Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was And Who God Has Always Been

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Damn it. I want to watch this video, but I honestly don’t think I could stomach it...

I’m feeling nauseous right now just from thinking about watching it.

I can’t even imagine how horrible it would be to be conditioned to believe that I have to let a person I’m not attracted to stick things into my vagina or else face “eternal damnation”...

I hate religion so fucking much.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/LearnAndLive1999 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’ll never understand how god can be love, and love everyone, while referring to a specific group of people as abominations. That’s not love, plan and simple. There’s no way to spin that. You can’t love and hate at the same time, and calling some one an abomination means you can’t possibly love that person.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Faelon_Peverell 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Did the "ex gay" thing for seven years and it was the seven worst years of my life.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/beedubaya 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

She isn't fooling anyone. Being gay/bi/straight/whatever attraction you have is not a choice like she's making it out to be. She'll always be attracted to women. She's just denying who she is and going "cold turkey" with her homosexual desires.

I grew up in an Orthodox Christian household, and I tried several times to suppress my own attraction to women to "please God," or so I thought. I became an annoying apologist and made myself so miserable to the point where I simply went back to being bi for good. I wouldn't be surprised if she does the same.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Watched and listened. She puts SO MUCH energy into living outside her true self. Feel sad after watching.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/orangevla 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
a lot of how we talk about sexuality or how we view sexuality it doesn't come from Scripture it comes from stories yes there is the reality of same-sex attraction and what that means for humanity but there's also the other reality that God is real and that his word is actual and that it is to be believed and when believed things change I think when I consider Jesus he didn't just come and die and that's that but he actually lived and in his living he was able to understand the human condition and therefore offer us empathy because he got into it and so I want this book to just be amazed by which people could learn to love others well I think it's early as four or five I felt like I was attracted to the same sex and I didn't know what to do with it didn't feel the freedom to talk to anybody about it and then even as a teenager just kind of wrestling with stuff and just eventually submitting to it the thing about feelings is God made them God created us with the capacity to feel and the main reason he did it is so that we could glorify Him with our feelings but the thing about sin is sin distorted that and so even when you go back to Genesis 3 and you see that Eve is looking at this tree that God said hey the day you eat of this tree you shall surely die that was his work that was to be believed and it believed she would continue to live freely when she started to listen to Satan and be tempted he said that she thought that the tree was desired to make one wise I think it's interesting that she uses a word of affection to describe how she sees this tree now and I think the desire was real I think it was a real feeling that then governed how she saw the word God and so I can't trust my feelings because my feelings really ultimately have no authority the Word of God is the ultimate authority in everything and so if I put my feelings above Scripture I'm gonna be led to death every single time I choose God because I love God and that's not to say that there isn't the still present knowing of my flesh to want what I used to love which is sin which is lesbianism which is women which is pride but what the Holy Spirit does when he comes inside of somebody is he completely makes them new I'm able to look at the tree and see that the tree actually isn't good for food I think it's a habit of some to to assume that somebody coming to the Lord who has same-sex attracted that coming to Christ means that your old affections will be done away with that somehow you will become straight that somehow you'll just desire marriage overnight and have kids and all that type of stuff and a lot of times it's presented like a kind of gospel as if having heterosexual desires are actually a fruit of the Spirit in not self-control there are many believers who love Jesus are filled with the spirit are bearing the fruits of the Spirit and are committed to a life of celibacy because they as far as they know we'll never find themselves attracted to the opposite sex but the thing is they are just as glorifying to the father as I might be being someone who God happened to allow to walk in a heterosexual marriage and have children but the thing is my marriage is not evidence of salvation but the fruit of the Spirit is evidence of salvation I was bearing the fruits of the spirit far before I ever met my husband it's mainly three reasons I wrote the book one for those who are in the church and seeking to love the gay community I wrote the book for them so that they can understand how it feels how it feels to be someone who has an attraction to which you did not control or initiate and how hard it is to walk free from that and so to have some sense of empathy I also wrote the book for those who are believers in the church who are yet still same-sex attracted to say I get it you know like you're not alone in this that there are other believers that God has saved and is going to glorify and is sanctifying that can fully understand how it feels to be in the position that you're in there's also the third group that I wrote the book for which is unbelievers who think that this whole conversation on sexuality is just centered on sexuality because it's not really ultimately this is more about God than anything it's saying that Colossians 1:16 says that all things including my body and my sexuality and my identity all things were made through him and for him and so this is less about sexuality and more about are you living for the reason you were made which is to know God and glorify Him and so I think what needs to happen is that people recognize that what God is calling those who are same-sex attracted to be is not necessarily straight but holy that God is calling them to himself and in doing so even if those affections still exist he will give you the power to flee them every single time because he's that strong and so I think we need to reframe how we present the gospel the gospel has to be you're not coming to God to be straight but you're coming to God for Jesus he has to be the reasons why people come and when he is the reason why people come they will stay with him the whole time because they weren't promised something that the script never promised in the first place and so I wanted the book to kind of point to God I know it's a memoir in many ways but it really isn't about me it's me leveraging my stories so that you could see the gospel rightly [Music]
Channel: Jackie Hill Perry Channel
Views: 711,936
Rating: 4.8037386 out of 5
Keywords: jackie hill perry, p4cm, gay, christian, lbtg, memoir, book, matthew vines, rosaria butterfield, sam alberry, christopher yuan
Id: ZLAe_JBvVwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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