Genghis khan Family Tree | Who was his most brutal Son?

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A warrior in human history who killed nearly 10 million people Due to his insane adventures, the world's population had shrunk by 11% According to a study, in every 200, one human has got his gene. Presently around 16 million or 1 crore 60 lac people are his descendants From the outlying areas of Mongolia, he founded the world's second-largest empire Which is known as Mongol Empire in history Today we will talk about the family tree of Genghis Khan How many wives did Genghis Khan had And how many children he had What was the relationship between Babur, Amir Timur and Genghis Khan? In any war, each soldier of Genghis had to kill how many humans? and which son of Genghis Khan converted to Islam and stood against the Mongols? Viewers, this is Ehtisham Arshad and your are watching "The Infotainment Channel" Friends to understand this family tree we have to look at a wolf & a deer In a book "The Secret History of the Mongols" written after the death of Genghis Khan that Genghis was from a wolf "Borte chino" and a deer "Gua Maral" But we can not say about the legitimacy of this belief Therefore, if we see his Genealogy from a human, it started from "Bodonchar Munkhag" Who is also considered as the founder of the Borjigin Tribe of Genghis Khan Here, the interesting thing is, apart from Genghis, another tyrant King Timur was also a descendent of Bondonchar who belonged to the barlas branch of the Mongols So, Timur was not descendent of Genghis but we can call him his cousin But being a cousin of Genghis was a trouble for him for whole his life As being a "Turk Mongol" he was not able to get the title of "Khan" Before Genghis khan there were different tribes residing in Mongolia As we have talked about the Turk confederation "Yebgu State" Almost, a same kind of alliance was made by the Mongols Which was knoiwn as Kamagh Mongol and Genghis's great grandfather Kabul Khan was the "Khan" of that confederation By seeing this much influence of Kabul Khan, Chinese Emperor invited him to Beijing Because he saw a strong ally in Kabul Khan But this meething was unsuccessful And Kabul Khan being intoxicated pulled the Emperor's beard And escaped from there with great difficulty After Kabul khan, his cousin Ambaghi Khan and then his own son Hotulu Khan became the next Khans respectively Ambaghi Khan has to pay the price by giving his life for his brother's disrespect to the Emperor He was captured by the Tatars and handed over to the Chinese Where he was hanged to death Hotulu Khan attacked Tatars and Jin Emperors for 13 times but was not able to get any decisive victory And was killed while fighting against them Although, Genghis's father Yesugai wanted to unite the mongols again and get the title of "Khan" Bu he was unsuccessful Yesugai kidnapped & married a woman named "Hoelun" from an enemy tribe Who gave birth to a child named Temujin in 1160AD According to legend, Temujin was holding a blood clot in his hand when born Which was predicted that he would be the greatest warrior of future His father was Poisoned by the Taras when he was just 9 years old. It is said that Temujin faced very cruel circumstances in his childhood Which were the foundation for making him Genghis khan from Temujin At the age of 16 he married Borte This marriage was fixed previously by his father Yesugai Just after this marriage, his camp was attacked by the same tribe from which his father kidnapped his mother After much bloodshed, the attackers took his wife Borte with them This attack is considered as one of the greatest incidences of world's history and Temujin's life Temuins attacked these kidnappers during the night And set his wife free from those kidnappers Afterwards, Temujin defeated all the neighbouring tribes with his small group of warriors After these victories, a tribal meeting gave him the title of "Genghis Khan" Which means "The King of the World" After this he started a series of wars outside Mongolia And in the next 21 years he conqured most of the Asian lands His first target was China So, he attacked the Northern Jin Dynasty in 1211AD Soon after, his attention was drawn to Islamic lands in western Mongolia Mongols while coming towards the west destroyed every city and everthing in their way Each soldier of his army had resposibility or duty to kill atleast 24 humans Central Asia which was considered to be the land of Turks which also includes the people of the famous Kayi Tribe Practically, these all lands were now under the control of Mongols Due to these Mongol conquests, those Turk Tribes were forced to migrate from there After these conquests, the borders of Mongol Empire were now reached the Khwarizm Empire Genghis Khan had good relations with Khwarizm shah Ala ud Din And he did not have any intensions to attack Khwarizm Empire But in 1218AD, Few Mongols traders were killed in Khwarizm Territory Genghis considered this incident to be his insult And this incident was enough to attack the Khwarzim Empire Therefore, Genghis attacked Eastern Iran And after conquering he ordered mass murdering In which around 700,000 to 20,00000 humans were killed Genghis Khan died during a war campaign against Western Xia Dynasty in 1227AD Some historians wrote that the cause of hia death was fall from the horse According to his wish, he was buried in an known place without any Mark Apart from six Mongol wives, he had around 500 other women as wives According to a research, around 16 million human nowadays are from him From his first and favorite wife Borte, he had four sons He divided his Empire among four sons during his life. In which one son was "Khaqan" and remainin were his Subordinates As Genghis's eldest son Jochi Khan died before Genghis So in place of him, his son Batu Khan was given the lands of Golden Horde Which included Sieberia in Russia, Central Asia and Hungry in Europe. Batu's brother Berke was the first to accept Islam in Mongols He was also fighting against Mongols after accepting Islam Golden Horde's longest reigning Emperor was also a Muslim Whose name was Ozbeg Khan Second son of Genghis, Chagatai Khan got the lands between Persia and Mongolia Although Chatagai himself was not so important but Nigar Hatun from his line married Umar Sheikh of Timurid Dynasty And their son Babur was the founder of the Mughal Empire of Subcontinent As the Father & Mother of Mughals were from the Mongols Due to this reason, Mughals can also be called as the Descendents of Mongols. After Genghis his third son Ogedai Khan became the second Khaqan of the Mongols Ogedai by maintained the legacy of his father & streched the Empire to Poland in Europe. He built a new capital of Mongol Empire in Korakoram And took many initiatives to strong the administration of the Empire His nephew Batu was conqesting towards Europe When he reached near Hungry, he got the news abour Ogedai's death So he left all his campaigns and came back to Korakoram It is said that if Ogedai would not have died, Batu would have destroyed whole Europe. After Ogedai his son Guyuk Khan sat on the throne for some time But he was not able to govern That is why he was rejected as the next Khaqan by the Mongols Due to which there was no Khaqan of the Mongol Empire for five years Genghis's youngest son tolui got the lands in central Mongolia aur Western China But being alcohollic he died in the times of Ogedai Khan Which resulted in Monky Khan to be the 4th Khaqan of Mongol Empire After ascending the throne he again started the seires of conquests and killing of Humans He sent his brother Halagu Khan to middle east while Kublai to China In 1218AD, under Halagu's leadership Mongol army destroyed the Muslim Abbasid caliphate And abolished the Abyssinian caliphate completely It is said that this Mongol Army destroyed Mosques, Palaces, libraries, Hospitals and everything on their way Around 200,000 to 1000000 muslims were killed in these Campaigns Viewers, Halagu's army was deafeated in 1260AD by the Mamluks decisively And it became the first Mongol Army to be defeated Halagu's descendent's kept ruling middle east till 1340AD After Monke, Kublai Khan due to his conquest of China, became the 5th Khaqan of Mongols
Channel: The Infotainment Channel
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Id: gKz4NnEudQY
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Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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