GEARS OF WAR: ULTIMATE EDITION All Cutscenes (Remastered) Full Game Movie 1080p HD

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for a Time the humans of Sarah knew the illusion of peace until emergence day in time their Valiant defense was crushed with billions dead humans denied their enemy [Applause] control by destroying their own civilization now the long struggle against overwhelming odds approaches a final desperate stab Jack Rip that [Music] door what are you doing here getting you out here put this on you'll need it you can get in a lot of trouble for doing this not anymore things have changed we better go what about the other prisoners you can't just leave them here they're gone Hoffman pardoned everybody is that right welcome back to the Army soldier [ __ ] let's go we've got two options we can go back the way I came through the guard's quarters takes time but it's safe or we can go through the prison blocks and get right into the fight your choice let's take the prison blocks I'm ready to kick some ass hell yeah let's do it 64 this is Delta 2 we are on Route over copy that we are beginning our run 64 in position Fox One Fox One hey 64 this Delta 2 hold your fire we are inside the prison over Roger that hold holding fire advise you relocate ASAP man if Comm man knew I was here to get you I'd be in some deep [ __ ] come on let's go nice what the hell's been going on in this prison you don't want to know ground units are taking heavy fire we have hostiles in all directions copy that calling for reinforcements over King Raven take r that moving in let's get out there Delta one this is Delta 2 we are ready for extraction over copy that enemy units right there right there over I see them moving in blank left more are coming too close to your right can use some trash over negative we can only cover one target we need your guns over negative negative we are also taking heavy fire standby Delta there's something moving below ground over I see it to what are we looking at hell if I know Marcus we've got to move to the Raven now go go go welcome to Delta Squad where are we going Embry Square Colonel Hoffman's waiting for us Hoffman oh [ __ ] this is going to be awesome hey are you the Marcus Phoenix the one who fought at ASO Fields yep wow cool not really you traitor like you doesn't deserve to wear the uniform looks to me like you need all the help you can get step aside Lieutenant I've got good news we have a plan to end this war once and for all yeah right sensors are picking up enemy movement sir close by Locust take cover Move [ __ ] we now have the light MK bomb I'll take out all these bastards with one shot but it can't work if we don't have the targeting data that's why we need the resonator it'll map their tunnels so that we can hit those sons of [ __ ] where they live now I'm pested up there we've lost contact with Alpha Squad last transmission was from every Square I want you to get in there find those men and deploy that resonator will we have air support what are you kidding you are the support son down to two Nemesis are keeping our birds out of the area you'll have to move in on foot we're screwed all clear but the lieutenant here will be feeding you Intel yes sir and the smart thing to do right now would be to leave you get it done I expect you to give me 110% Phoenix I'm not doing this for you GRS percus than them [Music] let's do this control this is Delta we have visuals on Alpha possible Kia no sign of resonance Roger that Delta keep looking I hope that's not roas down there this little boy just turned two last week well it could be Alpha COG Tags are gone is that the resonator nah now what let's get that resonator Marcus what do you think what do I think could be alpha or it could be the Locust setting a trap there's only one way to know for sure inside the house of sovereigns our next Target is House of sovereigns Straight Ahead move to Markus flank right fire in the hole throw [Music] bra fire in the hole nice another grub hole get a brag in there oh yeah I think we're good let's grab some ammo follow me what the hell man those holes could pop up anywhere you'd think we would have figured out some kind of goddamn defense by now yeah Comm man's tried everything but nothing works if the Locust want to come up they come up I used to have nightmares about those things when I was a kid [ __ ] I still do control this is Delta Squad any word from alpha negative Delta we still have radio silence over Roger that do Phoenix you'll look for a way in Carmine and I will stay back in Suess what about Alpha we'll save him if we can oh [ __ ] warm up All Clear All In you good yeah but I got a problem something's wrong with this thing it keeps jamming see sniper take position you miss you need gasses sucker damn oh oh you can't see straight what I me help you with this holy [ __ ] one guy that one for a Al one how about that Soldier needs our help get down those stairs back in your hole oh yeah I'm back in the G D yeah that was beautiful baby state your name Soldier Pro Augustus Cole Alpha Squad sir Cole as in the Cole train yeah that's right where's the rest of your squad they're sitting tight over in the Tomb we're Delta Squad we're here to retrieve the Sonic device and to get you guys out of here hell yeah we've been waiting for the chopper but the radios don't work for [ __ ] [ __ ] sir we noticed it's the Cedars they're jamming our Transmissions then we have to make those Cedars our top priority sir agreed we need to reestablish radio contact with control ASAP number 83 damn the one and only baby remember this guy he played for the Cougars defensive line we saw you play that's right everybody wants to see the train baby hey Marcus remember division playoffs 40 yd line I remember you owe me 20 bucks oh yeah see me after the war door's open let's go damn what is that spell seriously something smells wrong in here those Steelers they're nasty man nasty get your hands back in the fight soldiers Focus you two get over here and take these weapons don't use them until I give the order that is just not right fire your weapon soldier hold your trigger down it gives the satellite's time to triangulate piece of [ __ ] we should use the hammer of Dawn all the time it only works outside and even then only when the satellites are overhead basically you locked out control this is Delta come in going there must be more Cedars let's go control Delta come in control copy Delta your signal is extremely weak we are working on that problem on route to Alpha's position Delta this is 24 repeat please are you with Alpha is pz clear r low on over negative 24 negative stand by move out private this building used to be a beautiful place there's a lot of history here a lot of lies too oh you've got some neres Soldier I know all about your trial this trial was a sham sir get up there this tram is the pickup zone we need to clear it that means no Locust on the ground and no Nemesis in the air hell yeah get on those drers nice copy that we're at the pickup zone now we have visuals we're out of here man I puke my guts out of those things every time guess you're sit next to Marcus [Music] then oh that you baby yeah yeah yeah group hug where's [Music] [Music] roas Locust take cover Under Fire they're flanking I am pleased with our progress I understand they have located another Squad our strategy Remains the Same cut off the head of the snake and the body [Music] dies we will win this war it's only a matter of time no we're here for Alpha and the resonator come on control this is private Phoenix Lieutenant Kim is dead so we've Fallen back inside the tomb and we need a way out of here repeat Alpha Kim is dead confirmed control Kia Roger that um there's a Courtyard at the other end of your building that's your best bet copy that well we sure [ __ ] can't stay here you're bared yeah that's right [ __ ] question is who are you oh [ __ ] quiet don't move what was that a Berserker she can hear us she can smell [Music] [Music] us get out of here we got to get [ __ ] out of here man oh my god control this is Delta we have a Berserker in the vicinity please advise hold your fire Delta standard weapons won't work do you still have the hammer of dawn affirmative control you've only got minutes of satellite coverage get her outside and use the hammer that's the only thing that'll work Wilco Delta out all right guys sit tight we came here to help you and that's what we're going to do Dom let's go move out so what's the plan well unfortunately all we got to do is get her to follow us quiet satellite is online well then okay let's drop the hammer hey Cole there it's all clear control this is Delta come in read you Marcus Colonel Hoffman is coming online report we're here with Alpha and we have the resonator huh uh very good we stand by for new orders you guys all right we got to get out of here it's going to be dark soon so deler we now have a secondary Target you will deploy your resonator in the lethia ultion facility Due West to your position and your in charge Sergeant Phoenix as of now Sergeant copy that we're clear for Ravens negative area is too hot for Choppers you'll have to find another way copy that typical don't give the smart guy a promotion no no give it to a jackass instead so we got to hump this to the factory or what nah screw that I got an idea oh yeah what is it smart enough let's move plan what plan you don't have a plan you're just talking [ __ ] plan just wait and see [ __ ] Marcus this is on you Hammer of dawn is off line perfect hey Marcus this route's no good you better find another way in ponade boom throwing bra get a Target damn these guys are almost as big as you Cole yeah [Music] almost I could use a hand here we got to get out of here now if you got to plan let's hear it I know somebody who lives out here got a vehicle a piece of crap junker but who runs what you know one of these stranded guys yeah there's a camp up ahead so what you hang out with stranded I don't hang out dickwad I'm looking for somebody shut up bear keep moving what what I say I'm I'm sure there there's some nice stranded maybe not it's still coming this is [ __ ] no I don't actually keep moving lock and low boom boom boom Oh Yeah scratch one grub hey man what's up same old [ __ ] Franklin here yeah usual spot C bullshit's not going to help you up here hey hey Pig I'm talking to you piggy blow me leave it alone be what are you my mom it's all you D don't worry I got it I won't let you down hey Santiago what you doing here there no news on the lady man I tell you if I heard anything I don't want people people seeing me with you all right it's not good for business man give me that junker of yours say what get real man I'm serious we need it sorry to hear yall having problems man but I'm not giving you my ride yo you owe me one I'm calling in the favor right now all right all right man I'll do it yo on one condition they stay here yo it's collateral we can use the extra guns man done it's a tap gas station watch you go get it hey yo yo Santiago we even now man no more favors [ __ ] this is [ __ ] I told you I had a plan your plan blows all right hey hey hands out the merchandise no handsies on the yeah you beared out [Music] so where we going Franklin CHS gas station Corner F Street 13 it's going to be a lot of locust between here and there [ __ ] you got that right you need to hit our checkpoints with some ammo the first one's by the river so if I was your ass I'd get my ass over there Pronto you dig [Music] oh yeah take the stairs get Ana we crossed the river checkpoint one should be straight ahead how's it going bar oh it's [ __ ] somebody here figured out the cold PL thrash ball now it's all oh cold train tell us all about that play again and hey number 83 sign my shade where the hell are you guys we're working on it sit tight stay there we're coming over stay under the light [ __ ] Frankl Santiago hey it's dark now so you better watch it and the quill are probably out by now yeah they are and they just killed the guys at checkpoint one [ __ ] all right yo Santiago man that means they're coming this way Johnson check the lights yo man you better keep moving checkpoint 2 is up [Music] ahead I'm out Amer all shoot the tank oh yeah shoot every propane tank you see from now on we need the light people out here aren't going to like that Marcus they use that [ __ ] it's either that going kill us so we're doing it Cole you there everything okay [ __ ] yeah baby we got the hook up they giving us some big ass dinner we are going to get dissenter from this [ __ ] Bear's having a hard time adjusting you know tell bear to shut up and eat we'll be back soon copy that nice [Music] scratch one Dr control we're too take the alley to the left of your location it's pitch black no way we can get H Sweet let's do this bear you still there heay man is cold bear is in the toilet listen these boys are getting serious they're bringing out the big guns something's about to go down for sure we'll pick you up as soon as we can yeah I think you better cool out bar give me an update we' got Locust and looks like kriller on their way can you hold position for now but you guys are welcome to come back any time you know copy that Phoenix out hey you state your name look at them fool ass faces Franklin son us yeah well no [ __ ] I know what you're doing here damn it we're looking for Chap's gas station oh yeah well good luck ain't no lights between here and there I guess your ass is doomed huh oh you think so whatever go in the house I'll run the lights Jack stay here and open a Comm link with this guy oh yeah okay I'll talk to your trash can here you guys can count on me don't screw up hey man I screw up I'll never see your ass again cuz you'll be dead I'm going to kill this guy there's some bad [ __ ] in there so you better watch out [Music] huh there it is over here you dumb [ __ ] [Music] [Music] you ninka boot look at this place you burnt half the neighborhood down and we've got logus and krill flying up our ass all thanks to you what where's a junker I didn't think you guys were going to make it so I I didn't fill it up I figure that's your job P's over [Music] there don't shoot the T you at home you can get my rly old ass control we've got the vehicle we're heading back to pick up the rest of the squad hurry Marcus Locust and krill have launched a fulls scale attack on their position [ __ ] get in D let's go good to go drones up there damn it get in not again go watch out left you D go it's going to be Krill use the UV turret this junker can only be power the turret or the Ed not both it's just up ahead SW out one of you idiot needs to use the up turret what if you idiot look out clear next time I'll stay with the exploding gas station there it's Marcus we have the junker do you copy yeah you on your way or what we're getting screwed to the wall over here we're almost there sounds like they can use your help let's do this got [Music] him brag out oh has been shut who's next oh yeah [Music] almost had us that time let's move out there turn that [ __ ] off hold up damn it okay Delta looks like we're walking are you kidding me control this is Delta Squad our vehicle is DOA we're now on foot please advise copy that Delta the pumping station lift is offline so you need to enter the mines through the factory continue down this Road affirmative let's go stupid junker piece of [ __ ] can you fix it that can fix anything man just need the right parts open that door will you it's locked just get Jack to open it won't work these doors are too [Music] thick control this is Delta we're at the factory but the entrance is blocked copy that Delta I'm sorry but I don't see any other options on my screen all right this will go faster if we split up Cole beard you head that way we'll head right radio us when you find an entrance oh man I don't know that sounds like a bad idea I'll be sure to take that under advisement Cole now move it yes sir come on Cole let's move damn Marcus he'll get over it did you see that yeah I did kind of wish I hadn't [Music] oh yeah who's next you know that nobody's been underground in years right I know look man it's enemy territory I mean it's bad enough when we're fighting these things outside in broad daylight but underground in the dark yeah could be bad but hey don't tell bear that he scared [ __ ] as it [Music] is be coold we're in what took you so long we've been here for at least 2 minutes well good for you smartass give us your location the basement and it's a dump control this is Delta we're in copy that keep moving through the factory till you find the cart control room I'll use the carts to get you to the mine Delta let's not not waste any time meeting up let's just find that control room watch out for the Boogyman just see if you can get the lights back on Delta 1 out hey I think I got it yeah be you did yeah turn them off will you huh what never mind cease fire [ __ ] finally the rescue team what are you doing in here waiting for you I'm ready to go we're looking for the cart control room where is it well you have to get down to the factory floor through that door but it's locked well how about you help us unlock it who me aren't we leaving not yet come on [ __ ] this is Delta one one still proceeding as planned but we have a stranded with us no [ __ ] hey ask him if you seen any geobots I still need one for our junker hey bear keep looking for that cart Control Room Phoenix out Delta 2 come in watch the vents Roger you're not going to believe where we are TR could you give us Delta 2's location G readings are faint looks like the sewer system there's [ __ ] everywhere Come on B little bit of this go for you builds your immune system yeah it also builds disease Delta 2 out no way sucks to be them hi boys I can smell you two a mile away screw you man get down here and see how much you like it there's room for one more it's a [ __ ] party down here no thanks keep moving we'll see at the carts can we please just leave no we've got work to do please if we stay here they'll kill us for sure relax will you you relax you gears all suck bunch of bloodthirsty fascist [Music] pigs [ __ ] he's gone careful we need to keep moving just watch your step damn I hate this place can't stop the train baby you guys look good huh smell good too I don't want to hear it man not a word whatever you say man what about the resinator Cole still in one piece you know it the train was a smooth control this is Delta we're at the cart control room copy that Delta everybody grab some [Applause] ammo man you [ __ ] has need to get in your own carts no way am I standing next to you what let's just get this over with let's do this thing [Music] wa trol we're headed into the furnace to Burt the carts Ana we're moving into the fire weap anywhere now you guys okay barly come on baby the train at on the ra nice oh yeah what the hell is that doing here checking tickets that was fun control TR this is Delta do your read I copy you're almost there the drilling platforms are straight ahead in the core room you guys hear that yep then move out that was fun remind me to think on you everybody get on your platform control this is Delta we're on the drilling platforms copy that sending platforms down now once you're in the mine you'll need to find the pumping station and plant that resonator get it done before Dawn you don't want to be there when the Krill come back it's go time baby [Music] damn stinks down here there's Krill [ __ ] everywhere all right enough let's get this done and get out of here before the KRW come back I heard that watch out woo oh great you okay yeah bear we ran into a problem you and Cole are going to have to find an alternate route Roger that we're moving we'll see you there a oh yeah nice oh [Music] yeah okay enough with the falling down already bear what's your status still on Route who knows where the hell we are we're off our route too we'll all keep moving if you get to the pumping station first you'll guide us in deal [Music] deal oh there's got to be a way to stop it wiches Marcus [Music] ah just in time yeah just in time to kiss my ass man I can't believe we missed this Cole still got the resonator Boot It suit it and ready to get executed and the time 5:15 sun's coming up soon let's move move finally there it is okay here's a plan Dom we're going straight in Cole be you two flank right and provide support above all protect that resonator you got it got it go you hear that what the hell's that sound it's just the wind yeah right when's the last time the wind said hostiles to you uh those aren't drones oh [ __ ] looks like they upgraded they're called Theon guards you think they know what we're doing well we're not here to sell cookies so they know something's up let's clear that station oh God I can't believe it we did it nice job okay time to go home bear you set up the resonator get that elevator back online Bear Let's [Music] Go control this is Delta we're clear resonator has been detonated I did it Marcus stand by King Ravens are in route shall be going back to base I guess so good cuz I'm done food man hot food all day long Delta bad news it didn't work what do you mean it didn't [Music] work Bear Let's Go I mean that lousy resonator didn't deliver the goods according to Anya we're missing data on hell I don't know most of the network we need aund resonators to map these tunnels so what we'll use this instead I'll use it to smash your teeth in how about that shut up and look at it look those are locust tunnels Phoenix you know I'm right where did you find that it popped on screen when I hacked in the files were there Phoenix report Anya are you seeing this affirmative and private Barett is correct that geobot is showing more tunnel data than the resonator this is [ __ ] give me a zero point on that data sir well it came from East barricade Academy from his father's house specifically who father Sergeant Phoenix sir you think you can still find your way back home Phoenix yes sir reroute those Choppers Lieutenant they're taking Delta to EA immediately a 64 lonely cruising for a date 25 sorry honey you're not my type radar Echoes ahead yeah command wants us to get this [ __ ] lock down ASAP so we can move to new location oh [ __ ] Nemesis hang on can't shake them gun one take them [Music] down we're Landing now hang on ELC is on reate H form up control this is Delta confirming 64 report first Dr stop Zone aborted we are at East barricade I repeat East barricade over copy that Delta be advised there are survivors at 25's crash site then that's our first stop what's the situation on the ground you have two options Delta you can take the street or move through those buildings ahead of you we'll take both be you're with me Cole Dom take the street we'll cover you C there of is online ah you're blocking my shots lock and low nice good shot I'll take that hey drop it now all right allur right don't shoot [ __ ] they're not going anywhere yet all right Dom and I will go ahead and clear the way you catch up when you can control control this is Delta 1 Delta 2 is caring for wounded and flagging for pickup is a conservatory clear as far as I can tell Delta 1 then that's our route bar we're coming up on the house we're at the stairs now copy that we'll meet you in the courtyard what's going on up there well there's a bunch of [ __ ] with guns up here and they're trying to kill us bear it out up there God damn is this ever going to end control this is Delta go ahead I'm detecting seismic activity inside the house there might be Locus tunnels inside uh copy that Anya we are aware woo yeah baby [Music] what's up ladies Locust are inside there's something else here too an APC behind the house now we can get out of this [ __ ] hole no offense yeah an APC doesn't work go I told you I'd fix it listen up we don't have much time get back there and make sure that APC Works we're going in got one lock and loow grenade I can't see it up [ __ ] upstairs is clear be what's the status on an APC the status is that it sucks clutch plate is cracked I'm going to have to take out the flywheel hey be and pull the drive shaft for sure just fix it uh right Roger that I I I can do that [Music] Jack plug in and see what you can [Music] find all right on you I'm bringing up the data now stand by what are we looking at they're Locus tunnels doesn't seem possible there can't be these many tunnels it's a it's a honeycomb the planet's crust is riddled with them they're everywhere I TI it that qualifies as enough data to get the job done more than enough then let's get out of here start pulling the data I can't the files are too big for this bandwidth then we'll take them with us Jack download this data confirmed but it'll take a while uh guys there's still a war going on up here get up here will you give us your location front of the house Second Story hurry up we're on our way look who decided to show up the locusts are outside w we all baby Cole and I will go protect the APC while you wait for Jack keep them out of the house oh yeah ah damn hey break losing blood get up more Locus back to the house Marcus Jack's got the data everybody move to the APC now the one that I think much next Ro back come on come on come on come on come on come on bran go [Music] control this is Delta we're out and we have the mapping data over the train is leaving now the light Mass bomb is mounted and ready to deploy wait the bomb is on a train affirmative command identified an Emulsion sinkhole as our primary target the Train's going to deliver the bomb your targeting data will do the rest so where to now you'll run with the train at timad station copy that Delta out look out hang on a [ __ ] this figures let's get this bridge down be you're with me Dom Cole you watch our backs hurry up man that buoac was right behind us this is [ __ ] they were waiting for us they know what we're doing control this is Delta we're stuck at an open drawbridge we need to restore power to this sector please advise copy that Delta stand by I see down electrical lines near your location follow the Waterfront to Nassar Memorial Park and attempt to repair Roger that Dom you're with me be Cole you two guard the APC this is nuts there's got to be another way be my squad my call be ready to move as soon as the power comes back online whatever boss man man you sounded just like your old man back there yeah well screw my old man he thought he could prevent this war and look what happened yeah well now his mapping dat is is going to help end it somehow I don't think he'd appreciate the irony Marcus satellite update shows Nassar Park crawling with Locust activity there's an alternate route but you'll have to backtrack to the bridge no time there you copy this don't we have a train to catch coordinate with control get to those lines we'll clear the park and meet you there we're on it hey yo what's up got to be close to those power lines can you see anything up there I think so just up ahead across the park by that old theater move out and get Jack to start the repairs we'll meet you at the power lines it's game time baby ER we got this find those power lines you got it [Music] Delta the train Commander reports that Locust are heading their way what's your status approaching power lines now be advised the train is accelerating to avoid capture your timetable just got a whole lot shorter holy [ __ ] it's back keep that thing away from the power lines no problem watch this hey stupid you want some of this come and get me get out of there go go go go are you totally [Music] insane now the loc are say again control you're breaking up that doesn't sound good think we can still make it in time if we don't we're going to spend the rest of our lives running from [ __ ] like this [Music] oh yeah Marcus BRX gone thank you very much and we're headed back to the power line [ __ ] damn it bear get the hell out of here over there roac Marcus we got to slow it down shoot the legs it's still coming aim for his Fe [ __ ] here come take [Music] cover almost had us that time now what Jack Rip that door you guys make it out okay we're alive but I doubt we'll make it back to the AP control this is Delta we've repaired the power lines but there's a buoac here please advise over Anya you read must be a cedar close Okay looks like we're on our own and we need to hustle bear cold regroup with us behind this theater get over here it's right there man that thing has chased us everywhere okay what now boss control this is Delta do you read [ __ ] still out okay the only way we can catch that train is with Ana's help so reestablishing Comm link is our top priority let's find that cedar cedar below yeah and no freaking Hammer so we'll improvise hit the tanks that was beautiful baby control this is Delta come in on you Marcus is that you power line repairs complete what's the status on that train not good the Locust are on board they're throwing our guard onto the tracks and according to grid power levels your bridge is still inoperable options you're close to timad Central Energy if power can be restored that will be the place to do it Roger that we're headed there now Delta out let's move this just goes from bad to worse this now this really this really sucks control we're at timgad Central Energy copy that what's your status just moving in now wish us luck be Cole take Jack and head right Dom let's get that power online Marcus I was wrong it wasn't the strength gred tapping the grid it was these guys they're taking it underground all of it tell me you can fix it I'm working on it D it ja the other circus but you'll need to turn off some panels up there what are we looking for panels you know Green glowing lights valves [Music] suit check it out [ __ ] we are so screwed okay we're done there huh wait oh [ __ ] now what power levels are good but we need to jump the Transformer polarity how do we do that we can't we we'll need a full set of tools an upgraded cable to connect two transform blocks an interrupt to manage levels what the hell you mean we're stuck uh yeah unless you can pull something out of your ass big enough to connect two Transformers something big enough to fit between those things out front I think I just solved our problem D think we can get the boack to chase us hasn't been a problem up till now there open the back door for us [ __ ] there it is now what now we piss it off what D how do we take out the big gun kill the driver bring him down to our level we get a shot out him kill the driver [Music] okay let's roast this thing run to the Transformers where over there the access road the fence is open [Music] [Music] r [Music] and I thought the food in prison smelled bad on you bridge power is restored and we're moving out cuz we've lost control of the train now you'll have to catch it as it passes through timad station Roger that jump on a moving train and try to recapture a bomb this stay just keeps getting better and better here it comes get ready go bear get up here I'll be right with you let's go let's go oh [ __ ] damn it damn it we suck we'll catch you right on Raven sorry guys it's okay Ana what are we looking at okay uh the bomb is at the front of the train and there are plenty of locust on board you've got to get going now let's move out wa we've got Nemesis on the radar that's not good great now what are you kidding me Berserker Anya we're using the hammer of dawn right now negative Delta you can't not with all those Nemesis sing the sky fine we'll go to plan B we got a plan B what hell no [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] contact the door's open Mark has move quick Phoenix Hoffman's picked us up we're on our way affirmative and then there were none let's goes doesn't matter we need to get to that bomb Ana what the hell what's happening You' got wretches four cars ahead they're cut of the tower hurry before they cut you loose let's move a come on back in your hole oh yeah let's do this margus You' got to drop that data right now you still have it hell yeah I do right [Music] here the queen wow in game die dreamer engage W he re let's do this here we [Music] go hey on our way down let's go let's go Marcus hold still damn it this is it Marcus [Music] me so what are we doing [Music] tomorrow earlier today your gears successfully deployed the light Mass bomb we have destroyed the enemy stronghold this war has exacted a heavy price from all of us it has torn our world apart but you have my word that we will rise again they do not understand they do not know why we wage this war why we cannot stop will not not stop why we will fight and fight and fight until we win or we die and we are not dead yet
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 2,679,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gears of war ultimate edition movie, gears of war remastered movie, gears of war ultimate edition all cutscenes, gears of war ultimate edition game movie, gears of war ultimate edition full walkthrough, gears of war ultimate edition playtrhough, gears of war remastered game movie, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition All Cutscenes Remastered (Game Movie) Full Story 1080p HD, all cutscenes, game movie, game, GEARS OF WAR: ULTIMATE EDITION All Cutscenes (Remastered) Full Game Movie 1080p HD
Id: 9WyMr85QT3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 44sec (5984 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2015
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