Fast Etsy Ranking Strategy From A $2.5 Million Seller 😱 (You don't want to miss this one πŸ”₯)

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like a lot of people like oh it takes me like a month to get results or my first sale or took like a week to get my first sale like two product categories ago we got to a hundred sales a day not during Christmas this was like in February like it's like a dead month right 100 sales a day by like week two welcome back or welcome to my channel I'm so excited to share this interview that I got to do with my friend Steven he started on Etsy in 2020 and since then has sold over two and a half million dollars in revenue on Etsy to date his story is so inspiring and he's going to share all of his scaling secrets on how to get your listings ranked so much faster than ever before on Etsy so make sure to stay tuned all the way until the end and say hello to Stephen Hello Steven thank you so much for joining me on my channel I'm so excited to have you and share your huge success that you've had on your Etsy store I'd love to just kind of walk through the beginning of your story and starting on Etsy because I think it is such a crazy inspiring story of what it can look like when you get started in the first place with print on demand or any type of etsy business so why don't you give us a quick look into what it looked like when you first got started yeah of course so I first found out about the opportunity of selling on Etsy about two and a half years ago and I was pretty fortunate and when I found out about Etsy I've already been kind of stung online for about three years so I kind of already had that Foundation of like what it took to like you know launch products SEO things like that the only thing I didn't know was how to make handmade products so that was kind of the learning curve um so it was about two and a half years ago about June 2020 right in the peak of covid um a mutual friend of yours mine Jesse his family was actually visiting us for a week and Jesse's a super successful Etsy seller and he's like bro like I launched face masks on Etsy two weeks ago and he like showed me his phone I was like you made three thousand dollars today so he's like yeah I watched this two weeks ago I'm selling like three thousand to four thousand dollars a day on Etsy with face masks leveraging you know the mandates he's like know you have an Amazon marketing agency that you're doing right now but you should go Launch face masks on Etsy so I was like all right I'm doing it so he's like buy this printer buy this heat press buy these masks don't copy me go launch it on Etsy so literally the week it took for the equipment to come I I did all the background you know like the research and I mean all the listings I learned how to sell an ad seeks had no experience with Etsy at that point to when the equipment came I turned everything on I think I made like 17 sales that first day with the face masks like 30 sales the next day 60 sales 120 300 500 sales by day like five like so like it sounds amazing like telling you right now like now that it's all like in the past but that was like 500 sales that I had to go make by myself in my garage you know in the dark I think I was working like 16 hours a day for like the next like 90 days straight so like the way that that progressed was like by the end of week one I had to like move from my garage to a bigger unit by the end of week two I had two employees we moved into a bigger unit um I think by the end of month two we had like 20 employees I think we did like 200 000 Revenue like in October three months later we're doing like a thousand masks a day so like it was like it was like that was my crash course in Etsy um so but like Mass mandates ended in like January that next year so the business died just as fast as it ramped up right so we went from like 500 a day in like December it's like five a day January 1st so I was like okay now I'm at a point where like I have to like start fresh and at that point like I had fallen in love with Etsy I kind of fallen in love with like owning a print shop you know being a boss having employees versus like selling on Amazon or having you know a service based item marketing agency at the time so I was like okay we're gonna stay where we're at we're just gonna rebuild right so I took all the knowledge from like you know having a print shop for the face masks and just kind of rebuilt over the next year and a half and so we just launched into about five other new product categories over the last year and a half we were able to rebuild the business back up to the numbers we were doing with the face masks so I think we made our first million dollars with the face masks right but we kind of leveraged a pandemic um and then we made our next 1.5 million dollars over these last one and a half years through just other print products so uh we're now at the point where we've gotten back up to our mask numbers and we're just continuing to grow so yeah that's my Etsy story it's such a huge crazy Etsy story I feel like here on my channel we talk a lot about print on demand and while you can make a lot of money with print on demand it's just a little bit different but I think a lot of what you've learned from launching your different products on Etsy and having been on Amazon before can teach us a lot about how to replicate that same success with print on demand so I'm really excited to talk to you a little bit about those launching strategies and all the research and time you put into making sure that your listings have the very best chance of succeeding once you post them on Etsy because I think that is universal no matter what product you're posting I think the tactics that you put in place when you first launch them are all about the same type so that's what I love to dive into next because I know you have some really great launching strategies so why don't you walk us through your thought process if you're doing the research for a product you find something that is proven to be successful what is you your launching strategy going forward to give it the best chance of success once you list it yeah no I'll definitely share that so just taking a step back really quick like print on demand on Etsy like yes I I have a print shop but I think print on demand on Etsy like is right now like the most viable way to make money online so like everyone watching this interview everyone who's like getting into prone to man I genuinely think that like you're at the right spot at the right time so it's just a matter of just like doing it the right way if that makes sense which is kind of what we're going to jump into right now so I've essentially have launched into five different print uh product categories since we've launched like the first one was masks and we've launched into four other product categories where the way I've launched each product was the exact same way so like the way I launched the masks was just way the way I launched product I wear two three four five was this exact same way and each of them I think would make like a hundred thousand dollars per profit off of each of them so it's like it works right so and it's repeatable uh and it's easy so I think so again like I just that's why I love Nancy I think you don't have to as he does a lot of the work for you like like at you just turn it on right so the way like you have to think about this is I I picture it like a flywheel like if you think like a bicycle wheel right you want to get that flywheel going so we call it like a flywheel effect where the points on that flywheel are like rank click through conversion right right so like if you get if you have rank for listing people will click on your on your listing and if they click on your listing they can buy the product which is the conversion right so it's like if you need rank for for a product for somebody to see your product to click onto it to then buy it that's like that's the process you need but when you launch a new product your product doesn't rank automatically on page one you're on page like 15 right so if you're on page 15 where no one sees your product how are they going to click onto your product how are they going to convert how are you going to get that sale right so the way that Etsy works is everything's uh based off rank right somebody types in Mom's shirt and then you get like a hundred results on page one and then it's the customer's job to kind of filter through that click on one and then buy one right so there's I could use a rule of thumb where like 80 of sales happen on page one for any given search term and then the other 20 of sales is shared from page two through Page whatever so like you want to get on page one to leverage like 80 of those sales if that makes sense so so it's like then the question is like how do I get ranked to page one like what does Etsy look at for rank right the biggest variable that Etsy looks at in other third-party Market sites like Amazon as well is sales velocity because if you're doing everything else right that leads to a sale like if you have good SEO good pricing good customer service good quality score that leads to a sale so it's like if you have good sales like then you're gonna need to rank right so you can assume products ranked on page one have more sales than product Springs on page two so it's like it's like the chicken and the eggs scenario like well if I need rank to get sales to get ranked but I'm ranked on page 15 right now how am I gonna get those sales to get to Ring to page one right so that that's the question and I know a lot of people teach like you don't need ads on Etsy to to make money on Etsy I I completely disagree so and when you launch because because you need sales to get ranked you need to rank to get sales and you start off ranks on page 15 there's no other way to get to page one without ads right so you turn Etsy ads on immediately when you launch a new product so that way like yes your organic is ranked on page 15 but your paid listing is ranked on page one so you start getting sales through your paid listing and that's causing it sales velocity for that product and then your organic listing is starting to rise through the ranks from page 15 to 13 to 9. before you know it you're on page one and then so it's like the beautiful thing about that too is you're paying Etsy for these sales so there's a cost associated with that but when but eventually when you rank to page one you're just paying the the transaction fee so that's that's where the profits are if that makes sense so in terms of organic Rank by with using the Etsy ads exactly so a lot of people too like they think of etsy ads as an expense right it's like five dollars a day that's a hundred and fifty dollars a month like I can't afford 150 a month like but like it's not an expense like Etsy ads is a tool like almost think of it like an ATM like you put a dollar in you get two dollars out right like I was looking at my Etsy ads numbers before this call 2022 so all of last year uh we gave Etsy a hundred thousand dollars in ad spend it's a lot of money right like wow I can afford a hundred thousand dollars but I made 250 000 back so I put one dollar in I got two dollars and fifty cents back so it's like at that point it's like Etsy you're not taking enough money like I would have given Etsy 500 000 it would have got back to million dollars in that scenario right so when when you do everything right where it's like the right product you have the right conversion rate SEO Etsy ads is actually a blessing because you're able to like Leverage it to gain Rank and then also make money at the same time so in terms of launching new products I immediately turn Etsy ads on because that's how I'm gonna get sales get the flywheel going but I also know again like sales velocity leads to ring how can I speed up that sales velocity how can I increase my conversion rate right so it's like if if my conversion rates like one percent a hundred people have to click on my ad to get that one sale that's a lot of money but if I could get my conversion rates like five percent that means the same 100 clicks leads to five sales I'm gaining rank five times faster does that make sense yeah so so typically the the cheaper a product is the more sales you have right so it's like basic economics so what I do whenever I launch a new product I make the price for the product my Break Even cost so like if it's if it cost me like eight dollars from printify to make a shirt I'm not selling it on on Etsy for 17 19 bucks I'm selling for eight dollars so it's like I'm so cheap I'm literally like at cost on Etsy so that way when somebody goes to my listing like this is legit design it's only eight bucks so it inflates your conversion rate so that way it's like instead of having a standard three percent I'm getting like 15 so it allows me to kind of expedite that ranking process so does that make sense you turn ads on immediately you launch at your break even price and what I do too to is I actually I mark up the shipping on the back end so this is like a little Golden Nugget here I mark up the shipping a little bit on the back end so they cost like five dollars for printify I might charge seven dollars on the shipping so that way I can make the front end six dollars so instead of being eight dollars on the front and five dollars in the back end it's six dollars on the front end seven dollars in the back end because again it's just like it's about the click through so if something's like shows six dollars they're gonna click on that listing all day does that make sense right you make it look cheaper in the search results and then there's a higher shipping cost just to try and get to click it in the first place and hopefully get more conversions for sure exactly so they're kind of give you a couple like like how this actually works is on the last three product categories that we launched into we typically like a lot of people like oh it takes like a month to get results or my first sale or taking a week to get my first sale like two product categories ago we got to a hundred sales a day not during Christmas this was like in February like it's like a dead month right 100 sales a day by like week two so granted we're not making any money right so it's like we the launch strategy and the reason why a lot of people don't do this is because you're paying for ads and you're making no money on the sale on the sales but you're usually you're losing money essentially exactly you might be losing a little bit of money or your break even right so but the beautiful thing about that is is if we play the two scenarios you go the route where like you don't do ads and you launch it at a full price and it takes you a month to get your first sale versus for the same month you you saw you know 300 shirts at break even on the first day of that second month you still get one sale the other way but now you raise your prices to the normal prices and instead of getting 100 sales you might get 50 sales so now you made 50 sales on that second month day one versus one sale so it kind of does that make sense so you make more money after launch than you would if you played the long game right because now you're not having to organically slowly rank which can take a couple of months total you're buying that rank earlier and now that you're on page one like you said 80 of the sales are happening on page one so you're just kind of paying to be there which is a really popular strategy on Amazon which I think is mostly you know your big benefit of being an Amazon Seller before coming to Etsy most people on Etsy are handmade sellers they're first-time entrepreneurs they don't know as much about business so people like you that really know that you sometimes you need to buy your spot because Amazon is exactly more competitive that if you come by your spot like that on Etsy then you'll have a much better time but I think it is important to just kind of stop and say and I'm sure you were going to get to this Stephen none of this makes sense unless you really do the work beforehand and make sure that you have a product that's in high demand you make a unique version of the design you make a great listing that answer all their questions and helps to make sure that when they click it they're pretty likely to convert so obviously we won't have to get a ton into how to do that that's what we cover a ton of my channel but that piece can't be missing when you go to do these other pieces or else it doesn't work Stephen make sure he does an amazing job with his listings his Niche research and his designs and that's why he's so confident that he can lose money for a couple weeks or a month and then rank in the first spot and get all of the sales exactly like you can have the best launch strategy in the world the best PPC strategy in the world but if you have a poop product it's just not going to work right so you have to it only this only works if you're doing everything right on the front end and and one thing that I do is and this when this clicked for me it actually made things a lot more easy is I actually encourage everyone watching this interview to go buy something on Etsy and whenever you move on to the next step in like the buying Journey like why did you make that next step like you search like mom shirt why and then you use you see all the results why did you click on this listing and not that listing maybe it's background popped a little bit more than everyone else it was like a pattern interrupt maybe it was a display price maybe I had free shipping like why did you click on that listing and then once you're in the listing what what are you looking at before you click add to cart did you even read the description did you even read the title or did you only look at the listing images before you made the decision once you got to the cart like did you bought did you check out or did you balance was the shipping rate too high or was there lead times too high did you convert or did you balance and then after transaction post purchase did you leave a review if yes why so it's like if you can optimize on all of those steps of the buyer's journey and you make that as like fluid as possible and remove all the friction you're able to have a higher conversion rate and then you take that pair that with a launch strategy and you're in business well yeah learning from the master here guys I hope you're all taking so many notes because Steven I don't think we shared but he sold over I think 180 000 things on Etsy is that about right we just broke 190 yeah so it's still yeah 190k since about the summer of 2020 so that's you know what 27 28 months probably and all of that Revenue in that time that is absolutely impressive so I hope that you guys take a ton of golden nuggets away from Steven's launching strategy again you have to do the work in the first place to make sure that your listings will convert well but this is a great way to get those listings seen and ranked so much faster so thank you so much Steven for being here I really appreciate your time and you sharing all of your secrets because I know it's going to help a ton of my subscribers so so much so thank you so much for being here of course thanks for having me thank you
Channel: Cassiy Johnson
Views: 47,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ranking on etsy, etsy success, etsy and printify, printify and etsy, how to sell on etsy, selling on Etsy for beginners, etsy shop for beginners, print on demand, etsy print on demand, print on demand 2023, etsy pod, side hustle ideas 2023, work from home jobs, work from home jobs 2023, side hustle 2023, how to make money online, etsy drop shipping, etsy business, how to make money on etsy, etsy ranking, rank faster on etsy
Id: kBUTYYuM-7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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