Gennaro's Awesome Ossobuco

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Hi lovely people and I am, I'm in Italy. And we asked you, what you would like me to cook for you. And, my god, everybody went Ossobucco! Yes! I love Ossobucco and I will do Ossobucco. Actually, I will cook a simple way of the Ossobucco. Everyone can make an Ossobucco. Few ingredients, maximum flavour. Ossobucco is the shin of a veal and then in the middle is the midollos. Midollos give such a lovely flavour. Also you can eat them as well. First of all, you need to ask your butcher to get shin of veal. There it is. You can see how big they are but don't forget, because when you cook that will restringe, it will go down. And then on the side of the Ossobucco, you can see there is all these nerves because it's kind of a muscle. So with the knife you need to cut it a little bit and make sure you cut it right through. Inside as well you do pre-cutting. And on this one. So you can see, nice cut it. Because if you don't do that, when you cook it actually goes... It's okay but, you know, you have to do it. Okay, one, we got this one. My god, that's so beautiful. Look at that! Come on. Three, okay. Gotta do the other one. This is a cheap cut of meat because it is Cucina Povera. What Cucina Povera means? Because it's a rustic way of cooking. They used to cook and they used maximum flavor. Not because they were poor, poor, poor, but because they use everything and they wouldn't waste anything. Anyway, this is the third one. Again, cutting on the side, come on. There it goes. Let's put it back now. Two and three. Look at that. Let's put this one on top. Get a little bit of flour just... Just a little tiny bit. That is already too much. Salt and paper. Yeah. this is very, very, very important. Make sure you use nice salt. Don't use that fine salt. Put it with the black pepper as well on top. One side and the other one. Just rub it a little bit. Many people say don't salt the meat before. This one, yes, you do it. And, hallelujah, it's done. Let me wash my hand for a second. Yes. Make sure it's very dry, your hands, when you wash it. Now, each one goes in the flour. You can see, it's very little flour. Still gonna remove some. Yeah, just a little bit more. Most of the flour stays inside this plate. That's three. Okay. Let's put this one away. It's done. Ah, my hands are nice and clean. You have to make sure you got a nice pan. Let's light the gas now, very important. My gosh, what long matches. Light the gas. They put some light... You know what, I can actually use it as a torture, now it's... Ah ha ha, yes. A marathon. And some butter. So simple. Add about two, three, tablespoons of olive oil. Come on! Let it melt it. What is it? You can do it. Simple and easy. If you cannot have the butter, just use olive oil. Very, very important you don't make the butter to burn. This is why I use both olive oil and butter. Stir it. Medium heat. Ah yes! Lovely. Okay, that's done. Now put this on the side. Oh yeah! I just put one in, then cook another one, put another one... Yes! Let it cook. We can't touch it. We can't move it at all for about 2 to 3 minutes and then you turn around. Let's put this back, washing my hands. Can I use one of this? Yeah! Oh lovely. Oh look, that's just madness. The lovely Midollos right in the middle, the baby. One, two... perfectly flat. The other one I didn't cut right through, so it's starting to curl up. Doesn't matter, but two minutes each side. Now I need to put some wine inside. Oh my my. You need about one glass of wine. You use a good wine. Not use cooking wine. Can you do it with cooking wine? No, you can't. Cooking... What is cooking wine? Rubbish wine. Watch. So good! Just a little bit more wine. And it's done! Beautiful, beautiful! Look at this. Oh yeah! Ha ha! I love it! Just put them aside. Look at that lovely, creamy, juicy... Come have a look. Come inside here. You move it off the gas. Just switch off for a few minutes and now start to add your onion. With this one I will use two onions and two carrots. Let's cut it, the onion. I love the sweetness of onions and the carrots. Make sure you cut it in small pieces. This one as well. It doesn't matter if some are big, some are small. Then you get a carrot, peel the carrot, or not peel the carrot, I'll leave it to you. Cut it right through to the end. You can see... And then again, I turn the other side. Just very small just once. And then slowly, with your knife. So easy! Look at me while I cut it. Good! Let's put this one back. Let's light again, so slowly, slowly. I said "Can I have some matches for the gas." "Yeah", they said. And I finish! Out. I love it. Yes! What a stupid... I am sorry. Okay. Oh my god. This is so beautiful. It smells so good. I'm sorry. I'm sorry but I have to taste this lovely flavour with a bit of bread here. Oh yeah! I love it. So full of flavour. Now, I need these carrots and onions. All in. Yes! Look at that. It's cooking nice. It's not finished yet. You see here those little bits? This is sort of flavour, all the goodness, which is stuck to it. Let's grab it. Just a little touch of wine, just a little touch more here. Come on, yeah! Oh my goodness me! I'm gonna leave it for two, three minutes and then I will add the passata. This has been on for two, three minutes, now I'm gonna have the passata. It's roughly about 200 grams, that is good. Oh yeah. Sorry but I can't leave this one out, this bit, so I'm gonna have a little bit of a passata as well. Oh god, it's so good. Stock is very important Put some stock inside. Just put them inside. It's done Oh my gosh. Oh my my. Now, let it cook for about a minute or two. Let this come up to bubbling. I need to taste for flavour, I need to taste it. Get the meat and just add it to it. Oh yeah. I don't want to lose anything, even the little bit. Put the rest of stock, turn down the temperatures and let it cook for about an hour but it has the need to be covered. So put the spoons on the side. Do you know what? I like this beautiful blue lid. No, yeah! It smells so good. Yeah! You want it? Come back later. There was somebody out? I don't think so. Anybody is still there? Yes, there is deer, there is birds, pigeons, crow, lots and lots of people Come back in an hour time and I will feed you. Put a spoon over because you want to evaporate a little bit. Let it cook for about an hour. This is it. See you later. Slowly, slowly, slowly... Right, it is ready now. Oh my my. Oh yeah! Everything is cooked. All the vegetables, which I put inside, they all melted. The meat has become so soft, like butter. That cream reaches around because also you get a lovely kind of a jelly come out from the Ossobucco. Everything combined together in such harmony. Let's do a little Gremolata. What is Gremolata? So simple! Parsley. Just grab them all together chop them very, very fine. Just use about quarter of a garlic. Squeeze over a little bit of lemon. I love to put a little olive oil on mine. Some people would have bread inside. Little salt. Mix all together. Now, I've done a nice a bit of polenta, which I put in butter and Parmesan. Quick polenta. You can buy it in any shop. This is nice. Ah yeah! So excited! Look at this lovely Ossobucco. Oh my my! All that beautiful sauce. Little bit of Gremolata on top. Drizzle of extra virgin olive oil because I love it. And this is Ossobucco - Gennaro way. So easy, hardly anything. You can do a nice risotto with saffron and you can use it. Polenta, it's fantastic, I love a Polenta. Oh! Do a mashed potato! It goes as well! Do you know what? With this sauce, if I eat all the meat and there is sauce left, I can even do a bit of spaghetti as a side. You asked for it. I make it for you. Now it's up to you to make it. Do make it. Enjoy. I have to taste it. I made it. I wanna try now. I know it's good, but... Look at that. Everything fell of the bone. Look! You can tear it. I know you want it. Come on! I can't look after the camera, I'm sorry. Let me stay and look after it. I just, I'm enjoying it. So good. Sorry, I've had mine, but it's so good. I can almost cry. Arrivederci! I'm off the camera now. I can eat. I made it and I eat it.
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 217,686
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Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamie oliver, nakedchef, homecooking, cookingram, lovecooking, cookingclass, cookingtime, healthycooking, cookingathome, cookingwithlove, easycooking, vegancooking, homemadecooking, quarantinecooking, cookingvideo, mycooking, happycooking, foodporn, foodie, foodphotography, yummy, delicious, foodblogger
Id: 5nXHXnLDqSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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