Genesis 6 // The Days Of Noah

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we're in uh genesis chapter six this morning we're continuing in our study through the book of genesis get rid of the stuff you stay there uh through the book of genesis and and so once you guys open up there genesis chapter six while you're opening i'm going to talk to you about something that's coming up on saturday july 25th so this last week uh i was invited by uh uh representative uh brad clippert actually uh to a meeting for pastors and basically it was a meeting about opening up churches and so um when i got there there were a number of representatives from different churches in town and they have a little bit of a different situation than we do here at calvary uh because calvary is a pastor-led congregation and this is what that means i i get to decide where things are going we still have a board and so i talk with my board guys they give me advice and uh generally speaking actually you know almost actually all the time when we're making decisions on the board what we want it to be is unanimous when we make those decisions so it's like we do have a board but the board doesn't run the church and so um if god tells me that we're going to open i get to just go okay god let's do that and then i you know i obviously take it to the board and we all talked about that in other churches they don't have the same thing and so there's some churches in town that um actually wanted to open and their board would not let them and there's some other churches in town that have a denominational uh type of situation and so the denomination uh specifically with a lot of these guys that i just uh talked with their denomination basically told them that if you open up your churches you won't be the pastor by next year and so is that that kind of that kind of situation so what they wanted to do was have a open church protest and so they needed a venue so i gave mars and so we're going to be doing that saturday july 25th there's going to be uh two meeting times 10 o'clock and 12 a.m i told them it was going to be hot they said we don't care and actually we're gonna open up the sanctuary too for all of you that well you wouldn't none of you that are are afraid of the sun are here so but anybody who who can't be out in the sun we're gonna open up the sanctuary too and live stream it and i figure since it's a protest a protest against governor inslee's prohibition of the free exercise of religion [Applause] and so i know watching for the last month that if you're doing a protest you can do anything you stink in place right and so that's what that's what we're going to be doing if you want more information on that there you can grab some flyers on the picnic tables as you leave one of the things that they asked me to do was make sure that we kept it on the down low we don't want to put on facebook and youtube and all that kind of stuff in in case anybody wants to cause a problem i just want to show up and and they're going to use it as kind of a launching uh launching point for opening up their churches so that's a cool thing and so we can we can be involved in that i like that so we're in uh genesis chapter six and like brandon said you know i shipped this morning and we're you know we're all talking about how how jesus loves us and all that stuff now let's talk about judgment and weirdness so that's what we have in genesis chapter six judge weirdness and then judgment and so starting in verse one i'll read it out loud you can follow along with me it says now it came to pass when men began to multiply in the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose and the lord said my spirit shall not strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh yet his day shall be one hundred and twenty years there were giants on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of god came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them those were the mighty men who were of old men of renown then the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and the lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart so the lord said i will destroy man whom i have created from the face of the earth both man and beast and creeping thing birds of the air for i am sorry that i've made them but noah found grace in the eyes of the lord this is the genealogy of noah noah was a just man perfect in his generations noah walked with god and noah begot three sons shem ham and japheth the earth was corrupt before god and the earth was filled with violence so god looked upon the earth and indeed it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth and god said to noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them with the earth and then god goes through and begins talking to them about building the ark let's uh pray and we'll get into it father we again just thank you for your word thank you lord that your word is timely thank you lord that your word speaks to issues uh that are going on in our day in our age and speaks uncomfortably to those issues lord we pray that again as we're going through the word that you would be speaking to our hearts showing us your mind and lord giving us your heart towards the people who are around us uh lord we love you and we want your uh the study of your word just to honor and bless you and especially to bless your people we just ask that you do this all in jesus name amen okay these are the times of noah and um that's actually what i'm titling this the days of noah when you look at this passage there were specific things that that were taking place and it's kind of weird when you look in verse one it says it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them first thing that you have mentioned there is the multiplication of mankind in other words lots of people were being born that's the point one of the things that we talked about when we talked about kane and his city and population stats and that kind of thing you can have a very minimal population increase and with the lifespan of these guys and uh the amount of children that they could have on a conservative level you could have 7 billion people in these over 1600 years uh that is chronicled from the time of adam to the time of noah seven billion people and so a large amount of people is the first thing that you see there what do we have in our world today is there a large amount of people and actually it's over 7 billion now and so it's something that's common to what we have here it talks about the sons of god and we're going to talk about them in just a minute and and the daughters of men that they that they saw them that they were beautiful and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose and then in verse 3 it says the lord said my spirit shall not strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh yet his days shall be 120 years and so two events are taken place one is the multiplication of men the second thing that you see is this uniting of the sons of god and the daughters of men and apparently it makes god mad and he says your time's up bucky basically when you look at that a lot of people look at that and they go well what that is is god is just decreasing the lifespan here's the problem with that when you have the lifespan before the time of of the flood it's over 900 years we talked about that last week and when you get after the flood uh shem only lives 600 years it really quickly goes down to about 450 years is the lifespan then it goes down to right around 200 years as a lifespan all the way to the time of abraham abraham lived 175 years by the time you you get to moses moses lived 120 years he's one of the guys who actually lived 120 years but he penned a psalm in which he said that the lifespan at his time was about 70 years and so you never have a place in the bible any anywhere else that talks about the lifespan of mankind being 120 years most likely what that is is god's gotten ticked off about something and we we see through the rest of the passage what it is is that the world is corrupt their thoughts and the intents of their heart are only evil continually and what he's telling them is you've got 120 years it's probably the amount of time that it took to build the ark 120 years and so that's god giving a time limit until the judgment that's going to be coming one of the things that you have connected with the wickedness during the times of noah is the fact that jesus said that the times that we have right before his coming for us are going to be the same and so in matthew chapter 24 in verse 37 matthew chapter 24 is about events that lead up to the tribulation the tribulation itself and jesus talked about a time that was going to uh be the time when jesus came back for the church and it's in the passage where he's talking about christ coming back for the church that he mentions this about the days of noah he says this as the days of noah were so also will be the coming of the son of man or so also will the coming of the son of man be for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that noah entered the ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so also will the coming of the son of man be a couple things in that passage he says it's going to be just like the days of noah and one of the specific things he says is it's going to be unexpected these guys during the time of noah did not expect the judgment they were not listening noah was a preacher of righteousness we're going to read a passage later on that says that noah was telling them about the judgment that was coming he was building an ark the thing the thing was like over a football field long he's building an ark he was giving them the message of coming judgment and they weren't listening they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage it was it was business as usual until judgment came and so you have those two things going on wickedness during the times of noah and then this unexpected judgment that was going to come down it says the same thing in luke as it was in the days of noah so it will also be in the days of the son of man they ate they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until the day that noah entered the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all those are two different sermons the first one is what is what's called the olivet discourse and the second one is a sermon on the coming of the lord and in the olivet discourse they're asking uh specific questions when will be the time of your coming and what will be the sign of the end of the age and so he gives him gives them the sign of his coming and what was going to be taking place uh are the signs that we're going to uh be preceding his coming and the sign that was going to precede the end of the age which is the rapture of the church in any case in luke 17 it's another it's another subject altogether it's still end times stuff but it's a different sermon the point that i'm making is that jesus said this stuff about being ready over and over and over in different contexts different different times that he was teaching so he compares it to the days of noah the other thing that he compares the end times to is the days of lot lot in luke 17 28 the very next verse is after what i just read you it says likewise as it was also in the days of lot they ate they drank they bought they sold they planted they built but on the day that lot went out of sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all and the thing that you have in common between the days of lot and the days of noah was great wickedness and sudden judgment great wickedness and sudden judgment in the case of the wickedness that we have here it's connected with this whole thing with the sons of god and the daughters of men now there's a couple of different interpretations of this passage and one of them is that the sons of god are the godly line of seth and you can see that in chapter 4 in verse 26 and as for seth to him also a son was born and he named him enosh then men began to call on the name of the lord and then you have the genealogy of seth in that passage and so people have said well that's the godly line of seth and so the the um that would be the sons of god and then you have the daughters of men and that would be the un ungodly line of cain so those are the bad guys chapter four the good guys are in chapter five and the good guys start marrying the bad guys and so those that's that's called being unequally yoked now here's one of the problems with that who says that cain's line was completely ungodly we don't have any way of knowing that there's some main names that you see in the passage but there's only a few guys cain and another one of his descendants that actually is specifically mentioned as being ungodly okay so i don't know that everybody in the line of cain was ungodly who says that seth's line was completely godly i know that enoch was i know that noah was i don't know about the other guys i kind of think that maybe enoch's or enoch's parents might have had a godly attitude but i don't know that all those guys were believers in the line of seth as a matter of fact every one of the people in the line of seth died except for seth and his wife and we don't know where he got his wife from as a matter of fact when you're talking about the wives like i said we don't know what line they came from there's a jewish tradition that naama was the wife of noah and that her name is found in chapter 4 in verse 22. let's look at it says as for zilla she bore tubal kane an instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron and the sister of tubal cain was nama and then it goes on and talks about you know you know some of the sin that was taking place at that time so out of all the names that you have mentioned in chapter four nama is the only name that's mentioned in the only claim to her fame is that she's the sister of the guy who married tubal kane so what's the deal with that and so the jews came up with the idea that that's noah's wife and so if that's true then noah's wife came from the ungodly line of cain if that all if that whole thing is supposed to hold together and i don't know that that's true either because the jews made up all kinds of stuff when they would go and do interpretations of the bible and so you always have to watch out for that my point is i don't uh there's a tradition that ham's why or that kanan's wife was from the line of cain there's a tradition obviously from the jews that noah's wife was from the line of cain and we don't know whether any of that's true or not and so here's another thing with the names that are used in the passage the names are these the sons of god and the daughters of men it's not the sons of seth it's the sons of god and it's not the daughter of daughters of cain it's the daughters of men actually it's the daughters of adam in hebrew it's daughters of adam is what it is actually in actual hebrew and so daughters of adam sons of god not sons of sons of cain and sons of seth it doesn't say that okay and so that's a possible explanation i think that the possible explanation uh you know that that interpretation comes because the other interpretation is so stinking weird and one of the things that comes from that union of the sons of god and the daughters of men is in verse four there were giants on the earth in those days and that's the days before the flood and also afterward so days before the flood everybody got wiped out how are they around afterward and we're going to see that when we get to the book of deuteronomy in just a minute that this isn't the only time that this took place happened before the flood but it also happened during the time of moses there were giants on the earth in those days also afterward when the sons of god came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them those were the mighty men who were of old men of renown and so we have giants and that word for giant in that passage is the word nephilim it means fallen one fallen actually it's fallen once it's got the plural on the end of it these are the fallen ones is what they're called when you get to the book of numbers you find out that the fallen ones that are being spoken about here the name is used for giants in the land of canaan so for example nephilim were also called anakim we're also called rephiam we're all also called zamzumim that's my favorite one the zamzumin but in any case they had all these different names and they were giants they were actual giants and so when you're talking about goliath goliath was about nine nine the guy was huge and he was one of the sons of anak he's one of the anakim which again were giants there's another uh example that's used in the bible where a guy had a 13-foot bedstead the idea is he's got a 13-foot bed and so he's upwards around 13 feet tall so what we're talking about is big people and i've you know i've been a christian for a long time and so i've seen guys who married non-christian girls and that's that that interpretation that you have with sons of god and our sons of seth and sons of cain or daughters of cain and so i've seen guys marry non-christian girls and have babies not one of them came out as a giant not one of them that didn't happen and so i mean maybe maybe it could so it'd be another reason not to do that being unequally yoked is unbiblical maybe god will give you a giant baby in any case i don't think that that goes together there's something weird that's going on here and this is this is something that you see throughout the bible when when moses in this passage he's the editor of the book of genesis when he says that this happened not only at the times a time of noah but even afterwards he's talking about the giants that were in the land of canaan turn with me if you went over to the book of deuteronomy deuteronomy chapter 2. this is worth looking at we did deuteronomy not too long ago and this is a just a really fun passage to go through when moses is is going through and talking about their entrance into the land of canaan this is a the second time that it gives a law and that's why it's deuteronomy it means second law uh when he's talking about them going into the land of canaan one of the points that he makes is that god told them not to meddle with the people of esau and the the reason for that had to do with giants he does the same thing with meddling with the people of moab he says in verse 9 i've given r to the descendants of lot as a possession moab came from one of the daughters of lot and then in verse 10 it says the emem had dwelt there in times past a people as great and numerous and tall as the anakin and so we we know that we're talking about physically tall people as tall as the anakim they were also regarded as giants like the anakim but the moabites call them emem and that word for giants in that passage is rephaim in verse 11 and anakin is another term emem in if you're taking notes in numbers 1333 the the emem are called nephilim so you got this connection with these guys in deuteronomy chapter six the nephilim equals the emem the emim equals the anakim you have the same thing when they're going through the land of ant of ammon in verse 20 it says that was also regarded as a land of giants giants formerly dwelt there but the ammonites called them the zamzumin and then you have this situation at the end of the uh chapter with zion and the conquest of og who again was a giant in the passage so god doesn't like giants and people who drive the giants out god says leave them alone and so whether you're talking about esau whether you're talking about moab whether you're talking about ammon um you're to leave those guys alone because they drove out the giants remember when israel had that abortive attempt to go into the land of canaan they're kadesh barnia they sent 12 guys in brought out the fruits of the land what did they say were dwelling there yeah it was giants and they said we're like grasshoppers in their sight i was just at a memorial service yesterday and a bunch of guys uh were there um uh um michael uh the guy who had had uh gone home to be with the lord was in the infantry and there was a bunch of guys from his unit there and they were all like ahead head a head taller than me these guys were big like this and so there was like two guys there that were a little bit smaller than me and all the the rest of these guys are ahead taller than me and i'm in this in this group of these guys and i'm talking to them for a minute i'm looking up i hardly ever look up at anybody and so i'm sitting there looking up at these guys and i'm like i'm in the middle of a bunch of nephilim i think that if you're six eight or above you're a nephilim got a guy on staff matt lewis he's like this tall he told me not to make any nephilim jokes he's a nephilim i want you to know so anyway obviously giants don't come from people being unequally yoked with unbelievers and so you literally had giants in the land in those days the names that these guys are given are really interesting i already told you that nephilim means fallen ones anakin means the long-necked ones emem means terrors rephaim means shades or ghosts and it comes from a term that means without blood or animal life and then you have zamzumim which means plotters plotters without blood or animal life terrors fallen ones long-necked ones those are all terms that are given to the giants that dwelt in the land and i don't think that they were walking out without you know walking around without blood or animal life i don't i think that people were just freaked out by these guys but they were big god had an agenda with these guys and he wanted them taken care of there were giants in the land in those days and also afterwards when the sons of god came into the daughters of men which it brings up the other interpretation that you have in the bible sons of god is a term binay elohim in hebrew and it is a word that's used three other times in the bible besides genesis chapter six so in genesis chapter six it's translated sons of god we don't know exactly what that is um when you go over to the book of job which is another one of the earliest books in the bible probably earlier than genesis it has a story about job and satan and the fact that satan was appearing before god in heaven you know that satan still has access to heaven in revelation chapter 12 it says that satan appears before god every day day and night accusing you before him he accuses the brethren before god until he's finally kicked out during the tribulation period he hasn't been kicked out of heaven yet in the sense of he still still has access he doesn't dwell there he's dwelling on the earth but he's still got access and in that story in the book of job in chapter 1 verse 6 it says now there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan also came among them and that is beneath him the sons of god in chapter 2 verse 1 you have it again again there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them to present himself before the lord then finally in job 38 4-7 it's the end of the book and if you know anything about the story of job he had a hard time he had some real trials that came down on him not because of anything that he'd done actually actually because of something he'd done he actually walked with the lord and loved him and so satan wanted wanted to attack him and god allowed it and at the end of the book he's had this conversation with three of his buddies who are just trashing him and by the end he's all he's all frustrated and he's irritated and he's saying things like i wish i could appear before god so i could plead my case because i haven't done anything to deserve this as far as he was concerned and so he said that over and over and so god appears before him it's a really great passage sergeant chapter 38 it'll get your head straight you know sometimes we're going through trials we don't know why we're going through the trials and we start condemning god we start getting on god's case and saying why are you doing this to me why are you why are you mad at me what is going on here and that is exactly what job was doing and when god appeared to him he started asking him some questions and at the end of the questioning joe joe basically says thanks god i got my head head on straight and he moves on and what he said was i repent and dust and ashes i i did not realize who i was dealing with well it's in that passage that god says this to him where were you when i laid the foundations of the earth tell me if you have understanding who determined its measurements surely you know or who stretched the line upon it to what were its foundations fastened or who laid its cornerstone when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of god shouted for joy when was the earth created what day you guys know day one when was mankind created you guys know what is it day six there's no people around there's no people around on day one and so who are we talking about here and who we're talking about is angels in fact when the old testament was translated into greek that's called the septuagint the jews did the translating and in job chapter 1 verse 6 they call the sons of god the angeloi it means angels the angels and so the bible identifies the sons of god in the book of job as angels they were there at the creation of the world they all sang for joy they all sang and shouted for joy which is actually pretty cool you can imagine that going on that's something that i get in my head what's it look like for the earth to come together and you can imagine all the angels of god around that just watching what god did um singing and shouting for joy over the event and so that's a cool thing so these guys were at the creation they saw the whole thing obviously when you're talking about the sons of god in the book of genesis these have to be fallen guys because they cause uh they're one of the causes for the flood and so again when you see these guys come on the scene it says they were the mighty men who were of old men of renown the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and then god determines to destroy the earth and he says when he's talking to job it says he looked upon the earth indeed it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth and he said to noah the end of all flesh has come before me through them or excuse me before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them with the earth and so those are the things that you see going on in genesis chapter 6 when he decides to wipe it out and it has to do with the multiplication of men it has to do with this weirdness with the sons of god and the daughters of men it has to do with these mighty men who were of renown who led the world into wickedness it has to do with the fact that men's hearts were continually evil and that they were absolutely corrupt and so god brought the judgment down on them okay and so when you get to the new testament it talks about this period of time too and so this is where it's gonna get even weirder when you look at second peter chapter four if you turn there second or excuse me ii peter chapter two how many of you knew that there were no the that there weren't four chapters in second peter second peter chapter two verse four it says this this is in the context of talking about god being able to handle false teachers he says for if god did not spare the angels who sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment and did not spare the ancient world but saved noah one of eight people a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly and turning the cities of sodom and gomorrah into ashes condemned them to destruction making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly and delivered righteous lot who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked and so in that passage it goes angels noah lot and it's chronological so noah noah came before lot angels came before noah and again it's probably something that's a reference to these angels that sinned in the book of genesis this is the interpretation that was everywhere during the time that the new testament was written there wasn't another one that was the interpretation and so when jude wrote his book and we're going to talk about that in a second when peter wrote his book that was the interpretation during the time and they don't distinguish themselves from that teaching they make they make it clear that they're talking about the same kind of situations when it talks about these angels being delivered to hell again you look look in verse 4 if god did not spare the angels who sinned but cast them down to hell that's an interesting term that's the word tartarus in greek there's a bunch of hells in the bible so did you guys ever watch big trouble in little china the chinese have lots of hells so does the bible that's a line of the big troubles in little china in any case there's lots of hells in the bible and so one one place that's called hell is hades and in modern translations that's what it's called now hades but in the king jimmy it was called hell and then there is uh another place that's called hell it's gehenna and hell in gehenna is called the lake of fire and so that's termed hell also and so everybody who goes to hades now is an unbeliever and they're they're kept there until the last judgment and at the last judgment they come before god and then they're cast into another hell the lake of fire is how the bible terms that whole thing you see that in revelation chapter 20. then there's another hell and it's this one tartarus and tartarus most likely is talking about the pit or the abyss and so you'll read about that in the bible the pit or the abyss and it looks like these specific angels were cast into the abyss now here's the problem with that you can't make that the original fall of satan because if that's the case then satan's in the abyss and not only is satan in the in the abyss all his buddies are in the abyss with him the bible clearly teaches that satan is the god of this age the god of this world and he's the prince of the power of the air he's moving around and he's free and he can do whatever he wants in fact we're called to resist him resist the devil and he'll flee from you and all the devil's buddies all his minions think of little yellow people that's i don't want you to make fun of demons demons are very powerful but on the other hand jesus is way more powerful than a demon greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world and a lot of times we're freaked out by demons we're freaked out by the spiritual realm and we don't need to be they need to be freaked out by you and so when you wake up in the morning and the demons see john getting up and he's about to go to work they're just going oh no he's waking up oh no he's praying oh no he's gonna be talking to people he led three people to jesus yesterday or when he sees santa when they see sandy sandy wakes up hits her knees and then goes off and starts causing all kinds of problems for the demons you don't need to be so much worried about what the demons are going to do to you they need to be worried about what you're going to do to them because greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world don't live in free in fear jesus takes care of us he watches over us i don't have to worry i need to know what demons are doing but i don't need to be worried about the whole thing in any case you have these these demons that are cast into the pit and that is not the case for most of them this is a specific group that sinned in a radical way actually the word tartarus comes from greek traditions and in the greek traditions the first set of gods were called the titans and then the second set of gods were called the olympians you've heard of zeus and apollo and all those guys those are the olympians the olympia olympians fought against the titans and threw them into tartarus and uh basically um the the gods the the original gods got thrown into this dark place in chains it looks like that that may have been a memory from getting off the boat from getting off the ark and what people in the pagan cultures did was they look back on those times and consider those guys the nephilim to be gods the mighty men of renown the jews look back on them and go they're wicked they're the rotten you know that hercules is the son of zeus you know that perseus is a son of zeus you know and when you go through and you look at some of the greek heroes they're they're in the same category as the guys who were living in moab and the guys who were living in esau's land and the guys were all these guys are giants that's what the greeks called them and the jews called them terrors the jews called them longnecked the jews called them the fallen ones so the greeks take them and they exalt them the jews look at them for their character and say this is tweaked this is this is a messed up situation and so finally um you have this situation where uh in greek uh mythology these guys were made captive this is what josephus says about genesis chapter six he was a jewish historian from the time of christ he says this but for what degree of zeal they had formally shown for virtue they now showed by their actions a double degree of wickedness whereby they made god to be their enemy for many angels of god accompanied with women begat sons that proved unjust and despisers of all that was good on account of the confidence they had in their own strength for the tradition is that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the grecians call the giants the the bible in 1st peter in chapter 3 talks about these guys as being disobedient during the times of noah i'll read this to you christ also this is of chapter 3 of first peter verse 18. christ also suffered once for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the spirit by whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison who were formally disobedient when once the divine long suffering waited in the days of noah while the ark was being prepared in which a few that is eight souls were saved through water and so it talks about this group of spirits that are in hell and jesus goes and well it says in prison he goes and he speaks to them and they were disobedient during the times of noah and again this is this is something that that's an interesting passage because people have looked at it and gone well you know maybe you get another chance when you go to hell maybe jesus goes and speaks to you here's the problem with that people are never called spirits in the bible people have a spirit but they're never called spirits and so um when you're looking at spirits you know who's called spirits in the bible demons they're called spirits fallen angels they're called spirits angels themselves are called spirits the bible says that the angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who are going to be heirs of salvation that's out of hebrews chapter one angels are spirits and one of the one of the things that that's kind of wild about this is that when angels appear to people they appear it looks like in human form let me let me show you another time that they're going to be appearing and not so much in human form there's a passage in revel uh actually you know what i don't want to go there first first i want to go to the jude to the book of jude first jude is right before revelation starting in verse 5. again it's talking about judgment in the last days and it says this i want to remind you though you once knew this that the lord having saved the people out of the land of egypt afterward destroyed those who did not believe and the angels who did not keep their proper domain but left their own abode he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day as sodom and gomorrah in the cities around them in a similar manner to these to who and it's too it's as a similar manner to the angels who sinned having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh are set forth as an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire and so when you look at what jude has to say about these guys it says that they're in chains and they're there because they left their dwelling place their abode and that they went after strange flesh and so again in the book of genesis what it says is the sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful and they married them and they had children with them and out came giants and again i know that that's weird but that's what it says and these angels are put in chains until the last day until the darkness of the judgment of the great day they're put in chains it looks like they're released during the tribulation period and so if you go over to revelation chapter 9 you have this situation where an angel comes down and opens the bottomless pit that's tartarus he opens the bottomless pit it says the fifth angel sounded and i saw a star falling from heaven to the earth to him was given the key to the bottomless pit and he opened the bottomless pit smoke a rose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace so the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth and to them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power they were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth or any green thing or any tree that lets you know that they're not real locusts there's something else but only those men who do not have the seal of god on their foreheads and they were not given authority to kill them but to torment them for five months their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man watch this in those days men will seek death and will not find it they will desire to die and death will flee from them and then it goes through and starts giving a description of these these things chapter 8 and chapter 9 of the book of revelation are really weird because it turns from physical and war-like judgments that kind of stuff all of a sudden it gets into spiritual judgments at the end of this chapter it says that they refuse to repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immoralities or their thefts these guys were worshiping demons and it looks like what god does is he goes you want to worship demons i'm going to give you demons and then he opens the bottomless pit and out they come well what about this whole thing with locusts you come out looking like locusts i think that's probably designed to scare people you know what angels don't look like blonde ladies with big white wings that is not the description that you have in the bible of angels angels in the bible have four faces we talk we talked about this in in an earlier study you know the bible says that when people have been around angels that they've entertained angels without knowing it that's out of the book of hebrews and so you see that in the old testament there's a number of times when the angel of the lord appears to to people and sometimes it's jesus it's it's god appearing in human form other times it may be an angel but you have these these situations where angels appear to people and they don't know right at first that they're angels right which lets me know that they don't look like certain things because you know if an angel came knocking on my door you know he's a big you know big big glowing guy with a white robe on and big white wings and everywhere he goes he leaves a trail of feathers i know he's an angel right and so i'm not doing that stuff unaware and so what he has to do is he has to put on a form that tricks me he's got to put on a form that looks human to me and the only reason that i would know that he's an angel is by his actions his character the things that he says that's how he would know he's an angel and so that's what you see in the bible here's the deal with that it's not he's not putting on a form that he has in heaven because angels when they're when they're described in heaven they have like four faces so face of a man face of an ox face of a lion face of a eagle and so if he appears at my door hopefully he's got his human face in front so i don't freak out but then on top of it he's got four wings or six wings depending on which kind of angel that you're talking about it's not just two you have four or six wings and then he's got cavs feet he's got hooves for feet and then on top of it he's got eyeballs everywhere all over his body he's got eyeballs on his legs he's got eyeballs and his you know belly button he's got eyeballs on his forehead he got eyeballs eyes in the back of his head you know like your mom he's got eyeballs everywhere that would freak you out and so obviously if an angel is going to appear to you what he's going to have to do is he's going to have to change the form and it looks like they're they have the ability to do that i think that's what's going on in revelation chapter nine also you have these fallen angels that are released and they want to come out in a form that is devastatingly terrifying to the people that they're going out to torment that's the whole point so god goes you want demons here they are and out they come then on top of it you got this situation where people don't die for five months it says in the passage in those days men will seek death and will not find it verse six they will desire to die and death will flee from them how does that work and so i'm getting tormented by these things and i decide i'm done i'm just going to end it and so we have the ability to do that and so say i take my gun and i point it at my heart and i pull the trigger and maybe what god does is he just stops the trigger mechanism from working maybe he stops the bullet from firing maybe that's what takes place but there are other things that i could do i could go jump off a cliff somewhere and maybe admittedly god just makes me float and so that i don't hit the bottom okay or i could take my gun and i could fire at my forehead and maybe again god keeps the gun from going off but maybe he doesn't and he just doesn't let you leave the bible teaches that death is when your spirit leaves your body it's it's clear on that in a number of places so the spirit leaves the body and the reason that that happens is because that god's that's how god's ordained it maybe we've got a period of five months there where god goes you know what we're not going to do that you you try to kill yourself i'm going to leave you there i was uh talking one one time about some of the things that are going on in in the united states as far as um preppers and stuff and i was watching this this show and i can't remember what the show was called but it was about preppers about guys over in idaho that you know took a bunch of stuff out there and they're you know making a making a a hideaway shelter type thing and they were actually prepping for the zombie apocalypse they and i i don't know if it was just for it's a reality it was a reality show and so i don't know if it was for real or not but these guys kept talking about the zombie apocalypse and you know how they were going to take guys out and all this kind of stuff and i'm just sitting there going i'm laughing because i'm like that's a video game those those are movies that's not real life and then i had a buddy of mine todd hart i was i was talking about this and he goes hey steve what about revelation chapter nine verse six and i was like that's weird because what it says in the passage is that people want to die and they can't so what if it's not a situation where the trigger mechanism doesn't work what if it's a situation where the trigger mechanism works i shoot myself in the heart and i just don't leave and i stay there what if it's a situation where i decide i'm going to hang myself and so i you know i tie a rope to a tree jump off a wall and i snap my neck and there i am hanging now well this isn't working and so i pull myself up and i untie myself and i walk around and i'm walking around like this maybe with my arms out that kind of thing what if i shoot myself in the head and i don't leave that's weird that's weird to think of and i don't know you know i don't know that that's that's the case but the bible again talks about this event where these fallen angels are released and they come out and they torment uh they torment people and so you you have this again in the bible one of one of the things that in all these places uh actually most of these places you have connected with this is this whole thing with um sodom and gomorrah sodom and gomorrah are connected with this and you have uh this situation where you have a judgment that comes from god because of the wickedness of mankind and in one instance we don't know what all the wickedness is we do know it's of a sexual nature because the angels went after strange flesh in genesis chapter six according to jude and then he compares that to sodom and gomorrah we know what the strange flesh was there it was men with men specifically we don't know about women with women it was men with men in sodom and gomorrah you know jesus again said that we're going to see times where we're like where our culture is like it was in the days of sodom and gomorrah where our culture is like it was in the days of noah and so i just did this whole thing you know we got this whole thing with uh the united states is blowing up specifically with antifa and black lives matter the organization do black lives matter yes absolutely black lives matter the organization is another thing altogether and so um i just went i did a search this morning lgbtq and black lives matter lgbtq and antifa guess who's aligned with these guys and so this is a this is an article from abc news from the start black lives matter has been about lgbtq lives two of three black lives matter founders identify as queer this is a this is an article that is uh you know basically going along with the agenda here okay they're not they're not making fun of them this is from june 21st from the start the founders of black lives matter have always put lgbtq voices at the center of the conversation the movement movement was founded by three black women alicia garza patrice cullors opal tometti two of whom identify as queer goes on to say we are a prime target because of our blackness and our intersectionality of being trans adds an extra target on our backs said genovia chase co-lead organizer of house lives matter a community organization composed of sexual and gender minority people of color she goes on to say that although black lives matter was created by queer folks cisgender privilege you guys know what cisgender is normal people cisgender is the idea that you identify with your gender so if you were born a male you identify as male if you were born a female you identify as female did you know that that had to be defined for you it's a new word new terms cisgender cisgender privilege has taken precedent over gay and transgender people however he goes on to say they go on to say organizers say there are clear signs that times are changing and the black lgbtq voices are increasingly taking center stage in nationwide conversations about race discrimination and police violence in recent weeks people have turned out in never-before-seen numbers to support the lgbtq community of color and especially black transgender people last week in brooklyn an estimated 15 000 people turned out for a demonstration called the black trans lives matter rally aka brooklyn liberation making it one of the largest transgender focused protests in history according to the organizers okay let me just talk to you a little bit about black lives matter pigs in a blanket frying them like bacon that is a chant that black lives matter organizers organized they're they're rabidly anti-police and they want to get rid of the police department okay and so that's that's what their motivations are that's what they're going after and again what you have is you have a bunch of anarchists can uh conducting this whole thing and uh the whole gay agenda is connected with it okay then you've got antifa groups lgbt antifa groups protest worshipers at the texas church that upholds biblical views on sexuality you guys know that gay marriage was legalized in 2015. that's actually was legalized in june of 2015. one of the things that we were told is that this is not going to be a slippery slope this is not going to be a situation where people who believe in biblical marriage or believe in in traditional marriage are going to be attacked by anyone this is just about uh being nice to gay people and that kind of thing and all of a sudden we have a situation where antifa connected with the lgbtq groups movement is attacking a church in texas it says antifa groups and gay rights activists protested at a mega church in texas earlier this week and doxed the pastor's son all because they opposed the church's biblical views on sexuality when they were going uh when they were putting this whole thing together antifa was reportedly protesting the austin congregation on sunday because they were meeting at the austin independent school district's performing arts center the activist's goal is to pressure the aisd to stop running to its space out to christian homophobes pj media reports defend our youth from these attacks pride means fight back protesters said waving rainbow flags as worshipers walked into the auditorium you know what the rainbow is from genesis chapter 9 when god said that he wouldn't flood the earth ever again when he said that he was the that he was going to bring peace it's not a gay symbol it's a biblical symbol and it's been co-opted under the obama uh when when people were leaving the the service protesters yelled bigots out of austin don't come back under the obama administration antifa groups were designated as being a security threat and engaged in domestic terrorist violence according to documents obtained by politico it goes on to talk the this was about the fact that this was the church's first time to rent the building and these guys were outraged because it was a school building the pastor said that he is just bible believing he wants to welcome everyone whatever their sexuality religious views or political beliefs are that's exactly what we're supposed to be doing people are lost they're in sin they're messed up they've got messed up lies it doesn't matter where they come from they need to be welcome with christians but they don't need to stay that way they don't need to stay that way i was one messed up unit when i first walked into a church but i didn't stay that way what happened was jesus got a hold of me and he changed me the only thing that i've ever seen in my whole life that can absolutely change a man or a woman from the life that they had before into something that's worth having is a relationship with jesus christ and that's what people need the pastor goes on and says i think maybe the frustration may be that they feel like it's our position that when we say that the bible says that certain things are the way they are and that it's our statement it's not our statement it's what's in the bible the church hopes to expanded additional campuses in the lead-up to the protest uh this group docks the son of the church's founder and pastor sharing his name and photo on their facebook page his photo was subsequently shared with other far left groups that advocate for violence against people that consider bigots or fascists they were trying to get the pastor's kid beat up or killed that's what doxing is all about and so that was the reaction um obviously we have wickedness going on in our culture and it's not just coming from the lgbtq movement when you're talking about antifa or whether you're talking about black lives matter and there's a number of other organizations that are coming out prominently in western culture they are maoist they are marxist malice means chinese communists marxists is i guess it's more pure communism one of the things that i was telling the college group a couple of weeks ago is that when you're talking about communism during the 20th century conservatively 150 million people conservatively were killed because of communism satan hates people and what he wants to do is destroy them and he'll destroy them any way that he can and sometimes he uses political movements sometimes he uses life-dominating sins and homosexuality isn't the only one drug abuse life dominating alcoholism life dominating he'll use sins that just wipe people out and put them in a place where they never think that they can ever come back and jesus doesn't care where we're at he doesn't care what we are he doesn't care what we've done he can turn things around and he can do it for a homosexual he can do it for a drunk and he can do it for a druggie if he can do it for me he could do it for anyone if he could do it for you he could do it for anyone and that's the case the one there's one last thing that i wanted to share with you i'm just going to tell you the story this is in the book of judges it's the last story in the book of judges there's a theme in the book of judges it's there was no king in the uh in israel in those days every man did what was right in his own eyes and in this story what happens is there's a levite and he's got a concubine a concubine is a woman that you have sex with to have babies but you don't marry her does the bible endorse that no but he had one he walks into this village of benjamin one of the tribes of israel when he gets to the village there is a guy there who realizes that he's going to camp out in the open square in the midst of the village and he says you can't do that you need to come to my house he comes to his house he and the concubine and the men of the city are militant homosexual they come after him and they say you send that man out and they tell him what they're going to do with him and so what the man does is he he says i'll tell you what i'll give you my concubine and throw so he throws the woman out to her to them does the bible condone that nope so so he throws the woman out to them and they rape her all night long and when she when they're done with her they go off she crawls up to the front to the front stoop of this guy's house the levite comes walking out and says get up let's go and doesn't even you know doesn't even try to help her finds out that she's dead at this point so what he does then is he cuts her up into 12 pieces and he sends her out fedex to all the 12 tribes of israel is that something that the bible condones nope sends them out to the 12 tribes of israel tells them the story of what happened they're all enraged and they come down and they fight a war against the tribe of benjamin and they almost wipe them out almost wipe them out then they realize that they've almost wiped out one of the 12 tribes of israel and they're like what are we going to do and so they come up with an idea we need to take the remaining men from the tribe of benjamin and try to increase their population so we got to get them wives and so what they do is they go okay what town didn't send people out to fight in this battle they come up with a town of jabesh gilead and so what they do is go to jabesh gilead and they wipe that town out they kill all the men that kill all the women who uh who have had sex at all populate everything in the last verse in the book of judges is there was no king in israel in those days every man did what was right in his own eyes that is not a passage talking about how life should go that's a passage of talking about how life goes when you leave god behind and that's what's happening with our country right now we've been leaving god behind for quite a while and you're going to see how life goes when you leave god behind you know we've got a situation where we're all kind of insulated here we are at the amphitheater at calvary chapel we're all christians we love jesus and we have lives that reflect that and a lot of the stuff that jesus does for us is really good but that's not where the rest of the world is at the rest of the world is is messed up and desperate and sometimes when they're when they're encountering these life-dominating sins again liquor stores and pot shops were open while churches were closed life-dominating sins when people are experiencing these things they go deeper and deeper into depression they go deeper and deeper into depravity and then they're doing things that they never thought they would do when they were eight and nine and ten they wanted to be a fireman they wanted to be a police officer they wanted to be a soldier they wanted to be an astronaut they wanted to be a teacher nobody wanted to be somebody who went and looted stores nobody wanted that and here we are in a situation where we got a whole a whole portion of our population that's just going down the tubes and trying to take everybody else with them and that's what happens when you have a world that abandons god it happened at the time of the flood it happened at sodom and gomorrah it happened in israel it happens over and over and over again and it's happening now it's one of those things that jesus warned about so judgment and weirdness the bible says that when you see these things beginning to come to pass these are the words of jesus look up because your redemption draws near and so i am totally convinced you know i'm pretty blown away uh in the last few months at how quickly americans have given up their sovereignty i'm i'm amazed how quickly amer americans have given up first amendment rights and are adamant about it and ticked off at people who won't go along with them all you people who aren't wearing masks right ticked off about it just given up rights and then you know you're talking about the bible talks about a cashless society you hear about the lack of coins how is there a lack of coins how did that happen and what they're talking about is getting rid of coins all together and uh you have situations where where companies are saying we we need to do everything just digitally they're getting rid of cash and so we have a disease and all of a sudden everybody wants to get rid of that filthy cash in that interesting because the bible says you have to have a cashless society bible also says that the united states is well the united states isn't in the bible we are not the major player and so something's got to take out the united states how about half the population hates the united states how about that house divided against itself can't stand and so we have a number of things that are taking place right now just in the last few months that have just blown been blowing my doors off as far as things that are leading up to what the bible talks about in the book of revelation look up because your redemption is drawing near we need to be ready for jesus ready for jesus and i'm out of time so we'll end it right there let's pray thanks lord for your word thank you lord again for the warnings thank you god that when you do judge it's your strange work you've said over and over in your word you've talked about how long it takes for judgment to come and so in the case of of noah what we're talking about right now you waited until there were only eight people left who would follow you that's amazing grace and lord we have obviously more than eight people here in this in this amphitheater right now and uh so lord i know that we have some time left at the very least help us to be good good witnesses of who you are help us be willing to talk to the people who around us not patent their heads and excusing their sin but actually pointing to the one who can take it away and who can make them clean and who can make them holy and who can make them without shame well that's what you want for us so father i pray that you'd help us to be able to pass that on to others bless these people as they go their way and we ask that you do this all in jesus name amen let's all stand up [Music] better than you say there's no one oh there's no one better than [Applause] [Music] it's time there's no one greater there is no one greater than greater than [Music] amen god bless you guys have a good week rebel
Channel: Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
Views: 983
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: The Creation Story, Genesis, Did God create the heavens and the earth, Truth, The Bible, Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities, Steve Whinery, Gosphel, God, Biblical Prophecy, Jesus, Science and the bible, God creating everything, Evidence of A God, Bible teaching, Sermons, verse by verse bible teaching, Good bible teachers, Beginning of the universe, 6 days, creation, did god rest on the 7th day, Evolution vs the Bible
Id: BI9mlz_9M-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 20sec (4100 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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