Genesis 3:1-24, Finding Hope In Death

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all right we're gonna continue through the book of Genesis so if you have your Bibles turn to Genesis chapter 3 tonight is a just it's such a pivotal chapter for the entire Bible itself all of Scripture is given by inspiration of God I'm not trying to say like this is the only important thing in Scripture but it is important in terms of how we think of all of Scripture so if that's that you guys ready let's come before the Lord God we do just thank you again that you are high and lifted up there is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved and call upon the name of and tonight I just pray as we talk about the issue that took place in the world and that's sin that we all have this issue that one day we're gonna have to from the dust we came and from the dust we'll go back but Jesus you offer a solution through the cross and I thank you for the redemptive exciting plan that despite man's failures you're gonna save the day god I pray you would bless this time in the word we love you in Jesus name and all God's people said amen it's always good to start a Bible study with a Warren where's be quote pertaining to Genesis chapter 3 listen to this Warren where's we said pertaining to Genesis 3 if Genesis 3 were not in the Bible there would be no Bible as we know it why because the rest of scripture documents the sad consequences of Adam's sin and explains what God and His grace has done to rescue us if you read Genesis chapter 3 almost the entirety of it is quite depressing I mean you do you read through it you're like wow this is just getting from from bad to worse until the end of the chapter it sheds hope despite the consequences of sin which we're gonna learn about in the New Testament that the wages of sin is going to be death death is going to be birthed into the world because of Genesis chapter 3 and although death still affects us today and we sorrow in death because it Steen we are not guys without hope I just visited a funeral we just had a funeral not here at the church but a couple days ago and you death is painful an attending a funeral is painful and for Christians we have a hope though we have a hope in Jesus Christ that he offers a solution to the problem of death we're not without hope in Genesis chapter 3 is going to invade the ins the inception of God's plan his original redemptive plan in Jesus despite our failure because we're going to fail in Genesis chapter 3 and we're gonna see that so let's just go straight into the text verse 1 Genesis chapter 3 now the serpent it says was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God made stop there for a second I just have to read to you the new living translation of this verse the serpent of the field was more beautiful than any beast of the field beautiful now my wife and Hispanic mother would painfully disagree with that statement because when you see a serpent slithering by your feet and they always do it discreetly they always do when you least expect it you don't look at the serpent and say something like what a beautiful snake what breathtaking fangs it has you scream and run away you never go outside again I've seen it I've seen it happen we actually had an Easter egg hunt with my girls and right by the Easter egg there was a garden or snake and it terrified Peyton I'm of course laughing inside even though it was just a gardener snake but that's the point it's interesting how Genesis chapter 3 snakes will not portrayed that way until we're gonna find out that she's gonna Eve is gonna eat of the Apple excuse me the forbidden fruit and then all of a sudden our view pertaining to this reptile is gonna completely change in fact some have speculated that the snake before God is gonna curse it in this chapter in Genesis 3:14 specifically that it may have been able to stand to walk fly even which makes the description of snake even more terrifying when you really imagine that and so we find out here that Sneden is going to inhabit this reptile and more specifically back in verse one and you can look on the screen again it's this not only is that the serpent more honey than any other beast in the field that says and the now the serpent stalking has God indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden Genesis chapter 3 we're going to see the fall of man and the fall of mankind is going to begin with a question and it's interesting because questions are not bad by the way and yet what we're seeing right here is the beginning the very sad beginning of the downfall of man and not only that Satan is using in Genesis chapter 3 the same tactic that he uses for us today he plants seeds of doubt into our mind to have us question specifically listen guys to God's Word he causes us to really wonder in question I don't know did you know did God really say that you know you imagine this beautiful serpent talking to Eve did God really say that I mean if you really think about it are you really not allowed to eat of every tree in the garden you sure and what makes matters worse is that this is a beautiful creature this is something that you know she a and I want you to notice also in the text we're gonna find out in a second it's not odd to her that the serpent is even talking this is a natural thing this is normal and it almost makes it even more spectacular and it's interesting because Satan appears as something appealing and beautiful to the eye but the truth is his motives are still the same then as it is today that he seeks to steal kill and destroy and guys if Satan can convince you and maybe some of you especially this evening are thinking this but if he can convince you to doubt God's sovereignty then he's got you in his trap and it's because of that way of thinking that Satan has planted these seeds of doubt into people's minds that cults have started as a result poisonous doctrine is introduced even sexual immorality is justified because of these lies Satan gives us without consulting the word to really affirm is this really what God wants because I'm gonna go to the scriptures because the Bible also says test all things and hold fast to what is good it is important that where Bereans we understand why we believe in what we believe but Satan is so cunning in that he starts with planting a thought in your mind to doubt God's Word sure God meant it that way well let me check you don't need a jacket I'm sure he didn't mean it like that the way we behave is a reflection in the way that we think let me explain Paul once said to the church at Corinth and you can look at the screen 2nd Corinthians 10:5 he said we destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God to which we ask well how do we do that how we destroy these proud obstacles in the end of the verse says we capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ it's interesting because before I want you guys to think about before you knew Christ and the way that you used to behave the way that you used to think about Jesus about and I'm not talking about the church and I'm not talking about church government I'm thinking I'm talking how you used to think pertaining to Jesus and immorality and who you are it was completely different and maybe it's because you were brought up that way in a family and your parents taught you this is the way you think there is no God or you know you maybe some of you grew up in the Mormon Church and you're completely flooded with all of these false ideas but then all of a sudden you understand the true character of who Jesus Christ is and then the way you think is completely different and that's the same tactic that Paul is saying here that's why we also have passages of scripture that says we take every thought captive that's why we have passages scriptures like in Romans 12:2 Wright says don't be conformed to this world meaning don't just copy what everyone's doing but be transformed he says by the renewing of your mind I'm gonna read the New Living Translation it'll be on the screen of Romans 12 to let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think the reason why we take every thought captive the reason why we ask God to renew our thinking to change the way we think is because the mind and the flesh go hand-in-hand I'll give you a perfect example someone cuts you off in traffic you've had a great day and then all of a sudden this person comes and then what happens is your brain sends electronic signals to the muscles in your body to basically give what we call the bird to the person who cut you off and then also why did I do that the mind in the flesh go hand in hand the way we behave is just a reflection in the way that we think that's where it starts it is and one thing I want to point out though in verse one is that God or excuse me is that Satan took God's positive command when he told Adam in the second chapter what we learned last week heat God told Adam of every tree of the garden you may freely eat but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat that was God's command to Adam and then Satan took that command rephrased it in a negative way and said God will won't let you eat of every tree see how he's already twisting the word to make it sound the same but is it the same does it sound like a lot of cults today certain cults today but God didn't say that God didn't say it the way is Satan phrased it so look what the woman and I want to note that it says the woman cuz she's not going to be called Eve until the end of this chapter look what the woman's response is to Satan's questioning in verse 2 and 3 on the screen back in Genesis 3 and the woman said to the serpent well we may eat the fruit of the trees plural of the garden that statement is actually true but verse 3 is where she makes kind of multiple mistakes but if the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God says you shall not eat it and I would imagine there was a pause there and the Satan's just looking at her and she's like nor touch it it would last you die so the first mistake and I need to point this out she doesn't know the name of the tree she called it the tree of an excuse me she just calls it the you know we can't eat of the tree but we can't either the fruit of the tree which is in the midst the garden the name of the tree is the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the reason why I'm even pointed out it out it's because it's like is that just a technicality it's important again even as Christians we understand why we believed in what we believe she doesn't even understand it all right we can't eat of that tree over there in the midst of the garden that's the first mistake second mistake is she's miss quoting God's command to Adam her words you shall not eat it lest you die those are close enough but God never commanded what she says right here and by the way we're also not allowed to touch it by the way good idea to completely avoid the tree altogether but she's enforcing the command that God never said god never said that and now while it is easy for us to look at that and look at the woman as stated here and pointed out like you know what is her fault I wanted you guys to understand that the command was given to Adam so something happened between the communication between Adam and his wife and and I'm just putting and then I'm gonna show you also that she was deceived but Adam is going to willfully and take of that fruit and eat of it but something happened in that communication between Adam and Eve where he didn't tell her the full picture or she wasn't listening I don't know if she was a DD maybe a D didn't exist pre-fall days but I'm looking at this and I'm thinking something happened that Adams responsibility to communicate to his wife failed it is it's such a guy thing to do because I can just imagine Adam hey woman cuz again she's gonna called Eve until after the fall hey woman see that tree in the middle of the garden we can't touch it we can't eat it we can look at it we can't think about looking at it and Eve's like you know alright I feel like there's more information than this well I probably I'll tell you later look at this new animal I named it's the sloth look how weird it looks you know I think there was a weird communication taking place between these two and it's a good reminder husbands when you do a poor job and I'm talking to myself here communicating to your wife leading your family the results can be detrimental they can be harmful and again I'm the first to say continually learning the importance of communicating effectively and in a way that my wife understands even thought she was safe but she is in fact in danger because look what it says in verses 4 & 5 of Genesis 3 the serpent said to the woman well you're not gonna die surely you won't die verse 5 for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened you'll be like God knowing good and evil so she begins questioning the words of God are you sure God said that are you sure you're not allowed to eat of all the trees but then he's questioning the ways of God you're not gonna die there's no consequences for this if anything you're gonna be like him this is a good thing seeing his cunning because like today he wants us to in the moment of temptation completely forget about God's Word completely forget about the consequences of whatever we're about to do because if you if you really thought about it if you really thought about whatever you're about to do that you knew had detrimental consequences you rationally thought through it you would more than likely stop and I get that we were aged not that we waged not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers of darkness but but the point that I'm making is Satan is makes it known that there's no consequences for what you're about to do there's no problem and it's interesting because the Bible does say that sin is pleasurable does say it says it feels good but you know what the rest of the verse says it's pleasurable billowing for a season and that's the lie of sin feels good but it's just temporary it leaves you unsatisfied oh you know you know what I mean you come to this conclusion of like that wasn't worth it and like Adam and Eve Satan wants to look at the tree that looks appealing to the eye but it's poisonous to the soul but Jesus ladies and gentleman wants you to look to the tree that's gruesome to the eye but as the power to forgive and or your soul and of course I'm referring to the tree of Calvary that way isn't it interesting we looked to the tria Calvary as this picture of hope and that's not just the Full Gospel message it's also in his death his burial in his resurrection but Jesus wants us to look to the tree because it's the tree that causes us to realize our need of a savior he wanted her to be fixated on the tree Satan that is of good and evil so look what happens in verse 6 through 7 back in Genesis 3 so when the woman saw that the tree was good for food she's convinced she's like alright it's good for food that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree desirable to make one wise she took the fruit and she ate she also gave to her husband with her and he ate she bought into the law by biting into the fruit and not only that she convinced Adam to do the same and again all the men see it's a woman's fault it's right there Oh contraire first Timothy 2:14 look at the screen guys Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived the transgression Adam took the fruit knowing Eve was tricked you guys realize that right he wasn't like oh we can do this now he knew exactly what he was doing and he took it anyways he took a bite he knew it was deceptive lie but he did it anyways and I want you guys to look look at the result of eating the fruit what did to do to Adam and Eve verse 7 the eyes of both of them were open they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings their eyes are opened it clicked in an instant shame and guilt overwhelms them a sensation they had no idea knew existed hits them like a freight train and they try to cover up their guilt with fig leaves which by the way is not the most comfortable idea I can't believe I did what I did I need to cover this up when in fact the psalmist and the prophet Isaiah is gonna declare clothe us with a robe of righteousness and a garment of light what a beautiful picture of the description of what Christ wants to in fact clothe us with and you know what guys I believe Adam and Eve were previously clothed in that light and that righteousness they understood because sin doesn't exist yet and the moment the light was removed is when they're exposed and they were naked when we sin can do something immoral yeah there's this immediate feeling of guilt you know what guys but that's the beauty and by the way God hardwired you with what's called a conscience because have you ever realized and wondered and he's done notes with every human being that's ever been born the Bible does say that you that that you can sear your conscience that you can do so many things so bad so often so habitually that it doesn't even feel bad anymore but you realize that God hardwired you with a conscience so that you can actually even come to the cross and realize you need to see a savior you need Jesus and so I get that there's this immediate guilt and but don't associate that as just a bad thing that's the spirit that's God showing you that there's a solution to this guilt and praise God for the spirit because then you can pursue forgiveness I think though it becomes bad when you're convicted to do something but you don't seek repentance and it's interesting to me that Adam and Eve they don't fall to their face they don't Father their face the moment they realize they're naked but instead it says they realize they're naked and they sewed fig leaves to cover up their nakedness they try to fix the problem themselves they they thought that this is the only way that I'm gonna cover my shame and it's so true to us today guys we're reading Genesis 3 and it's the same for us and you know what the results are when we try to do things like that when we try to cover our tracks when we try to cover our shame and our faults we still are unsatisfied we still feel this overwhelming guilt that what I'm doing isn't enough and you'll even say I've been going to church I've been giving my money in that box seeing and texting a lot of money to that number he tells us me too textu I've been even read my Bible once this week but I still feel guilty and guys that I understand the unsatisfying feeling of what that looks like in your life and ladies and gentleman that's how religiosity is birthed this idea that external acts of service is going to replace the internal damage of what's taking place in your heart and it's now guys it's never gonna fix it that Jesus can and has to be the only one to fix the issue of transgression and sin and that's a good thing guys that's not like coming down on you heart and that's to remind you of God's goodness that wherever you're at he will forgive you so we have Adam and Eve they're scrambling they're realizing what's happening there they're putting on this itchy prickly fig leave thinking that's a good idea to cover up their shame but then something happens look at verse a guys of Genesis 3 they heard the sound of the Lord look at this wording guys they heard the sound of the Lord walking into the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden again look at that unique wording verse 8 said the Lord God was walking in the garden I'm gonna say something on two issues I think it is safe to say that this is Jesus Christ appearing to Adam and Eve before the Incarnation and birth that he's gonna that's going to happen in Bethlehem and let me explain to you why the reason why I'm even drawing that conclusion John 1:8 look at the screen we're told no one has seen God at any time the only begotten son who's in the bosom of the Father he has declared him no one's seen God someone's walking in the garden first Timothy 6 16 the New Living Translation Paul says no human can approach him no human has ever seen him nor ever will and we're gonna find out at the end of this chapter the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit communicating we're gonna see this triune communication between how the the father the son of the Holy Spirit basically talked to one another in Genesis chapter 3 but I think this is Jesus another thing that I want to draw to your attention in verse 8 is that God came in the cool of the day the the literal translation a better translation God came in the breeze of the day and that and it probably means that it was it was the cool afternoon the time when the breeze would blow God would come and the language of that Genesis three that I just read right there that God came in the cool of the day it implies you ready for this it was a customary routine God would have daily walks with Adam that's what it means that this was a daily reoccurring thing and that is quite possible that this was the time when God would take his walk with Adam and Eve also the word walking in verse 8 the Hebraic language is paula and the word is fascinating because i sounded like i'm Hawking a loogie but it also is fascinating because it means to move amongst it means to be at ease it means to be acquainted with I read that and I can't help but to gasp at God's goodness that he wants to fellowship with his creation and I want you to hear what I'm about to say guys this isn't just pertaining to Adam and Eve he wants to fellowship with you today you are his creation and he delights in it some of you know that but maybe you forgot maybe you forgot that important truth that he loves fellowshipping with you and so here's God he's showing up to fellowship with Adam and Eve he notices all of their hiding by the way he already knew that they were hiding verses 9 and 10 back in Genesis 3 then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him where are you verse 10 so he said I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid my self and I want you to think about that picture sin caused Adam to be afraid of God's presence Adam who would take daily walks and fellowship with God who would take comfort in the voice and presence of his creator hears him and sees him and freaks out and hides sin it was sin that made him afraid of God's voice and guys it's the same way when Satan wants you to believe that those moments when God is reaching out to you and you feel this conviction and you feel bad it's like I feel bad that I feel bad and Satan's like you should feel bad that you feel bad in fact you what you should do is run even more never a good idea Jonah is a prime example read Jonah one two three and four that running from God is never a good idea when in fact the solution is when you fall and when you fail take shelter in his presence that is this kindness that can lead you to repentance and for whatever reason people think the longer that they've been running from God maybe that's you maybe you think I've been running for so long that he is more unlikely to take me back it's such a weird way of thinking as if God's gonna be like too bad you didn't come to me last week because I totally were forgiven yeah when in fact it's quite the opposite because isaiah 59:1 look at the screen says the Lord's hand is never it's not shortened that it cannot save nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear he'll take you back guys in a moment like that and you'll say good good so then why are Adam and Eve why are they why are they hiding and we need to notice guys it's not just because they're naked cuz do you remember what God said to them that if they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil what would happen the day you eat of it God said you will surely die so you can just imagine they're eating the fruit God's walking towards them and Adams like we're dead we're dead I trusted you even just what makes matters worse and are actually more humorous is that they're hiding from God look like it's like you don't know where they're at again it's not this but it's not the smartest plan we can't hide from the presence of God david declares it in the psalms anywhere we go there he will be and so look at verse 11 just you have a broken hearted creator asking this he said who told you that you were naked it's interesting because here Ethan and you wonder how is it that up to this point cuz Adams been naked the whole time how is it that he even possibly all of a sudden now knows that he's naked now up to this point they weren't self-absorbed guys they weren't vain isn't that interesting meaning they weren't thinking only about themselves and then all of a sudden they eat the fruit they instantly had this deep self conscious awareness of who they are it is because of Adam and Eve guys it's because of Adam and Eve that each of us worry about making ourselves presentable every single day the night before we worry about what we're going to wear we're always checking ourselves like right now I'm gonna look at myself on the screen right now that is a huge head seat there I'm self-conscious of my head thanks Adam and Eve but you know what guys we think our appearance is not sufficient we have to change yourself we have to modify ourself Adam and Eve for the first time are self-absorbed to the point that they are ashamed to be in the presence of God God asks who told you were naked to look at the screen first eleven again who told you you were naked have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat of course God knows the answer to the question well then why did he ask you let me explain he's allowing Adam just like a parent whose kid that you know if you if your kid failed and made a mistake and you know about it you want to give this tear herbal situation a better chance of them confessing it this is the guy this is his chance he's asking the question because he's giving at him the chance to repent here's your chance at him so what does he do in verse 12 verse 12 Genesis 3 the woman who woman whom you gave to be with me she gave me of the tree and I ate it it sounds like he's blaming Eve okay it sounds like it when acts yeah and in actuality he's blaming God you're the one who saw that wasn't good that I was alone and you're the one who gave me the woman and so technically that amends just I don't want to bring this up anymore God but it's kind of your fault and by the way blaming God is never going to end well case in point remember the story in the Old Testament of Moses and God having a little talk with one another God appears to Moses as a burning bush and he told Moses tell Pharaoh to let my people go and what is most to say well about that I'm not eloquent I'm actually really slow of speech and slow of tongue and I mean what does God say in that passage of Scripture he's like oh man that's a good point that could have been a disaster no he says by the way who gave you that time who gave you that mouth who gave you the ability to talk that was me you're gonna go and I'm gonna go before you and I'm gonna tell you what to say I'm gonna take really Moses he's in the same way blaming God for his stuttering Stanley a problem in Adam he's blaming God for giving him Eve so now God confront Eve the woman verse 13 and the Lord God said to the woman what is this that you have done then the woman said the serpent deceived me and I ate the first inception of the blaming game it was the woman it was the serpent and the Serpent's like I got to go to a meeting by the way I gotta get out of here look at verse 14 there is no meeting yet in Genesis 3 so the Lord God said to the serpent because you have done this you have you are cursed more than all the cattle more than every beast of the field on your belly you shall go and you shall eat dust all the days of your life and again it's because of this curse that people believe that snakes pree this verse taking place that snakes could again walk upright they could have possibly flown which by the way if you google that you'll be relocated to a serpent that actually in certain parts of the jungles will get onto the tops of the trees like basically push himself off and hover to the next portion of the tree which again that's terrifying it of itself but I'm just imagining a snake that could just like off the ground like lift itself off I mean it's conjecture I know that but something is happening here as the result of the curse that God's enforcing on the snake right now that hey you're gonna have to slither now for all the belly of on your belly for all the days of your life you're gonna be a villain in all of the bad movies that are coming out like that's your curse that's what's happening verse 15 of Genesis 3 and I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed and in other words enmity will continue from generation after generation and now there's this this natural fear of Satan in the heart of man but the second part of the curse is interesting because he says you shall he shall he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel this is a great verse this is a hopeful verse God is prophesying in this moment the inevitable doom of Satan because in Satan's mind in the future when Jesus dies on the cross Satan thinks he's gonna have victory but what's happening here in Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 is it's the first mention of the inception of the Gospel message right there God is revealing that Satan is going to in fact wound Jesus that's what he meant by you shall bruise his heel and again the heel is a part of the if you will the Serpent's Reach Jesus is going to take on this the body form of a human it's going to come into human bringing himself near Satan's domain and it's there that yeah saying in a way if you can imagine is going to strike Jesus bite him so yes Satan is gonna bruise Jesus but the rest of the verse says oh but he's gonna bruise your head means Satan is going to be crushed beneath the foot of the woman's seed Jesus Christ himself Oh death where is your victory Oh death where is your sting I'm smiling while I say that because I have a hope guys that's in Jesus that if I believe in him though I die I live because he's resolved the solution of death and this thing called sin at the cross so that when I die I'm before my creator and that and again guys that's a reason to smile that verse is a reason to smile because even in that moment God knows the solution even though man's failure is right there Jesus is gonna offer the solution to the problem verse 16 to the woman he said I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception in pain you shall bring forth children your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you Eve's gonna have kids interestingly enough it's not going to be the way that it should have been intended that there's gonna be sorrow in the birthing process as well as raising kids it's not gonna be easy and the parents of the house said amen nor is pregnancy gonna be is easy ladies this is God's design all right so before I even talk any more the ladies you understand during pregnancy things change dramatically hormones fluctuate body aches your belly begins to protrude from ways that you never thought could extend out as far as it does ladies you never understood what waddling was until you had that belly out two days before you have the baby childbearing is hard but the Bible also says children are a heritage from God that they are a gift from God and the Bible says every good and perfect gift comes from the father above God gives us good gifts guys children are gifts even when they're rebellious and even when their death fine I'm laughing because my children were nightmare before this Bible study and he was gonna figure that out guys especially with Cain and Abel and we're gonna read about that coming on she's gonna understand the sorrow of children that make poor poor sinful choices but God also says in verse 16 your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you guys because of the curse Eva's gonna have to fight this innate battle within herself women today this desire to master her husband to be head of the house it's taking everything within me not to extend this in for the sake of time move on but this is a god-ordained order this is how it is and this is one of the results of sin entering into the world and so Adam I can just imagine Adam walking away like okay and gods like no no no it's your turn for your curse verse 17 because you've heeded the voice of your wife and have eaten from the tree of which I've commanded you saying you shall not eat of it listen carefully listen carefully guys it wasn't just that Adam was in trouble because he listened to Eve's advice more specifically he chose to be with Eve instead of obeying God because he should have in the moment Eve ate of the fruit and she offered it to him in that moment he should have said God where are you the woman you gave me is trying to let me eat from the tree you told me not to have mercy on her like I said he knew she was deceived but he ate of it anyways and instead of saying that he groans like a man and says I'll show you how to take a bye anytime you no big thing and all of a sudden all shame hits him so in a way Adams his idolatry was for his wife to choose her over choosing to obey God and then the end of verse 17 and 18 says curses the ground for your sake in toil you shall eat all the days of your life verse 18 both thorns and thistles sauerkraut country-music it shall bring forth it doesn't say that both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you and you shall eat of the herb of the field Oh Adams gonna have to work now for his wages because I want you guys remember I told you last week God gave Adam the task to dress the garden to tend the garden meaning something happened pre-fall days were landscaping and gardening was an enjoyable thing I mean it's and we're laughing because of you know Carolyn and I were just working in our car like this is a lot of work there's a lot of sweat involved last Saturday at our house in our garden but work for Adam now is different now it's different since he ate of the tree and the last thing I want you to notice at the end of verse 19 it says in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground for out of it you were taken guys this is important out of it you were taken for dust you are and dust you shall return here's God revealing like hey you came from the dust guess what because you ate of this tree and returned to the dust inevitability death that's the result guys that's what's happening Genesis 3:6 became the darkest moment in history when the inception and curse of death was weaved into humanity and were affected by it even today Paul once wrote to Timothy and his second epistle he challenged him he said Sharon his sufferings for the Gospels sake and then he began to talk about the power of God I'm not going to just talk about I'm just gonna read it look at the screen 2nd Timothy 1:9 through 10 this is Paul's exhorting Timothy the Gospel according to the power of God who has saved us called us with a holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus look at that last part before time began that's the first thing I want you to know I want you to see that in regards to this holy calling that God has called upon your life that the Gospel according to the power of God was given to Jesus Christ to Christ Jesus in the last part of that verse and I just said it before time began that means Jesus has been and always will be the answer he's always been the answer the gospel rings with such hope you guys and it's for that reason that Paul is going to tell Timothy that our Savior Jesus Christ has abolished death another translation is God has destroyed death brought life and immortality guys and that's my point this is my point that Oh although each person in this room you're gonna die one day you're gonna from the dust you came to the dust you're gonna return and although death is inevitable for each person hearing my voice right now the promise of the gospel tells me that Jesus Christ has abolished death he's destroyed death sting and even before time began that was the solution that was the plan and although Adam birthed sin Jesus Christ is going to birth hope through the cross at Calvary through his burial and through his resurrection that's why we can beat guys that's why I as Christians we can be happy we don't have a walk around mobiling Jesus died for me and I'm a new creation in Christ old things have passed away you're a new creation because of Christ's walk with the Bible says walk worthy of the gospel live like you believe that's true thank you Lord for the gospel verse 20 Genesis 3 and Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living again interesting fact up until Genesis 3:20 he was referred to a woman as woman because she came out of man that was that was her name also I want you to notice in verse 21 what God has to do for Adam and as a result of them eating of this tree Genesis 3:21 also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin and clothed to them Adam and Eve originally think the solution is covering themselves with FIGS itchy pointy painful figs and yet God guys and I want you to notice something that God doesn't say something that we would say if we were hurt by an offender God doesn't say to them like good the pains gonna remind you what you did to me with them figs on your bodies he doesn't say that in the most gracious way possible he says I know you've failed but I'm gonna offer something better he gave them tunics of animal skin what an amazing correlation God clothed them but it's gonna require that someone something dies an animal something has to be sacrificed in order to cover to cover their mistake and it's interesting that pre cross animal side professes only covered sin they never removed it completely until Jesus is going to come into the picture isaiah 61:10 you can see the screen says I will her greatly I will greatly rejoice in the Lord my soul shall be joyful in my god for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation he has covered me with the robe of righteousness the death of Jesus was required for us in order to atone for sin and our failures that if you've given your life to Jesus you are no longer covered by damnation and and you are no longer defined by your old nature your new creation you're marked by the blood of Christ he clothes us with garments of salvation and robes of righteousness that's just wild to me and again more importantly Jesus he doesn't just cover it he moves it once and for all look at the final verses verses 22 through 24 then the Lord God said Behold the man has become like one of us see that wording say that triune working of the father the son of the holy spirit the man has become like one of us to know good and evil and and now lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever verse 23 therefore the Lord God sent him out of the Garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken verse 24 so he drove out the man he placed a cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden and a flaming sword which turned every way to guard the way of the Tree of Life can you imagine that picture and you have to know Adam and Eve as they're walking away they keep looking back and I just can imagine Adam like maybe I can sneak in and the cherubim was like you're shall not pass you're welcome for that reference you know what's interesting guys you read that and you think that's a really mean of God but it's an act of mercy you want to know why it's an act of mercy what God is doing right here because God didn't want them to eat of the tree and live forever in that condition can you imagine being in that fallen nature decane nature forever it was an act of mercy and Adam he went for the wrong tree but God knew there would be a better tree that Jesus will hang from that what's gonna offer you eternal life Genesis 3 is amazing and although Humanity is forever affected because of what happened here in Genesis chapter 3 God and his loving grace allows us to endure to walk through the toughest of times and even death even death cannot rob us of the hope we have in Jesus Christ amen let's pray amen amen let's come before the Lord God we do thank you again for hope that we have in you that even in this moment as everyone's listening to my voice I prayed that you would just supernaturally work in a way to speak to their heart that if any person in here has just completely walked away from you made painful mistakes and I don't need to go through the list of their failures but that they would remember this moment that it's your kindness that's going to lead them to repentance that although your justice demands that sin is dealt with the issue of Genesis chapter 3 you're going to deal with it with the cross at Calvary and I pray that in this moment the people in this room if they have walked away from you if they have never given their life to you that they can take comfort in your presence that if they come and fess with their mouths that your Lord and they believe in your their heart that you are God that you die on that you're gonna die on the cross that you're gonna fulfill who you say you are by rising from the dead and conquering death that they can place their trust in you knowing that if you conquer death that we can conquer death and if they can confess that truth and believe that it's their sin that has separated them from you that in this moment they would take that and believe it and know that they that can call out to a god that's going to save them and lurid as we're about to go into the last part of worship I pray this would be such a sweet time and reflection that we can truly with arms open with our hearts open just with a thankful heart come before you saying thank you for offering a solution even in spite of Genesis chapter three as failures in Jesus Christ if you have never given your life to Jesus and you want to live with the hope that after you die to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord and you want to give your life to Jesus Christ tonight can be that night and you can repeat after me Jesus I believe you aren't God I believe you died on the cross for my sins I believe you took the payment of my problem and I believe that you died and rose again and they want to give you my life and I want to serve you all the days of my life thank you Jesus for the cross thank you for being my Savior thank you for saving me in Jesus name [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Calvary South Denver
Views: 3,686
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel, Christianity, Bible Study, Genesis 3, The fall of Man, Jon Geraci
Id: PZixRE6Wb-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 20sec (2960 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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