FULL Etsy & Print on Demand Printify 2023 Tutorial

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hi guys it's Heather if you're new to my Channel or you have been here for a while you will know that I am a Etsy and print on demand business owner I have earned multiple six figures with my Etsy and print on demand business I'm gonna put my current statistics here I have earned over 400 000 in my Etsy and print on demand business in the past two years and now I teach others on how they can do that as well so today I have a really fun video for everyone who is new to Etsy and the world of print on demand I wanted to make a full tutorial for 2023 on how to create listings how to integrate your print on demand provider with your Etsy business and then also how to start an Etsy store from the very beginning so I'm going to provide you with some tools during this video today on how to get started I'm going to give you that walkthrough tutorial on how to go from A to Z also I did want to mention I have a free Etsy and print on demand craft course in the link in the description below so that crash course goes over in finer detail more of what you need to know as far as starting an Etsy and print on demand business in 2023 there are little things that you may come across that you might be like okay Heather didn't mention in this tutorial but a lot of the other things to explain with print-on-demand businesses is explained in that crash course so I would watch this video in full then go to that crash course and see what questions that you can get answered in that crash course alone I have a whole hour's worth of information in there as well that's really great information for starting your Etsy and print on demand business so during this tutorial we are using printify to create our print on demand businesses and integrate to our Etsy stores this is one of my favorite print on demand companies to use they just have such high quality and their production fees are just so low that you can have high profit margins for selling things like t-shirts to sweatshirts two mugs two blankets two car seat covers there's so many different items that you can create with print on demand and for those who are new to print out demand and don't know what the print on demand business model is print on demand is a Drop Shipping business model where when a customer finds your item on Etsy they purchase the item that order goes to your print on demand company they will print pack and ship the item for you and they will even send out the tracking information to your customer without you having to do the middle part of the process your part of the process is creating the listing creating the design for that product you get to choose the product and once an item is shipped let's say there might be a defect maybe your print on demand provider accidentally printed the wrong design on the T-shirt or maybe there is a mark on the sweatshirt anything like that your job in the process is to be the customer service person person as well so if anything happens you will kind of be the middleman between you and your print on demand provider so if there is a defect you get the full image of the problem send it to your print on demand provider they usually will replace the product at least it's within 30 days if there is a missing package at all that's another part of your process that you would do in that scenario but these are just examples of your customer service roles as a print-on-demand business owner which it really isn't that much and your print on demand company really does take care of you I do want to say that this is one of the reasons why I've always loved prunify is because their customer service is just Superior to a lot of other print-on-demand companies I've used in the past they really do take care of you as a business owner and as you are the middleman where If an item is missing you can contact printify and generally they'll respond within 24 hours to tell you where the package may be and then also if it is missing they they will replace the item for you and send a new item to the customer you do not get double charged for that because printify again takes care of you so with that being said that's one of the main reasons why we are using printify today coming from a product demand expert and Coach I've coached multiple students to five to six figures now in their Etsy and print on demand businesses so with that being said I want you to start off with the correct print on demand company and that's why we're going to use printify by the way when you sign up for printify I'm going to have a link in the description below but when you do sign up please use code heather30 in all capitalized letters to get 30 days of printify Premium this is going to save you hundreds to thousands in a year's time frame if you get thousands of orders coming through printify premium gives you a discounted price on all production fees and it's just a really great deal I personally do the monthly subscription to printify premium and I have not gone on back sense because again it saved me thousands of dollars and given me thousands of dollars in profit in my print on demand business so besides that I hope that you are on the printify train now and those are some reasons why I use them I know I've had comments asking me hey Heather do you use this or that and I prefer printify for those reasons besides that we're going to hop onto my computer and we're gonna get straight into it [Music] thank you so now that we're on my laptop I did want to say that I'm going to be showing you setup guides on my Etsy and product demand Master course that I call the print on demand Academy 2.0 because this is my second version of this course it's my complete A to Z on how to set up an Etsy shop and scale it to five to six figures I give all of my strategies all of my secret sauce that you would like to call it in that course itself so you guys are going to get a sneak peek of it today I have set up three different Etsy and print on demand stores now and I think I'm hitting the max in the Etsy algorithm because I don't know when you get flagged for setting up stores I've done it for tutorials and videos so instead of resetting up a shop I'm just going to go over and kind of give you the commentary the talk through on how I've set up my shop in the past and how you guys can do that too during this video video today alrighty guys so the first part of the process is either opening up a Etsy account or using your already pre-made account on Etsy so if you have a personal account it's up to you if you'd like to create this into a business account I know for me personally I like to separate my personal purchases from my business so I created a new account for mine so as you can see you'll click on your account icon then you'll click on sell on Etsy and then we will get started from there we're just going to fill this all out together we're going to go to let's go and you'll fill in what brings you to Etsy everyone has their own goals then you will fill in whatever you would like here on if there's anything you'd like help with I know Etsy sends their own types of email marketing so you'll get some information from Etsy there as well so our next area is shop preferences so this is where you will fill out your shop language your shop country your shop currency and all of the above whatever fits for where you're creating your shop so the next thing you will do is name your shop this is the next page after you click next so you can create your name whatever you would like you can change this name later you do not have to stick with this name so you'll save and continue and then we are going to create our first listing together so this is what I call the throwaway listing generally I upload a digital file I created on canva such as your SBG here I'll add it into the photos I'll make it a digital file and then we will actually delete this listing at the very end of this training because you do want to upload your first print on demand listing you don't want to keep this old listing because if it does sell people might be kind of like okay what did I buy and sometimes that can trigger the Etsy algorithm if you don't do it correctly and someone buys it so just be careful here but as you can see I'm just uploading Your Design here SVG again this is going to be your throwaway listing at the very end of this so as you scroll down we are going to be doing manual and digital for this listing we're going to scroll down all the way we can put any price you want in here I try to do a higher price so people don't buy it just in case someone would buy it when we first upload it on Etsy then we will save and continue but of course it's not going to let me continue because I have to fill in the description so I'm going to fill that in and then we do have to put in what the type of item is as well so you will need to put in if it's scrapbooking collage anything like that then you will be able to upload that first listing congrats we have our first listing now we're going to save and continue and then we're gonna go into how we'll get paid so this is the fun part this is the part A lot of people love to talk about so you want to put in all of your banking information generally speaking you will register as an individual which is considered a sole proprietorship so if you have no registration in your state that is completely okay at the end of the year for taxes you usually register a sole proprietorship if you have a business this is where you'll put in your business information as well but I'll meet you guys on the next few pages because that is of course private data so I connected everything on my Chase account you'll get this confirmation once you're done so you can select if you want to get paid once per week every day every two weeks or every other weeks or even once a month I personally like to do every single week on a Tuesday Thursday Friday what have you generally speaking if there's a holiday and maybe the holiday is on a Monday or Friday they will hold your funds until the end of the holiday weekend so that's something to consider as well I pay off my credit card every single week on the day that I'm paid I don't do it every day because usually every day you can have days of fluctuation where you have high order volumes then the next day low order volumes and then the day that you have the lower order volumes you may get less fun so again this is the part that we won't fill out together you're going to set up your billing all that you need in this area here so at this point you do want to keep your shop safe I've heard of a lot of people getting hacked so make sure you have a second authentication method such as SMS or maybe the authenticator app you can do either or and then they will give you a sheet of a bunch of numbers you can screenshot that and then take that or save it into your computer so besides that guys that's how you set up your Etsy shop now the second thing you want to do after setting up your Etsy shop is we are going to set up our printify account and integrate it with Etsy then we're going to create our first listing together and upload that onto our shop after we create that first listing you're going to delete that your design here SVG or whatever template you uploaded as that digital file listing you're going to delete that immediately after you upload that first print on demand listing that's why you want to do this all in one day you don't want to set up a shot up wait a few days then upload your first listing you do want to upload that first listing the first day you set up your shop so we're gonna hop to printify here next so now we're on printify's website again you can click on the link down below to get where I am here we're going to create an account together on printify and we are going to integrate our Etsy Store to our printify store this is really easy it only takes a minute or two to really do so first of all we're going to click on start selling here and once we hit start selling you will come across a page like this I didn't show it because it was Private data in the first part but you're going to put in what your main objective is and this is just to tell printify exactly what you're looking to do also I know printify sends newsletters per week which really help you as a new business owner so this can help indicate to printify what newsletters and things they are sending and then it will just ask how did you find out about printify if you could name drop me Heather Studio that would be great besides that that is it as far as that goes so now we're going to connect our account we're going to scroll down and there are a whole bunch of websites you can connect not just Etsy you could do Shopify Squarespace eBay Wix woocommerce even API integration so if you have your own website there's a way to do it with API but we are just going to connect it will bring you to a page that looks like this and then you're going to click on Grant access and that is it for setting up your printify shop to Etsy and integrating the two so besides that we're going to go and edit some settings on printify before we are done here just so that you have the correct settings for your store when you first get started so once you're in your printify account I want you to go to the top right corner and we are going to fill out some things together so that's the corner where we will start at we're going to click on manage stores then we're going to click on the gear icon and type in our store name so I'm just going to put your brand name here Co again we're we're going to save it then we'll come back to the same page we were before again we're going to go to manage my stores hit the gear icon and we're going to go to our ship from address so what's really important about the ship from address is it starts with printify default and printify default it is good because it shows what warehouse and their address is but if let's say you have a return or exchange item the customer sometimes may send to that warehouse and printify does donate or they may email you and ask to maybe reship to that customer again but that can cause you to pay for that reshipment fee so I suggest putting in custom address so wherever you live just in case the customer wants to return the item I would fill this portion in to make sure that they know where you are and they can return it there just in case you grant a return and they ship it to your print on demand provider's website I've had that happen to me so just a word of caution besides that our next area that we're looking at is order routing so this this is really important and one thing that I love talking about when you're first starting a store so order routing what it does is If an item let's say goes out of stock then your print on demand provider can automatically reroute it to a different print-on-demand provider that sells the same t-shirt or sweatshirt that went out of stock so with that being said I'm more of an advanced print on demand store owner now so I do not enable order routing but I know some people who just rather have printify do it for them it's up to you what your preference is if you're a beginner I would enable order routing another thing to note as well is with order routing there is an up charge sometimes if one print on demand provider sells a bell on canvas 3001 for ten dollars and another print on demand provider sells it for twelve dollars you have to pay two dollars extra for the order routing if in case the 10 one went out of stock so what I would suggest is if you are new you can enable that order routing and there is a maximum so let's say you're only comfortable with it being over two dollars then you can put that Max in so if you click enable order routing and you click on the drop down where the setup area is that is exactly where you can add in if you only want maximum additional cost of two dollars and that will signal to the automatic rerouting system that hey if I have to spend over two dollars I am not comfortable with that and generally speaking you'll get an email from printify stating hey automatic rerouting did not find a match over this price or something along those lines so that's why it's important to check your back end especially around high order volume periods of time like quarter four or around Christmas time as we scroll down the page there is an order approval area now order approval is again something that's going to be up to you on how you want to you set this up for me personally I do automatically in one hour and I have a no cancellation policy on my Etsy store this is up to you but again what I would recommend for anyone who's new is to do automatically in one hour in no cancellation policy on their Etsy store this is going to first of all get you orders pushed through on the back end with printify as fast as you can and then second of all with the orders being pushed through then if you have that no cancellation policy and if someone asked for a cancellation you can at least tell them hey you know my Etsy store policies are this unfortunately you did already order and I am unable to cancel at this point so that's something I would suggest but I know of people who like to manually push every single order maybe at the end of their work day just in case there is a cancellation request again it's up to you for order view settings I do show all orders I do not only do it fulfilled by printify one of the reasons why is because as I'm connected to multiple print-on-demand providers not just pernify so if something incorrectly routes and maybe a printify order doesn't show up or a different order from a different print-on-demand provider shows up that's something that I try to just look at everything and make sure I'm on top of so tracking notification settings this is up to you I usually put I don't need tracking emails but I know some people again who like to be Hands-On and see every single tracking information out there for every single order so at the very end this is automatically send delayed orders to production I would have that checked on send orders to production automatically again just in case something's out of stock you want it pushed through as soon as possible if it is out of stock and it comes back in stock so at the very end for email preferences when you are a new print on demand business owner this is probably good to have ticked on I had to take it off because I was getting hundreds of orders a week and that meant hundreds of emails a week as well so just a pro tip as you scale up your Etsy and print on demand businesses I would uncheck that box I remember when I first started getting hundreds of emails a week I was like oh my gosh how do I turn this off it's just in this page so hopefully that helps you guys in your automatic push settings so now we're going to create a listing together and the three tabs that I want you to have open is printify Etsy and also canva so what I do want to go over first is I would highly recommend downloading the Chrome extension called everbees so you can add this to your Chrome extensions and it's really going to help us in the research process before we even create our listings so one thing that I want you to really get in the habit of as your new Etsy and print on demand business owner is to first of all validate your market and do your research prior to even creating a listing if you're kind of just throwing spaghetti at the wall you're not going to get get many sales in return because if you're just creating listings not really knowing if there is a demand for the niche that you're creating for or maybe a design you're creating for you really need to go with the trends that are on Etsy and kind of keep with what a lot of other people are doing so Plucky for you if you're watching this video we're going to create a new listing together using everby furnifi and then also just Etsy and canva so I have discount links I have free trials all in the links in the description below I recommend all of these softwares this is what I've used since the beginning of my Etsy Journey these just have really propelled my business forward and I really hope it does for you as well in 2023 so with that being said what I wanted to start with is just an Etsy so one Niche that sells all year round is just dog mom types of gifts so I wanted to go into this Niche create a design for this specific Niche together so so to start off I'm going to do a dog and then we're going to see whatever B kind of populates so ever be has a search analytics feature as you can see there's a little B near these little areas here it says dog collars have monthly searches of 4920 dog tags is three thousand three hundred dogs is just 149 600 again dog is just crazy amounts of searches per month and bandanas 1000 plus searches so as you can see dog collars dog bandanas even dog sweaters those are really trending over 1 000 monthly searches is a good indicator that there is high demand for these specific niches what I wanted to design for is sweatshirts in this video that's something that I have sold the most in my own Etsy and print on command business so I like doing design videos over sweatshirts but as you guys can see dog bandanas dog sweatshirts dog collars those really sell to and with prunify you can create dog collars I know they have dog bandanas as well so those are always options for you if you're looking to kind of go outside of the normal of what most people are selling on Etsy which is usually the dog sweatshirts dog t-shirts so alrighty guys so I looked up dog Mom sweatshirts and with ever be I'm going to go to product analytics and then we're going to pull the data and see what's really selling what might not be selling and kind of Base what we're going to design today a little bit off of what's selling and we're not going to copy anyone directly that is definitely what I don't want to teach on my platform and being on YouTube We are never copying anyone directly we're just pulling some inspiration and seeing what's selling for other people and what could potentially sell for us so I'm going to click on this one which I see is just cute little dogs and then the dogs names on the side pocket area so that seems to be a popular one this other one it seems very popular as well so this is just dog ears it's very cute it's a bestseller it has the badge and they just have a cursive shoelace type of font so this sweatshirt by itself is earning this print on demand business owner over twenty thousand dollars in Revenue per month so that is a really good indicator to us that that's a popular one this one is ten thousand dollars in Revenue per month it's just dog years and just the name so these are personalization sweaters so I'm going to click on this is the same one I clicked on earlier great job I did great on selecting the same one twice so I'm going to look at this one that's around over 4 000 so this one's just doodle mama and that's the best seller and that one's not personalization it seems like the seller is using printify because generally a lot of the sellers that use printify can achieve these lower prices usually with printify sweatshirts are about 15 per sweatshirt that you sell for production fees so these sellers are making over fifteen dollars of profit per sweatshirt that they sell that is good indicators to us so I'm gonna flip over to canva and we're going to create our first design together so I have canva Pro I have a 30-day trial link in the description below this is what I've used the past two years to design a lot of the designs that have made me over ten thousand dollars in multiple designs so one of the reasons why I recommend canva over other design softwares is for first of all it's print on demand friendly so all the fonts that you see in canva you can use for a print-on-demand commercial use license a lot of licenses nowadays will tell you if you can use some type of Graphics or fonts for your print-on-demand business and surprisingly a lot of those do not allow print on demand usage licensing canva is one of the design softwares that does that's one of the main reasons why I use it the second reason is it does have plenty of Graphics we have at our fingertips as well and on top of that there's other design softwares I've used where I'm spending three to five times the amount that canva charges canva is about 100 per year and I've used Adobe and I've spent over 500 I think I spent maybe nine hundred dollars last year on Adobe for just a yearly subscription Adobe is nice it is the creme de La Creme of softwares but canva you can do a lot of the stuff that you can do on Adobe there's things on Adobe that you of course can't do on canva but for basics in design canva is just my go-to so besides that we're going to get into designing our first design so when you are creating a design for your first print on demand product we want high resolution so anything that's high resolution is over 2000 by 2000 pixels when you're creating a design I personally like doing 5000 by 5000 that gives me and my print on demand provider the highest resolution that we can really get with our print on demand designs without going overboard on the megabytes and how large the file size is so I'm going to type in 5000 by 5000 here I'm going to click on create new design then what I want to do first is I am going to add in a heading so this add in a heading feature is where you will insert any types of fonts that you want to add in and as you can see canva has their already done for you types of font templates and styles you can click on any of these to bring them in and then if you click on the corner and hold it to drag up and down you can change the size so I'm going to just delete that one I'm going to bring this add a heading to the center so as you can see these purple lines intersect now that shows that we are horizontally and vertically aligned in the center of our canvas so that is essentially what we want to stick in we always want to make sure that we are horizontally and vertically aligned for our whole design however if you have multiple lines of your design let's say you do two add a headings you can select all by clicking and dragging and that will select both together and then if you align here you will see that both lines of text align horizontally and vertically so besides that I'm going to delete delete this here and what I wanted to do for this design is I wanted to make something like the doodle Mama sweatshirt just in her own way I feel like this we know is a bestseller so the doodle types of dogs seem very popular right now I live in Chicago and when I'm walking down the street I almost always see a doodle dog so I think those are just a very popular dog type now which makes sense that this is a bestseller it's high in demand because there's a lot of doodle moms as far as I've seen in my area so I think we're gonna do a doodle mom type of design today so when I click into the design I'm going to click this drop down and we are going to select a font I think I'm going for more of a dainty type of doodle mom sweatshirt so I like the font Paloma because it's a very cute and shoelace type of text as you can see so I'm really happy with this I'm gonna go go to my elements and I'm going to put in Doodle and I'm realizing now that a doodle is probably not going to show here the same I feel like one of the doodle dogs looks like this so maybe that would be good for some reason it doesn't look like a doodle to me but I don't know I guess it is this is kind of inception because it technically is a doodle of a doodle dog oh God I need to stop I need to stop one thing I did want to note is that if you do use any graphics on canva you do need to use two or more elements together so two or more elements would be both of these dogs together that would qualify for the product demand commercial usage license if I just had doodle mom and I took out this dog that's two or more that's fine so that's just an example of what I mean when I'm talking two or more elements [Music] so I'm just going to look down the line and see if there's any other maybe if I put in poodle I feel like poodles don't look too oh yeah they they look a lot different okay I feel like I'm not educated enough on doodles I don't like that graphic as much oh here we go they have this area so after you click on a graphic it drops down to Magic recommendations and I really like it because they always come up with really nice types of Graphics that are along the lines of what I'm looking for so I almost do like these two Graphics together though I'm not gonna lie so I'm a little bit in between on what to do so I think I'm going to duplicate the page and we're going to keep what we had above but I'm going to delete these by the way I might have done that way too quick so I'm gonna go back up so when you click on this duplicate page button you can duplicate exactly what you had above I like to do this when I'm in between on my design Styles and usually I'm in between quite a bit so I'm going to click on this one and see how this looks I do like that but this one is cuter oh my gosh that is so cute there is also this one so I really like this I think it's so cute and so adorable I think I'm just going to do this I really don't think we really need two crazy of stuff here so I do like these two as well I think this is super cute maybe someone has two dogs so one effect that I like to do is I like to thicken the font a little bit so I'm going to click on this and I'm going to click on splice I'm going to take the thickness down a little bit I'm going to take off the offset and then I'm going to make the color black and then I'm gonna take the thickness up a little bit so it matches how thick the lines of the doodle of the doodle dog is you know I had no intention of making doodle dog t-shirts today or sweatshirts and now I'm regretting it because saying doodle twice is very redundant and I'm realizing that now so guys that's about it for both of our designs I thought taking the capital D off would look much cuter and kind of more simple for this one but this one I think the thickness of it and it's a little bit different I think both really are nice with that being said I'm going to click on share and this is how you want to download any type of design you create so when you click on share at the top you're going to click on download here then it's going to give you all the different file types you always want to do PNG I've heard about people who like doing SVG personally I like PNG better it's best for illustrations it's best for print on demand designs as far as I've heard and this area here is for let's say that you started with 2000 by 2000 you can bring it up or you can bring it down I like 5000 by 5000 so we'll keep that there the next most important thing is to check mark this transparent background this will delete the white behind the design so after that you can select your pages so if you only want to download one of these designs I can deselect select one or I could reselect to download all so after that we can download and that will save it so we can upload it on our print on demand providers website so I'm going to open up this ZIP file and in the other screen I am going to bring those over so now I'm going to close out of canva I'm going to bring over printify and we are going to go to printifies catalog printify has thousands of different items that you can create on their website they have so many best-selling items that really do sell you can get high profit margins off these items again I can't recommend printify enough but we're gonna do the same types of sweatshirts that the other dog mom shirts did so there is the Gilded 18 000 crewneck sweatshirt this is the sweatshirt that is most used across many of the top Etsy and print on demand stores you'll see so I'm going to click into this and there is hundreds of print providers that printify has at your fingertips when you sign up with printify and this is one of the pluses of printify is if let's say something goes out of stock like the white Gildan 18 000 sweatshirt goes out of stock guess what you have a second print-on-demand provider you can reroute your order to so I could use Swift pod instead of Monster Digital or vice versa so one of my favorite print providers on their website is Monster Digital swiftpod is incredible as well I have used them since the beginning of my at scene print on demand business but these are the two that I generally stick to just because I am based in the US I know other countries have preferred dupliam for Canada I know print clever is incredible for the UK so you can see all their ratings here what's really neat about printfy's print providers is they keep an updated record on all these print on demand providers so we could see Monster Digital is number one today but that could change tomorrow or next week or next months with pod can come above them and usually they're rating these print on demand providers by the amount of defects they have by the amount of days it takes to produce an item and as you can see Monster Digital and Swift pod are pretty hand in hand and neck to neck in this competition so as we could see today Monster Digital Swift pot is really good so I'm just going to start designing with Monster Digital I'm going to click on start designing here I will bring over one of our designs and then I am just going to center it so this is something a lot of people ask me quite often is how should you put a design on mock-up when there's so much extra space around this area I will say that Monster Digital has one of the largest dimensions for printing so that's where it gets a little bit confusing but what I like to do is the way I download my item on canva is the way that I upload it on to my print on demand providers mock-up generator so this is a mock-up generator it shows us how the design will look on a printed mock-up so if I click on preview here you could see that it's doodle Mom we have the doodle in the middle and that is perfectly fine to me however let's say you want to go a little bit larger now this wouldn't be bad either but personally again I like to stick to the same size that I downloaded my design so I'm going to click on the design here and then I'm just going to take it back down to relatively the same size we had it now this is the other thing with placing your design on a mock-up what you want to make sure that you're doing is that the top line of the design so the absolute top part of the design you want to almost draw an invisible line to where the tops of the D's are the L and you want that one and a half to two inches below where the collar line is so the collar line is right here you want it one and a half to two inches below that and I know it's kind of a guessing game with your eyes this is a eyeballing type of process I'd suggest when you are doing this type of design placement but as you can see I'm about two inches below where the collar line is I think that is perfect I might move it up just a touch I know some people who put it all the way up to that line sometimes that works out but if let's say I only had doodle mom here and I didn't have this graphic that would look really really strange on the finalized mock-up image but since I have multiple lines on this so it goes from doodle Mom all the way to the bottom of this dog that's when I would suggest going up a little bit you don't want your design all the way down here but you don't want it all the way squished up at the very top either especially if it's just one line of text if that makes any sense so I'm just going to bring it down just a touch another way that you can make sure your designs in the right place is by where the line of the armpit is on the mock-up so as you can see if we drew a line from this armpit to this armpit the middle of our design is smack dab in the center and that's another marker that you want to keep in mind when you are placing your design or text on the mock-up so besides that that is how we would place this specific type of design and if we preview it here you can see that this is perfectly placed in the center it's not too high it's not too low and it's just a very dainty and cute type of doodle mom sweatshirt so you can also see these mock-ups that printify provides I think these are really nice mock-ups that they've done I would suggest always purchasing on Etsy for mock-ups too they have plenty of different cute types of mock-ups on Etsy that we're going to look over in just a moment here as well so besides that this is perfect for what we're doing I'm Gonna Save the product so the next part of this process is you do want to title this sweatshirt now I do have a SEO updated tutorial I would highly recommend looking at that tutorial I'm going to link it in the video below because we aren't going over SEO today we're just trying to get our first listing up delete the old listing and then I would highly recommend watching that next video to get a updated tutorial on how to do your SEO your tags and your descriptions besides that I'm just going to put doodle mom crew neck sweatshirt so when you are pricing your items you generally want a profit of over ten dollars one of the reasons why is because Etsy does take out a 6.5 transaction fee you also have a potential processing fee and all those fees can really add up and take a few dollars off of your profit for me personally for any sweatshirt that I create I always like a profit of 15 so I will apply that as well which is a profit margin of over 40 percent per sweatshirt so at the very end we will have all these store details we can hide the product in store which we don't want to do the variant visibility I keep on only show in stock variants and hide any out of stock variants some people like to show the out of stock variance as sold out but one of the problems with that is you have to go into Etsy and delete where it says sold out every single time something goes back in stock so I personally just like to hide the out of stock variants and then at the bottom printify will create a new shipping profile for you so you're going to click on publish and then we have our first listing that we created together on Etsy this will take just a few moments to publish okay so now we are published for some reason it was not having a fun time with me and it finally published to my store so we are going to go to our shop and it usually takes a minute or two for the listing to show up it'll show up like this little icon here so while we are waiting for that I wanted to show you one really neat feature with everbee that I've used in the past so as we could see this is a best-selling type of sweatshirt it has all the good SEO I would never suggest copying SEO directly so you can copy bits and pieces of this SEO but you don't want to copy all of it that's just a pro tip for me but if you go to product analytics and click on this so it will generate all the tags that this listing is using and we can copy all of these to clipboard as you can see every B shows how many times these tags are searched per month Christmas gift is six thousand coffee lover 600 dog lover sweatshirt six gifts for Mom four thousand plus shirts for mom 296. so I'm just gonna copy all of these to clipboard then if I go into that listing and I click into it you'll see the photos aren't uploaded yet so what I'm gonna do at least for this video is I'm just gonna copy and paste now what I do want to say is after you hit enter you want to make sure that none of these are trademarked words so I've seen some people and heard of situations where people copy the tags in Starbucks is in the tags I just want to say it is up to you as the Etsy seller to make sure these words aren't trademarked these all look good to me so we are just going to scroll past besides that like I said I would highly recommend watching that SEO video because I go over the basics of SEO and how to bring organic traffic to your Etsy and pronounce demand businesses through just utilizing SEO tips and tricks I go over in that video so highly recommend watching that besides that I'm going to go back to this tab and we're going to find some mock-up images to use so I'm going to look up white Gildan 18 000 mock-up Etsy is my favorite place to go for image mock-ups they just have so many nice image mock-ups out there and they are just so professional looking and they really can get you sales over time a good budget that I would recommend when you're starting out with mock-up images is at the very least twenty dollars to spend to get some really high quality image mock-ups some people ask me is a flat blade better than a lifestyle mock-up right now I'm currently seeing a trend for lifestyle mock-up images so if you were to get images like these those would be really great for your store I have seen that if you have this type of mock-up then you have a flat lay those work for stores as well but for me personally I think a mock-up like this is really really nice and can get you a lot of sales so we're gonna use this for our image mock-up placement today so I'm going to purchase this we will go back to canva in just a moment here and I'm going to show you how to place the design on your mock-up so we can get that really high quality image mock-up for your first Etsy listing alrighty guys so when we are doing our mock-ups what you can do with mock-ups is you can click on create a design here and then you can click on edit photo then I'm just going to bring over the mock-up image I just downloaded so it takes a moment just to load it so now I'm going to click use in design so this is going to create its own little canvas for us now what I'm going to do next is I'm going to bring over the design we just created I'm just gonna drag and drop it on my second window here so so now I will click that into our image alrighty now that we have our design overlaid on the image mock-up of course this is not our final piece I want you to click on that design and first of all we're going to resize it so if you click and drag the corner we can take it down a smidge and as you can see this sweatshirt is slightly slanted so we do want to rotate this just a little bit to match kind of the rotation of the sweatshirt mock-up itself I'm gonna bring this just a little bit to the side and I'm going to bring it up just a touch so now I'm pretty happy with this this looks very like the image that we have for our mock-up generator software on printify so if I go back to printify and I click into this I'm going to click into the mock-up and as you can see this image is actually a little bit smaller so I'm really happy I looked at that so I'm going to go back and I'm going to make this just a little bit tinier what's really important when you're placing your design on a mock-up is that you are making sure it's as realistic as possible to how the finished product will look so for us we want to make it just a tiny bit tinier and then I'm going to go back to printify again I think this is pretty accurate I'm gonna bring down the rotation just a smidge too so as far as the sizing goes I'm really happy with that I think that's going to really work out and look realistic now now the last step of this process is we need to edit the transparency to make it look a little bit more faded so it looks realistic on this mock-up when you are editing transparency you go to the upper right hand corner with the little checkered faded area button you'll click on that and then transparency for t-shirts and sweatshirts can be as low as 70 I generally keep it around 70 to 90 percent 90 is the maximum I will go for image mockups when I overlay a design on it I think if you go any higher than that that can tell customers that this item may be screen printed and these types of t-shirts and sweatshirts are actually not screen printed most print-on-demand providers use direct to garment printing direct to garment printing is where the ink is infused into the material of the sweatshirt or t-shirt and that can cause a lack of color so due to that Lack of Color that is why we want to decrease our transparency so it looks realistic I'm really happy with the 77 percent if I click off of this this looks pretty realistic to me I'm going to bring this just to the side just a little touch but besides that I think that this looks realistic it looks really high quality and this is something if I were a doodle mom I think I would maybe buy so besides that I'm gonna go to share again we're going to download and what I like to do for these is I like to do jpg instead of PNG PNG kind of goes up there and files size I personally just like keeping jpgs so I'm going to download this and then we're gonna go back to our listing and we're gonna upload that so our next step of the process is we're going to adjust this thumbnail I'm going to bring this in quite a bit and then I'm going to save that so generally the thumbnail is really really important because that is what's going to show when people are scrolling on the Etsy search or in the related listing section so that's why you want to increase the zoom quite a bit I'm actually going to increase it just a tiny bit more I'm going to save that and that will show your customers as you're scrolling how an item looks like and hopefully they'll read it they'll like it and they will buy it so the next thing that you want in your photos is also a size and color chart size charts are really important especially for any apparel that you sell so it shows the customer what size is right for them and then color charts also help in showing the customers what other colors there are and how those look like so I have a shop brand kit down below where I have a bunch of templates on shop banners on shop logos on size and color charts it's for 27 so you can purchase that today as well that might help you and getting a size and color chart up on your Etsy listings besides that I'm just going to save and publish this here and I'm going to show you the shop Banner that I also sell so if I go to the Etsy store so you'll find your brand name Co this is my test store guys a lot of people email me and say hey Heather I found your shop and it looks fake how do you have six figures and I looked at your shopping you don't even have a sale I just want to say that this is my test shop my real shop I do not share because I've had so many people copy my designs they've copied my name they've copied my brand completely so I stopped sharing it for that reason so guys that's it for this training just so you know you can get my shop brand kit down below the banner that you see on the screen I've created in that shop brand kit and it is an editable canva template in the shop brand kit I have training videos and tutorials on how you can edit this shop banner and make it your own on top of that there is shop logos there are size and color charts and just videos that can assist you in creating your own brand name and your own brand on Etsy besides that the print on demand Academy 2.0 is releasing soon and I do have some Early Access discounts in the links in the description below if you do decide to join my print on demand Academy I did give a little sneak peek of the print on demand Academy 2.0 in this video today but I will say that was only two videos out of eight videos for setup that I do in the print on demand Academy I go over some more advanced trainings in the print on demand Academy itself so I would highly recommend looking into that if you do want to take your Etsy and print on demand businesses to the next level besides that at the very end of this I do have a free webinar that's going to be running at the end of December and beginning of January called how to earn your first 10K without seeing print on demand check that out and sign up save as seat for yourself in the links down below don't forget to get printify premium for 30 days free using Code Heather 30 in all caps and stick around for that blooper reel because I struggled today since I've kind of been sick see you guys in the next video here don't forget to subscribe for more tips and tricks with Etsy and print on demand from zero to multiple six figures in my Etsy and print on demand businesses so I'm going to repeat that turn on demand print on demand softwares and websites and companies but I'm going to repeat if and I if a that's why I have always repped for with that being said I'm gonna stop jabbing on and we're gonna get straight to it so oop that is not what I want or maybe uh the Authenticator so besides that guys that is how you set up over 10 . it's really not as quickly as we can today or not as quickly as we can we can cut that part up by clicking and dragging and bringing in and out sorry I'm going to repeat that so one thing I did want to note is if you did so I'm just going to start designing on oh actually I'm going to go back it's it's an eyeballing type of at least resting on or if you have so another I'm gonna repeat that and if we preview it that can become more work for and as you could see Ever Be shows how many times this is these tags are so I'm gonna go back to canva and I'm going oh you know I'm going to go back alrighty so now that we have I can't they use direct to garment printing I'm gonna repeat that but with that being said these are very I'm not gonna say but create your own type of brand I'm gonna repeat this oh my God my brain's not working I'm gonna repeat this we don't need to include uh my brain my brain is killing me today and your own identity on Etsy or on that I'm going to repeat that the shop brand kit is made so that you can create your own brand on Etsy with shop banners shop logo I'm gonna repeat that oh my God my brain is not working [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: heatherstudio
Views: 155,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: passive income, printify, printful, pod, etsy pod, etsy
Id: 2aYBovw8xz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 27sec (3207 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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