Gems From The Word: The Faith To Believe The Impossible (Part One)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well i'd like to greet everybody again with another beautiful thursday afternoon this is already september 9 and i want to thank the lord for at least the next 30 minutes and i hope that everything is well with you and i know that god is always keeping watch over us protecting us from harm and evil and it's always important for us to get connected with god to always pray because prayer is our way of escape sapanohan end times so let's uh keep on uh connected to our father through prayer and worship and the word of god well i'd like to remind everyone that this coming sunday is communion we postponed it for the piece of trumpets last week and so get yourselves ready again to partake of the communion and prepare your bread and your cups well this afternoon i'd like to talk about a different subject although i have covered a lot already dunes uh the best things in life the best the characters rather and attitudes that will bring the best thing in life and we have uh discussed uh prayer last time but right now let me talk to you about faith it is important for us really to establish ourselves in faith nowaday and so many things crazy things are happening in the world right now we need to strengthen our faith so let me talk to you about the faith to believe the impossible this will not be kind of a heavy teaching it will just be simple for you to receive it and grasp it in your spirit so the faith to believe the impossible let's go to the book of hebrews 11 13-14 all these people were still living by faith when they died they did not receive the things promised they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance and they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth people who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own let's all pray but god in the name of jesus so we are coming to you again and we are asking that you will uh speak to us as we get into your word use me as always under your anointing and power and let me teach this word with clarity of words yes lord i pray that everybody will be open to receive your word and i pray but those who are here first time to listen that you will also speak to them and let them receive jesus as lord and savior thank you god in jesus name praise the lord now firstly in regards to the faith that will cause us to believe the impossible i'd like us to talk about how we need to show our faith when times are odd we need to show our faith especially when times are odd or we are facing times of difficulties or adversities we really need to manifest our faith at a time like this when life is not smooth sailing our faith must always arise at the moment we are being buffeted by the storms of life then our faith must always uh come out our faith must be manifested now let me take you uh to the story of the disciples when they were caught in the storm right in the middle of the sea of galilee and with jesus sleeping at the back of the boat you know the story so we will not read the texts anymore we uh what we find rather in the scriptures or in the gospel is that the disciples did not have faith when they were caught that night in a storm they struggled they worried they feared for their lives they were frantic they they they were having a nervous breakdown because the water was getting into the boat in uh it seems like they were about to sink now who would not go frantic when you are in the middle of the sea in darkness and you are suddenly caught in a raging storm who would not be afraid of that okay in the natural sabinatin is a natural reaction of a person who is caught in the in a problem like this nonetheless compared to jesus when we find jesus he was in the stern sleeping quietly in the time of a heavy storm okay the question is how could they sleep at this time i think that was the thing going on in the minds of the disciples master messer they woke him up don't you care that we are about to drown in their mind how can uh how could he sleep at a time like this will let me tell you that sleep of the lord was asleep that kind of rested and kept him in his faith that was a sleep that rested in kept in line with the faith of jesus he was sleeping i would say in faith okay not affected by the troubles going on around not affected by the storm that is coming against the boat in the middle of the sea he was unaffected because his faith was so strong now wake when you can uh sleep tight in a time of trouble because you are not worrying you're not having any uh nervous breakdown and you are not anxious i call that sleeping in faith okay sleeping in faith the reaction of the lord is one that is uh of faith especially when the sailing gets rough and i would ask you a question in all practicality when you have a problem can you still sleep okay how many of you have had insomnias how many of you had worried all throughout the night that you could not sleep well marrying but you are not able to sleep very well because you are affected by your troubles you wake up almost every 30 minutes your heart is pumping everything is not falling into place so you worry but let me tell you when your faith is stable when your faith in god who knows your needs and knows your situation is very strong you can sleep tight okay you can sleep very well because you are sleeping in faith and some of us need our faith to arise in a time like this in order for us to sleep in faith in a stormy weather of life and i am not referring to uh the storm outside you know in in uh manila or in luzon every year uh maraming typhoons a lot of typhoons are coming in okay and when you know your house is secured you are living in a building concrete building and you know your place is stable you can sleep very well in fact in the time of a storm people are sleeping very well they kind of love the weather but securing security you will not be afraid you just close all the windows and you are safe just like when we were in manila we were living in a uh in an apartment a building we were on the third floor and all you have to do in a time of the storm was to seal off the the windows and that guy the raging and storm kite signal number three you are still sleeping very well why you are secured in your place and that's the same way with faith if your faith is that strong if your faith is that steady and stable all you have to do is gonna shut everything shut all the windows and you can sleep well okay literally you can sleep well because you know that god will watch over you and will take care of you as uh that building that we used to live was safe we will not be worried about this uh this raging storm is the same way with us we will not uh get frantic about everything we know god takes care of us and everybody said and everybody said at potayo okay even that building that we used to live was so strong when baguio in 1991 was hit by a nine point magnitude earthquake and we felt it in manila at seven something the building shook really and it lasted for some time that that earthquake and you know what that was 1990 and then pinatubo in 1991 and you know what we were still safe because that building was so strong praise god so when your faith is stable and firm and established well in christ and in his word you will never be afraid but the disciples here and faith nila we know was so little that's why when jesus woke up and rebuked the winds and the waves first thing he said to his disciples you of little faith okay you of little faith and i think the lord can speak the same words with many of us because we get to be nervous with a lot of things in life we get to be frantic we get to be um trembling and jesus will speak to us and say you have little faith why did you doubt okay why are you so afraid we got to know that our father is always constantly watching over us even in a time of pandemic even a time of this virus it is our faith that can protect us and our family every day every moment so long as we pray we talk to god we commit everything to our father and we are solidly founded in him but also we need to have practical protection okay practical protection so that we will not be affected uh by what is happening now in the same case as a people or a congregation we all need to keep up our faith we might have gone through stormy time like as a church as individuals as families in matters of finances in matters of relationship or work and other things but our faith in god who does the impossible must be kept so strong because only he can help us survive a storm only he can calm the strong winds and the raging waters only he can lead us safely to the other side of the lake so to speak i i like this uh story because uh previous to this after dismissing the crowd jesus told his disciples let's go to the other side the word was already given let's go to the other side and as they were going to the other side they were caught in the storm they forgot the word of jesus that the they uh oh they were on their way to the other side and jesus was not affected because he already announced his will we will go to the other side and that's the purpose revealed by jesus christ but the disciples forgot this word and they thought their lives would end at that very instance the storm comes in just like many christians but my problema they think that this is the end of it all they think that they could not make it anymore but you got to know that the word of god stands firm that there is a destiny for you that there is a purpose of god for your life that there is something that god still wants you to do and because of this and if your follower of the purpose of god you pursue it you will be kept safe but manifesting your faith always he will always lead you to the other side and you know all will be fine with a god like this everything will be fine every one of us who is in the boat will all be fine all of us will be taken cared of by jesus how many of you believe that jesus is with us right now while we are in the pandemic do you believe that he is among us remember his words i am with you till the very end of the age okay he said this to his disciples i am with you to the very end of the age but those disciples they're long gone they all died 2 000 years ago and who are the disciples that he will be with until the end of the age those disciples all dead all gone their bodies you cannot find them anymore okay their bones you cannot find their bones they're all gone and who are the people that jesus is speaking to that i'll be with you at the end of the age of course that has to do with us that is me and you can you type it and say that's me and you come on come on senor d to post i think james but type it that that is you and me okay or me and you that's us so if you believe the word of jesus that he is with us you better stand firm in your faith jesus knew what will happen in the last days he knew he spoke about it okay he spoke about it and so the lord will always be with us even at this time i will be with you till the end of the age so do you believe that jesus is with us amen as assad said he knew everything that will befall us or what will befall the world so he will keep us safe he will keep us protected as long as we keep ourselves very well we take care of our help we take in the necessary precaution physically and trusting in him okay there's always two sides faith and works remember faith is our touch of our connection with god that's the invisible part and the work has to do with the visible that is our responsibility that is what we are to do so faith and works they will work well okay it's not just faith but it is work we still have to uh protect ourselves we still have to work in order for us to find our safety in god but again let me say it all will be fine with god because god is also with us in the boats and i tell you the boat will not sink it will not sink it will not be destroyed your life will not be destroyed as you trust in god as you put your confidence in god as you manifest your faith in god your boat will not sink don't be like the disciples that jesus rebuked for having little faith but we will reach our destination point we will go to the other side we will be able to reach the purpose of god for us and i believe in application to us praise revival center we will reach the other side we will be able to build our facility the house of god that big house of god that will be meant for the glory of god that beautiful building that's our goal god we will reach it god you who uh called us you will complete everything okay he will started a good work in you philippians 1 6 will carry it all or bring it to completion until the day of christ so let us calm our fears let us calm our worries let us speak our faith okay speaking our faith uh with such confidence in jehovah god who created the heavens and the earth we need to speak our faith we need to confess okay we need to say lord i believe in you i trust in you i know you will keep us safe from this virus you will protect us you will protect my family you will protect me you will protect our loved ones every time confess it so let us always hope have hope in god even against all hope god promises a good future for us amen he has a good plan for everybody he has a good plan for you he has a good plan for me and he has a good plan for all of us who serve him all of us who are members of praise revival center he has called us and we will win we will not uh be destroyed the boat will not sink jesus is with us he goes with us he will never leave us nor forsake us no matter how evil things may be before the coming of jesus christ he promised that i will be with you until the end of the age so we who are living almost at the end of the age much more jesus is with us his presence is very strong right now so if he addressed those believers in the first century he is addressing those believers who are living in the 21st century and he will keep us safe only that we do not doubt him when um we we are put uh inside the odds of life uh these are things that we are uh not to focus our eyes on but he will help us he will help us walk through the valley of the shadow of death okay so that's about it that's uh what i like to share to you i'll continue with this this monday and i hope that you have received the word of god this is um just plainly encouraging everybody this is exhorting you amen praise god hallelujah so um let's pray salamat lord for everything that you have uh done thank you uh for your great goodness and your love salamat pangino on that you are the god who watches over us and it takes care of us i pray that in the name of jesus our faith will ever be that strong lord god that our faith will not be weak and be weakened in the time of the storm i know you are there with us but our faith in you lord we pray to be strengthened to be built up to grow deep and be fair thank you lord god that you are always with us and you will go with your people and we will be safe in our boat with jesus inside thank you and i give you praise in jesus name amen and amen let's give the lord club offering hallelujah god is a good god wonderful is the lord praise god well i'd like to thank everybody uh uh kanina umaga while we were watching uh god bless israel a convocation and i'd like to thank the members of praise revival center yesterday morning until this morning you were uh basically the audience but uh thank you for watching and uh supporting this work praise god and then again i'd like to remind everybody of uh our communion this sunday prepare your bread and your cups and let's uh partake a communion together don't ever forget to uh take a video or a put a picture of yourselves partaking the holy communion praise god and also i'd like to remind those of you you got testimonies please take a video of yourself for about five minutes maximum and send it to us but mahabang testimony it will be edited to about five minutes so that's about it and i'd like to remind you to be faithful with your tithes and your offerings and your giving your generous giving to project joshua and i believe the lord will be with you to bless you and to prosper you and the windows of heaven will be open to flood your lives with his blessings amen so thank god for this moment and i like everyone to lift up your hands we will close in prayer right now heavenly father we just want to thank you for the word that we have received thank you for everything lord god and i pray that our faith will ever be strong in the midst of the storm you will keep us safe and i pray lord in jesus name that you will bless your people as they are faithful with the tithes and the offerings and their generous uh offering and sacrifices to project joshua you will take care of them you will prosper them you will show them that you are the god who supplies their needs in accordance to your riches in christ jesus and i pray lord god that uh they will abound in all your goodness and thank you very much for this time that you have given us be with us uh this evening uh tomorrow night service and saturday and sunday morning all the glory belong to you mighty god salamat pope for this time and may yehubah bless you and keep you mayoba make his face hashem upon you and be gracious unto you mayova lift up his countenance upon you and grant you his shalom boat now went forever in jesus name and everybody said amen so don't forget uh tomorrow night and i think friday service and i hope that uh you will join in tell others invite uh uh everyone that you know parama bill la puna tiana friday night so thank you very much and may the lord's blessing be upon us all shalom to everybody [Music] you
Channel: Praise Revival Center Davao
Views: 23
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Tq6CR8L9wEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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