Gekko SPEEDRUN (Full Series) Valorant

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I am speed running from unranked to Immortal as fast as I can while only locking the new agent Gekko I've done a speed run on almost every agent now as it's how I unlock playing them on my radiant main accounts however this speedrun is going to be a little different I'm partnering up with someone I've never done content with before noodle each episode will have a specific vision for comboing other agents utilities with Gekko to see what works and what doesn't unfortunately our unranked accounts couldn't play together so the first challenge is to get placed if you're new to the channel here please consider subscribing because if we hit 400 000 subscribers before this series is over I will shave my head diet neon green and do the best Gekko cosplay you've ever seen I know we can do this because 66 percent of you guys watching are not subscribed so please go and check if you're subscribed below if you enjoy the content also I'll be live streaming all of these episodes at Keo and I'd love to see you there thank you all so much for the support recently here we go before we start we gotta I think we gotta do something here we gotta spend an unreasonable amount of money on an ALT account again only 2.0 baby alerts are so important for streamers from new followers subscribers or even big donations alerts help you stand out and make your community feel special and unique fortunately setting up alerts through stream Labs is super easy all you need to do is head to the alert box through your streamlabs dashboard and from there you can select anything from their library or even upload your own for that extra personalization it's all free and super easy to use on top of that streamlabs offers fully customizable tip Pages where you keep 100 of the donations I use streamlabs for everything so if you're a streamer of any size I highly recommend checking out all they have to offer by visiting the link in the description below and thank you streamlabs for partnering up with me what I've never placed on this account all right well good series guys thank you so much for showing up appreciate it make sure to like so the cat's out of the bag guys we were gonna do the first episode and the whole series with noodle but we can't queue together while we're unranked so we're gonna both place and then meet up at episode two oh my gosh as gun Buddy's a skateboard like it but it says Keel instead oh my gosh first game on our MMR is high we must have been fried in the unrated yeah give me the Spike let's let's send the little guy out little dude can you just throw a smoke on site uh right here they killed the little guy no I wanted to get my guys man guys this was not the right decision by the way this green Vandal does not look good with his hands this was totally the wrong decision do we agree do we all agree we made that we made the wrong call here told you green was mid dude you can't say I told you green was mid 54 of you voted for the green one careful with the blind you can hit your own teammates and blind them what you cannot that is that is not how this works oh nice oh that flash was so good wait where's my where's my where'd he go no he's up I can't grab my Orbit landed over here that's so sad I have a lineup that I made yesterday that lands like for here and default we man's in there baby he got it dude okay this is good now we just played post plat I'm gonna just sit here and play lineup all I need to do for this lineup you put yourself in this corner and then you look right there and this Molly is gonna land right here and it'll get default and a plan I'll show you quick let's see if it happens see the lids oh my gosh it's such a good lineup holy I'm going for it look at this sir Oh I thought I tossed it a chance no no because it lands it's got a huge radius I planted for heaven but it lands here it'll cover default and the heaven plan oh yeah it's Giants [Music] dude it scans somebody back sight and then I can just pick him up again completely safe can you use him 10 seconds later going again off the bomb someone's there one enemy remaining that was awesome what the heck yeah look at dizzy guys look at him he's awake he's awake he's awake and oh you get a little tired oh oh and it's time to wake up oh my gosh [Music] [Music] oh not much I can do there I needed my flash still I tried to help my team with the flash I should have waited so that I could use my flash to push there that guy had actually phenomenal timing there I'm just gonna keep buying full and Pistol around I don't know what I'm like I want to buy armor or a gun or something but I I need both abilities I feel like so it's kind of weird having no armor and still a classic oh no dang it's I hit him with that blind but man didn't get Gekko with it I don't think he's crazy broken you know other a lot of people think he's really broken I don't I actually don't think he's that broken he's good but I think once people figure him out they're not gonna have too much of a problem bit overwhelming didn't want to do ones yeah you could definitely use his abilities very well in a 1v1 if you peek a corner like where there's a high spot for you to peek from or something like an open Corner if you peek it like this and you throw this really high they have to you know flick up it's like Arena flash you know they have to flick up break it or get blinded and then you can swing with it it's very good this is up there he was installed that's so stupid you can dodge the stun that well and his full animation goes off wait that's so lame 30 seconds left guys we don't lose these I think oh wait we lose these he knows you're there you need a swing no 10 seconds left he's gonna get shot in the back then right did he get wrapped bro he he was there he's shot he's why are you standing there man ifer knife wait oh he didn't hit her what wait what player standing wait how did that not hit her I like was what he shot it did he really break it she used the shorty wait that's actually broken if you can just break the entire old with one shorty shot wait that's actually busted then like on rounds that you know Gekko has all everyone should just buy a shorty when you hear it everyone just shorties up that's actually really not good [Music] NT guys unlucky first game got four more places to play though yo I said yo well that's a good start to the game guys remaining three oh yeah baby remaining oh my gosh dude that blinded four people [Music] holy music last player standing oh my gosh everybody think wingman he did it little guy did it they mess with one of us that was awesome he's stuck while brim was playing lineups and brim didn't Peak because he didn't think he thought I was on Bob that was amazing a play come on jeez dude no our Raiders have came in why go on that Spike why can't you love me nose what was that why couldn't he defuse until I got up that close bro dude dude you can't defuse the spike oh my gosh this is so buggy on this map come one enemy remaining I'm so sad wait dude this is actually so frustrating wingman is so buggy on a scent a site because there's like little lips on the edge of sight round before the switch it just you don't like technically have the line of sight for it I don't it's so weird that was I don't know that was really glitchy that definitely needs to be looked at Holy Cow where could he have gone this time man he spent five rounds putting pizza in the oven or taking it out of the oven right oh the second pizza no the second pizza right okay dude what is this no Jet's getting some pizza GG second place but down match MVP all good it's not like our teammates being AFK for like seven rounds was the difference in that game or not there we go Peach dude every game I've played with played in so far today has had Gekko in it in comp normally when a new agent comes out people are like hesitant to play them in ranked away little guys going in they broke him wingman is just getting absolutely decimated right now every time I send him into plan it's just not working I got the spike wings oh my gosh she got it flawless hey you know we took sight with wingman there we're good we're learning where he can plant a little bit safer yes he did it he's so strong and so independent um one enemy remaining let's go dude he's going in dude he's so strong foreign oh it was a little man probably because he has targets why doesn't I work that's your take oh man no he's just not we're good foreign oh my gosh that timing was just phenomenal run away run away dude wingman's so good let's go we had teammates that talked and we didn't lose so we're chilling we got two more placements to play but a solid game solid dub no somebody installed a guy was distracted by a more Omar see what you did see what you did now I have to I have to dodge this is gonna be hard there are a lot of people in Slovak and Gekko so I need to be on it yes yes yes Lotus contents content map yeah wait what how did oh what just happened I didn't even lock that was cool POV Gekko chooses you true that's me this is why we play Gekko on new accounts and stuff you know this is why we learn all our new agents on new accounts because I need to learn what to play and like what to buy how to play around all the abilities and I can't like get so creative on my main account you know this is a good time this guy has a lot of things you need to learn so in order to not throw on my main we're gonna be chilling doing this is good this is fun okay dude stop landing on the roof that was looking for you gosh what are you doing just you're just gonna blink at me really you're just gonna sit there and blink at me he's got a high skill ceiling for sure it's just a matter of like learning learning lineups and like weird spots that Dizzy's gonna work is gonna be really really important in the long run I'm trying to throw it high so that they have to like be looking up I'm waiting a second here Chris they are here oh we need to peek later I think we needed a peek a little bit after it hits and I'm gonna throw that before I get the damn zombie oh my gosh but I hit I blinded five enemies with that I hit all five of them somehow just protect him just stay alive stay alive yes he did his job baby there's my buddy I need to learn a lineup for this dude thanks little man I think if I bounce this off here I don't have a Molly lineup for this but I think if I bounce it off the waterfall like this it could work all right no how did I get flashed I wanted the Molly I need to figure out a Molly lineup for that I really need to find one you need to re recollect wingman after the plan when you have sight control I feel like after you send them in the plan like you're just you might as well have planted yourself then if you're gonna pick them up after plant yeah all right I'll send it in and then I'll hold Spike water much oh my gosh that was so good blank glass oh I should have grabbed my old again I could have grabbed the old I just wanted to push dude I keep forgetting you can take up your Olds again that's just that's such an uncommon thing but I mean I have to learn how to do it I guess nice oh this was nice oh my gosh that was so sick [Music] remaining what the trash is ready [Music] oh I got him no once he got out of it so fast oh I'm so sad I should have shot him one enemy remains I got lost oh let's go that was such a nice flank though holy we're figuring it out he is like if I describe Gekko in one word it's complex like I have to be thinking about so many things like the recharge timer where my orb landed grabbing the orb you know when it's ready again like there's so many different things oh my gosh I blinded everyone one enemy remaining no I did so much damage here let's go I need to see how many I just blinded there I got three assists and one kill I blinded four and did so much damage holy cow the flash is very good if you use it well it is very bad if you use it poorly and I think that's gonna make Gekko have a very very high skill ceiling so because I've had times where my flash gets broken instantly I get no value and get one tap so it's pretty crazy remain [Music] he's playing light ups no I should have thrown I should have thrown little guy on the bomb if I threw a little guy at the bomb I would have won yeah Sean was so sad I wouldn't I would have thrown little guy on he would have got half and I would have won I'm so sad there's too many things to keep track of like dude if I did that exact same play a week from now I would have thrown the wingman on bomb every time but I don't think about that as an option yet oh my gosh having a good time watching on a whiffs but I'll take my two last player standing dead on kit oh dude I almost did it again if I kill Lorena I would have had wingman oh man foreign come on [Music] oh my God sit down and we missed down no I feel like the way you play this guy is like a bit of everybody like he's got a Molly he's kind of a sentinel he's got a flash he's kind of a duelist he's got his little dude to plant and stuff he's also kind of you know info initiator he's really got everything yeah this is up top somebody's there no he's holding on dude I'm so sad I did 125 to him with the Molly wait wait the Molly should have killed him it doesn't normally do 125. it normally can only do 100 or 150. I know if you jump like mid Molly you could mitigate some of the damage maybe he just jumped at the right time if he took 125 that means he was towards the center which means he should have died close right these up that's so daunted one enemy remaining he just I'm so sad I'm so entertained him no he's gonna kill a little man wait protect little man he's got a plan for you dude look at that plant spots actually so good oh it's so good though look at that spot you can throw that from Kitchen it's such a good spot to plant holy cow yo ggs guys and we got another MVP let's see where do we place brand new account what do we think let's see plot one hey that's actually pretty good since the addition of ascendant I really like placing in flat because that just means we're gonna plot Diamond ascendant Boom Noodle will be plain Harbor the goal to see if we can win games without planting or diffusing the spike ourselves by letting wingman do it all for us the idea is that Harbor's wall and Cove can provide enough cover for wingman to go in and plant or defuse without having us take that much space or risk as a team let's see how it goes if you're new to the channel here please consider subscribing because if we hit 400 000 subscribers before this series ends I will shave my head diet neon green and pull off the best gecko cosplay you've ever seen I know we can do this because 66 of you are not subscribed so please check to see if you're subscribed below and thank you so much for watching also we just launched a brand new YouTube channel called Kyo house it's a channel where me and my roommates grim and Shiro are going to be putting out content together and we just post posted our first video so if you're interested after you watch this video there's a link in the description below okay here we go you're ready dude I'm ready are you ready both of us man I'm on 66 you're on 83. well that's actually a pretty similar thing we're gonna try to plant the spike and defuse the spike with exclusively wingmen Harper gecko is one of the best combos for Gekko especially with wingman just you you could fake them out so many times wingman will diffuse if you die but if there's no teammates left no no to get this happened yesterday man all right I'll be right back all right we're back all good all good starting the speed run out at 47 out of 100 RR what's in a minute all right I have lineups for this yeah yeah how do you know if there's somebody flaking window s we're good wait can I play lineup if you die careful okay he came for me why'd he come for me man what the heck jeez we're chilling though little dude little dude is going in did we just send him in I'll send a flash first yeah no they killed him wait if our Cipher dies let's play lineups wait just put a wall just let him play Let him play Let's go along way perfect perfect all good all good they're so dude people are so mad because I have Gekko lightups just because I know them all from killjoy people are like man you already have lineups it's day one man it's kind of funny oh I have no idea what I'm doing have you played Harbor before literally like my first time ever I think that's awesome I'm gonna go short up with my old here we'll do it like a silver drone detain outside huge give me the bomb I need little men oh my gosh she's she's little man's going through the wall look at little man oh my gosh broke our Sage while he was running through it oh oh wait I thought I thought our Cipher was peaking that judges killed two on flank and our Cipher still hasn't made contact oh my God jet killed three dark Cipher is useless oh no dude we're sending little man in every day if there's only one on seaweed uh oh yeah it's like an alarm that was perfect dude we didn't even take sight and we planted it's awesome that missed wait what what is that interaction I threw them all in the uh nice let's go I just walked past the blunt you can just dodge the flash it can miss if you're moving wait that's awful his blind is so bad if you can dodge it it's not and it still shoots you you would still think as the attacker that I still blinded them oh never mind no thank you wait little guy's still planning they didn't kill a little guy detention wait ing this wow no I have my old back as soon as I kill that guy he dodged it man that's so stupid it can shoot a blind at somebody and they can dodge it I didn't know that was a mechanic in the game until today that needs to not happen I think it needs to 100 hit somebody they either need to break it or get blind like especially if it if you knife out and run away you just dodge it entirely that's so sad they're probably they're gonna play with guy Spike the fuse oh my gosh you have to there's a little bro all right protecting with your life that guy's so far look I got it though GG minus 20 RR top seed s up oh yeah that was so nice [Music] oh I sound like Gekko cool yeah I'm I am from California so yeah it works he thinks I sound like Gekko maybe we gotta hit 400 000 subscribers to do the Gekko cosplay you know you know what I'm saying man you know what I'm saying go scroll down see if you're something oh no but like do it the only reason he's good right now is because people don't know how to react to his abilities as soon as people actually know how to play around his abilities I think he's gonna be really underpowered that's my thought as of now with Gekko I'll kill him what yo yo nothing happened man nothing we were just sharing an intimate moment his name is wings that is true what if that's like wingman's whole thing that's his whole personality you see like he just really wants to fly but he can't he's constantly just like flapping his wings you know like a chicken that just can't fly just like uh or a penguin dude a flightless bird poor little guy man little bro just wants to fly yeah look up you see the corner of like this thing this thing look to the left of that just just uh just a touch like there and then throw a Cove go just throw it up no it worked though dude The Cove is in and he's planning he planted in your Cove it was so good the lineup but it just didn't matter oh my gosh what is this road oh my God this is perfect [Laughter] that's brutal he just gave up man 24 pretty good made that back and the uh Dodge back we are up plus one dude dizzy looks so peaceful in the loading screen what the heck they're so good with his profile picture's so odd it definitely is that I agree his profile picture looks like lower resolution than everyone else like Harbors looks like gigachad Max res 4K HD background gekko's just looks like ah I loaded this on my Nintendo DS and it didn't fully load yet but we didn't kill him wait can you can you go outside all right [Music] come on little charge up man he's back he's back oh man I'm going with you Viper should be close oh my gosh that was such a good use of mosh pit oh [ __ ] he's gonna kill a little man got it bro oh no remix I know exactly when last players foreign [Music] oh my gosh that was beautiful there's my buddy okay wait we need to chill we need to chill we need to chill for ya Up and Away all right 140. yes oh my gosh that was sick I know I flashed them right as they were pushing you is perfect Holy Spirit of the floor and try to kill the uh that was so good oh my gosh the mosh pit play too jeez no we just barely didn't do it I'm sticking it myself and then I'll grab him back window window be honest no 126s oh my gosh it was so easy to break I'm so sad they use theirs so much better minus 12 RR tough protects of your life last player stand 105. 9 thank you one enemy remains no oh as if you want to sleep Oh I thought you'd go around the other way I thought you'd just wait I should have just pushed him maybe because it was halved no are you here you're cool though you you forgot some vowels man I feel like he's good right now but purely because everyone doesn't know how his abilities work and how to react to them yet you know I think in a week or two weeks when everyone knows how to play around him I feel like he's very weak so something needs to change about him either less of a cooldown or picking up his orbs faster like just it takes so long it's such a risk and it's like not worth the reward 80 of the time to pick up your orb after one throw mosh pit early hopefully they send it in we kill planner you need to be able to use his abilities directly after picking them up because it's you already you're already being punished for standing and still and the enemies can see your orbs so you could bait them yeah exactly that's kind of that's how I feel about it like I feel like you're putting out such a big risk and then the reward of only like waiting Titan seconds to be able to use your ability again is rough I feel like if it's a 10 second cooldown then you should be able to pick him up almost instantly like like just a quick run by like boom done still a risk but a lot shorter it shouldn't last as long as an old orb like it's just ridiculous that's that's what I think that's how I feel I could be wrong that's how I feel good interrupt my work uh fair enough everybody he was just so upset it was just Spike [Music] I got mine committed I didn't hit him oh [Music] oh my gosh dude it jumped past him and it went through the doorway and it didn't hit like it was so close it it's got such a weird hitbox [Music] oh you lost oh my gosh I actually got away but that was so good I outbrained it man holy reloading oh my gosh one enemy remaining [Music] got the spike wings [Music] thanks little man dude that plant is so good if you if you played it with like a wall bang here or something that'd be so sick plan it play with uh Odin wall Bank from mid last player standing we're good we're good we're good oh my God that was scary dude if she just turned around she would have killed me while I was holding dude oh gosh oh my gosh what's he planning he's playing top side top side oh [ __ ] at 120 on race one enemy remaining huge don't get me play time let's go oh one more baby remaining reloading little man wait let my little man defuse me we gotta let him do it we gotta let him do it I want to let you in the MVP sleep tried to have a planet in your wall can you Cove it I threw my room we have Molly's on bomb too it's half the time oh nice cry that's so tough man that's so tough he's gonna stick a half no matter what pretty much and then it like even if you have mollies it's actually such a good counter to Molly lineups if he's already on he'll stick half through a killjoy Molly a Viper Molly and I it depends how late with the brimstone Molly hits but he'll most likely have let's go we got our a on log now baby let's go GG nice turnaround guys let's go whoa dude that planned from Kitchen so fun nice OT comeback we had what was it like eight to twelve at some point 21 RR 60 out of 100 let's get it noodle is out but I'm gonna press on alone and try to finish off the ranking up through plot one let's get it yo we got mics gentlemen cool cool cool noodle left me and I'm completely alone four teammates not a single word being spoken all good men right little guy doesn't always stun people and the Flash doesn't always flash people I guess the Molly always works thrash sometimes doesn't hit people I feel like his whole kit is just inconsistent oh [Music] our killjoy left the game that's exciting I miss noodle all right well kildra is still not back and now rain is AFK what is valent now what is solo Q on about like why how does this keep happening last player oh no I didn't foreign let's go that rotation was beautiful pureedness oh my gosh kills noise back your skin last player standing we're chilling got the lineups baby one enemy remaining Spike down mid it's not hey man huh I hit somebody foreign nice guys dude that jet just got sat down that was hilarious he's dashed right in front of my Crosshair she just yeah I'll take uh games that I was definitely not supposed to win but somehow got a dub for 800 Alex 23rd beautiful [Music] oh my gosh running gun the Stinger is still good baby I thought that was the mosh I was so confused wait come back somebody's there you should be wondering let's go dude that flash is so good it Peaks at the very top of the the dong and oh my gosh planted two-way lamp one away one enemy remaining oh wait [Music] let's go oh no dude that flash is nuts though holy cow I'm saying little bro in it one enemy remaining oh well I did a lot of damage there no my little guy landed so high up get down from there alrighty detained backside no I shouldn't have shot I should have waited oh no this is oh I don't know if this lands just guessing one enemy remaining last player standing that that tossed that Molly on the spot holy 29r with a star and we don't get a double rank up but we're playing in diving lobbies it's all good it's all good spot two I guess is just where we're supposed to be this episode he'll be playing fade the idea is that Fades sees ability could combo really well with masha's pit leaving the enemy with no options if you're new to the channel here please consider subscribing because if we hit 400 000 subscribers before this series ends I will shave my head diet neon green and pull off the best gecko cosplay you've ever seen I know we can do this because 65 of you are not subscribed so please check to see if you're subscribed below and thank you so much for watching here we go I've unlocked fade again it's probably like my third time on fade yeah that's perfect dude it's only like my 10th time on Gekko so we're good it's perfect it'll work itself out let's get it holy holy I almost forgot to lock because of that dude what concert just gifted 50 Subs to start the stream and 10K bits and 20 Subs I'm just here to play Gekko man our elements in guys stats she killed me full blind I'm so sad wait does he break the window I should have I should have checked I just shot the window out of one tree stupid sometimes okay throw your eye insta broke my flash that spoke without it just the worst time okay I'm gonna throw in no he's not I'm throwing right now though you ready to throw your seats [Music] let's go we dropped him in that was beautiful the concept works that's actually so sick just 150 damage just full dead yeah we love that oh that's so cool I'm Multiverse because he's close again I'm entertained Satchel over some get them nice when is Ulta's used well it's really good but it sometimes it's just so easy to break I I don't even know I'm just gonna throw it wait I got it boy no did we not catch anyone Oh no I got one tapped but ah I think what I need to do is I need to throw mine over so that it lands a little farther back yeah I think I did regulate it oh it takes so long I have a tag on him and I hit him 85 they don't have a tag on me and I get one tapped one enemy remaining no and he broke how is he there sorry how was he in the angle I didn't check nice player standing one enemy remaining Spike planted somebody's there she's still gunning for you no [Music] way dude these guys are acting like they're like top 10. hit 80. dude like they don't even know man she's going again dinosaurs the enemy remaining Spike down a man what do you mean I'm doing I'm picking the spike that's done man dude what are you talking about foreign did make a stupid decision that round but like yeah but but why was he barking at me in a 2V1 man all right minus 15. oh he plays gold three let's go oh we're chilling we can we can play together forever oh interesting okay that's good to know that's what went wrong last time but we can still make it so that like the center point where he's running away where I'd throw mine would be like so if you're running the same direction you throw your 50s at the same spot and then I'll throw it like this then he wouldn't be able to get out of it yeah so we have to create situations we have to create situations basically where my Molly lands here and your fade Seas lands right here so that they're either gonna die to the Molly or Peak us yeah good to know good to know and this is the fun part though that's the whole part about this series is you know some of the things and combos that we try probably aren't going to work amazing but that's what we're gonna learn we're gonna learn so much about Gekko and the interactions between tons of Agents three kill last player standing oh I did 125 damage Serena on pistol round and she didn't die thank you still waiting dude did you just break his ankles you just wrapped around him [Music] okay it might work what is happening today I'm gonna open door he might be in here he's close I'll be doing a cosplay and apparently I'm the voice actor so gotta go check and see if you're subscribed right now I'm planning oh he Inked oh my gosh noodle did you know the new fortnite Season's coming out tomorrow what holy cow are you so excited man [Music] be up that was a really great time really great time there's three of them in my face a kid's game whoa It's not a kid's game man oh wait that was a sick eye it missed but it was cool dude I feel like if I say it it's just like if I say one of his voice lines it's not gonna sound like his voice line it's all you little homie that's what I sound like him really I grew up in Southern California like that's just a hats off to Riot games for making an agent that sounds like someone who lives in Southern California oh yeah I love that oh yeah that's I love his old when it works it's so satisfying yeah it's so good oh lee foreign wait he lives through it I'm chucking mine deeper and you're gonna throw yours like try to land it right around there okay yeah I'm gonna throw my car on the right and then we gotta get ready to fight because they're gonna swing us hopefully or they die maybe they don't hopefully they don't so they died yeah how would they die all right oh nice let's go what was that last flick dude it does work okay we just we literally just proved exactly what we wanted to that like we have to throw it kind of halfway in so that they have to either push us and die or die to the Molly beautiful throw it on the other side try to get it right close to you but imagine it'd be so funny I still think we keep trying it I think the more like teams we play against this the more it's gonna work because we're gonna get better at it and people are gonna expect it less so let's keep going for it plus 18. it's just it's such an odd thing like it's just really that seems unpredictable like if we get it right it can be very very good but it's going to be hard to get it consistently right in the long run here we're gonna need to do a follow-up combo episode with Mosh Pit where you go Astra I think Astra suck and Mosh Pit for lineups for post plant might be better than fade tether we had it we had a good idea here we're still gonna keep trying it obviously but I think that's what we can look forward to with potential mosh fit lineups um it's like right there I think I'll find someone there Spike planted I don't want to talk about it all right we got this guys all right lag was crazy man what is happening check it oh my gosh I think we got them Spike planted the cross map that was sick one enemy remaining I might die last no the need killed he's on though wait we're chilling yeah slow bro that was sick dude that was so sick that was such good I saw when you threw your tetherland it was so yeah I have a lot over here that was so good third member has joined the battle what is that how are you just be dropping I just take three the same three on site oh my gosh dude what is happening yeah there's no one on sale we're going again one enemy remaining wait I didn't hit him 117. oh my gosh it's because it was around the corner oh that should have hit him side well I got a kill with the mosh I don't really know how but okay let's go you're crazy let's go we can do it 4v5 nah it's a 5v5 we've got wingman that's true that's true we're not even down at TV I'll find you huge I wanted to grab my thrash I can't grab it it's too exposed no I thought they were gonna both be heaven do you have a tether [Music] okay mine's gonna be late judge last player standing just be remaining [Music] no I'm so sad I played it so well some things about wingman needs to be reworked because he's a little buggy sometimes and thrash definitely needs to be reworked a little bit honestly all every ability needs to be worked they're all so close to being great dude he took little guy down that wasn't that wasn't nice at all thanks little man sit down one enemy remaining let's go oh my god let's go shoot we're bringing it back I gotta go get my old back thanks little man you want more bring them down I have olts and a lineup one fling two flaky two [ __ ] one more short one more short flank last short flight shorts like nice let's Go whoo you're crazy you're mine hey they ward off the water hi Molly one enemy let's go baby OT on the 4v5 oh dude that was insane oh my God we have to win the round that was so good that was actually so good that we didn't do that earlier in the game because they did not expect it [Music] that was so sick nice let's go dude that was just so sick I can't like that was so satisfying hearing the like the double kill just out of at the same time I think that was planner let's go wingman really making it a 5v5 holy we actually won a full on 45. three and ten and then he just left the game plus 21 hours holy dude that was amazing all right you jumped up two ranks wait that's actually awesome oh my god let's go over the savoring [Music] I thought I saw him soon you could have gone through spawn I've got them we're good all right he's in it yesterday everything [Music] go get him buddy oh wait oh my god let's go it works perfect that was that was the plan B it works I'm sorry just wall heaven planted I'm gonna grab it again when you break him there's a camera here one enemy remaining oh I'm just throwing everything is ready elbow he is blind oh he died still locked in man yeah we're good oh my goodness [Music] uh Heaven get him I got you I got you uh 114. 00 oh my God one enemy remaining back to back OT wins here with noodle this has been a been a wild session oh my gosh another match MVP too things we love to see 26 RR this speedrun thing is not easy what these games like yesterday we ended it on what like The Comeback dude it's hard man especially when you're playing like like this when you're playing to like really learn how the game works and what works what doesn't trying to like actually Break The Meta it it is hard because like people always want to just conform to the way the game is normally played this episode we're joined by my good friend Elite and he'll be playing Skye the idea is that Skye's dog and wingman could potentially clear a sight and find an enemy for us to kill then we could throw dizzy and a sky flash at the same time blinding them with two abilities leaving the enemy wanting to uninstall if you're new to the channel here please consider subscribing because if we hit 400 000 subscribers before the series ends I will shave my head diet neon green and pull off the best gecko cosplay you've ever seen I know we can do this because 65 of you are not subscribed so please check to see if you're subscribed below and thank you so much for watching dude why do I keep losing all of my ranked games I keep queuing and queuing but I'm just not winning maybe it's because you have a 14.3 percent head shot rate nah that can't be wait what I got the radiant last act with a 14.3 headshot rate what how did how did you see that what do you mean how did I see that I just I looked you up on valorent tracker wait you could do that I thought that was like illegal or something nope valid tracker is perfectly legal and complies with all of Riot terms so you could use it whatever you want oh wait really what other stats does it have valorent tracker has a ton of stats so that you can figure out how to become a better player I've been looking at my profile here and I found out that I am probably one of the worst radiant players out there you can break down your stats by agents Maps weapons or even scene stats that are coming from your current match they have an in-game overlay that is super useful to see where you're going wrong after different agents and potentially learn lineups that are gonna be really useful so if you're interested in getting better at Valor and learning more about how your playstyle is affecting your games click the link in the description below and thank you so much to Valor tracker for sponsoring this video I got gooped on bro that was a gecko diff shoot there's a guy on the right let's flash together I think for us to pull off our combo we're gonna have to like lurk by ourselves a little bit [Music] okay wait we can Flash out this ready it works yeah but you blinded him too chaotic neutral oh dude we'll send so many things in let's just send everything in on site I send little bro to plant I owe you dog we'll clear everything keep [ __ ] enemy remaining let's go oh my gosh my dog got the right on the front oh my gosh that's crazy we just took the whole site without even pushing in like taking zero risk shutter that Spike wins oh I baited with oh my gosh what is happening do I baited with wingman planning I made it look like I was planning oh hey there he is that works I like stood in the corner and then put wingman out that was cool dude I'm just getting full flashed by you [Music] so I can just grab mine again and use it wait or not that's so sad because he has targets oh God that's so brutal that is so brutal take a pig that was the right button that I meant to press I think our Sky gecko combo is a lot harder on this map because there's not a lot of like clear choke points to flash out of like Haven this is gonna work so well on hold on even yeah there's so many corners for us to push through and double flash together all right like I said yeah yeah totally make sticky thanks little man well that's pretty young place for you you ask me in the smoke Elite is just not a good Sky man probably been flashed by here one more that's nice I did 150 damage with the Molly there it's just it's so good everyone runs into it first round defense on a for some reason nice Gigi's wow at least I didn't even top frag ours Jet and chamber just rocked 31 RR yes this is exactly what I'm saying Haven's gonna be so good should I pull initiator yes three initiators we get one smokes win the game easy oh no no smoke smoke you're the best jet is smoke that is true jet does have smokes I did not specify that well enough average in stock begging for smokes okay but to be fair we got triple initiator instalok that's it's not installed duelist okay instalok initiator I feel like it's Justified you know can you jiggle and then if they're if they're here I'm gonna throw my blind super high like it probably I probably won't be able to get it back but then you flash low at the same time oh my gosh here ready multiple enemies [Music] no 60 of us because because the guy's super deep got hit by mine and the guy's clothes got hit by yours too and then we just mocked them holy cow oh yeah I know that uh I gave him a right click uh my bad I forgot right click is better than the 1600 gun I bought that's my bad no that's on me for assuming that my gun was better no I apologize ready Flash oh my gosh up and my inspector doesn't do that but he double takes me through a smoke I'll take it um might have a lineup for this thing next time I had the lineup for it man they needed to let me cook you dog I don't wait I'll close oh he did one enemy remaining nice [Music] two that's so mean like even if they killed both your dog and my old they'd be like out of bullets to kill us all right all right I think we might have to work on timing a little bit distracting that's a plus flashing again oh no they killed little bro so fast I got it again I missed no players oh no I missed my thrashback sight oh wait no did I get him oh I got him no I did detain him backside thanks wings last player standing that's so lame I'm so sad I'm holding right behind your dog I didn't hit anyone flash flash this is Spike Planet thanks wings I haven't else again I'm gonna hold TT two seconds oh 40 on jet oh my gosh there's my buddy okay you see coming out CT I'm Gonna Fly yeah one enemy remaining dude I just did a loop there do you know if you left click after you left click with your old it pops early yeah I've been trying to do that recently I saw a lot of people comment on the YouTube comments that and we can pop a little early so I'm gonna try to use that a lot more goes over wow what the [ __ ] what heal me do I hit him with a jumpy that shot [Music] players 40 Sage taps oh the rap you will not kill my Ally one enemy remaining [Music] he's so good he's so handsome I'm going I'm going to links oh I detained two left side deep yeah I did one more no he's a judge no wait I didn't detain any it says I detained zero what no they're out garage two backside last two backside we couldn't do enough in those last couple rounds we got so many kills minus two only 12 though because me and Elite did so much for the team there oh oh out well you just pulled me into the door my bad you can trade him I don't know if he want to help you [Music] oh I don't sight for her dude what are what are these teammates oh we're good we'll get planner I don't know if I hit him I didn't hit him me me 40 on the Phoenix wait I'll throw a little guy on top side one enemy remaining why were you not flashing him that's true sadness dude dude dude like there's so many things hit me can you hear me holy I'm using my old screw this is it arcade engine get on what thank you hello for games right games hello I literally just couldn't play I I just couldn't that's like actually so bad because that just that gets me killed because since it doesn't work as long as it takes for me to not put him out that's me not pulling out my gun to look at somebody else dude come on fight planted oh yeah oh my gosh I'll be your flashbang he's stunned hey yes that's the spirit of a true teammate right there chat I ran through little wingman bro Adam knife out human flashbang that is how we do it oh yeah but he wasn't detained this old sucks man no 105. easy guys it worked 18 RR boom plot three let's see if we can make it to Diamond I believe I believe this combo is underpowered and underutilized so far we can do better oh this is gonna be the god map we can throw our flashes Through the Windows and stuff now hopefully they smoke here this is perfect we can Flash out of this together and then we hit site we're good one two three two three oh my gosh triple flash they're all good dude we got a random flash in there too holy cow I can't see anyone screens I will Camp outside beam in bro you're our duelist you should not Camp outside be made we have a killjoy oh you're right killjoy it doesn't matter that I'm one in six because my death has won US the round we are six and one in rounds remember it's not about the scoreboard when you press tab it's about the scoreboard at the top of the screen not I'm not bottom frag you guys I'm not bottom fraggy I'm benching the team benching the teams getting reps in right now send a new PR that was awful that might have been one of our worst double flashes yet it cleared close but I was just perfectly in line for him to kill me outdoor door I detained three Evan the ultimate coordination play Elite flash is top I turn around dodge it thank you I got hit with a sky dog and a fade dog [Music] oh don't peek no he's we're chilling we're chilling buddy oh my God oh my gosh let's go that old was so good oh my gosh I was like what two kills 10 deaths on the half brought it back to uh where is it 15 and 13. that's pretty good let's go 26 RR love the zoo these next couple games we gotta try our best to combo our util even more we're doing it a lot but I want to really make some people uninstall oh [ __ ] we're good what how did how did Disney not see him in the corner wait what again I didn't hit him Up and Away back to me I just I really wanted to go for a knife kill this right I don't know what's happening man I'm giving you bum flash me into ramp I'm gonna I'm gonna flash as well and if they're close I should be able to just get a Kill I don't know [Music] oh I flashed myself oh my God that's so odd I've never flashed myself like that before right another Dub with the sky gecko combo plus 28 RR jeez we're flying right now did it so I have so many more first Bloods that are duelist because of the way we're playing because we're both double flashing and I'm intrigued I'm basically a duelist with this I had five first Bloods I'm an Ulta yellow got it we gotta just go pick it up on Yelena no no he was on top no stop Landing up there nice oh behind default oh my gosh he just like blocked under my headshot holy oh guys guys that was awesome oh my gosh we lost wait no we want it we want it on time but oh man that was so funny if you just run jump peek and throw from right here I want you to shoot the world first look at this look at this it falls down covers default and the Rope play and we won the round look at that neat I'm always Blind by you wait up one enemy remaining [Music] oh my goodness dude I love this plant though I've said this before but you could just play it to one of the best Planet spots from Kitchen it's so good there's three here you ready I'm a flashlight I got him I got him no I I you also got me last player standing enemy remaining let's go somebody's I got the spike foreign we have fried plot three down where did the need land I was pushed up so far I didn't win for good we're good I almost went but dude that was so good they got slightly Blind by your bird and then full blind to my mind I actually saw them I saw them this time oh another flush is ready remaining we're able to contest that for so long with so many abilities and somebody's there 30 seconds left one enemy remaining Spike down a another one cool they're not gonna check there's no way stop [Laughter] he was so scared dude dude you totally could jump up this on the right angle last player standing look at this you could you could totally jump up this look at this right oh man it looks so weird there's gotta be like a pixel that you could jump up on it [Applause] foreign [Music] 25rr the diamond one rank up happens pretty freaking solid I'm partnering up with my roommate Grimm who will be playing Sage the idea is that Sage's wall can provide enough cover for wingman to fully plant and normally really risky positions allowing us to essentially plant for only the price of a wall and a wingman additionally if we use Sage's slow and mosh pit at the same time it can end up being a really deadly combo because it's very hard to get out of the stage as slow with that amount of time and Mosh Pit insta kills almost anyone if you're new to the channel here please consider subscribing because if we hit 400 000 subscribers before this series ends I will shave my head diet neon green and pull off the best gecko cosplay you've ever seen I know we can do this because 67 of you are not subscribed so please check to see if you're subscribed below and thank you so much for watching hey man oh yo is that the funny is it the funny guy the funny Sage guy wow insta-lock Squad here let's go we got booty licker undefeated that's gonna be great it's all good we don't need smokes when we have three Duelists set it flashing set a little bro clap for you yeah save him save him he's chilling he's little guy's good he's coming in behind oh wait he might break the wall no he's good wait good let's go dude he's chilling I do have a lineup for this children's on flank I can't fight him no I'm Molly Ball but it wasn't enough I'm here with you I'm blind I got spit on me down one more hit 20 on the raise oh my God okay ultimate give me a kiss on the lips hey boy oh my gosh dude we have no body wingmen can plant bomb like from 60 meters away I found the rate like how far away it is wall me up from here could I throw wingman from Maine I need to get line outside of sight so I'm wondering if there's a way could you wall me on top of this that'll work that did not work at all I have no clue I don't think we can get high enough it's a good idea I don't know if it'll work but it could be so cool yeah your children right there wait I can't get those long all right you just go plant them I'll get the I'll get the kills one enemy remaining I guess it's too late yeah you know I'm still just trying I'm still just trying where's our team doesn't work I don't know I can't it's like I kind of have line of side of sight but I don't like I can't the the spike isn't showing up for me wait I almost killed their Phoenix I'm detained they're fixing Phoenix is a team though too I think this is not good at all no little guy's on board [Music] so I just couldn't do anything foreign first game on with grim he popped off I didn't do amazing but minus 17. what is this we can't pledge I can see sight little man should be able to figure this one out he's in he's in nice I am little guy I am he is a little guy man he might be six five but he's a little guy slowing back screen I got a little guy in can you can you warm off everybody's good oh my God I almost died for the cause how about you throw buddy we're gonna bait the [ __ ] out of that little guy the little guy you know what I mean whoa whoa whoa Whoa man bro that's my little bro what to play wait dude he's breaking your wall there's behind you behind you speaking little guys still breaking the wall did not work oh this one happened player standing he's in half no I'm not his face who's on his face let's do the uh assistant here give me the bottom let's just set him out again just wall across and push him with the team quick and he'll just he'll plant in the chaos go in go in go in Stand Down yes no one's flaky he dropped to hell oh he shot me right as I threw a flash man I'm so sad dang these rounds have been going so fast like we can't we haven't been able to play post plant first slow and watch at all I'm not sure what do you think they're gonna Nerf about him I think they're not gonna Nerf anything about him I think if anything he needs a ball the only reason he's good right now is people don't know how to react his ability to his abilities I I think in like a month or two he's gonna he's gonna be in desperate need of a buff what did you oh I got so much okay go ahead I hit KO but he died instantly tough plus 22 brought it back um Spike planted one enemy remaining yeah Pikachu good morning no we're good Pikachu he wait that was actually so good he thought it was off bomb because yeah he said his decoy and I shot it out oh my gosh this is turning into a grim video oh my gosh he's that guy on here oh he is him yes I'm grabbing thrash no they broke him 114. no I should have waited oh almost dang there was one person backside that's what ruined it I think I'm done from garage let's win Simi remaining all right guys no they're just faster take care they're gonna wait for another [Music] that one's better just aim it no the lower the lower one lower one lower Point what okay aim there Laura I think there you go right side nice you got him no it's right side it's right outside right side right side what the heck backside oh my God is Gekko with an Odin just better see two of those dude Gekko Odin just broken dude no way they're gonna be so pissed no no we're awful bro I can't believe that it actually works though let's go let's attained you sure quote I put him in no I'm gonna die oh they have a vandal I'm sure it one short no Spike down B that's unfortunate yeah yeah yeah yeah show me boss where one long one say it come on give me a second Spike planted that wasn't even a lineup I just shook that it landed perfectly on the bomb holy cow one enemy remains oh my God we're just not gonna all good all good all good he's again I mean that is just pure exhilaration sides no whoo who did it Grim just carried us an OT he got back to back Aces but you know they decided to draw I understand why plus I got plus three let's go three or more baby foreign [Music] actual elevator they were both just looking away and walking out there's so many a outside of this last player standing oh that is [ __ ] up lots of setting man's not diffused let's go that was pretty nice so it's like gonna break it yeah I got it put sniper on Me on the left under one let's go 80 on them I just wanted to go in there man I'm doing bomb site what the yeah bounce no he fell down with me no he's already threw a bully is dude I'm so sad he literally just ran through a molly see in the smoke what do you have traps oh my gosh one enemy that's good I'm planning on playing he's not waterfall s yeah oh my gosh no no that Spike wins one enemy remains okay let's go bro [Music] I think you heard a motorcycle [Music] oh man walked into that enemy remaining wait you can't knock them off oh my God wait dude you can't suck little man off ball okay okay I was like so confused wow okay we we didn't draw we didn't draw plus 21. let's go holy too fast diffusing watching rope up let's go that's so good I don't like Rush up I'm down like this I flash High you wall off let's go here let me get in front of you then right yeah yeah make sure Oh I thought I could only see his head what you see what I didn't no one's machine one enemy remaining dude how did it not detain her I don't get it man I just don't understand please just help me understand oh it's I walk too fast to do it I guess I'm a TV summer it could be tough site it could be oh my gosh wait w stick wait just stay alive he's on wait he should stick it yes typhen [Laughter] nice I'm sending guy into plant top side here we go full move oh my God there's so many mollies we're good it's okay I'm just sending him in he's going bro bro he's going every time never mind I got domed in mid way oh wait that's sick there's one no oh my God if I head shot that guy oh it is yellow you guys lied I'm doing the wall that was top sight I'll hold tops hold up sure dude all right I'm just planning to DARE I'm so sad it didn't you guys are alive I did not shot her no little bro what am I doing wrong you're saying not like that you told me jump off the boxes no it works I'm being Gaslamp right now plus 22. you don't need to jump just aim where you want to be playing what are you testing I've tested the plate up my some people are saying to chat that you can plan on top you guys I think you do have to jump he can't from there I died did this you guys said I could they patched it in today's update dude I told you it doesn't work and you guys are like no it does work it does work you guys are actually massive trolls dude if I knifed the last guy oh one enemy remaining oh my gosh [ __ ] up baby um something is definitely wrong with the comms they seem like not like pretty quiet I believe that's what it means what did I miss was it nuts whatever come on baby oh my gosh Sage you're not Grim why are you doing all these walls [Laughter] my favorite Creator I want to be just like it one enemy remaining I mean that is just pure exhilaration holy I need to go change man oh I mean my pants are soiled you know what I mean holy Up and Away [Music] all right you guys just saw them they're all gonna die I guess it's their bonus yeah we're doing it next round it's pretty nice though okay that's the plan chat we're gonna take our kid take Tower send little dude in wall off plant Grim is gonna play here Chuck a sage slow I'm gonna play Arcade throw a Molly lineup we should be able to stall for so long remaining yes it's all a dub 21 RR one went off that diamond two let's get it couple here one enemy remaining Spike down a we're good held it down man the judge oh my goodness why am I I'm getting I'm getting disrespected out here also this guy is a radiant gun buddy how what rank are we in right now goodness last player standing oh [Music] no if I I kill him and win the round thing it's so hard if they're not like near bomb or something to get a kill with mosh and slow like tether it was a lot easier because we could throw it to the tether like they would either have to swing us or die like a hundred percent right here yeah perfect what let's go they just decided to try to tank it on the left side okay no no that was sick though enemy remaining 10 seconds left [Music] one knife the little guy goes you're so mean oh my goodness let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go go go shark killer nevermind nice little guys in last player standing you have your flasher oh no Evan swing Spike oh my God hit him just don't plan for a second I'm gonna throw a molly or something what what you can probably get them before no I know I heard him on ramp but I had to go to balm TV just give me a second boss I am playing really well around the abilities right now like I'm using everything the right way this is weird it runs out on BMV and I dropped or something 80. oh my shirt here I decided to not play like a [ __ ] and that helped you know and like play patient let them peek into me instead of swipe swinging 30 seconds left it's OT though we're good let's go nice little 30 bomb to end it out Diamond two rank up baby that is it for this episode of the Gekko Speed Run let me know what you thought of the sage gecko combos we were able to pull off a couple good plays and I'm happy to see how it went we're partnering up with one of my good friends Perry he's one of the best Brimstone Mains in the game and that's the agent he'll be playing today after giving it quite a bit of thought we discovered that Brimstone might be one of the best agents to duo with Gekko because almost every piece of his utility can combo with Gekko the idea is to throw a caterpillar of smokes have a wingman run through them and plant the bomb safely and then play post plant with Brim Molly mosh's pit Brimstone ultimate and Gekko ultimate not only that we can actually combo both of our ultimate abilities if I hit anyone with thrash Perry can then use his ultimate on the detained person if we're unable to make it to them let's see how it goes if you're new to the channel here please consider subscribing because if we hit 400 000 subscribers before this series ends I will shave my head diet neon green and pull off the best gecko cosplay you've ever seen I know we can do this because 67 of you watching right now are not subscribed so please check to see if you're subscribed below and thank you so much for watching here we go no way Terry's name on his alt account is the brim Reaper sticky [Music] flowers I'm playing Molly I'm playing Molly he's on sorry oh yes sir three kills two kills I think we might be the god Duo the brim Reaper is here nailed it sword caterpillar caterpillar now Brim oh we have one smoke use it somewhere I can plan a harvest go over again wait I've let us do this oh we're good raise come hide we can play lineups wait I need that spot too Frick all right wait just don't pee Grace um I think I throw mine now oh Wikipedia yes let's go it's okay caterpillar caterpillar [Applause] oh I'm putting the little guy in no I gotta kill don't know how just Spam me through smokes little guys in I didn't really plan for a lineup though oh my gosh what's going on dude the caterpillar works man I just need to throw them to the right spot to plant and then we're gonna be chilling yeah I'll try to plant it either here or here or here if you have letters for all three of those I just assume you did yeah yeah you know you know naturally we both have ladders for all three of the most common spots to play you know you know what I'm saying man I threw him in caterpillars going in they killed if they killed them bro I'm planning somewhere all right we're good no we have lines for that we're good let's go let's go dude I have so much energy right now streaming at night holy cow I've been streaming in the afternoon to play with noodle cause he's in the UK time I got energy we gotta try doing like a like a three or four K combo with our Both Worlds you know what I'm saying oh yeah oh that would be so sick if we get planned you're able to stun three or so dude if we don't even think about that that's such a good combo I ult them and then you brimbled them when they're detained come on install dude little Bros in just help just Spam around him so he doesn't die he's in we're good we have lineups and brimbled first offers you got a nice Lolly I got molly I think this is lens I might have missed it let's see all right I got an egg I think I'm on you Molly next if you need one enemy remaining oh my gosh we won the whole round without even pushing through the first joke that was disgusting we're sending the caterpillar in oh we're good we're good thanks little man rash is ready yeah we have razel we have all we have [ __ ] ton of posts you need a poster you need to send your volume soon we can't see it they're gonna wall it off and stuff you go first I go second and then I have both I'm coming down mine's coming down all right I'm gonna wait I'm so in mind now stop darling close right close right behind the corner that's right [Music] jeez is this like actually broken we're 6-0 I'm ten and one because I'm not pushing through jokes I've had to pick up the little guy the bomb from little guy once normally he only gets plants off like one out of every like four times maybe this is ridiculous this is actually the dumbest call though he got played off though I don't know if they're on I'm so so deaf all right I'll throw up you go first all right player standing no oh no oh they figured it out oh and away no they just Spam me through smoke what if we fake fake your uh wingman in and we can [ __ ] away with a caterpillar oh my gosh all right wait guys this is the play we gotta do this now okay uh Harbor take bomb u3 take bomb on B don't make any contact we're gonna fake with the caterpillar and just send wingman without the ball man caterpillar they're fighting caterpillar caterpillar [Music] buddy are we selling we're selling we're selling you go out scale scale skill go go are they there at all time let's go I can't believe that works so well all right now we play lineups we're so awful we're actually the worst thank you all right I'm gonna throw my Molly geez now that their condition we go back to the caterpillar we do it again [Laughter] you all deserve this whole play oh my gosh can't even use my light UPS man they're all dead I know I got another one up here wait we can knife him you want me you want me to ult him just chill wait wait until oh no oh get the knife baby I've never like just absolutely disrespected a team so hard I'm doing the caterpillars all right caterpillar's out little Bros in little bro did it low bro did it you go oh neon neon I threw my lineup they might be on though 114. oh no I killed so many not the 93 curse dude I didn't even realize you have four kills it doesn't even matter though like we're just rolling with this utility can you Mickey Mouse I got a little guy on too no evil we're chilling we're chilling for lack of a better term I I really don't know how to how to explain what this play is called without it being incredibly crass so oh they don't want this oh they're here get ready to push through these ways wait watch this no 120 KJ it's gonna look so funny from their side what what is this what 23r that is just insane like how well that works for the first game like no practice no nothing it was nuts [Music] Auto clicker and you Auto clicker the auto gecko so you were I don't care I didn't have an auto clicker my computer's just better than yours man that's tough how about you get a life whoa hey man no need no need to get personal man I touch grass like once a month just like everyone else okay you want to take this outside yeah that's what I mean yeah that's it or Breeze maybe Breeze would be cool they got they got a three stack you see that gut jut and mud and Jet they got some combos too dude you can't forget about jet man they have jet gut jut and mud yeah it's gonna be a combo dip we're gonna have to show them our combos are better yeah yeah they have a gecko brim too no oh I should know I shouldn't have gone just straight trolling out here oh they're probably gonna go ahead this is it this is it I'm with Molly default we ain't no way boy you know what you have a Molly from there what no way nice okay I'm gonna come out and have an earring ready I don't know if I got anyone they're hell though if they are I don't think I got them it was a weird all right I'm flying out of this ready yep oh this whole thing holy crap one late playing oh he's right underneath I'm so sad my old didn't connect I was like I was like there's no one there it's so weird around corners I don't I dove into a corner and he went into hell and like if he wasn't around the corner I would have detained him but since he was I just didn't get him okay you're cold Spike down bike down a H jeez they broke AJ's let me see mine mine's on oh little Bros on it last player standing no damn the KJ should have pumped oh I'm sad yeah he didn't pop his mollies then little bro got on so I had to throw mine that's so sad we're gonna caterpillar in ready wings there let's go let's go let's go high volume two now we're good we're good we just gotta kill a little guy if he gets on I'm throwing my money wrapping garage last player standing no oh I detained one it was gonna be so good oh I should have waited too old I didn't realize your Bali lasted so long yours was so good last player standing one enemy remaining let's go I see you oh the banks bro just protect me Lord see much care for help one enemy remaining oh he's playing for sure yeah always flanks oh he's not UCT bro I heard him oh yeah who said that yeah who said that geez now we're gonna do the B hit I send little dude in right away entry super fast I'm gonna hold behind it so that whoever's playing B backs out all right break wall over to your brick wall responding oh I got my old I'm getting out pretty good they're in mid oh jeez what is this game we're playing wait wait they put three they put three that's so sad wait a second hold on I don't know if they do that what the hell that's crazy all right guys we're going eh I'm going through short we're stimming up right there I'm gonna throw dizzy long right there so you guys can push long we stim I'm gonna ult through short we take sight together plant the bomb come back and play light up the dream detain CT detain CT and the Smoke on the right side could be pushella what they're on site I'm so distraught there was a guy on site still nobody cleared him me down all right now he thinks you're playing line up the dream oh just let him pass this is so mean this is so mean all right GG and he's dead bro hey what'd you say oh man all right two games down two dubs 20 RR let's go dude brim Gekko kind of thing I'm saying on stuff foreign oh God I don't know if I got him he's on top one enemy remaining yo let's go bro little bro little bro died for the cause man let's go them I don't think I hit anything on there no no no no no no no please no please no how come my olds don't do that he perfectly Dove his around the corner to hit both of us so sad we're in bro are they coming they're coming yes no wait there's one more we're good he's on the left they're all pinging left side CT yeah God dude I cooked them no wait I think Raptor yeah dude am I flashed in there that was so sick that was so awesome though I don't care that was so cool oh oh at least we got at least we got our content minus 16. run it back no okay thanks man you're a hero I got out Gekko locked so it's another caterpillar caterpillar go the caterpillar the scuffed Lotus caterpillar he's in water I think I think one enemy remaining water's dead I'll just chill here while you guys uh I lost it on the entire team oh my God all right caterpillar caterpillar helicopter helicopter oh one playing one entry oh my gosh you're insane oh my gosh this man's a machine wait it might not be planted totally for your Molly lineup I hope it is I hope it was okay you're a god dude you're actually the best the best Brimstone ever I'm so happy I died because I got to spectate that that you literally just did everything there kill Gekko flaking Molly lineup for post play jeez let's let's open door and I'll thrash through just somebody open door for me I'll I'll clear it I'm doing it detained one wait no I didn't how is she not how is she not detained how is she not detained I popped deals early two to Tater that's fine I killed all three of them how is she not detained though I don't get it man I'm ready to smoke whenever all right little bro's going in caterpillar foreign guys got this he broke him no he's good bro you don't understand little bro's got us man I'm a Molly first here I'm just gonna Molly early I'm all you know I'm in a Molly second yeah right away you gotta you have oh look you know no no it didn't go off okay yeah oh he's Audi bro he is howdy he did not want it we have we have so much utility I got one I didn't detain anything dude I'm diving so deep and not getting kills of this old it sucks chill chill one enemy remaining no he saw me he's blind wow how does he what happened jeez that flash was nuts please yeah baby nice that's me and you that's me and you that's so good man holy I that had such a good Splash on them after two they were just so blind no no he'll be lined up I ran out of bullets man fighting the beaches of Normandy out here on a long my gosh all day out colors gotcha they're all there there's no one tab through smoke another World War I got sat down one time through smoke man 80. one enemy nice [Music] let's go another 21 after 31. that worked out really well I wasn't sure how well brim was gonna work but we combo incredibly well together my partner is Joel's and he'll be playing Reyna the idea is that rain is leer and gekko's dizzy could potentially combo together very well if you throw one or the other abilities high or low you could leave the enemy completely blind around a corner a hundred percent of the time let's see how it goes if you're new to the channel here please consider subscribing because if we hit 400 000 subscribers before this series ends I will shave my head diet neon green and do the best Gekko cosplay you've ever seen I know we can do this because 68 of you are not subscribed so please check to see if you're subscribed below and thank you so much for watching yeah that's it but they're here they're here oh my gosh ready go go I flash myself bro I don't know dude I threw that this works so well this is the best combo I've ever seen that we flashed ourselves oh my gosh what is that work on Gekko oh shoot I don't what do I do no no no no that's not it perhaps maybe I don't know I nailed it hi guys oh my gosh I got this perfect we're chilling what if we did a a funny thing what if you got to hear and threw a flash or whatever like I threw it from the wall here I come to come to tree and throw it through the wall and I'll throw mine super high while they look at yours just do it right away right away yeah yeah ready I I but then they blinded me back yo uh where'd you get your name cage from second not my account it's actually sent for kage whoa reported oh like hoe cage oh I love Naruto okay I've actually never watched Naruto oh yeah it's pretty good my favorite character is Luffy fight sit down yo I got a little guy on Bob just protect him oh my God baby [Music] Flash oh he's so good this guy's probably late lurked up cat players throw one like stand here and throw one high or something and I'll throw mine low [Music] no I just got my old shut off okay okay dude what [Music] CTA I'm throwing I'm throwing I'm actually throwing wait why can I not see how many people I flash I wait it doesn't say anything I definitely flash like three people there 30 seconds left clean around guys clean around really phenomenal like honestly no mistakes let's just both push and both flash all right all right all right they've been anticipating it we could we can put it here ready ready ready oh my gosh I guess he cares [Music] dude those first two kills were so good because like my blind only got one person but they were also disoriented after a year blind came out after it was so good yeah I just shocked him I just literally threw both of them I popped my old so I can throw them faster shot of me two-shotted oh they're in there push a tree I should have broke door I shouldn't use Molly I didn't realize you had KJ olds wait why does he win this why does he want this remaining oh oh five bullets and a dream likes to play Jen oh he was confident oh yeah show me all right all right let me know if I'm doing it right I think I think and then what yeah oh wait wait do it a little bit slower a little bit slower wait try wingman at Disney Try wingman and dizzy that's what I'm doing try to pull it up okay [Applause] are you ready too late we're going good sucky sucky mad of course I get clipped by that um clear your Corners whoops XD no switch holy holy all right let's go B guys let's go B we're gonna we're gonna Open flash close and then we're gonna double rainbow blind we're gonna use my gecko flash or we're just running to sight so use your use your flash first one here just just like double them up and then I'll throw a gecko guy over the window wow we just took sight they didn't even try to fight that one holy Smith I'm down holy smokes oh what am I doing sorry sorry I'm sorry man I'm sorry [Music] hold up oh we close the door go kill him wait let me get another hole let me get another roll so we can wait okay yeah I detained I detain it all what's up wait if he gets detained by KJ he gets double detained oh my god get his ass again I'm coming I'm coming wait I'm detained oh wait [Laughter] a good game the poor guy God freaking double detained couldn't move for like 15 seconds yeah I worked pretty pretty well for the first game on plus 21 RR holy oh [Music] I've seen so many geckos in game like I feel like every game has a gecko on both teams yeah he's he's pretty good I think he's fun do you think he's gonna need a buff or a Nerf or anything um no I I actually don't think he's that strong I don't think so either he's strong like when it works it's weird yeah I feel like if you have like good I think good players can counter him very easily is all excuse me um excuse me this game is not realistic um I hit him in the head if I shot him in the head in real life he would literally die um excuse me Ryan Dems uh the realism in this game needs to be worked on so good one enemy remaining did you see that one time I had it holy that was so exciting oh my gosh oh heck they're both not on what Thrifty oh little guy was on oh I'm sad oh yeah that definitely wouldn't have worked in that situation he'll die for the cause if you if you like react throw a brim Molly a killjoy Molly he'll still defuse uh half at least and then if he if you react through like a Gekko Molly on it depending upon where it lands they'll pull full defuses Gekko is Molly is kind of trash should have checked his corners should have hit a spray one more uppercase Molly's gonna be really good in Pro play with lineups I disagree actually there are so many better mollies in the game brim Molly last longer does damage instantly Viper Molly lasts longer does damage instantly kills Roy Molly you can throw pre uh beforehand on bomb can pop it instantly marshes takes so long to fly in the air and then when it lands it does zero damage until it actually goes off meaning that you can stick half or fold a fuse so much more often it's for attacking site Molly lenos that's my opinion yeah I mean it's good for attacking because if you know somebody's in a corner you can throw a Molly and they have to push out but at the same time if you know somebody's in a corner you can just combo util them like you can just you could throw double flashes so I feel like there's just better utility to do that you know I can hold this in I'm holding us in the dude oh my goodness we're so good we're so good laughs oh he opened door I'm so sad ly good what are you doing mine oh he's got it I saw you last player standing you should run you must oh I'm so sad maybe I don't push there I don't know if I'd have enough time though if I throw my Molly and then then run away yeah I think they still fold the fuse it could be safe he tried to detain the little guy away he has targets nice is ready oh my gosh Auntie It Feels So this feels so sloppy right now yo yo yo man I was just getting a little distracted man I had to tie my shoes there you gotta watch your Corners dude wow what are you doing get your head in the game dude why were you in the way there man why are you in the way I was trying to pick that angle I was trying to crouch peek the corner and you got in my way man what the enemy remaining my alt's ready oh no oh no what is this position something hold something stop it's not you can't time in every angle like this you're just if you're playing like that you're literally just like rolling the dice every second of the round like if he Peaks you from canteen gen main you just have to hope that he Peaks the angle you're holding when you're holding it dude holy let's go all the way to Maine all the way to Maine never mind I lied resume thank you One straps [Music] we're good I only detained one I swear I get so many people told me you can activate the old midair and I do and I don't hit anyone and then I full dive it and I I saw three people there and I only detained one I I swear result needs to be reworked because sometimes you have like a killjoy old radius and you hit everyone in the near vicinity and then sometimes it's the the radius of a basketball and you can't like there's no way I I I don't get it Somebody explain how that all works I do not understand and normally I understand everything by now it doesn't make sense couple droops like three of them dude my ghost gameplay is actually freaking fire Spike planted Up and Away there you go last player standing you're still alive one enemy remaining what the where is he please I think he actually modded what is this he's tower now yeah he wrapped I think he wrapped him I'm so sad I I should have hacked it probably and then pushed Towers I don't know I don't know what the plan is there oh I don't know what the play is there honestly um one enemy remaining Spike down a we're good we're good all good got my revenge Nigel's can you play a man we're locking this down if they come here again I want you to flash once High one slow and I throw my dizzy in the middle of that all right all right all right all right all right I'm gonna I'll throw mine through door ready yeah yeah one enemy remaining dude what that actually works so they were so so blind oh my gosh we need to see the stats on that how many did you blend with yours three yeah with the four there I blinded three as well so they got blinded like a total of nine times that's crazy that's awesome yeah in that situation it's like perfect you just team wipe them like like I didn't take did you take any damage yeah I didn't take any no little man okay now ready 120 I want to go be man oh this is a rest dude wait brim brim get ready to Old whoever entertain Ed detainment oh wait no they didn't they didn't they broke her that's okay no I'm so sad his old's amazing and trash I don't get it we could try to flash around this corner in a second ready wait arcade are good sit down enemy remaining okay already kind of cooked that game uh the flash combos pretty ridiculous plus 20. oh my gosh I'm diving three and away oh my God oh my gosh I tried to flash over they were already up [ __ ] whoopsie I am going to buy two flashes yeah you don't need the flashlight yeah yeah dude out of short let's just try to run it down short and then flash out into sight close right close right close right we're good thanks little man I'm off I'm gonna flash out when they drop ready holy if you're drawing a line he drawing a line one enemy remaining oh my gosh we got her wait what if I do it I almost planted myself everyone yeah yeah yeah yeah I got her but I'm dead wait no did you try the knife yeah yeah there's a guy in swords only one came out of CT I'm so upset he's on top I can't get him I'm blind I'm blind he's an American boys okay he's ready thanks 119. she broke it oh my gosh oh I'm sad man why is this game so stressful as Gekko every time I get a kill he's gonna make an annoying ass sound what about soccer everywhere there oh yeah [Music] foreign [Music] does anyone um truly believe that the moon landing was real like I don't know anyone that works at Nasa that believes that honestly dude those people whoever worked at Nasa were literally like programmed Bots NPCs also moon landing was definitely fake widowy where do we where do we hit the quitty where do we hit in the Woody what are we hitting the gritty in this phone right now see one enemy [Music] Garda production I'm pushing the smoke I'm pushing the smoke I'm throwing I'm giving him a gun no no no no no no no no no no no no no no can't believe one of them said we play like play weird or whatever these guys are in their spot in the whole game oh window [Music] well that's nice let's type him no he's done he was so far away from us man no 120 jet no if we I'm so sad what's from where what's happening what is this what is this on the TV what he shot one bullet through the wall and it had shot me one enemy remaining last one is installed that's embarrassing that's embarrassing let me show you how to do it I'm about to knife knife oh never mind his mind is Defenders win hey if you like climbing I did a special for hitting 100 000 subscribers on Keo plus check it out there's a link in the description below and I hope you enjoy it oh seven let's go nice dub 14 RR wow that was the High Roller my last one but we ended on a dub what are we doing 3-0 nice little nice little quick 3-0 bro today I'm partnering up with noodle and he's gonna be playing neon the thought process is we can combine neon's wall with wingman to plant in pretty risky situations additionally we can use neon stun to combo with Dizzy leaving the enemies in a pretty bad situation if you're new to the channel here please consider subscribing because if we hit 400 000 subscribers before this series ends I will shave my head diet neon green and pull off the best gecko cosplay you've ever seen I know we can do this because 67 of you are not subscribed so please check to see if you're subscribed below and thank you so much for watching [Music] foreign [Music] I've been streaming for almost six years now and if I knew what I know now going into streaming I would have grown so much quicker so if you're a streamer of any size listen up I've parted up with streamlabs to help you learn from my mistakes one of the things I struggled with the most was turning my streams into watchable YouTube or short form content I'd stream for eight hours and then do nothing with it it would take me days if not weeks to go through a singular stream and that's because I didn't know about streamlabs bookmarking where you can assign hotkeys to drop a marker if a cool moment happens this is how I make all our content here I have two buttons one for a normal marker and one for short form content so if something cool happens all I need to do is press one or both of these hotkeys and then in the editing process all we need to do is look at these markers instead of an eight hour video video it's pretty great after you're done making your video you can use streamlabs ultra to make thumbnails or intros for your YouTube videos if any of this is interesting to you please check out streamlabs Ultra by clicking the link below thanks and I hope this helps he's on site I'm gonna play it you ready to hold no oh my god oh wait is this guy cheating that guy's a demon wait is he cheated or is he is he no he's not no dude he just accept everyone oh I could have done it so what's the best agent you've been paired with so far I Think It's gotta be it's either fate or Brimstone so far Brimstone was just such a surprise of how well it worked so I definitely would have tried running it back again with Brimstone I feel like it was it could have been a fluke I don't know yet oh there he is little Bros going in I'm following him in the people's champion oh that was perfect ready we're gonna go through oh my God it's normally I miss her Jets but I miss it I miss her Brimstone dude that Vince I meant is down atrociously he's in really fast oh my God I slid into my open resorts he's looking like the locker room bro what is happening [Laughter] wingman's going for him what were you doing honestly why did we not have five in Tower five arcade all five of us all five of us go up rope and then we neon wall into sight and then throw a little guy we all stay tower for the entire rest of their round all right ready perfect brim said okay send a little send mold on wallet Perfect all right everyone just stayed Tower come Tower rip it right up listen to the plan get up here wow they didn't listen to the plan they didn't want to come play Tower see that's what you get that's what you guys get we're gonna get all things yo let's go drop together you can wall into sight from drop and I can plan it for Maine oh no he got the plant though oh wait this guy [Music] um air for Hellfire 100. what I didn't hit him wait wait don't don't kill him don't kill him I got miles again oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that is foul oh he's on the side he's doing the acre sets up bro got him all good he was lacking on both 140 on both we're good I flicked it I didn't though oh somebody's there guys on top side oh no no dude accidentally just pull off the arena combo that was so good dude I used my util so well to be patient and I got kills as a result oh I'm gonna detain them on the way out from wait two seconds to take two outside wait maybe they broke him oh no they broke it I think they broke it I don't know what happened oh that's so frustrating no oh yo that was sick I didn't even see it no no no no you meant to do that you meant to do that nice shot bro holy nice guys what man you sneeze sneezing one enemy remaining yes oh it's so good my buddy's little guy's on a mission it's a kid well that was lucky no that's a tough loss man nice little Team MVP lost 27-18 minus 16 RR that's uh that's a bummer unlucky that's tough the most phenomenal timing one enemy remaining no 120. dude I almost had to rap oh I shouldn't have white swung we got a kill with it though right there one enemy remaining I'll play nice let's go holy today fate This Is Us One enemy remaining Spike down a sat there the whole round for that baby oh my gosh we're the best oh it's inside inside of a bookie player standing he's looking towards me why one enemy remaining back to me apartment hmm oh oh I didn't get it I'm so sad no uh gekko's abilities with how they recharge and how risky it is to grab an orb back I feel like if there's that big of a time to grab the orb again it should have like less of a cooldown 10 seconds in that situation like I should have just never grabbed a wing you in you know and then yeah sure like you either should have the time to pick them up or a cooldown and you pick them up really fast or something like that you know oh my goodness that was a hard game to win honestly a little bit of a team diff there minus 15 on the d-rank game it's all all good we can bring it back come to amen with me let's go let's let's do let's do a dizzy you're gonna stun stun right away like the clothes I'll throw dizzy and I'll throw mosh this is so good oh my God it was so glad they went hey that was great what a combo I know the reason I thought the neon stuff yeah I didn't think neon sun was gonna work very well either but I guess if I throw like a good Molly that's then they probably can't get out of it it's just a matter of like getting that right in the right spot I shot the ball nice let's go get down once one's on on B could go mark it I have bomb I have bomb s lost okay oh let's go I'm gonna flash above you somebody did oh my gosh I actually cooked one Enemy No I wanted my Ace that was so sick yo yo one tap to me you see that one top holy I'm freaking crazy no that was my bad I baited him hard and then didn't I only got one kill I should have killed three no I I get I gave up three I killed some trees to be honest ly let me take the blame and be the bigger man here okay what is everyone's favorite Jolly Rancher flavor you guys are all saying dude green apple or watermelon all the way the blue one's like like this one the other day watermelon bro you're getting cancer the Watermelons that was like one of the best it tastes like this the sour patch watermelons when he speaks like confidence you're just running away the Vandal so I'm good no switch oh my gosh I broke it with my old or my Molly that was insane no I should I should have calmed it was gonna break his holes I'm so sad too oh my God one street oh my God it's chopping up knife we're good we're good it works I can't believe I made it up there just just slowly come on little fishy jump jump you got it he climbed the stairs man saw nothing burning [Music] how did I not kill him there's one more planted mail hello so I guess we're gonna oh got a free kill ER one enemy remaining nice baby got the Molly to start it off it just seems so satisfying with it it's definitely one of the most satisfying things because it's not like a a tick down or like you did a little bit of damage you just full killed them like dude I'm I'm so good what the heck I'm comboing with the sage so well right now I'm figuring out what situation is best to like throw one of those at I'm gonna ultimate when you make contact I'm melting Maine nice oh my God little guy did war thank you nice let's go wingman with the half you're going crazy dude feeling it using all the abilities like to the maximum extent right now I'm trying to play Not only around you as a Duo now I'm trying to play around every single teammate that I can potentially combo with so like right there CT Phoenix flashed out I threw my flash at the same time it's like so much better to do that instead of just throwing your util by yourself targets and they're not in heaven they cross the wait let me hold the last let's not even no film no film get up get up get up take a picture what we're watching are you sure you're the neon guy oh my gosh oh my gosh to the wall to heaven for the heaven plant yeah perfect oh that was that was so good where'd my flash go where's my dizzy it's there solely for these friends these are crazy one enemy remaining we're good let's go sorry flashlight on Heaven we're good I gotta show you this guys look at look at what he made [Music] you ready to wall cross I'm gonna I'm gonna little man first holding behind it right now oh he's behind the quest Club wait Randy's behind box here right there no wait close close help me we're good we're good all right guys all right nice think that might be it boys oh dang I didn't get 30. I dropped at 29. nice little match of EP 29 and 15. 22 RR jeez love to see it oh my God princess mature one enemy oh no he's underage guys oh good man wait I got this I'm cheating dead man Spike down mid tipping tiles [Music] wait did you vote Yes dude it's just you and me I'm good I did it I did it I did it it's just you and me all right vote Yes what you don't think so come on try this is like a trust fall exercise vote Yes I'll vote no you know come on oh it's over now no I'm just kidding one tiles [Applause] swirling it off now wait we break it off baby jeez that was terrifying oh my gosh no little bro didn't plan no sticky plant one CT comments okay last players no I have the raid ers [Music] Mike's sticky thanks little man it could come Heaven on you I'm trying to bait for you going out popped off minus 21. oh rough day but the combos were working pretty well so you know all good I'm gonna have to make like a tier list of all the best agents that duo with Gekko I think neon's neon's definitely up there we worked well together but Liam's actually really good yeah it's pretty cool we are joined by two very special guests from the old school RuneScape Community settled and framed one of these two dudes is gonna be going Cipher so that we can pull off the most disrespectful combo that valrant has seen we use gekko's ultimate to detain somebody and then Cipher's camera to take a selfie with them if you're new to the channel here please consider subscribing because if we hit 400 000 subscribers before the series ends I will shave my head diet neon green and pull off the best gecko cosplay you've ever seen I know we can do this because 67 of you are not subscribed so please check to see if you're subscribed below and thank you so much for watching am I actually playing Cypher yes sir yes sir are you feeling like you're losing hair already like just just chatting was I just took a look at my hairline and it's already receded an entire engine holy cow dude by the end of this match you might have less for some reason dude an inch is like a lot too yeah it's a small amount but like really I'd say that's like too much you're the cipher man where do I where do I put my Cipher me take get those words out of your dirty mouth players no 90 on viper oh hey much much love much love much love even that I probably win that but that's okay no no don't worry about it man you probably it's okay I think you'd lose that oh no I think you probably lose that don't worry about it uh Hey guys can we focus up this is my rank up game and Viper oh he's got a sheriff [Music] oh he's a Bucky oh nice oh wow okay wait we find the last guy we gotta do the selfie cam yes are we in two in two where is where'd he go is he up towards Kev he's in there he's in there oh hold up oh he's still man still man Stillman I'm coming for him did I get him I didn't get him no how did it you're gonna get me killed I didn't shoot him for that so we're good it's okay it's okay I'm so sad we definitely could have gotten it there we definitely could have died I don't understand how that doesn't hit him I don't get it I three of them lined up no three three are yellow 120. Viper's 120. oh hey oh I got a free kill that was nice oh my God on top of yellow ones deep yellow doing that that's okay different oh um our stage is not here that's okay we do have Glenn stanza that's basically like having two extra teammates so we're still actually plus one on the teammates right now foreign oh [ __ ] because I wasn't drinking Red Bull that's my bad I'm good enough you saw him stuck left there's two over there go inside [Applause] oh no that's okay I'll knife him anyway that's okay [Music] just whenever I have like five points of an old out of seven yeah I think just save your cam purely for the memes yeah I expect you to get two but not three you know no that's fair that's that's um that's on me for getting three honestly I'm gonna do something really dope here oh dude I was thinking about doing something dope too oh you got ah don't worry about it don't worry about it it's all good I did something dope too [Music] Piper can you put your wall down it's okay uh one there's one last one's uh elbow all good we have wingmen he's he's our fifth teammate you know you're right I just want to say wingman hasn't defused a single thing man yeah that is true why did I not defuse the men I've really been let down here that's my bad I'm gonna I'm gonna Flash yeah dink drain that backside there's the one in here we're pushing it baby all right here never mind don't oh my gosh never mind you have to I put a little oh [ __ ] cam sit cam thank you brother man the gun they're so low you got this that's done oh oh there's a world I think you still win this though yeah oh dude you're so bad for not getting that second one I suck man I have I have volts I'm going to use my ability [Music] they broke it rude I'm doing this I marched it it's okay I'm dead and Viper yellow nice no way go for a minute for you a minute if you go on uh boiler so just go behind you oh watch your eyes I actually hit him with the wrap of the century broken ankles my man's working at Chipotle the way he'd be rapping this guy way too much I didn't hit anyone backside well I can't grab dizzy right here oh oh winnable winnable thanks oh my gosh we're the best ow from mid from this nice thank God the cipher has the op we got this I've seen a more free round 4v5 I'm 13. minus 16 for a DC like that then a 31 ACS if it makes you feel any better I am not Diamond one wow that might be the fastest interlock Trio I've seen look at us look at us man oh I can totally see oh I ran out of bullets 81. he's won it he's one HP oh my gosh I hit him 81. oh he's not mean man he's on the left oh my gosh boys all right did you wrap it up where did the Rays go oh my goodness whatever oh hell oh hell this K was making uh making lunch and dinner out of us eight no all good first two rounds only I have my eye oh wait I think I can throw the eye over the top here wait I'm gonna throw my eye up here okay no one's over then close chilling enemy remaining oh wait this is we gotta just find him real quick don't kill him if we can he's still man I just heard from him you can bring it back to you if he's not in there we go we got him get the camera get the camera not throw there take a picture I you got that you got the selfie I did I did oh man wait let me let me throw my eye up that ice actually so good little man in I thought he is dead nice take a half yeah he's got an OP P oh Pros don't fake Pros don't fake oh it's too good are we going a I don't know where are we going we're going a I guess Bing o there's gonna be an obstacle man's gonna plant one enemy remaining [Music] we're good here to clean it up man here to clean it up let's just be better I was thinking the same thing yeah I think oh great yo let's be better man come on I'm going up they broke him nice Oh Heaven oh no oh this is so much worse go away okay fast Viper's gonna be screened wait they're gonna be peeking what is happening perfect [Music] is it better kind of oh it match how did I match MVP that game what the heck minus 14 I'm now zero out of 100. all good we're not gonna d-rank right right give me the bomb let's go for the god comp the god play We're Going B site okay insta smoke I throw a little dude all and then we're we're chilling we just let him plan we just insta smoke left and right I'm still glitchy can you guys see me like stutter in game it's over hey I got mine I should try to install for time I hit my DPI button [Music] oh no oh if I hit the flick then I have dizzy I'm chilling you abandoned Wing man after he plants I really do I feel like a good buff for wingman would be after you plant the bomb he runs back to you a little bit you know because I almost never go pick it up because it's like the same risk as planning the bomb sometimes you know This Is Us big man's gonna plant Spike upstairs back to me trash is ready I have ultimate ability nice trip another flash don't pick it up foreign it's Molly nice let's go money money good stuff lava lamp oh lava lamp threw his old as my Molly was Landing I'm so upset there's one on B one minute there's one on B as well go see go see quick hold on we're good nice work hey bro that was a great round came by thanks [Laughter] you are so charismatic you always win these there's two of them on me Omen 117. what don't worry I call him a dork for you bro today possibly think I'm there I mean that hard you guys want to play fall guys after this I think it's gonna be a little more competitive so I'm trying to have play like a real game yeah yeah [Music] wait oh yeah I'll do it I'll do it he's had camera camera selfie time [Laughter] hahaha oh why are they both mint still dude I don't get it it's so easy I think he's I think he still won yeah you're real man what why isn't it beautiful we're fine oh my goodness all right guys we gotta all try to take a selfie with them Okay lava lamp we kill one more let me go over the selfie I'm going through heaven sir kill food wait wait I got I got 10 get the selfie get the camera get the camera everyone smile laughs it's just too good I really want to get a clip where the enemy like looks at the camera with us and then one up short right now oh shut down again oh if I just pre-fired it no [Music] oh yeah that's great I threw once in their spot not bad right very good actually all right now I just need to Die the dream we're good all right that's perfect now you guys just throw in we're chilling there we go through you got the message that was perfect toss it's okay we can just throw another round it's fine was intentional right yeah he's trying to get out face your fear kill oh man how did Disney not hit that guy dude the cross map Molly is so sick got mine stay alive stay alive all right me inside for need to stay alive guys you go you go for the kills now got mine give your wall oh wall of failing yeah I don't think you were far off I think it was pretty close like I get a little lucky with some bullet spread the dreams we should not let them win I know we're just joking but like you know oh I'm actually not joking at all um I was thinking we don't let him win but I understand if you want to let him win um Molly default here looks no I didn't use two logs smoke what I just killed one bike planted yep kill him quick he doesn't have volts wait did he plant it oh my gosh wait ing today oh my God what explodes send it what was the story for the dude we just lost six rounds in a row jeez ripping it flashing High hey got me killed plenty little dude in I have old after this one's garage I'm sending all the garage holding garage one code flank Mario he's gonna be window one enemy remaining you're never gonna die oh my gosh dude what is happening sorry we're good no I wasn't scared all right let's go in let's just use our util now they don't have as much as we do here smoke down we flashed in C2 uh nice careful behind and one two three she's ready [Music] I detained myself it was right here no it didn't because it was around a quarter gosh oh holy cow now we can win it yeah dude that's all we wanted we now want to win it yeah we never wanted to go for a troll clip like this we just want to win now here yeah we always wanted to win we just choked six rounds in a row that's not even mean no it's all good we win it here guys switching sides no way no no no no no that's so stupid what do people draw man I would rather lose I would rather lose yeah draw I went 34-21 [Music] RR I got two though don't worry about it oh I'm glad you got to RR I'm so happy you got to I'm so happy for you like I'm just like I'm so happy for you that's so cool for how many uh match MVP eight first Bloods dropping 34 kills to be fair you don't really deserve no that's that's very uh I I deserve zero I deserved going even yeah today we're with noodle and be playing Astra the idea is that Astra actually might be one of the best Duos for Gekko because almost all of her utility can be comboed with a piece of gecko's utility for post plant situations we can combine Astra suck and stun with geckos Molly I can use Astra smokes to use dizzy and Flash out of them and finally we can use astra's wall to help wingman plant in Risky situations let's see how it goes I'm doing a Gekko cosplay at 400 000 subscribers and we are less than 10 000 subscribers away so if you want to see me get disowned by my family check to see if you're subscribed below it really means a lot to me hello oh my gosh real nude yeah gonna put the smokes here and do the nut side oh yeah right let's see what pistol run let's do a pistol run yeah all right oh my God I hit four of them default suck default 129 yes bullets 40. go get him buddy yo you see that one tap oh yeah if I could see bomb I could send the little guy out and then I Alt oh I can't see it from here it's okay I'm gonna hold ready oh I missed I thought I saw a turret little dude getting half actually what is the round that's amazing I sent these dude I got two we're chilling the dog smokes long D-Link oh I'll protect [Applause] [Music] oh no you died I have Molly I'm Molly bum Molly's on bomb don't worry if you have to Thrifty let's go [Music] you sucked them off right yeah no it didn't get him off now I'm gonna stood him though I got it on them [Music] planting shot my wingman no there we go Saul game 22-12 21r didn't derank that's the most important part so we got that all right we're chilling combo's working but it needs some work [Music] push it no I didn't time it is we're good thanks little man I'm out all right that's one stairs I cannot be in one second oh my God [Music] oh I didn't I only got one dude I still just hate this old man it makes it sound cute when you detain someone so I knew I got at least one because it said thrush got him or whatever and I was like oh it should have been like thrush doesn't know how many he got you kidding oh we're good Low Man's going in guys protect protect I got you I got you don't mind me my teammates just fighting the beaches of Normandy and I'm just picking up my little orbs oh yeah so throw a suck on the same side you were throwing it and then do a uh stun on the left side in case they push you so then they like either get stunned and die or sucked and die [Music] well that's just rough man that's that's uh that stuff is ready all right yes we love that let's go as old is like so satisfying and so inconsistent at the same time like it's just I don't I don't know man I don't know how I feel about it yet it's so nice when I get to go up and knife somebody though oh man we didn't really get much combo out of that game so you know that's just what happens sometimes minus 19. all good we have a free game to lose worst case scenario oh almost got three I know exactly it's almost there oh well played well played just run them down the dream our teams are so boring today no one's talking no one's having a good time like everyone's just a press CS2 got announced and everyone's just like man I didn't get in beta right now I'm gonna play valerians this this sucks man oh we might get him one enemy yes they actually worked the combo worked dude that was insane I think probably means these guys sit down you did good thanks [Music] one enemy remaining oh my God we're shielding one enemy remaining we're good we're good we're good it's fine oh my gosh dude we just pushed into three people and somehow didn't die one enemy remaining the 10 knife and knife he's really good he's really gonna steal the knife kill like that really I know he's my ultimate ability and wow oh that was beautiful that was just a textbook dizzy on breach oh no TP detained wait I didn't entertain him dude how tell me how I didn't detain 80 on Cypher how somebody tell me oh I didn't detain almond I popped in midair it doesn't make sense I was on top of him I popped it on him what happened I don't get it Ben CH one enemy remaining let's go a city now oh you guys are the best but wait if I plant I vote no I have this bike let's go Brandon dropped 34. I dropped 31. that was a solid win 21 RR well deserved win yo one shot all right one more backside oh one Raptor oh no I thought I was gonna blind them both with that dizzy but chamber came and went under Rafters so that sucks he was he was above he was uh spawn I'm doing a freaking one Taps man I just went for the jumping flying headshot you know come on I might not get this off in time oh that might land in time it might get a kill still [Applause] I do last player standing are you kidding are you kidding I jumped into the wall and because Viper was around the corner planting that tiny little corner it doesn't hit her I don't like this line of sight of the center of the explosion otherwise if it's around any sort of pixel it doesn't hit I don't like it Kyo can I be your wingman you already are man holy oh yeah they're perfect yeah okay that's so good confusing one enemy remains oh just hold him just hold him he's got it he's got it you're the best you're the best bro you're the best we gotta we got a fat raised carry but we'll take it 18 R I'm green you're green oh my gosh you passed me yeah it's trouble follow means a lot we're on the we're on the road to 350k here oh my gosh that guy is blind baby next time he didn't kill a little bit on its own thanks little man what happened he's got a peek heaven now oh we're after I can kill him I had a computer that was running OverWatch at like 40 to 60 FPS Max and I told myself okay if I can get to Grand Master which is basically the equivalent I'd say it's skill-wise of like a mortal two maybe a mortal three if I got to Grand Master in OverWatch then I would buy a nice PC and start streaming obviously I'm here now so that happened it took about a year to do though but I had to learn so like there's so much more that you can learn before like having to worry about like oh hitting the perfect flick shot being on a higher herds or a better PC is going to be like help and be easier but like there's so many fundamentals you can learn implanted oh my God you're just the best just full running headshot the game honestly This Is Us right saw game 16 RR let's go one enemy remaining he's dead oh wait wait do you have a sucky sucky please oh it did [Music] oh oh that is oh that's just the that's just the Thousand hours of killjoy experience knowing the right timing to swing when you know like they're about a tap bomb oh God so there you go wait wait wait a minute oh my gosh is that noodle oh my gosh oh no guys little man's in one Bucks oh my God oh my God I'm in baby come on go on go long our team's gonna die trust one never mind they kill them all oh never mind oh my God wait are you okay no it's noodle wow wait noodle look at me look at me huh yeah oh my God am I am I throwing it back am I throwing it back you really are holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God oh that was beautiful all right did I get him I don't think I didn't get him I popped it early he still just broke it like as I popped it I don't know I feel like maybe after you lunge at him it should just be like invulnerable because it's just so inconsistent because of that window on Mid window one enemy remaining oh my god let's go oh that was perfect what where did he come from huh dude he just spawned out backside oh my gosh got the spike wings I'm playing a lot of suspended for ammo box thank you oh yeah this is it put it put a stun on bomb too honestly you guys turn this up one a link oh shoot I need your wall to drop at three minimum but I think it's good I'm gonna throw my Molly seconds done honestly getting the stuff now I did that too earlier no he stuck it I thought he got off I blinded all four with my flash my bad I didn't either I thought we were chilling that's I didn't prioritize yeah no I I didn't think he got half at all I thought he sucked him right off ready I'm going in with him detained CT all right is he like oh one enemy remaining where's open probably flake I don't know let's go dude Marsh Marsha rocked it there somebody's there I'm sad should have gotten more chilling nailed it you sacrificed a weak man dude I really did man he laid his life down for the cause Okay a hero well played nice work let's go another dub 23r oh that's beautiful we we could be one went away from ascendant that's so nice there yeah yeah it works it works let's go one enemy let's go nice I love that oh yeah let's go let's go let's go let's give him something outside I just wanted to kill jet I should I should have dipped faster there's a planet for you one enemy remaining My ultimate is ready oh my gosh oh my gosh oh never mind oh my God this is perfect oh my God it's actually a donut oh you're crazy oh we have so much post blood you mind again Molly again here's Astra oh no oh no man no I like that I like that I like that dude on the tall teeth in my mouth the diamonds aquatic I feel like I tried on my wrists he's going in with the bombs mine's in grenade we've got the Phoenix so oh yeah I hit a trip yeah this is this is actually a brutal team comp with Astro stock gecko Molly 2 KJ mollies and a phoenix Molly all to stall yep and then you got the sky clashes yo flash that's freaking crazy Phoenix flash as well this actually might be one of the most like it could be a broken combo everyone B except KJ come on we're doing we're doing something we're doing something together we're making the dong smokes you guys get through the smokes and peek with my flash okay so just we're gonna smoke in so everyone get behind pillars smoke instantly and then just wait let's go okay wait ready smoke smoke you guys get the smokes they're here I'm gonna Flash they're hit they're hit they got in with the tip get them it blinded three two one come on oh my gosh dude I just full sprayed that ah no oh my God oh my God no oh I use my alts no look here that was insane though I did hit him with a big dong dude the shaft I know exactly where they come here did we do it he's green 21r baby we're green we are ass together now let's go Astra like was like a passively better combo you know like the amount of util we were taking and space we were taking with our utility was good but like the actual like yeah staggering was good but like using it together exactly it didn't work out too well but overall pretty freaking solid time this is a good few examples yeah backside Pearl uh that was nice fracture so nice yeah when it hit it felt very satisfied because they like could not have gotten out of it we've tried pretty much every good combo that there is with Gekko so today I'm joined by Shiro and we're gonna try some combos that are a little more Niche he's gonna be trying breach KO and kiljoy we have a lot of ideas for all of these agents but my favorite one is Kilroy because we might be going for the most disrespectful combo ever with a place of killjoy old and then as they're running away from getting detained I send Gekko Alton to detain them first leaving them completely helpless for about 10 seconds straight we are closing in on 400 000 subscribers and if we hit that before this series ends I will shave my head diet neon green and do the best gecko cosplay you've ever seen so if you're new to the channel here please consider subscribing here we go [Music] [Music] hey Brimstone can you come check this out yeah what do you have going oh my God what is that what are you supposed to shave them or something I thought they all looked like this yes you're supposed to shave them Gekko I know you're new here but have you not heard of manscaped the performance package 4.0 by manscaped has everything you need to take your hygiene to the next level my favorite products are the lawnmower 4.0 and the weed whacker nose and ear hair trimmer they're both cordless and waterproof so you can use them in the shower or wherever you want the package also comes with a shed travel bag manscaped anti-chafing boxer briefs the crop preserver and the crop reviver so what are you waiting for it get 20 off plus free shipping when you use my code Keo at thank you so much manscapes for sponsoring this video and be sure to click the link in the description below your wingmans will thank you we're gonna stop one sucking Molly at the same time yeah yeah oh wait they're gonna die they're so dead let's go hey breech combo breach combo already there [Music] that was an insane oh my gosh look at this control if they push this they're just dead I'm flashing flashing high as well hit him okay come on flashlight no oh my gosh if he killed rib I think we win I got two so now Spike planted what the what did I just see did I not just see something down there I'm going crazy I'm going up he's outside that's the first time I've died to a Gekko mosh fell right into that last player standing low 1v4 one enemy remaining no oh you had Flash oh I had flashback I forgot I got it back dang it all three spawn nice one more CT enemy remaining is he out on time last players what are you about to open a nice coconut Red Bull provided to me by the hero RZ who definitely didn't steal my last coconut Red Bull so I went to keo's dream room and stole a Red Bull I actually found the last coconut Red Bull don't tell him I stole this because you get one dude detained backside backside oh no the waterfall thing I'll show behind you let's go wait wait let's detain that let's troll the last guy if we kill one more wait wait let me get my old back let's knife this guy oh wait we see him today it's all good we did he was not okay [Music] oh my gosh oh oh my gosh that's crazy what the heck man holy we'll take it man we'll take it 17 RR oh I tried to wait for the spray reset I should have continued it that was so nice though oh my God his son get him get him get him get him monster monster monster Monster wait our jet lab it's all good this is Owen five and zero so I think we're good yeah he hasn't done [ __ ] anyway I'm up Mash wow look at this guy okay oh Leon oh Leon enemy remaining damn oh no I'm just gonna put honestly just all right when we hear it it's here too he's done oh my God I got [ __ ] on Good Luck Soldier that's tough you know I killed the Phoenix old I did have the read but uh they didn't push up yet they all got stunned back and just like ran away oh my god oh Leon Leon Kennedy do you want to try you want me to try to alt somebody and then you Aftershock them just BM wait yeah I'm down should we just run up C and then hopefully nobody's here or if they are I old they're here wait I think I heard one oh yeah chapter they're holding them back I think he's yes no weak no there's no way we used each other man dude I don't know what to call that ability man it it's so graphic I think I heard one close oh there's more flashing again nice get him knife them knife him yes Gekko isn't the best initiator by himself but paired with someone like breach or KO he's just yeah or even pairing it with like a duelist flash is so good that's that's I think the way like that he has to be used you can't just use his util by itself it's it's not good that way like it's actually bad they're there they were there yes yes that's all I wanted to do let's go remaining let's go dude I'm so happy that word that's that's the only play I wanted to get with preaching Gekko like because I had a lineup I knew that would just flush them out what the Donald Duck was that entertained good night and you're done no it's detangles I'm so sad one enemy remaining attackers very fun game fun game El go Tito on the MVP 18 RR this time pretty solid combos from breach I think I think it's time yeah time to lock in Ko now 104 104. remaining dude you did the same thing there Gekko did do I owe somebody new Molly them troll yeah we could top gen I'm gonna I'm gonna alter oh I don't know no one was back sites damn he did I know I gotta pick it up help me pick it up wait where is it wait let me get my own so we can knife it's in the wall where is it I don't even see it on the map it's gone now I'm so sad he put the wall on it all right cool it's not a boy I guess they just gave me a close yellow and he's still there bro s wow look at this guy wow all right how do we combo I want to combo our utility together like we can't really honestly yeah it is pretty hard we're good agents supporting each other just naturally but like the actual like combo together is pretty hard so yeah it's a it's an interesting time reloading remains that's a guy with a specter dude you can just run and Gun in this game one more hit topside he's stuck there topside dead down I'm falling little man in calm away with myself baby no no let's just go B bro let's get the [ __ ] out of here they no we have to get boom I'll get it I got all okay I'll keep faking you then we got this over backside [Music] we're actually getting massive team dips right now this is great I wonder if it's because we are like doing double initiator you know we're like helping the whole team out with all our utilities probably I think honestly it is we we're making it so much easier for our team yeah because like their stage is two and ten our stage is nine and six because of that you know like we're just helping them get in begins oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh dang hello one yellow one he said you're ready okay we're good you can't play time that is that is a rough one man that is a rough one our team could just not hold anything our sage no cop just did not hold anything minus 18. what the heck I'm ascended one and we're playing Immortal two Immortal ones sick close oh yeah I'm not playing who this is a YouTube video what I don't play this game I don't know who that is nah it's you bro it's you I hate wingman he doesn't want to defuse both yellow dude that's so oh I hate that you have to like even if a smoke is blocking the line of sight I have to go and like peek to throw wingman on Bob like that's so weird that I feel like as long as you have line of sight regardless of a smoke or not you know like he should just go for it oh I had him with a 180. the arena should be very lit for it bad oh my goodness dude I can plant the spike through a smoke but I can't send my little guy to defuse it through a smoke doesn't make sense wait one one thanks wings last player standing we're done boom yay yay do you think I should just keep it like this kind of like a like a long faux hawk down the center if I got like a I had like a chain s love this stream Kiev thanks man I'm going there we go got the RR back beautiful are you doing it are we doing the ultimate disrespect combo I think you do it I think you lock it away rip it we try to go for the double detain what is on the TV man what we win these guys come on that just broke his desk a guy remaining nice that's gonna happen bro she made my need help you can't die here your brim doesn't look like a real human gotcha understood [Music] [Music] oh my god he has lineup last player standing wait is this a real lineup oh my God yeah we're chilling you probably have the world's biggest lineup library at least for like KJ Gekko absolutely like average Jonas he has Silva but you have like I got him on all the Asians man the only one I don't have is soba because it just takes like like average Jonas's brain and Silva is probably like the same amount of knowledge I have across all my agents because there's so many you can do with Silva that's why I don't want to learn sofa bro are you kidding me it's not a good day where's the last guy snipe him get him get him get him get him get him get him get him yeah oh my God this game is so pissed spoken like a duelist that's Owen for I am running down below this is beautiful Flash [Music] oh no oh yeah one enemy remains KJ guy are you a killer oh my God foreign down you go wait four bullets four bullets all you need oh my God it's been Beacon down [Music] holy [ __ ] did you get it oh my gosh guys I'm just gonna send little dude out do it they just let him plant man that's so nice of them just throw it throw it if they don't kill him we're chilling we can do it he broke wait he killed him he's on site this guy's going heaven right now you think he's on tight this guy's gonna break it no he broke it man it's so sad I'm gonna go knife him go knife knife this guy okay that was pretty good too though oh he's backside oh judge him someone's there we're just too good I'm rapping for the oh I was gonna I thought he was already happened I was gonna try to knife him he had a gun out and spawn holy [ __ ] all that didn't flash me one enemy remaining oh my God two turret kills wait the turret wait that was sick yes dude it looks I killed it looked like I killed both of them oh my God they are off ramp guys it's not ready I am of one HP 105. how am I alive did we even kill him no don't no we lose we just lose we can buy next round [Music] he's really not good at this oh my God we can do this oh my gosh come on hopefully they're close I don't know inside what was the end of that game man oh my gosh what was that 16rr we'll take it he has Target I hit myself three kill let's go Spike down mid last player standing I'm good no they can break it there way they didn't see you I just run out of them [Music] you got it oh my gosh bikes planted no they broke it he's gonna get detained on site though nice let's go okay oh it almost works we almost did it but they broke my oldsmen I'm so sad he's detained serious waiter he's gonna get the whole details don't kill him no trouble you killed him no where's our judge where's our jet yay I said I wanted the double potato and then you just kill him on the first one we could have just left him there I should be able to tame him because he's gonna be using it on site he's normally B player never mind he's dead last player standing one enemy remaining you know what I'm saying man you know what I'm saying away if I planted where is he I think I'm kniving this guy oh my gosh give me this give me this hello you take the knife wow wow you really just take my kills back I thought this is you know I just hit a sick play and then uh you know no it's fine it's fine it's cool it's fun smoke cat right away and there's Flash B Main and then we're going mid to be I stay walled it that's perfect okay now we go to market quick quickly quickly close nice trade let's go one more close nice huge huge iglp L kill comes to win the game oh my gosh 26 and 19 17r oh I gotta get off his iPad we're good we're good guys I didn't miss it all I didn't uh that was perfect what enemies we're good foreign [Music] wait just look at him just look at him [Music] no you killed him why'd you kill a little dude he did get double attention he was finally man I can sleep it was actually perfect timing like because he just barely got undetained just to get detained again [Music] [Music] dude if I had shot the fade oh my gosh I'm getting two there every time man laughs gotcha oh they're going on I think yeah one more that's all I ask it a 1v1 for me [Music] oh yeah baby chillin ice foreign 22 baby we got the ascendant too damn let's go let's go today I'm joined by the ranked troll king of yoru himself zip tie 68 of you watching right now are not subscribed so if you enjoy this content please consider subscribing we have so many cool things coming up and we are so close to 400 000 subscribers if we hit it before the series ends I'm shaving my head and going all out for a Gekko cosplay let's close it out it's a lot for real man oh oh everyone when I see a Gekko yo it's like honestly I'm thinking like these guys probably suck like like dodging man um one behind this thing got him oh my gosh I got goofed on little guy little guy planted though we're good you want to use all wait you don't have yours though screw it let's sniper 70 seconds oh my gosh Gekko dip down I don't have a spike I'm seeing the Clone into spawn with you what's up let's go CT oh they're both one enemy remaining Jesus they hate you holy my goodness I don't like little guy big one enemy remaining triple clone triple clue let's go you ready for it ready for Flash once friends yeah sit down Spike down we're chilling bro MVP atrr first game is a tie going pretty well I don't have a gun so I'm just gonna beat you one more maybe he's got maybe this guy boat enemy remaining boys I wanted to try to go and get the gun okay hear me out what if I um what if I like threw a clone in this corner and then you like stood on it inside of it yeah so they didn't know it was you I think we're gonna need to know maybe not um I think you're just baiting me actually Spike down to the Cubby nice oh my gosh we're going into this dude he's back there he's back there no my mom should have killed him oh was it getting him yeah I was getting him wait Nice Shot I regret this too much what's up I'm out last player standing one enemy remaining yeah I can go to Seaside and I'd still reach whoever said on backseat you know ready excuse me the date gosh damn stealing our kills man hey guys thank you no yeah thank you man thank you I couldn't jump up the stairs I have never seen three kills with mosh what was that plus 19r [Music] oh oh [Music] actually so edible oh okay okay what the animation was that ready one tab baby all right we're just gonna double alt in here you're gonna just follow it in and then come out of his TP and kill the detained guy oh foreign and then just rain a killing with the kill feed it's so sad where I blinded four man I'm so upset oh he just shot started how am I not dead my feet are all done [Music] one enemy remaining no don't don't do it no way surely not sure wait no he's probably not right he didn't go on the site he went to deep right oh never mind surely there's a 30 chance right sorry surely we don't lose that don't sweat [Music] no one twenty oh oh no no just play numbers now we're chilling shot me through your Club look at this look at this match history look at nice right now jeez Gekko so handsome one enemy remaining perfect nice work guys I'll try to get the two guys backside [Music] one more pillar dude I detained three oh no I detained one and blinded so many [Music] men okay yeah it's nice was that just beautiful or what I'm scared oh yes it was beautiful Defenders win unfortunate we had to lose one game yeah you know it's about to happen minus 19. guys it's okay [Music] I don't want to talk about anything I'm standing where am I where is it where is it what a good guy what a good little dude I don't think it's gonna work oh never mind I'll do it I'm going going I'm going uh if you get all close corner noise uh we're buying up here we're doing it we're going uh we're gonna go five arcade get a stim I I didn't just throw my uh uh all right ah oh no yeah the 10. yes it works this game is not meant for me I don't know dude we just this is not our game to win oh my gosh oh man probably the worst game I've played of the entire speedrun but you know sometimes you're just it's not meant to be minus 20 RR oh take that oh my gosh hey we got R2 though player standing oh my god dude I read that hard foreign oh come on wait he's so smart for that I got mine I got mine well Omen lost power so we don't have him as much as oh it should be at least wait I got another Roll Jesus oh my gosh dude 23 19 and 19 assists holy shell and for 19. oh wait aren't the last one what did we push mid and see if no one's there and then we just go mark it and then if they're B main we just old behind them wow this is such a stupid play but it's gonna work because we're so smart I didn't buy armor 20 right now she's not really not healing oh yeah come on no no I'm throwing I'm throwing the game I'm throwing the game I'm running it down I'm running it down that's it where are you throwing the Clone where are you throwing yours straight across [Laughter] let's see are you impressed I mean I mean again really oh not gonna be disrespected like this I'm gonna play Terraria that's why he created you know don't know how I got that kill can I get a heal yeah all right we're going very slow somebody's there very good slower yo I'm the best another one oh my God Ace or dog water what's like [Music] this guy said he was one game off immortal the way to lose this if I've ever seen a game nice dub for your favorite Duo red and Cami let's go 16 RR hey let's go okay [Music] one enemy remaining no face your fear yes this guy's Chris easy minus 19. you have a trampoline in your house oh yeah I do I do yeah sorry one's there enemies we're good old man is going in guys he's going in trust the process I don't trust her hey little bro it's all good we baited him oh nice thank you oh one more screen screenless you're so cool with your KD it's Pi bro 3.14 I think he does I think he does yeah he's running through the wall oh my god dude he's ruined man he's got this I'm still sending him in he's going in there guys help marbles how did he plant here what wait dude how did he how did he plant there wait I can't see that spot from the mat like from back there what we already killed one plank I don't think might be time stop it's time it's time oh my God she said 80. [Music] oh my gosh it was so good though I'm nervous yeah do it again the session's looking good plus 18 let's go victory oh yeah can you smoke both these actually and then we have the dog I smoke like super close yeah yeah about two of them two of them one on each side oh we're good we're good they're here ready I'm passing oh there's two oh I got ours we got ours the dog flesh uh minus 20. that that's tough who's ready to win guys let's go whoa can we get some energy sick yeah we can win Race come here never mind remake remake bite down chilling dude baited one enemy let's go we're chilling we got four Duelists but I'm the one entry let's go baby one enemy remaining yeah right now oh my gosh nice entry reyno you're doing great man good job oh my gosh these guys have a good one oh mine is 19. uh not a shocker there they're planting I'm all things I don't know if I hit him or not faster for you let's go Molly man one enemy that goes for the most dude we blasted music we got it back let's go 16 hour yes I'm the best no um can somebody buy me um [Music] appreciate it thank you what are you uh what are you looking at there he's running back [Music] down I'll let you go I'm in baby one enemy remaining let me add him let me add him let's go they're here let's go oh my gosh that was beautiful man they don't think he's on oh my good eyeball devil back up Cypher sit down one enemy remaining he's stuck it's no are you kidding almond yes 30 seconds left I'm sorry oh my Spike Down Beat what's outside let's go 17 RR guys look at look at the picture my mom sent me such a handsome boy such a handsome boy amazing outside one enemy remaining deep let's go we're back in business baby zip tie couldn't play anymore so we're gonna hop in with my habibi Elite to finish off this ascendant 2 to ascended three grind let's get it was a spoiler I'm gonna I'm gonna try to go for planet with the wingmen 's gonna plant Spike do you feel I love the wall oh it could have been so much more but it was still good bye let's go carried 18 RR muchos muchos what huh somebody explained what I just saw could have been way worse you're kidding I I just domed that man with a Bucky Lovett ascended too right now I just really like being in his Senate too so I just want to play here as much as possible you know go and scream with it what about she's up dude I I almost did it all right I got I got him invented nice he's playing for heaven guys all of the things we've said in the past it is an accused speedrun unless something goes horribly wrong I've been ascended too for way too long man holy these memories alerts yes I had it oh my gosh mine is 17. ah are you my little man I think he doesn't know he's getting uh I think he didn't know that was awesome Jenny wait one enemy remaining where is he man he's got a baby man yeah hop on it just don't even just hold it man one enemy remaining yes plus 18. all right stuck for like three days look at my ACT Drake it's all let's send it to I've ruined it okay we got a dog but man I am beat plus 15 R 50 out of 100 that's a nice clean number to end off this episode at to celebrate the end of perhaps the longest speed run I've done we're running back some of the best combos you saw throughout the series so make sure to watch to the end as we have a ton of special guests for this episode up first we are joined by the funny wall guy himself Grim if you have not subscribed to the channel yet please consider doing so or don't I said if we hit 400 000 subscribers by the end of this series I'll shave my head diet neon green and go all out for a Gekko cosplay I'll be stopping the count 24 hours after this video is posted so if you haven't subscribed and you want me to be disowned by my family now is probably the best time to do so regardless of that thank you so much for all the support on this series it's been super fun and I can't wait to show you some of the ideas we have coming up here we go oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you often whiff in valorant I don't want to talk about anything while I can't fix that I can give you a program that will improve your game sense so that you can put yourself in a better position and embarrass yourself less frequently let's talk about valorent tracker valorant tracker does an in-depth dive on your live in-game statistics giving you way more information so that you can see where your weak points are my favorite statistic to look at is headshot percentage I've noticed a direct correlation with my win rate and headshot percentage meaning the more intentional I am about Crosshair placement the higher chances I have of winning the game there are loads of other statistics and features and you just have to check it out yourself to see also this month valorant tracker is giving away 41 000 valorant points so if any of this is interesting to you click the link in the description below and download valorentracker for free today thank you valorantracker for sponsoring this video my gosh I'm gonna send wingman under his wall no wait I'm breaking your wall oh and The Crowd Goes Wild for a mediocre two piece from Alex whoa throwing it back whoa mom put too much wine in the pasta dude I can't stop no results decided to stick it oh my gosh we're like that bro go figure Oh I thought we were faking B why are we freaking a we're not fakingo I've ever heard save this level you adopt you peeked too early man we didn't fake anything [Applause] got the offer got the op let's go back let me go back day look at look at where Phoenix is let's go let's go let's go oh my gosh wait here wait our brim dc'd our brim actually Ulta forward he called the worst play ever peeked into it up and then dc'd from the game oh no if it isn't the consequences of my own actions bro his Mouse is dead his Mouse is dead you good is your mouse dead or what oh dude I was mid on my screen I I was chasing the guy oh my gosh our brim has 3 000 ping hahaha I got mine that's what I do to people when I play Rays oh my gosh man it's terrifying whatever Ashford come down no it didn't it didn't even have fade I don't understand I think we keep going you guys you guys keep going yeah I mean mine as well bro we're 28 rounds in this might have been a bad idea but we'll see I got in him it's okay it's excited we can play post s on The Flash let's go nice round right now 80 minutes what was that too full blind headshots they can only be in one spot okay go upstairs let's go 18 RR 1715 to start off the finale oh my gosh that was awesome the counter bro yes here we go let's go just accepted it the Gekko shorty I've completed his whole contract for this what do we think I like it I like any shorty skin to be fair though another one that's left he's gonna go for the smoke all right I got three the top bro let's go back to back knobs with the boys 17r [Applause] boost me up grass is ready no I had my knife out I don't know why hey let's go oh my gosh ascended three no did we rank up together oh my oh no oh yeah now that we're ascended three we're doing up with noodle who's gonna be running it back on face so that we can use her tether and mosh's pit together creating a pretty devastating combo guys welcome to the stream everybody this is now how I'm going to be streaming for the foreseeable future insane nice 30 seconds left the danger team go go go go get her get her get her yes there you go what happened what's happening over there man what were you doing jeez lost the game had a little MVP though minus 19. all right can't lose the next one what are geckos best maps in your opinion I honestly think Haven and Lotus are probably the best ones maybe split split's also really good Haven Lotus and split are all really good gecko maps in my opinion no I didn't think he'd swing again 24. it's not a Keo speedrun unless something goes horribly wrong run it back baby oh is that the cell I might have got him oh he's so close if I just barely missed mine nice one more yeah stinks 105. I got no kills I did 105 85 and 99 [Music] kill myself I got the spot 30 seconds left one enemy remaining I'm out yeah [Applause] a little 1v4 to close it out then jeez atrrg [Music] s no she's the one ah I thought she's gonna be Jen since wingman's on bomb I hold there because if he breaks wingman then I'll uh then you know then I know he's deep I think that's yeah that's the right answer that's in the mind of a of a good player you gotta think about your mistakes how you could win a situation if you're in that situation again so you can learn from them all right bro killjo is one as well I'm going no I can't jump up there I'm the best in the game actually though all three detained all three one enemy remains dude that was the best alt I've ever done um wow guys nice we can talk about it ah run Little Man fight planted one enemy remaining wrapping wrapping here chilling let's go holy night let's go spiders Defenders whoa slow motion pain and suffering plus 17. I'm going in guys here we go all the way NCT or not CT dancing Road are just hold on we're good really really to your TV TV TV really these zero info I never ever seen that in my entire time playing this map ever clear that with a Viper Molly all right um yeah that's not suspicious whatsoever a lot feel it you know on that bring them down Oh no I got right next to him yeah I think he got it let's go let's go I saw MVP to bring us back to where we started three losses three wins zero RR gained all good all good we had some fun we did some combos it was all worth it man it's all worth it now that we're back to ascendant three we have the legendary Brimstone main himself Perry 2N joining us once again with the caterpillar smokes is that the brim Reaper himself Perry to end uh no oh shoot I mean yes okay cool let's go oh my gosh that's the most unlucky Mosh Pit I've ever seen I still gotta kill it's okay uh there's a lot a run I'll take care of them oh wait no then he's in nice [Music] let's go this up there's a lot we're going baby we're going we're going we're going it didn't work oh did you get it no no I'm swinging out of this stuff you're crazy don't do it there's one cat [Music] oh they're so good dude that was actually perfect I saw that you went for it yeah we didn't we didn't even comment that's just the the duo chemistry because we're rolling that's beautiful go go go caterpillar caterpillar he's in he's in he's in just hopes out oh my gosh guys back out just play post play Paper play postplay sure I'll go first I'm throwing one now [Music] it's on the Sun [Music] he actually got on there dude oh man jeez holy let's go we got a dog with a grim reaper 15. only 15 RR I did pretty well that's six first Bloods what all right guys we're going to a site we're doing a you guys can take Heaven if you want we're gonna caterpillar smoke out and then throw a wingman on to play for heaven guys oh my gosh it worked we're good we're in come on it works so well it works so well that we might lose the round ing for the best oh yeah old we have ultimatum chill [Music] ing and sayante player standing I don't know if it landed I try to go for a bank shot on my Molly one enemy remaining oh my God no way this is what the finale is about baby me and Gekko will fake it you guys go beat don't make it don't make a sound we're doing the fake caterpillar yeah we're throwing all the smokes here and then just sending Wing men out without bomb they'll never know who's there the extraction this is it 85 on tonight 80 on Sage one enemy remaining nice man my wing man he knows I'm stuck here we have to play with your contact I have to play for your contact s [Music] oh that's he well that's tough drop 28 kills already dropped 29 and we lost minus 18. are you kidding me flashing so I mean all things stole the kill ER I know exactly one enemy remaining sorry GG we're on the come up we're on the come up Harry and I both dropped 20 kills the dream 17r caterpillars in follow him up they sucked him off I'm replanting in the caterpillar let's put it for a lineup we're good well the rain is on our bag we need to clear this way yeah killer killer trade me trade me trade me close ice because I don't have lineups popular Molly KJ just pop it enemy remaining let's go fight literally win losing minus 19. honestly how many more games on you just same huh Spike planted difficulty go get him buddy one enemy remaining I'm good for three oh my god oh that was cool one enemy remaining close oh man another MVP another loss minus 19. guys it's going rate it's time to close out the series with the most disrespectful combo Elites will be joining us on Cipher so that we can take super cute selfies with our enemies and close out this series in fashion I know exactly how we do it let's go I have my old I have a lineup as well this won't hit us my Molly's on player standing oh my gosh yay one enemy remaining nice guys let's go let's go baby I think my Ace uh kept us in the game there 13-11 win sheesh 17 RR one enemy remaining waterless let's go saw dub 14r we'll take it but not a lot Spike planted one enemy remaining all good we may have goofed ourselves but it's all good today let's guys let's take a selfie with Cipher wait wait wait oh yeah yeah I ultim ate El Silva El Silva subscriber to trim 17r on the way up I'm gonna go for something silly I'm guarding brass I'll go for something silly maybe even stupid it was stupid we learned we learned that coming up right uh-huh little guys little guy let's go sold dog 16 RR get ready let's go take the selfie take the selfie let's go by far the best combo it's so good smack that game 13-5 17r one to two ends away from the final rank up let's go who has faith [Music] that is tough minus 19. [Music] I got a supply drop [Laughter] s 16 RR all right now we're pretty much two wins guaranteed let's do it oh yes [Music] I got us I got us I got it one at a time oh man mine is 20 bro holding you Tower the chain Tower oh my gosh that was beautiful can I get it back again wait we can detain an iPhone oh wait I cannot just let me hold him got your Trail knife wait what'd you say huh holy let's go baby 14 RR geez we are getting such a little amount of our R for us being in a mortal full lobbies imagine oh man we're gonna go like minus 20. I'm calling it right now dude it's gonna be like so bad mine is 21. oh okay my bad my bad oh wait a minute player standing wait my little guy exploded he ran out of the radius of him he didn't get stunned hey what like what are we what do we do I sell MVP and minus another 21r this is now been the hardest finale I've ever had let's go guys if trr the crow back to Immortal holy crap you will not kill my Ally to mark it just go just go plan there's no one on you it's not the spike wings I killed I'm good for three four boys that's all he needs one enemy remaining seconds guys there's no way mvp'd he has three less kills and five more deaths plus 18. I hate you so much there's no way or dude you started when I was ascending three and you were ascended one and you're already Immortal and I'm still ascended three Spike down a someone's there is somewhere close to me I'm a clear message that's funny oh match MVP holy 19r we could be one win away if we have a good game be mean oh my gosh live wait wait wait wait we got this I'm waiting everybody get in the picture selfie selfie selfie that's like a poetic ending if we rank up here we just we need it come on come on please please wow dude no it's not like the I'm the only ascendant in a full Immortal Lobby if we win the game we're done we're done don't have to log into this account I can play Gekko in my main account it's all good it's all good what I just got railed my juicy pipe man while he was full blind after I gooped on his face I'm throwing my Molina oh yeah it's not landed yet again we needed to go sooner no I MVP minus now I have to win two more games this is actually the hardest speedrun I've ever had and it's not because like Gekko is the hardest agent I've had to play it's purely because this account I'm winning such a small amount of RR and losing so much and minus another 20 RR dude but it is the same horrible game we play every day minus 20 RR made a lead at the top of our team full Immortal Lobby why don't get it spun foreign [Music] [Music] what are the odds we get a sage that's played from Mars and drops four kills man let's go yeah yeah sure attackers win another MVP loss minus 19. guys we we have taken the expression it ain't a Keo speedrun if something doesn't go horribly wrong to a completely new level something enemies yes let's go amidst the chaos of losses we got a dub in the most disrespectful way finally okay we're good we match evped 19r let's go it's all good we had two teammates drop eight kills in an overtime game but it's all good that's just what we have to do to win the game oh Leon losing it 17r like dude are you look on beating for you too oh what holes let's go what a smack we got a nice 13-1 win Elite and I both dropped 18 kills I went 18-3 only 20. dude I only get 20 RR for that going 18-3 on a 13-1 thank you oh my place one enemy remaining [Music] nice holy we actually turned that game around I put it on my back I am done with this Speed Run man match MVP win 16-16 [Music] let's go down feet outside yeah yeah come stay with me man's gonna plant spikes last player standing [ __ ] yeah let's go players standing [Music] beautiful oh my gosh we brought that game from a 1-8 to mainly just putting that game on our back 16. turn away please dude you're a mortal too oh you were you've been a mortal too man it's okay guys I'm just on my immortal rank up game and you know the Vandal I'm holding has a radiant gun buddy all good all good it's not it's fine this is the entire life what's up guys how we doing howdy partner I guess I'm on smoke I got it bro I got it oh I can't I can't minus 20 bro all of these so cool I played so well today except for one game and dude I'm still four wins away from ranking up this I don't I like I've never had this be so hard stock in any rank across any speed run this is horrible this is I'm playing post plan I have Molly sorry to tell you Spike planted thanks just try to try to play Passive yeah yeah I have Molly line up and old so it might be all three Molly first she turns they're both there enemy remaining nice let's go one enemy remaining Spike down B you know I know exactly holy all right let's see how much are we get for a match MVP 13-3 oh I got 20. we could rank up in one if we get 15 again we're gonna go 99 again I don't know oh please holy Spirit what what a body hold on wait did you see that too what enemy remaining no I danked him too [Music] I'm so sad wait did we win where's close oh [Music] got him off it's half to tap this afternoon foreign [Music] stay out one enemy remaining let's go baby oh we got it okay okay now let's see do we get 15 or do we rank up to Immortal please not 99 out of 100 RR again please I match MVP no no I do it are you kidding me whoa that was the perfect gift to tell me you should not be alone just email them are you serious right now it's my first months man I'm team heavy beat against a mortal three bro please man uh for the second time this is the second time this happened holy [ __ ] it's okay guys I got two I will take that yeah move down let's go wait little little guy get it little guy get it he's coming he's coming oh my gosh okay there is no way there's no possible way an extensive valorant that we don't get Immortal off of this game okay let's see it just show me the show me the bright the beautiful we actually did it wow finally man that is free that game we get 16 RR you were ascendant one by the time we started playing while I was ascendant three you went from ascendant one to one game off of Mortal three while I went from ascendant three to a mortal one that is like concerning that is it for the Gekko speedrun I now have the ability to play Gekko on my main account here is what the ACT rank Dorito looks like we ended up with 77 wins this is by far the longest speed run I've ever done and the hardest time I've ever had getting out of ascendant three I mean my entire Dorito is almost all green if you're new to the channel and you enjoyed everything here make sure to subscribe would love to see you around here more and uh that's it for me we have some awesome content coming up soon and I I can't wait for you to be there alright thank you so much for watching and making it to the end of the video I appreciate you so much all right peace
Channel: Keeoh
Views: 79,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keeoh, keeoh valorant, valorant speedrun, valorant new act, gekko, gekko valorant, gekko gameplay, gekko abilities, gekko dizzy, gekko wingman, gekko mosh pit, gekko molly, gekko lineups, gekko thrash, gekko ability, gekko ultimate, gekko playtest, gekko gameplay valorant, valorant gekko, valorant new agent, myth, ethos, seangares, averagejonas, riot games hq, keeoh gekko, keeoh killjoy, valorant radiant, oni 2.0, oni 2.0 skins, radiant, gekko speedrun, gekko series
Id: qWI-Smuul6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 339min 28sec (20368 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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