Geek Gear | Magical Creatures Limited Edition Box | LIVE UNBOXING

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hey i think oh my god why is the lighting oh no good morning guys i am why why is the lighting so bad hello see this would be like the part in bloopers um wow uh okay hey martha okay let me turn off some of these lights real fast hold on now i feel like it's just gonna be too dark yeah it's too dark wow wow hello how is everybody welcome to my first ever live stream and i'm pale as a ghost huh wow um okay we're a minute in and we're failing okay i'm trying to do this on my phone and not my tablet but for some reason my phone is like being so weird like i had the camera on and this is like my normal lighting guys this is what i normally have up and it's bad wow okay hmm i don't know hold on maybe if i change the filter oh i think that's worse black and white oh we can do bubbles okay dance party uh i'm surprised any of y'all are still here y'all are y'all oh god oh lord help us what is the chat hey happy little accidents exactly exactly guys okay i think that's like the best filter so i'm not like quite as bright let me change this camera here hold on turn this off oh that is so much better okay it's a little dark now over here but is this better do we are we liking this more i think so hi everyone so i have my tablet my ipod pad right here so i can look at y'all's messages but yes if you're here welcome we're going to be doing a live unboxing of geek gear magical creatures box yep much better much better i don't know why my phone was like let's make you look like a ghost today why not live chat okay i'm gonna turn the chat off up here okay so many people ally oh ally's here you guys okay so if you guys don't follow magical ally she's in the chat hey hon she sent me a box from like universal studio go follow her channel i absolutely love her her channel's amazing and she sent me a box i do y'all want me to go ahead and unbox it here cause i was gonna wait for like another video every camera ever yes hello from spain wow we got a lot of people here jessica martha carrie winterwood zara hey hon oh my gosh so many okay so i want to go ahead and unbox this because it's been killing me just sitting here and it came with like a little card i actually got two so let's do this real fast if that's okay this was actually from my p.o box and it's from pam barton she actually sent me a christmas card last year look at this guys it's like cruella de vil i do believe or is that ursula no that's ursula in like human form cruella de and it came with a little harry potter sticker but it says harry potter and the barber shop in phoenix and it's like that is hilarious hilarious love this love you pam barton i will have to send you another card back hey tabby love your bookcase behind the creature box oh this you guys i get really distracted really easy in lives just so you know this i had my first live laugh yesterday with my patreons um i'll show you something about that bookcase in a second but i this is the card from ali from the universal studio i didn't know like they send the lighting is still really bad um okay we're going with it uh i didn't know they send like cards and everything but it says dear tabby thank you for being such an inspiration and also a great friend while visiting the wizarding world a certain item caught my eye and reminded me of you i did have to send it separate through the muggle post so i hope it is handled with care i know it can never replace the original piece or the memories that came with it but i hope it will work as a stand-in until you are able to make it back to the wizarding world with your family best wishes magical alley don't forget to pay the owl it bites this is so pretty like i don't know if you can see it has a little gold boiling this is going to be going on my bookshelf wow hi all the way from peru april is that how you say your name you guys i'm terrible with names we know this hello from the uk we're already here go for it thank you jessica hi tabby love your bookies yay love this timing thanks oh hey am i saying your name right jeff amy because that's what it's showing up as but this is what was oh the lighting um but this was what was in the box and i think i know what this is and if it's what i think it is y'all all of the feels all of the feels hold on yep it's like april but in spanish oh okay i love those minalima postcards yes like this is minalima like she's the bomb i actually shared yesterday on um my live with the patrons uh oh and kaylie's here hey kaley you're in the uk aren't you y'all sorry for the bubble wrap okay jeff is another name for teacher in dutch ha ha it's just amy oh okay i was like jeff amy oh you guys ali you are like the best ever okay all the feels y'all it's if you guys don't follow me on instagram you're really not missing anything but i bought this mug back in 2012 when i went to um the wizarding world of harry potter at universal studio and i've had that mug since then and it broke like a couple weeks ago like this part of it broke and y'all i got so sad way more sad than i think you should for a mug but like i think i love like this means even more now like oh my god you are the best ally all the feels all the feels that's so sweet that right she is the sweetest and y'all if y'all have not went and watched her bookshelf tour hashtag goals the girl has like the best collection ever i just would steal her entire collection i would steal all your stuff ally yeah they still uh ali's like i was so excited they still had it i know this was like my favorite coffee cup um this is what i've been using since i broke this oh you are the best you are the best oh my gosh okay thank you thank you uh but let's go ahead and get into geek gear um has any of y'all already seen this unboxed somehow i don't know how i have not had any spoilers for this box and that blows my mind unless i've seen an item that i didn't know was in this box because sometimes that happens i'll like an item on instagram and then like later on unbox it and i'll be like wait i think i saw that somewhere and it was on instagram instagram is the worst for spoilers okay so it came with a wand but as always we're gonna save this for last and if you guys see the camera shaking that is because kit kat is down here and i swear to god the her mission in life is to wait till i'm filming and then rub up against my tripod yeah i'm talking about you kit kat say hi kit kat this is my fat cat i love seeing the box beforehand and then guessing which items you're gonna like that is a good one amy like i i don't know if you guys do this as well but i'll get boxes from all the harry potter things and then once i've done my unboxing i'll go and watch like everybody else's just so i can see what they thought what they liked because most of the time we like the same stuff but sometimes it's it's interesting like my videos compared to some other big youtubers they'll not like an item and i'm like are you insane that's amazing uh so it's always fun to see the difference the grumpy cat face yes i need to get kit kat like you know that grumpy cat was like a billionaire like that cat made some money i need to do grumpy kitkat stuff um but this is the box it's been sitting here forever like i keep getting other boxes and i just cannot do boxes like that fast y'all the struggle of adulting the struggle but this is the sneak peek i don't know how i'm gonna do this because i have my here so i can see the chat same yes adulting sucks for real every time i order a box i have to avoid instagram at all costs because the shipping shipping to latin america takes so long yes instagram is the worst like i love instagram but i feel like most people have gotten the memo to do like a first page like spoilers ahead don't swipe but some people don't they'll just post uh would not recommend adulting yeah let's all just not adult today i agree um [Music] i'm gonna make this work y'all i for real don't know why i was so nervous about doing a live stream because i show you all of the bloopers and my idiotic moments anyway it's just now you're seeing it like in real life in real time i'm sitting my geek gear box on top of the box from ali i can't afford them myself so i want to see yours first except from insta like i'll create fairy loop yes y'all okay i will say this before i get into the box i am so behind on my book boxes and that is because the last one i filmed like i filmed it in everything it was four boxes it was over three hours long and i cannot just make myself sit down and edit that long of footage the struggle of editing is real y'all it takes me hours hours to edit like an hour video so three hours is like days of editing for real maybe we should do like a live battle on here and like y'all can help me pick out the winner of boxes i don't know because y'all editing sucks we hate the editing you're doing oh thank you okay so the first item in the box is a shirt let's say size is this oh it's a large good okay so this is the shirt it says missing toad if found please return to your nearest prefect answers to the name of trevor okay that's kind of cute i like that trevor's getting a little bit of merch we need some more trevor merch and i like that it's gray it's not black i don't know what do you guys think i'm kind of a fan of the shirt surprisingly i mean it's a big tote on a shirt and i like it and like it's really soft good quality all that good stuff yes trevor okay i'm a fan what are we thinking cute cute it's trevor you're one of the few people i would watch a long video from thank you lydia you know i really do try to keep my videos below 30 minutes always that is my goal because like i feel like after 30 minutes people are like tuned out like we're done and i blame tiktok like 60 second videos has become obsession i any of y'all tic talkers i love tik tok it's comfortable i like the design the little details in the line yeah like the cute little detail right here that's really cute it definitely looks like a missing toad flyer on a shirt i'm a fan i just finished reading all of the throne of glass it took me about three weeks and all because of you i'm just waiting for a court of thorns yes oh my gosh yes throne of glass yes acotar yes i noticed a big difference between those who get the box for free and those who pay for it lena lena marissa says sorry i'm really bad with names um facts man uh i actually talked about that with my patreons yesterday about like getting boxes for free and there really is a big difference like i really try to always be honest in my opinion even if it's like a box i'm a rep for like i've gotten boxes before that i was a rep and it was terrible terrible terrible it was the lumosity parcel i'm just gonna say that and like i try never to be mean or like so so negative i try to be like constructive not negative like i always try to give some positive and ways to improve but it there is a difference i honestly at most the time prefer just paying for boxes myself so you don't even have that feeling or that pressure of having to be like oh this is great and it's not um i mean most the time if it's harry potter i love it but sometimes i don't like with literary crate i know that video kind of got some mixed reviews some people thought i was a little mean on the literary grape box and i didn't think i was that mean but apparently i was uh so yeah you just gotta tell it how i feel i don't know um okay let's move on okay this is the next box it says grindelow scales grown to increase surface area for diffusion into tonics and potions dosage research on volumes is still scars what limited information we do have what concoctions when concoctions begin to foam swiftly exit room closed door never to be reopened in rare cases inclusion and potions may cause new found affinity for traffic combs okay i will say oh hello from switzerland hello i thought you were bang on with lit joy oh thank you kaylee yeah i yeah i literally crate will never work with me or sponsor me because like i've said in the past okay i'll say that and then i'll get back to this i've said in the past i don't really like their add-ons like their first their last boxes before these ones i always felt like the value was in the box and the add-ons were like a bonus item but i used to get their book box subscription and i stopped getting it because it felt like they put more value in their add-ons and it's like their second like they curate a box and then they pick the best items as the add-ons and then we just get what's left over and that really annoyed me so i stopped getting their book box subscriptions i did actually buy one for coming up i don't know when it's coming to see if it's improved at all but like i i don't mind add-ons if the box what's already in the box is amazing like you can't have add-ons that are better items than what you have in the box in my opinion that's just that's just me um i didn't think you were mean you paid for it you have every right to be disappointed in the items didn't live up to your expectation and yes they were really not amazing i mean and like like i said in the video none of it was just bad like i they're just it could have been better there could have been more imagination like the luna lovegood box i just did from the wizarding trunk there was an item in there it was like uh a little wooden ornament if that was like the only item in the box to represent luna i would not have been happy so it's very hard when you only have one item to represent the character in a box like you're having a character box like this big seven you only have one item to represent that character that one item better be bomb like if it would have been a draco box i wouldn't have minded having a bookmark along with other items but you can't have a draco bookmark for that being his item yes totally with you the box should be the priority then add on as a little extra magic exactly exactly still triggered by the bookmark facts man that bookmark i can't or make a replica of draco's ring right okay oh i just totally took this out and was like watching the chat okay i this is actually kind of cool it is grendelo scales ground ground to increase surface area for diffusion into tonics and potions is that ground or grind grind okay so i can't really do like my close-up pictures or stuff so i hope this is good it's like a little grindalow on a potion bottle it doesn't come off but it's just like sitting up there that's actually pretty cool i'm a fan of this what are we thinking is it nicely made looks cool but geek gear close-ups are sometimes off amy fax man okay so i don't really get geek gear anymore and i actually talked about this yesterday uh with my patreons because they are so hit and miss sometimes their items are amazing but the quality isn't great this i can't i think it's just like i honestly don't even know what this is like it feels sturdy it the bottom it kind of makes it look like wood i don't know but this actually looks really good sometimes we get figurines from them and like the design like the artwork of it is terrible like that luna lovegood statue like that was terrible i think it's resin oh it might be it might be but the artwork on this is actually pretty good like it looks it looks pretty good i'm kind of a fan of this this will definitely go on my magical creature section you know i feel like i'm very hard on geek gear because like they've been around for a long time guys i know they had some issues like there was a buyout or whatever but like you're such a big company you should not have problems with shipping anymore like you should have it down to a science and the fact that there are people still not getting like their boxes or all of that like i i have so many people have told me that they've had such a bad experience with geek gear with their customer service and then like we all know cherry did a couple boxes with them um and then like she said she's never gonna work with them again uh one of my patreons yesterday said that there's like a lawsuit i mean i don't know so i'm sometimes hesitant with geek gear uh but so far i like everything so far it looks a bit like an alien but cute and cool yes it was the reason i bought this box my label was a little off center oh y'all y'all know i hate when labels are crooked i think mine's pretty centered though for real i will point out a crooked label faster than anything [Applause] okay y'all i'm trying to take this out sorry for the plastic she took all of her unboxings from them off her channel did she i never even noticed that agree their regular boxes fell off for me but the special editions seem to be better as they should be like when i was getting because geek gear is like one of the first boxes i started with collecting and i got all three of them and their special edition box is definitely my favorite uh so this is the next item and it's like a little mandrake plush ah i think most of you guys know i'm not like the biggest fan of plushie toys uh i mean it's really cute though i i don't know about the little strangly things at the bottom though like i actually have some mandrake crocheted items oh this is where i would like insert pictures um they're in my room should i just go grab them to show you [Music] okay why i really love crocheted items that are like super cute so i actually have some crocheted mandrakes on my shelf i love them uh yes go okay carrie i'm gonna go enjoy my background real fast i'm running okay i am back i am back hello kit kat is going to rip that plushy what did that or i missed it yeah one thing i really hate about going live on my phone or anywhere is like the chat goes away unless i'm like constantly clicking on it so i have it up here something about kitkat ripping the plushie yes but these are my crocheted mandrakes like how cute is that and i have my little mandrake potato uh just cute it has a little thing that says caution like that's cute so like i'm not opposed to like the idea of like crocheted what are the what is this called plush items but like i don't know if i'm like the biggest fan of the design it kind of seems a little childish like i feel like i'm going to give this to my kids and they will love it especially harry um especially harry potter that is literally what i was about to say especially xander um so yeah i i'm not in love with this i think it's like a little too childish and that's one thing that really annoys me with some boxes especially loot crate sometimes it really seems like their items are geared toward like children like kids no it's like adults buying these boxes um so i don't i don't know what's the overall consensus of this i don't know lorraine oh yeah she's the one who said kit kat's gonna rip that plushie off if she sees it yes still in love with your voice it's so calming ah that is so sweet y'all i've always hated my voice i thought i had like such a childish girly voice i've always hated it but so many of y'all like my voice is so calming that i should read uh audiobooks like to get paid to read books how do i do that sign me up i am there hey tabby from new york oh have you been to the new store in new york because i i don't know if it's open because i saw the potter collector he posted a video about it you guys i've always wanted to go to new york but i really want to go to new york now i like it we don't get a lot of mandrake merch that is so true like mandrakes man we need more just like thestrals you can never have too many mandrake items these were from where are these from mantragora creations love her she has so many like rainbow colors oh i would get all of them if i could and then this is from protago protago something oh my god i'm blanking i want to say protego potato protego mandrake or something i don't know um i'm gonna throw these back here i named them forever ago and i've done forgot their names um so yeah love the idea that this is based off a mandrake not in love with the execution i wish it would have been more base more geared for collectors instead of a plush but protago potato yes yes kaylie coming in for the save i never understood why these boxes don't have different age ranges to accommodate the same yes so many collectors yes jessica why don't they just like if they're gonna do stuff like this do it for like xander like a box geared toward his age y'all he would love this which is probably why him and bella are gonna fight over it but yeah not yet it opens june 3rd oh okay oh man i still want to go i so want to go um am i opening up fast enough i feel like i'm doing a lot of talking not like a lot of showing uh but i'm enjoying this this is fun okay i'm gonna put it in a [Music] the store officially opens today at 10 a.m oh god i wish i could go it opens today i'm about to plan a trip to new york now too i have to go ally let's go together for real if i ever go anywhere like universal studios london new york i will announce it let's all just go together like that would be so much fun yes ali's in who's coming to new york with us it looks like one of the prizes you get in a crane machine it does it kind of does oh i forgot to show you all the box i'm here just open it so this is the next item i'm assuming this is a dragon item i like the box design that's pretty carrie's down let's all go i'm a universal pass holder i'll show you the ropes man like i've only been to universal studios one time and that was on my honeymoon i dragged my husband on to hogwarts facts um but i've never gone back and now they have the hagrid's ride and all of this and i so want to go like goals maybe next year maybe next year i'll go to new york yes we're all in if you go you have to vlog it laugh out loud for us who can't i will i'm i need to get like a vlogging stick because i like try to hold it up and my arm just dies omg hagrid's ride is so cool it looks amazing like again i saw that on the potter collector he did like the view from the front and it looks amazing i'm sitting here holding this item and y'all it's like a baby dragon that just hatched out of an egg okay geek you're kind of stepping it up with their statues let me see how again i think this is like the same material as the guinderlow maybe resin but again i'm kind of a fan of the design i'm trying to get close so you can see it it's very detailed like you can even see cracks on the egg you see the wing sticking out that's actually really good the tail sticking out in the back this is actually really cute okay wow so far not a bad box we love us a baby norbert item like wow i don't know if you can see his face but like even the detail on his face is pretty good his little body in there okay okay geek gear what are we thinking guys i like the norbert item it's so cute isn't it this message was held for review huh oh it was probably a message i didn't want to see i don't i don't know why okay moving on uh we were saving and supposed to go to florida last year then rona hit fax rona ruined everything i did like that piece he is on my hagrid shelf yes oh i have a hagrid shelf as well i can't wait to show you all my bookshelves they're still not done and i went from three little bookshelves to six so there's gonna be like some empty bookshelves that i'm planning on like growing into so i kind of like i'm worried about the bookshelf tour because some are gonna be empty but it's okay it is okay we're gonna grow i'm gonna be collecting forever i'll be making videos when i'm like old i'll be like hello guys i'm going to universal in november for my anniversary oh that jelly it'll be the second time going to orlando fun oh my gosh orlando and former meetup what is that orlando and former meetup i don't think i've ever heard of that okay but yes we love this item very cute y'all i just threw that shirt back there i should have folded it wormies huh okay i don't think i'm a fan of the next item april's going back to universal in july oh that is going to be so much fun folding shorts is overrated yes i hate folding clothes that's like matching socks does anybody else have a sock basket in their house i refuse absolutely refuse to match socks we just go digging every morning until we find socks that semi look matching i'm such a bad mom like go find you some socks okay yes to the sock bask yeah sock bag i mean i never wear matching socks never like my socks are always mismatched hate matching socks it is the bane of my existence okay so this is the next item it is an iron-on patch of a pygmy puff i that's really cute but like you guys know i'm not a iron-on patch kind of gal um i always say that i'm gonna buy like a bag or a jacket or something and i never do like i don't know what do we think of this that's a dobby love socks he can have all the socks right what would we do with a patch this big i don't know like that is a that is a big patch i don't um again i kind of feel like iron on patches does anybody really love them like has anybody been like oh yes an iron on patch yeah like like so many boxes do this book box subscriptions harry potter like so many boxes do iron on patches and i don't know why is it just me is there people who collect iron on patches i'm gonna put it on my luggage okay make it into a magnet oh that is genius i've i love a good harry potter magnet i feel like nobody uses them right huh no laundry room not laundromat yes a magnet would have been a great idea i would have way preferred this as a magnet and you really can just go buy like that stuff from like the dollar store and that is what i'm gonna do because that's upside down that is a really cute design like i honestly would have rather had maybe a pygmy puff kind of like lid or crate did a while back than the mandrake i don't know that's a really cute really cute magnet we're turning it into a magnet i always save them to get a bag for them but you're right it just sits in a box i know i have so many that i've just actually i don't i'm lying to you guys i put a lot in my giveaway boxes that i just sent out a while back because i feel like why keep stuff that i don't love or i feel like just gonna sit here like i'd rather give it to you guys i know a lot of other harry potter collectors sell a lot of their stuff that they don't like but i i'd rather just give it to you guys give it to somebody who would love it okay so far these two are my favorite items when will you do a giveaway well i actually do giveaways when i hit like a thousand but like my giveaway box is so empty because i had two winners last time so i literally gave everything out of my giveaway box like i have a box under this table here that i just put stuff in from my book boxes for my harry potter boxes the ones that i don't just love um and then like every time i've hit like a thousand two thousand three thousand four thousand blah blah blah i try to do a giveaway uh and so like now i don't have like i think there's only two things in that box i don't have that many items and i try to wait till it gets like pretty full so i can so you can have like a really cool giveaway box um i don't like it when people who get stuff for free sell it i like that cherry gives it to charity your method is even better oh thank you amy yeah like that's i know a youtuber who does that a lot who like really gets a lot of free boxes and then will turn around and just like sell it all i mean you know make your money but i prefer just to give it to my followers and yeah love your channel and how you make unboxings really fun and your son and daughter are so cute hi from egypt y'all from egypt hi wow another place i would love to visit how do you say your name shama sheima maybe thank you from thank you for visiting tavi just wanted to say we think you are the most genuine down-to-earth youtuber y'all are so sweet thank you i feel like i'm just a dork and i just share my dorkiness with y'all and all of this useless harry potter knowledge i honestly sometimes feel like in my videos i like over share the references of every single item but then somebody else like commented a few days ago that they love the how i relate every item to actual like the book or the movie so i feel like maybe there's some use for this knowledge i legit i re-gift a lot to this younger harry potter fan i know yeah well i have two harry potter fans in this house younger ones they better be no like xander really does love harry potter his birth their birthdays are this month so i'm gonna try and get him a harry potter blanket because that boy needs a harry potter blanket uh watch the channel for real talk about boxes and if they are worth it oh good okay sorry i could just sit here and talk to you guys for hours i'm not doing that good at showing the items okay so this is the next item it is an enamel pen i always like edit out the paper part sorry y'all it is crookshanks and it says bloodthirsty beast which i do believe is what ron calls crookshanks after they first meet like when she jumps down on his head at the pet store or whatever wow wow okay can i just say about time we got a crook shanks item i don't think i have anything anything in my collection to represent crookshanks i'm kind of a fan i do wish the design would have been a little [Music] i don't know a little different like it's a little i don't know crookshanks is a i wish she was a little more detailed like a little more detailed but i i love this this is hilarious and i love it just for the fact that it's my only crook shanks item in my collection i legit don't think i have anything else i don't think so [Music] i find their pins too simple and too big yeah like i wish it was a little more detailed that's so true and it is a very big pin i have a new pin board like i can't wait for you to see it and it's almost full and it's like a big one so i do have a lot of big enamel pins but yeah crookshanks is a he did i say she i think i did did i my bad no it's a he uh their pins are a bit big for my taste yes holding the ear instead of having a bowl holding the ear instead of having a bowl noble collections has a really nice crook shanks statue they do i've seen that i've i might end up getting that eventually eventually but that's hilarious again not in love with the design i wish it was a little more detailed but i love how crookshanks is like whatever i i give no i don't care yes i'm torn on this one no other kirkshanks item but don't know if i really like this either may sell right like i love the reference and it's funny but the design i feel like it could have been done a little bit better a little bit better see that's the thing with um geek gear sometimes i feel like they're so close to an amazing item like oh it's a little bit different and it would have been amazing uh so yeah that's the uh enamel pen i'm gonna put that there on my potato oh that's the spoiler card psych when it is a pen versus an ornament i'll always i personally will always prefer enamel pens just because i collect them but that's just me as a collector i know some people don't really like enamel pants because they don't collect them so they end up selling them um so yeah always over an ornament i think i feel like their ideas are great but how they do it right like they did that luna lovegood box and they had like the nargles jar thing and had like such a cool idea the design the execution i would have changed it a little bit it wasn't the best in the world but very cool idea very cool okay and this is the next item it is a art print of a hippogriff and it has like a bunch of information on hippogriffs i'm not going to read it all because lord that's a lot of information proud creatures approach with caution head of an eagle tail rear of a horse so yeah i actually really like this it's very detailed i again hippogriffs is like another item or creature that we don't get a lot of so i kind of wish they would have done something else instead of an art print for a hippogriff but i don't know i like it i i personally like art prints though i know some people don't love art prints that geek gear luda love good box still has me triggered yes facts why do art prints as an item a poster yeah but an extra item even if the art is great yeah like some people really don't like art prints and i totally get that um i do a lot of art prints on my like bookshelves i'll frame some um and another thing that annoys the crap out of me guys why doesn't if i ever if i ever did a box like for my dream box which i have a really cool theme and i'll okay i'll tell you underrated box or underrepresented box like just a box of underrepresented characters people we never see like that is like my dream box i want that to happen underrepresented but if i ever did a box all of the art prints would have the size of the art print because it's so annoying not being able to know the exact size of an art print like having to get like measuring out so you can frame it if you want i feel like they should automatically put that information on the back so much easier like and it's like the little detail i think that would make it so much easier for all of us to get these boxes and want to frame the art prints so that like would be the first thing i did in a box if i ever did it put the size of the art print on the back um but um brilliant idea i also love how the characters that were not used in the movies right winky we need a winky item i can't believe they cut winky peeves like that would be the one that i like wanted to start with and i've thought about um you know at the very end of the books and stuff peeves is singing the song he's like uh we did it we beat them we potter's the one voldy's gone moldy now let's have some fun like i kind of want that on a t-shirt or something i love that saying something needs to happen with that we need more peevs item yes i kind of like art you'd get at a convention yeah yeah i like prints like this that are smaller yeah charlie winky peace charlie weasley a crime against humanity how could you cut a weasley how could you cut a weasley like the weasley family is the weasley family you can't cut them oh that yes i'm triggered y'all i'm triggered um but it would be cool if they did a subscription service for print media only as an option that is so true she's so cute and how he kicked umbrage out this song so underrated yes i love the postcard from charlie a while back yes i have gotten that before they just erased charlie from existence i know for real they should have hired the the harry potter movies since apparently jk rowling couldn't stand up for her work they should have hired a harry potter fan like i would have done it i would have been like absolutely not that is ridiculous like the fact that the movies replaced dumbledore going to the dursleys and like berating them for how they treated harry and instead doing him at like a train station talking to some girl what what i i would have vetoed that immediately how could you y'all i'm getting triggered here okay that's the art prince have you seen today on geek gear instagram how they dared to ask if we would save fred or sirius like really don't ask things like that that's like asking what's your favorite child you can't answer that never get over this right that scene was just a big no blows my mind that they cut out so much from the movies but left in some of the stupidest stuff like they replaced it with stuff that never happened like the beginning of what movie is that is that six where like you just see like three minutes of harry and jenny running around outside the burrow through the weeds and then the death eaters come set some stuff on fire and then leave what what what y'all i can't i can't deal with it it's ridiculous burning right stupid and like when harry and uh hermione were dancing like you cut out uh the moment with dudley and harry like that interchange that exchange and put it in and you have but you had time for us to watch harry and hermione dance for like two minutes i'll never i'll never understand they should have hired me for those movies because i'd be like no no no no absolutely not wow is that everything okay so we're on the last item i thought i was going like way too slow i'm sorry yeah those kind of moments annoy me so much right kaylee with the facts the wizarding trunk does a good job with book references yes i love me a good deep deep harry potter book reference that's come to life those are my favorite because generally i can catch them uh and i love i love when they go deep awkward movie moments yes also henny's first kiss don't get me started y'all i can't even with the jenny character in the movies they did her so dirty so dirty i that was the worst first kiss ever why would they take it away from the they just won the quidditch match like all the excitement that was the stupidest thing this move the movies could ever do that's why i say like i love the harry potter movies just because it's it's the harry potter movies you know they'll always be like close to your heart but they did so many things bad like i would change so many things um we need a podcast of all of us just bashing all the things wrong in them yes ali let's start a podcast would anybody listen to that us just bashing what they did wrong because i i would i would talk about that for hours okay um so this is the last item in the box and it's a framed art print which i do appreciate i think geek gear is one of the only few harry potter boxes that actually give us framed art prints um and it's a flourish and blots it's honored to present the outside outstanding new book by newt scamander fantastic beasts and where to find them huh okay what am what am i feeling about this i kind of don't like it um like i like that it's framed but i'm not the biggest fan of the art print why don't why don't i like it i hmm like i kind of wish we would have got something based off fantastic beasts instead of just like a what are these called like an ad newspaper whatever i'm certain this will soon be essential reading for every hogwarts student and who wouldn't want to go home and who wouldn't want to get to know a niffler the daily prophet i'm feeling antique store when i see it the print is uh i didn't like it either didn't like okay thank god it's not just me like we already got an art print why give us two in one box i'm not the biggest fan of that like if you're gonna do an art print one we should wait one that's it um some folks like advertisements that's true i mean that is true um i think the creatures box they could have done more much more with the print yeah yeah i wish it would have like actually been an art print of creatures or like something not just like of the book you know like we could have had like a really cool niffler or in a rumpet horn creature a rumpet blanking on that or like a demiguise like we could have actually seen magical creatures which is like the theme of the box so why it's just an ad i'm not the biggest fan right that's kind of a mess this might go in my giveaway box oh i'm blinding it with my lights yeah this might go in my giveaway box because i i don't think i'll actually hang it on my wall so yeah oh i forgot we actually have the wand didn't like it either lydia's like you don't like it because it's dumb i mean i mean and they did a and they did a print of the book cover so needed to change it a little yeah or hagrid and newt scamander together with creatures like yes i would love to have an art print of just hagrid maybe teaching a magical creatures class like you could see him with when he was teaching um the students about the unicorns with the little silver foil full what a baby unicorn that's whatever they're called um so yeah like add some hagrid in there man um but we are to the last item yes which is the wand and i will say i have always been pretty impressed with geek gears wands like i think if i could re-subscribe to anything for geek gear it might be their like wand where you get a wand every month and it's a phoenix wand 3 13 and 3 4 inches evan burning and versus the core wood iron bark whoa okay whoa if you guys haven't seen this oh i guess i wish it was a little more clear on this look look at the detailing it's an actual phoenix on the top wow okay i have to say it's a win for me i love this love this i love the coloring kind of how like the tail i don't know if you can see this the tail is like wrapping around the wand like the detail on the feather is beautiful wow we love this right am i the only one the wand is amazing i got my box last month wand is a winner now that's a beauty yes oh my god i love this and it really does feel like good quality i will say like we know geek gear is kind of a hit and miss sometimes with quality but their wands are always always good quality wow wow this has to go somewhere special because that is gorgeous that's beautiful there's a phoenix wand available at the warner brothers studio tour or the harry potter shop at new york win-win wow love it yes okay hands down the wand favorite item hands down absolutely wow least favorites uh probably the plush mandrake what's y'all's favorite what's your least favorite um or the iron on patch i think those two or or the art print those three are like the items that i could have completely done without um so yeah i like the t-shirt i i like the art print the hippogriff art print um the other great items was definitely the grendelo scales and this little dragon like that is just the cutest so yeah honestly i feel like these two are my favorite items out of the box with the grindelow coming in third i love these and yeah i really i did like the crookshanks enamel pen just for the fact that it's crookshanks like ah i don't know i still kind of feel like other than crookshanks most of these magical creatures are ones that we've seen done a lot so i do kind of wish there was some other magical creatures that we don't really see a lot of thrown in this box again like we could have completely done without that art print the ad art print and had like another magical creature item i think um would you show them again yes show them yes this is the dragon i know some of y'all might be coming in late so this is the little dragon hatching from the egg which i think is one of my top three the wand which is gorgeous the grindelow scales he is one creepy dude they got the creepy factor down this was the iron on patch the little mandrake plush the crookshanks enamel pen the hippogriff art print with a lot of detail on there this art print framed no no thinking i think this is like right um and then last was the shirt the missing toad neville shirt so yeah that was all of the items what's how many how many items were in here so nine items in all which i is not bad that's a good number crookshanks looks like a tiny cousin it from here it kind of does no it does um one favorite plush and patch not so much yes patches of filler see and that's one thing i find kind of annoying with boxes is i would honestly rather have less amazing items than more items in the box with like less amazing items if that makes sense or filler items like framed print but not for the theme yeah yeah oh yes we need a thestral item hands down hardcore i i would love to do a box just based on those roles like can you ever have enough thestral items no duh cherry just uploaded laugh out loud staying here we'll watch later i can say i did get the notification on my thing that she's accio or something yes a thestral wand y'all that's such a good idea i would love that i'd love if there was a reprised box of all their best ever creature items yeah because we have gotten some cute stuff before from geek gear with like creatures so geek gear is um doing a potions special edition box and i wanted to wait until i got this one unboxed just kind of see how i felt about it i don't know like i did like some of the items wasn't the best box ever what do y'all think should i get their limited edition potion box because you guys know i love potions like that's that's everything everything for me you right tabby better quality items and less filler right like what kind of annoyed me when i was unboxing unboxing accio is they only have five items in the box so there has to be like a middle ground between a number of items so you feel like you at least got like the quality like your money's worth but i honestly would rather have a little less items and more high quality items please get that box i love potions okay i will get the box no they already did a potions limited edition and it flopped oh did they already do oh yeah one of my patreons told me that yesterday did i miss that i don't remember them ever doing a potion box because i completely completely missed that every potion box has a snape theme item yes of course you know i feel like you got to throw slughorn in there too if you're doing potions we gotta have snape and slughorn it needs to happen i wish someone would partner with breyer model horse company to make a thestral model y'all on etsy there is a i don't remember who the name of the shop but they have like a thestral figurine it's like only 60 70 dollars it's been on my wish list forever because it's so good it's difficult to do potions bad torn on this too but they do have a promo right now for assorted items from past boxes for 21 i got that but didn't commit the potions box yet yeah i sometimes wait for victoria mclean to unbox it first and decide after that is true like generally for these potion boxes or like geek gear they will always have boxes available so if you just want to wait until you see somebody unbox it then you can for me i don't like to do that i really do like to like give you guys my first impression so i have to buy boxes totally just trusting that it'll be a pretty good box because i don't want to spoil it hi from switzerland oh my gosh we have so many people from around the world that is amazing that's one thing i will say i love about youtube instagram all of that i've met so many people from around the world and it's it's awesome i love that i love potions but i do feel the last few potion bottles they have put in their boxes have been mediocre yes i will say that the potion game in subscription boxes has stepped up like they've stepped their game up so you can't just be doing crappy potions anymore like when hagrid's trunk who else remembered hackridge trunk kind of kind of wish they came back um their potions were amazing um they had a lot of issues or whatever i don't know um from russia whoa we have some what from russia with love jinx rowdy hello from arkansas that's why i say y'all a lot y'all i'm sorry i call everybody hun like that's what we do here in the south everybody's hun i even say that to my patients it's so funny i'll be like thanks hun let me know if you need anything and they're like oh thank you sweetie like we call each other sweetie hun so if i say hun in every comment that's i we call everybody hun hey from canada oh canada i've always wanted to visit canada like you're literally right there so from texas oh texas like our neighbor hey neighbor from texas laugh out loud i say y'all all the time like that's just that's just what we do man y'all having some issues some cheaper wait having issues with some of the same items of the few boxes and some cheap and seems cheaper to cut corners gir just to fill the box yeah yeah see like if i ever really started a box like i feel like i would want to come out at like literary crate quality level and i i don't think that would even be possible because they're such a big company or i would have to like charge out the wazoo because like my box i would want it to be perfection like the quality the imagination like everything would have to be amazing so i would not want filler items i would not want cheap items now you guys do i know i love like art prints paper replicas so there might be like one in a box but like boxes that put like multiple paper replicas again that kind of annoys me again i don't not like paper replicas but there's a limit you can only do so many in a box um from romania wow wow there's that is amazing hello oh i'm going to butcher your name lonelo if that that's pretty if i'm not butchering it from the philippines wow from the philippines that isn't from norway oh my god just everybody tell me where you're from that is amazing i love this i want a box from you so bad hashtag dreams guys from india we have india here you know i've been working with cauldron crate on their boxes and i've learned a lot uh not really on like the business side of it but just like manufacturing like the limitations uh and some like because like i'm giving her ideas on her horocroc series boxes and like she's really great about taking my crazy ideas and like bringing them down to where it's like a little more usable and stuff because you're posting your cauldron crate video tomorrow oh i hope you loved it i'm so excited about these boxes it has been so much fun working with leanne like the fact that she even took my horcrux idea because if you watched my lidge crate unboxing i showed you my powerpoint for my luna lovegood box i made a powerpoint for a special edition horcrux box because that's like something i've never seen done before and it was going to be like a 14 item box one two items to represent like each character um or each horcrux so it'd be like the horcrux and then the character who destroyed it but like leanne was like no let's make it a series so we could like really dive deep in each horcrux and the characters surrounding it like the fact that she even took my idea was amazing and she has been so sweet so amazing it's been so much fun seeing the ideas come to life and even her like taking my feedback because she made a lot of the items in the box and she like would take my feedback on some items like i wasn't i was like i'm not in love with the design yet let's you know and she took my feedback so well so she's she's been so much fun okay pennsylvania minnesota indiana rhode island i want to get cauldron crate so bad i love cauldron crate i love cauldron crate lidger crates new boxes are less quality than the old ones again i think that'll look i think that has a lot to do with their add-ons like that's where they're really like like i always say guys lindrocrate is really good at getting money uh so they know if they make their add-ons amazing people are gonna buy it and buy the box which again i'm not the biggest fan of liquor or cauldron crate should include more wands yes i know they did the elder wand in like their year seven box but i'm i would want wands in every box i love wands a thestral crown would be interesting okay i i'm kind of down for that idea like the wings kind of being the side of it somebody make that happen i would totally rock a thestral crown my ideas for the horcrux bought for the horcrux boxes the horcrux ring wand oh that's a good one so who's ready for to go to new york for the grand opening yes jessica we talked about this earlier we're all going we're all going to new york pack your bags let's go y'all i would have to save so much money because i would go crazy crazy i would no control the keys from lit joy crate are amazing from lit joy yes i do love their keys love their keys they can do keys all their keys are amazing they're really good quality too and so like the keys i didn't really mind as add-ons but like the other items i kind of feel like they should have been in the box well the box the geek gear unboxing is done now i'm just talking to y'all guys uh so we've been like an hour and 12 minutes and i know some of that might be really long for some of y'all but i mean i love talking to you guys i could talk to y'all all day long the keys should be in the box i would love the keys in the box the burro box was the best one facts the fact that they went from the burro box to this last box yeah i think they kind of shot themselves in the foot like that that burrow box was the bomb so i think it was hard for them i'm imagining for them to beat that because it wasn't close to me this is fun yes this is fun we need more vlogs and streams i love this so relaxing i love this it's like we're all hanging out i'm a fan i'm sorry i'm looking at the chat and not y'all uh i really like the live unboxing me too and guess what guys i won't have to edit this y'all i've i've come to lo with editing sometimes especially because i can't do it at my new job i used to do it at work all all the time like any down time i had but my new job is a little more like it's new i'm not as comfortable so um and yeah so i have to do like all my editing at home and it's really hard to do anything with kids it just is um 72 minutes and it feels like five minutes right it does not feel like it's been 74 minutes and i'm just like holding this wand okay uh so yeah i'm kind of a fan of the unboxing live again maybe we should do a book box battle live i'm down for that because i like those are my longest videos why i don't know but they are and they're so hard to edit um kit kat probably loves saying hi as you edit to yes she will sit on my little tablet here she'll sit on anything i mean uh i watch you cherry alley and potter collector all the time yes yes yes yes yes and it's so hard like again i said this on instagram the other day it's kind of hard sometimes to not compare yourself to bigger youtubers like cherry and like the potter collector like cuz we'll do like some of the same unboxings and like they're they'll get like 100 200 300 000 views and i'll get like a thousand but honestly i feel like my community and the people who watch my videos are just like the best people like so many people will comment on all of my videos and i love that i look forward to y'all's comments i really do and yeah i have to remember that sometimes i'd rather have a smaller community with just amazing people than like just a big bigger community that like you know um live book box battle yes what about expand carrie cookie's idea and do to do a readathon read along on a zoom like you mentioned yesterday i mean i got i was talking to my patreons yesterday and i would love to do a zoom like i know that's a lot of people though but like i would love to actually like see y'all and talk to y'all and like get to meet me in real life um i would be so i would so be down for that like i love your style oh thank you my style is a hot mess there's gonna be a huge debate if we get to see a book box battle on live i'm kind of down for that i would love to see the debate going on like no al crait was better fairyloot was better everybody give tavi a thumbs up oh y'all are sweet i do watch them too but i love your style feels more genuine that is one thing i really hope always comes across like i always just try to be myself completely dork and all with you guys like if you go back and watch my first youtube videos please don't they're cringe-worthy they're so bad but like i was trying so hard to be perfect like i had i had like my church clothes on like i was trying to look really cute and blah blah blah and like i slowly learned that the key to having fun in videos is not trying to be perfect like you're gonna hate making videos you're gonna hate it completely if you can't just have fun with yourself because i mean it really is just yourself and a camera so if you can't have fun with yourself and be a dork and just be yourself there's no point in making a youtube video there's no point goes to watch now that you said not to no oh my god i for real need to i think my three year anniversary is coming up i need to do like me reacting to my first few videos oh they're so bad and i still had braces back then like y'all my teeth was wack back like i've always wanted braces but we could never afford it growing up like you know we lived in a trailer we didn't have a lot of money so i was never able to afford braces so like as an adult when i got adult money that's what i did i wanted braces so you can see me with my braces the first i don't know how many videos but it was a lot [Music] we are family yes yes one thousand percent love watching you because you're kiddos and you are having fun and going with the flow mama love my kids love being in my videos it is pure chaos anytime they're here because like i'll try to be talking and then they'll like start just screaming at each other fighting and i'm like oh my god i think in one like xander came like bella hit me and i'm like don't hit your brother man they they make it fun though they make the bloopers real fun uh laugh out loud flapper flapper i agree i love your videos i just found your channel and it seems more natural and relatable thank you are you planning to have signed autographs from actors of the harry potter movies y'all what is her name what is her name she's a big harry potter she's the crazy one um tessa tessa i think is it tessa she has i don't know i don't know if that's the name right name she has a poster from like the first movie with like the signed autographs from the characters she said she spent like thousands on that and i won it i would love love love love to have signed anything from any of the characters um and i don't know where to buy it like you see it on ebay and stuff and i'm like is that real i don't think it's real like i feel like some of it would be like a scam and but i want it i would love to have that poster like that's what i want if i could figure out where she got it that's what i want tessa netting yes tessa netting yes yes yes uh laugh out loud you're not about harry potter only yes i do i do love me some books y'all i need to get back at my book boxes like i'm so behind i'm sorry so behind like it's sad how many book boxes and just subscription boxes i get like all right here you can't see it boxes boxes and i started i used to work weekend option so like i would have four days off in the in a row during the week to film and everything but now i'm don't work weekends i work during the week so like i have my kids on the weekend and they're i'm working during the week so it's been a lot harder for me to film i'm really trying to find a schedule and like be able to stick with it i actually have a video edited i'm going to try and get it up today um but it's very different y'all it's me i don't i don't know how i feel about it i'm very nervous it's me doing a sheen try on and haul so it's like me trying on clothes and as you guys know if you followed me forever i never really show my body i've always been really self-conscious about it so it's a very different video and yeah i'm yeah i'm a little nervous about it but i think i'm just gonna post it and it'll be okay it'll be okay um too easy to fake yeah um in germany is a festival every year where with some of with some actors i love it there definitely going this year again i would love to meet the actors in person and just yes daniel radcliffe and all of them i'd love to see it i actually subscribed to fairyloot because of your videos yes fairyloot is my like go-to if i had to unsubscribe to everything i think fairyloot would be the one that i like hardcore stuck to i love fairyloot um i think i missed some hold on your bloopers are sometimes better than the actual video yes i'm surprised more people don't just like skip my video and just go to the bloopers i've thought about like maybe on my anniversary of youtube trying to do like just a video of bloopers just just my bloopers a full video of bloopers um i think that would be funny i'm here for it my sister loves the brand sheen it was um you'll have to see i don't know never buy anything signed unless it's certified yes yes and like a lot of what i was seeing on ebay and stuff i don't think it was certified so i'm like no no no no love sheen although very miss and hit like you guys know i i lost some weight so like none of my clothes fit this is a new shirt so it's like a little more my size now but like none of my clothes fit and so i'm like sheen is a little cheaper because i can't afford to just buy a whole new wardrobe out the gate so i'm like let me see how i how it is it was very hit and miss like i think the video is kind of funny it's pretty much just me roasting myself for 20 minutes but the companies producing the boxes are generally quite poor recently content not that great loves cherries boxes with geek gear but now they are quite poor yeah i did like cherries boxes you know i'm very confused maybe some of you guys know this wasn't cherry supposed to design some add-ons for litrocrate has that already happened is she or is that like for a future box i don't know that was like a big thing and i i think it's i've never seen anything else about it um if you could pick a harry potter actor to sign your book or poster who would it be daniel radcliffe starting out like just because he's hairy like he's hairy um so yeah but oh there's alan rickman like why it would have been him i take back daniel allen i wish uh all the feels um so yeah uh time for shopping spree i haven't tried sheen yet but i will definitely watch the video to check it out yeah yeah watch the video it's your hair is looking good by the way oh thank you i actually took a shower before this video just so my hair would be not as frizzy so i'd like kind of towel dried it and then just slicked it back like it's a really bad bun in the back so you don't see that but yeah my hair has become so frizzy and dry like it's but but i have stopped losing hair that has been the best thing ever i have finally stopped losing hair now it's just trying to fix the hair that i got left um she was but not sure yeah i haven't heard anything else about it i wondered what happened with those add-ons by cherry no she cancelled it because she has so many things on the go oh okay yeah i never saw lindracrate say anything else about it um she didn't do it in the end because of ordinary owl has anybody else got shirts from ordinary owl like the shipping and the price from the uk here like i've put so many items in my cart and then i just like was like it was like 300 something dollars and i'm like oh my god uh so i've never got anything yet but they now have klarna i think so i might eventually try to get some stuff from her so sad helen mccroy miss malfoy left us y'all one of my bookshelves in there is a i call it my all the feels bookshelf section because it's like all the people that have like passed away in the series but now i feel like i should do one like of all the people that actually like passed away from the movies all the feels i don't think it's happening anymore i saw something about it being canceled okay i completely missed that i i was excited about her add-ons my hair is the hit and miss in my life frizzy snape an exploded pillow you never know yes yes yes yes i got the frog sweater but the shipping killed me right the shipping that's like the thing with like just buying in general like why can't everything be amazon with amazon prime free shipping why um yeah i do want to get some of their clothes they really seem like good quality and i wish they had that frog t-shirt sweater because i don't think they have it anymore leanda if you guys know leanda brooks i love her me and her are working on something um but she was wearing that frog sweater on like our zoom meeting the other day and i'm like oh i'm so jealous i want that frog sweater um are we gonna get a new bookshelf tour yes yes you are i am so excited y'all so excited my room is still not done like i'm trying to make it perfect but honestly i kind of feel like i should just go ahead and do it so i can start filming in there again um but i'm kind of gonna miss this i like being able to put items back here so i don't i don't know i kind of like this setup but yeah i'm ready i'm ready to show you guys my bookshelves i'm so excited uh i love your blue mandrake right isn't he the cutest thing i think i named him frosty i don't know why that's popping in my head i don't i don't think that's what i actually named him um yes a tribute to all the harry potter family yes we need a shelf just in memorial like i honestly another box idea i thought was in memorial or something i can't remember the title that i thought of um but just a box of all the characters and actors that we lost in the books and the movies and stuff like just in memorial like all those we lost in the battle at hogwarts like colin creevy i want an item based on him like it said even in the book like even in death he was small and like we need an item for him um have to go at work may pop back on the live was great oh thank you i know it's getting so long i'm sorry guys i i for real feel like i could talk to you all forever and this is my first live with y'all so i'm i'm i'm glad i like it i was so nervous about it so nervous um the t-shirts are not a 100 cotton oh is that from ordinary owl that the t-shirts leanda is awesome i love her magical suitcase reviews they are expensive yes i actually ordered one magical suitcase box i i don't know where it is i don't know when it's gonna get here i don't know if it ever will um yeah i don't know it was a while back that i ordered that i know they were having some delays with shipping uh we'll see if it ever gets here um i love frost yeah a little frosty back there um if cauldron crate is gonna do a magical artifacts theme they should include a time turner movable figurine to display on your shelves oh that would be pretty that would be pretty gotta leave for work thanks for live unboxing much love oh bye hon thank you this message was held for review why are some of them held for review you know tell me you live brat oh that's my sister amber i'm sorry that's okay i was like who is like that's my sister she can do that um okay i'm unhiding your message you can show that uh i'm sorry amber i love you yes this was a live and it's like 90 minutes long i'm so sorry guys if y'all need to go that's totally fine i will have to go like for sure in about 30 more minutes because xander has a physical therapy appointment today so uh so yeah i have to go take him to physical therapy [Music] i ordered in august october 2020 and got it in january 2021 wow so that's how long i have to wait i'm glad i know that it took six months for me to get my magical suitcase okay so don't expect it anytime soon even though i think it's been a few months already um i think you did very well for your first live stream you're awesome teddy oh thank you melissa yes they are i think they're only polish hold for review is because it may be inappropriate words yeah amber inappropriate words love you too butthole stop giving all of your awesome ideas away i know i really i'm the worst at that i really am but again i don't know if i'll ever be able to really create the box that i want because like again i'm not artistic i like it would be so expensive for me to create a box because every single item i would have to get curated by somebody else like i would have to get it manufactured done anything by like other people so like every item would be so expensive but i mean i do have so many ideas just running around in this head up here like so many box ideas like i feel like i could do an entire year worth of boxes and not break like theme boxes like the items i would still have to like do some thinking on but like theme of boxes so many ideas i feel like i could do one every every year it seems for every month for this year i love your setup i'll miss this room i know i'm kind of thinking this will be my setup for my book boxes and then like my harry potter bookshelves for my harry potter stuff so you still might see this you might see that it's cozy and new and unique and you oh i got to go now i still need to watch some videos and netflix the crown yes thank you for noticing me tabby and i'm your biggest fan ever stay safe and i love you tabi ah thank you lorraine lorraine i'm not going to try your last name i will butcher that i'm so sorry lorraine oh thank you hun hey girl oh it's chloe hey chloe she has her own youtube channel i do believe if that's yes chloe's here it's the very end thank you for joining i need to learn to draw digital and buy this ipad i draw arts and concepts for you yes like if that's like my one dream i wish i could i wish i had the ability to draw and paint like if i could wish for any talent that's what it would be because i have so many images of harry potter stuff like in my mind that i would love to see come to life in like art prints and posters and like paintings and stuff i wish i could draw stop apologizing we wouldn't stay if we weren't having a great time okay i'll stop that's again a really bad habit of mine i just apologize for everything and i need to stop you are so right laugh out loud you did great with the live stream and i'm glad you made it simple to see you in youtube because otherwise i don't know if i could have joined the live so yeah yeah we'll definitely have to do more live youtubes because i liked this this was fun sage says hi oh my niece hello sage i love you you gotta gotta get back to work thank you for being awesome i love this community you made y'all have been so sweet like i never really have to worry about negative comments i think i've only ever really gotten a handful of like really negative comments uh one like one person i blocked i think that i've only ever blocked one person and that's because they called me the b word because they said i was lying because i said i liked paper replicas they're like you're lying you're you're well they said you a you're a lying beep um and so i blocked them like yeah i don't delete negative comments but i will if you're you know if you're like that i love drawing i have procreate on my ipad oh my god that's so funny yesterday i had my meeting with leanda and she told me about procreate she used it for her last thumbnail i think for geek gear and it looked so good i'm gonna have to try that i don't know if like it's something i could do but i somebody else she just told me about that i can be your personal artist yes i will hire all of you sorry i had to figure out how to turn restricted mode off to see this my son is always watching silly videos i know i feel like my phone is more in the hands of like my toddlers now because they want to watch youtube like the ryan's world that little kid y'all has like 29 million subscribers what my kids love him though we're actually having their birthday parties are this month and we're actually having a ryan's themed party because they love that little kid so freaking much it's crazy um yes you are the be the best right thank you that's the only bee i'll accept procreate is one of the best drawing apps okay i'm gonna have to try it y'all because i do want to try and make my thumbnails more interesting like my goal for youtube is to always try something new for my videos for my thumbnails try to make it better um or try live streams for the first time um it's definitely something you can learn to use i was a total beginner a few months ago okay uh kaylee i might be hitting you up for some tips you'll you'll have to let me know amber amber's just meowing in the chat y'all amber aka evie is my little sister and she's just doing meow meow meow meow meow that is so amber hit me up girl i will i will hit you up and i loved your unboxing for cauldron crate i watched it i watched it i i was so nervous to see people and their reaction to the first box i don't know why i'm so nervous like some of my ideas actually made it in the box and some some didn't some of them were crazy uh so i was so excited that people to see people's reaction to it um get a sketchbook and sketch out your ideas when they come up amber with these meows you're killing me wow that was gross sorry that's live for you i would love a draw together zoom live yes y'all i'm i'm kind of a fan of the live like i could just sit here and talk to y'all for hours and y'all can like teach me how to draw teach me how to draw i read it and sang the old cat food commercial that's what she was doing meow meow meow meow meow meow meow this is such a wholesome live i love it oh y'all are all they're the best got to go now really wanted to stay to the end but my son is crying and i can't ignore him anymore it's just getting louder and louder that is that is facts that that's your first child and your second child the difference like your first child you're like no my baby and then you go your second you know you're kind of like they're fine they can cry for a little bit but i did want to show you guys this real fast before i go somebody was asking about this and i don't know if they're still here he's your fourth oh my god you are such an overachiever you have four wow just give him some harry potter potions i tried to learn to procreate and i just can't get my head around it that might be me we'll see four children you know me and calvin always said we wanted three um but i had i had a miscarriage and so we kind of had our three in our heart but man when bella came along and she's like i'm gonna run this world we were like no no more children for us two is enough okay y'all are gonna go right there okay so somebody was asking about this earlier i hope they're still here but it's not a bookshelf it's actually oh i have a wand in there oh my god okay i didn't i don't what i don't know when that was put in there but there is a wine in there but it's like a secret storage thing like you can hide stuff in there um and nobody would ever know really so this was from pottery barn and it was like a hundred something it was very expensive like pottery barn is like my i love love i have a lot of their stuff that i've like got through the years but yeah you could like hide stuff in here when i before i had my weight loss surgery i used to hide candy in there so my kids wouldn't eat it that's that's parenting hiding your stuff so your kids don't get it but yeah i didn't you can actually like mount this on the wall but it's so heavy so heavy so i was really worried about actually mounting it so i thought it would be like a cute background so it's been there ever since you played hide and seek and lost i lost i i wow this definitely won it's probably been in there for months because i haven't opened that in forever uh you're the best and the most warm youtuber love you oh thank you uh with a few youtube cut my writing laugh out loud sorry i would always recommend to start learning simple objects a cube ball and then start with faces and stuff you know xander is so into drawing right now he will watch youtube videos of like how to draw a santa or something so maybe youtube tutorials start small that's awesome i was happy with the second then i had the surprise baby ha ha he's so amazing though the best kind of surprise yes oh my gosh this case i'm in love one boy one girl perfect done yes we were so lucky like we really wanted a boy first we had our boys so lucky and then we're like we really want a girl had the girl so perfect we're done is it really super heavy yes oh my god that is so heavy again that's why we didn't want to mount it it's like i'm terrified it would just like fall down so heavy yeah 199 harry potter faux book lock box natural decor shelf hair yeah pottery barn you got it 199 dollars i forgot how expensive that was pottery barn is not cheap i had weight loss surgery october 29 2018. i had it october 24th 2020. why the show's the worst year in the world i don't know four of my kids can all draw so they don't get it from me i was going to say me and calvin cannot draw at all no artistic talent in this family so if xander can like draw and he's actually pretty good he definitely does not get it from us i'd recommend critzel pixel it's german but not but got lines and she shows everything it's perfect for beginners ooh okay can you message me on instagram dm me back crystal chris crystal pixel i'll try to remember it remember it but i'll probably forget uh so yeah i definitely want to learn like if i could change anything that's what i that's what i would fix always wait for the sales it will go on sale yes yes yes i do no problem perfect thank you y'all are so funny okay well next time i'll definitely have to figure out better lighting because now the sun's coming up so like i have a window up here so it's like sun here the lighting was awful i'm so sorry guys but yeah maybe next we should do a live book box battle i'm kind of down for that it would be a very long video though and i would i would definitely have to like not talk as much and like get through the boxes because that's a lot of stuff to get through sage is calling me a cat now you are so funny amber laugh out loud i cannot get over the wand it's over i know i've just been like swinging this around for the past 30 minutes so pretty so pretty i think this might be like one of my favorite ones that we've ever gotten from geekgear i i'm a fan i'm a fan bye bye amber lighting yeah oh well it's fine okay good hmm yes book box battle yes yes i am a fan let's do it i hate spell check i knew what you meant it's been fab to join and chill with you i am down for a long live stream and i love all the chatting it feels more down to earth and real good this was so much fun guys i really should get off though because i have to get ready to go get xander from daycare um because he has like i said he has his physical therapy appointment and he's doing so good like i again i posted this on instagram i don't know if i've ever really talked too much on here but he has always toe walked so we've had to do braces we've had to do casts and all this stuff to like stretch his muscles back out because they got so tight because he had he's toe walked his entire life pretty much um so it's been like a long process of stretching his muscles out so now he has physical therapy every week and we just had to get him custom braces y'all even with insurance custom braces for for legs wow i'm gonna need to be picking up some extra shifts from the hospital because the bill is redonkulous y'all like i need to stop getting so many boxes i will say like thank you for my patreons because you all have helped so much even just like you know the 5. like it all adds up so that does help but yeah oh though i need to pick up some extra shifts yeah yeah um recently made the 3d hogwarts castle don't see much about these and the finnish castle is awesome love from uk you know i haven't seen anything about that either and i've debated whether to get it i i might have to get it now i don't know where i would put it because like the top of my bookshelves are already full with stuff um hey tabby um oh hey yes i remember you how are you you just oh well we're about to end um but thank you for joining thanks for the live stream loved being here thank you guys y'all have been so awesome um i agree i love how all the people who have joined you in this unboxing have been so nice and supportive in the chat i for real think i have the best community on youtube the best i so many people are so supportive and it still kind of blows my mind when people subscribe to me and like like my videos because i yeah again i think i roast myself more than anybody ever could in the chats so so nice everybody you know because when you when i started my youtube channel three years ago almost i was like i'm too old i'm too fat i'm too s everything again i think you're meanest to yourself uh and like i was very worried about the comments that i would get but i never worry about it anymore so many people are so supportive so nice yes this chat was amazing thanks to all of you yes thank you tabby live stream once a week we will be there have an awesome day stay safe and be well stay magical you rock yes once a week i mean i could talk harry potter all day every day books we could do this once a week i would be down for that it would have to be like different times though because my sleep schedule is so because i work nights so my sleep schedule is wack like some days i'm awake some days i'm sleeping um so yeah now you're too magical thank you guys hey donna yes okay okay it's 12 50. okay i do have to go but this has been so much fun thank you for all of you guys that like stayed with me for this long because wow that wow i just like saw the time it really doesn't feel like it's been that long but it has wow thank you for all of you guys that stuck with me this entire time or just now joining thank you for joining um love from india you're beautiful love your channel and content thank you guys uh this was so much fun yay ali maybe me and you should do a live stream together and we could just roast harry potter movies i'm i'm down for it uh so yeah y'all are so sweet i will uh definitely be doing this more i think i feel so much more comfortable now that my like first couple are out of the way and yeah i don't know why i thought it would just be so bad but this was so much fun i had so much fun um so yeah even if i just said you're great even if i disagree with you in anything for example i liked luna scarf but i still always like and appreciate your videos and honesty yeah we can't all like the same thing but like just because i don't like it doesn't mean others that's why i put it in my giveaway box because i know somebody will like it um so yeah it doesn't feel like it's been 109 it has it's 110 minutes long i'm so sorry guys i feel like i could go on forever but i will go ahead and end this here thank you guys so much for joining my first live stream here i'll definitely be doing more on like my patreon and here um maybe one day it'll just be like a come and hang with me or like a q a or something or just more unboxings because the fact that i don't have to edit this video this box makes my heart so happy i can't describe to you how happy i am that i don't have to edit anything so yeah there will definitely be more live unboxings but i will see y'all next time thank you i love y'all y'all be safe and stay magical now how do you end this that's that's the question bye guys yes
Channel: Gryffindor Bookworm
Views: 1,607
Rating: 4.9178081 out of 5
Keywords: book box subscriptions, book box unboxing, geek gear, geek gear box, geek gear creatures box, geek gear limited edition, geek gear limited edition – creatures box, geek gear unboxing, geek gear wizardry, geek gear wizardry box, geek gear wizardry creatures, geek gear wizardry unboxing, geek gear wizardry wands, geekgear wizardry, harry potter collector, harry potter subscription box, harry potter unboxing, harry potter youtuber, live stream, subscription box
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 32sec (6692 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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