Gay or Imperium? [Dragon Age Inquisition Parody]
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Channel: Lycaninja
Views: 123,667
Rating: 4.9761329 out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Age (Video Game Series), Dragon Age: Inquisition (Video Game), da:i, dragon age, dragon age inquisition, parody, dragon age parody, gay or european, gay or imperium, dorian, dorian pavus, cullen, cullen rutherford, josephine, leliana, cassandra, solas, sera, inquisitor, lavellan, trevelyan, legally blonde, Legally Blonde: The Musical (Play), crack, tevinter, tevinter imperium, dragon age gay or european
Id: N6ijuOdbIV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2015
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The little details like the missions and approvals, but also the Cullen voice and subterfuge I am DECEASED
holy shit this is the greatest thing i've seen
This was incredible! RIP to the female inquisitor hoping heβs straight and interested. Also, that mTrevelyan is crazy good-looking.
Edit: the original creator of the video uploaded sliders of both Inquisitors in this video to their channel on YouTube!