Bodvar: The Viking of Brawlhalla

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yo guys in this video i'll be playing um an abomination like i don't know how much i despise this legend but i have to play him because he's that good i'm gonna be playing baldwin with the nastiest setup like always oh my god a match bro this fish in the hammer is so cute rockstar 67 on the thailand sure five decks for whatever reason oh my god this map okay time to to demolish him i think oh he's taunting okay yeah yeah me too look at his movement look at this all right let's go let's [ __ ] him up now oh oh you dodged that i see i'm dead when you when you get hit by the bird side downhill like you die that's what happens oh he's so lucky he didn't touch water boom boom down download tyler what can i say the best the best option i hate hammer so much dude you don't know how much i hate this weapon i despise it but obviously i'm gonna play it if he's broken you know that is broken but he's really good oh he's popping off of me i don't know how to feel about this okay that's not what i wanted now okay relax yourself for a second i said relax yourself not down signal that's what you're aiming for that didn't happen okay that didn't happen that didn't just get hit by that no you guys are seeing stuff definitely seeing stuff because i did not get hit by that no recovery or that come here for a second how did i drop that oh no you have to bomb them now i know what i might suck nice uh he's gonna go get the weapon nevermind he did she did not even try to get it just nailed he's dead how do you dodge that who told you to do hello once again it's my teammate it's not about but it's my teammate on the racks he's on the racks dude nine decks what the [ __ ] what is this guy doing okay i'm scared i i don't want to play versus right oh i can't punish him because he's on nine decks i can't punish him oh he's dead never mind downhill he's dead is he dead he's gone okay nice nice now we're gonna tilt the [ __ ] out of my teammate that's the plan so the weapons have been experimental he's gonna leave the game i was joking i was gonna [ __ ] my this thing i want to make him disconnect so badly all right relax come on come on he's please let me suck him oh i i'm alive these days boys get away from me i want to piss him off so i'm going to stay here no i'm alive i'm fine everything is okay i'm not on it's okay [Music] oh my god why is that playing experimental like what am i playing experience okay never mind i'm dead i was just kidding he tried something there he's such a [ __ ] oh he's such a [ __ ] dude ah i'm playing i'm teaming with a [ __ ] all right what is that why would you blow the mind i'm bad he's swimming with a bad player i'm dealing with the [ __ ] and he's singing with the worst player to you i wait he's so lucky what is he doing he's a club boom he's dead okay that was a good game go next one go next one oh oh a match could this be my teammate again is it the ninja it's him on the racks again dude let's go we have to win this we can't be losing we're not we cannot be losing look at this map insane i'm gonna download down so he's texting me i'm trying to do my missions what are you oh he's doing [ __ ] oh i'm not pissed now what happens is that sure that worked yeah that work but what's up with my hair i know it's good it's not good but like it's help i hope i'm dead he thinks he's so good right now he's like oh my god i got him i got him i got him but no no he's not good no wow that didn't hit what the [ __ ] all right let me bomb you he tried something there he tried he tried to be shaky he's dead he's dead nice nice insane insane pick up that thingy pick it up yeah that's what it does bye-bye yeah go next go next time let's just go next look he's stupid why's he don't get on the bombs he doesn't want to get bombed that's why he's scared all right so he's watching he's gonna throw the lens look look look what a [ __ ] he is dude oh my god what the [ __ ] is he he's gonna die he's gonna go from here yeah but i'm bad boom is that way i'm bad what the [ __ ] yeah oh my goodness delicious oh my goodness i could have killed him but i didn't want to boom and this is why you should kill your opponent when you can because you lose now no just kidding watch it okay did you nice amazing on the relax again i don't know why he's in the back is there some mission with the rags from the battle pass this week i don't know he's just playing nine days he's just filling himself he's feeling the nine decks relax that's it right when i asked him what he's gonna play for twos you know what he said for spring suits he said i'm gonna play yeah i'm gonna play java i'm gonna play you know roboskill and i was like oh yeah yeah [ __ ] you can definitely play those but then he said and touch and rex and dusk and i was like wait what no no you're not playing this not playing rags you're not playing dash with me no no no definitely not never mind you can play rex i was joking well he's dead normally you cannot play right you can play rocks you can play rexxar you want okay yeah i'm gonna win this you think you're gonna win i told you i'm gonna win this dude oh my god why would he do that what the [ __ ] am i doing calm yourself it actually so relax relax relax i get it you had a bad day but calm down don't take it out of me i'm dead oh it's just kidding i was just kidding let's down him now i tried to do the thingy you know when you're down then you instantly attack afterwards but i'm bad he got played he got played i'm dead he's going down he's going down he's gonna town there's no way he doesn't count he didn't no this is your [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is he doing oh yeah it's him again he's on the racks again dude look at him two to haltom champion pop it off that either looks sick though he wants to get his lands damaged he said that he needed he needs eight more damage i feel he couldn't get it from the last game i think after that he said he's gonna [ __ ] me up with sight i can't wait for that but what are you doing he's so mad i can do it all right what now oh that hit me he wants lands to release the lands damage imagine if he doesn't get any damage okay no don't ditch me he's so mad as well yeah look he wants to bomb himself okay now he's playing side with him is it this is him okay let's see this let's see him pop off he's gonna pop off on me now i think he said i was pumped six now don't worry okay sure dude sure okay nice so far you're getting [ __ ] you gotta hit the one there how do you feel oh you're dead you won't even get the chance to spam that didn't hit by the way that was clean but what now exactly oh [ __ ] i'm out of here down here please let me watch this he almost died by the way he's gonna throw it away because he's a [ __ ] oh that one i'm asking the bird but dude but look at this fish the fish is more important don't mind bother but look at the fish i was expecting he's gonna do it again nice dude i was insane where did you learn that he's getting bodied he's gonna slicing me he's so mad dude oh we got someone else i think this time it's not ninja yeah we got the badass those games are so fun too okay dude he left hello jesus why bro he's gonna this if this guy leaves again i'm gonna [ __ ] him up please do not leave you what the [ __ ] my guy nah if this okay he just out the fort there's no way we got that guy again right okay nice we got this guy there's no way this guy leaves he's on the cross i'm he's feeling the cross dude all right let's go black garkie nice oh he's down there he's fitting himself what if i hit you with a down light somehow yeah oh wait i never mind i was working oh he's got he's got the weapon throw combos i have them too towards this all right wait one second relax oh he's popping dude oh why would you jump in something i should have waited a bit why is that why would you dutch why would you do that oh i'm fine i'm fine i was not worried yeah i did not scream i don't know he's gonna go for the weapon shut the [ __ ] up i'm talking to you didn't happen did not happen yes go again go again go grumble one more time who are you aiming for grandpa me bro come here what the [ __ ] are you doing there you go one more time go i'm literally letting you grump on me go oh my god oh my god this guy's [ __ ] up dude he's not okay there you go you hit the ground again and you're dead awesome moment dude nice jesus took him a while took him a while to do that all right um he's gonna jump he jumped again he's dead no no no no come here save me okay that's that's okay that's okay don't worry that's fine because watch this what did you guys say never mind boom boom i'm gonna download he's just doing that okay are you gonna what no he's high he's definitely he's going down and this is how you lose the game boys don't do that ever i'm dead that was how he could do there he waited like three years for me to use the second that was the punish okay we got a match last match who is it uh that guy whatever his name is yes we got a face player base handles reasonable enough and um i think we're gonna three suck him i i feel like we've around three seconds yeah he's getting through this sir he's not getting into this boom boom i love that thing so much it hits when it shouldn't hit oh he's [ __ ] see me thank you i was dead oh why didn't you get him for that that was going to be cool okay what happened boom oh he's dead please please come here come here come he tricked me dude he's too good he's like crazy on it i'm not going to threesome but it's fine he's we're going to bump us what happened how okay whatever i'm i don't know what happened but like it wasn't good for me that's what i know that's exactly what i wanted to do use that bro die did you see it okay this is a nice last game and uh i'm gonna end the video here so thank y'all for watching this vodvar video knuckle i'll be playing in the next one but yeah we will see i'll see you in the next one bye bye everyone love you bye bye bye [Music] the way
Channel: PavelskiBH
Views: 19,931
Rating: 4.9729209 out of 5
Keywords: pavelski, pavelskibh, pavelskis, pavel, brawlhalla pro player, brawlhalla, stream, highlights, 0 to death, combo, true combos, twitch highlights, esports, brawl, montage, stream highlights, nerf pavelski, brawlhalla gimps, pavelski gameplay, tournament brawlhalla, brawlhalla top players, brawlhalla best legend, pavelski brawlhalla, twitch highlights tutorial, brawlhalla new patch, pro, 1v1, brawlhalla ranked 1v1 gameplay, bodvar, hammer, sword, brawlhalla bodvar, viking bodvar, offstage, gimp, 1s
Id: E1vo0Buc7SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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