Gauntlets to Diamond #1 | Silver to Gold

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as well like how do you want me to feel look at this for this game the baby and the petra like insane spinning spectator himself what is the baby who wants this i think i lose this wait come here oh that is exactly what i want to do oh no my downlight nails are not on point i mean he's still getting [ __ ] but like they're not on point wait come here he's crazy he's dead okay nice baby let's go dude yes oh we need to warm up so we're going to miss some downlight nervous oh nevermind oh he's getting [ __ ] oh yeah again okay one more time catch that catch this walking dead thank you thank you oh he's done with live the baby's gone guys it's no it's no longer let's go the baby is gone can i stop missing okay time to train will come here one second one more time that was not true oh come here one more time you relax holy [ __ ] this boat is crazy ah not looking good either one more time bro come how is that wait i is that wait nice no no it's gonna be better then we're gonna go don't worry the baby mom mentally yeah dude therefore all right this guy's gonna dc when i get his first stop watch this watch this he's actually gone already wait um what the [ __ ] where he's where catch that all right time to dc i want to kill him he's gonna do this he's crazy i chosen both on us wait he's not dead one second one more time oh what now what's happening is this some silver thick that i don't know about oh nice he's dead what he jumped it's one legend he doesn't know how to dodge so we're just gonna go for it where'd the baby where's that i did it i remember that oh you already did the same thing that was funny i dropped it look at this guy he jumped it professional okay he's dead wait all right he's dead nice i can't make a clown i need level 15 i can't l20 jrl wait what what is this i love you okay i love you dude those two diamond things are very toxic yeah in a way they are is it fun at the end of the day yes is it fun only for me yes am i gonna do it yeah heck yeah is he dead heck yeah he is you gotta ride oh he's dead wait what is he i tried to do something oh dude come on now with the disease i'll just kill the blood fast come here oops what was that how did i even do that what what that's insane did i did i let's cancel my dancer i wasn't looking for a second that didn't kill him what is harder to play versus the bot let's do a perfect game okay i'll try that well when we get another because this is about oops but this boat is harder to kill than the other guys it's not even funny literally literally dumb like literally look at this clan get better my bad my bad all right flawless game watch this he's not gonna touch me he's gonna touch me like a second and i'm scared get the [ __ ] away from me oh my god please don't touch me this guy needs to suffer he needs to suffer he needs to bro this guy is crazy probably the best silver player come here all right go for it all right why is guys so good at the game too i don't understand i lied wait nah no way no you need to die no no no no no no no no no no no come here come here go for it i'll he's crazy he's gonna side signal sidestick what is the size here he's gonna start a signal now sidestick sides he's mentally insane we are you know we can't be according to losers no he doesn't i'm dead we just can't do we just can't this morning okay that's a bit too much but yeah all right last one oh i'm just gonna keep doing this for some reason it's working boom boom boom can i please please please please thank you that was just an install dude don't do me like that don't you see how this bro this guy is actually crazy it's harder for me to read uh thingy uh diamond players i mean uh no i decided for me to read super players than diamond play what is he doing he's dead he just died all right oh my god miami find the link yo my bad i'm gonna spam it a bit more later how do you read super players again oh yeah they don't use the door button so you just go for it bro what's happening oh oh he touched me i walk into this uh-huh he's got jerry oh he's dead oh he's not oh he has only one rate he doesn't have the risk he has crazy stop jumping all right he's gone spring spectator why he hasn't dc yet oh never mind uh yeah he's become we've got a brown nash what yeah definitely all right let's run let's spectate him i mean spring spec yeah go please don't give me of course he has light attack for pickup oh dude dude what the [ __ ] oh he's not dodging okay okay crazy oh he's dead all right nice come here oh he's just okay yeah amazing i don't know what happened he just crazy absolutely crazy i can see golden mad max on the white yumiko what are we gonna do good job yesterday thank you so much thank you so much oh let's demolish him come here come here come here no you didn't even dodge okay but you have white chemical yet you cannot use the dodge button like what is this well come here i'm gonna say there we go oh i saved them that was a good save a really good save oh she didn't go upstairs with that well he hasn't touched me this is the perfect flawless game no don't touch me i said all right get the [ __ ] away from me get the [ __ ] away from don't even come close to me no i'll meet you please don't download me okay that's definitely not it no come no no you're not gonna touch me what the [ __ ] is you on about get away from me dude again do it again yeah do you use the town yeah dude oh wait what is this weapon i don't want that wait is that uh give me gallons oh he does he's still dead but like he does we're walking to this a close next time we got this oh yo no dude okay next time i he hit me once [Music] stop dodging i does that way again no that's not that way wait the heater's that way last time let's test why is that oh oh no no no no no shooter no no no wait what either all right he's dead he's gonna i'm gonna let him pick up the weapon ah that was a psych i was not letting him pick up [ __ ] dogen no he did something actually that was decent is that boom do it out of here it's humane lucian i don't know about that i don't know what i mean at this point dude i know what i'm going to alter that's what i know i know my vow is good we got chroma ryan crazy how how much delay is present i have nothing what you just said no more yes it happens ah okay watch the zero damage taken i'm dead is that no why would you do that oh he's dead was it something dumb dude all right don't touch me please i took damage i took damage that's fine we're gonna kill him no jump off no all right please jump into it thank you don't bother wait where are you nice people are saying uh thingy elsie gonna vow is busted that's what people are saying but what about koji we got download 420 okay all right let's go ah what no no no well the side signal please that's not the size exciting that's not a satisfying room oh you're crazy actually crazy all right come here this [ __ ] always scare me oh my bad okay i'm not gonna stop popping right now i go all right keep going up go up again one more time oh yeah you should have gone better go up no no no up up oh wait you doors side light what the [ __ ] what are you looking for there's some [ __ ] ghost there that i don't see or what he's gonna do see either his mental dc or he's going to see one of those all right he's fine boys oh my god crazy pivot crazy dude again i missed her okay okay nice all right again oh oh no no come on yeah i was thinking for the hundred bits boxing bells thank okay okay relax you got the first attack off you're not getting another attacker that's the only attacker getting off i'm dead [Music] he's crazy on the delight nearest you dropping every single thing he can alright come here wait are you okay go up go go yeah very nice i'll go down again oh wait welcome to this i tried something but like all right let's just make sure that i'll let's do it one more time all right okay she's not gonna pick up the weapon i told you why did he actually pick it up bro he's crazy well let me download grandpa come on it's i wouldn't play it i think there's that more weapons are better than it oh wait let me try something why is that yeah hit the town dude happens it's just happening sometimes you just need to prove you're the better player with the towns oh is he gonna touch him again oh he is nice i do it again i think wait i didn't hit it i said he knows how to dodge go up up up up oh pop up dude keep going up wait one second come here oh i'm bad [Music] he doesn't know how to die but he's [ __ ] super why am i reading the ice there we go is that hammer's diamond bro who's gonna watch that all right guys you know y'all have these ideas like yo why don't you do axe to diamond why don't you hammer to diamonds who the [ __ ] is gonna watch axe to diamond who goes to youtube and he's like yo yo today i'm gonna be watching some max gameplay dude yeah this is gonna be super sick we're not watching some axe gameplay today and yeah some nasty strings on axe does someone do that what the [ __ ] nah there's no way yeah what is happening i'm saying stop signing you [ __ ] dumb ass i'm gonna side sick you know i'll decide side into that please don't like him all right he's gonna grab me crazy there goes my mood missing one down lightning is what it takes to make me sad i'd can i stop missing that all right there we go all right oh he's dodging in this guy has a [ __ ] fetish for the side sick or something i don't know i just come that's not no side sick no that's not a side stick no can you stop that okay he's dead look at space that's insane imagine i come come nice i uh no no this is not good if i drop that one more time i'm gonna go insane i wouldn't do coupon now that's the way to redeem ourselves wait wait wait why would you dodge that all right why why oh can you stop oh i'm crazy oh yeah whatever his name is kind of you know just connect to diamond you guys are crazy okay let's win i no more drops i'm not dropping anything okay [ __ ] this weapon i'm dropping that weapon and the bit scared the [ __ ] out of me again at 3 a.m what no please no come here [ __ ] bro stop doing those recovery they piss me off come on now all right keep doing your thing is i'm just gonna keep clipping you i use that wait i'm dead as well where am i yeah cue the first took the runway for eight minutes of course not all right you hit this this this and one more time this this this one more time this this this crazy i insane that was a game i don't know what happened he just died what veteran of okay uh yeah this is kind of crazy like these super players like keep amazing me dude with their names can why did i drop that all right let me just go one adam do at this point like might as well just going on no no no no how do you hit this guy i can oh my god wait how the [ __ ] am i supposed to win he's been in the war help nah get off me that's not how oh i'm alive i go for it no don't go for it leave me alone please i'm allah i'm dead why are the weapons serving me why i don't get it go for it bro you're pissed me off you have to die now not allowed no no no [ __ ] this weapon nice i don't know it works [Music] no what would you why would you do that dude why i just wanted to [ __ ] you and go next he's a veteran of afghanistan yeah dude i think we got that he is look at him let me get a weapon please invest him why thank you bro come on come on no no no no no this is not allowed not allowed wait one second oh this guy's not super that's how i can tell you oh yeah it's not silver that's all we can do is definitely no get away from me bro and he's sweating on me as well he is he wants the win he wants to win look at this sweat now we can't be losing this oh loss [Applause] there is no way this guy was super there's no way this guy was crazy on it i'm not even joking he laughed dude he laughed he left no and lost to a veteran of afghanistan of course but always what is my thingy all right this one but i was crazy i'm not even joking i don't wanna i don't wanna face that guy ever again was that you fry i know i knew it was you it had to be you right how did you lose to veteran of afghanistan was that you all right let's go let's win this boom no no he's crazy oh no one won there it was you you [ __ ] [ __ ] i knew it was you you had similar play styles i threw on purpose yeah because i thought it was some random guy i don't know what the heck he's doing thank you for the warm-up though now i feel better and this guy's getting [ __ ] what what is he i can't find him uh what is that i love afghanistan what is your name actually crazy on the names that's the best name ever the best name ever alexman all right oh he's dead that was true crazy okay is that wait oh oh why why would you do what i do me why afghanistan was kind of crazy honest i'm not gonna lie now that i know it's for i feel a bit better though i knew it couldn't be a silver player dude he played way too good foreign no no come back here back in my infinite combo oh [ __ ] oh that was not it all right what now sidesig weapon throw is going to be i'm going to control them i want a neutral intensity what is it going to be wait go back to new zealand no no go back in neutral no nice what now oh you just okay that was not a dude that was definitely not it alright one more time go intense neutral that was one more last time last time this year what the [ __ ] is he doing i'm so confused okay perfect kilo to go for oh yes we go we got the color on wu shang dude there is no no this is so perfect oh look at this this is a wind this is a win let's go [Music] you
Channel: PavelskiBH
Views: 48,747
Rating: 4.9434557 out of 5
Keywords: pavelski, pavelskibh, pavelskis, pavel, brawlhalla pro player, brawlhalla, stream, highlights, 0 to death, combo, true combos, twitch highlights, esports, brawl, montage, stream highlights, nerf pavelski, brawlhalla gimps, pavelski gameplay, tournament brawlhalla, brawlhalla top players, pavelski brawlhalla, twitch highlights tutorial, brawlhalla new patch, pro, 1v1, brawlhalla ranked 1v1 gameplay, ranked, elo, vs, 0td, offstage, gauntlets, to, diamond, silver, gold, petra, #1, 1s, gimp, gauntlets to, 1v1s
Id: 7oTgcydBsd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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