Do Teens Know 80s Cartoons? | Do They Know It? | React

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- (React) Today we're gonna see how well teens know '80s cartoons. - I love '80s cartoons. - Last time I reacted to something from the '80s, I got bashed because I called them "old timey." (laughs) - Off to a very bad start. - (gasps) Legends of She-Ra! (buzzer rings) - I wanna say is this Zelda? (buzzer rings) - It's giving intergalactic. - It's giving more Scooby Doo vibes. - Oh, this is the cat one. - I do know the show. I don't know the name. - ♪ He-Man ♪ (bell rings) - She-Man? (laughs) He-Man? (bell rings) - The evil guy looks very familiar. - The purple skull guy has been in so many memes recently. - How could they keep on doing this to me? - ♪ Mm, mm, mm ♪ ♪ And so I cry sometimes ♪ ♪ When I'm lying in bed ♪ ♪ Just to get it all out ♪ ♪ What's in my head, ah ♪ - (React) This is He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. - Yeah, wouldn't have gotten that. - ♪ He-Man ♪ - ♪ He-Man ♪ - So retro, I love it! (laughs) - Oh, this is old! - ♪ Bah-nah-dah dah-dah ♪ He's a funky looking guy. - I'm kinda shocked at how the male costumes are more skimpy than the female ones. (laughs) - (He-Man) I have the power! - Have the power! - The power! Yeah, I should've gotten that one. - Oh my God. - (He-Man) From the evil forces of Skeletor! - Skeletor! That's his name! - (as Skeletor) Nyah-ha-ha-ha! Prepare your balls, He-Man, before I pound, no not, no no no no no, not that far. - It's okay, we'll take the L on that one. - The complete animated series? - (laughs) We're gonna be 0 for 2. - I've never seen this before, I could not tell you. - A Legend of Zelda knockoff, if you wanna call that. - That girl looks like Daphne, so they were stealing a page from that book. - It looks like it's about fighting monsters. (laughs) They really liked fighting bad guys in the '80s. - We have some, five dragons. - There's a unicorn, there's dragons. - Dungeons and Dragons, the completed animated series. (bell rings) I know with Dungeons and Dragons, there's like classes, there's an archer you could see, there's like the mage on the left, there's a unicorn for some reason. - Yeah, no. (laughs) (buzzer rings) No clue. - Dungeon and Dragons? (buzzer rings) - Really? - Isn't that a game, like a five hour game? - I didn't know that they had a series. - You gotta be kidding me. (laughs) - Wow, you can tell this is just so '80s. - Very Scooby Doo. - It's giving Magic School Bus. (laughs) (adventurers yelling) - (Eric) Where are we? - (Hank) Look out! - It's so fast! Where are we, look out! - And the unicorn just randomly is there. - Why does he look like that? They decided to draw him a certain way, and they ultimately decided on that. - The animations are just so fast, that it's almost like you can't process it. It's almost like they weren't working at 60 frames a second. - Maybe I should watch it, and then play Dungeons and Dragons. - Phew. - Well I know the characters. - ♪ DuckTales woo-ooh ♪ - ♪ Every day they're out there ♪ ♪ Making DuckTales ♪ - I know that's not Donald Duck. That's like his dad, right? - DuckTales, come on. (bell rings) Everyone knows DuckTales. - 'Cause if that was Donald Duck, they wouldn't release... Wait. Did they release Mickey Mouse first? Whoa. - DuckTales. I know that there is a show out there called DuckTales. - Duck Adventures? - ♪ DuckTales woo-ooh ♪ - Adventure something? - ♪ DuckTales woo-ooh ♪ - Oh my God, I was so close! - ♪ Life is like a hurricane ♪ ♪ Here in Duckburg ♪ - You could just tell it's all happy. - I'm kinda vibin' out over here. - ♪ Or rewrite history ♪ - ♪ DuckTales woo-ooh ♪ - Okay, yeah, this does seem old. Oh. - Naruto? (buzzer rings) - Ooh, the fact that I'm not gonna get this is going to bring shame. - I was gonna say Yu-Gi-Oh, but I feel like Yu-Gi-Oh are the, like, the ones where you pulled it, like that toy when you pulled the thing and it just kinda spun out. - Oh. - Oh no, that was Dragon Ball Z. Never mind, I'm confusing my shows. - (React) Beyblades. - Beyblades, yes. - It starts with an H. Right? Um, H, H... - This low key feels like they could be characters from like Super Smash Bros. - I hope this isn't like a specific sub category, but it's Dragon Ball. (bell rings) - It doesn't look like we're gonna build a streak here. If I'm gonna be completely honest, we're about to drop the ball. (slowed) The ball. - It's Kung Fu, it's Kung Fu, or no, Karate, Tai Chi? - (React) What's funny is that you said half the name of the show. - No, I did not, okay. - (React) You just didn't know you did. - Roll back please? If I'm gonna be completely honest, we're about to drop the ball. (slowed) Drop the ball. - It's Dragon Ball. - No way. (buzzer rings) No way, okay. - I didn't even know there was a Dragon Ball. I thought there was just Dragon Ball Z. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - Okay, I did not know what this was, but they like catch the little animals, right? - (React) You're referring to Pokemon? - No no no, there's like another anime like Pokemon where they catch, Digimon! - Wow, it looks really nice. Oh, he's on a fart cloud! - Oh my gosh. - I did not grow up on Dragon Ball. - I never watched Dragon Ball, no. Not even Dragon Ball Z. Don't hate me, please! - (React) Wow. - I started watching anime right before high school. - I should just give up at this point. - Okay, this one has me stumped. - This is She-Ra, no. - (React) It's not She-Ra. - No, this is the cat one. - Dragon something, or wolf something. - I'm gonna guess that they fight bad guys. - Yeah, no. - ThunderCats, right? I think I've seen it in a couple Family Guy episodes, as jokes. - Well, it looks like just '80s version of furries. - Sexy beast men. (laughs) - ThunderCats. I think I remember there being a ThunderCats revival on Cartoon Network where they made him skinny and gross looking. - I knew cat was in the name. (buzzer rings) - Doesn't really ring any bells. - Oh my God, I should've gotten that, now that I'm looking at the big [censored] cat in the left corner. We love the (imitates cat) moment. (laughs) - Yeah, look at those cats! - Yes! - Still a banging intro too. - Wow, look at them. Oh my God, what the... (laughs) Oh my God! - ♪ Thunder, Thunder, ThunderCats ♪ - Why don't we bring back females being fully clothed as super heroes? - Okay, I like the little jumping pose. - I think like three of the videos have started like that with the sword getting raised up in the air. - It's like He-Man where it's like the sword up in the air, the same sword and everything. - A modern version, I might peep it. - I'm kinda stumped here. Hmm. - (gasps) My Little Pony! (bell rings) - My Little Pony? (bell rings) - Do they fight bad guys? (laughs) - My Little Pony. (bell rings) - My Little Pony! - Those are ugly looking things. Nowadays, they're still ugly. - ♪ My Little Pony ♪ ♪ My Little Pony ♪ - Yay! - ♪ Spring is here ♪ - Of course I know what this is. I was a little closeted gay boy. (laughs) - The craziest part is that I never even watched My Little Pony. If you really wanna know how I know this, it's because at McDonald's, they had My Little Pony toys in the Happy Meals. - I don't know, what is this? - The Smurfs! Oh my God. This was a part of the Saturday morning cartoons. I loved the Smurfs. - Oh, I love the blue little Smurfs. - This is the Smurfs, there's Gargamel. - Smurfs. (bell rings) Gargamel in the back. - Come on, everyone knows the Smurfs. They've had like multiple movies, or like remakes as well. - ♪ Dah dah, dah-dah-dah-dah ♪ ♪ Dah dah-dah dah-dah ♪ (thunder crashes) - Ooh, that's a jump scare. These poor kids! - (gasps) Gargamel! - Gargamel, that was... (laughs) - No, not the Smurf village! - It's not like they bother him either, it's like ew, just like... - I think this is the only one I did watch like religiously. - Aww, Smurfette. - I was always so obsessed with Smurfette. I'm like, she's a girlboss. - Oh, ho ho! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Turtles in a half-shell. Turtle power. - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! (bell rings) Ah, ah! - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Still a great show. - ♪ Teenage Mutant ♪ ♪ Ninja Turtles ♪ (bell rings) ♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ♪ - This is actually my boyfriend's show. He was like don't even bring up Megan Fox, she's not a part of it. - I was actually a fan of the film, like the live action film with Megan Fox. I never watched the cartoon. I literally only know it from the films. (laughs) - ♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ♪ - ♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ♪ - ♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ♪ - Aw, they were kids! - Yay, I love that! - ♪ They're the world's most ♪ ♪ Fearsome fighting team ♪ - I used to like watch Cartoon Network, and it would like show up every now and then. Like all those old '80s shows. - These live action remakes have really been coming in clutch for me. - Why is this blanking? - It's Transformers. (bell rings) Autobots, you gotta roll out. - Transformers. I'm pretty sure that's Optimus Prime right there. - ♪ Transformers ♪ ♪ More than meets the eye ♪ I never watched a single one of these shows. - Oh, oh, oh! Transformers! (bell rings) - Transformers! You can't fool me! - I've never even watched any Transformers, or Transformers movies. I dressed up as Optimus Prime for Halloween. I never watched an episode. - Some of these shows, they stay on, and have tons of remakes. It's always cool to see the original. - ♪ More than meets the eye ♪ - Oh, this is totally like '80s themed, you could just tell. - A lot less pixels. (laughs) - Autobots! - They just say the story in the thing, they just, they are fighting. ♪ They're punching now ♪ ♪ God, when is this gonna end ♪ ♪ This has been going on ♪ ♪ Since the '80s ♪ ♪ God, Michael Bay sucks ♪ ♪ At making these movies ♪ - I really only know it because of the ride at Universal Studios. - I like how all but three of these were fight bad guys, 'cause this is also fight bad guys. But they're robots! - In the '80s, you only had Saturday morning cartoons. That's why a whole generation of people just know the shows, because that was what was on. - A lot of these seem to be like, based on a premise of fighting. - I think they're more violent, 'cause just all of them were fighting. - I love the fact, like some of these had spinoffs. If they made a Winx Club spinoff, and they did, but it's live action, and you know what? They did me dirty! Wait, so then don't add in that I said Dragon Ball, because then it's gonna be like, wait, but that is Dragon Ball, and then people in the comments are gonna be like you did get it, but you didn't get it, and then they're gonna start dragging me, and I'm gonna be like... (screams) I love the ducks, but I hated listening to them, and that's why I like Daisy Duck, 'cause she didn't speak like that. She wasn't like (babbles). - ♪ There's a stranger ♪ ♪ Out to find you ♪ ♪ What to do, just grab on to ♪ ♪ Some DuckTales, woo-ooh ♪ ♪ Every day they're out there ♪ ♪ Making DuckTales, woo-ooh ♪
Channel: REACT
Views: 438,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fine brothers entertainment, do teens know, fine brothers, do they know it, fine bros, teens react, 80s cartoons theme songs, 80s cartoons full episodes, 80s cartoons saturday morning, cartoons, 80s cartoons, Do they know it 80s cartoons, he man hey hey hey hey, he man and the masters of the universe, dragonball, anime, 80s anime, duck tales, dungeons and dragons, TMNT, teenage mutant ninja turtles, Transformers, My little pony, smurfs, thundercats
Id: Nf1Pj7Nyfcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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