DRAGON AGE WHO IS MOST LIKELY? With Dorian, Sera and Lavellan

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hello again this guy hold and welcome back to another one of Josephine's ideas today I'm with Dorian and Sarah all right and we're going to be doing a skyhold who is most likely to Sarah you've made the signs right yeah Jesse got me to write real good so I made a little signs with our names on him [Music] you read that okay without further ado let's move on to your previously submitted suggestion ISM who is most likely to questions that we should answer first question who is most likely to stick that in a jar of peas really yeah I know this one did you submit this why did you think you were you know I know I have not done that why would I do that have you know I have not stuck my private parts in a jar full of beer that's like week they took off but he was like I'm not feeling too great who is most likely to hit golf balls through a fade rift three two one that rule of agreement yes Sarah I suspect that you have all this who is most likely to blow up a Chantry three two one Wow I don't think you do it on purpose listen I do know I think you'd probably do by hacks so well I'm an archer I'm not gonna be going anything by accident Dorian was the mayor explosive arrows mass of errors life not only that like we take a lot of stuff on that people are like hey you do this and you're like yeah right it's that did you read the small print and you're like yeah let's just do it we do need money and also we are doing so many things at once we might confuse what we're doing and it's meant to be blow something else on okay okay I fold I will blow up any Chantry for a sum of money who is most likely to choke on water I think you've got really bad gag reflex make it is alright yours isn't my Cakery flips is absolutely fine non-existent thank you who is most likely you are you bored yeah wishes honest who is most likely to try and take on a dragon on their own you would try and take on a dragon by yourself why do you even want them to die I wouldn't die if I ever die yes yeah then it's gonna be trying to impress some nice lady really impressive who is most likely to accidentally kill somebody sorry oh that's nice to know I'm insane myself I said to wring be able to bring the back I'm a necromancer there's no exactly I mean no that's not I mean this will be dead you bring about us they wouldn't really be them they'd be dead them dead live do you know how am i worse are you a mage no no no you're not so don't try and understand magic yeah but you like bringing zombies spec so like they're not zombies and not zombie I've generally appreciated if sometimes you didn't resurrect the thing we've just spent two hours late yeah that's annoying like a door yeah yes that was my mistake I admit uh-huh I messed up on that game I shouldn't off but sometimes you just get too excited get too excited I just react the neeraj yes you know why you stop saying the word direct who is most likely to embarrass themselves in front of their crush oh he said me know you good he's all Augusto and he's giving her I grew up in the woods I have never even preference I was related to we're not getting into this we have time to be doing this shouldn't we be doing other things I mean how is never said where I point to Josefina exactly but she insists is good for morale it's good for the citizens of skyhold what to publicly humiliate ourselves yes we make ourselves see more bold of you to assume I can be human here who is most likely to bang the qunari [Music] well then who is most likely to adopt 10 Mubarak mother's I mean this one of you basically did with the Inquisition and plus we do have a entire basement for the moment which you thought no one knew who is most likely to actually fully impress guests an elysian ball did you pick your own names did you or did you raise yourself not a chance not know Charlotte Chung not going to happen it would just it literally would not we know I wouldn't want to be there but like I think I could do really well but no we know that you don't do well from experience like no co2 bad there's no is my subject we took you to a teachable and an animate oh yeah do I don't have a thing but every single person who encountered you did not so we each think that we do best of this well maybe we're just gonna have to try it out all right again again in a less life or death situation where I had to keep reminding the basement I would like to request an outfit in their pockets know who is most likely to dare criticize Vivian's wardrobe choice all doesn't that have that she wears like yeah infuse you cuz it kind of looks like boobs homes so like you got a little bit weird feelings that confuse you and you're like ooh female Kanuri yeah Wow okay I was I was not I would climb up like she's you know she's a bit domineering I have to ask I have heard you say this phrase it's time to I would climb her we still know I'm still no closer to the definition of it oh I do who is most likely to outdo the others when it comes to landing the killing stroke on a dragon as told by Varrick Grosso in one of his in one of his stories you're like main character in America well I would say occasionally possibly Sarah just you know for the comedy value in the book then I bring it back to my you it's my strike my kill who is most likely to pick greed over doing the right thing oh I don't know how to pick and greed over the right to dinner I don't think if anyone's that here know we'll just hold up the back side and say that yeah Blackwood all right I'm gonna read the next one mmm cuz think you might skip it otherwise who is most likely to date iron bull there isn't just a yes card is there for life [Music] I'm Julie to come to some sort of agreement here you're gonna have some sort of Polly thing no to monogamy yes I have into Menominee very much says says him say de and bull and watercolor one maybe yes I'm very well well not too well aware this next question is them quite abrupt alright who is gaya all of you who is most likely to be a morning person I mean I don't see you are for Stephanie as you know is the morning and anyway you're already at the kitchen so you wouldn't yes usually asleep yeah you like where they have the bright and like it just freshly baked and it's like it smells really nice you're doing that really warm so it's cozy smells good word you're looking for oven who is most likely to fall asleep in weird places and everyone panics when they can't be found no nobody's perfect I think like when you've got stuck up the chimney for a week no one panic okay three two one sleeping with I'm proud of the fact that people were concerned where I am if they come find me he's got an anchor that's weird need to get it checked out who is most likely to be kicked out of an Orlesian bull [Music] why would you say jewelry because he's a bit and he take the mick out of everyone there so they wouldn't take too kindly to it so they kick him out for being rude that sounds like you you're talking about yourself no you know literally you're talking about yourself who is most likely to historian for hundreds yeah preparing me yeah I'll have you know a lot of people would kiss me for free Nemecek you made that noise again even if you don't like the gentleman you can still appreciate beauty when you see I know I do but our bowls are pretty man I just needed to be known I'm the single most attractive man who is most likely to break down veil and casually reshape me definitely being who is most likely to kiss a girl and like it are you done yeah yes who is most likely to keep a dragon as a pet don't keep anything as a pet yep including Sarah and Blackwell no no we found one exception to the rule who is most likely to land on the subtlest jumping from the top floor of the Rotunda it's one of my favorite hobbies then crack the egg who is most likely to run headfirst into a situation with no plan or escape route you pose cool Outpost yes well everybody follows me so of course it's gonna be me running in first turn that dragon that's like at the top of the tower and they're like we have to keep running into the staircase and I sort of wait for 10 minutes and then run back out and then heat it and run back into the circuit like we could have avoided that okay said it earlier but grew up in the woods don't really have any worldly experience somehow got put in charge Minami who is most likely to brag about literally anything oh is that me yes yeah all right yes she'll Brobot anything it doesn't even have to be anything that you would brag about she'll just brag yeah I'm really for it talking myself up who's most likely to forget something important on a quest or something like that you just say everybody except you yeah who is most likely to wake up in a jail cell with a hangover in November I mean technically it's what happened to you in he had sure I didn't rehab him past I didn't have over I want to throw you out like I know where Green Haven hang over weird we got blown up it's not the same as having a hangover was it an explosive night no and the last question who is most likely to set Colin on fire brackets tbh like he could get any hotter we have fires pretty hot in fear bones an actor kills three two one oh stop anything little bit anything do anything for the gas although I do think your greatest was just moving all of the furniture in his office lately very slightly to the left like half an inch and most just enough that he gets in there any feels so incredibly oh no it's the nerium again find you well genius I like it because just I'll take it it's not explosive uncovering people and bees right it's just never been tried to stop him alive never will be okay thank you very much for joining us for this version of skyhold who is most likely to thank you for sending in your questions any further correspondence can be submitted directly take nails there bunnies we accept donations we do we accept donations you can you can send them to the link in the box below and also to Sarah at read Jenny's no don't send inheritance you never ever send it there yet so until next time I am in Crystal opposed I am Doreen palace I'm Sarah what is your surname she's just Sarah you might have to know did you sign anything when you like - no I haven't signed a single contract I haven't signed a single finger and I've got put in charge of this little I was getting paid yeah you're getting paid yeah who's paying you don't pay if I'm getting paid that doesn't make a sense so that literally doesn't make any sense yeah it does no it actually doesn't who is paying you me if you're you're paying yourself I mean where the fault is is that why the Inquisition's room you were stealing from the vault : : what's that over there street smarts ID opinion warrant for arrest [Music] [Music]
Channel: NyxRising
Views: 30,649
Rating: 4.9767923 out of 5
Keywords: nyxrising, cosplay, paperstorms, roguearcanis, 0becki, dionysiandandy, electrospectrum, dragon age, DA, dragon age inquisition, cullrian, pavellan, dorian pavus, cullen rutherford, skyhold, dragon age funny, dragon age cosplay, inquisitor lavellan, elf makeup, elf make up, dragon age who is most likely, who is most likely, tag
Id: ti2TICE7fjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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