GEN vs. C9 | Worlds Quarterfinals Day 4 | Gen.G vs. Cloud9 | Game 1 (2021)

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thank you so much dash i like it i like the strategy coming in from our analysts if you predict every possible outcome at least one person will be right we'll have to see i imagine there are a lot of n a fans out there watching the broadcast we'll see if gen g can come out swinging because you know you heard it on the desk maybe a bit predictable maybe a team that has gotten too much into their comfort zone it's something that even they acknowledge that they've been playing the same way since last year yeah they very much do i mean in in the genji self-documentary they were talking about you had the coaching staff flaming and talking to the players about at times their lethargic approach to changing metas and them being so secure in the way that they play the game but you get you get a certain amount of comfort from going back to the same champions and bdd specifically this tournament at worlds has shown what the rewards are for playing what you specialize in specifically with his zoe blasting both games there beating team liquid beating longzhu with it in very impressive manners yeah i think a lot of the time comfort sometimes is key sometimes you're late to the meta sometimes you're late to pick up things like the gravestop or whatever it may be but when it gets to the quarters and semis it feels like comfort is always the best thing to go back to if you find ups and downs in these champions at the end of the day a win is a win genji you can have their eyes on that we'll see if they default back to comfort or if they've adapted more if they're going to bring more picks out we did see a little bit of the movement we saw hints of that development over time last time we were from bdd it was the end of week one of groups and he was giving that insight has had a lot more time since then to study the meta to adapt and see if genji can get over some of their weaknesses and being slow to adapt and show us more today and speaking of a win freak just said it on the desk this iteration of genji are winless in an international best of five they bombed out in quarter finals last year against g2 and now they're up against perks once again in the quarter-finals here at worlds 2021. it's so important to highlight because there's so much history between these teams not just from the gen g quarterfinal last year where perks beat them when he was playing on g2 but also for klid 2019 both best of fives he played on skt he got beaten by perks and g2 then in 2020 he's on genji he loses to perks in g2 now in 2021 in a quarter final in an elimination match will he for the fourth time in a row lose to perks that's smug mid laners face oh yeah the perks has a mental advantage you know perks is writing something in the pre-game lobby chat trying to get into their heads all the time getting into draftkobe we were talking about mid lane champions we haven't seen bdd play leblanc we haven't seen bdd play rise we haven't seen play tf so i think c9 might have an edge in specifically mid lane shampoo exactly the point of the meta and this team adapting and playing to it so many of these roaming mid lane picks some of these mid lane picks that offer map control rather than lane control you know bdd you always associate the zoe and the azir with him meanwhile they're banning out three all three perks target bands leblanc irelia twisted fate ryze is left up for them though yeah we see it right there three mid lane bands the only other champion that bdd has really played has been the syndra and we saw perks as irelia against rogue five one and ten had a great game 25-minute win for them but with mf down and you me down that takes away two iterations of bot lane athelios first picked expecting genji to prioritize some kind of thrash and there's the ziggs lease in interlock from cloud9 and as easy it is for us to talk about perks versus bdd ruler is a core piece of this genji lineup him getting a fellows was massive but the second we see this ziggs locked in means that cloud9 are throwing us a curveball spin on the ziggs they can play towards the bottom lane or they can free vulcan to go anywhere else okay so we haven't seen live stress at all at worlds yet but he's gone for the lulu blind pick how does c9 one approaches do they want to pick up a mid laner here like a syndra like a rise is that a yasuo yasuo baby the kick combo into ultimate what they're just daring i was expecting some kind of dam one comp in mid jungle right syndra lee sin maybe some rise leasing give him some setup but no instant level six cc and banning out pdd now let me tell you this is such an ego on bdd they're gonna pick up the yasuo here and then ban out his two champions and dare him see what you have next and the thing here that's so scary is we've heard it from genji so many times they are a team that preps well that plans well when things come out of the blue in the game whether it's in the moment decision makings maybe if it's crazy picks on stage they do not always respond well they are not always ready so the question inevitably is is these bands start coming through is bdd ready for this yasuo and that's such a good research that banned there by c9 yes you have sins on one side but bdd has been playing set this year in the lck and it is a decent matchup into yasuo lee sin if you build for just armor-plated steel caps first base so really targeting bdd shampoo there but he still has syndra and syndra is a very powerful champion with xin zhao i'm expecting bdd to maybe lean towards that meanwhile they're looking at support here for cloud9 it's got to be a playmaker for sven uh to pick up four vocals the nautilus is kind of a no-brainer you get your knock-up guaranteed on somebody for the knot for the also later plus it can provide those roams if he wants the leaves then two waveclear on the bottom side with these zigs cannon is such a huge pick right now if c9 can get cannon and have ap top 80 ap 80 carry their setup is perfect but if genji can deny it what can fudge challenge pick i feel like c9 are spelling a kennen last pick here so genji are going to smartly take it away from them does fudge have another ap champ maybe a gwen come out he could go chase into it jay still up very good matchup into canon uh it would be very heavy aed and normally only rely on the ziggs carry but it can it can come through yeah that's my only real worry when you go for matchups like that i mean you could go for camille right it does have a lot of true damage inside its kit so you're not really falling into that as much but the ken and denial very smart pick up there and we'll see if fudge wants to pick out something like the gwen aatrox now coming out at the end of the day it does make it feel like detroit's mint potential cannon mid or an atrocity certainly still have the luxury and the flexibility here but bdd forced off of comfort again genji creatures of habit to see them forced onto new picks already in game one is going to be a reckoning if they can do well on these champions if they can adjust on the fly it is huge for this series if they fall down easy for cloud9 to keep the momentum going yeah i think it actually is going to be a swap here jarvan instead now that can be good in a cannon if you go for the all-in yeah and i do very much think it's aatrox amid into yasuo because it's actually a good matchup into yaso but for the top side if the jarvan doesn't get jungle attention you have to play off your kill threat versus kennen and if they don't actually have focus up there then it falls away as a pick so you got to think it's going to be the default game plan leave the ziggs by himself the wave clear roam vulcan up there support and jungle and we saw tl run java on top we saw afari play it into i believe it was um they were picking into a canon mad lions i believe it was armored playing the cannon it did work out they got all over early kills but the jarvan fell off the lease and might fall off c9 are on against the timer was genji and cloud9 load under the rift for our last quarter final we're getting the perfect set up to game one with the tunes of the north american burn it all down remix featuring denzel curry be sure to check out the song and all the different remixes on the official league of legends playlist on spotify of course the tension rises there's so many questions that can be answered in this game one where and how do genji want to play how will they respond to so many of the wild picks that we are seeing ziggs in the bot lanes for sven can cloud9 make it work is it a kill lane is vulcan leaving i know i've got a million questions and i'm sure you guys are in the same boat well i actually know exactly how they're going to play not so much questions i think that this opening draft here is right into gen g game plan they have such good scaling opportunities they have a lot of good defensive ones it's going to be cloud9 the aggressor genji trying to buy that time they've got a felios lulu for later and kennen if they can bring that together for the team fights however cloud9 will accelerate this game mid and jungle roaming playmaking opportunities will be so important for them and let's look at the synergy cloud9 champs have yesterday association is one combo but jarvan ziggs into aphelios lulu kennen three in mobile champs no flash jarvanaut into zigzal that's a one pop whoever is inside that jarvanal so really good setup to deny the immobile carries of genji but i'm really scared for c9 if this rocks and affiliates are even 20 25 minutes in i feel like gen g scaling is really heavily favored in this game often times too when you're playing against kennen and it has been very difficult for so many teams here at worst play against kennen in the later stages you need someone to mark the champion jarvan is one of the best at marking kennen because if you find him on the flank you just alt and then eq out backwards and it forces kenan to either be stuck in the cataclysm as we don't have anyone caught here in the level one or have to use the flash early so definitely does have a important job later on in the game as well certainly and mitigating some of those options if it is a more even game state is going to be key if cloud9 do want to come out on top against so many of these incredibly powerful team fighting champions similarly if ruler and life get ahead of the clock maybe in a way that could be unexpected very hard to just burst him down yes zigg's jarvan feels good but if he's got a shield both he's got to fed lulu very hard to take out that champion and let me cast your minds back a year ago when g2 face up against genji you know what happened in all three of those games level ones they always got a flash they always got a kill the level ones from g2 were really creative we saw a little glimpse of c9 trying something there they won't get anything it's just gonna be a ward trade off ward on the raptors four c9 and then this blue buff watered out for genji and it's important where they went for it right because they're trying to get if you would have been able to get a flash off ken and early that just completely changes how you play the lane you're going to don't get to go so aggressive as rascal on the top side trying to harass him and that would just be an easy target for those jungle and mid uh and support rooms we talked about i love how we were talking backstage about silence rise zoe azir syndra and it's a tropics versus yes c9 had to leave the blue so all in going in easy trade so far but life just autoing back not too concerned whatsoever just takes it on the chin with the guardian and walks away yeah guardian deceptively uh powerful there for the support combination obviously uh there with the felios being able to start very aggressively in the trade vulcan down to damage here like a night out going forward he's gonna go flash for the auto he's ticking he's burning life's gonna do it turning life into death first blood for gen g yeah cloud9 bot lane really disrespecting gen g there they leashed they didn't have a ward in the bush gen g had bush control they're double range champs and c9 have no heal the second that hook misses and vulcan khan frog aftershock he's dead yeah super big laps in judgment there from the cloud nine bottom lane from vulcan otto going forward rascal does have flash he's trying to walk away but easy oh flash auto follow solo kills on both sides of the map so much action on both side lanes lots of orleans and c9 winning out on the top side gen g winning out on the bot side solo kill for fudge yeah what what roams you know doesn't even need any roams the harassment from the flag here with arie with the doran's ring start it's something that we mentioned and touched on the last time when we saw team liquid do the jarvan into kennen response but they didn't have such a good opening and since camera was on bottom side didn't see the extra health exchange here is the movement from vulcan though as they go right in for number two he's trying to push him out of this bush you see he puts towards he's trying to push them out but the second he misses the hook and he can't get after shock he exhausts flashes out live finishes the kill so a bit of a misstep there from cloud9's bot lane but like we just saw on the top side going in favor of fudge and we were absolutely ready for this game to be all about mid lane instead the side lanes are where we have to look fudge finding a solo kill bot lane finding that 2v2 kill and it is so big because we know cloud9 want vulcan to get out of lane they want him to roam life and ruler are not letting that happen by finding these early advantages one of the other big things in both of those kills was that the wave was actually in a good spot for both of the ones getting those kills so uh or receiving them uh rascal teleports right back fudge teleports right back bottom side as well you get to actually hold on to your teleport from zven ziggs just stays down there relying on the wave clear uh has biscuit so he can just push out now and still go back this means that you kind of buy time for openings for possible vulcan roams around the map he's gonna be very vulnerable though because he has to rely only on hex flash and sometimes it can be a liability walking around if you get caught out without your jungler yeah but top lane no flash that's where the cannon is most vulnerable he won't have that for another three and a half minutes or so and the jar of level six is deadly so genji needs to cover top side soon and starts to get top side vision they already have a vision in the river brush i think basing now and going to his top respawn should help out rascal a little bit i want to point out the deep ward they took the time to put on wolves as well because both junglers uh starting on the opposite sides of the map means that blue quadrant respawning for both junglers should be opposite sides of the map and blabber showing on some of these wards means that zinn heading towards top side to cover and to help that kennen is going to have priority there but cloud9 using the time to take over on bottom side and of course in the meantime as we wait for some more action in this game verizon 5g all chat you can share your thoughts your impressions anything over on twitter verizon 5g all chat the way to do it let us know who you think is going to take this game it's still very early anyone's game absolutely yeah both genres just cycling through their second players now blabber on the bot side on the top side they're going to keep mirroring each other's pathing but that would like to talk about kobe on the wheels should time out but you can see the ping right there onto blabber genji have full information of jungle c9 should know where is because he didn't show on the top crap he was on bot grab so it means he started top side you'd expect with the early ward on the raptors too uh c9 put a lot of both side vision here you can see i think he'll spot out soon take the time now closer to move down but obviously having that vision on to make sure that the bot lane can feel relatively comfortable just to sit under this tower and wave clear interestingly enough ruler because he does not get the kill drops by a coal when he retreats so not able to snowball that early kill deed into anything more than lane pressure at this moment so c9 their comp really spikes at six jarvanauts leasing all the the setup is great on the top side and sven has saved his tp in case anything kicks off so genji will be at a disadvantage at level six fights especially given that zen has tp but genji's comp scales very well so it's on c9 to look for some kind of plays well jungle is contesting top side crap here but look at vulcan he's first on the play but he spotted out on the ward in mid no he's not he actually ran around it so my face check into the support here blabber just going walks out of the bush perks getting lower and lower infernal chains will not pull them back they're not going to fight for the crab but clint's going to grab that one and run away quick flash out though getting that one for free in the end trading it for the scuttle crab a little bit of money earned there but not a lot of meaningful uh map advantage now you get to transition back to the other side he will get access to the zen ultimates uh pretty quickly here with his level six but that flash is another opening for a possible punishment uh as there's no other escapes for this champion yeah definitely especially with jarvan yeah so lisa on the enemy team i think played the steel caps will be the aim of the game for genji and you can see the problem genji have in the early game if vulcan runs out of lane towards top side life has to match monolu which is not ideal you want to match it on a melee support because it's better in early skirmishes as i say that the level stickers have come in rascal's flash should be timed so they should know it's around 30 45 seconds from now maybe they have a window blabber gets spotted out so they should no fudge is here and nothing will come of it also looking at the early upgrade for the berserker grieves there are four perks a lot of possible setup for this yasuo if they can gain control of the mid lane you know they've just pushed out of uh river there so the ward vision around river for cloud9 can allow him to either go play off those hooks or kicks or even jarvan eqs on top side certainly is an option but of course i think it's good that we're looking now at the bottom side of the map because the support matchup here is something that we need to take into account you can see dual proximity significantly lower 14th coming out for vulcan here where's life spending all more time we're seeing that exemplified here there may be c9 fighting for this one perks roving down oswald can't get him in the area but they don't want to take the risk happy for now just to settle on the blue buff of course perks doesn't need it so easy for blabber to pick that up and take the extra experience yeah the level six from c9 is just really scary all blabber has to do its war jump kick someone the yaso instantly follow on top of a zigzag so no mobility for gen g to actually contest that no vision either so instead they're gonna move towards the top side of the map blabbers top side camps are respawning so maybe clear wants to look for something there but harold spawning we just saw the kill and assist at 15 vulcan is first he needs to be alto blaine and he needs to be helping his team a lot of perks that's on the bdd get caught out there by the first two hits of the the blade definitely make that trade a little bit difficult not really a lot of sustain yet for the awesome blabber in the area not sure if we want to commit for this one will we see a kick come out blabber for now backing off life in the area vulcan here as well but down a level both sides just gonna walk away so much matching so far this game just trying to defend all of these possible openings they know it's gonna be explosive when it pulls out but bottom side is the big payment for gen g because they've got zven recalling uh and he actually does not use the teleport exactly he's saving his teleport for possible rift herald play on top side of the map yeah so the trade-off should be the herald for those bot plates that ruler just got but perks just got really chunked out maybe genji fancied themselves a fight here he committing the ultimate now hitting the first hit of the blaze perks force to flash away third stack now picking up blabber on the pursuit rascal ready to go to the wall if he needs to but he's not going to gladstone takes him out safety but genji with control on the top side just like that bdd will earn the opening for gen g to get the first objective not much that cloud9 can do about it now flash is burned for both perks and blabber taking down a lot of the playmaking clutch is actually still sniffing around though looks like c9 are just losing out everywhere on the map bdd has the mid push rascals first to respond on this herald and c9 get pushed out of top side while ruler is getting placed in bots so it's only a 4 500 gold leaf for gen g right now but they have a lot of gold ready to be used it secures its fudge but now fully committing against the tv going in cloud9 want to take this fight fudge might be in trouble but flappers on the way rascal on the back side though this could be disaster spent going to all but it's not going to do anything fudge going they've already taken the herald there's no reason for c9 to fight here fudge now running maybe they've saved fudge's life but it doesn't look like it wins become lightning and fudge goes into the they're trying to collapse right now they use the teleport from sven but they can't get anything gen g sweep the map of objectives and guess what you see on the mini map he's heading right back down to bottom lane ruler walking his way towards another minion wave for aphelios that turret is already at two turret plates as well going to sustain some damage and we wanted to see how genji were going to handle some of these unknown variables some of these crazier picks are you also in the mid lane ziggs on the bottom side ultimately they have weathered the storm the level six that they were so scared of they have made it through life and ruler dominating on the bottom side of that brewer getting so many plates the fact that genji also got that herald is for this putting cloud9 in a 1k deficit that will shoot up to 2k once they are able to drop that and this is what we've seen from genji all tournament long you remember their game against mad lions where rulers doing the exact same thing cars he runs top side to help his team not with numbers advantage he farms a ball tower genji play by the book but it works this game being so calm in the opening is playing right into their hands they win 4v5 and get the extra teleport sven now not having teleport on the zigs means he has to walk all the way down to this dragon cloud9 going to force on the dragon thereby giving up top push on uh you know to the cannon who rascal by the way does that teleport uh if he wanted to join us yeah i was gonna say his fudge gonna tp top here just to catch that wave looks like he will in the end the problem now is you're down double tp against gen g they have all the map control that they want they have a herald popton bot that's going to be first tower you know there's a world where genji can push for a tier two here and invest double tp to force it they don't have to be over aggressive they might be a little bit conservative here but they can do it with rascal's tv yeah this team that has a felios lulu and kennen for later for these team fights getting such an early lead and early map control is going to do a lot for them now after taking bottom side you can easily transition push one more wave for ruler and life then you swap them push them right up mid lane and you can key pressure on these turret plates there's so much more time left with third place they can actually gain money perks of course the mid lane doing his best to hold on we take a look 2k difference as expected first getting more items in his belt is good but the the steel cap as you talked about an easy purchase bdd getting out of that one i mean say what you will about bdd's champool with uh not playing the twisted fate and only a few games of rise this year on it he doesn't have to play what is most highly prized in the meta the aatrox here doing so much work for them earning that objective he's the one who started out the health leads that got them the top side play he's the one that escapes from this flash roam from vulcan with just the ultimate on aatrox definitely another great showing from him absolutely is let's take this moment out and check in on the verizon 5g all chat brian espinoza let's go c9 the faithful shall be rewarded c9 fans since 2015 genji is going home with the quarterfinals consolation prizes today absolute confidence mr espinoza i respect that but that said right now they're gonna need to find a way out of this hole before they win this uh win this best of five they definitely are i mean rascal has deep advantage and he's bots right now so genji you can just play top side c9 what's your response they're gonna have to try and shut down the cannon you'd imagine but then they're giving up another tower to rulers or filios who's been getting so much gold this game so c9 always have a numbers disadvantage the more they play to the same lane the genji do in alignment and along the lines of those tweets there can be an explosive team fight here in store for cloud9 the the the gold lead is definitely slipping away from them and the item completions are going to be very difficult to deal with you know especially the gale force on ruler the extra mobility there makes it more difficult to catch but their combination especially with blabber's flash back off cooldown can be undodgeable if he flashes in and gets it but the tp situation is really hurting them look fudge had to move mid perks had to move top to try and shut someone down if they can get a pick here they'll unlock the map but the thing is they're losing on three lanes dive kick they also all not quite in range they're gonna get knocked back and if you can hit the hook there they all will go off that's gonna go in perks immediately alternate back away but flappers already going down bdd and raspberry in the area it's gonna be a bloodbath perkz's wet wall can't block that lock to find the inferior chains we'll manage to make it out genji descending on c9 they have over committed for the play and genji are happy to punish yeah c9 get out scaled and they have to force something but genji have double tp advantage so yes you can shift up towards top and commit four numbers but genji can just pull the trigger on double tp and match you with five pedro that only works if you instantly annihilate ruler if you instantly followed up with the combo but there is no fall off there he actually gets his holds off he buys a lot of time the teleports come in and they get wiped those teleports when there are an advantage for gen g you can't spare those extra seconds you have to be surgical and the way c9 whole comp works is you have to single out a target as we see in the axe replay blabber goes in but the kick is just way too early perks perches on the same screen he's not in range to follow up with the ultimate so then blabbers basically dying for ruler but you've invested four ultimates to kill him so now when the double tp comes in zven tries to flash away but it's collapsing because they have three pushing lanes genji owned the whole map you need to also just praise gen g for the map movement here they have been so calm in this early game and just holding on to these defensive answers to the first move from cloud nine all comes down there and knows the with the opening you know this golf claps all around it's going according to playing there for gen g after that play uh zven knows that there is a plummeting chance here for cloud9 in game number one incredibly difficult genji controlling the game controlling the pace the game even with some hectic top side action and a solo kill for fudge genji keep their eye on the prize keeping control of the pace we talked about the mid game this is where genji are usually shaky if they don't have a lead but they do have a lead much easier for them now to start this fight as they engage onto vulcan has been marked out genji for now just pushing in for vision cloud nine of course have play making potential can fish for maybe this 1v1 as perks walks in a lot of damage initially onto the cannon does blade now coming out rascal with the ulti though just going to find the disengage the ulti comes in on the back side meanwhile both just getting picked off genji now in position to take the second herald of the game yeah c9 are trying to get some kind of setup to contest this herald because like we've been talking about take talk for c9 these plays aren't going in their favor but they have to find something eventually you can see fudge might even want to try to force this a little bit perks around but without the ultimate i think they're just gonna have to back off that seems kind of crazy yeah they don't have ziggs ultimate or perks ultimate and vulcan in base that's got to be an objective for gen g they should be able to continue to snowball this map as well dragon spawning soon it can reset off the empowered recall here trying to bait him towards the brush but works in the area no ulti for perks though he's gonna make this hard we got fights everywhere now they're trying to take down ruler red white don't fight but maybe they can make a work ruler healing up from the ultimate trying to get it down blabber will manage to hold on to his life meanwhile on the top side of the map one kill for c9 but what will it cost them is perks and budger now running for their lives clip pushing forward harold collapsing top side will break the tower but cloud9 take ruler down they're going to try and trade objectives here they want mid turret because they've got ziggs who can execute that turret quickly and blabber will take the dragon but because of the rift herald you have to answer the top side push that thing will go down so quickly it's going to get one shot here herald into four members of gen g they will push for two yeah c9 get a kill well genji got a kill on vulcan earlier on now they get two towers top tier two is worth so much gold but c9 have the dragons right they have the late game with dragons their comp doesn't scale well but dragons can help them the problem is it's a cloud dragon it definitely is a problem but the the bonus there for for cloud9 is they're happy to trade in these sorts of situations because they had ziggs and the capability with the satchel charge to quickly execute that mid turret they do get some gold back on top of the kill plus the turret plus the dragon they've also gotten both dragons can set themselves up for that out and set themselves up for that soul win condition and while genji are firmly in control of 4k gold advantage we know cloud9 are a team that can make comebacks they can't find those big fights in those big moments and gen g notoriously where they have struggled is closing out confidently in mid and late game situations and that's exactly it right when you approach shinji in this series as cloud9 you have two options one you go what mad lines did and you play control majors you play slow and you let genji win the early game but fail in the mid game and you outscale them and you punish them for their overextensions or you match them with firepower and early and i'll scale them with neutral objectives right now that's the option that c9 have been chosen for they have got two dragons themselves just like we talked about but the thing is genji are just really far ahead and they have full map control and here's my plan for gen g you wait until ruler has this flash once he has flash he will be able to carry you no problem versus this he has been under attack from cloud9 for the last five minutes because of that flash down and they've gotten some big objectives off of it but him having that extra mobility plus the lulu plus the exhaust plus the gale force here should allow him to avoid the kind of collapse scenario for genji allowing them to more cautiously play this map and guess what when you have uh you know white gun and you're playing into this heavy melee dive sort of composition if they can't one shot you you do so much locked out they are gonna get the ultimate out goes back through with the proto belt now trying to leap out to save you but does get taken down blabber again clean another shutdown in favor of c9 critical pick in the mid game where cloud9 know that they have to take it coming up i think klit is hovering around maybe so i thought this tv was coming up in two seconds i thought klit was just hovering around to maybe collapse on them but it looks like xian's gonna back off but like you said kobe huge pick for c9 they need to make picks they need to get genji's flashes one by one or kill them one by one and that's how they unlock the map you know i think that reaction actually illustrates what bdd was kind of talking about in his interview with with ashley where he was talking about sometimes they they do berate themselves for not taking those split-second decisions when you see the opening and jumping on an opportunity like that whereas cloud9 always jump on it for better or worse sometimes you know sometimes good sometimes not so good and you need to be able to spot out these opportunities you need to know in that moment when it comes to aggressive play-making this is the fight we're going to take and we need to take it now if you are too slow if you hesitate on the tv if you hesitate at all a fight and an opportunity can slip away from you and cloud nine sometimes they take too many opportunities as you've highlighted but often better to take a few too many than take up youtube and that's something both of these teams need to clean up moving forward in the tournament you face edg you face a t1 or a dumb on making those mistakes and failing those split second decisions can be fatal i will say from the position of gen g though looks pretty good and you can't really fault them for being a little cautious in this scenario where they have such a big lead and every one of their counters has worked out they want to save the extra resources now though cloud9 have double teleport and that possibility dracos is definitely there a minute and 40 seconds left on dragon number three that is the one big kind of comeback avenue that cloud9 have opened to them at this moment gets very scary though because this cannon this pivotal cannon flash coming up here for rascal and just bought the stopwatch that thing can be devastating in a lot of the scenarios again so many melee champs on the side of cloud9 when you group up when you take that yasuo ultimate in you are then vulnerable to a lot of the aoe yeah exactly a lot of people think of peel as defensive tools right life can buff up ruler he can give him shield speed and health but aggressive peel is always good as well if this sends out on cannon or diving onto fen and he has forced to run away and he can't really follow up or they're diving on the perks then you buy more time for ruler genji actually starting up baron here they have got a feeling also will go down quite quickly but c9 should be in the area to respond he wanted aggressive decisions coming out from gen g this is certainly one of them a little bit high risk are they going to commit to it they certainly can shut it down with ease i'm going to walk away zigzal now gone lee sin always has to be respected here genji will back away c9 spotting that one out is big ziggs strikes fear into the heart of every jungler gagel when you're starting up baron and true here for gen g so risk avoidance here not going to continue on with that one just pulling them across the map that though is one of those openings some more time here for cloud9 to try and farm genji not necessarily pushing their lead to any sort of degree and look what c9 are doing they're actually ignoring dragon all of genji are now running from base straight to the drake c9 have stayed on the map they're running straight to top so they're trading goals for objectives here so this cloud soul we talked about if c9 skipped this it'll be around 10 minutes before they can start to contest it they want to trade for tier 1. i love this for two two reasons because if you give the cloud dragon you also cycle the soul you will force mountain by cycling soul giving cloud omega galaxy brain here you trade up in gold and you can get a better soul true certainly an option of course at this point we have the cloud rift we'll come through third drake of the game so in this case he's gonna grab their first one yep that's going to be genji's first cloud drake three more still though so it's 15 minutes until genji can even ah i'm trolling i'm trolling what are you talking about i was like i was like psycho psycho oh my gosh i was like we're going down in the ship kobe you know it was a little old man yells at clouds in this case i guess kind of literally but oh it's like get out of there cloud get out of there no they just want to slow the pace of the game down and get some more gold themselves their whole film revolves around gold and they're just trading the objectives for gold they're only around two 3k gold down now but the spikes are slowly starting to come in one two items being built for c9 qss four perks to stop the potting more from life and the stun from rescue you imagine but gen g just want to control the top side of the map for these next five minutes and we talked about it in the game and i think we have to hit it again for cloud9 it is hard to team fight against an aatrox against a cannon against ruler who's going to be sitting potentially unthreatened in the back line if you cannot immediately blow him up but there are avenues when you have a jarvan and ziggs together when you have this lisa and plus yasuo combo you certainly have the potential to blow ruler up or another key member at the start of the fight and leave no avenue for response on the side of gen g so eyes on execution eyes on the setup and the vision here for now we see genji very much controlling the top side of the map controlling the area around the pit but c9 trying to get mid prior so they can take some of that back how cool would that be though if you could often do cycling like that it would road just keep recycling drakes until you get the one you want i don't like this roll there's like a coin you can like refresh the drake you go and you donate 50 gold it just swapped all right cloud9 then with the outer turret gold see what they can actually do with it some completions coming in uh the qss the sterics both going to be very big for these possibilities there's a tp war behind perks that's being pinged by bdd i think they were pinging it and looking for some kind of thing but the reason this game is slowing down is because hang on a second i'm standing by we're gonna walk away i was just gonna say the reason this game is kind of slowed down a bit is genji you want to find a setup to get this baron but c9 have a really good wave clear in the vent can just one pop the wave so genji can't threaten anything but then genji is fine waiting for ruler to get more and more items so it's like a standoff right now until drake spawns you imagine we're walking up and hey right as you call it there it is the wave now deleted now gonna be in trouble immediately going to use the ultimate you're also waiting trying to buy time on the ultimate but ruler is so damn strong budget to the backline though drag instantly into it perks on the yasuo that's one for him one for fudge now genji going to be in trouble rascal bdd life all eyes on the cannon ultimate grass going the reengage can be big here it can't be the difference maker but perks is still standing strong c9 standing strong bdd in the midst of everybody rascal fighting his time waiting for the opportunity but fudge is popping off rascal can't even push or this is massive for c9 that's a nice they did it they brought the team fight together the cloud nine hope is still alive 25 minutes into the game and baron will be there yeah and i thought c9 would slow it down and wait for the dragon get a good setup and maybe punish a face check but vulcan just flash hooks and now all of a sudden cloud9 get five kills they're getting themselves to baron this comp that's on a timer is now ahead and this ziggs with a yasuo windwall is eating turrets this gold lead is going to grow for cloud nine those opportunities the split second decisions that we highlight for them jumping in on to clinton even though blabber goes down to teleport for fudge they know this is their chance this is their opening right on to ruler the biggest mistake though you have to argue for genji is first of all klit disrespecting the flash hook and second of all life uses the wild growth onto to keeping up so when c9 commits onto ruler there's no real peel from life bdd spit up rascal finally arrives and then it's just a 5v3 4b3 they just have to make sure they can land the spells and fight oh my god it's the man of the fight but absolutely isn't on the side of rascal waited too long did not have the confidence to pull the trigger in that moment with flash with ken and all he could not save that fight i love the span reactions either in the big play or in the losing plays you put faith in the knock-ups and this is cloud9 the team that originally bloc brought you the yasuo plus gragas combinations way back in the day they've got knock-ups to spare even with blabber down fudge finding so many of them perks there as well into the back line following it up yeah we saw in the teaser before this game this will be an endurance series this is all about endurance and when you've got the most internationally successful north american team alongside possibly the greatest western player of all time endurance is their comfort zone perks a man who has made miraculous comebacks game five versus rng his entire track record on g2 now on cloud nine against gen g determined to head to his next world semi-final has not missed it since 2018 wants to make good on it now for gen g they have to weather the storm they have to find a way back into the game because the fact that they were winning the fact that they built a massive lead and cloud9 still took that baron and took that fight for them is bad news for them if they let this one get away yeah genji still have good scaling though the affiliates dude will do a lot of damage in fights if ruler can get uptime last time around the fight c9 was able to one-shot him before he could start to find any damage so c9 have to be careful if ruler is up has up time and can hit on the fudge and blabber he will shred them down when he gets his third item we'll have the infinity edge for now though cloud9 turning their attention back to their third dragon of the day of the game setting themselves up for soul point gen g for now just going to be happy to fight for mid priority look to take down that t1 potentially the cl sven has alt and they have no baron buff so should be easy to just delete the wave and deny that objective genji's mid game kind of faltering a bit rascal a lot of indecisiveness especially in that last fight as you highlighted had alton flash but he didn't find the angle now he's on the side looking for sven perhaps but sven has flash genji need to make sure they set up vision control and make cloud9 walk into them so rascal can find the right angle yeah i mean the problem for gen g is that cloud9 were so surgical and they immediately knew what to do off of the win for that team fight you get your bearing you burn empowered recall you take over bottom side because bottom inhibitor is always the most valuable it's furthest away from baron when number two spawns you can draw them across the map but also because you leave all that vision through red quadrant of the jungle leading up to the dragon allowing blabber to easily pick that cloud dragon up setting themselves up for the possible soul there in four and a half minutes yeah but big item picked up by ruler now has the infinity edge three item affiliates with summoners up c9 need to be very very careful but they do have three stopwatches so a lot of time that they can buy if rascal does find the right angle for now sieging on this top tier hook goes a little bit wide here vulcan hasn't proc after shotgun is very squishy we'll go golden with the use of the stopwatch perks now backing off wind wall to prevent the rein game with vulcan now caught out exhaust does go down the volcano goes in that's the kenneth essentially useless but ruler is not that is the damage now stepping forward spinning with all of his might man he does so much damage in this exchange fudge walking away cloud9 holding on but genji fighting back big escape there from fudge at the end cloud9 get out with just two casualties there it was such a big engagement for genji i like them actually forcing the issue here and this is one of the times where they take into their own hands because they know if they take the focus off of ruler they are allow ruler to hit you mention kendrick three item power spike for here he did so much damage you know chasing down uh you know perks on the outset there vulcan does go down early and stopwatch blonde yeah and he wasn't even there for the start of it i love the aggression coming out from he just eq's on to vulcan no matter what ultimate just forces the fight despite being 3v5 he knows when vulcan made a mistake and he punishes it straight away cleared massive props in this fight and then you see the response there so as soon as he flashes in and you get to charge in plus ultimate and stopwatch goes down immediately you have them running up the lane rascal uses ultimate for ken and ultimate there with the exhaust sound though cloud9 try and turn but when ruler gets there oh my goodness so much damage once he arrives you cannot afford to stay in they have to run and they scatter good ultimate there from fudge to eq over to the blast cone though and live and both the way both these comps work is they want to run forwards the second either of these comps is running backwards they've already lost a fight jarvan lee sinha will have to go in and athelios wants to be able to walk up with kennen and start the damage so whoever finds the first engage it feels like if they can single out one target they should be able to push forwards perks with the wind wall ruler with appeal from life another thing to look at here fudge is actually getting so much experience by side landing there he's 17 in this game now two levels over both solo laners from gen g this jarvan is very good at marking the cannon he's got a stopwatch for himself uh he can go to the sidelines use the ultimate try and keep him out even with all these summoner spells available burning them is very big yeah he has got a lot of xp level 17 but rascal just hits level 16 on kennen and he's basing does he have a void staff that's a three item cannon with flash up and c9 got him very very careful about that we've seen what a cannon can do we saw what khan could do yesterday so much attention to detail is necessary here those wards that they're just pinging now in their jungle behind them have to be swept out everybody going on the scavenger hunt right now find any flank ward you cannot afford for rascal to be behind you and in a game it's all about execution it does come down to a single ward it can't come down to a single moment a single decision genji they failed those checks once or twice will they have the confidence to force a fight when it comes time cloud9 have found that confidence across this game and again i think we have to give praise to fudge found a solo kill in lane was clutch in the mid lane team fight that turned the game we expect it to be all about perks versus bdd but fudge has been showing up in this game one yeah astonishing growth the whole year long for such a young player with veterans around him like perks and sven but i think c9 are in a little bit of a driver's seat right here they have the push in mid and they have control around the baron one minutes time they have a cloud soul available to them so that'll last for the entire game and having that on things like yasuo and ziggs can really help in terms of gap closing with your mobile carriers of gen g we'll see how they opt into it because maybe fudge can solo it while c9 started baron and genji have to make a decision this next fight is so pivotal and every player in this game knows it look at the inventories all of the stopwatches these consumables for one fight opportunity being purchased up stop watching something they're all over the place four and cloud nine also two on gen g to be able to pick this up so there's eight stopwatches in the next fight perks has a qss as well fudge can push in bots with tp and he can threaten the dragon starts if genji moved top side flash off for rascal a terrifying thing but as long as vulcan's in the area his exhaust is ready they cut out they're immediately going to go for the kick yasuo altitude wind wall to stop the potential follow-up ruler out and no man's land way too far away to help but all it's going to get them is klits flash in the end genji is still trying to push in mid lane trying to hold on to control yeah those ultimates have such big value for cloud9 this actually even though flash has a longer cooldown gives the opening for genji to decide to move into the river and rascal has found his flank genji you have to be very careful here yes they have the upper hand because blabber doesn't have old spots they still have a lot of knock-ups fudges combo vulcan's old budge now committing rascal on the flank has not been spotted ready to go in where is the ulti gonna go rascal hesitating they're taking their time they're back away c9 pull out they know they have to respect the cannon they do not over commit everyone is hesitating in this fight could have been a one shot there perks decided to commit but then you're committing into ruler and rascal could have found an angle everyone is unsure when they want to pull the trigger c9 pushing going forward purchase looking for the 1v1 the exhaust already going down running for his like dashing trying to go back but ruler will not let it happen he protects his jungler c9 burst to dragon down though they might get a soul out of it yes perks has died they're probably going to lose a baron too but that's going to be sold for c9 and absolutely perks there unrefined aggression the story of c9 unrefined defensive play the story of gen g but in that moment ruler stands supreme a world champion above an msi champion as they look towards the baron unrefined i like that meanwhile genji will make their transition 30 seconds left on the death timer from perks blabber has flash he has lee sin he has a blast cone he could steal this that burst as well with james you need to zone away blabber otherwise this is a 50 50. fudge is on the side perks doesn't have tv though or die moment spent poking clever shotgun blabber in the midst of the pit but he will not get it clint managed to secure it bdd off the side to make sure genji can walk away and genji walk away with the baron nice try there from number tries to kick away and then steal the nash we've seen canyon do that as well with the lee sin so perks dies genji get a baron c9 have a soul yes genji got the mid-tier one but c9 still have good wave clear but the zephilis is getting scarier and scarier four items with a buffed up lulu as we see this one again blabber looks for the kick on the who says genji is risk averse they're willing to flip it here versus flabber versus cloud9 and it is close kicks him away but just as he's just as he's flying out of range klid ultimate into smite able to get it and this game one is delivering genji's early game as promised finding advantages c9 scrappy in the mid game to find a way back in and now it is neck and neck it is baron buff versus a cloud soul it is a 2k gold advantage that means nothing at 35 minutes all that matters now is the execution and the fights and what genji can do with this baron buck the thing is genji have baron but they don't have great siege the only real objective they could look for is a bot tier 2 if they push in mid and move into that but c9 have decent wave gear they have decent way to defend so genji needs to find a way to just retake map control force c9 out of one side of their jungle whether it's top side or bot side and then allow bdd to move around the map because yes they have baron but what can they really get with it yeah big thing for genji is actually trying to create space here any way they can create some more space for themselves is going to be to their huge benefit ruler now level 17 meanwhile cloud9 burst damage all about that burst damage and the cc chain yeah and the thing is if reuter walks up to hit a tower he has to be scared of so many different things if he has no vision on fudge if flabbers on the side they need to wait for bdd to push in top move towards mid and then genji can stop playing for his spots or two exactly he cannot afford to use any of these cooldowns early vdd off to the side gently pushing in the bottom side baron and power minions are strong but the zigzag still going to do a lot of work there fudge going to try to make sure to delete as many as he can as pushes in the mid-wave using baron buff across three lanes now genji doing their best to split c9 up looks like they'll get the tier two in the end and that will be that three minutes 30 seconds on the elder dragon both teams just taking their time waiting for spikes rascal closer rabbit do you imagine sven very similar story ga is being picked up from all the defensive items still coming in c9 still have four stopwatches genji have a ga and three of them lots of peel here from both teams game one the tone center for what's to come in the rest of this series genji can they find it are they strong enough in the late game can they be their composure to close out perks now getting aggressive here does not hesitate immediately gonna follow up with the ultimate that's a zigzag from downtown bdd by as much time as possible meanwhile on the bottom side genji collapsing still though the aatrox running it's all 80 damage he's got steel cats he's surviving as long as he can third q doing big damage he's holding on forever that's finally a shutdown but what is it going to cost c9 rulers pushing into the base yeah it looks like they're looking for a ball tier 3 there but bdd is dead no tp for 60 seconds fudge going in looks for an angle but perks is too far sven rascal low but he still has a flash he still has the ultimate vulcan has the exhaust rascal now going forward he's flashing it sven goes golden but he's still gonna get taken down there ruler off to the back side completely untouched the ifelios free hitting across the entire c9 lineup of perks now coming in maybe they can extend the play maybe see not get something else but they opt not to continue the fight that was so big for gen g getting zven's flash out there we're just scaring him at the inhibitor that's the go button for rascal they all in they get the inhibitor even in knowing that they have lost their mid laner perks so far away that they actually can force it i have a blue orb ruler so they're gonna cancel his base they won't really get anything for it two minutes on elder unless they want to chase him down it's only fudge and perks maybe they're just trying to buy time here and i think like you said said sven losing flash maybe instead of going for rabbitons now he has to pivot and go for a zhonyas because in one minute 40 seconds there's an elder dragon on the map genji invested three flashes on their top side to do so but ruler still has both thumbs up and reuters is probably very close to a ga yeah i think he has it in base 30 seconds between the major objectives baron and elder dragon you win one fight you're very likely to win the other could be the death sentence and after such a back and forth early game genji finding lead c9 finding a way back into this game it may come down to one final fight cloud 9 is highlighted earlier mark rascal mark the cannon find him do not let him into your back line and absolutely certainly you must kill ruler or it will fall apart genji it's simple don't let them do that that's a six item i love that i love it just easy strategy don't let them do that they have so much fuel that ruler has a ga six items life has two items completed as well so he'll be buffing up quite a lot 55 seconds on that dragon eyes on perks eyes on the ruler see if perks can connect onto him oh it's tense every cooldown you have to be nervous a single flash a single ultimate burned early a qss an exhaust could cost you a team fight vulcan's exhaust is still down rascal with no flash but he finds access to the back line he will do massive massive damage horizon focus completed now as well a lot of tension the armor coming in from the side of bdd feeling good sven the only big threat that he has not itemized against he is very tanky and he will hurt cloud nines all a d top side solid at a lot of stages of this game but might cost them at some points later in these fights there's the rabbitons for sven though he didn't go for the zone yes it's a very immobile ziggs and very vulnerable but he does a lot of damage if c9 can find the right target they can burst them down this dragon's spawning in 10 seconds gen g trying to push c9 back who of course still have this cloud soul blank so important here fudge you can see trying to hover around here in the fog of war but genji moving as five has to be careful here you can't show on that bot way of genji have full control of this bot side jungle that's why they're keeping vision here blabber and fudge trailing elder 7k that's gonna get burned down they're just gonna shut down downtown no this might secure clint standing strong two for two on major objectives but with that one you have to feel like the baron is going to follow cloud9 they didn't find the fight that they wanted they will not find the 5v5 because genji with that buff are now looking to take baron uncontested slow and controlled calm from genji pays off again that smite finger from klid has been critical for them 700 health left on that one incredibly close ultimate there from sven the hail mary attempts but genji will get both uber buffs bottom inhibitor already down too so they can easily push on top side with these cloud9 gonna be in a very difficult situation here trying to decide if they even wanted to push out one more wave they're going to have to give so much of the base yeah bdd is going to base pick up an item tp straight back there's the black cleaver genji just have to force force force can c9 hold against this buffed up gen g squad so incredibly difficult stan of course has the range of but everyone else needs to leap into melee range into an affilios that is fully stacked bdd completely unafraid as just continues to step forward but cloud9 doing their best to delete the wave recalling here while they have the advantage are gonna go for the kick we'll connect on a few members genji debating really what they want to do rascal's already out of the area taking their time on this recall yeah rascal bases and goes to midwave they know they have top and if they have bolton genji you don't want to force any kind of nexus tower dives or anything like this they're just going to push in mid and try to take down that last inhibitor rascal basis has tp in case anything kicks off and now genji you're just going to run it down 40 minute slug fest now a 6k lead for genji not nearly as consequential as the two minutes remaining on the bear in the minute remaining on the elder drake but cloud9 holding on doing what they can to play pve for as long as possible trying to run out these buffs defenseman's ultimate is not going to be enough in the face of the baroness ruler just steps forward completely unafraid you've heard of 200 years of values it's feeling like 400 years of fellows with all the best this man has have to respect ruler cloud9 this is it it's do or die find a fight or lose the game 35 seconds left on this elder though and gen g they could just press it all you have to do wait for super minions to come in buff them up as they arrive for press three inhibitors down so much pressure must be this way if it has to be this both way if genji you have to fall 20 seconds left ruler's still standing with the infernum landing a bit of poke now they're gonna go in in the midst of the entire team ruler eyes on the prize the blabber trying to isolate and kick him out of the fight he's been polymorph and now he's gonna get taken down that's the elder dragonbox perks running for his life gen g are running cloud nine down in their own base they took the elder they took the baron and they will take game one in this series and that's genji's first win in an international best of five they dropped the ball they got aced they gave c9 to baron but they found a way back into it calm and collected for gen g especially big gold star there for klid landing those smites the one on bearing critical for them damage comes through they finish it off cloud9 giving a lot in the early game and the openings there they were able to pounce to try and make it interesting come back in the mid game and try and force it here with the combos but not enough first gen g and i think it would have been massive for cloud nine in the series if they had turned around a game after what was such a gen g favorite early game brought it back out executed in those fights but genji holding strong is so massive as we move later in the series because it means cloud9 hanging this game too are going to be the team that have to adapt their strategy that said you can check out cloud9's team pick as a song that represents their playstyle thunderstruck by ac dc as they were for rascal's kennen and of course the rest of the team's competing at worlds on the official law playlist on spotify for now that we're stepping away we'll be back for more on game one [Music] [Music] would you ride look [Music] [Music] sometimes [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] smell irresistible the new axe effect red bull gives you wings [Music] [Music] in my veins you can hear it [Music] [Music] you could do round round [Music] [Music] like [Music] ain't nobody [Music] [Music] we [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey nobody bring it up ain't nobody [Music] [Music] welcome back to the state farm analyst desk where it was a grueling game one for both of our squads but the lck's at gen g comes out on top over cloud nine we're gonna dive straight into it because we have a lot to cover and so we're to start with the draft cloud nine in some sense is pulling out all the stops bringing the zigs down into the bot lane showing their hand there the willingness to forgo you know kind of going up against each other in the 2v2 as well as pulling out that yasuo and gain number one right so if you're going to leave your bot laner alone ziggs is the preeminent pick for weak side bot lane he's got the wave floor because i have a lot of mv2s it makes a lot of sense in the draft and then it's like yeah at the end of the day it will still go nautilus and we'll go rome and that part's fine right as far as that's concerned it's a five knock-up comp for a yasuo they clearly have the idea of like well we know beauty's champion pool look if he's down to aatrox his you know 70th most played champion okay fine right so i like the idea the construction from c9 the play is what hurt my heart a bit well i honestly think that you know even even if there's a good idea with the construction like you're for melee into ken and lulu with felios right you basically have to kill felios to win any fight and you have to run through aatrox and cannon with lulu peeling and i think that's incredibly difficult to do and we can see as you're talking about the play there was just so many mistakes in these games and you have to be willing to give up waves if they're going to proxy you on the wave like this level one you just can't fight it out and vulcan just disrespects them and pays the price i mean you saw lulu right he's literally willing to walk up and just take the shot like go and hit me we still win the two on two at level one and they're right yeah in some senses it was lucky uh for cloud9 that they're able to find the solo kill on the other side of the map to somewhat keep the gold even however a very much split map but i want to turn to you chronicler and talk about in some senses uh the you know the the game breaking moment in the early game which was the rift tarot cloud9 once again falling victim to their own aggression here and affording gen g not only the rift herald fight but advantages across the map and as is customary for genji uh later on we see them throw away the immense lead that they find here but i do think that this shows that gen g even though skirmishing isn't necessarily their forte like for example a team like domon does um their cross mapping and their understanding of how to get ruler ahead especially when he's on their fellows is really really good in addition to that i feel like gen g as a had a very good grasp on what c9 was trying to do trying to bait them into skirmishes we saw multiple realms where vulcan goes up uh but genji is aware they don't actually over commit to it and then by the point that you see bdd going aggressive here completely bully off and this causes gen d to win on both sides of the map it shouldn't be allowed right if you give up the rift terrible but you get two plates you're happy if you get the herald but the fetals that's the back that's fine as well but somehow due to an over extension from c9 and them looking so aggressively for a play they end up getting both i mean ruler picked up massive amounts of gold in that play without even really having to do much besides push away if you can see the stats behind us freaking as we have already mentioned you do expect ziggs to be down in the laning match-up but almost yeah almost 2k gold at 15 minutes granted the ifelios doesn't become relevant to the late game we got to the late game in this situation right yeah and that's what adikara is there for right if you play ziggs you're playing for the first 25 and then you can close games out or make the big play if you're playing for failures you're looking at three items right lord dominic's is going to be a three item spike of a build if you're going for a two out of spike it's probably more of a collector but it's like yeah and it's funny because we're talking about the game like hey which which segments we want to talk about it's like well ruler's not a story this game yet until the last 10 minutes where he got the full items then he was the story of the game and it's like oh it's a genji game of rules maker who could have seen this coming right and it's like well he got his good lane he got his lulu for the team fights and he walked over everywhere we do have to talk about azalea how we got pushed to the late game though because genji with the early advantage we're not without faults in cloud9 we're not without a couple decent looks yeah absolutely i mean genji got so far ahead early you just think okay this game is completely over but cloud9 finds some openings you know flightcheck the solo kill earlier up in top lane he finds an incredible engage here multi-man knock-up there setting up perks they chase them down they get the ace they get the baron and from there cloud9 had a real shot in this game because though they didn't largely have lane control bot side they did have dragon control so they had a win condition stacking towards seoul a win condition stacking towards saul with that first purple buff going their way but chronicler as we very much know every second counts and thanks to the reliable cisco network klid comes in with perfect smite timings to secure the bus for gen g you were saying it while we were watching it this is the gen g way find a flip somewhere and ultimately win the game and this is not you should not do this i don't do this at home this is not actually the play you should go for but it is something that genji have relied on in terms of smite is insanely clutch right like sometimes he doesn't have the best of games but it feels like his smite does more damage he shows it time and time again and if those sprites don't go the way of gen g c9 just win this game yeah and this is the frustrating thing with genji like yes they got the win but if every game goes like this like who knows who's going to win the next event right like it's going to be a coin flip because you see so much of the genji issues like they don't actually set up the objective like teams like domino t1 do they just say okay you know that they're not walking into our face checks just flip it we'll run into him we'll get the smite and if not then uh good luck ruler and honestly that was so close to just being impossible from this might he actually had a max range smite on the baron to be able to get that and blabber wasn't able to get his off because the kick travel time he's literally in the air when he lands the smite so if a little bit less damage is on the bear and he's out of range if he smites a little bit later he's out of range and cloud9 probably win the game yeah same thing on that's all right it was milliseconds away from being executed by the zigzalt itself but either way he comes up big two times in a row on the smite to bring game one into gen g's corner game two though is coming up right after this first let's take a look back at cloud nine's comeback in the group of death in sounds of the game presented by bose i killed uh yes i'm not 012 in worlds just kidding [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we are all talking everybody [Music] make or break make it yours
Channel: LoL Esports VODs and Highlights
Views: 158,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lcs, league of legends, lck, lpl, lec, season 11, s11, 2021, lcs 2021, lec 2021, spring, vod, full game
Id: 4OaJp6wrHrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 32sec (3812 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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