead of making a scene why don't you go collect the other fragments in the new location reflected by the pool we can't enter the mirage without them maine freudline you are the only one with eyes sharp enough to locate the secrets if that's the case very well i shall proceed to the beach [Music] let's go mona oh okay coming [Music] we've returned here once more looks like the story's not finished yet let the adventure continue oh wait how the another house in monstart [Music] what are we doing in my house your house this is your house my how unexpected i heard lady magistas lived a modest life but this abode look at the labels on these books on the ground only one of its kind 990 000 hey that's super expensive there are so many expensive looking hardcovers over here so this is what an astrologist's room looks like the rooms are exquisitely designed this place must be very expensive hey i'm just occasionally out of maura that's all i never said i was a pauper you're not oh so what about those times i treated you to meals and had you over to my place for dinner mean freudline mind your phrasing thou worked blessed with the coveted opportunity to enter the palace of the immanuel and meet with the kaiser and kaiser endeavour ertalung or hast thou conveniently forgotten this magnificent occasion oh yes the stew and cold cuts your mother made were heavenly i could go for some more of that right now lady magistas this is not the time for such things is that monster cuisine i want to try some i heard monstat has lots of local delicacies especially meat dishes then i shall extend to you the honor of meeting the kaiser and kaizerin with me on a future occasion really hey we should go too now that you mention it it has been a while since i visited a friend's house i shall gladly oblige oh but shouldn't we bring some sort of gift those two are very kind and understanding so please don't worry about that just bring yourselves you seriously have to try her mom's cold gut platter it's a specialty or something anyway it's simply delightful not to interrupt but perhaps we should start working on the puzzle at hand ever since i entered this place i have found myself most preoccupied with that ornament oh right astrologists are able to understand the most complex signs among the stars and because of this they're not allowed to show any arrogance if one believes that astrology grants them unlimited power they will face banishment by the stars in the past i was ignorant enough to think that i understood all faiths in the universe maybe it was some form of punishment but i became lost i couldn't see the stars any longer you should not get confused if you should become confused one day not even astrology will be able to help you then that's what the old hag said we astrologists can't predict our own fate but today those words seem to carry a different meaning i understand now that people won't always follow a beacon's guiding light even though the way forward may be dark and dangerous they will still resolutely forge ahead [Music] fate is called such precisely because it cannot be altered or reversed [Music] i understand the governing laws of the universe and have glimpsed secrets between heaven and earth observing it is enough for me there's no need to force it to change there are no perfect legends and no heroes that can save everyone instead of dwelling on my helplessness what i should do [Music] he sees my own destiny what a magnificent view lady magistas i believe this is the firmest evidence yet of your immense genius you truly are the greatest archmage in the history of the imminent rice thank you although the epinephrine really doesn't have that much of a history stars like diamonds in the moon like a pearl this is the most brilliant night sky i've ever beheld it's beautiful to call up such a mirage mona must have a vast and boundless sea of stars in her heart [Music] i'm just thinking these must be the things that we aspire to this night sky is incredibly beautiful in fact i might go so far as to say it's even more beautiful than what i usually see in divinations all the stars are in their rightful place this is definitely my mirage only here can i see extraordinary sights like these extraordinary why do you say that you know the night sky of tivat is truly marvelous all the answers in the world seem to have been hidden within when is my missing son going to be found do they love me or not will i ever recover as your stars move across the sky they record all your life events in their path and among all the people in the world a considerable number will see their stars deviate from their path when your stars are on track it means you will be healthy happy and at peace conversely if your stars go off track everything will get worse the starry sky in my divinations would never look as perfect as this some stars would lose their way and others would fall i wish everyone could be happy and stay on track to this end i offer advice and tell the truth i know it's useless all fates are already revealed in the night sky with mine too just another among them i can't change anything even so outside of astrology outside of the words of truth i still cling to the wisp of an irrational fantasy you must all live within the confines of reality but call me presumptuous but i still believe in miracles in this vast sea of stars there are stars for you for me for everybody what are the chances of one star encountering another are these encounters not the most wonderful miracles in all of destiny i don't know but within tivat the stars in the sky will always have a place for us even if astrology is resolutely rational fate remains arbitrary cruel but romantic [Music] i think i figured out what those stars are hiding now i will seize my own destiny [Music] there was a transparent bird made of crystal it was beautiful and fragile and could sing the most beautiful songs but since mortals couldn't see it they believed it to be a trick how could a transparent bird possibly exist let alone sing when the bird heard that it flopped its wings and flew across mountains and seas all the way to the night sky where it turned into a star its brilliance was so dazzling that it illuminated everyone it allowed all those that could see it to follow its light through the dark night to sail through the seas under the guidance of the stars it was born in wisdom but trapped in ignorance it has never voiced a complaint for this is its destiny guiding people to see their destinies is the very meaning of its existence we're back here again so are we completely out of the mirage oh strange my mirage didn't contain any hints on the tui or the machine does that mean they had nothing to do with these mirages after all or perhaps these mirages are a mere consequence and not part of a process at all um i mean these mirages were not steps towards solving the mystery but rather a direct effect if whatever's going on someone did something to bring the mirages into being as they were just passive side products it was natural that they couldn't provide us with any useful information in other words those mirages were only about our sales pure materializations of ourselves interesting everyone maybe we should go back to where this whole thing began during our first day on the island the traveler and i checked out the fatoui camp together we found a strange machine there as well as some disoriented fatoui the researcher who spoke to us claimed that the machine was just a fatoui industrial invention he even promised to not disturb us right right and the cappy cap guy looked half asleep the entire time he kept talking nonsense i wonder is it possible that madness and mirages are two different outcomes of the machine's influence if so everything can be traced back to that damaged machine except for the difference in how it affects people this i believe is caused by differences between the affected people themselves oh when you put it that way it is indeed difficult to distinguish dreams and hallucinations so what you're saying is the device affected us differently because we are different from the fertility yes and according to our observations over these past few days i think the difference is that we all have stronger willpower yeah i can get behind that people with strong willpower will hallucinate instead of falling into madness but those who break too easily can't maintain a stable mirage in other words we should go back to the future camp and destroy that machine right away no it should be repaired rather than destroyed what made freudline means is that rashly destroying a machine we do not understand may lead to more serious consequences it would be better to find a way to repair it first right it pays to be cautious if my guess is correct a machine is capable of influencing the human brain so we'd better tread carefully so let's go now there's no time to waste hey look isn't that the same guy we saw on our first day here gone crazy everyone should get out of here well they'll never wake up but i was right my precious you are invincible precious what's his precious a miracle machine definitely not impossible think he's referring to that machine what a drunkard oh goodness the smell of alcohol made freudline please allow me to fan the fumes away with my wings excellent please fan them away from me too [Music] certainly i've checked the surroundings but there's no one else here isn't that strange the fatoui is a big organization but he's the only one left at this camp what's more we didn't even see him the last time we were here even the larger gentleman from the first time is missing i think they must be hiding somewhere as for why they may be hiding i'm afraid we'll have to ask him but he's as drunk as tone gift board should we wait for him to sober up cleanse him with the holy spring of punishment maine floyd line means to splash him with water oh sounds like a good idea let's try hey he opened his eyes huh hey are you one of the fertuei can you tell us what happened here and what that machine is for for tui [Music] those blockheads from the administration will regret it now that's what you get for rejecting my research forcing me to forcing me to to conduct my research on this deserted island my precious my pressure why is he crying looks like he has a lot of pent up emotions you mocked me and my precious invention you you don't know anything about the future only my invention can help us conquer the world idiots such idiots ow don't hit me i won't blow up the lab again i'm i'm sorry i didn't meet you this man's gone insane there's no way we can communicate with him he wasn't like this when we first met him it looks like the effects have grown worse to the point of driving him mad but my manuscript i ran your script only that could save manuscript where is it don't yell at me don't yell at me official don't yell at him then i'll let me try a kind sir look at me now tell me where did you hide your manuscript no no don't force me to write a report go away he's completely lost in his own imagination allow me please excuse me oh my butt my brain is finally starting to work again it's it's not a mushy mess anymore can you tell me where you put the manuscript the manuscript the manuscript is in the crack over there oh finally otherwise i was gonna have to blast some of my loudest rock and roll in his ears [Music] kazua hesitated for a long time before making a move he's so nice everyone let's search the stone cracks nearby for the manuscript [Music] found it congratulations we found the key to solving the problem let me see hmm just as i thought this machinery named cognitive mimicry is capable of altering the state of people's brains it was invented by the researcher we met earlier his name is percikov according to the manuscript the fatoui officials did not support persecutors research they believed he had taken the wrong path but persikov insisted on putting his machine to use in order to achieve that he disassembled the machine and used his connections to transport the parts to this deserted island how did they find this island the fertility's intelligence network is not to be underestimated off was dead set on carrying out his experiments on this island most of his subjects were junior fatoui soldiers who all signed a waiver beforehand it looks like they really thought this machine would benefit the fatoui how does the machine work that's most likely top secret the manuscript didn't reveal any details but percikov did mention that the machine was modeled after the power of a god does that mean there's a god connected to these dreamlike mirages and the fatoui found a way to research it clearly otherwise they wouldn't have been able to reproduce the god's power anyway persicov's experiment did not go as planned the machine broke down just days after it was activated they tried to fix it but the technologically illiterate fatoui soldiers completely ruined the machine even its most important component of all the crystalline cores got ejected and disappeared a testament to the importance of maintenance in all aspects of life i believe we can all learn something from this persegov may be a mad scientist but he didn't want to see his subordinates suffer besides he didn't solve the problem he would end up going insane as well as a last resort persekov went out on his own to look for the cores but he was just a sickly researcher unfit for the task he had to give up then percikov went searching for the soldiers who had gone mad and strayed from the group and took them to a hidden cave i think that was where they were at the day we arrived on this island persekov was taking a strong fatoui soldier somewhere yes took persicov all of his strength to get all the missing soldiers into the cave he tried to snap them out of it with music and poetry but nothing worked we came here once but there was no one around come to think of it that must have been the day persicoff was busy gathering the soldiers into the cave there's good news and bad news written on the last few pages the good news is perzikov managed to figure out the location of the crystalline cores by piecing together the snippets of information he could get from the delirious soldiers the bad news is persecutor failed to revive them and eventually succumb to the device's influence himself the last few pages of the manuscript are just unintelligible drunken scribbles it appears that the responsibility for this issue now falls to my retainers and i there's a map in the manuscript the marking should indicate the locations of the crystalline cores we've got no choice but to find the crystalline chorus now we've inserted all the crystalline cores mona is that all we needed to do i think so that's what the manuscript says anyway let's give it some time hopefully it'll return to normal [Music] [Music] [Music] someone's in our camp hey who are you people hold on look at the machine is it fixed what but mr persicoff is still lying on the ground over there we're the one to fix the machine yeah you're welcome we could have had a nice relaxing vacation if all of this hadn't ended up occupying so much of our time apologize to me and my retainers at [Music] i'm out of once hey hey don't leave me here on my own mr kirstikov's still there we need to save him [Music] those two definitely seem a little more lucid now it looks like we succeeded yay let's get out of here then wants to spend the rest of this vacation back at our own camp yeah but it feels like our camp now kind of like our temporary home then perhaps we should call it the embassy of the imanak rice and dodoland no that's too many words pyma would prefer something easy to remember come on let's go home now coming home to a nice big meal then having a long lie down payments finally starting to feel relaxed it's the hospitality of the imminent rise to thy liking is loving it wonderful maine freudline invited you all here not only to witness the arrival of our holy land but most importantly she wished that you could all relax and enjoy the summer great well i've come to the right place i love it here may this place become an eternal paradise maine freudline says she hopes to go on more adventures with you here in the future of course and you should come find me in leo when you get the time i'll show you around oh also my friend runs the best restaurant in lele i'm sure you'll love it if you're into opera you should go see yunjin she's the nicest person and she likes making friends with new and interesting people i'm sure the two of you will have plenty to talk about with your shared passion for theatrics oh if lady shinyan speaks so highly of it then i must entertain the idea traveler i have a suggestion there's a snack called roasted lavender melon in inazuma which goes rather well with fish why don't we roast some fruit and seafood for dinner tonight oh did you try it nina zuma that's great you know i want to follow your example and travel around the world hopefully i can also make good friends along the way that means a lot coming from you ah you're all here i've noticed an issue although we fixed the machine as you can see the mirages on the islands have still not disappeared i've noticed that too but considering it took some time for the mirages to appear it may also take some time for them to disappear yes that's definitely possible in other news my scry glass seems to be working fine now the divination results are also looking about right although although there are some parts in the results that i don't quite understand it's as if there is some sort of power surrounding us and it's still watching us do you think it's caused by the machine or perhaps persicov sorry i'm also not sure all i know is that the power is not hostile at the moment whatever it is it doesn't seem to harbor any ill will toward us [Music] well although there's nothing left to disturb us and we can finally kick back and enjoy our vacation we still ought to be cautious while we're on these islands i will keep seeing what the stars say every day i promised fishel that i'd be her guard i can help good i'll be counting on you goodness knows why those girls are so carefree about everything i suppose it falls to me to be extra vigilant oh coming oh so we're gonna call the tone deaf bart right [Music] well hello there strangers you finally called i thought you were having so much fun that you'd completely forgotten about me nope oh tone deafblind a whole bunch of really strange things happened [Music] a strange machine that can imitate the power of a god wow i didn't know the futility had plans like that their imaginations are truly running wild so judging from your tone it sounds like you don't know any more about this than we do alas i am but a humble bard who sings for his mora in the tavern why would i know anything about it ah so annoying but other than that did you two have fun we did we ate a lot of yummy food and saw loads of amazing things it was really cool that's good the point of traveling is to record any feeling stirred along the way as long as you had an unforgettable experience this journey has served its purpose as for the mysterious voice although we don't know who it was not only did she not harm you she also helped you to gain a better understanding of each other right if you look at it that way maybe she meant you well i mean if she was able to intercept alice's communication tool i'm sure she's also plenty capable of attacking you hmm thunder fart is right i'm glad to bring you some peace of mind just enjoy your vacation to the fullest and don't forget to tell me all about the marvelous mirages when you get back i want to record all these beautiful memories and turn them into ballots every summer will become an unforgettable song then i'll just wait for your return happy vacationing if tanta fart thinks it's okay then maybe there's nothing to worry about after all doctor bart is still a god we should probably trust him head back we don't want to keep everyone waiting hold on did officials say earlier that she's going to catch some crabs oh my mom wants to go too now you have solved the mystery doesn't it make you feel happy satisfied don't worry i won't hurt you i'm just a little bird that sometimes flies by these islands and i'm now watching you from far far away i just so happen to sense power here that has something to do with me i was curious so i landed on the beach to quietly watch everything that took place on these islands it was fascinating the ones who came here to work were so busy and yet i still saw genuine smiles on their faces from time to time and then all of you arrived later on bringing your glorious dreamscapes and wonderful willpower your dreams are like the pure and delicate bubbles flowing on the water the more beautiful the illusion the more it fascinates me i'm not able to travel myself but i do admire free spirits like yourself so i help them design a little something for you all i hope you liked it as i said i don't have an agenda i'm just a little bird i stopped here to admire your lives joyce sorrows and all you are a special person with a unique and brilliant glow i decided to communicate with you in this way because i'm really curious about you there's no need to wonder about my name maybe one day in the future we will meet in another place when that time comes i think you'll be able to recognize me hey what are you doing the crabs don't catch themselves [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 37,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, Genshin Impact Summertime Odyssey FULL EVENT All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS (Lumine), Summertime Odyssey I - The Golden Apple Vacation Returns!, amber, amber vtuber, genshi, genshi game, genshi impact, genshi video, genshin, genshin game, genshin impact, genshin impact game, genshin impact good, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact introduction, genshin impact manga, genshin impact wiki, geshin, geshin game, teyvat
Id: R2lqpwuH1SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 31sec (14011 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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