A Long Expected Parcel | The Journey Begins | A Lord of the Rings Subscription Box | Unboxing

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what is up guys tabby here and welcome back to my channel [Music] so as you guys can tell i have another lord of the rings box from a long expected parcel and if you missed me unboxing their first ever box definitely go check it out that box was absolutely amazing and since i got that first box from claire my love of lord of the rings has just grown i'm actually reading the books as well i know finally i have finished the first book i'm actually on the second i kind of stopped for a while because i'm trying to read a lot of other stuff as well and i am loving the books the movies are amazing they're what made me fall in love with lord of the rings but i mean it's kind of true the books are always better and i have just been so excited to see what claire came up with for this box for those who don't know claire is a friend of mine on youtube instagram all of the above and she is a one woman business she is curating these boxes all by herself her third box is actually on sale right now i have already purchased that i'm so excited now these boxes are kind of expensive again she's a very small company but what i ended up doing for this box and the next one was choosing the payment plan on etsy i love that they have that option where they divide it into like four smaller payments so that definitely helped me be able to get this box and the next one but as always that is enough rambling from me let's go ahead and do a sneak peek my box kind of came a little banged up but again these boxes come all the way from australia and sneak peek very cute we got some gold tissue paper and some leaves trying to escape and right on top we have a card that says a long expected parcel the journey begins and on the back there's a little note for me it says dear tabby thank you so much for supporting me it means a lot to me i hope you like this box but the next one will be better love claire now claire did tell me that some of the items that she really wanted for this box wasn't able to happen so this didn't end up exactly how she wanted but i'm sure it's still absolutely amazing and something in this box smells amazing i don't know what it is but something be smelling good y'all and another sneak peek one thing i really really loved about the first box was she wrapped the items individually with different like quotes and stuff from the book or movie and i just loved that and it looks like she did that again so the first package says the barrow downs oh okay and it's an enamel pen of a sword or dagger from tea creations they're the ones who made the pen for the last box such a cool enamel pen and i love how they designed it with like the rubies on the handle and it immediately makes me think of the daggers now this isn't in the movies this is in the books it immediately makes me think of the daggers that all of the hobbits were given after they were rescued by tom bombadil i think bomb i don't think i said that right bomb bob babadil i done forgot um but yeah there was like a whole thing that the movies left out where the hobbits were like anyway i don't want to give anything away if you want to read the book but yeah the hobbits were rescued by tom bombadil and they were each given a dagger and this makes me immediately think of those daggers so maybe that's what this is to represent so yeah i love this love that reference and i can't believe the movies cut out tom bombadil such a cool character like that was i think the best part of the books for me because the movies actually did a fairly good job following the books but they left out tom bombadil i'm probably saying that name wrong just shoot me now and the next package says i ain't been dropping no eve sir that's almost like a wrap i ain't been dropping no eve sir okay anyway wow i've had too much coffee today can you tell oh my gosh it's elf ear headphones no way i think i said it in the last video i really want some elf ears for these boxes and now i have some but they're also a usable item that we could use to listen to music and stuff and i ain't gonna lie guys i'm totally dorky enough that i would wear these out in public i have got to put these on guys hold the phone okay hold on how did these work oh okay so they go around oh my god holy rabies y'all holy freaking rabies i have elf ears i kind of want to wear these the rest of the video but the headphones are like making me hear myself in my head it's really weird but i oh my god the coolest item ever i will so so be wearing these out in public i don't even care what's the mess i oh my god i like i look kind of cute with all fears i'm just saying okay god i need to move on but i don't want to take these off i would have never thought of this like it's elf ear headphones what mind blown okay i have to move on i have to move on i can't even right now and the next package says a shortcut to mushrooms and it's a magnet that says a shortcut to mushrooms and it even has a picture of mushrooms on there now this item doesn't necessarily scream lord of the rings to me i kind of wish it would have like a different design maybe with a quote from the book or movie but as i always say you can never have too many magnets especially when you have toddlers and they want all of their artwork on the fridge and next we have two stickers the first one is of tom bombadil himself and the second one is of tom and oh what's her name oh no i done forgot her name i've only read the first book one time i need to read it again already obviously i cannot think of her name um goldberry gold gold fur i i'm blanking guys but yeah and you can even see the willow that tom saved the hobbits from so yeah you guys know i love stickers i collect stickers mostly harry potter stickers but i will definitely make room for some lord of the rings stickers but honestly i think i want to put these on my new ipad case these are so cute and the only lord of the rings stickers i have so far so yeah i know stickers aren't for everyone but i love stickers you guys know this so i'm a fan and next we have an envelope with a wax seal on the back and it says frodo baggins okay i'm gonna try and open this without ripping it and i'm failing it is a replica of the letter that gandalf left for frodo that the bar man was supposed to give him and forgot and this looks so authentic it even has the prancing pony at the top okay i want to go ahead and read this real fast it says mid-year's day shire 1418 dear frodo bad news has reached me here i must go off at once you had better leave back end soon and get out of the shire before the end of july at latest i will return as soon as i can and i will follow you if i find that you are gone leave a message for me here if you pass through brie you can trust the landlord butterbur you may meet a friend of mine on the road a man lean dark tall by some called strider he knows our business and will help you make for rivendale there i hope we may meet again if i do not come elrond will advise you yours in haste gandalf ps do not use it again not for any reason whatever do not travel by night pps make sure that it is the real strider there are many strange men on the roads his true name is aragon and on the back it says all that is gold does not glitter not all those who wonder are lost the old that is strong does not wither deep roots are not reached by the frost from the ashes of fire shall be woken a light from the shadows shall spring renewed shall be blade that was broken the crownless again shall be king ppps i hope butterburst sends this promptly a worthy man but his memory is like a lumber room thing wanted always buried if he forgets i shall roast him farewell and uh yeah he did forget i love this love love love this i know again paper replicas aren't for everyone but i love paper replicas like this truly feels like it's the letter from gandalf and it just brings the book to life and i love this that is hilarious the perfect paper replica for this box and next it looks like we got an apron a lord of the rings apron what and this is what it looks like it says what about second breakfast and it has an apple on there which is actually what strider threw pippin when he asked what about second breakfast he threw him an apple and this even has two really big pockets in the front i love this i love the quote i even love the color because it makes me think of the green cloaks that the hobbits wore i was definitely not expecting an apron in this box again a nice usable item i will definitely need to be cooking and baking more just so i can use this and next we have another package that says this my friend is not quite a pint and it's a traveling cup that says the prancing pony it even has like the sign of the prancing pony on here so yeah this is what it looks like love this lid i actually love traveling cubs i use them quite a bit and this is actually a fairly good size but to be completely honest with you guys i'm not in love with the design of this i do like that it's themed around the prancing pony but i do kind of wish the image on the cup was a little different like it's so spread out it almost looks blurry and the whole back half of the cup is blank like i would rather have had a design that actually covers the entire cup maybe a design of the hobbits actually in the prancing pony we could have seen them sitting at the table and maybe like around here we could have seen strider in the corner so yeah not my favorite design i still do really like this item it is one that i will definitely be using quite a bit and next we have another package i do believe it's a candle that says night on amman soul i think i said that wrong night on a mon soul i said it the exact same the second time okay and yes it is a candle from wick stock candle co weather top wood fire and spice a soy candle oh so it's a white candle with a lot of sparkle yes you guys know i love me some sparkle oh oh my god i think this is what i was smelling earlier wood and spice together it just works for me i could smell this all day long love this and next we have another package that says welcome to rivendell is a jar that says rivendell respite this is so cute definitely giving me rivendell vibes and i think this is bath salt guys i might be wrong but you can take the top off okay so this has to be bath salts this smells amazing but even if this isn't bath salts this is totally an item you can just have displayed on your bookshelf you gotta love a nice usable item that you can also display yes and the next package says it may help to slow the poison oh what's that plant name it's the one they give frodo to slow the poisoning okay it probably says on just just open them just open the package ethelis wow i can just hear sam in my head yes a weed so yeah we have a jar of ethelus or kingsfoil i love this reference and the fact that this kind of looks like a potion ingredient which just speaks to my harry potter heart and it actually smells pretty good kind of strong it reminds me of something i have no idea what though but it honestly kind of looks like tea i don't know if it is or if it's just a prop we'll definitely have to find out when we get to the spoiler card but for me this will definitely just be an item i display on my lord of the rings bookshelves but we do have one more item and i do believe it's an art print and this even has a little quote on here as well and it says eat earth dig deep drink water go to sleep oh i think this is like a poster guys i am speechless look how massive this is and we see the four hobbits on their ponies going through the old forest i can't get over how amazing this is the detail like i don't even think the camera is doing this justice i am one thousand percent going to get this framed and hung on my wall i can't even y'all i am in love with this i am so glad i saved this item for last wow wow wow way to end this video but guys that was everything in the box let's take a quick look at the spoiler card just to make sure i didn't miss anything so this was eagle mail a long expected parcel the journey begins may govenon well met welcome to the second middle earth mystery box i curated this one based on frodo's leaving of the shire and his perilous journey to rivendell so the first item was the hobbit elf ear headphones i immediately thought of sam when i saw these and they brought a smile to my face i hope they brought a smile to yours yes yes they did number two was the exclusive shortcut to mushrooms magnet mary and pippin would be delighted if they knew the shortcut was through your fridge designed by claire number three was the old forest poster a nod to the book where the hobbits must take a path through dense woodland only to find the trees are malevolent and determined to entrap them especially old man willow designed by bohemian weasel red bubble number four was the tom bombadil and goldberry stickers goldberry did i say that i don't think i did but that was the name i forgot wow tom designed by carter robinson and tom and goldberry design by lord of the rings reader red bubble number five was exclusive barrow downs dagger enamel pen after tom saves the hobbits each of them are given a barrel blade mary's is particularly important concept by claire brought to life by gabby at nurity creations so the enamel pen was based off the daggers that the hobbits got from tom yes a brain of mine wow number six was the prancing pony travel cup it won't quite fit a pint but at least you can take it traveling designed by kika t red number seven was the exclusive gandalf's letter the far too late letter gandalf intended to reach frodo in the shire guess barlaman is going to get a roasting later designed by claire number eight was the exclusive second breakfast apron i included this movie line because it's just so perfect get back in the kitchen designed by claire number nine was the exclusive sign from gandalf stone in the book gandalf is actually leading half the black writers away from frodo he leaves a token upon weathertop for strider to find to let him know he's been there wait what wait oh so yes i completely missed an item that's why you read the spoiler sheet uh so yeah we already know what this is but let's take a look at it and yes it really is a stone that has some markings on it a reference directly from the book and i love that the movies completely left this out and this was actually kind of a big thing in the book so i love that claire added this i'm so glad i read the spoiler card because that totally blended in with these white peanuts i probably would have ended up throwing that away number 10 was the exclusive weathertop candle made by hannah at wickstock candle co number 11 was the exclusive jar of ethelas king's foil don't be caught off guard you never know when you may need the healing power of the atholus plant carry it on you like a ranger should prop only so don't eat it guys it's just a prop made by claire number 12 was the exclusive rivendell respite foot bath salts and it does have ingredients on here which i always appreciate the next box will be dedicated to the fellowship the nine companions make sure to check my etsy store or my instagram page so you don't miss out i'm sure to use plastic only when an item requires for hygiene or safety reasons all other plastics i receive is taken to a recycled facility in australia i reuse packaging i received myself as well as recyclable materials such as paper and cardboard packing peanuts are made from biodegradable cornstarch and will dissolve in water which is amazing we all want to do our part in saving middle earth i had to guys don't judge me i had to throw it in there but as always you guys will have to let me know what was your favorite item least favorite so i think there's a tie for my favorite item and that has to be the poster and the elf ear headphones these two items just blew my mind can't get over these yes but i also really loved the apron the letter from gandalf the candle i mean there were so many amazing items in this box least favorite item would probably be the magnet i think that was the only item that i just didn't love but overall i thought this was such an amazing box definitely gave me all the lord of the rings vibes and made me laugh we definitely got a nice blend of usable and displayable items i mean honestly i think the elf ear headphones won this box for me i i still can't get over those genius absolutely genius i cannot wait to see what she comes up with for the next box which i have already bought and is on sale right now in her etsy shop i don't know how many boxes she's making this time around so i would definitely go to her etsy store and grab yours before they're gone but as always thank you guys so much for watching if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and if you're new to my channel hey welcome feel free to hit that subscribe button if you want to join my small community of harry potter lovers and bookworms and don't forget you can now join me on patreon for some exclusive content and giveaways and i will see you all next time bye guys if you miss honey begins so i'm trying to film apparently during a tornado watch so if you hear thunder and stuff great timing tabitha but we got some peanuts [Music] y'all i actually have really small ears i have such a problem finding headphones that fit me so i don't know if this oh stay stay oh that one fits perfectly what am i doing wrong on this one is it backwards or something oh there we go i am a little elf i am a little elf i am a little alpha what can now be [Music] you shall not open ha ha what baby what do you want some of my water here you go baby this is brand new that's brand new that's my new herbology cup do you like it i got it from books a million my new herbology cups i just got it from a million this white thing looks like marshmallows yeah no don't you eat it okay let mommy finish up i gotta hurry before bella and daddy come home is this a potion yeah i know it's a potion my my mind is so harry potter said i see anything in a jar and i'm like is it a potion it's a polish it's a potion i know it's real potion oh okay no it is not a potion it's not it smells like somebody good like somebody good it's not like a people that smells like a good bun like a good body yeah okay oh you love my water bottle no no that water this one you love it yeah yeah what it's not a unicorn though it's the prancing pony oh i thought it was huge no fancy unicorn kitkat is loving these peanuts y'all the trees are relevant malevolent malevolent my god wow mario
Channel: Gryffindor Bookworm
Views: 1,989
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Keywords: a long expected parcel first look subscription box, a long expected parcel subscription box, first look lord of the rings box, first look lord of the rings subscription box, lord of the rings, lord of the rings merch, lord of the rings subscription box, lord of the rings subscription box unboxing, lord of the rings unboxing, subscription box, the lord of the rings
Id: u4rWJ0c5Zrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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