Gen Z is in their 'Adulting' Quarter Life Crisis

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today we're going to be talking about jenzy going through their adulting phase they're getting older now they are aging out they are no longer that demographic anymore this is the most humbled I've ever felt in my life I'm literally holding resumes a stack of them so that I can go in person to places and say are you guys hiring it's honestly a little bit embarrassing because I'm literally applying for like minimum wage jobs and some of them are being like we're not hiring and it's like what this is not what I expected I graduated college of two degrees in Communications and acting I speak three languages H this sucks like I I just want to be a Tik tocker I'm being so for real with you but I can't be delusional anymore like I literally need to make money what's up YouTube it's tiny seat and I'm back with another YouTube video I find this to be a very interesting topic because I feel like every generation goes through their quarter life crisis I feel like I just came out of my quarter life crisis so it's very much relevant and I want jenzy to have as smooth of an experience through this phase in their life as possible so the first thing we're going to have to figure out is what is a quarter life crisis the cter life crisis is a period of uncertainty and questioning that typically occurs when people feel trapped uninspired and disillusioned during their mid 20s to early 30s people say that they might feel stuck in a dead-end job while all of their friends Advance their careers or wonder why they cannot seem to make romantic relationships last while other people are getting married and having children I think other elements of this might be comparisons seeing your friends family social media influencers just having a successful life living luxuriously going on vacations getting promotions and then comparing their life to yours and that comparison making you feel horrible about yourself feeling like you're behind feeling like just life is slipping away from you without you having any control of stopping it I feel like another element of the quarter life crisis is just that realization that you are no longer the Youth of the world they're getting older now they are aging out they are no longer that demographic anymore it's all very hard and I think that all is coming together for them at once and it's just hard to ignore in comparison what was adulting to Millennials why do Millennials say adulting it's cuz we're doing things that adults do but not getting adult results when the Boomers were coming up they worked all the live long day and what they get for it they got a house but when my generation works all the live long day we get maybe a granola bar if it's on sale today adulting was really about real realizing how difficult it is to be an adult realizing you have to pay for bills buy gas how expensive it is how expensive groceries are is this what everyone else experienced just that the gravity of the situation I feel like Millennials were definitely called cringy and just made fun of for all of the ways that they tried to deal and cope with the situation of growing up um and it was called cringy and it was just looked at mockingly by jenzy so this is a adulting nobody told me it was going to be this freaking hard and you might be wondering what are you talking about I can't believe I'm saying this but my hubsters made me pay the phone bill why must he cause me this pain does he really think I know what I'm doing all I know how to do is drink pumpkin spice lotes and cappuccinos those are nums so count me crazy but I think when it comes to technology that's a man's job I am not adult I am small girl somebody get this man some common sense Common Sense alert I think they're going to soon realize just you have to cope there's just you got to cope a lot of the things I hear about Jen z um is that they're lazy that they're sensitive A lot of people report that they're hard to work with and every generation has a bad rap but this is Gen Z's stereotypes and obviously gen Z has some words about it like of course they don't think that's them and hopefully through this video I'm able to shed a more positive and hopeful light on Jen Z and the situation that they're going through because everything just needs a little bit more humaness and just a little bit more empathy and understanding because everyone's going to go through it you might end up being in their shoes one day right I think the first topic to handle is loneliness this is the first thing that I see a lot when it comes to jenzy and just all of the crisis struggles that they're going through at the moment there's definitely a loneliness epidemic a lot of people are expressing how difficult it is for them and how how hard it is to have genuine friendship genuine connection genuine romantic partnership all of the above the first thing to really observe with this whole loneliness epidemic is the fact that jenz went through the pandemic probably at a critical point in their life where they're entering College exiting high school and maybe some of them were entering the workforce that means that at a time where they could have been building community they were stuck inside do you ever get lonely yeah I think everyone gets lonely uh that's almost like a daily struggle I often feel very lonely in the city what does it feel like feels like being lost like in a maze with no hand reaching out to you and you just don't really feel like climbing back out or you just can't climb back out it feels like that feeling of like you're about to cry but you just don't need to and another very interesting thought that I saw on the loneliness epidemic was the fact that we're all looking at our phones I mean it's the same idea of the addiction to social media but um a professor was saying that you know when you're waiting for the bus like what do you do W you look around you take in life at peace essentially and nowadays A lot of people a lot of kids Jen Z so on and so forth they're on their phones they're scrolling on Tik Tok like they're not taking in life and I think that there's an anxiety that comes with that when you're not able to just sit be still be mindful be okay with your thought essentially be okay with yourself and being alone will exacerbate that feeling of loneliness because when you finally are tiring your you tired your brain out from scrolling and LLY and you have to just sit there um and listen to those thoughts it's going to feel really lonely and it's going to be really dark because the more you suppress those thoughts those feelings um eventually it's going to burst and then that's when those breakdowns happen because you you have to let it out you have to be okay with hearing those thoughts experiencing being being alone because it's a natural part of life we are alone most of the time we numb ourselves with social media and that just exacerbates that lonely feeling we need to move away from that addiction to social media to really heal that feeling that a lot of people are experiencing cuz jenz jenzie isn't alone on that one and I feel like it really is important for jensy to have these connections as they're going through their quarter life crisis because sometimes just having someone that to commiserate with is what's going to get you through I think when it comes to loneliness I feel like jenz will have to find a way to make friendships whether it's online with other people that are saying that they're having similar experiences and reaching out and just pushing past cuz I feel like this is just what society looks like now Jen is going to have to find more ways different ways to connect with people and burst their bubble like B go out of their comfort zone and try to make friends if that's something that they want and I think the second thing we're seeing is visual aging there's just so much like theories that can happen with why Jen Z might look older than Millennials do I actually personally think jenz looks older than Millennials no I don't really think that because I feel like there's just so many different there's so many people in this world to generalize that a generation looks older than the previous one is just like come on guys I'm sure there's some that look older but that probably always was the case but just in general reasons why you might look older than you should these These are the potential reasons um you're eating too much processed foods if you eat too much processed foods you are not getting the nutrients your body needs in order to keep you looking young and to keep your body healthy and young you need to work out you need to eat Whole Foods so you get the vitamin D you get vitamin C's you get the collagen you get all of the necessary ingredients in your body that will make you and keep you looking young you have to stay away from excessive plastic surgery because I feel like like plastic surgery is aging people I'm telling you the bbls the face lifts the lip plumpers the nose jobs the this the that the botox all of that ages you it's going to make you look older because previously I think plastic surgery was for women that were in their 30s 40s 50s 30s 40s 50s but now it's like people are just exiting the womb practically and starting to get into platic surgery and that's going to Aid you like some of these celebrities that are young look a lot older than they should and I think it's because of plastic surgery too much you're altering with your face too much before your time before it's even necessary yet another reason might be stress like we mentioned jenz is going through a whole lot of stress they entered a critical point in their life when the pandemic hit and I think that will cause a whole lot of stress and that's going to age you stress makes your genes age faster so we have these little tips on the edge of our d DNA strands they're called tiir and just like shoelace tip stops the shoelace from getting frayed tiir stop the DNA from getting damaged and as our cells divide over time these teir naturally get shorter this tiir shortening can leave the DNA exposed to fraying and damage basically aging the number one thing which causes the teir to shorten is stress in fact this study showed that new doctors who started residency training will have their DNA aged by six times the rate of the normal population because their T shrunk six times faster when introduced the stress of doctor life stress is just linked to so many negative Health outcomes that you have to keep yourself as calm as possible easier said than done but that's just another potential Theory as to why jenzy looks older next I want to discuss jenz in the workforce this is a bigger section a bigger topic to digest and to really talk about because it's really nuanced and it has a lot of moving Parts I feel like every generation can commiserate with the fact that the workforce gets worse and worse the landscape of attaining a job just gets worse and worse I just exited it it took me a year and some change to get the job that I wanted the job I went to school for that's the one that took super long to get and I feel like it just gets worse and worse and harder and harder we need to talk about this because I'm a jenzi who has Boomer parents and what she says is true boomers are stuck in the past so hard that they can't even comprehend that us like jenzy and Millennials it's not just that we're lazy and we don't want to work hard it's that even if we worked as hard as possible we still can't like afford to live right now hard work isn't enough anymore and I hear these comments all the time as someone whose like parents friends are all that age they think that we're all just lazy and they refuse to realize that like times have changed it is not the same as when you were our age just to start let's look at the rise of the average home value over the years versus the rise of the average household income as compared to when Boomers were our age and able to easily afford rent so Boomers would have been our age sometime between the 70s and the late 80s here so this is the average price of housing or a house at that time and this is the average income of the household right here it is now do you see the difference do you see how like yes it was hard back then not it's just not even comparable so many Tik toks so many Tik toks about people applying applying applying almost into Abyss an abyss of like are they even really hiring is this a real job post or is it a lie because that's just really how it is it's very Grim right now and I don't think it's getting any better anytime soon I think think we're all noticing and experiencing the difficulties that is entering the workforce and getting the job that you want getting the pay that you want and actually putting that degree to the proper use is prioritizing living over working because they've seen the legacy of broken promises in Corporate America and the American dream it has changed you got to think about back in the 80s the boomer generation when they were pitched the American dream it was juicy it's not juicy today back in the day they would say go to school get get good grades you get a higher education for like five grand work 40 years for 40 hours a week and we're going to give you so much oh well what's in this package well first of all you're only going to have to work 40 hours a week you're going to have your night and weekends you're going to be able to hang out you can have two or three kids you're going to be able to afford a house you're going to be able to own a house and pay it off in 30 years it's only going to be about 18 to 20% of your income it's going to be beautiful in 40 years we're going to give you a 401K pension or Social Security whichever route you take you're going to be able to take two weeks vacation it's going to be beautiful what do you say you know what I'm going to sign up for that this sounds amazing in 2024 let's see that same pitch so this is the American dream absolutely so if I work 40 hours a week for 40 years I get to buy a house well no no no you can't afford a house anymore but you can rent but you do get food delivery in Netflix and a cell phone so come on come on okay so I'll rent forever but at least college is cheap no no college is 60,000 well wasn't that what my parents house cost in the 80s okay you're getting off track here kids first of all it's because you're lazy and you're not working hard enough okay there's just this Legacy of broken promises we are told to make a lot of money work hard get promotions where's the promotions at where's the hiring at it everything is just not what we were sold jenz is realizing that they need six figures to live their life that they want to live like of course it's not necessary everywhere in America but um broadly there's this idea that you're going to need six figures to live that life to be able to go on vacation sometimes buy the clothes you want sometimes you know splur surge eat nice food not worry about the light bill the electricity all of these sorts of things not having to worry about it comes at a price tag and that price tag is just way higher than it ever was before it's like you thought one thing and then it's your turn to pay that bill and you're like dang I need more money five figures isn't going to cut it all of this is accumulating at once and Jen's observing it Jen's experiencing it and they're really going through it we also know that jenz is is the generation that values living their life over slaving for a company more power to them like yes absolutely when I sit on panels when people interview me they always ask me the same question why is jinz so lazy no no no no no no no no no jinz is actually very smart so let's get lazy out of our head we're smart and that's the reason why we get so much backlash hey we have social media at the palm of our fingertips so I can see online when somebody just got laid off in a very nasty despicable way from from a company I can see online when somebody is not being paid the right amount of salary that they should be paid as their other colleagues we can see it all online but still companies expect us to put all of our trust and all of our eggs in their basket that has a big hole at the bottom and all the eggs are dropping through that was a cute analogy and since other Generations don't want to change we have to kind of like force you all to change cuz at the end of the day we are the future of the workforce baby can't get rid of us us and the only way that change is going to happen is if we continue to have hard set boundaries that we will not let up on so remember Jin Z these companies have showed us that we are easily replaceable so do not let that job stress you out continue to enjoy your life and do your job as well but I only D 9 to five and I feel like a lot of generations had this similar sentiment but you live your life and you realize but I need the six figures but I need to work and so you just fall into slaving you fall into just being the Cog and the Machine cuz you realize well what am I going to do not work it's just enough people that are playing the game that we're not able to shift into a world where the companies have to serve us and that's really what I hope jenz will be able to do shift it to where we get that 4 day work week to where we get those shorter hours to where the company starts having to serve us and to bend to our wills and what our needs are cuz right now it's really it's not like that and as much as we want it to be that way like it's not there yet and I think it's because there's just too many people that are willing to play the game and not enough people willing to say these companies need to start giving us what we need and I think another um thing that I've noticed about gen Z they want to be content creators 57% of gen ZZ says that if they had the opportunity that they would be a content creator and I feel like this has to go along with hustle culture this is genen Z's version of the hustle and the grind and I'm not knocking it at all because I feel like whatever you can do to take control to take power of the fact that you have to work you need to make money um and if content creation is it for you if content creation is what's going to make that easier for you then you know do what you got to do I like the idea that gen Z is more welcoming to the idea of having their own source of income and doing whatever you need to do to not have to rely on the corporate side of America to do that for you because as we see like they don't care about you they're very much not doing anything anything about the fact that the wages aren't giving that um the benefits aren't giving that all of it is not giving anymore they don't care and until they're forced to have to do something about it they're not going to do anything so it's like unfortunately we have to take the power into our own hands and like work those side jobs try to become a content creator all those things that previous generations probably didn't think to do or have the desire to do yeah I just hope that power can be given back to gen z um in the fact that very much value your life over a job like don't slave away for a company I like the direction that jenz is going in prioritizing their life and having fun overs slaving away at a company because at the end of the day like all you have is your life nobody wants to live to work you want your work to serve your life you want your work to fund your life and there's definitely a difference there what once was hidden is not hidden anymore and I that's the best part about everything jenzy has the most access to what the workforce is actually like and I think that they have the exposure to see that a lot of these things were lies and so very much take that information and make it serve you oh and I think the word that we have for this is quiet quitting and quiet quitting is when employees continue to put in the minimum amount of effort to keep their jobs but they don't go the extra mile for their employer this might mean not speaking up in meetings not volunteering for task and refusing to work over time I think the general sentiment around this movement is that let's not go above and beyond for or a company that is not serving you if your company is good they give you promotions they give you fair wages they give you fair raises overall treat you well then maybe client quitting isn't for you a lot of Corporations aren't treating their Workforce well they're overworking them they're underpaying them they're not giving them promotions they're not giving them raises that actually go along with inflation rates quiet quitting might be what helps you I think the second thing that jenz needs to do in order to take their power back as they go through this quarter life crisis is to really plan out their life in a meaningful way a lot of us just let life happen to us as we're experiencing all these hardships we can end up feeling like we're drowning and I think something that helps is taking control wherever you are in life I think having a plan helps the situation I hope jenzy makes it through I know they will because all the generations have made it through we made it we did it and there's more crisises to come and so the the the easier becomes the more tools that you have to serve as you're going through a quarter life crisis the better and I think it's just a natural part of growing up it's a natural part of becoming an adult and I just hope there's more empathy for jzy empathy for Millennials empathy for all the generations that have come and will come um as they go through aging we all we out different cards but in the end of the day we're all just trying to be happy and navigate through life in a smooth way I hope that helped don't forget to like comment and subscribe and I will see you guys in the next YouTube video
Channel: tinysey
Views: 534,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gen z, quarter life crisis, work, workforce, lay offs, tech, gen alpha, future, crisis, mid life, aging, like, milk, youth, cant read, millenials, adulting, cringe, tiktok
Id: eXdd_a0Rn8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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