Gauntlets to Diamond #2 | Gold to Plat

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this is a win let's go oh yes oh yes oh the guns look crazy as well yes you're perfect tip 1000 my volume isn't working try unplugging your monitor and plugging it back in that might help with the volume or unplug your mouse all right there we go oh oh i feel so good on the counters now because mushrooms guns are fast as [ __ ] wait i'm bad i said wait no no no oh watch this never mind one second close your eyes for two seconds one two okay keep watching now um no never mind okay i'm not going to move i want to see what he's going to do oh man i want to move now he's sketchy on it all right he's dead look at me look at this the drip dude oh look at speed as well even though his base came but uh crazy on it all right no no open for you thank you for the double counters we're coming i deserve to get here bmg fix your game bmg fix your game if that drops one more time in these series i'm gonna go insane wait you could have chased her there's no one there what's going on what's going on what's happening there was no one there i got a cat player let's go oh what is this weapon i don't want i do not want this weapon actually give me this weapon yes yes yes go get the combo going yeah we're walking to into my yeah come here yes yes exactly like that just like that yes yes nice all right there we go no no no no no please recovery into it okay no that was a bit what the [ __ ] i wanted to do something there we have zero damage taken doctor duffen schmertz dude dude one don't forget about the one at the end do finish my two it's dewfin schmidt all right all right please touch please thank you you're so [ __ ] hot oh my god you're so hot you [ __ ] monk that sick is just you know i'm having zero flashbacks from the tournament but look good flashbacks relax your [ __ ] cell phone the [ __ ] down what's going on dude so hello why did why did i actually not do this in i'm actually meant to this way what the [ __ ] am i going for are you okay okay there you'll get the weapon all right now let's go don't side segment thank you side sigma now size you exciting to chill on the gold on the one bro my punish was almost crazy never mind i'm dead i'm not [ __ ] on the all ghost what's this is he gonna gi is he a girl that knows how to drive that's the real question let's find out come here it's crazy calm the [ __ ] down relax relax relax i'm trying something bro come here i'm getting red i'm gonna [ __ ] this guy's whole family i'm over it get the [ __ ] away from you guys guy i'm going to call him guy get get away from me how am i supposed to replace this guy bro come on okay go go get the weapon get the weapon go he's dead he's there get the weapon get the weapon oh my god oh my god i felt shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up wait what are you doing he's dead all right this is good i think is it please don't hit me i want to zero damage game again i'm dead of course he's going to use a [ __ ] forcefield to hit me of course he can't hit him with a normal attack but look at that attack dude it just hits everything shove that attack up your [ __ ] not gonna lie just shove it up what was that bro wait can this how deep was i dude i used three jumps i used three jumps and i was still in the bro yes i did you know you wanted yeah exactly now what's this wait one second i'm gonna [ __ ] this guy up bro what are you doing oh look at this guy dude all right he's dead so dumb galactic you're playing in one point [ __ ] yes max and meet him i easy wins he's wins what was that what's happening what happened my voice i think i i'm a grown-up man now i'm not a girl enough not a child i don't know what's happening that was so crazy dude that's zero to death look at that down right into nothing that's a zero to that combo all right he's gonna die here nope all right no come on okay all right the ball is gone nice that was yeah marvelous indeed hate everyone i'm gonna make him despise everyone after this game not only hey why would you do that is that oh he's not dead all right go up now get hit by this thank you wait oh dude dungeon is there a dungeon again no walk into this oh you have nothing never mind um flex himself with the orange is that orange or yellow i think i'm color blind not color blind but yeah i don't know what color that is is that orange that's orange it's yellow bro is that actually yellow no there's no way i don't know the colors here okay dude i don't know my bad my bad dude tony i think he's a better bushing too he's proving he's gonna prove it like right now watch all right oh he just proved it he almost died for no reason wait my guns are not here anymore i get hit by this no okay wait once again come here all right dodge him jump and uh yeah lag likes for insane likes back like the game is so luggage i know it's not happening it's not even funny how long it is calm the [ __ ] down what is going on i'm gonna hit my gold strings that i've never seen before oh look into this thank you thank you so much nice uh go gauntlets bro you cannot dodge that just like you know i welcome this again i want someone i thank you and i'll get oh he's just there we've got a plot dude oh my god oh my god he's on the turtles as well yo yo that's insane oh my goodness mamma mia mama mia dudes wait you okay nice i kind of wanted to survive but like i'm fine with dying wrong are you okay i got a weapon oh he was just something oh he was running away oh it makes sense okay now it makes sense not dodging please that's not a version but no that's oh no what what do you think what am i doing i get about this no wait one more time all right grandpa please and one grandpa is all we need wait one second but i wasn't ready i was kind of scratching myself relax dude oh his weapon starting as well what the [ __ ] was that you don't do it again this guy's the master edge guard i can't do anything about it and i took that personally and i took that i took the time person i need to win this game dude okay nice come here dude no you're not allowed to tell me okay please dodging that's a touchdown okay please there's down again wait one second please down again no no that's footage yeah do it again wait am i going to lie here why is he actually good at the game i was joking better oh that was a fat joke is he gonna dodge down okay he's spot dodging now okay uh-huh i think for a three billion damage from that spot oh he keeps my dodging oh he's he didn't let him i'm dead yeah do you play apex yeah but like i'm super bad do it again foreign all right can you spot dodge one more time like after my satellite well one second that's not a response he's gonna do it again he's gonna do it again we're gonna capitalize on it can you please stop doing dumb [ __ ] wait bro that's not oh he jumped all right he's walking to it walk into it come on go for it go for it go for recovery bro why why why i don't understand wait i would do that what do we got fsk something i don't know i [ __ ] this weapon wait actually no man i hit those away oh change the dodge is that what are you shooting wait what congratulations yo thank you thank you dude oh he just went okay i do have one more time exactly that's what i thought calm down hello oh you just got kicked by the heist and grandpa how do you feel how the hell does that feel exactly exactly that's what i thought oh dude come on unlucky oh yeah it happens drac roux carrer dragon the heisen grump yeah dude thank you thank you for supporting me drop one more thing okay we're not dropping anything from this point on our side yeah what are you going what are you going my guy my guy my guy my guy relax you're not going anywhere wait come down please don't jump yeah oh he's gonna go for a recovery here he's gonna go for the downswing uh that's a good looking downstairs we're looking downstairs pretty well looking down so you see the animation was bugged or something i don't know what are you doing grandpa why the i i think it's directional input i'm not sure a directional influence there you go keep it going show me yeah go again again again whoa whoa dude oh [ __ ] oh wow he got hit bad at us oh my god uh-huh oh [ __ ] that's crazy nah no way no no bruh all right who's that [Music] give me a weapon okay actually good is that y'all have recovered you use the recovery faster i'm not playing with ninjas tonight now i go get the weapon oh you pissed me off i said go get the weapon don't hit me hello oh no dude are we gonna win how are we gonna win wait not this weapon okay oh don't drop dude spooky [Music] actually crazy yeah that one was just what was that downline that was so weird that was actually so weird this guy's gonna teach you how to be good besides spring spray i can't make the clown i need level 15. bro no no no my weapon my weapon my weapon dude all right no no back in the back in the infinite combo alright you're alive you're alive no oh yes dude oh [ __ ] boom every single video this is my first team and i'm loving it yo i appreciate it i'm dead save me come on what's happening what are something okay okay nice i go i got you just kidding go back down wait go up i got you yeah go up go just kidding just kidding go go up okay go back down go up back down way i didn't hit that that's fine we're gonna downstage him walk into it i have one more thank you thank you i'm getting [ __ ] on yeah this guy's [ __ ] up [Music] okay thank you thank you oh look at this guy's name awesome do we do [ __ ] him up though that's the real question is that what we do do we just [ __ ] him up like severely yeah i'm happy he's not me is that wait he's smart he actually rotated he's still gonna die in like a second but like that was fun welcome to please thank you so much oh [Music] we got plato at least we got blood perfect plan look at this exactly exactly on plan [Music] you
Channel: PavelskiBH
Views: 28,281
Rating: 4.9459004 out of 5
Keywords: pavelski, pavelskibh, pavelskis, pavel, brawlhalla pro player, brawlhalla, stream, highlights, 0 to death, combo, true combos, twitch highlights, esports, brawl, montage, stream highlights, nerf pavelski, brawlhalla gimps, pavelski gameplay, tournament brawlhalla, brawlhalla top players, pavelski brawlhalla, twitch highlights tutorial, brawlhalla new patch, pro, 1v1, brawlhalla ranked 1v1 gameplay, ranked, vs, 0td, offstage, gauntlets, to, diamond, silver, gold, 1s, gauntlets to, 1v1s, #2, wu shang, plat
Id: PUr55uuB2rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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