MATT: Hello, everyone, and welcome to tonight's
episode of Critical Role, where a bunch of us
nerdy-ass voice actors sit around and play
Dungeons & Dragons. ALL: (garbled) We play
Dungeons & Dragons! LIAM: We play it. MATT: Occasionally.
(laughter) MATT: But before we jump
into tonight's episode, we do have some announcements
to get through, beginning with our sponsor
of tonight, Czepeku. Marisha! TRAVIS: (whispers) Czepeku. MARISHA: With more than 4,000
hand-drawn fantasy battle maps.
TRAVIS: Wow. MARISHA: Czepeku is the best
Patreon page to find maps for D&D, Pathfinder, and any
other tabletop RPG. MATT: Mm-hmm.
MARISHA: Add depth to your adventure with multi-level dungeons
and terrain to explore that pair wonderfully with
most virtual platforms, and you can also pair
it with this. TRAVIS: What is that?
MATT: What? LAURA: Oh yeah.
MARISHA: Mm. Maps by Czepeku. TRAVIS: No.
MARISHA: For her. (laughter)
MATT: Oh no. TRAVIS: No!
MARISHA: The new fictional fragrance that'll
make her say, "What the hell does this
have to do with maps?" TRAVIS: (laughs)
MARISHA: And, "Why does this exist?" I could wax poetic about how this perfume would
bring world peace, but I'd rather let my muse
Ashley Johnson do it for you. TRAVIS: Oh!
ASHLEY: I'm her muse. It's me.
LIAM: Ah. MARISHA: Play the fil-m, Kyle.
TRAVIS: Fil-m? ♪ (subdued yet dramatic ♪
instrumental music) ♪ ASHLEY: (V.O.) Lost in
the labyrinthine streets of an unfamiliar village, I encroached
upon a crossroads. Enchanted forest
or fetid swamp? Why not let fate decide
with maps by Czepeku. (V.O.) Desperate for guidance,
I stumbled into a quaint shop and begged the musty
old proprietor for a map. Czepeku. (V.O.) His eyes,
clouded with age, peered into my soul
as his clammy hands passed me a battle map
so beautiful I wept. Then, I thought about bread. I unfurled the visage,
its one-inch grid offering hope against
the swallowing darkness. Czepeku. (V.O.) Maps by Czepeku
For Her. Available wherever cryptic
lady fragrances are sold. MARISHA: Thank you so much. We just submitted that
to North by Northwest. ASHLEY: Yes.
MARISHA: Fingers crossed. MATT: Incredible.
MARISHA: Come on, festival season. Check out the
Czepeku Patreon, the $5 Master Cartographer
membership. TRAVIS: Carto--
MARISHA: Tartographer. (laughter) MARISHA: The $5 Master
Cartographer membership tier that unlocks their
entire map archive with new packs
added every week. Or level up to the $10 tier and get your hands on the
dynamic animated versions of Czepeku's battle maps. Matt, map to you. MATT: Thank you so much.
TRAVIS and LAURA: Oh yes. MATT: Incredible film,
both of you. TRAVIS: North by Northwest.
MARISHA: Thank you, thank you. MATT: What a way to go out.
TRAVIS: It smells like rosewater. MATT: Our next sponsor
is TCGplayer. Critters, get ready for
mayhem on May 17th. TCGplayer is hosting their most
hardcore event of the season with a festival of deals on all your favorite
trading card games. Shoppers will receive 10% store
credit back on all products, with TCGplayers subscribers
earning even more. Plus there will be
limited time treasure trove deals
throughout the day. MARISHA: Whoa!
MATT: But that's not all. There's a sweepstakes
giveaway with a $500 TCGplayer
gift card grand prize, and the winner will also receive
a set of Critical Role's Vox Machina and Mighty Nein
Universes Challenger Decks. LAURA: Woo!
ASHLEY: Yes! (laughter) TRAVIS: How are you? MATT: I don't know where this
came from, but I'm going with it. The sweepstakes close at 8:00
a.m. Eastern on May 17th. So head over to and enter now! Thank you TCGplayer for
sponsoring this episode. TALIESIN: Thank you.
LAURA: TCG! That's great.
(laughter) ASHLEY: Nice!
TRAVIS: I want to go down that road a little further.
ASHLEY: Saturday morning cartoons. MATT: I should get
that checked out. All right, Travis,
you're up next. TRAVIS: Yes! Friendly reminder that tickets
for our Bells Hells live show at the Greek Theatre
go on sale next week! (cheering)
MATT: Oh my goodness. TRAVIS: A friendly reminder
that to guarantee access to the Beacon presale, you must sign up for a
monthly or annual membership no later than <i>tonight</i>
at 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific. But if you miss the Monday
presale, do not fret. We will have tickets
available for everyone the very next day
on May 21st. If you missed all
of these details, please reference for all of the saucy details. MARISHA: Ooh!
MATT: Getting quite saucy. MARISHA: Ooh, we're saucy! TRAVIS: Saucy.
ASHLEY: Saucy. MATT: Liam, you're up next. LIAM: Let's talk about
some books. LAURA: Yeah!
MATT: Yeah! LIAM: Have some exciting--
LAURA and MARISHA: Baby! TRAVIS: I went there too. (laughter)
TALIESIN: If I had, it would-- LIAM: I have some exciting
news from Dark Horse. (oohing)
LIAM: The final two installments of our Mighty Nein Origin
series are at hand. The first one. LAURA: (gasps) Oh look
at this, yeah! TRAVIS: Yo, get out of here! LIAM: Beauregard Lionett
graphic novel. It's available now,
right now! LAURA: So good!
TRAVIS: Just in case the lights hit it.
LIAM: Oh, oh! LAURA: I thought that blood
was splattered on it, but it's just the art. MARISHA: Yeah. LIAM: It's mine, I was
so taken aback by it that my nose started
bleeding on the cover. Matt and Marisha--
(laughter) LIAM: -- join writer Mae Catt to unveil Beau's backstory. ASHLEY: Yes!
LIAM: With art by Guilherme Balbi,
colors by Diana Sousa, and letters by Ariana Maher, with Balbi and Sousa
illustrating the cover. MATT: Yeah!
MARISHA: Love Mae Catt. LIAM: You can find it now
at your local comic shop. LAURA: That's now!
LIAM: Here you go. LAURA: Yeah. MARISHA: She's just fighting
in a vineyard, like you do. TALIESIN: Could be grape
juice, could be blood. MARISHA: Yeah, just punching grapes.
TALIESIN: You don't know. LIAM: That ain't all. I also have Caduceus Clay. LAURA: Hey!
LIAM: This is the last in the series and
it's coming up next. LAURA: Look at this buddy! LIAM: So you can find this one
at comic shops on June 19th. The inside of this
book is beautiful. TALIESIN: Oh yeah.
LIAM: Beautiful. But that's all the
details I can give you. TALIESIN: I can take that. TRAVIS: The contents? It's good stuff.
MARISHA: Hey. LAURA: Don't give
anything away. ASHLEY: I'm not.
ROBBIE: No spoilers, no spoilers. (laughter) TALIESIN: Right there,
right there, look at that. (exclaiming) LIAM: You can do this yourselves.
ROBBIE: That's a spread. LIAM: You get the book
and you look inside it instead of our watch along.
ASHLEY: (excited grunt) (laughter) TALIESIN: We're going to
do a Read-Along where we just go-- ASHLEY: There!
TRAVIS: I'm going to hold up a mirror. TALIESIN: -- ugh!
MATT: Ashley-- (laughter) MATT: Ashley's feeling a way! ASHLEY: I'm feeling
a type of way. And I'm going to
leave it alone. MATT: Laura, you're up next. LAURA: Oh, yes. Speaking of-- TRAVIS: Hi, baby.
LAURA: Hi, baby. TRAVIS: Hi.
MARISHA: Aww. LAURA: Speaking of
Bells Hells-- We weren't. (laughter) LAURA: Guess
what's happening? We're getting, you guys,
we're getting a gorgeous, limited edition
signed art print available for pre-order
right now. MARISHA: Yes! LAURA: Right now through
May 31st, you guys! MATT: Nailed it.
TALIESIN: Nailed it. ROBBIE: Mm-hmm.
ASHLEY: There it is. LAURA: The illustration
is the same style as our Vox Machina
and our Vighty-- Oh, fuck. Our Mighty Nein
fine art prints. ASHLEY: That's hard to say. LAURA: By the same
fantastic artists, Matteo Scalera and
Moreno Dinisio. LIAM: Amazing duo. LAURA: They are so talented, and the prints are printed
on high-quality art paper-- Stop it.
(laughter) LAURA: Each one
that you pre-order will be signed by the cast. TRAVIS: That's us!
LAURA: That's us! MATT: That is us!
ASHLEY: Yay! TRAVIS: Just like the
first two campaigns. LAURA: Yeah. So the
pre-orders are available now in the US Critical Role shop. TRAVIS: We've seen them,
they're real cool. LAURA: CritRole shop. I don't,,
that's the website. MATT: There you go!
ASHLEY: There it is! LAURA: Also, you guys,
the non-signed versions will still be available for
anybody that doesn't want, you know, to get our
grubby fingers on them. That's going to be
later on in the year. So just wait for them. TRAVIS: My fingers are not grubby.
MATT: There you go. LAURA: My fingers are--
LIAM: Laura eats a lot of Cheetos, so you don't want the dust.
LAURA: Oh yeah, you might get a nice
smear on there. MARISHA: Sell for more.
ASHLEY: Smear. MATT: Indeed.
MARISHA: Like the shirts you sit on. LAURA: Yep.
(laughter) MATT: All righty, folks.
TRAVIS: No! Let it die. MARISHA: Hi. (laughs) MATT: "For the Queen"
is here. TRAVIS: Let's hear
it "For the Queen"! ALL: Yes! MATT: We're super thrilled
to have made a stunning second edition
of "For The Queen," by award-winning game
designer Alex Roberts. This is such an amazing game. I love it so much and
many of us here love it, aside from me, and you
will love it, too, if you haven't already! We're so excited to bring
this enhanced version to all these new players and the updated version
to players of old. For those who don't know, "For the Queen" is a collaborative
storytelling card game where you each
answer questions to weave a narrative of
love, betrayal, doubt, devotion towards the queen as your characters accompany
her on a journey. Those dynamics and
unique things begin to unfold as you play and decide on who you are and
how you connect to the story. Will you follow a cyber queen
lording her virtual will over the scintillating
neon grid? ROBBIE: Yes.
MATT: A rugged pirate queen sailing the high
seas for glory? TRAVIS: Arr!
MATT: Or something entirely of your own imagining.
TRAVIS: The Pirate Queen! LAURA: Can you date
the queen? MATT: You can definitely
decide to do that. Sometimes many of you can, and that leads to even
more tension. LAURA: Ooh! MATT: But you can find
"For the Queen" today at CritRole, online shops, and other friendly
local game stores, plus at Darrington Press
Guild stores, you'll find exclusive
promo cards featuring the princesses of
Queen by Midnight reimagined as crowned queens.
(exclaiming) They're super pretty.
ROBBIE: Pick your favorite. MARISHA: "For the Queen
by Midnight"! TALIESIN: Boss No! Boss No! LAURA: Give me, give me,
give me, give me. MATT: It's super cool.
TALIESIN: Oh my! TRAVIS: The art is badass! MATT: It's really amazing art.
MARISHA: Look at her. MATT: They all will lend
their own narratives, I'm sure uniquely, so
yeah, go for it! Mash up our games! We dare you.
TRAVIS: We dare you. MATT: Actually, I dare you. TRAVIS: Oh!
TALIESIN: Oh. ASHLEY: Oh! LAURA: Freya. MATT: If you love to
play games online, "For the Queen" is also available
virtually over at Roll20. ASHLEY: Whoa! MATT: It's an actually a
really elegant conversion that'll be perfect
for playing with your long-distance
friends. So please be sure to
check that out as well. With that, I believe, our announcements have
come to a conclusion. TRAVIS: It can't be,
I need hot boi. ASHLEY: No, no, no, no, no.
TRAVIS: Hot boi in my life. LAURA: Hot boi!
MATT: So with that-- ASHLEY: Please.
LIAM: Yeah! MATT: Let's go ahead and
jump into tonight's episode of Critical Role.
LIAM: Yeah! ALL: ♪ Critical ♪
♪ (It's Thursday) ♪ ♪ It's Thursday night ♪ ASHLEY: ♪ One-by-one, we climb
until we reach the top ♪ ♪ Two-by-two, we fall ♪ LAURA: ♪ Will we meet our end
or meet our destiny ♪ ♪ Hold your breath and roll ♪ MATT: How do you
want to do this? ALL: ♪ It's Thursday night ♪ ♪ All ye Critters, ♪
come join us ♪ ♪ It's time to ♪
continue our plight ♪ ♪ There is magic ♪
and mystery ♪ ♪ Who knows ♪
what will happen? ♪ ♪ He might ♪ ♪ But one thing's for sure ♪ ♪ We never give up ♪
on the fight ♪ TRAVIS: ♪ From the healer ♪ LIAM: ♪ To the renegade ♪ MATT: ♪ We all share
the same goal ♪ TALIESIN and MATT:
♪ Adding more allies ♪ ♪ Taking more chances ♪ SAM: ♪ Hold your breath
and roll ♪ MARISHA: You can
certainly try. ALL: ♪ It's Thursday night ♪ ♪ All ye Critters, ♪
come join us ♪ ♪ It's time to ♪
continue our plight ♪ ♪ It's Thursday night ♪ ♪ There is magic ♪
and mystery ♪ ♪ From darkness, ♪
our friendship will rise ♪ ♪ But one thing's for sure ♪ ♪ We never give up ♪
on the fight ♪ ♪ Oh, get ready (get ready) ♪ ♪ It's Thursday night ♪ (flames crackling) MATT: And welcome back. So, last we left off,
Bells Hells, after returning from Ruidus and reuniting with
their old friend, Dorian Storm-- LAURA: Woohoo!
TRAVIS: Hey. MATT: -- are in
the final throes of gathering
what information, power, and allies they and
the rest of Exandria can before trying to
stop Ludinus Da'leth and the Ruby Vanguard through their alliance
with the entities that control Kreviris
on the surface of Ruidus from releasing Predathos,
the god eater. As such, you've learned
a little bit of information about Ludinus not being
on Ruidus at the moment, and it seems has
had some dealings with an ancient ruin of one
of the many fallen cities from the realm of history
known as the Age of Arcanum, particularly a
place called Aeor. Some of you may have
heard this a little bit in passing history, but more
information can be gleaned. But what you do know is
it apparently contains some ancient
magical technology that is both dangerous
as it's being understood and is seemingly being
funneled and repurposed through a lot of what the
Ruby Vanguard is doing both here on Exandria
and on the moon above. So Ludinus is
apparently present and having dealings within
these ruins, last you heard. After speaking with Keyleth
and the Exandrian Accord, the alliance of all those who
are wanting to stop those responsible for this, you were given, through a series of
connections, an escort who had some experience
of these ruins, a mage of somewhat
schlubby persona, but seemed to be
somewhat knowledgeable in their connection
with the Cobalt Soul. They had a lead on someone who is a member of
the Cerberus Assembly who might know exactly
where in these ruins, or at least lead you in
the direction of these ruins where Ludinus might be. Then you headed towards the
city, through teleportation, the city of Zadash in
the Dwendalian Empire. These streets seemed to have
sustained some recent damage and there was a sense
of tension in the air of some recent dangers that
seemed to have swept through. But as you plug
through the streets, getting to the exterior of
an interesting little bookshop getting to the exterior of
an interesting little bookshop and a trinket shop
known as Chastity's Nook, selling all sorts
of knickknacks, decor, and very wonderful
smutty romantic books. You were led to
the back room, where one of the more
recent employees, Erma, had been sitting
and reading a book. As this escort mage
had spoke a phrase that "Bren sends
his regards," immediately tension
in the room built on what seemed to be a
rapid-paced wizard battle, all of you rushing in and
throwing whatever you can to subdue this figure. In the midst of this fray, your escort, this mage, threw down an
anti-magic shell, which dispelled the illusion
on your target and themself, revealing themself to be a
dark elf mage of some esteem, revealing themself to be a
dark elf mage of some esteem, and your target
being an individual known as Astrid Becke, a member of the
Cerberus Assembly and the Archmage
of Civil Influence. Here in this tense moment,
as you hold the Archmage back and this dark elf who named
themselves Essek Thelyss, an enemy of Ludinus Da'leth, you are in the right place
to commence an interrogation and discover where you
are to tread next. Here, as Astrid is
held somewhat tense and, realizing in the
moment, at your disposal. and, realizing in the
moment, at your disposal. Essek looks amongst the
people in the room around him. "Well, friends,
what do we need to know "beyond where he may
be doing his dealings? "Astrid, do you know
where Ludinus is? "Do you know what he's up to? "Do you know how
we can find him?" As she sits there, held at bay by
a number of you, she grits her
teeth for a bit. "I know Ludinus
and his cohorts "have been working on
something in private, "reallocating resources "and dealing directly with
foreign factions in secret. "Now, I kept my nose mostly
clean of the entire affair "Now, I kept my nose mostly
clean of the entire affair "and would never have
expected his plotting "to be so universally
disastrous. "to be so universally
disastrous. "Knowing the world's
sight now falls "squarely upon the Assembly "following the solstice, that
is why I went into hiding. "I am not in league with him. "I am not part of his plan. "I just do not wish
to be imprisoned "for something I
was not a part of. "So," she looks up at Essek. "It seems I now join you
in living as a fugitive, "am I not?" He just clenches his
jaw for a moment. (Essek) "I will
ask you again. "What do you know
of Ludinus' plot "and where his dealings
are within the ruins?" She eyes across all of you. (Astrid) "I was not
part of his plan, "so I do not
know specifically, "but I know his
research has burrowed "deep within Eiselcross. "Imperial control of the site
has been nearly absolute "as of late, causing tensions
with the Dynasty, "and those relations
go sour once again. "But it seems little
care was given "when compared to the
scope of his plot. "My place within the Assembly "allowed me a little clearance
to inquire to his work, "but I do know
that he had spent "the better part of
the last five years "within and around the
Genesis Ward and beyond. "I managed to get a name
once from an associate "who took a shine to me within
his project's outskirts. "He mentioned something
called the Occultus Thalamus." LAURA: Occultus.
MARISHA: Occultus. TRAVIS: Thalamus?
MARISHA: Thalamus? MATT: "I am uncertain
what that means directly. "This individual seemed spooked
he had even let it slip." MARISHA: That's a location? TRAVIS: Or something
in the Genesis Ward. MARISHA: Something in
the Genesis Ward? Okay. MATT: "So, if you're
going to look for him "or those who work with him, "that might be
the place to start." TRAVIS: I don't want to pry. First of all, Essek,
may I say, great look. LAURA: (laughs) TRAVIS: Are you of
the Dy-- Dynasty? MATT: (Essek) "Heh. "Not anymore. "I am myself." MARISHA: She said
you were a fugitive. (laughs) That's so exciting! MATT: He shoots a
stare at Astrid and Astrid just smiles back
with a shit-eating grin. MARISHA: What did you do? TRAVIS: Keyleth mentioned there
might be some unsavory types that she was converting. I just didn't know we'd be
in a league with one so soon. MARISHA: I love it! TALIESIN: Technically,
we're unsavory types, but I feel like maybe
that's pushing it a bit. Imogen, do you want
to prod anything? MARISHA: Well, it seems like she's
going to just tell us, right? You're just going to tell us. TALIESIN: Well, both
of them, really. MARISHA: We're not judgy.
Look at us. LAURA: (laughs) We're not judgy. MATT: "I am not the
target of this interrogation." TRAVIS: No, no, no, no, no. This is just now
getting comfortable. MARISHA: We're just talking.
TRAVIS: We're just sharing. ASHLEY: Whoa! We're just getting to know you.
ROBBIE: (whispers) Fearne. LIAM: Can you help--
ROBBIE: Is this beautiful purple man someone you
met on your adventures while I was away? ASHLEY: No. I never met this--
ASHLEY: Never met this beautiful creature. ROBBIE: You don't
know him either? ASHLEY: No. You're floating.
LAURA: No, no. LAURA: Wait, is he?
ASHLEY: Aren't you? MATT: He looks down, and he's
about an inch and a half off the ground. LAURA: Even with
the antimagic-- ASHLEY: Oh.
LAURA: -- field still going on? MATT: Actually, no. With that field, he
would be on the ground. ASHLEY: You just have
this vibe about you. (laughter) ASHLEY: It's amazing.
MATT: No, with the Antimagic Field, he
would be on the ground. LIAM: When he's not floating--
ASHLEY: No, we didn't meet him. LIAM: -- he's super short.
LAURA: (laughs) LAURA: I don't think I
can pry into their minds without magic available. TALIESIN: That's fair. LIAM: Can you help me
understand some basics? I was under the impression that the Assembly had
withdrawn to the north. Is there still
a presence here or--? This is addressed to Essek.
MATT: Yeah. Oh, to Essek. LIAM: Yeah.
MATT: Essek, "(sighs) To be
entirely honest, "I've been not the focus
of following their threats. "That was my partner's
particular interest. "There had been some
divisions internally "that had been rumored about. "Some of the old guard,
if you will, "seemingly swayed some
of the newer blood, "though perhaps this one
here has had enough "of the wizard's
tumultuous past "to want to buy into it." You see Astrid just
shakes her head a little bit. "As far as what I've heard, "all of the Assembly after
the solstice vanished." MARISHA: Wow.
LAURA: Wow. MATT: "It is believed
that some work and operate "within the Vanguard. "Others I'm sure are
either helping in secret, "trying to avoid persecution,
like this one, by association." LAURA: Are they all as
powerful as Ludinus? MATT: You see Astrid go, "In their own ways, maybe." Essek goes, "No." LAURA: (laughs)
TRAVIS: (laughs) MATT: "Not like him. "He is a particularly
focused individual. "It's interesting.
In politics, "it's the ones that are
holding quiet power "that I worry about the
most, the hardest to read. "I believe many of us "who have had our eye
on Ludinus for a while "are feeling quite frustrated "that we didn't pay
him as much mind "as we had thought
we should." MARISHA: But it must be a little
validating though, right? You were right! MATT: "It is very valid.
I just wish it was-- "I just wish it felt better." MARISHA: Hmm. TRAVIS: And, sorry,
I know this is-- Astrid? I know we're focusing
on this interrogation, but just, Essek, you're of
the Dynasty, but not anymore, you're just on your own. When I was in the Empire,
they were at war all the time. You guys have a
history, it seems, but you're not
actively enemies? MATT: This is to Essek? TRAVIS: Yes.
MATT: Yeah. "There was a peace called a
little over seven years ago, "and while there has
been no active warfare "and there have
been some steps "towards better relations, "it didn't seem to stop "the machinations
in the background. "The war just went quieter "and more in the shadows,
if you will. "A lot of that focus was up
north, where we are going." LAURA: Oh.
TRAVIS: Is there any chance the Dynasty is going
to show up up north? MATT: He looks over to Astrid
and Astrid goes, "I don't know. "It's not my speciality. "I've just been helping work
with the people in the Empire, "civil influence and all." TALIESIN: What is
your speciality? MATT: "My specialty is "helping the king
and his court "present and sculpt the
opinion of its citizens." TALIESIN: Ah, marketing. Okay.
LAURA and MARISHA: (laugh) TALIESIN: So I guess,
I don't know, coming from my background,
my immediate question is, what did you think you were
going to get out of him? Not even necessarily
personally, but, I don't know. What the fuck
was he offering? What the fuck did you
even think he was offering before everything went
to shit with Ludinus? MATT: "Well, Ludinus
didn't offer me anything. "I've been in my position
for a number of years. "He's just one of
the eight of us, "though the one with
the most history." TRAVIS: Ludinus didn't
ask for your help? MATT: "No. I think
he knew better. "You have to understand, "when all of this happened, "I think those who
are aligned with him "have been
aligned for a while. "The rest of us were
left in a lurch "with all eyes
looking upon us. "That is why I flew
the coop, as they say." LIAM: How long were
you in the club? MATT: "In the club?
In the Assembly?" LIAM: At the top. MATT: "Better part of
about seven-ish years now." LIAM: Spend a decent amount
of time with Ludinus? MATT: "Strangely, no. "People assume the Assembly
is a very tight-knit group. "Truth is, we all exist, "smiling and dealing
with handshakes, "but everyone's working
against each other." LIAM: So no insight
on what makes him tick or any soft underbelly. MATT: "I think that's what
scares me the most about him. "He's always been "gentle "and present, and "amiable, diplomatic. "I think that's why
the court has trusted him "as long as they have. "But I think that's
why those of us "who have dealt with the
worst Exandria has to offer "can sense-- "Can sense what's false
under that mask." LAURA: Who was closest to
him within the Assembly? MATT: "Well, it was my former
master, but he was put in prison." TRAVIS: He still in prison? MATT: "I certainly hope so,
for all of our sakes." LIAM: You took his spot
at the table? MATT: "I did, "though it seems that
(chuckles) "seven years is not enough
to gain the respect "of those around you." TALIESIN: Is he going to
come looking for you? MATT: "Not unless you
say anything, I hope." TRAVIS: Yeah. He said you were
worried about being arrested. Who would arrest you? MATT: "Well, the rest of
the empire's not happy "that the most powerful mages
have absconded "and essentially set the rest
of Exandria on this path." TRAVIS: You're hiding
in a bookshop. MATT: "What of it?" TRAVIS: You want to come
to Eiselcross with us? MATT: "Absolutely not." MARISHA: (gasps) Why not?
It would be so fun. TRAVIS: Yeah, it's probably like
very tropical. There's like sun. You could use it. MATT: She looks up at Essek. "These are the sort of
companions you keep these days?" Essek goes, "Not companions. "I am to escort them
as a favor. "That is all. "So we are
travel companions." MARISHA: Still companions. TALIESIN: Just because
someone's funny doesn't mean they're
not very dangerous. MATT: "Oh, I see there is
capability within all of you "and you wouldn't be
sent on this mission "that you are on if, "well, the Voice
of the Tempest "didn't feel confident
in your abilities." TRAVIS: Oh.
MATT: You see Astrid give him the--
MARISHA: She knows. MATT: (Astrid) "So they work
at the behest of the Voice. "Interesting." (Essek) "Is there anything
else you wish to say "for yourself, Astrid,
before we leave you to your "(chuckles) "upgrade in life?" MARISHA: (laughs) MATT: She just clenches her teeth a bit
and her fingers flex and you can see
she's feeling gently for any flicker
of magic returning while keeping focused
around you. (Astrid) "I am not
your enemy. "I am not with him. "Or I would not be here and
I would not be so quick to "bend the knee in
these circumstances. "It's only because
of an old friend. "But if all this goes
by and you succeed, "I just want you to "share how helpful I was. "I did not stand
in your way." LAURA: Is there any other
help you can give us? Any hint that will help us
in our fight against Ludinus? LIAM: Because there's
a storm coming and it's going to rain on
you just as much as us. MATT: "Oh, I'm aware." TRAVIS: We're also
visual learners. So you know, flip books,
puppet shows, anything that can help
really just drive it home. LIAM: We're big fans
of puppets here. MARISHA: Mm. MATT: She looks
through her mind for a second and
looks up at Essek. Make a group persuasion
check for me. TRAVIS: Fuck yes.
MARISHA: Eyy. TRAVIS: First roll.
MARISHA: Hey! TRAVIS: Whoever rolls
lowest has to leave. (laughter) TRAVIS: All right, I'll see y'all later.
LAURA: (goofy, excited laugh) TRAVIS: 18.
TALIESIN: New die. MATT: 18.
MARISHA: 18. MATT: 18. MARISHA: Fuck yes. ROBBIE: 13, 12, 25.
MATT: Showoff. ASHLEY: Dirty 20. MATT: Dirty 20.
LAURA: Nice. 34. TRAVIS: Damn!
ASHLEY: Shit! MATT: All right.
LIAM: Ha ha, 13. TRAVIS: I just got pregnant.
(laughter) MATT: 13.
(laughter) TALIESIN: Two, but I'm tempted
to just threaten physically. (laughter) TRAVIS: (intimidating growl) MATT: Okay.
ASHLEY: (intimidating growl) TALIESIN: My threat's
high, man. TRAVIS: I know. LIAM: This was like
a roller coaster run. (rising and falling) MATT: For all the goofiness
that you sometimes present-- ROBBIE: (laughs)
MATT: (laughs) TRAVIS: "Sometimes."
MARISHA: What do you mean? (laughter) MARISHA: What? MATT: At this question
from Imogen, there is a communal lean
on those words and you can see Astrid
is rapidly taking an assessment of who you look
like but who you might truly be and what
you might be capable of. You see this sly grin
creep across her face, the scar on her
cheek wrinkling a bit as her eyes narrow. "As a member of the Assembly, "it is important to try and
look for any sort of weaknesses "in the other members in case
any of them go a bit sour "or come for you. "Some of them are easier
to read than others. "Ludinus has always been
extremely challenging to read, "but there was one little
quirk I've been noticing. "Not always, "but every now and then, "he would have an itch, "a recurring little "itch." LAURA: That's where
he kept the harness. MATT: "Right around
the back of his neck." TRAVIS: This is Ludinus? MATT: "Now, "I have my theories,
perhaps it was an illness." TRAVIS: Possible, but Yasha
also had a mark like that. MATT: "Perhaps some sort of "challenged echo of
his experimentations, "I do not know." LAURA: Maybe
like a heat rash. MARISHA: Mm.
LAURA: It's a common place to get it.
LIAM: A seafood allergy. LAURA: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
ASHLEY: Yeah, yeah, that's true. MARISHA: (laughs) MATT: "But there was one time
when he saw that I noticed him "and he shot me
such a glare." MARISHA: The least important
part of what she said. MATT: "So, perhaps he's
just embarrassed, but "it was the first
time I ever saw him, "for just a brief moment, look
like he showed his cards." LAURA: Hmm. ASHLEY: What do
you think it is, if you could give it a guess? MATT: "Well, a heat rash." TRAVIS: (laughs) MARISHA: Real quick, since it
feels like we're wrapping up. LAURA: It's definitely
from the harness. MARISHA: What happened here in Zadash?
TRAVIS: Oh yeah, the buildings.
MARISHA: Everything's quite a mess. MATT: "I've mainly
been staying in here "since all of this "solstice business
transpired. "It was safer for me to
not (chuckles) wander. "To her credit, "Iva's been very kind
to quickly hire help." It's at this
time you can see, stepping through a small
knot in the door, you hear this (creak) and you see this little
white fluffy cat wander in and starts rubbing
against Dorian's leg. ROBBIE: (sneezes)
(laughter) ASHLEY: Hello. MATT: "What I do
know is that some "terrible flaming bird "of black and purple fire
soared through the sky. "It briefly skirted "the skyline and
streets of this town "before it was either stopped
or set off somewhere else." TRAVIS: Shut the fuck up. MARISHA: Purple fire? LAURA: What is it,
what is it, what? TRAVIS: (giddy) Oh. Oh shit. ASHLEY: Wait, wait, wait.
TRAVIS: Oh shit. LIAM: Uka's cousin. TRAVIS: Essek, my man with the hair. MATT: "You can just
call me Essek, please." TRAVIS: With the hella good hair.
LAURA: (gasps) TALIESIN: The snake, the squid.
TRAVIS: The Genesis Ward, do you know where that is? I admit, I've been
a lot of places. Eiselcross is not
one of them. MATT: "I do, actually.
I've been there before." TRAVIS: Oh! MATT: Looks down to Astrid. "We should discuss elsewhere. "But it is good to
know that at least "some of my familiarity will
come in handy, and indeed, "if he is working beneath
the Genesis Ward, "there are a handful
of unwalked paths "that I could consider
as possibilities. "They've also been
there for some time, "so any signs of
their research "would be, well, trackable." TRAVIS: Then, DM, is Astrid wearing--
MARISHA: (sneezes) MATT: Bless you.
TRAVIS: -- any jewelry? MARISHA: Damn it. TRAVIS: Anything
that jumps out? MATT: Make a
perception check. TALIESIN: ♪ (Pink Panther theme) ♪ TRAVIS: I don't know why
I rolled with advantage. I'll use this die,
because that was a 20. 18. MATT: 18. You can see she has
a clasp on her dark green cloak
that she has on. She's wearing simple
leather armor that has some really
detailed-looking, it's almost like chain mail
but the chains are smaller that sits underneath
the segments. You see she has two
rings on the left hand on the two central fingers and then she has
one ring on her pinky and her index on
the other hand. That's all you see. TRAVIS: Nothing around her
neck that we can see? MATT: Nothing around
her neck, no. LAURA: Mm-hmm, hmm, hmm. TRAVIS: Yeah, just looking for
a locket, a sense of family. LAURA: Mm, mm, mm.
ASHLEY: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
MATT: (laughs) TRAVIS: Well, you've
been very helpful. MATT: "She's been
kind of helpful." TRAVIS: Well, shit. MARISHA: Damn. MATT: "But better
than nothing. "Very well." ASHLEY: Is there
anything else? Is there anything
else besides he's got a scratch on
the back of his neck? TRAVIS: Is there anything else?
ASHLEY: An itch? MATT: (laughs) (Astrid) "I wish I could
tell you, honestly. "He's extremely careful
about a lot of things and is "dubiously challenging "to read past what
he wants you to see. "So I think that's
part of what makes him "so unsettling as a figure. "I wish I could
tell you more. "But I've seen him, "I've seen him walk his
entire time with confidence, "and that was the only
moment for a split second "I saw a glint of
fear in his eyes." ASHLEY: Okay. TRAVIS: Well, I, for one,
am very grateful for your assistance. I'll reach into
a little pouch and take out a small wooden
circle and hand it to her. MATT: She looks over at the
rest of you to be released. TALIESIN: (releases grip)
MATT: "(grunt) "(sighs)" TRAVIS: Carved into
it in wood, it said "Farts are funny." (laughter) MATT: She looks at it. "I will treasure it always." (laughter) TRAVIS: You better. (lingering laughter) TALIESIN: There may not be a
lot left if things go wrong. Are we going to see
you out there fighting when things go wrong? MATT: "If they come
to me, yes." TALIESIN: They'll eventually
be coming to anyone, and you should
think about that because one way or another, if it goes wrong, that
knee will bend itself. I'm good. TRAVIS: We've been
on the moon, you got any questions for us? TALIESIN: (laughs) TRAVIS: Never mind, it's cool.
Enjoy the gift. MATT: She looks at Essek,
unbelieving, and he goes-- (shrugs) She looks at the wooden coin. TALIESIN: Do we have a rock?
MATT: "Sure." (laughter)
TALIESIN: Do we have a rock? MATT: Flicks it onto the ground.
MARISHA: A rock? MATT: The white cat's--
TALIESIN: A moon rock. LAURA: We don't need
to prove it to her. LIAM: Tip your mages--
MATT: The white cat's curled up behind her leg and she goes, "Shh, Prudence,
it's all right." TALIESIN: I just want to laugh.
MARISHA: Prudence? ROBBIE: Prudence.
LAURA: Cute. TRAVIS: I'm so allergic.
MARISHA: (laughs) ASHLEY: Wait, Prudence
is the cat's name? MARISHA: Mm-hmm. MATT: She goes and snaps
her fingers, nothing happens. Looks at Essek, "Do you mind?" (Essek) "Are we comfortable? "Do we feel like we
have what we need, "at least a direction to go?" LAURA: You're the one that's
the expert up there. Do you know where
the Genesis Ward is? MATT: "I do." LAURA: Well then, yeah,
we got what we need. MATT: "I'll tell you more on the way."
TRAVIS: Occultus Thalamus. MATT: He goes ahead and washes
his hand through the air. You can feel a stale scent to the very vibration
around you pass and Astrid immediately
throws up an illusion and retakes the form of
Erma that you saw her in. She sits back in the
chair, takes up the book that was thrown to the ground
and has to thumb through to find her place. LAURA: What's she reading?
LIAM: Yeah, what's she reading? MARISHA: Yeah.
(laughter) TRAVIS: So fast.
MATT: I know. You motherfuckers.
LAURA and ROBBIE: (laugh) MATT: She is reading, actually she's reading
"The Gale and the Raven." LAURA: Hmm. That's one that
sounded appealing, too. ASHLEY: Yeah.
MARISHA and TALIESIN: Mm. MARISHA: Beautiful story. TRAVIS: Well, we should
get to this Eiselcross. I'm sure it's a couple
hours north of here. MARISHA: Mm, yes.
ASHLEY: Yeah, a couple hours. MATT: "It's actually
a bit trite." ASHLEY: Do you have
a favorite book? MATT: "Not yet. "I hate it here, but
there's no better way "to pass the time,
I suppose." MARISHA: You don't
have a favorite book? Wow, you must be
fun at parties. MATT: "I'm quite fun
at parties, actually." TRAVIS: Oh shit. MATT: "I can cut a
rug on occasion." ASHLEY: Oh!
MARISHA: Ooh! LAURA: (laughs)
TALIESIN: Insight check, anyone? ASHLEY: Oh, wow.
TALIESIN: Sorry. ROBBIE: (laughs) LAURA: I believe it.
LIAM: Not necessary. LAURA: Yeah.
(laughter) MATT: Essek puts on
his illusion once more and steps out of
the back chamber. TRAVIS: No!
MATT: You can (laughs) see Iva standing there, "Everything all right?
I heard there was a commotion." TRAVIS: Oh yeah, we're just fine.
ASHLEY: Yeah. LAURA: Yeah. We're just--
MARISHA: It's fine. LAURA: -- really enthusiastic about the porn.
ASHLEY: Just cutting a rug in there. LIAM: Best of friends.
TALIESIN: I tripped. ASHLEY: What's your
favorite book here? MATT: "Oh my goodness,
don't get me started. "First off, Erma,
everything okay?" (Erma) "Yeah,
everything's all right. "They had just had a lot
of questions and I tripped." (Iva) "Okay! "A lot of strange things
going on around here." LAURA: She's clumsy,
I could tell. MATT: "Mm. "My favorite book? "I know it's hackneyed because
it's been a bestseller "for a number of years, but "I only have one copy left," and pulls a book off
the shelf that you see has this beautifully,
broad-looking orcish handsome man holding this human
woman with her hair blowing. TRAVIS: Feed me, Seymour. (laughter) MATT: "'Tusk Love,' do you
know about this one?" MARISHA: I've heard, yes. TALIESIN: No.
ASHLEY: Tell us. MATT: "This is
a third edition, "so there's actually an interview
in the back from the author." (laughter) MARISHA: Oh my goodness.
TRAVIS: Abridged. MATT: "It is hardbound, so
it's a little more expensive, "but it is
a collector's piece. "So if you want one,
we have one left on sale." TRAVIS: How much? MATT: "They're friends
of yours, Erma?" (Erma) "No." (Iva) "Ah, well, "that'll be one gold,
five silver." TRAVIS: Done, two gold.
MARISHA: Pretty good. LAURA: What? (stammers) Is there another book you can
throw in for that extra bit? TRAVIS: Laura Bailey,
shining through. (laughter) MATT: Make a
persuasion check. LAURA: You don't give a tip
on a book, you know? It's just a book.
TRAVIS: Do you have any erasers you can throw in,
maybe some paperclips? ROBBIE: Oh, that's a book, it's
called "Just the Tip" right here. (laughter)
TRAVIS: And some slap bracelets? LAURA: Natural 20! (laughter)
ROBBIE: Hey! LIAM: Dance.
ASHLEY: Laura Bailey roll! MATT: She looks at you.
"(sigh) "You know, if you like
'Tusk Love,' "I can definitely give you
'Guard of My Heart.' "It's a bit of a used copy,
but I think it'll go in well. "I got a bunch of incense
here I can throw in." ASHLEY: What about
a picture book? Like a picture porn? LAURA: Do you know how to--?
TRAVIS and MARISHA: A picture porn? ASHLEY: Yeah, you know?
I've heard of these. TRAVIS: Fearne has
never seen porn. (laughter) MATT: She steps into
the back room and-- TRAVIS: What about wieners?
MATT: -- comes back with-- ROBBIE: Can she read? MATT: A plain brown
leatherbound book. It's smaller than the other,
it's only about that large. ASHLEY: Yeah, because you've
got to keep the cover-- MATT: Yeah.
ASHLEY: -- discreet. MATT: She goes-- LAURA: Classy.
ASHLEY: Classy. MATT "This actually was written
a few hundred years ago by "an ex-priest out of
Vasselheim who "had rediscovered himself--"
ASHLEY: A naughty priest? MATT: "-- through
a tawdry journey. "It's untitled, but--"
LIAM: Vintage. MATT: He flickers it just for
a moment in front of you. LAURA: Oh, they're so hairy.
MATT: Closes it and it's a number of
extremely detailed, slightly cartoony,
just a plethora of positions. ASHLEY: I'll take it,
how much? MATT: Some mundane.
(laughter) MATT: Some
magically-enhanced. ALL: Oh.
LAURA: Nice. MATT: The various
schools of magic with their runic inscriptions
and uses-- TRAVIS: Reverse arcanist.
MATT: -- within there. ASHLEY: What art!
(laughter) ASHLEY: What art, what art!
TALIESIN: That one's not buyable. LAURA: Yeah. LIAM: Oh! Prismatic Spray. (laughter) MARISHA: Oh god. ASHLEY: I get it, I get it. (laughter) ASHLEY: How much for this? TRAVIS: Bormodo style.
MATT: "Well." MARISHA: (laughs)
ROBBIE: Lubricate! MATT: "You seem to
be a connoisseur." Make a persuasion check.
ASHLEY: I am a connoisseur. LIAM: It's got grease.
ASHLEY: As a matter of fact. TRAVIS: You've got it.
ASHLEY: Natural 20. (laughter)
TRAVIS: Why? Why?! ROBBIE: The best rolls
of the night on the porn! TRAVIS: Why?
ASHLEY: So that'll make it-- MATT: I mean, that's just right.
ASHLEY: -- 33 TRAVIS: You come
alive, you know. ASHLEY: 33. MARISHA: It's going to be
funny if you roll a one on a very important check.
ROBBIE: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's going to be peak combat.
ASHLEY: I know. MARISHA: Yeah,
we'll be in combat. ROBBIE: Can't succeed.
MATT: She looks at you. ROBBIE: Two nat 20s
on the porno. MATT: She looks at
the book and goes-- MARISHA: Two nat 20s
on the porno rolls. MATT: "This is a
personal collector's copy." ASHLEY: Oh. Oh.
LIAM: Ah. MATT: "But I've had
it for some time, "and I'm going to be honest,
it's fun to look at, "but I haven't had a lot of
opportunities to put it to use." ASHLEY: Oh!
MATT: "You "seem to be on
quite a walkabout." MARISHA: She looks
at all of us? MATT: (laughs)
ASHLEY: Here's the thing-- MATT: "I would be happy to put
it into more useful hands," and she puts it
into your grasp. ASHLEY: Here's the thing.
ROBBIE: Especially these two. LIAM: Do we give vibes?
ROBBIE: (laughs) ASHLEY: I think we do.
TALIESIN: We might be getting some vibes. MARISHA: I think so.
ASHLEY: Here's the thing. If you haven't been able
to put it to good use yet, I think you need to keep it.
LAURA: (gasps) Are you kidding? MATT: "Oh, I know it
front to back. (laughs)" ASHLEY: Oh, you do? Oh, okay. MATT: "I appreciate that."
ASHLEY: I'll take it. TRAVIS: Some of those pages stick together.
MATT: "You'll take more from this "than I would."
ASHLEY: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, so sticky.
TALIESIN: Fronts and the backs. (snickering) TALIESIN: Some sides.
ASHLEY: Thank you. MATT: "Of course."
ASHLEY: I'm going to give her a platinum. LAURA: (gasps) Why?
ROBBIE: Whoa! LAURA: What are you taking about?
ROBBIE: Yeah! LAURA: A platinum?!
TRAVIS: You know how much a platinum is, right? ASHLEY: Yeah.
LAURA: That's 100 gold! TRAVIS: No.
LAURA: No, 10 gold. ASHLEY: It's fine. I'm rich.
MARISHA: No. ROBBIE: One million gold.
TALIESIN: Did we ever divide up all the money we were given?
LAURA: No, we didn't. TRAVIS: Of course we did.
LAURA: Chetney just keeps it all. TALIESIN: Chetney's got it all
on him, okay. Just checking. ASHLEY: This is art.
TALIESIN: That's why you jingle so much when you walk.
ASHLEY: This is art. Thank you.
LIAM: I will give you 10,000 gold for this smut.
ASHLEY: Yeah. MARISHA and ROBBIE: (laugh) MATT: You see the
illusion-covered Essek, Seth, just beyond the doorway,
tapping his foot impatiently. LAURA: Sorry, Essek.
This is important stuff. We need it to fight. ASHLEY: Yeah, you don't
know when this is going to come in handy. You
just wait and see, it will. MARISHA: True.
LIAM: Got to stay warm in the north somehow. TALIESIN: We're bereaved.
We need this. ASHLEY: Yes.
MATT: Iva, before you leave, goes, "You're all very
well-equipped, "and call me crazy,
but I get a feeling "that you might be of
the adventurous type." TALIESIN: Go on.
LAURA: Mm-hmm. MATT: "Right, so you
travel a lot, maybe? LIAM: That's true.
TALIESIN: We do. ASHLEY: Mm-hmm. MATT: "Are you going at all
to the Menagerie Coast?" TALIESIN: We could. LIAM: If things go well,
maybe we can-- TRAVIS: We could
be persuaded. Why? What did you
have in mind? MATT: "If you do, I
have a friend there "I haven't talked
to in a while. "If you could just tell them
I say hi, that'd be great." TRAVIS: Oh sure.
ASHLEY: Sure. TRAVIS: Who's your friend?
MATT: "His name's Yussa Errenis." LAURA: Yussa.
MATT: "Pen pal. "It's been a bit. "He hasn't really responded
to my letters recently, "and I would very much--"
LAURA: Oh. MATT: "-- like to keep
in contact and catch up." MARISHA: It's a little crush. LAURA: When was the
last letter sent? MATT: "A couple months ago."
TALIESIN: Well, that's-- Okay. TRAVIS: Yussa Errenis. MARISHA: Did Yussa
allude to anything in their last
letter that would-- MATT: "No, they're just very
busy. They're a busy person." MARISHA: Very busy.
TRAVIS: Yeah, sure, we'll remember.
MARISHA: All right. All right. ROBBIE: They're
not one of those prison pen pals, are they? MATT: "No."
ROBBIE: Oh, good. MATT: "I hope not."
ROBBIE: All right. MATT: "I don't think so."
TRAVIS: Where should we go calling for them? Are they a
government employee? Do they work on the water? MATT: "No, independent
researcher. "Tower, Tidepeak, Nicodranas,
if you're in the way." TRAVIS: Tower, Tidepeak. MATT: "Only if you're
going that way. Anyway." ASHLEY: Sure, sure, sure. MATT: "Thank you so much
for your patronage." She's still clutching the
platinum in her hand. "I hope your books
come in handy." TRAVIS: Thank you much. ASHLEY: I think they'll
come in very handy. Thank you very much. MATT: She goes and takes the
coin, and as you leave, you notice, as
you're all exiting, she goes and pulls
out a secondary copy of the leather book
and puts it-- (laughs) TRAVIS: Oh! LIAM: Respect.
ASHLEY: Respect, respect. LAURA: I respect that.
TRAVIS: The hustle. ROBBIE: Knew it all along.
TRAVIS: The hustle! MATT: All right, you step out,
and as Essek stands there, looking at the rest of you, "You said you also
need supplies, perhaps?" TALIESIN: We have a few things
we need to take care of in town, if that's okay. MATT: "Certainly, what is it
you're looking to take care of?" TALIESIN: Well, I'm
going to recommend a little bit of group
therapy before we go, and also going to recommend
that we supply up. What kind of climate
are we going to? What's available?
Towns, cities? MATT: "(laughs)
No towns, no cities. "It is absolutely freezing. "I recommend bringing cloaks,
getting heavy furred boots, "anything to wear over
yourselves to keep yourselves "extremely warm, because
it will be very cold." LAURA: All right.
TRAVIS: Oh. TALIESIN: So we're going
to need some coats, and I'm going to give you
all a pitch in a minute. LAURA: (laughs) TALIESIN: Where do we want
to meet in a few hours? Somewhere around here?
MARISHA: We're okay though. LAURA: (good natured
murmuring) (laughs) LAURA: It'll be fine.
MARISHA: It's fine. MATT: You see him
think for a second. "I'm actually a bit peckish. "There's a place
called the Pentamarket. LAURA: Pentamarket.
TALIESIN: Thank you. MATT: "It's hard to miss
the smell of cooking meats. "I'm likely to be there,
getting a snack. "(smirks)" TRAVIS: Who would come up
with a name like that? Okay, Pentamarket. LAURA: That's where we can
go to get potions and stuff? MATT: "There is a place I
can take you that might "have some supplies like that, yes."
LAURA: Great. TALIESIN: Perfect.
ASHLEY: Okay. LAURA: Yeah, we need
health potions. Do we need gear? TALIESIN: Health potions,
gear and some, honestly, I just keep figuring out
that it's the weird shit that we bring that somehow
always comes in handy. TRAVIS: Yeah.
TALIESIN: So whatever strikes our fancy.
TRAVIS: If it's freezing, then yeah, I need
to get some things-- LAURA: Did we ever find any magic--
ASHLEY: We can get some cloaks. LAURA: This is out
of character. Did we find any magic
cloaks or anything? Did we find any-- TALIESIN: We have fancy clothing.
LAURA: -- things to raise our AC? TRAVIS: You mean to
suck into the funnel? LAURA: Yeah. TALIESIN: We've got some
stuff for the funnel, I think. LAURA: Stuff for the
funnel, or just-- TALIESIN: In the hole.
LAURA: -- clothing items. We never picked up anything
like that from anybody? TALIESIN: Not really.
TRAVIS: No. LAURA: All right,
then we probably-- Maybe we can buy an enchanted object.
TALIESIN: I've got a belt. LAURA: There's enchanted
armor and stuff. MARISHA: It was close,
but they were-- MATT: There is, yeah.
LAURA: Sorcerers can wear, that will raise AC?
TALIESIN: Finding some magic shop or something, yeah.
MATT: Possibly. ASHLEY: You need to get a--
LAURA: Okay. TALIESIN: That's a good idea.
LAURA: My AC's pretty low. MARISHA: We had those cloaks,
the one use-cloaks that we had that we got
from Nana Morri, right? LIAM: But those were mossy--
MATT: You did. Those were enchanted for that particular region.
LAURA: For one time. MARISHA: One time.
MATT: The magic of the region around
her was what-- TALIESIN: I think
we're going to need-- Guys, I think we're
going to need a little bit of
a shopping episode. I'm really sorry.
LAURA: (laughs) MATT and MARISHA: (laugh) TALIESIN: For the record,
that was in character. (laughter)
TALIESIN: Thank you. LIAM: You're having
an episode? TALIESIN: I phased out and there was this
magical 4th wall for a second, I don't know.
ASHLEY: I can't stop shopping! TRAVIS: It's right in front of me.
TALIESIN: Oh god. LAURA: (hyperventilating) I'm
having a shopping episode! TALIESIN: I can see you all. MATT: As Essek's about
to turn, he's like, "Whenever you're ready to
go shopping, as you put it, "for these particular
potions and other, "find me in the market," and
he goes and starts heading off. MARISHA: Let's go.
TALIESIN: Oh yeah. Okay, you all. I had you pick up a bunch
of shit before we left. ROBBIE: Yes.
TALIESIN: I had an epiphany this morning when I woke up,
and thank god we found you. ASHLEY: Yeah.
TALIESIN: So, I'm fucked up right now. I'm pretending that
none of it happened, but it's been a weird
24 fucking hours, and going into a place like
this, even if you think your head's in the game,
your head is not in the game. I've learned that the
hard way, several times. So, we have a thing
that we used to do, those of us who came out
of the Greymoore Academy, where we would take
that part of yourself that you had just lost, that
person who filled a thing in, and we would attempt
to recreate that as best we could as an emotional patch,
and we did this with art. So, I'm going to go make
a new fucking jacket. It is time.
It's time to start over. New jacket for FCG. I recommend, and I know
it sounds stupid, I recommend we all make some fucking clothes. Not even necessarily
just make them, or have them made,
I think we need to put a little bit of
ourselves into it. It's the best way to-- It's the best I've found
to carry someone with you. I want a new piece
of fucking clothing. LAURA: (laughs) ASHLEY: I'm with you.
LAURA: All right. TALIESIN: That
previous jacket was everybody
I cared about, so. LIAM: I do have to patch
up my armor a bit. TALIESIN: Let's make
some room. TRAVIS: This velvet
tracksuit won't cut it. LAURA: Yeah, it's
getting a little-- TRAVIS: What?
ASHLEY: (sniffing) LIAM: Well, you can only explode--
TRAVIS: Hot? LIAM: -- it open so
many times, Chet. LAURA: Yeah.
ASHLEY: It's getting a little thin. You can see through it.
LIAM: It's a little loose. MARISHA: Yeah, threadbare.
LAURA: (laughs) We're seeing those
jingle-jangles, Chet. ASHLEY: Yeah, jingle-jangles.
Gets a little nibble-y. MARISHA: All those
money sacks. TRAVIS: That's function,
not fashion. TALIESIN: So yeah, let's
take a second and figure out who you feel like today,
and figure out ways of who we want to be to each
other, and let's wear it. LAURA: All right.
ROBBIE: Okay. TALIESIN: We have a
bunch of stuff that we can coordinate,
if we want to-- Thank you, again, for
doing the run-around. I've picked up some
stuff while we're there. I sent you with whole
thing, some leather. I gave you a list of bullshit.
ROBBIE: Mm-hmm. TALIESIN: I'm sure we can
find a place around here to help put something
together quick, but let's make sure we-- Yeah, let's make sure that we
make it something important. TRAVIS: Okay. Should we
look for a place that-- LAURA: We could do that?
TRAVIS: -- tailors some clothes? LAURA: Yeah, like a
shop? A tailor shop? TRAVIS: Could we keep
an eye out for-- MATT: Yeah.
TRAVIS: Yeah, anything that has magical artifacts
or supplements, and also clothing stores.
LAURA: Yeah. MATT: Okay.
TRAVIS: As we walk. LAURA: I want to try to
get my AC up, I don't know if there's any way to do it.
TALIESIN: There's a clothing store that also has a
therapist working. LAURA: Sure would be nice.
MARISHA: Yeah. TRAVIS: A licensed therapist. LIAM: All right, so we
are roaming Zadash, looking for a shop
with some arcane shiz, and armory and clothing.
ASHLEY: Arcane jizz. MATT: No worries.
MARISHA: Might as well head-- LAURA: I'm so excited for all the--
MARISHA: -- to the Pentamarket. TALIESIN: I think in theory,
I'm able to traverse urban environments and
find weird shit. I think that's something in
my character description. MATT: Yeah, so within the
region that you are right now, which is the more
affluent area, most of the places that serve
anything arcane-related are more like small, tiny
enchanted knickknacks and toys for children or little goblets that enhance the
alcohol content of the liquid that's poured
within for a singular drink. MARISHA: What? I want that. (laughter) MATT: I mean, in real life, yeah.
TALIESIN: Not now, Marisha! TRAVIS: Sandkheg's Hide.
(laughter) ASHLEY: God, I wish we had some right now.
TALIESIN: (cork popping) LAURA: I know, I want some.
LIAM: It's a margarita glass, but it has a lid. (laughter) ROBBIE: Is there any lodging
nearby that we can see or clock? MATT: You do see,
within this area, there is a place called
the Pillow Trove, this incredible-looking inn, massive multi-story structure
with beautiful balconies. The whole aesthetic here
is very, very high-end, on par with some of
the nicest places you've stayed when
wandering Exandria. TALIESIN: Ritz-Carlton. MATT: You also see a
place referred to, or the sign says,
The Emerald Curtain, that what you can see is a
two-story custom tailor slash-- LAURA: Oh!
MATT: -- a tannery that deals in fine
leathers for travel, but things that are
presentationally beautiful. So, those are two things that
catch your eye in this region. A little bit of asking around
for anything magical related, most people said the Pentamarket
would be your best bet, which is outside
of this district. TALIESIN: So we can leave
things here. ROBBIE: What was the name of
the first place? The Poofy Pillow? TRAVIS: The Pillow Trove?
MATT: The Pillow Trove. MARISHA: The Poofy Pillow!
That's a better name! ROBBIE: The Pillow Trove, okay.
TALIESIN: That's a better name. LIAM: That's a different place.
ASHLEY: Sounds comfortable. LAURA: Are we staying here overnight?
LIAM: That's a different place. LAURA: I didn't get that
information from Essek. ROBBIE: I want to look at
a place for us to convene, a suite that we can get
together and get our shit-- LAURA: Okay.
ROBBIE: A base of operations. TALIESIN: Is the Pillow Trove
where the bathhouse is? ROBBIE: Yeah.
MARISHA: I think it was. TALIESIN: Oh god,
they have a spa. MATT: No, there is a bathhouse
elsewhere in the city. TALIESIN: Okay, there
was a spa. I remember. ROBBIE: Have you been
here before? TALIESIN: I'm OCC,
motherfucker. OOC. (laughter) TALIESIN: Actually? No, no.
MATT: The Steam's Respite. TALIESIN: Thank you, thank you.
TRAVIS: I'm not allowed in there. LAURA: Oh, so you have been here before.
LIAM: Where was the place-- TALIESIN: You've never been here.
TRAVIS: Oh yeah. LIAM: -- with the dead person in the basement?
TALIESIN: No, he's just not allowed in there. MARISHA: Probably half of Zadash.
Dead person in the basement? LIAM: The one that we
came in contact with. LAURA: Spoilers! Stop it!
LIAM: Caleb. MATT: Anyway, current campaign.
TALIESIN: Anyway! MATT: Current campaign, what
are we doing? What've we got? LIAM: I see all three
at once, at all times. MATT: Welcome to my world. MARISHA: Matt, question.
MATT: Yes. MARISHA: Above the table.
TRAVIS: (mouth fart) (laughter) MARISHA: Above the table!
LAURA: Farts are funny! MARISHA: Not below.
TRAVIS: (sniffs) MATT: It'll be above shortly.
MARISHA: (laughs) It rises. Were we told-- Did Beau and Caleb tell us about Beau being a part
of the Cobalt Soul? TALIESIN: I feel like she did.
MATT: I can't recall. I believe in the time
that you conversed, and what little bit
you would know, that probably would've been
present at some point in the conversation, for the
purpose of them being there. So I think likely, you
would know that, yeah. LIAM: Very early on.
MARISHA: Mm-hmm. Okay, I don't think
Laudna would know to go looking for it, but
if we happen to pass the Cobalt Soul
and I notice it, I might pop in. MATT: Okay. All right, well, that's
in another district. Is there anything you wish
to do while you're here in the Tri-Spires, where
the Pillow Trove is? LIAM: This is where the
leatherworking was, right? TRAVIS: The Emerald Curtain.
MATT: Yeah, where The Emerald Curtain is. TALIESIN: Let's go.
LAURA: Okay, then yeah, let's hit that first.
MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: We're going to
need to show them-- We're going to have to,
yeah, show them FCG. LAURA: What we have-- Yeah.
TALIESIN: Since you're the one who can-- MATT: So as you approach
and enter the interior of The Emerald Curtain, the scent in here is that
odd, fresh carpet smell, like freshly
treated materials, like nice thick,
really well-created weaves of silks and fine cottons
being dyed, and that dye scent
as well, that fresh dye that has that earthy
meets chemical scent that gently
permeates throughout. There is a brazier out
front that is burning a gentle incense to try
and keep all that situated. But you do see within here,
there are a number of employees. They're all just waiting. There isn't a lot of sales
going on amongst recent events. As soon as you enter,
they all stand to attention, and one individual with a little more presence
steps up to you. You see what looks to be an older human man. He's got a bit of
a hunch to his back shoulders. He has this wide donut of curly salt and pepper hair that fits around
his slightly sunburned skin, and he wears
a nice green vest to match
the emerald aesthetic with a billowing shirt
beneath it. Very, very well-dressed,
and as he steps up, "Ah, hello and welcome
to The Emerald Curtain. "You are looking to
purchase something, yes?" TRAVIS: Yes, we would
like to p-p-p-- look at your stuff, and also maybe order
some custom goods. TALIESIN: No maybe there, we're
looking for some new clothes. We recently went through
a little bit of a thing. Clearly, we're musicians. We have a friend
who just went, sadly shuffled off,
no longer be with us. MATT: "I'm terribly sorry
to hear that." TALIESIN: I appreciate that. We want to do something
to honor our friend. TRAVIS: Memorialize it. TALIESIN: Memorialize.
Laudna, do you mind? Can you give them a little bit
of a visual representation? MARISHA: Oh, yes. I take out Sashimi
and use Sashimi like a mannequin,
like a body form, and then around Sashimi,
I make an illusion of FCG. and then around Sashimi,
I make an illusion of FCG. MATT: "Hm." MARISHA: Make him roll on their wheel, back and forth.
MATT: "That is quite a trick." MARISHA: Make FCG wave. MATT: "How quaint!"
MARISHA: Yes. MATT: "What is
the purpose of this?" TALIESIN: Honestly, just so
that when we see each other, we can have a moment to
acknowledge our friend. We're going to
also be traveling to some interesting
environments, going north. We're not used to the cold. We're also going to
need matching cloaks. Do we want to do
matching cloaks? TRAVIS: I think heavy--
TALIESIN: Matching cloaks? MARISHA: Heavy cloaks. TALIESIN: Heavy cloaks.
TRAVIS: Heavy cloaks would be good, and maybe if you could
keep our colors in mind. TALIESIN: Yeah, we've got some
stuff, I pulled out before. We've got some
stuff to work on, if you need some things
to tie everything a little bit together. I have a giant
pile of materials. Feel free to embellish.
MATT: "All right." TALIESIN: If anyone
wants to talk to them about what you want,
and then-- MATT: "Now, custom work
does take a bit of time. "Thankfully, we don't have
a backlog at the moment, "and most of our
staff is available. "It is easier to retool
existing materials "than to create from scratch, "so if you might find an
item throughout the store "that fits your needs "with a slight alteration--"
LAURA: Oh, great. TALIESIN: Even better.
MATT: "-- that would be "much more prevalent, "if you're looking to head
on a journey sometime soon." TALIESIN: Big fan. ASHLEY: Yeah.
ASHLEY: Well, I actually would
like to purchase, do you have yellow thread? MATT: "Oh yes, quite a
bit of yellow thread." ASHLEY: Okay. I'm going to
purchase some yellow thread. MATT: "All right." ROBBIE: Also, do you
have jeweler's tools, by any chance,
for purchase or loan? MATT: "We do not personally
have jeweler's tools, "but we have tools for-- "I guess it's comparable."
ROBBIE: That'll do. MATT: "We deal with filigree
on accentuating details." MATT: "We deal with filigree
on accentuating details." ROBBIE: Yes, that's exactly
what I'm looking for. May I? MATT: "For?"
ROBBIE: Myself, to rent. Day pass? Borrow? MATT: "How much money are
you looking to spend today? "(laughs)" TALIESIN: Whatever's
necessary, I think, is really the conversation. MATT: "That's a good answer.
Here, yes, that is doable. "We'll adjust our
agreement of this order. "We'll adjust our
agreement of this order. "Certainly. So, what else
do you need?" LIAM: My armor has
seen better days, so I'm looking to get it
sort of patched, and also, we have some material that we brought with us. I'm hoping to incorporate
it, especially this. MATT: "Keith!" (laughter)
MATT: You see this-- ROBBIE: Keith?
MARISHA: Keith? ROBBIE: Keith. (laughs)
(laughter) MATT: -- young, 20-something
year old apprentice rushes up, this big mop of red hair that almost completely
covers his face. You just see his
nose poking through. He's like, "Yeah?
What's up, Tooms?" He's like, "Keith? "This gentleman here
needs his armor repaired "and this material
incorporated into it. "Do you feel confident
since your training?" (Keith) "Yeah, no,
I can get it." LIAM: Great. Do you have
a changing room? I don't want to pull it
off right here. Anyway-- MATT: He points, and you can
see there is a curtain rod that wraps around
a small platform. ROBBIE: We are such
high maintenance clients right out of the gate.
(laughter) ROBBIE: Painful!
(laughter) LIAM: I mean, I could
start stripping. But the most important
part of it is this, and I pull out one
of the shoulder joints that was part of
Letters' shoulder. It has three blades
of grass on it. I'm looking to have my leather
shoulder guard here removed I'm looking to have my leather
shoulder guard here removed and have this worked in. Is that something that's
in your capabilities? MATT: "Yeah, no, I could
do that. Real easy." LIAM: Cool. Thanks, Keith.
MATT: "Of course." LIAM: Okay, here's this.
I put that in his hands. MATT: "Oh, wow.
This is thick metal. LIAM: Right.
MATT: "Don't work with metal often. "This'll be fun."
LIAM: Be right back. (laughter) LIAM: I start stripping down
and I change into my last outfit that's on me.
MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: I'm going to go
through really quick. Let's do a quick roll-about,
see what we want to pull. I know a little bit about, we've talked about
what you've been through. ROBBIE: Yeah. TALIESIN: I recommend
going that direction. ROBBIE: I have some things.
Can I see the sack? TRAVIS: Oh yeah. Bag of holding.
(exhales into bag) ROBBIE: I'm going to reach in
and pull out the handful of discombobulated shit,
and I want to scan the workers for the most artsy-fartsy
looking one. Does that make sense?
MATT: Oh yeah, oh yeah. ROBBIE: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
ASHLEY: Best style. TALIESIN: Somebody
has lavender hair. MARISHA: Yeah,
you beat me to it! Who's got purple hair? LAURA: I'm right here.
I'm right here. MATT: For everyone that's
attentive, there's one that seems to be less
interested in your arrival. You see--
MARISHA: Yeah, that's right. MATT: -- a slender half-giant
sitting in the back by the edge, he has
his legs crossed. He has this, it looks
almost like a thin crown, but it's actually
a silvered laurel that he wears around
the back of his head, over his ears.
MARISHA: Wow. MATT: He has a series
of beautiful tattoos that match his skin markings, but they're almost more
swirly, and they look elvish, which you've not seen
on a half-giant before. As he sits, he's
currently in the process of carving through
a piece of wood. ROBBIE: Huh.
MARISHA and LAURA: (gasp) LIAM: Man of taste.
LAURA: (laughs) ROBBIE: I'm going to
totter over to him. (laughter) ROBBIE: I'm going to
clumsily go over there. Excuse me, hello. MATT: (deep baritone)
"Hello." ROBBIE: Beautiful voice.
MATT: "Thank you." TRAVIS: (laughs)
MARISHA: (laughs) MATT: "Can I help you?" ROBBIE: Yes, I have some
things and some ideas. I'm more of an idea
kind of person. I dump this collection
of shit, metal, leather, all the things that
I collected from Keyleth and ran around
and scampered with. MATT: Mm-hmm.
ROBBIE: It's an idea, but I think maybe
I could hire you for your help putting
something together? All the pieces are here,
I just don't know how to-- MATT: "Damid." ROBBIE: Damid?
MATT: "Damid." ROBBIE: Dorian. A pleasure. MATT: "Pleasure, Dorian.
This is quite a spread. "Ooh!" You see he picks up one
piece and takes another, starts layering them over. "There's some patterns here
that could be quite unique." TRAVIS: (laughs)
ROBBIE: Actually, I made a drawing. (laughs) I'm going to pull out a
crumpled piece of parchment, and it just looks
like a five-year-old's. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's not great. MATT: Takes it, looks at it. ROBBIE: You get the idea.
MATT: Turns it around. ROBBIE: (laughs) MATT: Turns it around.
TRAVIS and LIAM: (laugh) ROBBIE: That's me.
MATT: "I can see that." ROBBIE: You know,
the hair, the tips. MATT: "Quite a skilled "amateur." ROBBIE: Well.
MATT: He chews on the word a bit longer
than he needs to. "Yes, if you're looking
for creative freedom "to be granted."
ROBBIE: Yes! MATT: "I'm known for
my inspiration." ROBBIE: I trust an artist,
that's for sure. (stumbling over words) Would it be okay
if I watched? I'm going to creep around
his back shoulder and backseat drive,
look over his shoulder while he starts to tinker. MATT: "An audience.
It's been a bit." (laughter)
TRAVIS: Oh, wow. ASHLEY: Oh, my, my!
MATT: He goes to work. ROBBIE: Ah! I bet he does. (laughter) MARISHA: Leather's not
really my thing, although I did find this
little off the rack bodice. I feel like this
little black bodice. ASHLEY and ROBBIE: Ooh!
LAURA: That's nice! MARISHA: New corset.
LAURA: Yeah. ASHLEY: That's beautiful.
ROBBIE: Yeah. MARISHA: I'll take that,
and the cloaks, and then do you
have any dyes? Purple dye? MATT: "Oh. Oh yes, quite."
MARISHA: Purple dye? MATT: "We do have quite some, "all forms of dyes. "All colorations of dyes.
Mixing and matching. "We can do whatever you
like, for the right price." MARISHA: Great. You
don't just sell bottles? I can't get a bottle of dye? MATT: "Oh, you just
want the dye itself?" MARISHA: Yes, just the dye.
I'm kind of a crafter myself. MATT: "All right, I'll put
that on the ledger." MARISHA: And this
black fabric. That's good, I'm good here. I need to go, they said
they're not good with metal. I'll go somewhere
else for that. ASHLEY: I have
kept FCG's jacket. But I kind of want
to work on it myself. TALIESIN: That's good. ASHLEY: I don't really
want to change it. I want to keep
all the bits of his smell and some
of the charred bits, to just remember what he did. TALIESIN: Do you want
them to pull it in, or do you want to do
it all yourself? ASHLEY: I can do it.
I'm really-- LIAM: You're very crafty.
LAURA: Yeah, you're very talented.
ASHLEY: I can do it. MARISHA: I think I want
to have a craft night. LAURA: She's very capable. ASHLEY: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm very capable.
MARISHA: Very capable. Let's have a craft night.
ASHLEY: I might ask you for some help. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
MARISHA: Yes, yes. ASHLEY: Okay.
LAURA: I'm going to mosey around the store and look for something that's
a little more (laughs) battle-ready than my hot pants
that I'm wearing right now. (laughter) LAURA: Based on what
I think we're going into. LIAM: You don't want
to go to the arctic dressed like the Pink Ladies?
LAURA: You know, I-- (laughter)
LAURA: I froze my cooch off the last time we were
in cold weather, I don't want to do it again. MATT: All right,
what in particular are you looking for? LAURA: Some pants,
but I want it-- ASHLEY: (exaggerated Southern) Pants!
LAURA: Some pants! But I want to get
dark blue ones, But I want to get
dark blue ones, like FCG's jacket.
MATT: Okay. LAURA: Do they
sell shoes here? MATT: They do, they have
shoes and boots. LAURA: I want to
get some boots, I want to get some pants. Also, I'm looking
at Laudna's corset, and I want to get a
black corset as well. MATT: Okay.
ASHLEY: Ooh. MARISHA: Let's match.
LAURA: You know. MARISHA: Yes, I love it.
MATT: (laughs) LAURA: A little matchy-matchy.
MATT: All righty. TALIESIN: I'll take both
of these pairs of pants. If you can do a
little dye on that before I get back,
that'd be great. MATT: "All right, yes."
TALIESIN: I'm going to take those two leather belts. If you can do, I just need
some grommeting on this, because I don't have time
for that fucking shit, and also, if you have any of those--
MATT: "Yes, we can take care of that." TALIESIN: I'll just take a
bag of those. I'm just-- MATT: "All right, yeah.
Okay, put it on the pile." He's writing down each ledger,
you see in his eyes, cha-ching,
cha-ching, cha-ching! ROBBIE: (laughs)
TALIESIN: Then the cloaks. MARISHA: Cloaks for everybody.
TALIESIN: Everybody gets a cloak. LAURA: Yeah, for the cold weather.
ASHLEY: Right, everybody gets a warm cloak. LAURA: Also, I'm thinking I might want to
change up my dress a little bit to work with
these new items that I got, so I'm going to go
in a changing room and switch it out so they
can work on the dress and maybe change
up some of the-- MATT: Easy enough.
ASHLEY: Hey, Ash. MATT: All the associates
are running up and helping you gather
things, give opinions. You are currently the
only clients in here, and they are quickly noticing
that you have quite the ask and will probably take care
of the rest of the week or more.
LAURA: Great. ASHLEY: What are doing with your old belt?
MARISHA: Rest of the week? MATT: As far as funding goes.
LAURA: Funding. MARISHA: Funding.
TALIESIN: Nothing, why? ASHLEY: Can I have
your old belt? TALIESIN: Yep, just toss.
ASHLEY: Thank you. TALIESIN: I may have
to trade, though. ASHLEY: All right.
TALIESIN: All right. ASHLEY: For what? TALIESIN: Do you want
me to tell you? Do you want to
find out later? Or should I just steal it? ASHLEY: Oh, all right. Maybe you can just
steal it. We'll see. TALIESIN: Fair.
ASHLEY: Go ahead and try. TRAVIS: Just flying
over there. So leather's your jam, right?
TALIESIN: (laughs) TRAVIS: Do you have leather coveralls?
MATT: "Yeah." TRAVIS: Maybe fur-lined,
for really cold environments? ASHLEY: No way.
MARISHA: Please. MATT: "I do, it's
usually what I work in "during the colder months." TRAVIS: Black
leather coveralls, if you have them
and they fit. If they're child-sized,
that's okay as well. MATT: He looks over to
Tooms. Tooms goes-- ROBBIE: (laughs) Child-sized!
MARISHA: Child-sized! MATT: "I mean, we can always
make you more coveralls. "It's a number of months
'til winter, anyway." He's like, "Okay,
I'll get you mine." TRAVIS: You got
fabric swatches? Blue. Specifically blue. MATT: "Well,
it's leather, we-- TRAVIS: A square,
like a pocket square. LAURA: To match his pants?
MATT: "I dye the leather." TRAVIS: Just a pocket
swatch, I said! MARISHA: I think we need to go
elsewhere for fabrics, Chet. TRAVIS: I need a blue square of fabric.
LAURA: No, they have fabrics here. MARISHA: They have fabrics?
TALIESIN: I also brought a bunch of fabric with us.
MATT: "So you want "leather coveralls with
a square of blue fabric." TRAVIS: Yep. And also--
MATT: "Okay." TRAVIS: -- do you have
leather briefs? MATT: They all look at each other.
ASHLEY: That seems comfortable. LAURA and ROBBIE: (laugh) MATT: "I can make some." TRAVIS: Size me up
and do your best. LAURA: (laughs)
MATT: "You got it, little man," and he comes over
and sits down. LAURA: You got it, big dog.
MATT: He's a tall, lanky-- (laughter)
TALIESIN: Little? MATT: Tall, lanky 20-something
who has, you gather, he looks doofy and
acts a little doofy, but he has an
artisan's speed to him, sizing you up and taking
measurements and walking around. As he starts pulling
back leather thicknesses, you can see he's
setting out large hides that either have
been dyed or not, pulling out things
that are already dark or he can dye it black,
various thicknesses. There's deerskin and
multiple other types that are much more
flexible or light or are thicker for materials,
and asks you what works best for the warmth of
where you're going. A very extensive array, and eventually finds something
that feels right for you. Indeed, is able
to get to work on a pair of black
furred-- (laughs) TRAVIS: Black leather,
fur-lined coveralls. I'll hike them up
just below the knees. I'll probably put some
chain mail on the arms. Oh, and I like what Orym did. I'll reach in and also take another shoulder
piece from FCG. Throw this on the shoulder
as well. Right shoulder. MATT: "All right." Starts
working that into it. Okay. TRAVIS: Anyone else? We're spending dollar
dollar bills, y'all! LAURA: I know.
TALIESIN: I dropped a few things-- LAURA: As long as we have enough left for--
LIAM: I want a big pile of fur. LAURA: Yes.
MARISHA: We need clothes. TALIESIN: I feel
good about this. LIAM: All this is
probably manageable. MATT: Tooms finishes up as
all the work is happening, goes and does
all of his work. TALIESIN: I mean,
I expect this-- MATT: Pulls out
a tiny abacus and starts adding things up.
TALIESIN: 10 gold, 12 gold. Real bad.
MATT: (calculating) "All right, so as a totality "of your requested accoutrements--"
[piano background music] TRAVIS: Sounds
like "Halloween." MATT: "-- we're
looking at about "235 gold pieces."
LAURA: Whew! MATT: "Only the
finest quality. "That includes your
travel cloaks as well." TALIESIN: You're the one
that's got the funds. LAURA: I'm just Imogen here,
just little old Imogen. TRAVIS: Oh, just Imogen?
LAURA: Just Imogen. TRAVIS: No need to try
and get anything else in? LAURA: I'm just Imogen.
LIAM: Darling. LAURA: I don't know
what things cost. I don't normally
get fancy clothes. TRAVIS: Happy to pay it. Would some extra coin help
with the rush at all? MATT: "This was with
the rush included." TRAVIS: Outstanding.
235 it is. MATT: "I mean, extra coin
means we might be able "to call in some favors
from others around." MARISHA: We need it
by the morn. MATT: "By the morning?" TRAVIS: 250, here you go. (rolls tongue) Poker chip shuffle.
MATT: "Oh yes, yes. "By the morning. We shall work
through the twilight. (laughs) "Thank you for coming. "The Emerald Curtain
appreciates your patronage." TRAVIS: He's going to
close shop and fucking run. (laughter) ASHLEY: I'm going to
take the yellow thread and the needle with me.
MATT: You got it. MARISHA: I'll take the--
TALIESIN: We're moving to Tal'Dorei! Pack it up now! Go, go, go! MARISHA: Take the dyes
and the fabrics. So they didn't
do good at metal. We still need to maybe find an armory and a magic shop. LAURA: A jeweler.
MARISHA: A jeweler. MATT: There are jewelers and there
are metalworkers around here. You can easily enough
find materials that can match what you're looking for.
MARISHA: Okay. MATT: So we don't have
to individually roleplay every small purchase
of tiny little details. ROBBIE: We don't <i>have</i> to,
but we could! MATT: I'm following
your lead on this. LIAM: Costume jewelry.
TALIESIN: Magic shop, a quick bar crawl. LIAM: Costume jewelry?
For looking good? ROBBIE: I'm going to
need three more Davids. MARISHA: Well,
we'll go to a magic shop. LIAM: Or components?
MARISHA: We'll go to a magic shop. LAURA: Yeah, I want to
go to a magic shop. MARISHA: But for expediency,
can we say I pick up some gold chains
and some gold boning? Metal rods?
MATT: Yeah. MARISHA: Okay, and then
we'll have a craft night. ASHLEY: Yes.
MARISHA: And a bolt of fabric. ASHLEY: Yes. TALIESIN: Yeah, we'll go
through some stuff. Everyone gets to share. MARISHA: New blouse.
MATT: One of the tailors present does have a specialization
in bodices, so they have multiple
types of boning. Indeed, they do have some, to the color preference
you'd like. MARISHA: Okay. MATT: All right, what else
are you looking for now? TALIESIN: I think now it's
to a magic shop, unless-- TRAVIS: The Pentamarket? LAURA: We need to get potions.
LIAM: Got to get some Celebones. MATT: Okay.
TALIESIN: More Celebones. MARISHA: I was just thinking
about those. I want those. LAURA: Celebones are so cool. MATT: You meander outside
of the Tri-Spires, ask around here and
there about what would be the best place to find
magical enchanted artifacts, relics, things that
could be helpful. Everyone sends you
to the Pentamarket. There, you immediately
are met with the smell of numerous
snacks and foods. There are street carts,
many of them still closed, but a handful
that are still open and trying to
call in the populace. You can see there's an air
of attempting to recapture the bustle of a thriving city,
coming out the other side of a recent bit of
struggle and fear. As you begin to step in,
you can see one cart, a gentleman with
a big mustache that curls up the sides of his face,
this big brush, who's like,
"Come in, come through. "You want pork on sticks,
you want beef on sticks, "I got you covered, come on,
all home cooked, delicious," and is trying to give you guys
food on the way through as you, whether you want to
purchase or not, continue past, and you can see other
figures are barking. TRAVIS: I'm definitely
taking a pork on a stick and giving him a silver.
MATT: Easy enough to do. TRAVIS: Okay.
LAURA: Yeah, same. Sounds good. MATT: There are noodle bowls. LAURA: Ooh, noodles! I want noodles.
MATT: There are steamed vegetables. LAURA: I want
steamed vegetables. TRAVIS: No, not that. MATT: You start
piling up snacks. TRAVIS: "Dragon Ball Z" eating.
LAURA: Yeah. MATT: I mean, knowing
where you're going, there is something to taking
in the comforts while you can. So you enjoy a number
of these snacks. LIAM: Are there pies?
MATT: Oh, there are pies. LIAM: I buy two pies.
ASHLEY: Oh, yes. I want two pies, too.
MATT: They're a little stale. TRAVIS: Arms of pies.
MATT: But they're not bad. Eventually, coming to the
exterior of a building that a few of the purveyors
here send you towards, it is a two-floor, dark green
painted wooden structure with a lattice window
on the front and a sign across the front
in gold lettering that reads, "The Invulnerable Vagrant."
TRAVIS: Oh my--! LIAM: Did you forget? TRAVIS: Dude, I was sleeping on it.
LAURA: I totally forgot that's where we were going. TALIESIN: You didn't even
know that was the roll-up? LAURA: I forgot! TALIESIN: Oh man, I've
been waiting for this. LAURA: Oh my god. MATT: As you step within the door--
TRAVIS: Oh boy. MATT: -- which is closed,
but it's not locked. You open up and a
little bell rings (light tinkles) as you enter. Within the corridor, you
can see there are tables and cabinets with
display cases, many of them empty
at the moment. And--
TRAVIS: Like my shirt? MATT: You can see the light
coming through with a few torches. (laughs) A figure steps from a side from one of the
side halls or pockets at the sound of the bell
and looks in, and you see a tall, firbolg man with a grayish-furred, a
gray-blue furred face, wearing a leather apron over a, this would be like
a teal-blue work tunic, like the gold bracelets
are on his wrists. A curly mop of a brown
hair with a bit of gray pressured through it. A big smile on his
face with a ruddy, bovine-like nose,
and the ears fold out to the side a bit. He looks out. "Oh, hey, yeah. Sorry.
It's been a bit. "Welcome, welcome.
What can we do you for?" TRAVIS: (laughs) LAURA: Yeah, we're heading
out on maybe something that could be a bit dangerous
and are looking for-- MATT: "Adventurers?" LAURA: Mm.
MATT: "It's been a minute. "Yeah, yeah."
(laughter) ASHLEY: Oh my god. MATT: "Kind of have a lot
of things out on loan "because of the recent--"
LAURA: Yeah. MATT: "-- recent chaos,
but we do have--" LIAM: What is the chaos? I keep
hearing oblique references. What happened here in town? MATT: "Oh, boy, yeah. "You aren't from around
here, are you?" LIAM: No, sir.
TALIESIN: No. MATT: "Okay, yeah.
We had a big-- "Do you know the area
well at all?" LIAM: No.
ROBBIE: No, no. MATT: Another figure
comes in, looks exactly like the first, just in a slightly different
attire goes like, "What, we got customers?" (Pumat I) "Oh, yeah,
no. We're having a story. "Just hold back a second.
If you want to grab-- "They're adventurers,
by the way. "You want to grab anything
that might be helpful "in that regard we
still got in stock? "Not, you know,
partially enchanted. "Completed projects?" (Pumat II) "Yeah, I
got you. No worries." ASHLEY: What is happening?
MATT: He goes ahead and heads to the back. LIAM: We heard about a bird? MATT: "Yeah, big phoenix. "West of here, there's a
mountain range just north "of Kamordah,
Mount Mentiri, big quake, "thing just split in two,
a big old fiery bird flew "into the sky and set much
of that valley aflame, "began to terrorize
the whole region here." TRAVIS: Was that other
person the same as you? MATT: "Yeah. "Oh, sorry. I should've
introduced myself. "I'm Pumat Sol." The
other one comes out. "I'm also Pumat Sol." You hear a voice muffled
from upstairs. (muffled) "I'm also
Pumat Sol. Hold on." (quick footfalls) LAURA: (laughs) MATT: Emerging from the second
floor comes down another one who is now carrying a
bunch of sword blanks and goes and sets
them off to the side. "Sorry. I didn't know
if you heard me. "I'm also Pumat Sol." They all look at each other. The first one who
was talking you, "Pumat Prime is actually
currently "out and about
getting materials. "Yeah, the progenitor." TRAVIS: (laughs) (laughter) TALIESIN: This is like
what the inside of my head is like all
the time right now. TRAVIS: It's not the weirdest
thing we've ever seen, but-- ASHLEY: No,
it's definitely not. LIAM: So, did the bird,
I'm so confused, pass through? LAURA: Was it defeated? LIAM: Yeah. MATT: "So, yeah, a lot of
things have been happening. "So, it was tearing through
leaving swathes of dark fire "all across this entire
valley for the most part. "The Righteous Brand armies
tried to keep it at bay. "Many of them fell. "A bunch of folks rose
up to try and, "well, to stop it, and
I guess they succeeded "because it went away. "I don't know the specifics
since then, but--" TRAVIS: Well, it went away.
That's good. LIAM: How long ago was that? MATT: "It's about three days ago."
TRAVIS: Oh shit. MATT: "I mean, it's been
raging through here "for the better part
of two weeks, "but not here specifically,
like the Empire and beyond." LAURA: Wow. MATT: One of the other
Pumats back goes, "Yeah, it's been real
scary around here. "We only just recently
reopened, so good timing." TALIESIN: Sounds like
a big bird. MARISHA: There is four
of the same man and you keep asking
about a bird. LIAM: Well.
ROBBIE: Yes, are you like a-- LIAM: They're not breathing
fire on me. ROBBIE: A sibling,
a clone, a magic? MATT: "Yeah, well,
more that one. "Technically--"
ROBBIE: I said three things. The last part? (laughter) MATT: "The correct term
is simulacrum." ROBBIE: Simulacrum? MATT: "Yeah." ROBBIE: Oh, of course. LAURA: We fought
one of Ludinus'. ROBBIE: You did?
LAURA: Yeah. ROBBIE: You've done so
much since I've been gone. LAURA: I know. Well, I'm sure
you were doing some shit, too. MARISHA: That's right.
That's what Snowdinus was. MATT: "Ah."
MARISHA: Are you made of snow? TRAVIS: He's a simu-sacrum. MATT: "Technically, yeah." MARISHA: (gasps) TALIESIN: What?
LIAM: Oh. MATT: "Well, as part of the
initial enchantment process, "and should any of us be
disenchanted or destroyed, "we would probably
return to snow, "but that's not a thing we
like to think about often "because it sends us into
an existential spiral, "and that's a real dark
place to go for things "that were created and
crafted from nothing "and will return
to the nothing." TRAVIS: Oh my god. TALIESIN: Was a tuber involved,
a couple pieces of-- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
MATT: "Anyway." TRAVIS: Socko. It's Socko. ROBBIE: (laughs) MATT: One in the back goes
like, "Were we the first?" They all stop and go,
"I don't know, Pumat. "We don't know how many
Pumats there have been." One in the back goes,
"Anyway. "We got customers." (laughter) TRAVIS: Whatever you
have in stock. LAURA: Yeah.
MATT: "Right, right." (claps) Chop, chop. TALIESIN: We're going
somewhere cold, too. We're going to be
seeing some weird shit. So big fan of weird shit, whatever the fuck.
LAURA: Yeah. MATT: "We'll see what
we can find." The two other run back. The one stays there up front making sure that you
don't take anything. TALIESIN: This place is
too weird to steal from. MATT: While you're sitting
there waiting, you can hear them
rummaging through and trying to find things
that have been finished or enchanted or were
still kept in the back, and he sits there. "So, who are you? "If you don't mind me
asking, respectfully." TRAVIS: Well, we're
the Bells Hells. LIAM: Out-of-towners.
TRAVIS: Mm-hmm. LAURA: Yeah.
LIAM: Passing through. MATT: "Okay. All right.
Cool name." LAURA: Well, yeah. ASHLEY: We think so. TALIESIN: It's less champions
and more, I don't know. TRAVIS: Chuckle-fucks? TALIESIN: Agents of
circumstance? Weird times require people
to get their shit together. MATT: "Ah. "So you're starting out.
I appreciate that. "Don't worry, chums. "You're going to find
yourself a realm of adventure "and let the winds carry you
to majestic heights of glory "and all the things the
storybooks tell you about. "I guarantee it." LAURA: Thanks, Pumat. TRAVIS: That's a very
optimistic outlook. MARISHA: Mm-hmm.
TALIESIN: Mostly just want the sky to chill out, really. LAURA: Do you have anything
that'll keep us from dying, though? TALIESIN: Oh yeah. Big one. MATT: "Okay. "You're looking for
like imbibeables?" LAURA: Yeah.
MARISHA: Yes. MATT: "I think I know where
I can find some of those." He goes ahead and looks back
behind the main desk area. You can see him
looking around. He puts up a bunch
of empty glass vials on the counter. "My goodness. "We're running pretty
ragged at the moment. "Ah, ah, got a couple
of things here." He sets what looks like seven different vials
on the counter. At this point, the
other Pumats come down and grab a few things,
start setting down a set of leather armor and goes, "All right,
that's good." Takes another piece
and looks at it. "Oh, ah, this
isn't finished. "All right. I'll
put that back." You see they're trying
to sift through what's mid-enchantment, what
is completed enchantment, and what has been not sent
out in recent endeavors. It pulls this leather
armor you see is this a beautiful set
of heavy studded leather that has a gentle green-blue curved
inlay into it, and there is a
rune emblazoned on the chest that looks
like an arcane symbol for, you would recognize
it as part of the Ashari symbols
for wind. LIAM: Hmm. MATT: There is also a
beautiful dark gray robe with silver inlay,
long sleeves, and there is a jet black
rune that is woven into the material
on the back. Then, the third thing
they pull out that seems to be finished,
is a beautiful harp, this wide harp that has
12, no, sorry, 10 strings across the side, and
it has a gripped handle on one side of it. "All right. Is that
all we got?" (Pumat II) "Yeah. In
about two weeks we should have "some more supplies
coming in. "We'll have more finished. "But if you're looking
to shove out soon, "this is what we got
at our disposal. "So, sorry."
TALIESIN: Do you guys-- Do you all know how to
do custom enchantments? How long does that
normally take? MATT: "Oh, yeah, we
can do that, ah." LAURA: (laughs)
MATT: They all look at each other. LAURA: (mimics Matt) Ah.
MARISHA: (mimics Matt) Ah. (laughter) TALIESIN: There sounded like there
was a "but" at the end of that. MATT: "Well, Prime's
gone, and he's the one "who has to helm
the enchantment. "You see, being a simulacrum, "we have a limited amount of
magic at our capability, "and we've kind of
expended it all. "So we got to wait
for him to come back "before we can start any
sort of immediate orders. "But we can put it
on back order for you, "and when he does arrive, "we'll notify you within
three to four days, "and we'll get started as
soon as you have approval "and initial payment
put on file." TRAVIS: Jesus. ROBBIE: (laughs) TRAVIS: Wow. TALIESIN: We're going to
be out of town for a bit, but if we roll back through
town, that's a tempting offer. MATT: "Please do. Happy
to have you." MARISHA: Yeah, can you give
us a, you know, a lowdown? MATT: "Oh, yeah. All
right. All right." TRAVIS: Heavy
studded leather. MATT: They start
laying it out here. "Okay. What we got here. "Let's start with this
robe you inquired about. "This is a Robe of
the Midnight Rune." MARISHA: Who? MATT: "This is, well,
let me show you." He lifts it, and you can see where it looked just
like a plain robe, the sleeves going just past where the middle
of the forearm is and they come to
a point below, on the inside, the lining
of it is a silver silk, like a translucent silver
silk that seems to flow out in wispy strips.
MARISHA: Cool. MATT: Then across the
bottom of it too, it has slits on the
side of the robe where the material flows out, and it seems to
drift with it. LAURA: Sick. MATT: He says, "All right. "So, well, while
attuned to this robe, "the wearer, it seems
to give them more "of a sturdy magical
defense capability "as well as keeping their
mind a little clear "when it comes to, you
know, unwanted charms "or fright that can grab your
brain in the midst of things. "The cool part,
though, is when "the rune on the
back is activated, "because it gives you
about a full minute "of enhanced magical prowess. "It just makes you
glow a little bit. "So not keeping yourself
too subtle, "like having a little candle "on your back for
a smidge of time. "You can do that
about once a day." ASHLEY and LAURA: (laugh) TALIESIN: Enhanced magical
prowess would really, really would only be useful
for someone who actually has some magical ability? MATT: "Eh, not a whole
lot of people "going to their front
line with a robe "to hit someone
with a dagger." TALIESIN: Seen some
weird shit, but fair. MATT: "Not judging." To give you specifics
on that one. TALIESIN: Yeah.
MATT: For this one, if you aren't wearing armor, your base armor class becomes
14 plus your dex modifier. So it acts as a base armor. MARISHA: Okay. MATT: It gives you an
advantage on saving throws against being charmed
or frightened. And, as a bonus action,
you can activate the rune on the robe causing it
to glow a bright red which gives low-light for
15 feet around the back of you. ASHLEY: Interesting. MATT: For that one minute
while it's activated, your spell attack modifier and spell save DC
increase by two. TALIESIN: Oh.
MATT: But you can only use it once per long rest.
MARISHA: Modifier. TRAVIS: How much for this--
LAURA: I'm petting it on the counter. TRAVIS: How much
for this item? MATT: "This one here,"
pulls it open and pulls a tag out
and looks at it. "This will run you about
9500 gold pieces." LAURA: Oh. ROBBIE: Oh.
TRAVIS: Good to know. Good to know. Looks like it would
be worth every penny. What about this heavy studded
greenish-blueish leather armor with the little
scribble on it? MATT: "Yeah, this
is Zephyr Armor. "This was actually
specifically "enchanted by a, what
do you call it? "An ambassador of the
Ashari from Tal'Dorei?" LAURA: Oh. MATT: "This, we didn't make. "This kind of fell
into our hands. "It's kind of an antique from "about a hundred
or so years ago. "But, yeah, this here
is while wearing it, "it makes you a little
more nimble, "while you're moving around. "It helps you keep out
of harm to a certain degree. "This has another rune on
it to invoke or activate, "but it's a different
kind of magic. "This one can call the very
winds to your aid for a minute "to help either, well, you
can get creative in your mind." Specifically, you can see
now it's white and silver on the edges with a blueish-teal
coloration across it. While you have the armor
and you're attuned to it, you have advantage
on acrobatics checks and dexterity saving throws. When you invoke the rune, as an action, you can cast
the Wind Wall spell with it. TRAVIS: Oh yeah.
MATT: Once per day. MARISHA: Whoa. LIAM: That's sick. It is a beautiful, old piece. How much are you charging
for that one? MATT: "Let me find the tag. "That one is 3500
gold pieces." LIAM: Okay.
LAURA: Uh-huh. LIAM: Okay.
LAURA: Mm-hmm. TRAVIS: Well-priced.
LAURA: That final? MATT: "The harp?" TALIESIN: Mm.
TRAVIS: The harp. TALIESIN: A harp?
MATT: "Yeah. "So, this is an elegant
piece. It's beautiful. "This one, while the magic has
been attuned to yourself, "it invokes you "with the capability
of a fine musician." (laughter) TALIESIN: Love auto-tune. MATT: "It makes you
kind of automatically "teaches you how to play it. "It's kind of incredible.
Watch this." He takes it and picks
up the harp. "I'm not attuned to
it. I can't show you." (laughter)
MARISHA: Oh my god. MATT: "But here's the
cool thing. Watch this. "Hey, Pumat, I need one of
them arrows over there." They go, "Oh, yeah. Sure." He gives it to him. Takes the harp, pulls
the arrow into the strings, and you watch as
all 10 strings (strings plucking)
buckle against. LAURA: (gasps) MATT: (arrow whooshing) LAURA: It's a bow harp?
MATT: A foot from Ashton's head into the wall. TALIESIN: (laughs)
LAURA: That's fucking sick! MARISHA: That's cool.
That's fucking dope. TALIESIN: That was just fucking cool.
ASHLEY: That is cool. I think you need it. MARISHA: Do you feel
like you need it? LAURA: How much
money you got? MATT: "It kind of acts
like a shortbow." ROBBIE: It's a satyr thing. ASHLEY: I mean.
LAURA: The harp is a satyr thing. ASHLEY: I've had
a harp before. MATT: "And what's cool,
pay attention." When you look
where the arrow is, the arrow as it impacted,
the wood around it cracked like
there was a slight-- TRAVIS: Burst.
MATT: -- burst of energy. You hear this
(energy bursting) to the side of your neck like there
was a burst of tiny thunder. TALIESIN: Kinky. MATT: "Also, I had some
enchantments built into it. "You see these two runes
along the side. "These are two spells
that are baked into it. "With it, you can either
create a "powerful blast of
thunderous energy "in the space around you,
knocking people away, "or you can send a bunch of
little tiny magical things "to hurt things you don't
want to keep around." Specifically, to go
through the details of this, you can shoot arrows
from it as a shortbow. Arrows shot from it
do thunder damage instead of piercing damage. MARISHA: Mm. MATT: While you're
attuned to it, you have advantage on
charisma performance checks. LAURA: Ooh. MATT: And you know
how to use a harp. MARISHA: And you know
how to use a harp. MATT: Yeah. You just know.
ROBBIE: I'm just fucking saying. MARISHA: You download
the skill. MATT: Yeah.
You Neo it pretty quick. ROBBIE: Yeah, yeah. MATT: It does give you plus two
to attack and damage rolls with the arrows
you fire from it. ROBBIE: Mm.
LAURA: Shit! MATT: But it also
has 10 charges, and it regains 1d6 plus four
charges at dawn every day. But while you're
holding the bow, you can expend one to five
charges as an action to cast either Thunderwave
or Magic Missile. LAURA: Holy shit.
MATT: At a level up to how many charges
you've used it for using your spellcasting DC.
LAURA: Level five Magic Missile? MATT: Yeah. TRAVIS: This is, you know--
ROBBIE: Do you have a ring? TRAVIS: I don't know
about harps, but how much does this run?
MATT: That's eight-- LAURA: (astounded stammering)
MATT: That's 8d4 plus eight. LAURA: Holy moly! MATT: You don't have to roll,
they just (rapid fire) anime missile it.
LIAM: What'll that run us? MATT: "Ah, the harp will run
you about 8,000 gold pieces." ROBBIE: Okay.
LAURA: Fuck. ASHLEY: Damn. So 3,500, 9,500, and 8,000. MATT: "We also got
these vials here. "Since you're going
someplace dangerous, "we got some healing potions--"
LAURA: Oh right, we need potions. "that could be of
helpful to you." ASHLEY: We really need those. MATT: "Here, here.
We got a--" LIAM: We should've
asked for more money. LAURA: I know! Why didn't we
ask Keyleth for 50,000 gold? MARISHA: (laughs)
LIAM: (laughs) TRAVIS: I blame myself.
ASHLEY: Oh, that's right, how much did we--
MARISHA: "I blame myself." LAURA: He gave us 10. How much you holding
onto, Chet? MATT: "There it is. "Got three of these
greater healing potions "at your disposal
right there for sale. "Ah, all right,
and then we got--" MARISHA: Do we know
what Otohan's blade does? Did we ever figure that out?
TRAVIS: We do. MARISHA: Is someone
going to use it? MATT: "We got one of
these little babies here, "superior potion."
TRAVIS: Well, I mean it did-- LAURA: Whoa!
TALIESIN: We could also drain that permanently
into somebody. LAURA: Superior.
MARISHA: Mm. LAURA: Oh, yeah,
we need to drain it. The sword and the--
MARISHA: I know. ASHLEY: Oh yeah, we should.
MARISHA: That's the thing. Thinking about stuff
we can (slurps). MATT: "Ah, that's
where it is. There technically
is another one there. So there are two
of the superiors-- LAURA: Ah, okay. Is that yours?
TRAVIS: Two superiors? ROBBIE: No, this is sitting here.
MATT: Two superiors available for purchase. LAURA: Who got the superior?
You got the superior? MARISHA: I have the superior.
I don't think I've used it. ASHLEY: Where did this one come from?
MARISHA: That's why it's here. ASHLEY: Because
I don't think that's-- LAURA: That might be yours. ASHLEY: Because I don't
think I had one. LAURA: We were dumb.
TALIESIN: Everything got shuffled. LAURA: We always just put potions in front of us.
LIAM: We should just start putting them (comical
stammering) in here. ASHLEY: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
LAURA: I know, because when we move our stuff and--
TALIESIN: We'll re-divvy it because we can re-divvy. TRAVIS: Two superiors
and three greater? MATT: Mm-hmm. TALIESIN: Well, let's go--
TRAVIS: How much do the superiors run? MATT: "Superior's about
2,500 gold pieces." MARISHA: Fucking expensive. TRAVIS: And the greater?
MATT: "And the greaters "are 250 gold pieces each. "Then we got these
last two here." He holds up one
of these potions that has a thick
yellow fluid in it that has these weird
streaks through it. ROBBIE: Hmm. MATT: Black material. "This here's
a potion of speed. "Imbibe this baby and
you'll be running all over "for about a minute,
just getting quick "and doing things
even quicker." LAURA: (laughs)
ROBBIE: (laughs) TALIESIN: I mean--
LAURA: How much is the speedy potion? MATT: "That one's
3,000 gold pieces." LAURA: Fuck!
MARISHA: Jesus! ROBBIE: Criminy!
ASHLEY: Okay, okay, okay. MATT: "What? Got to
run a business here. "These materials are
expensive, hard to find." ASHLEY: Yeah.
LAURA: Yeah, I get it. TALIESIN: No, no.
ROBBIE: Sure, sure. MARISHA: We understand.
Highway robbery! MATT: "Another one here,"
and the other one has this thick
molassesy material that has a dark metallic
color to it. "Eh, that doesn't look like
it tastes good to swallow, "and I can guarantee it
doesn't, but drink it "and it's going to,
for about a minute's time, "make you shrug off some
of the heavier bits of, "well, anything
that comes at you. "It's a potion
of invulnerability." MARISHA: Oh!
ASHLEY: Whoa. MATT: "It gives
you a resistance "to pretty much
everything for a minute." LIAM: That's legit.
LAURA: That's a big potion. ROBBIE: For one minute.
LIAM: That's legit. LAURA: That's a whole fight.
MATT: "That one's only 500 gold pieces." TALIESIN: How is
that only five-- MARISHA: How is that--
I know! LIAM: Because it's temporary. It's for one--
LAURA: But it's a whole minute. But the speed potion is only a minute, too.
MARISHA: So is the speed one. Yeah.
LAURA: But that gives you an extra action every single fucking--
LIAM: Single use. MARISHA: Like a
Haste situation. MATT: It casts Haste
without concentration for a minute on you. LAURA: Without concentration.
That's clutch. And you don't get
exhaustion after. MATT: Mm-hmm. Well, it's still the Haste
spell, so it does still-- LAURA: Oh, you do still get the--
MARISHA: Exhausted? MATT: It does still stun
you for a minute afterward. LAURA: Okay.
MATT: So. Or for a round afterward. MARISHA: What's your AC? LAURA: My AC is 14, yo. ROBBIE: Oof.
MARISHA: So is mine. LAURA: Really?
ROBBIE: For that cape? MARISHA: Is your dex--
Someone should get that cape. LAURA: My dex is plus three.
ROBBIE: One of you two for sure. MARISHA: You should
take that, then. LAURA: That's expensive,
though. It's almost 10K. I don't know if
we have that much to get that and other things.
ASHLEY: If we all pool together. MARISHA: You should get that. ROBBIE: I'm going
to walk around behind the group to Orym, lean over and be like: You like that chest
piece, don't you? MARISHA and LAURA: (gasp) ROBBIE: I see
you watching it. LIAM: Well, it's an
antique from home. ROBBIE: I know.
I saw it in your eyes. How much do you have
on you right now? LIAM: Well, I don't
have anything. Chetney has all
the money I have. ROBBIE: Assuming he splits it
up, how much will you have? LIAM: Well, 10,000 divided by 10 is a thousand.
ROBBIE: 1,200? LIAM: No, there's
not 10 of us. ROBBIE: Seven.
LIAM: We split up that plus I have six silver. ROBBIE: Oh. LAURA: Chet has
all the money. ROBBIE: Okay.
ASHLEY: I could do a little five-finger discount. TRAVIS: That's not true.
I got fucking wolf ears. You got your own money. (laughter) MATT: "Oh, hey, hi! Hey."
(laughter) MATT: "If you all got a problem,
you got to take it outside." TRAVIS: No, no. I'm sorry, sorry.
ASHLEY: No, no, no. TRAVIS: I'm real hard of hearing.
ASHLEY: This is how we talk to each other, but we
love each other, though. TRAVIS: Your products are so nice.
It's really hard to decide. MATT: Another Pumat comes out.
LAURA: It's just really hard to decide. MATT: "Is there a problem
going on? You need help, Pumat?" LAURA: No, we're fine.
MATT: "No, no, I got it. It's fine. "Just having a disagreement."
LAURA: Figuring out what we can afford. ROBBIE: With chaos
that's going on, I'm going to whisper
even louder. MATT: (laughs)
TALIESIN: Yeah. ROBBIE: If you want it-- and then I'm going to
reach into my pouch, and this is no shit, I'm
going to take out everything I've had since
ExU season one, which is everything
but my 22 silver, and I'm going to
give Orym 2,500 gold. LAURA: Wow.
ROBBIE: That's every last piece I have. LAURA: That's all your money? You just gave Orym
all your money? ROBBIE: That's it.
LIAM: That's too much. LAURA: That's cutie.
ROBBIE: It's also practical. It's the only thing
I can afford. (laughter) ROBBIE: Listen, you're not
getting the Gucci bag, okay? ASHLEY: Yeah.
(laughter) ASHLEY: You're getting
the Gucci wallet. (laughter) LAURA: And you're
going to like it. ROBBIE and ASHLEY: (laugh) ROBBIE: But only
if you want it. MARISHA: Okay.
ROBBIE: It's 8K. LAURA: Let's talk
above the table. MARISHA: Let's talk
above the table. TALIESIN: Talking above the table.
ASHLEY: Okay. Okay. LAURA: I've got a
thousand gold on me. MARISHA: I have 3,500. LAURA: Wow. Okay. MARISHA: I haven't
bought anything. ASHLEY: I've, yeah. I've got 3,800 gold. LAURA: Wow.
LIAM: I have six silver. MARISHA: We should
try and strike a deal. ASHLEY: Plus 12 platinum.
LAURA: Yeah, 100%. MARISHA: Is there anything
that we can maybe tradesies? LAURA: I know. Because if I,
I mean, not that it's probably worth much, but I have
the ring of protection. So I won't need that at all-- MARISHA: Mm-hmm. LAURA: -- if we get
that cloak. MARISHA: Yeah.
TALIESIN: I have seven gold. MARISHA: Is it plus one AC? LAURA: It's plus one AC. MARISHA: Okay. Because I also have the ring.
LAURA: Oh, it does give you-- LIAM: Do you know what I have?
LAURA: Plus one on saving throws. What?
MATT: Ring of protection does actually stack with
that, just so you know. LAURA: (gasps) It does?
MATT: Because ring of protection gives
plus one to AC, and what this does is if
you're not wearing armor, it just makes your
base armor higher. LAURA: Oh shit.
MARISHA: What do you have? TALIESIN: It stacks?
LIAM: A sword from the fucking moon.
ASHLEY: Stacks on stacks on stacks. TRAVIS: Are you interested
in purchasing items? MARISHA: Yeah.
LAURA: Moon sword. MARISHA: I have the Ruidian glass dagger.
MATT: "Well, I mean, yeah. "Certainly. All sorts of--"
MARISHA: So we can-- MARISHA: Those are super rare.
LIAM: They're the only two on Exandria.
MARISHA: Yeah. LAURA: That's true.
That's true. MATT: "Yeah, I mean,
you know, that's how we get "a lot of our stock."
LIAM: They're going to fucking break.
MATT: "We don't make "everything here.
We make a lot of it." LAURA: You tradesies? MATT: "But we also take
things for trade. "We also take things that
can be broken down "and repurposed." TRAVIS: We have this one
bottle of slickshimmer oil. Here, take a look.
Don't steal it! MATT: "(laughs) I wouldn't
even dream of it." TRAVIS: How much would
you pay for that? MATT: "Hmm. "Slickshimmer."
TALIESIN: I also have 1,000-- LAURA: I think I have your pearl of power.
TALIESIN: -- gems, worth of gems. LAURA: By the way, if you want that back.
MATT: "Hold on a second." He pulls up heavy goggles
and puts them on, starts rotating it. You see little runes
glowing on the sides as he rotates it.
MARISHA: It might be a good thing to-- (slurps)
MATT: "Ah, okay." MARISHA: -- suck up.
ROBBIE: While he's looking at it, I'm going to lean over to Laudna and
I'm going to go: Do you think
they have a soul? The, what did he call them? MARISHA: The Pumat Snows? ROBBIE: The Pumat Snows. Do you think they have a soul?
TRAVIS: The Pumat Snows. ROBBIE: I mean, or are
they just a thing? MARISHA: I mean, they have--
LAURA: That's an existential sort of question. MARISHA: It's a very
existential question. ROBBIE: But is
there an answer? MARISHA: We have to believe
they have souls because we have to believe
that FCG had a soul, right? LAURA: He did.
ROBBIE: Oh. Well, that puts my idea
in a different perspective. MARISHA: Oh my god, wait. I could be persuaded.
What was your idea? LAURA: Were you going to--
ROBBIE: I don't know! LAURA: -- try to kill them?
ROBBIE: (sputters) Well I-- LAURA: This is in
your head, I say. ROBBIE: This is in my head,
I would assume. (laughter)
ROBBIE: I know this. Well, it's not really killing if they're not really
alive, is it? LAURA: It's killing.
ROBBIE: Why is it killing? LAURA: It's killing because
you would kill something that lives and breathes-- ROBBIE: Are they breathing?
LAURA: -- to take something else. ROBBIE: I did not
see in and out. LAURA: Plus, anybody who's working in a shop like this--
MATT: "I'd say that'd knock about 400 gold "off your top agreed total--"
LAURA: Oh, that's great. MATT: "-- on any
of these items "that come to your perusal.
Yeah, here's your oil." TRAVIS: How many
did you say? Sorry. TALIESIN: 400.
MATT: "About 400." TRAVIS: 400? Okay, slick. LIAM: What if we
told you we had a few very rare
pieces with us? MARISHA: Very rare.
MATT: "Oh ho! "Well, please! "Hey, boys! (claps) Pumats! "Looks like we might have "some fancy possible
trade aesthetic. "So, yeah."
TALIESIN: Are we really doing this? MATT: "Gather round." Two others come down.
LIAM: I guess. MATT: (Pumat II) "Oh, we got
new ones in? New possibilities? (Pumat I) "I'm excited
to see what they got." (Pumat II) "Yeah, me too. "It's been a bit since we've
had any sort of intake here. "We've been running
thin for a bit." TALIESIN: Let's put it
down, see what they say before we tell them
where we got it. LIAM: Okay, I rip it free
of the vine work on my back and I put down
a Ruidian blade. MARISHA: I will take out
the Ruidian dagger. I have two of them, but
I'll just take out one. MATT: Okay. "Oh. "That's interesting. "You don't often see glass
as the basis of an object." LAURA: Not quite glass.
MATT: Takes and look at it. MATT: "Hold on."
(adjusting lens) TALIESIN: This is good to know.
MATT: "Ah, now this is-- "No, no, it's not. "Thought this might
have been residuum. No." TALIESIN: No.
LIAM: Never seen anything like this before. TALIESIN: Or if you have,
we'd love to see where. MATT: "I'm having a
hard time with this one. "Do you want--
Eh, we're the same." (laughter) The other guy's like, "Yeah. "If you don't know, I'm
not going to help you either." ASHLEY: If you don't know,
I don't know. (laughter fades
to pleasant sighs) MATT: "Yeah, if you
don't mind me asking, "where'd you procure
these curious artifacts?" MARISHA: You'll never guess. TRAVIS: But we'll tell you.
MATT: "Hot boi?" (laughter) TALIESIN: Wrong fan. Wrong fan!
MARISHA: No, wrong fan. (laughter)
MARISHA: Fuck! Shit! LAURA: I just point up. MATT: "What, did you
find them upstairs?" LIAM: Higher. MATT: "That's as high as
the building goes. Roof?" TRAVIS: ♪ Can you take me higher ♪
TALIESIN: The big red one in the sky. LAURA: That's where
we got the glass. MATT: "Ah, you're
pulling my leg." TALIESIN: I'm
a terrible liar. MATT: They all look
at each other. One of them goes, "I mean, "we all know it's
been getting weird. "It hasn't been over
this side of Exandria "in a few weeks here. "So who got this to you? "How can you guarantee "this is from the moon?" MARISHA: You're
looking at them. TALIESIN: We got back
a day ago, at best. MARISHA: I unhook the Reiloran
behemoth finger yet again from my belt buckle. MATT: It's soft. LAURA: Ew!
MARISHA: Throw it on the table with a little squish.
MATT: (squelches) TRAVIS: It just lands.
MATT: "(uncomfortable vocalizing)" MARISHA: Yeah, no bounce. MATT: It has a
terrible scent. MARISHA: Mm. TALIESIN: I've got some
smaller pieces of armor that I pulled out to-- MATT: "So, if I
understand, you, "fresh-faced adventurers, "you're looking to
strike your own, "went to the Moon of Ill Omen "and acquired strange
glass weapon relics "and acquired strange
glass weapon relics "that were left there?" TALIESIN: Is Minor Illusion
a free spell? MARISHA: It's not, but
I can do it again. MATT: They all look at
each other again. TALIESIN: Do you want to maybe--
LIAM: Are you able to show them stuff? TALIESIN: Show them what
somebody who lives on the-- MATT: "I don't mean to make
you feel weird on the spot. "This is just a lot of--" TALIESIN: Show them what Reilorans look like.
MATT: "We've heard some tall tales "in our time to try
and strike a deal and, "you know, we have
to be discerning." MARISHA: It might be--
Do you want to do-- I can do an illusion unless you want to do a
little mental projection. LAURA: I can try. MATT: "Respectfully, we're
just trying to make sure--" LAURA: In his head, he's going
to hear: It's not a lie. MARISHA: (laughs) LAURA: We were there. MATT: One of them's
like, "You all right?" And they're like, "Yeah. "You're one of
them head-talkers." LAURA: Yeah.
MATT: "Okay. "All right.
That's impressive." LAURA: Have you been around
a lot of Reilorans? MATT: Don't even
know what that is. LAURA: Those are the people
that live on the moon. MATT: Are you saying
this all in the head? LAURA: Mm-hmm. MATT: It's just quiet in
the room as you're staring and the other one's like, (Pumat II) "You sure
you're okay there, Pumat?" (Pumat I) "Shh!
We're talking." (Pumat II) "Oh. Weird." They sit back and
cross their arms. The first one's like, "(uncertain stammering) "Whatever these raimans
and your moon is thing, "we don't go out too often. "We just stay here." LAURA: You said
your Pumat Sol Prime-- MATT: "Right, no, he's--"
LAURA: -- is out? MATT: "He's not
home right now. "Yeah."
LAURA: He's off fighting? MATT: "I don't know
where he's off going. "Probably getting
more materials "or reaching out
to some possible "beneficial allied guilds "in the vicinity to try
and get our flow of materials "through here again."
LAURA: Makes sense. A lot of high magic users are off doing other
things right now. MATT: "Yeah, no.
We gathered that much." LAURA: There's a lot
of shit going down. We can use all the
help we can get. We've seen some shit. MATT: Make a
persuasion check. ASHLEY: Come on. LAURA: (goofy babbling) LIAM: Get that discount.
MARISHA: Come on. LAURA: Where'd it go?
♪ Ooh! Hoo hoo hoo hoo ♪ MARISHA: Come on. LAURA: 31. MARISHA: Ooh.
ROBBIE: Jeez! MATT: After this minute
and a half of tense silence as you watch Imogen and
one of the Pumat Sols soft "Scanners" for a minute. LAURA: (laughs) ♪ ("psychic" humming) ♪ MATT: (laughs) ROBBIE: (laughs)
MATT: No. (laughter) MATT: This Pumat goes, "Well, I got to
tell you, boys, they "seem to be on
the straight and narrow "for what they're saying. "I can tell you, I don't
know the capabilities "of these materials
you're presenting here. "They are very unique
at a glance. "Because you don't have
any historical precedent "for what this glass may be, "that doesn't mean it's
not of interest to us. "We're just going to
have to make you a deal. "Let us talk
amongst ourselves "for a minute,
if you don't mind." The three of them huddle. TRAVIS: We'll huddle up
over here. MARISHA: Feel free to
take one, if you want to do a little inspecting on it. MATT: "Yeah,
I'll take one of them. "Take it that. You mind?" TRAVIS: So as far as I can tell--
TALIESIN: They are delicate. LIAM: And real sharp. TALIESIN: And very,
very sharp. MATT: "Oh, I got you." TRAVIS: As far as I can
tell from inventory, one platinum ring,
two gold rings, one gold bar, three sapphire,
three emeralds, 400 gold for
the slickshimmer oil, and a bag of roughly 250 gold worth
of various jewels, we have 17,655 gold. MARISHA: Okay. TALIESIN: I think I still have
1,000 jewels on me as well. LAURA: Is that with everybody
else's money, too, added in? Or is that all that? TRAVIS: That's just the
bank of Chetney, baby. (laughter)
LAURA: Whoa. ASHLEY: Damn.
LAURA: Damn, Chet. TRAVIS: Interest
rates are high. (laughter) MARISHA: Two platinum
rings, that's good. ROBBIE: I wasn't
up there with you, but he makes a good point. Those swords that you
had, that you're trading, are you certain they have
no value outside of barter? LAURA: I mean, they're useful
in battle, for sure. MARISHA: They hit
a little harder, but they break
a little easier. ROBBIE: All right. LAURA: Yeah.
MARISHA: I'll show you. MARISHA: This is,
just read this. ROBBIE: Okay.
(laughter) ROBBIE: There it is.
MARISHA: There it is. MATT: "No words." TALIESIN: Laudna makes index
cards for everything we-- LAURA: Yeah.
MARISHA: Yeah. MATT: They convene for a few
minutes looking at the object, looking at each other,
talking a bit, huddling. Eventually they come back
into the central chamber with rest of you, set the dagger down
they looked at. "Okay, so we've convened
amongst the Pumats, "the Council of Pumats,
if you will. "This is a very
unique material "we think we'd be excited "to show to Prime
when he comes back. "We can only gauge this based
on the properties we can glean "after giving it
a solid once over. "We're not certain if
it seems to be pliable "or if it already contains
an enchantment within itself. "But regardless, it is
a very rare material, "and even at the baseline
of what its worth might be, "we can gather for
each of these pieces based on the size, "the dagger, at least, we
can knock about 1,000 gold "off of the asking price." LAURA: Of each item?
MATT: "Each item?" LAURA: Oh, I thought
you meant of each item. MATT: "Oh, yeah. Yeah,
how many daggers you got?" MARISHA: Well, I have
another one, but-- MATT: "So if you got another
dagger, that's 1,000." LAURA: Uh-huh.
MATT: "And you have this-- LIAM: Shortsword.
MATT: "-- shortsword you got there. "That one will about 1,500." LAURA: Okay. MARISHA: Pumat.
MATT: "Yeah." Yeah, all three go, "Yeah." ROBBIE: (laughs) TRAVIS: That's got to get confusing.
MARISHA: Beyond its magical properties, there are no other
weapons like this on the face of this planet. You could charge a
collector anything you want. MATT: Make a
persuasion check. LAURA: The harp was 8,000? TRAVIS: Yeah.
The harp was 8,000 and you want the
Zephrah armor? LIAM: Mm-hmm. TRAVIS: Then the gray
robe, yes or no? TALIESIN: 95.
MARISHA: Ooh. LAURA: If we can get it.
MARISHA: Ooh, that's good. TRAVIS: No,
LIAM: That's the mithral shirt plus extra stuff.
ROBBIE: With the cash I gave him and a dagger,
you could get your-- LAURA: I've got 1,000.
MARISHA: 23. ROBBIE: Get your thing.
TRAVIS: Oh, yeah. MATT: 23, okay.
MARISHA: Yeah. MATT: The Pumats look at each other.
TRAVIS: You got 1,000, 2,500.
ROBBIE: I gave Orym 2,500.
LAURA: Fearne has 3,000. TALIESIN: I think I have 1,000
gold worth of gems, too. that are just
miscellaneous gems. ROBBIE: ♪ I got
no more money ♪ TALIESIN: I know we have other
supplies, but I'm going to-- MATT: "Respectfully,
I appreciate "what you put forward here "and I think there is merit
to what you're saying, "but also, "and I'll be honest here,
it's going to be hard "to convince a collector that
these are magical moon glass "from a person we met "that had a really
cool spooky aesthetic "and said they got
them from the moon." TALIESIN: He's not wrong. MATT: "That all being
the case, though, "you've been very nice and
we'll bump it up a little bit. "We'll say 1,100
for the dagger "and 1,600 for
the shortsword. "How about that?"
ROBBIE: Hmm. MARISHA: (laughs) LIAM: Cool thing is,
it's true. MATT: "I'm not doubting you,
just saying we have a bit "of a challenge to present
that info second, third, "and fourth-hand to
possible collectors." LAURA: That makes sense.
MARISHA: Yeah. LAURA: We don't have
anything to prove it, do we? MARISHA: I hate it. ASHLEY: I know,
I got nothing. MARISHA: I mean, we could
continue to show him shit, but I guess it's
all the same story. TALIESIN: I'll also say-- MATT: "There could also
be a chance that we "look at this a week from now
and it's all a fabrication "and you fleeced us, in
which case, respect, but." TRAVIS: You can do two
superior healing potions, two greater healing potions. You could get the
potion of invulnerability. You can get two of
the big three items, but not all three. ASHLEY: I also
have about 3,900 that I can throw
into the mix as well. TALIESIN: Is that
with my 1,000 also? TRAVIS: Yep.
TALIESIN: All right. ASHLEY: Then I'll
be tapped out. TALIESIN: I know where we're doing.
ROBBIE: Can't take it with you. ASHLEY: Well, I'll have
69 gold left. TALIESIN: Nice.
ASHLEY: Seems appropriate. ROBBIE: Nice. MATT: It's the book purchase. ROBBIE: (laughs)
ASHLEY: Yeah. TALIESIN: I personally think--
MATT: I got a whole bunch of numbers in there.
TALIESIN: I think the potion of haste is
not a good pull for what it is. I'd
say no potion of haste. TRAVIS: You have 3,900 gold?
ASHLEY: 3,900 gold. TRAVIS: How much do you have?
MARISHA: 3,500. LIAM: I have potion of speed. TRAVIS: Oh, you do?
You have 3,500 too? Kids, numbers.
MARISHA: Yeah. MARISHA: You asked me,
I said 3,500. There were a lot of numbers floating around.
TALIESIN: 500 gold magic potion seems like a great, invulnerability seems
like a great deal. LAURA: Yeah,
that's a good one. The speed one is
maybe not so much. TALIESIN: I don't think so.
I think 3,000-- LAURA: Because that's 3K. TALIESIN: 3K for a plus or minus is--
MARISHA: That's a lot of money. TALIESIN: All three
of the big ones, of course, sound amazing. I got no notes there. MARISHA: (laughs) TALIESIN: And healing potions.
TRAVIS: That'll do it. LAURA: We have enough?
TRAVIS: That'll do it. You have 3,500,
and you have 3,500? ASHLEY: 39.
TRAVIS: 39, yeah, that'll do it.
ASHLEY: Yeah. TRAVIS: So you could get all
three of the big items. You get two superiors,
two greaters, the one
invulnerability potion. That would be it.
LIAM: Who's using the harp? Are you going to rock
the harp, Dor? ROBBIE: I don't know, my gut
tells me it's a saytr thing. Like I really, yeah, but-- LAURA: Use it.
ASHLEY: I don't know. ROBBIE: I mean...
TRAVIS: I'll fucking use it. ROBBIE and TRAVIS: Yeah. TRAVIS: If anybody's not right
up on me, I'm kind of useless. I would love something range.
LAURA: You should have some range. ROBBIE: I have one of the
spells that it has, too, and I'm attuned to a
string instrument already that you guys don't
know about. TALIESIN: Well, you could be attuned--
ROBBIE: To two, I guess. TALIESIN: You could be
attuned up to three things. LAURA: But it would be good for
Chet to have a ranged attack. TALIESIN: I'll also say that
it is spells that you also, you can switch spells
daily as a bard, right? ROBBIE: Yeah.
TALIESIN: It opens that up and then you wouldn't
be using spell slots. MATT: Actually, no. Bard spells they know. TALIESIN: Bard spells
are just stuck. ROBBIE and MATT: Yeah.
TALIESIN: It's non-spell slots. LIAM: Chet, with a harp, you
can play Winter's Crest music now easily, too. (laughter) ROBBIE: Yeah.
ASHLEY: Wow. TALIESIN: You have an
attunement spot, Chet? TRAVIS: I do.
TALIESIN: Oh, wow. ROBBIE: I'm attuned to
two items right now. MARISHA: They're not able
to combine enchantments right now, the Pumats? TALIESIN: Not without--
MATT: "See, "we are assistants
to enchantments. "It's actually Prime that
does the bulk of it himself "as he is the endless
font of magical prowess. "When he returns, we'd be
happy to fulfill your order, "but 'til then, we're just
more salesman. (laughs)" TALIESIN: So yeah, the harp, I
guess, is up you, then, Chet. ROBBIE: Chet, I am maxed
out on my attunements. I have three, actually.
TALIESIN: Oh well-- ROBBIE: Yeah.
TRAVIS: I'll take it. LAURA: All right.
ROBBIE: Sounds like it's-- TALIESIN: So the robe
goes to Imogen. ASHLEY: Playing the harp. MATT: "All right, you're
trading this all in then?" LAURA: You doing it? MATT: "Dagger and short
sword coming in. "Knocking off 2,600
from that price." TRAVIS: 2,700. TALIESIN: 27. MATT: "Oh right, yeah, I can
say I went with that one. "(laughs) "All right."
TRAVIS: Yeah, we're doing it. MATT: "You solid? We sold,
handshakes, let's go in." The Pumats go around
shaking all of your hands like, "All right, good
game, good game. "Well done, well done." (laughter)
LAURA: Good game. TRAVIS: I only
take high fives. MATT: So with that,
you do get this one. Whoever gets to
second of these, mark it.
LAURA: We get two superiors. MATT: So you have, since there's one right
there on the table-- TRAVIS: Actually, we'll
take the third greater as well because we can
do another 250 for it. ASHLEY: So what does
that get us to? LIAM: I'll take this one.
ASHLEY: We're going all in. LAURA: 3K is gone.
ASHLEY: 3K or 39? ROBBIE: Those are taken. TRAVIS: 3,900.
ASHLEY: 3,900 is gone. TRAVIS: I have all
the ones you use. LAURA: And my 1,000 is gone. TALIESIN: I don't know
why I have all of these because the possibility,
I mean, I have too many, I want to
give one to someone else. MATT: There's the whoever
wants the Harp of Valor. TALIESIN: Harp goes to Chet.
MATT: Goes to Chetney. MARISHA: Bye, golds. MATT: There you go, buddy.
TRAVIS: Thank you, sir. MATT: Zephrah Armor,
I believe, goes to you and then the Robe of the
Midnight Rune goes to-- TALIESIN: Imo.
MATT: There you go. MARISHA: <i>Imogen</i>. MATT: You can find them
in the app as well. Then the Potion of
Invulnerability, whoever wanted that. Well, you can decide later. Somebody take it there.
MARISHA: Yeah. MATT: "Well, it's a pleasure
doing business with ya. "Appreciate you--"
LAURA: Wow. MATT: "-- coming and
bringing your patronage "to the Invulnerable Vagrant. "And should the opportunity
arise to come by in the future, "to shake hands
with Pumat Prime, "we'll be happy to
introduce you "and I think we're
very excited "to see his excitement at
studying this interesting "new element glass-like
material that you've procured "from a, well, a
terrifying and now "invisible or not
present red moon. "Or wherever you're off to! "Good luck. "Pumats?" (Pumat III) "Yeah. Good luck!" (Pumat II) "Good luck."
(Pumat I) "Good luck." TALIESIN: Thank you, thank
you, thank you. LAURA: You can't see
the moon from here. I didn't think about that. It's stuck over on
the other side. Aww, it stuck over
on the other side. FCG. It would've been proof. His damn flat, fucking Exandrian.
TRAVIS: (laughs) That's so true. That's exactly what it--
(laughter) LIAM: Oh! TRAVIS: Exactly what
they needed. MARISHA: They died a flat Exandrian.
TALIESIN: He'd already graduated to the pancake theory
of there being a backside to the flat, so--
LAURA: You're right, you're right. TALIESIN: And we didn't walk.
ASHLEY: It's not letting me take this coin out. LAURA: Nicer to keep it. MATT: For one minute,
it gives the effects of the spell of Haste
without concentration. TRAVIS: Yeah, we'll
take that, too. MARISHA: Yeah?
TRAVIS: Yeah, we can grind it up. MATT: Sure. TRAVIS: I mean, where the hell
else are you going to need money? MARISHA: Exactly.
MATT: That's what it's for. TRAVIS: Okay. LIAM: We're about to go arctic. MATT: The Pumats help
guide you outside of the establishment. The first one you spoke
with leans out. "Thank you so much. "Have a wonderful day. "Don't catch fire from any
massive dark flame firebirds, "phoenixes, and the like." TALIESIN: If we see
it, we'll kick its ass. MATT: "Yeah. Oh, by the way,
if you're going to Labenda "up north, swamp's
flooded, avoid that. "Merfolk have reclaimed
the region there. "There's a massive sinkhole "in the middle of
the Cyrengreen Forest "and the surrounding
trees begin to turn black "and lean towards the pit. "Maybe avoid the
Cyrengreen as well. "What else we got?" One of them runs
back goes like, (Pumat II) "Oh yeah, Druvenlode's
dead have been rising "and climbing from
beneath the dirt, "so maybe stay away from
there for a minute." (Pumat I) "What's been going
on in the capital?" This one's like, the
third one was like, (Pumat III) "Yeah, Rexxentrum's
awesome in dealing with a number "of phantom explosions and
rumors of devilish entities, "seeing the shadow of night
amongst the streets, "so maybe avoid the capital
for a while now, too." The first one goes, "Yeah.
It's real weird out there." LAURA: Oh wow.
TALIESIN: Ah. LIAM: Thank you, Pumats. MATT: "Eh, our pleasure,
Health." (laughter) TRAVIS: Hells.
TALIESIN: Hells. MARISHA: Hells. MATT: "Sorry, was
that incorrect? "Bells better?" ROBBIE: That was good. TALIESIN: It's correct
now, you hit it. MATT: "Okay, well, respectfully,
have yourselves a good day." MARISHA: All right. LIAM: I catch Dorian
by the pinky. Thank you, that was, you didn't
have to, I mean, thank you. ROBBIE: Yeah, sure. I just like to see you happy. All of us. This was a good trip. LIAM: It's a nice change. Good trip. MARISHA: Well, do we have
enough money to buy-- LIAM: Stay somewhere?
MARISHA: -- an inn? Yeah. LIAM: Yeah, what do
we have left? LAURA: I have some gold left
that was just little change gold. Yeah, that's enough
for a room. TALIESIN: We also
have our patron, who I'm sure will
be more than happy to keep us somewhere quiet,
safe and comfortable so that we don't get them
in trouble or embarrass them. TRAVIS: There's always
some more money. MARISHA: (laughs) LAURA: I go over
and I hug Chet. Thank you. TRAVIS: You're welcome.
LAURA: Yeah. LIAM: You're good with
numbers, old man. MARISHA: You are. ASHLEY: Thanks, Chet. LAURA: Were you an accountant
in your previous life? TRAVIS: No, they're measurements.
LAURA: Over the years. TRAVIS: Measure twice,
cut once. LIAM: I want you working
on that harp <i>tonight</i>. MARISHA: Yes, you should
play us some tunes. Maybe Dorian can
teach you a few. ROBBIE: I would love to
do a duet with you. TALIESIN: Do you know "Stairway
to the Astral Realm?" (laughter) ROBBIE: It's a classic. It's the first one you learn every time.
ASHLEY: Oh, I love that song! Yes, so good.
TRAVIS: Okay, okay. MARISHA: (claps) MATT: As as we have this
discussion, you see the illusion of Seth approaching with
a long wooden stick with various grilled
chicken breast pieces and various peppers
along it, gnawing off it
piece by piece. "So it seems you've
been quite successful "in your endeavors, yes?" LAURA: We spent all our money. MATT: "Good. You won't
need it where we're going." Finishes the last piece. TALIESIN: We do, on the other
hand, need somewhere to sleep, something to eat,
something to drink, and I think also any
way to actually relax for probably what may be
the last time in our lives. MARISHA: Fearne and I need
to have a craft night. ASHLEY: Yes ma'am. TALIESIN: There's also going
to be a craft night. MATT: "There are a few
possible places here. "Come with me,
I'll show you." As you gather
together as a group to wander from
the front exterior of the Invulnerable Vagrant
out through the Pentamarket to find the rest of the
evening, we're going to go to break. (oohing) TRAVIS: New duds,
new weapons, new gig. ASHLEY: Whoo!
MARISHA: Shopping episode! MATT: Been a minute since
you have one of those. TRAVIS: Still have got
60,000 gold left. (laughter) ASHLEY: For real? LAURA: No.
TRAVIS: Ashley. (laughter) ASHLEY: I don't know! LAURA: After all that. MATT: Awesome, see you guys
here in a few minutes. From sweeping narratives, to precision tactics, Czepeku has you covered! Explore beautiful, cinematic
surroundings with Czepeku's Scenes, your perfect storytelling partner. Swap variations to match
the mood of your game, and immerse your players
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VTT-compatible, with… Oh… It's time! Ready your dice! Every Czepeku Scene has a matching
battlemap on our main Patreon. Subscribe to both! Admire the
view, then fight for your life! Each map pack includes variations for time
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beautifully animated maps. Jump straight to the action.
Our VTT-ready maps have walls, lighting, and fog of
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starts with Czepeku! Announcer: TCGPlayer
presents Mayhem! TCGPlayer is the best way
to buy Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokemon, Disney
Lorcana, Star Wars Unlimited, and more from local game
stores across the country. And we're unleashing
Mayhem tomorrow, May 17th. Get 10% store credit
back on all products from 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM Eastern, plus special Treasure Trove
deals for even more savings. These deals are gonna sell out, so act fast once
the mayhem begins. Before we raise the
curtain on this epic event, we'll be giving away
a $500 gift card, plus Vox Machina and Mighty
Nein UniVersus Challenger Decks to one lucky winner. You have until 8:00 AM
Eastern on May 17th to enter. So head to
and sign up now. (lively rock music) TCGPlayer presents
Mayhem! Rock on. (creepy music) (ominous music) (adventurous music) KIRBY: And now, a
message from your Critical Role lore
keeper: Dani Carr. DANI: We here at Critical Role
know that life happens. Sometimes your friend
becomes a rampaging werewolf that you gotta calm down. Sometimes your other
friend needs help dealing with a dead lady in her head. We get it. And when life happens,
we are not always able to watch four to five hours
of Critical Role a week. That's why our lore department
has been working tirelessly to find a way to make
it both easier and faster to consume Critical Role's
main campaign without losing that
rich and vibrant tapestry of story and lore the Critter
community has come to love. And after countless
hours of hard work, we are happy to announce
that we have found that way. Introducing Critical
Role Abridged. Each episode of this lore
keeper approved series has been carefully crafted
by an incredibly devoted team to include everything
you need to know to follow the Bells Hells
stories all in about one hour. We've even added
new pieces of artwork, bringing characters,
items, and moments to life thanks to the help of our
amazing community of artists from around the world. The time is now to begin
your Critical Role catch up with abridged episodes of
the Bells Hells campaign. New episodes air every Tuesday at 10:00 AM Pacific on YouTube. Beacon members
receive two new episodes dropping every week
on Tuesdays and Fridays. (energetic music) (gentle music) NICK: Strange happenings
are occurring in the world of Exandria. Slayed creatures and
beasts from days of yore are returning to the
land of the living, and it's up to a band of
unlikely heroes to <i>re-slay</i> them. Welcome to
"The Re-Slayer's Take." GEORGE: Join Jasmine
Bhullar, Jasmine Chiong, Jasper Cartwright,
and Caroline Lux, alongside gamemasters Nick Williams, and me, George Primavera, in this Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition
role-playing adventure through Critical Role's
fantasy world of Exandria. But don't worry, you won't
need to know the rules to follow this story. All you need to know is that nothing the players
do is scripted or planned, and their fates are determined
by their own cleverness and the roll of a 20-sided die. NICK: So what the
heck are you waiting for? Adventure awaits in
"The Re-Slayer's Take." GEORGE: Coming May 20th, to wherever you
stream your podcasts. New episodes will
drop weekly on Mondays. (upbeat music) Hey Critters!
Laura Bailey here to guide you through what's
new in the Critical Role shop. You need this? You
probably need this. (gasp) Could anything
be more perfect? Look at this.
Isn't it fashion? So much fashion happening here. I mean the Traveler always says impulse purchases
are a good decision. Style should never
be a dump stat, darling. Go ahead, darling.
Treat yourself. Roll an investigation
if you want, it's basically perfect. This is a lot of
stuff, you guys. We have, like, so many
cool things right now. And hey if you want, you could head
over to the Critical Role shop right now. (tavern music) (adventurous music) NARRATOR 2: What is
the best thing to do when everything sucks and societies are crumbling and major conflict is
simmering on the horizon? Yep, you guessed it: throw a heckin' rager! (upbeat strings) NARRATOR 1: Things have been slowly
turning around for the better in the town of Stationary Hill, and word has broken, thanks to Saskia's
double nature, that Sherman and Tzila
are going to be getting back into town later tonight. So what better time to throw a combo
town-rebuilding and homecoming bash? It's ideal! NARRATOR 3: That's not to say that Saskia's own
inner torment and agony have dwindled. Indeed, if anything, she
is at maximum rebellion, and is real, real hoppin' mad, and sad, and betrayed. NARRATOR 2: But she's
putting on a brave face, with her Midst face, and true to her word has said nothing to anyone about her new moon knowledge. Nobody needs to know
that here tonight. (ominous music) (epic music) (mischievous music) (typewriter clacking) (peaceful music) TRAVIS: Move the rook to B6. MARISHA: Okay, see if that opens it.
LAURA: I'm trying it. [clicks]
(gasping) [metal clattering]
(cheering) MARISHA: Okay, okay,
okay, okay, okay. Wait, it's blank. There's nothing in here.
What the hell? TALIESIN: The phonograph
said that the answer would be in the journal. TRAVIS: Oh, maybe
we missed something, like some clue we're
not thinking of! LAURA: Ah, we only have
four minutes left! MARISHA: Okay, okay, think.
TALIESIN: Okay. The song said,
"Look to the beacon." Look to the--
MARISHA: Right. Beacon. Light. MARISHA and LAURA: (gasp)
The lightroom! LAURA: Get it out.
TALIESIN: The cryptics! LAURA and MARISHA: (scream) TALIESIN: The key is
in the cryptics! LAURA and MARISHA: We know! LAURA: So if every
other letter-- MARISHA: Times two.
LAURA: -- is the combination-- TRAVIS: Did you say times?
Times, like a clock. It's in the clock! But how do you open it? LAURA: (uncertain noise)
MARISHA: Okay. What is it? LAURA: Okay, it's six. MARISHA: Okay.
LAURA: Two. Four. MARISHA: Yeah.
TRAVIS: 624? It's 6:24! LAURA: Uh. Zero. [unlocking]
(excited noise) TALIESIN: Guys, guys,
I think I found it! TRAVIS: But it's not opening! TALIESIN: So how do
you unlock this? MARISHA: That's not
the cryptics. This is a cryptics. TALIESIN: Wait, I think if
I push my fingers into... No, that's not working. MARISHA: We just need
the code word. What's a six-letter code? TRAVIS: I think it's jammed! LAURA: Arlo said that in order
to find the answer we need, we have to look
to the beacon. MARISHA: Uh-huh. Right. But Colonel Popcorn's
telegram says-- TRAVIS: (grunts)
[clattering] MARISHA: "Be Aware -(STOP)- "Exciting New -(STOP)- "Amazing -(STOP)- "Critical Role Content "Available at -(STOP)- "Oh my god. "No Idea How to Finish
this Fake Telegram -(STOP)-" TRAVIS: Reveal
your secrets to me! TALIESIN: Can either of you
help me, help me with the-- MARISHA: That's not
a cryptics! TALIESIN: I am very aware.
(groans) LAURA: Okay. What about this? Huh? Um, it says,
"Try using Beacon." [shattering]
TALIESIN: Hey, Travis. Could you help with the-- TRAVIS: Not now, dude,
I'm trying to save us! We've only got
90 seconds left! [slamming]
TRAVIS: (shrieks) LAURA: "10% off merchandise. "Members-only Discord. "Exclusive new series." Is that a clue? MARISHA: I don't know,
it just feels too obvious, like something that
a lazy writer would try and shoehorn into a script.
TRAVIS: (shrieks) LAURA: Well, that would
also explain this. MARISHA: I know.
That's useless. LAURA: Literally no one says
"literally" anymore. MARISHA: Exactly. TRAVIS: We're running
out of time, people! Come on!
MARISHA: Uh. Okay, we just need
a six-letter word that unlocks this artifact and
also unlocks amazing content! LAURA: Also, would it kill you
to try to help us, Ashley? ASHLEY: What do you
think I'm doing? While you all are busy
sucking eggs in La La Land, I was making
an improvised munitions charge that'll blow this door off with minimal loss of
life and hearing. LAURA: You don't
explode a door, Ashley! That's not how
an escape room works! ASHLEY: Oh, really? Because that is literally what
this is, an escape room. LAURA: She just said "literally."
MARISHA: "Literally." TRAVIS: 30 seconds! TALIESIN: Help! It's again! ASHLEY: Fire in the hole! LAURA and MARISHA: (scream)
[lever slams] [alarm buzzes]
[door clacks] KYLE: Hey, guys. Uh, good job or not, I guess. Tried your best. LAURA: Did we do it?
Did we escape? KYLE: No. No, no, you didn't. TRAVIS: Oh, so close. MARISHA: It was
the stupid cryptics. The code word was too hard. LAURA: It was impossible! KYLE: Was it?
MARISHA and LAURA: Yeah! KYLE: What was the name
of the detective? LAURA: Detective Beacon.
KYLE: Yeah, it was Beacon. Yeah? And where did
the murder take place? MARISHA: Beacon Street.
KYLE: Yeah, yeah. And what was the name
of the law firm that hired Detective Beacon to exonerate
the Beacon State graduate from the murder on
Beacon Street? MARISHA: Beacon, Beacon, and Associates.
LAURA: And Associates. TRAVIS: So what was
the code word? KYLE: It's Beacon!
It's Beacon! LAURA and MARISHA: Oh. KYLE: Yep, see? Here's the room key and here is all the cool
new info about Beacon, our new membership program
that offers discounts, early access to the
Critical Role podcast, and new content like
"Critical Role Abridged" and "Re-Slayer's Take," along with exclusive content
like "Fireside Chats," "The Crit Role Cooldown,"
and many more to come. TRAVIS: So how do you get
into the clock? KYLE: You don't!
That's just a clock! TALIESIN: Kyle.
KYLE: What... TALIESIN: I have a problem.
KYLE: What did you do? Those weren't even here
for the escape room. Where did you even
get those? (sighs) ♪ (gentle, upbeat music ♪
"Hello Bees") ♪ THE BEE KINGS: ♪ Hello Bees,
it's me again ♪ ♪ Look to the Beacon, ♪
my old friend ♪ MARISHA: Don't look at it! MATT: Welcome back. (laughter) TRAVIS: We've never
done this before. MATT: Never. Ever. (laughter) LIAM: Did she show you her
third nipple on her back? ROBBIE: Yeah, I know.
MATT: Yeah. MARISHA: Don't look--
Don't talk about it! ASHLEY: It's really cool.
TALIESIN: Can't look at it, can't talk about it.
LAURA: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. MATT: Professional.
TALIESIN: Yeah. All right, yes. ROBBIE: Right, yes.
TRAVIS: Ball 33. MATT: So. As you crest into
the sunset of the day, as jumping to this side of Exandria, it is quite, far later. The evening, a dull change of color
begins to creep in, as Essek, incognito,
leads you to the edge of the Pentamarket,
looking for a place to stay. The first place
you stumble upon, the name of the locale is
The Lodge of the Eclipse. It is quite
a decent sized inn. You can already hear laughter and conversation
from the exterior, as well as some undertones
of music playing, not gently,
but definitely like, more of a fiddle and a drum and maybe a-- Sure, we'll say jazz flute. Why not? It's fun. ASHLEY: Yes, jazz.
(laughter) MATT: That sounds like
Zadashian music taste. ROBBIE: Yazz flute.
ASHLEY: I love this. MATT: But as you step
into the interior, the smell hits you
before anything else. This floor is
deeply ale stained, mixed with
the smell of bodies, and it is
fairly crowded here. You get the sense that
establishments that offer alternatives to reality
in these times of strife and fear tend to be
very popular once the end of
the workday concludes. A number of
the Pentamarket populace are folks beyond
within the city of Zadash are here, or in
the process of gathering into the crowded interior
of the tavern portion of the interior of
The Lodge of the Eclipse. As you push through
the crowd a bit, Essek, leading the way
over towards the edge, there's the folks that
are running the bar, and you can see there
is a clerk desk that leads to a staircase
that heads upstairs and to the right, you can
see there's actually like a sitting pit with
a number of benches set up and some other extension
of the tavern tables and a small stage. The curtains are closed,
here's no lights on it yet. But you do see,
here with one of the raised smaller platform, less of
a stage, more like a platform, you see three musicians that
are playing the atmosphere. They're playing and
bantering to each other. Most folks aren't paying
attention to them directly, but just enjoying
the atmosphere. But Essek goes up
to the clerk, and you can see there's
a halfling man, probably in his
early 50s or so, massive, massive mutton chops that are mostly gray
at this point, with streaks of dark brown. You can see his hairline
is deeply pulled back to what could be almost
described as a skullet at this point. It's about the hair
starts about here and goes into
a long Lord Farquaad-- ASHLEY: Awesome.
MATT: -- poof underneath. ROBBIE: Yes!
LIAM: Yes! MARISHA: Oh my god.
ROBBIE: Yes! MATT: But he leans up towards
Essek and the rest of you. "Oh, right, right.
Hello, there. "You're looking for a place
to stay for the night? "We've only got maybe two
rooms left at the moment. "Lot of travelers
coming through. "You'll have to pay
a premium on that." Essek raises his hand
to stop him and goes, "We'll take both,
whatever you have." (clerk) "All right.
Well, we've got "one tiny little room here "that's available here
on the bottom floor. "We've got one of our suites,
actually, just opened up, "the patronage came to an end, "but earlier this day
as they travel on. "So quite a large room
for you there. "Both of these, I'll ring you
together for the night's rent "or are you taking them
for the week, the month? Essek's like,
"Just for the night." Looks back to the
rest of you. "Right?" LAURA and MARISHA: Mm-hmm.
MATT: "Just for the night." (clerk) "All right, all right.
That'll put you at about-- "Trying times, prices are
a bit driven up there." Essek leans forward and says, "Please, charge
what is correct," and does a subtle
hand motion. MARISHA: Why have we never
thought to use it in that way? LAURA: Yeah, we should've done--
We couldn't have done it. LIAM: Suggestion.
MATT: The fellow beneath goes, "No, right, right. I mean,
people need places to stay. "People need places
to feel safe. "I completely understand. "You all look like you're
passing through anyway, "so I'll run it down for
both rooms at about "a gold piece for the
two for the night." ROBBIE: Oh.
TRAVIS: Incredible. MATT: Essek nods and tosses
him a gold piece. ASHLEY: You've got that.
LIAM: Is he floating again? MATT: No.
LIAM: No? LAURA: No, he's Seth. LIAM: (sighs) I want
him to float and I want him to be purple.
(laughter) MATT: Well, you don't
know about him floating. ASHLEY: I want him to be purple!
TRAVIS: I want his feet off the floor! MATT: You have not
seen him float yet. ROBBIE: (laughs)
MARISHA: (laughs) LIAM: Yes, I have, Matt!
(laughter) LIAM: Yes, I have!
MATT: Liam has! ASHLEY: (laughs)
MATT: (laughs) ASHLEY: We probably
would've seen it. LIAM: I've seen him
float all over the place! (laughter) MATT: Caleb has. TRAVIS: Didn't he
float briefly when he dropped his disguise?
LAURA: He didn't float. MATT: It would've if it wasn't
for the antimagic field. TRAVIS: Got it. Retcon.
MATT: So he never would've-- He never even
kicked into that. MARISHA: Do you think he
has the skinniest legs? LAURA: Yeah.
ROBBIE: Oh! ASHLEY: Because he doesn't use them?
LAURA: He misses leg day constantly. ROBBIE: Yeah. Svelte.
ASHLEY: (laughs) MARISHA: Svelte.
LIAM: Has he got Morrissey legs? MATT: He's a svelte
built figure already. TALIESIN: Exercise bike
because-- MATT: He definitely probably
has to do his squats to make sure he keeps it up.
LAURA and ROBBIE: (laugh) MATT: When nobody's home,
he's just like-- (grunts)
(laughter) TRAVIS: Air squats. LAURA: He's floating,
but he constantly does little pedal motions.
(laughter) MATT: Also viable. MARISHA: His own little
Peloton under there. MATT: Yeah.
LIAM: Time to bake those cakes. LAURA: He just kind of
shimmies all the time. ASHLEY: It's one of those--
MARISHA: (laughs) MATT: The two keys are meted
out between your group, as Essek takes them in. Hands the finer looking one that has the suite
number on it and holds it out. "For your--"
ASHLEY: Thank you so much. (laughter) ASHLEY: Fight me for it.
TALIESIN: Rollies. TRAVIS: Fight me. Let's go.
ASHLEY: Okay. LIAM: Rollies.
TALIESIN: Rollies. TRAVIS: Slow ass.
ASHLEY: Well, we can all sleep in there, but let's-- LIAM: But who gets the key? ASHLEY: What?
ROBBIE: Ah. MATT: (laughs)
ASHLEY: Fine. TRAVIS: Here, Fearne,
I got this for you. ASHLEY: Oh, thank you so much.
TRAVIS: Punk-ass, it's mine. (laughter) MATT: Essek just goes, "Invigorating."
(laughter) LAURA: You sure you don't
want to bunk with us? MATT: "I'm so
absolutely sure." LAURA: (laughs)
ASHLEY: I don't think you should sleep alone. MATT: "I'm fine. Trust me." ASHLEY: I know you're fine. But we're really
fun at sleepovers. MARISHA: You should at least
come up and hang out for a little bit.
ASHLEY: Just for a little bit. Just a drink.
MARISHA: Room party! TALIESIN: This is the people
you're going to be leading through the middle of
the snowy wasteland. ASHLEY: The better you know
us, the better you know-- LIAM: One drink? ROBBIE: So much peer pressure.
ASHLEY: Time. MATT: One of you make a
persuasion check with advantage. MARISHA: It's a room party.
LIAM: Maybe Imogen should do it. MARISHA: And we're
crafting our new outfits.
MATT: No, the two who were talking.
LIAM: (laughs) Oh no. ASHLEY: I'll do it. I'll do it.
LIAM: Maybe Imogen-- LAURA: I'm the one
that started that, so I should be
the one that does. MATT: (laughs)
LAURA: ("gotcha" laugh) TRAVIS: (laughs like Laura) ASHLEY: Ooh, okay. Would you consider
that cocked or no? LAURA: No, that's a 15.
ASHLEY: Okay. 15...
TRAVIS: No, it's a 15. Why would it be cocked?
ASHLEY: 28. MATT: 28! ASHLEY: Get your ass
upstairs right now! TRAVIS: Jesus.
TALIESIN: It's not like hanging out with a group of new people--
LAURA: We're a persuasive group. TALIESIN: -- has never
worked out for him. ASHLEY: We are a
persuasive group. MATT: Essek glances over and you can see the stage
is now starting to light up and the music's shifting as
the musicians have trekked over and a couple of others have
joined them at the base of it at these two side tables. It looks like an evening
burlesque show has begun. ROBBIE: (gasps)
MARISHA: That's really-- MATT: As the lighting
shifts, Essek goes, "Yes, actually, I would
like very much to--" TRAVIS: (laughs) Yes!
MATT: "-- stay with you "for conversation in
your room immediately." LAURA: Immediately? ASHLEY: Oh, you don't
want to stay and watch? Okay. MATT: "Not really a
fan of the theater." ROBBIE: Wait, there's a
show happening right now? LAURA: A burlesque show,
it looks like. MATT: You glance up
and you see an MC. You can see on the
wings, a few performers are robe-covered, waving. You see an MC walk up, this wonderous femme
presenting half elf in this fine suit
with a high collar and pointed shoulders.
LIAM: <i>Meine Damen und Herren</i> MATT: Reaches out and goes, (grandiose) "Everyone,
thank you so much for joining us "here at the Eclipse. "Tonight, we present to you, "a fantastic spectrum of
performers and dancers." You can see as he
begins this presentation, some of the folks in the
tavern are leaning over and looking,
not really caring much. Some are starting
to grab their drinks and move over to the--
TRAVIS: You want to go get a seat in the front?
MATT: -- handful of tables over other there.
MARISHA: Yes, we should go-- ROBBIE: I'm already
walking over. TRAVIS: Okay! Dorian!
ROBBIE: Yeah, yeah, yeah. ASHLEY: Same, same, same.
(laughter) MARISHA: Just for a little bit.
MATT: Essek goes, "(deep sigh)" ROBBIE: (claps excitedly) LAURA: I'll hang at
the back with Essek. MATT: He leans against
the wall with you. LIAM: (like "Cabaret" Emcee)
Even the orchestra is beautiful. (laughter) MATT: But indeed, it has
a vaudevillian vibe to it. There are some dancers
that come through. A beautiful, voluptuous, half orc who comes out with gold across their tusks with chains that
tangle and attach. You can see there is-- ASHLEY: Cool.
MATT: -- a wonderful bubble dance with an arcane crafted sphere that's semi-translucent
to give the shadow beneath as this wonderful water
nymph looking water genasi treks
across the stage. You can just see
the outline shadow. You have a wondrous muscular, athletic looking, dancer body, human male, dark skin and a bright smile, who is out there
doing a silk act, as the silks descends
from the top, and begins to carry
himself up there and begins to flip around and catch himself
into midair splits. ASHLEY: Oh!
MATT: The audience is into it. A few folks in the
back are watching from a distance, but also
having their conversation. But it is definitely
a lively place in here. You take a moment to look
at the crowd around. You can see most
folks in here, as deep into the
cups they might be, there is definitely an
air of necessary escapism. You can see the, the sinking of posture. There's a certain energy after people suffer trauma. You can see a lot
of these folks are engaging eagerly at this
opportunity to celebrate art. Essek's still sitting in
the back with you, Imogen. As much as he's standing
a bit frumpily, you can't help but catch
him occasionally like-- (soft clapping)
(laughter) MATT: You about
to say something? LIAM: Just that Orym,
and maybe all of us, but certainly Orym,
is chasing that feeling of happiness and fun
while feeling everything fighting at the
back of the brain. MARISHA: Laudna,
in the front row, is going to turn around
to the people who are chitchatting and
being disrespectful. MATT: (boisterously chatting)
MARISHA: I'm going to use Thaumaturgy to throw my voice
a little bit. I'm going to say: Appreciate the performance!
TRAVIS: (demon whispers) ALL: (demonic whispers)
Appreciate the performance. MARISHA: And
Unsettling Presence them. LAURA: Oh!
ROBBIE: Oh jesus! LIAM: (laughs) MATT: (rude customer)
"I have to go." One guy gets up and is
holding the back of his pants as he exits.
ASHLEY: No, sit down! TRAVIS: Back of his pants! MATT: Oh yeah!
ROBBIE: Oh wow. TRAVIS: Brown outed him. MATT and MARISHA: (laugh) MARISHA: Well.
ASHLEY: Well. (laughter) MARISHA: I can't knock that.
(laughter) LIAM: I thought it was
fart, but I was wrong. (laughter) TRAVIS: Table! ♪ ("Chop Suey" ♪
by System of a Down") ♪ (laughter) LAURA: In Essek's head,
I'm going to say: I know this seems like a rowdy bunch, but it's been a pretty
trying 24 hours. I think everyone needs this. MATT: A few beats before
Essek responds. "I understand more than I "might have long ago. "In years as of late,
I've come to "appreciate the necessity "to carve moments of joy. "I think that's
maybe something "those of us that
live longer lives "have a harder
time appreciating." LAURA: Mm. MATT: "So yes." LAURA: Do you ever
get used to it? It feels a little bit like, like a betrayal
to feel happy. MATT: "I felt that
way for a long time. "But I don't believe
that anymore. "It feels that way,
yes, but that's-- "It's only because
so much of our history "tells us that "pain is, "pain is what gives purpose. "But as a wise man
once told me, "it is not pain
that makes people. "It's love." LAURA: Well, as a wise one once told me: It's good to make every
day a smiley day. MATT: "I don't know
if I follow the "specifics on that,
but I appreciate the--" TRAVIS: (laughs) MATT: "I'll think on
that a bit, I suppose." LIAM: I think while you two
are talking to each other and you're at the back
and looking forward, you can see Orym laughing at what's happening
on stage, but looking to the right,
and back to the stage. Just keeps, he looks
to the right. MARISHA: Laudna's going to
get up after a minute, swipe one of the bottles
of wine on the table. I'm going to get crafting. ASHLEY: Yeah, me too.
MARISHA: All right. ASHLEY: Let's go. We got to get to work.
TALIESIN: You're going up crafting? ASHLEY: Yeah, we got a lot of work to do.
MARISHA: We're going to go up crafting. TALIESIN: I'll see
you in a little bit. I'm going to give Fearne just a nice hug. ASHLEY: Oh.
LAURA: Aw! TALIESIN: See you up
there in a little bit. ASHLEY: Yeah, I'll see you up
there in a little bit. Look at you, you're a
little pink in the cheeks. TALIESIN: A little bit,
sleight of hand check. (laughter)
MARISHA: Oh! ROBBIE: Let's do it!
MATT: Roll perception, please. ASHLEY: Roll? Okay, okay. Let's go with this one.
TRAVIS: Smooth. TALIESIN: Okay. LIAM: Now let the
dice match it. ASHLEY: Okay. Okay.
MATT: What'd you get? TALIESIN: Do you want
to go me first? 21. ASHLEY: Shit, I had 20. LIAM: Oh!
(laughter) TALIESIN: You're
not legal enough to drink here, motherfucker. (laughter) MATT: What were you
going for, Ashton? TALIESIN: I, actually, quietly
grabbed a little bit of your-- As we were hugging,
you've got that little lace frill
that's already on. ASHLEY: Yeah, yeah.
TALIESIN: I grabbed some and finish the
tear of a piece and swiped it off and
put it in my pocket. It was already
coming unfrayed. ASHLEY: It was.
TALIESIN: Yeah, just grabbed the thing.
MATT: (laughs) ASHLEY: It was. I hear a little bit
of the tear happening and I'm like, Ah! LAURA: (laughs) ASHLEY: Okay.
(laughter) ASHLEY: Kind of make my
turn quicker to help it. MATT: All right.
MARISHA: As I pass by, I give Imogen a little kiss. See you upstairs. LAURA: Be up in a moment.
MARISHA: Don't mind the mess. I'm going to get into it. ASHLEY: Yeah, we've got
a lot of work to do. TALIESIN: I'm going to
sit next to Essek before they head up anyway,
on the other side. MATT: Okay.
TALIESIN: Quietly. MATT: So Essek is
standing in the back with Imogen behind
all the tables. TALIESIN: Yeah, so I'm
going to give them a little bit until they're finished--
MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: Drink and
occasionally look over. MATT: Okay. LAURA: Actually--
TRAVIS: Chetney's sitting in the front row, legs out,
slumping in the chair, baguette in one hand, a
bottle of wine in the other. (laughter)
TRAVIS: Fucking riveted. (laughter) ASHLEY: A baguette?
(laughter) TRAVIS: (chugging)
MARISHA: Legs out. TRAVIS: (munches)
MARISHA and MATT: (laugh) TRAVIS: Incredible. ROBBIE: Dorian is
right beside him and clapping.
(laughter) ROBBIE: Every time they do
just a little something, he looks over at
Chetney and he goes, like he's trying to--
TRAVIS: This is quite an act. So talented!
(laughter) MATT: The MC steps out
after one of the comedy, pratfall, physical
comedy performances finishes off
off-stage and goes, "Everyone, we have straight
from the glorious "evening events of Hupperdook,
a fantastic performance. "We are in for
a treat tonight. "This is Madame
Feathered-Face." ASHLEY and LAURA: (gasp)
LIAM: Hey! MARISHA: Feathered-Face?
MATT: As it pulls back-- MARISHA: (gasps) No way. Is it?
ROBBIE and LIAM: (laugh) MARISHA: She would be of age.
ROBBIE: He can't give us anything. ASHLEY: She would be of age. LIAM: Barely.
TRAVIS: She comes out. MATT: Not everything
is connected. LAURA: (groans)
ASHLEY: Maybe it is, though! (laughter)
TRAVIS: (poised) Go fuck yourself. (laughter) MARISHA: She would
be working her way through college, at this point.
ASHLEY: I support it. MATT: It's been seven years! MARISHA: Yes.
LAURA: Yeah. ROBBIE: Every NPC has a cameo!
ASHLEY: So that would make her-- MATT: I know!
(laughter) MATT: I'm already teetering
on the edge. (laughter) MATT: No.
LIAM: Oh boy. MATT: You see a beautiful dwarven
woman come out with a short robe that
stops just above the knees and she has shapely,
stocky dwarven legs that are smooth except
for a trail of where the hair on the shins are
has been carved into spirals. LAURA: Ooh.
MATT: As she steps out with these two fans
that block her face, she begins to dance
to the music. The music hasn't changed
from the previous performance and you see her look
over at the musician and kick the stage
in his direction. They all look, "Oh" and
they change to a slower pace. They weren't paying attention. She goes back into her show. Eventually as the
fans turn and turn, blocking the face
with each body spiral into a lift-leap
and then a down. These ropes descend from
the top of the stage. You can see the two
gentlemen off to the side that are handling the winch. She goes and grabs one
and as they pull back up, she lifts into the air,
and then as she reaches the top of the rope, she
begins to swing back on it, the other hand holding
the fans covering it. She leaps from one
rope to the other and as she separates
both of the fans, you can see where the
beard would be, there's a mass of
beautiful golden feathers that form a beard off
the front of her face. ASHLEY: Cool.
MATT: As as she leaps towards the other rope,
she misses it-- LAURA, ROBBIE,
and MARISHA: (gasp) MATT: -- and tumbles for
a couple feet before (soft flutters). LAURA: (gasp)
TRAVIS: Oh. MATT: The feathers pick up.
TRAVIS: Wow. ASHLEY: (laughs)
MATT: She glides and flies around.
TRAVIS: Come on! ASHLEY: Her beard feathers catch her?
ROBBIE: Oh man! (laughter)
ASHLEY: Oh yes! TRAVIS: Amazing.
LAURA: That was amazing. MATT: Hupperdook's the best.
ASHLEY: Yes! TRAVIS: Fucking Hupperdook's
bringing it. MATT: Eventually,
after fluttering around over the audience, doing a large loop around
over the top of everyone, going through and occasionally
tapping someone on the head, coming back and her
hand touches the back of your ear--
TRAVIS: (sighs blissfully) MATT: -- and pulls
away as one of her feathers seems to wave at
you, you think. TRAVIS: (dreamily) Feather-Face.
MATT: (laughs) LAURA: (laughs)
ROBBIE: I think she likes you. TRAVIS: I think so, too. MATT: Lands to
a beautiful applause. With the finish of
this wonderful performer, Hupperdook, as their
finale performance, the night's burlesque
comes to a close. A number of the dancers give
a bow, audience cheers. People are throwing copper and an occasional
silver to the stage. As the curtains close,
some of them go back and put their robes
on and begin to step out to mingle amongst the patrons
and drink with them as well. The party's still continuing. Those of you who wish to stick
around, you're welcome to. You have friends upstairs
who are crafting. As the performance is over, Essek begins to
get a bit antsy. "I will set my room
for the evening "and then perhaps we
can sit for a bit." LAURA: Wonderful.
I'm going to head upstairs. TALIESIN: Before
you go actually, I normally charge
for this, but I heard you talk earlier, and I'm on a side mission
of self-discovery. Take a look at this. TRAVIS: Oh fuck.
ASHLEY: (gasps) MATT: "Hmm." LAURA: Smart.
MATT: "Looks like a--" TALIESIN: I'm going to sit
and I'm going to try and get it to go. I'm going to burn a rage to get it to do
something interesting. MATT: Okay.
LAURA: Oh, I'm going to, as I'm walking away,
in Essek's head he's going to hear:
If you can do it, I wouldn't suggest
diving into his head. Almost got trapped
in there before. I'll keep walking
up the stairs. MATT: He responds to you,
"I appreciate the warning." TALIESIN: I totally forgot to say--
MATT: He steps over. TALIESIN: -- anything about that.
MATT: "Is this "some sort of injury
that you suffered "earlier in your life?" TALIESIN: Suddenly, it goes
completely see-through. You can see entirely
through my head in it and one of my eyes is
also completely see-through. MATT: "Strange indeed. "Perhaps best not
to do this in public." TALIESIN: (shakes it off)
It only takes four or five seconds
and it goes away. MATT: "Come with me," and leads you up
to the chamber where the suite has been set.
TALIESIN: Cool. I got shit to do
up there too. MATT: As you head
into the chamber, he looks a bit concerned and a weird excitement
to his pace. "Come here, I need
to find the light," and takes one of the
lanterns from the hallway off of the hook
and sets it closely. "Do you mind?" TALIESIN: I am at your
disposal. Please. MATT: Grabs edge of your chin and holds the lantern up
and looks into it. "What? "What? "Impossible." Sets the lantern down.
TALIESIN: I get that a lot. MATT: Begins moderately
casting an incantation, touching the center of
his forehead and as he does, his eyes light
up for a moment. TALIESIN: It can get weird
in there, just be careful. MATT: "I have been assured
not to look too deep, but-- "Hold on," and he puts his
hands together, weaves a thread in the
air, and begins to draw these cursive-looking
runes, and from it, grabs the center and
plucks a small, dark bead, like a pearl. MARISHA: That's so
fucking cool. MATT: Then brings it close to the side of your
head, and as he does, the inside of your head
begins to swirl like a storm. You feel this
tickling sensation on the back of your neck
and up through your head. Those of you who are
in the room who are, if any of you are
paying attention to this since they entered the
room and began to do this, as the pearl gets close
to Ashton's head, these little
spark-like lights begin to swirl
within the glass, like a cosmic cloud of some
kind is churning inside. like a cosmic cloud of some
kind is churning inside. LAURA: I think we've all
stopped what we're doing and are watching this happen.
MARISHA: Yeah, in the mid-- Yeah.
TALIESIN: That's new. Mm.
MATT: "Indeed, it is." Dispels it and the energy (fizzles).
TALIESIN: I can agitate it again if you want to see it. It's random. I tend to find it syncs
itself into four-- ASHLEY: Wait, are you
doing anything to him? What are you doing?
MATT: "Are you familiar "at all with dunamis?"
TALIESIN: No. Who? MATT: "Dunamis
is a particular "pillar of "esoteric magic
within Exandria. "It is a speciality
of the Kryn Dynasty "and is in essence
derived from, "(sighs) where to begin? "There is an entity believed "within Dynasty circles
to be called the Luxon "that long ago,
before the gods "and spiritual elements
even took this world "for their own creation,
divided itself "amongst Exandria into
a number of artifacts. "These artifacts, "whether or not the myth holds
any particular anchor to it, "are extremely powerful "sources of dunamantic magic. "It is magic that tugs at "and manipulates the
very fabric of reality. "Time becomes malleable. "Gravity and entropy become
weaponized and altered. "The very space fabric "becomes a weave to pull
and stretch and fold. "becomes a weave to pull
and stretch and fold. "It is a very "primal and rarely
understood magic. "Elements of it
have been borrowed "in other, more
conventional practices. "But dunamis, the basis,
the energy of this magic "is primarily a Dynasty focus "and my particular
life's long study. "What you have,
whatever this is, "is a unique, organic
source of dunamis." TALIESIN: Well--
I will assume give him the long conversation from Primordial blood
to falling out of a window and being put back
together from its scraps. And that's when, that's when this kicked in. And I'm, just to do it,
I'm going to activate the gravity roll with it, and suddenly everything, the
color almost starts to roll. MATT: Gets pulled slightly in,
withdraws for a moment. TALIESIN: Yeah, just
six seconds of it. ASHLEY: Shit. MATT: "And this just happened
after you were reassembled?" TALIESIN: Yeah. Yeah,
I woke up that way. MATT: Do you mention
anything about the material that
Milo had put in there as part of their process
of repairing you? TALIESIN: I'm going to
think it to Imogen. You can hear it, right, if I--
LAURA: Mm-hmm. TALIESIN: How much do I say? LAURA: Well, if the
Voice trusts him, I think we should as well. TALIESIN: Yeah, I tell him. MATT: He looks a bit spooked
at the mention of this liquified dunamantic power. "Then it seems that the
Assembly's machinations "have their fingers woven
deep into many things, "but your very
essence as well. "So within you
continuously swirls "the ancient power of
the Titans mingled with "the very nature
of the cosmos. "You are a "dangerous entity." TALIESIN: People
keep saying that. Just for fun,
I'll hit one more and hit the rainbow
probability sparkles. MATT: "Now you're
just showing off." TRAVIS: (laughs) TALIESIN: No, I never get to
do this, so it's really nice. ROBBIE: (laughs)
TALIESIN: Normally, this is just happening when we're beating the
fuck out of people. MATT: "I will tell you two things."
TALIESIN: Now I'm getting tired. TRAVIS: (laughs)
ROBBIE, LAURA, and MARISHA: (laugh) MATT: "One, that
is a remarkable, "very unique thing
that you carry "with you and are
a part of you. "I would very much like
the opportunity to study this "some point after all of
this, should you allow me. "And two, do not share
this with anyone else." TALIESIN: I tend not to. You may be one of the first,
other than these chucklefucks. LAURA: We don't know
what the hell we're doing. MATT: "There are a number
of extremely powerful "figures across Exandria
that would love "to take you apart
piece-by-piece "to understand what you
have and what you are." TALIESIN: Well. MATT: "There was a time
where I might have been "one of them." TALIESIN: Well, the right
people trust you, so I'm going to trust you and I'm tired
of not knowing myself. It's honestly been
my biggest weakness. MATT: "Hmm. "You should not
have trusted me." LAURA: Oh. (sighs) Well shit, sorry.
TALIESIN: What? MARISHA: Wait, did you
just say don't trust you? MATT: "You shouldn't
trust anyone. "I, (chuckles) as
much as a word means, "you have no worry from me. "I am reformed
in my dubiousness." TALIESIN: Well.
MATT: "But--" TALIESIN: I'm trying to, I don't know, I won't
speak for everybody else but I have been trying
to better myself lately and I will say that I've only
recently attempted to redefine my old definition of
friendship and love, which was the people
you want to trust and I'm trying something new. MARISHA: Yeah, and to be fair,
there are a bunch of people who want to take you
apart piece-by-piece who don't have a fucking
clue what goes on with you. TALIESIN: No, I really
honestly just, I will admit, attract it. TRAVIS: The door bursts open. She gave me a feather! MATT: (laughs) TRAVIS: A feather. ROBBIE: I told him she
probably gives a feather to everyone at every show
but he won't listen. He's transfixed with it.
TALIESIN: We know. TRAVIS: She noticed me!
ASHLEY: It could mean something. You don't know.
LAURA: He's a special boy. ASHLEY: Yeah. It's just for you, Chet.
ROBBIE: My head hurts. ASHLEY: I'm sure it's just for you.
TALIESIN: Your hay fever is going to kick in any second.
TRAVIS: (moans euphorically) ASHLEY: Yeah.
TRAVIS: Smell it! ROBBIE: I've smelt it
three times already. ASHLEY: What does
it smell like? MARISHA: What does
it smell like? ROBBIE: A feather.
(laughter) ROBBIE: What do you want
me to say, cloaca? (laughter) MATT: My favorite incense.
(laughter) LIAM: I think Chet's right. I think they had
a special connection. I could sense it.
LAURA: Yeah. ASHLEY: Yeah.
TALIESIN: Birds of a feather. MARISHA: (laughs)
ASHLEY: Hey, should we-- TALIESIN: I want to sew. ASHLEY: You want to sew?
LAURA: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got to start working on this robe.
TALIESIN: I want to sew. MARISHA: Don't step
on that chamber pot, it's been my dye pocket. ROBBIE: Chetney, open your
sack one more time. Thank you. TALIESIN: I was going
to be concerned, but now I feel better.
TRAVIS: Which one? (smirks) TALIESIN: Oh, what are
you dyeing, what color? MARISHA: My skirt. I'm trying to go for
a little bit of an ombre. ROBBIE: Do you have paint?
TALIESIN: Oh, ombre! I want to do some ombre. TRAVIS: I have paint.
MARISHA: Oh yes, I do, here you go. ROBBIE: You have some? All right, thanks.
MARISHA: Yeah. LIAM: What are you
working on? ROBBIE: (buzzes lips) TALIESIN: I'd join you in that ombre.
ROBBIE: Aesthetic. (laughter) LIAM: I thought you handed--
LAURA: I'm going to alter-- LIAM: -- all your toys over.
LAURA: -- this robe a little bit to make it work with
my stuff that I ordered. ASHLEY: Laudna helped me--
ROBBIE: I did the armor, but I still have--
TALIESIN: A couple things. ASHLEY: Laudna helped me
alter my jacket. LAURA: (gasps) ASHLEY: FCG's jacket. TALIESIN: Oh, it looks really good.
LAURA: It fits you so well! ASHLEY: Yeah,
I think it looks good. I'm sewing on some pieces.
MARISHA: We could add a few more panels in back.
ASHLEY: A few more panels, yeah.
MARISHA: But it's pretty good. ASHLEY: I'm putting the sleeves
together, I used some-- LAURA: That's beautiful.
ASHLEY: Bits and baubles. TALIESIN: I see!
Oh, that's so cool. TRAVIS: DM, I'm going to
sit and start carving. MATT: Okay. Essek has also
dropped his illusion now. MARISHA: Mm.
LIAM: Orym-- LAURA: That's better. LIAM: -- drops to a knee--
MATT: "Agreed." LIAM: -- next to you,
Chet, off in the corner. Can I get into the bag? TRAVIS: Are you sure?
LIAM: Mm-hmm. TRAVIS: Okay. LIAM: I reach in and
pull out the Otohan blade. I don't make
a big deal out of it. LAURA: We're all watching.
MATT: Which one? TALIESIN: We notice.
MARISHA: Yeah. (laughs) LAURA: We're just like
crafting and staring. MATT: There's two blades,
which one do you pull? LIAM: The rapier. MATT: Oh yeah, the rapier,
the longer kind of saber? LIAM: Yeah. I'll be back. MARISHA: Where are you going? LIAM: Outside.
I'm getting some air. I'm going to--
MARISHA: That blade's bigger than you. We can all see you
taking Otohan's blade. LIAM: I hear her
as I go down the stairs. ASHLEY: He's allowed to do that, though.
TRAVIS: What was the name of the dagger? TALIESIN: He may actually be--
MATT: The dagger was Scream Needle.
TALIESIN: -- doing something healthy. LAURA: I don't think he's going
to follow a sugar glider. ASHLEY: Fair. Fair.
TRAVIS: I didn't get that one. ROBBIE: I have
Bertrand's old sword. I'm just waving
a sword around. TALIESIN: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!
(laughter) (applause)
(laughter) LIAM: Yes! ASHLEY: The hair. LIAM: Yes. (laughter) TRAVIS: (high-pitched
inaudible speech) Holy shit. Never looked so good. ROBBIE: But believe it or not,
I'm going to put it down. I'm going to stop painting. I was painting
my little mandolin, and I'm going to
start tinkering with Bertrand's old sword,
the Gambler's Blade. LAURA: Aw.
MARISHA: Buh huh huh huh. ASHLEY: Bertie.
LAURA: That's wonderful. ROBBIE: Yeah. MARISHA: Our first
fallen party member. ROBBIE: With the jeweler's
tools that I pocketed from the store while
no one was looking. MATT: (laughs) LAURA: Nice. Real nice. Essek? MATT: "Yes?" LAURA: I saw my mom
mess with time. Does Ludinus have a lot of
knowledge of this dunamancy? MATT: "(sighs) "Unfortunately, quite a bit." LAURA: You said there are artifacts that
contain a lot of power. MATT: "Mm-hmm." LAURA: Are they
located in Aeor? MATT: "It is believed that one
either once resided there "or may still reside there. "But "the Assembly has had access
to one of these artifacts "for some time." LAURA: Mm. MATT: "And part of that
is my fault. "So, in a way,
I'm still paying my penance." LAURA: Yeah. MATT: "In fact,"
and he points to Ashton, "part of the reason
that is the way it is "is because of what
I gave them years ago." LAURA: You're kind of
like his dad. MATT: "Oh, do not put
that on me, please." (laughter)
TALIESIN: No, you are not. MATT: He goes and begins to
craft this weird glow of ephemeral magical energy
in his palm, and then he flicks
it in the air, and you see this illusion
appear of a 12-sided relic that itself sparkles in
a similar cosmic way as your head does.
ASHLEY: That's pretty. TALIESIN: I've seen that.
MATT: "This is a beacon. "These are the supposed
fragments of the Luxon, "and it is a mystery as
to how many of these exist "across Exandria,
but a number of them "have been long under
control of the dynasty "and considered
the most holy of relics. "They are
the most powerful source "of dunamantic power
in all the world. "Since the Assembly
has acquired "one or perhaps more since, "they have exploited
it in ways, "been able to distill
some of its power "into a multitude of devices. "This vial you speak of, "they are one of
the numerous byproducts of "the Assembly's research." LAURA: Does that beacon
look familiar, anything we would've seen
at the Malleus Key? MATT: You do very much
recall seeing something of a similar shape
and design of the core of the Key right
before everything fired the bridge
off to the moon. LAURA: I tell Essek as much. TALIESIN: I've seen something
like it in my dreams. Kind of. (chuckles) Shit. MATT: "You know. "One of the hardest parts about
trying to be a better person "is the more time
that goes by, "you continue to realize "how long and wide
the ramifications "of your actions might be." TALIESIN: When you
jump out of a window, you try very hard not to
blame the quality of the glass. So, no harm, no foul. (chuckling) MATT: "It's easy to say,
but what if you were the one "that pushed you out
at one point?" TALIESIN: I pushed myself out,
to be fair. Well, I put myself there. I got enough blame
for us both. MATT: "Well, that certainly
answers a few questions "that I've had about how
they were able to tether "an astral body of that
size to our planet. "Between the combination
of Aeorian technology, "Ludinus' knowledge, the
sheer volume of magical power "and artifacts at the
Assembly's disposal, "and the timing of
the solstice." "But the fact that he's
still toying with Aeor "means that there's
something he still needs. LAURA: Yeah. MATT: "There's still
something there "that he requires, wants." MARISHA: I think so. LAURA: Something left before
he can release Predathos. MATT: "And that is a very
promising thought, yes?" LAURA: Do you think
Predathos is connected to this Luxon at all? MATT: "I do not know much
about this Predathos "beyond what my
partner has told me. "It seems like it's
ancient, prehistorical." MARISHA: Apparently,
it eats gods. MATT: "So I've heard. And to be honest,
they can have them." LAURA and TALIESIN: (laugh) MATT: "But what
I do not trust "is leaving that choice "in the hands of someone
like Ludinus Da'leth." MARISHA: Yes. Yes.
ASHLEY: Yeah. MARISHA: We've said that.
ASHLEY: Yes. MARISHA: You said it
better, but, yes. ASHLEY: "You summed it up--
MATT: "I usually do." ASHLEY: -- in a
really nice way. MATT: "Well. "Knowing that a beacon resides
at the center of the Key "might give us a way,
might give myself, "might give us a way,
might give myself, "and perhaps some
other dunamancers "that if they can see past--"
LAURA: (sneezes) MARISHA: Bless you.
MATT: "Blessings." TALIESIN: Gesundheit.
MATT: "Gesundheit. "I learned that from
my partner as well." LAURA: (laughs)
ROBBIE: (laughs) MATT: "If I could assemble
a few other dunamancers "who can see past my
previous infractions, "and I have a few ideas,
together, we could disrupt, "theoretically, the beacon
that resides in the Key. "Now, to do so would
cut the moon free "and end this bridge." LAURA: Wow. Yeah, do that. MATT: "That would mean
nobody on or off." MARISHA: Well, we sort
of found a little back door portal to the moon,
theoretically. TALIESIN: Mm-hmm. MARISHA: But maybe
it's all about timing. MATT: "Perhaps if you do
what you need to do, "if the Concord does
what it needs to do, "the Accord--" TRAVIS: (whispering)
Did he say destroy? MATT: "-- we can utilize that "as a way to perhaps
cut things off "should it go poorly, "or close the door behind you "if everyone manages
to succeed." LAURA: Yeah. MARISHA: Mm. MATT: "I will put some
thought to this." MARISHA: Will you hand me
those metal pins behind you? MATT: "Oh, certainly."
He brushes a hand and they glide over
to your grasp. MARISHA: Thank you. TALIESIN: I would never
stand up again. LAURA: (laughs) ASHLEY: Do you have a
lucky someone back home? MATT: "I have someone, yes." ASHLEY: Yeah? MATT: "He, too, has and is
wrestling with his demons." ASHLEY: Oh. MATT: "I think that's where
we found common ground once. "But he is kind,
and he is smart, "and he is so strong." LIAM: (doubtful) Eh.
(laughter) MATT: "Of heart." (laughter) ASHLEY: Cool, cool,
cool, cool. LAURA: (laughs) TRAVIS: The smell. MATT: "But he likely wouldn't
be where he is today "if it weren't for others to
hold him up in times of need. "So, I'm very glad you
have each other. "Solitude makes
for dark thoughts "and aimless wandering." MARISHA: I don't know. I got very creative
when I was alone. LAURA: (laughs) MATT: "I can imagine.
No judgment. "Anyway, I should
get to rest. "I expended quite a bit
of magic getting to you, "I expended quite a bit
of magic getting to you, "bringing us all here,
amongst other endeavors "I had earlier in the day,
and I would like to "talk to my partner
before I sleep. "Have a wonderful night." This is the first time
you've noticed as he goes to leave,
he does not take a step. He glides out of the
room a few inches off the ground. LIAM: Ah, I missed it. (laughter) MATT: As he leaves the room, you watch as his image shifts
back into that of Seth's and then disappears
down the hall. LAURA: Do you think
he casts a spell every time he does that? ASHLEY: That is so neat. LAURA: I want to
float everywhere. ASHLEY: I think you should.
LAURA: I'm going to cast Fly. MARISHA: But it's so
inefficient, Imogen. LAURA: And just float up. ROBBIE: Oh, that's--
ASHLEY: You just go up to the ceiling.
MARISHA: He's just doing it all the time. LAURA: I'm just
going to float up. ASHLEY: Okay, that works.
ROBBIE: That's so neat. ASHLEY: That works,
I really like it. ROBBIE: I'm still
a little tipsy. I'm going to cast
Fly on Chetney. Go, do it, too! (laughter) TRAVIS: (thud) ROBBIE: Oh, no, no.
I'm sorry. Sorry. TRAVIS: Fuck!
ROBBIE: Sorry. ASHLEY: Little bit of
pixie dust. MARISHA: You stole
Fizzy Lifting Drink. TRAVIS: (thud)
(laughter) MARISHA: You bumped
into the ceiling, which now needs
to be cleaned. TALIESIN: (as Wonka) You get--
TALIESIN and LAURA: -- nothing! TALIESIN: Good day, sir! ROBBIE: (laughs) TALIESIN: (laughs) Oh.
LIAM: (sighs pleasantly) MARISHA: As Laudna gets
into very much a rhythm and in a mind palace
as she builds, it seems almost seamless,
and there are times where it's almost like you
can see her zone out like she's not really on
this plane of existence, or even her eyes
are un-focusing as she's continuing to build, as it's coming at a seamless, as it's coming at a seamless, supernatural almost
expediency as she builds. MATT: Hmm. TALIESIN: I met FCG, I'm sewing while I do this. I was paid to go check out
something that had gone wrong in a mine. People had supposed
to clear it out, and the people that got
called, if I recall, it was a long time ago,
never came back. Found an absolute
fucking slaughter. Everything was a mess,
except for one machine who reactivated,
helped me clear it out, and was irritatingly nice
about the whole process. ROBBIE: (pleasant chuckle) TALIESIN: In that moment,
I realized I found the perfect roommate who would do so much work
to keep the place clean and not ask for rent.
LAURA an ROBBIE: (laugh) MATT and MARISHA: (laugh) TALIESIN: God, we even
were supposed to rent one of those flying-- Well, yeah. I was just
thinking about that. God, remember
just sitting around beating the fuck
out of furniture? LAURA: (laughs)
ASHLEY: Yeah. TALIESIN: (laughs) LAURA: What a day. TALIESIN: What a fucking day. (sighs) LAURA: Oh, thank you. ASHLEY: It was just open
there. I'm really into it. MARISHA: Are you going
to leave it like that? LAURA: (laughs)
ROBBIE: I know I missed a spot. MARISHA: All right.
LAURA: That was intentional. TALIESIN: Just because
it's not yours-- ROBBIE: Everyone's a critic. MARISHA: No, I just was,
you know. ROBBIE: I studied art
as a child for a long time,
I'll have you know. MARISHA: (mocking mumbles) ROBBIE: Oh, now we're mocking
each other, are we? Oh, so spooky. MARISHA: (laughs)
LIAM: (laughs) MATT: Meanwhile, outside under
the starry night over Zadash, stepping beyond the Eclipse, Orym, what are you doing? LIAM: Orym steps out onto
the cobblestones of Zadash and sees the small miniature
park across the thoroughfare and goes and sits down on
a bench in this little area and goes and sits down on
a bench in this little area and lays the blade
across his legs, and lays the blade
across his legs, this sword that he's seen at three pivotal
moments in his life. Memories flash by,
and of course he thinks about the day
that he saw this sword run his father and
his husband through. That bleeds into (sighs heavily) watching
Laudna struck down, Fearne struck down, and visions of Otohan
standing over him and just robbing the
life from his lungs. He sees, from his position
on the ground in a cave on the moon, watching Fresh Cut Grass erupt into light, and he thinks about
all the people in this city and all the cities across Wildemount
and Tal'Dorei and Issylra that don't fully understand
what's coming. He just looks at this sword where it really all
started for him. He stands above the park
bench and grips the blade and feels the weight of it. It's a little heavier
than what he's used to, and the grip is
very different. The positioning is
very different. He slowly steps into the
Zeph'aeratam with this blade, feeling it out. Over the next few minutes,
what starts slow gets a little bit faster,
and he's alone in this park and begins moving
through the positions. It gets faster and faster,
and his arm is starting to ache with the weight
of it for how long he is going through the motions,
and he begins to sweat. After a few minutes,
he just stops, exhausted and sweating
in the night in the middle of
a strange town on a continent that he
has never been to. And he sees Ludinus, somewhere out there. He looks at this
cursed sword, He looks at this
cursed sword, raises it up, raises his arm over his head, and presses the
blade to his back and little tendrils of
vine crawl all over it and affix it. Seedling and Otohan's blade rest side by side
on his back. He just stands there sweating
in the cool, Zadash air. He just stands there sweating
in the cool, Zadash air. MATT: (soft plops) You can feel the beginning
drops of a cool rain begin to spatter across
your shoulders and head. They run down your forehead, bringing a welcome chill to the heated, sweaty,
worked body of Orym. You glance up to
see a clear sky if not but a single
little plume of cloud that seems to be resting
directly above you. LIAM: I can even still hear
the music from the burlesque playing from across the road,
and I can't help but think of the people just
trying to live their lives in the face of the impossible and how that's something
worth fighting for. It makes it so that the
weight of the blade on my back is not
too heavy to carry. I think I just sit
on the bench and take a little more
time for myself. MATT: Sitting on the bench
as the rain still patters at the vines of
Seedling grow out and root into the wood
planks of the bench and grow across
your shoulders, and for a brief moment, you feel like you could
just sit there forever. In that moment, the
rain feels warm. Like an embrace. It's been a minute since
you felt her presence, but you can feel... You can feel the Wildmother
touching your shoulders. You can feel that weight that presses
your body down become just a little
lighter as well. LIAM: I can think
of 50 questions and things I want
to say to her, but I don't want to ruin
the moment with words. I head back in. MATT: Okay. The rest of you continue
your crafting night. MARISHA: At this point in time,
Laudna has started to panic about the amount that
still needs to get done. MATT: Relatable.
LAURA: (laughs) MATT: (laughs)
MARISHA: Yes. The night before
San Diego Comic-Con. MATT: Yep. (laughter) MATT: Know that well. MARISHA: Four more hours of
work to do on this fucking cosplay. MATT: Room smells of
spray paint. TALIESIN: This iron
is not working. TRAVIS: Hot glue gun
stuck to the carpet. MATT: Yup.
MARISHA: I can see everybody else trying to craft in a fury, so I cast Animate Objects
on Sashimi so I cast Animate Objects
on Sashimi as well as Sashimi's hut,
the house that Chetney made, and it
gets little legs like a little Baba Yaga
hut and little arms. ASHLEY: (laughs) MARISHA: As well as Sashimi
and then maybe-- TALIESIN: You need
a little help? MARISHA: Yes, oh! Yes,
and a hand. I cast Animate Objects
on the hand, and now we have a
handful of little-- LAURA: Oh, I still have
this horse that Chet made. MATT: The horse, fine,
everyone, anything. The chamberpot gets legs,
and everything turns into little assistants
that we have helping us. So I'm directing
like it's "Fantasia." MATT: (laughs) MARISHA: The house is
pitter-pattering, and I'm like: Get
me the scissors! MATT: Tim Burton's Island
of Misfit Toys going to work in here.
ALL: Yes. MATT: Pâté's perched on your shoulder being
like, "Oh wow. "That's pretty inspired
there, love." MARISHA: Oh, thank you. MATT: You glance over
and, if you recall, her little fun dead rat Pâté
that she had crafted-- ROBBIE: Mm.
MATT: -- is now moving and talking on her shoulder.
LAURA: Oh shit, you never saw that. ROBBIE: Ha,
that's a neat trick. How are you making
him do that? (laughter) MATT: "Oh, it's a
really fun thing." ROBBIE: Oh, okay.
You can stop now. MARISHA: That's just him now.
This is Pâté! MATT: "Hi! It's good
to meet you. "It's been a bit. I was
flopping around last time, "but now, I'm always here." MARISHA: He's a real boy. ROBBIE: Oh, oh. Is it too late to back
out of this now? TRAVIS: Somebody hold Dorian.
He's going to run. Hold Dorian.
MARISHA: No, no. MATT: The vacuous darkness
inside of the bird's skull stares at you as you focus and you swear you can see
the faintest little spark of purple flame deep in.
"(laughs)" ROBBIE: Yeah, I assume he's
still horny and disgusting. MARISHA: Yes.
ROBBIE: Is he nice? MARISHA: Yes! ROBBIE: That sounded
like a lie. MARISHA: Well. (laughter) ROBBIE: Hello, Pâté.
It's nice to see you again. MATT: "Put her there!" ROBBIE: (shrieks)
MATT: The hand grabs you, latches onto your hand and holds onto it, and
it skitters up your arm. (laughter) (laughter)
ROBBIE: (shrieks) MARISHA: Like when
a cat latches on. ROBBIE: Oh, no, no. Oh, I just wanted
to say hello. MATT: "Hello!" ROBBIE: Hello.
MATT: "Hello." ROBBIE: Hello. MATT: (saucy) "Hello."
ROBBIE: Oh, this isn't so bad. I'm tickling him.
I'm tickling him. I like his laugh. MARISHA: He's a bit of
an acquired taste. ROBBIE: Aw, taste? MATT: "My turn," and he
scurries up your arm and starts tickling
all over your belly. (laughter) TRAVIS: Oh my god. MATT: Starts gently
humping your elbow. ROBBIE: All right, all
right, all right, all right. MARISHA: All right, all right.
ROBBIE: Here, you can take him back, and I'm going to put him on
and hopefully he shimmies up. MARISHA: Mm-hmm. TALIESIN: I can use a little
bit of base help, too, just to wonder, and
I put the Ashton toy down. Can we get a little?
I need a little-- MARISHA: Yes, I turn the voodoo
doll into a little doll, and they're all skittering
around and Sashimi's-- LAURA: I'm re-upping my Fly
spell and flying above. TALIESIN: Yeah.
MATT: You're just like (slow whoosh). LAURA: Yeah, I'm hovering. MATT: Like an astronaut up
in the space station. MARISHA: See Sashimi sewing
up Fearne's skirt on the back and the hand is moving items
and holding down leather as I cut it. (laughter) ASHLEY: After some time, I'm going to go out
and see where Orym is, because I feel like he's
been gone for a while. MATT: Okay. You step out and
glance for a bit as you see him step
out of a bench on a small park across
the way and begin walking back towards the inn. You as you're heading down
looking at the ground look up as the rain fades, and then look straight
down into Fearne's eyes about 20 feet away. ASHLEY: Hi, friend. LIAM: Hey, Fearnie. ASHLEY: Are you okay? I mean, that's kind
of a dumb question. LIAM: Then why ask?
You know the answer. ASHLEY: I know. LIAM: You should talk. You had quite the heart-to-heart
with dear old dad. ASHLEY: Yeah. That was weird. Thanks for following and
checking in on me to make sure Thanks for following and
checking in on me to make sure I was okay. LIAM: That's like breathing. ASHLEY: We're going
to be okay, right? LIAM: I reach up and
squeeze your hand. ASHLEY: I pick him
up and grab him. ROBBIE: (whooshing) What are you two
doing out here? ASHLEY: Hey. ROBBIE: Hi. I feel like it's been so much
of them and not a lot of us. Hello.
LIAM: Join in. ASHLEY: Join in. Join in.
ROBBIE: Join in what? Is this a group hug?
ASHLEY: Yeah. ROBBIE: I've been waiting for
this since the moment I saw you. ASHLEY: Yes.
ROBBIE: Mm. (grunts) 17 Strength. I'm giving
it everything I got. (laughter) MARISHA: 17's not bad.
LAURA: 17's not bad. MATT: A couple of
nice back pops and maybe one or two
not nice back pops. ROBBIE: (sighs) LIAM: Boy. You remember when I held
a blade to your chest and told you not to put
that crown on your head? ASHLEY: Whoa. ROBBIE: That's right. Spoiler alert, I did not
put that crown on my head. Otherwise, I wouldn't
be here right now. LIAM: I think about
that every day. ROBBIE: Every step of the way,
I've thought about you. It's been a hard road. ASHLEY: How are you doing? ROBBIE: Oh, I'm all right. ASHLEY: Yeah? ROBBIE: For now. I don't
know. There's no way to know. I've never been much for
looking forward or back, but this, this is nice. ASHLEY: This is nice. ROBBIE: I'm glad
we've all found our way. I don't want to be the one
to drag us back into the party, but, well, not that
it's a party, but-- ASHLEY: No, no, no. ROBBIE: It's the closest
thing I've had in a while. ASHLEY: Well, I feel so-- I'm going to go back inside,
but I'll let you guys catch up if you want to catch up. I don't know, if you
want to, it's fine. I love you both, and I'm going to
go catch some Z's. That just means I'm
going to go to sleep. LIAM: Are you tie-tie? ASHLEY: I'm really tie-tie. So if you guys want to
snuggle later, I'll be there, but I'm going to go back
in and finish my dress. Good night. (smooches) Good night. (smooches) (quiet laughter) ASHLEY: Bye. MARISHA: She does that
when she walks in. LIAM: The little tail. MARISHA: Yeah, the
tail. (laughs) ROBBIE: She's about the
least subtle, isn't she? LIAM and LAURA: (laugh) LIAM: No, that's why we
are so fond of her. ROBBIE: Mm. LIAM: You know, that
day, I didn't want you to put that thing on your
head because I didn't want you to drag yourself
down with it. ROBBIE: Mm. LIAM: I've done so much
shit since then. It makes it seem funny that I was so determined. ROBBIE: I've never been
accused of being wise, but I do think that
life will drag you down but I do think that
life will drag you down regardless of what you
try to stop happening. You have to rely on the mooring
and buoys of the people you meet along the way. You can't protect
everyone all the time. Look at me. I'm here now. It might hurt to say,
but without you. You don't have
to save everyone. It's the rain, right? You've got rain in your eyes? (laughs) LIAM: I tried to reach
out a lot. ROBBIE: I know. LIAM: But you still
got me through. ROBBIE: I wouldn't be
here without you, and now, I'm here with you. Come on. You're getting wet.
I'll take his hand. I'll try to pull him
inside with me. MATT: It's interesting. As you step into the
tavern and you look out, not a cloud in the sky. ROBBIE: (laughs) Hm. It seems like a
poor excuse now. (laughter) MATT: There was rain,
but it's gone. Gathering back up
in the room, you all finish your
evening of crafts. (laughter) MATT: As much as you feel you can
and need to for the evening. Some of you lulling off to
an early, half-drunken slumber, and the others probably working
way too late into the night, and practically running
themselves into exhaustion, but just barely
missing the cusp, until eventually,
morning comes calling. MARISHA: I think, Laudna,
before you continue on-- MATT: Yeah. MARISHA: -- is probably
the last to fall asleep. She finishes her
way-too-ambitious build. (laughter) MARISHA: Her eye catches
Otohan's sword MARISHA: Her eye catches
Otohan's sword on the back of Orym's back. MATT: Mm-hmm. MARISHA: She's
unnerved by that. It makes her eye twitch. She hates it. MATT: "It's a dark
memory, my dear." MARISHA: Oh my god. Then--
TALIESIN: Shit. MATT: "To keep
something filled "with such terrible memories
so close. "(tsking tongue clicks) "The wound will never heal." MARISHA: Why is he
carrying it? It's cursed. MATT: "Maybe it's not Otohan
that drove it through you. "Maybe the blade
drove Otohan. "Wouldn't be my first foray "with weapons
of consciousness." MARISHA: It's conscious? Do you think it
could turn Orym? MATT: "I don't know." MARISHA: Tell me. You do. MATT: "I'd have to
hold it first." (chuckling) MARISHA: We certainly
seem to be mingling with a lot of members of
the Cerberus Assembly. MATT: "(laughs) "Indeed."
MARISHA: You were one of them, right? MATT: "I was,
once upon a time." MARISHA: Did you know
Ludinus? MATT: "I did." MARISHA: What do
I need to know? MATT: "He does not
have friends. "He surrounds himself
with tools, "things to be used, "and the minute
their use is gone, "so are they. MARISHA: Solidarity
can be exploited. MATT: (amused) "Hmm." MARISHA: I'm starting
to learn he doesn't have
many allies. MATT: "It's funny. "Few who spend their time
in the Assembly ever do." MARISHA: Must be exhausting
having a life filled with
fair-weather friends. MATT: "Maybe, "but it's certainly a path
to get things done "but it's certainly a path
to get things done "if you're smart enough." MARISHA: You should help
me more. We made a deal. MATT: "You should give me
more, and I'll help you." MARISHA: I creep towards
the blade on Orym's back. LAURA: (gasps)
ROBBIE: (surprised gawk) LAURA: Ooh! ASHLEY: Goosebumps. ROBBIE: (groans nervously) LAURA: You're super
perceptive, right? MARISHA: How asleep is he? MATT: I mean,
he seems asleep. He's been asleep
for a few hours. MARISHA: Mm-hmm. He's been
asleep for a few hours? MATT: Yeah. You do know
that he is pretty-- MARISHA: Perceptive? MATT: -- perceptive
and aware of things. (heartbeat pulses) LAURA: Oh! TRAVIS: Just got to beat a 15.
MATT: (heartbeat pulses) MARISHA: (laughs)
TRAVIS: Just got to beat a 15. MARISHA: I don't think
I'm going to beat-- TRAVIS: (whispers) You
just got to beat a 15. MARISHA: I don't pry-- TALIESIN: Ooh.
MARISHA: -- the blade from his back. Is it still enwrapped in
the vines on his back? Is he like--
MATT: Yeah. The vines are what
hold it to his back. LIAM: It's like a vine hilt that I tear every time
I remove a blade. TRAVIS: (whispers) 15.
MARISHA: (laughs) TALIESIN: This is way
higher than a 15. (laughter)
TALIESIN: It's way higher. MARISHA: I'm still
crafting, right? So everyone, once again,
room party vibes. There's still activity going. MATT: Well, you said at this
point, when everyone else has gone to sleep.
LIAM: You were the last-- MARISHA: Everyone is asleep, but I'm--
TALIESIN: Yeah. MARISHA: -- still doing
last-minute stuff. MATT: Yeah. Of everyone here,
you're the one who needs sleep the least--
ASHLEY: Last one up at the slumber party. MARISHA: Last one up at the slumber party.
MATT: -- in general. Yeah. TRAVIS: (whispering)
It's actually a 16. MARISHA: There's still--
MARISHA and LIAM: (laugh) MATT: There's just
all your little-- MARISHA: Little things.
MATT: -- all your little things helping out and putting together.
MARISHA: Little noise. MATT: Yeah.
MARISHA: Little, you know. ASHLEY: ♪ Whistle while you work ♪
MARISHA: Yeah, last one to sleep. TRAVIS: (whispers)
16 and a half. MARISHA: Shut up! (laughter) MARISHA: I don't pry it,
but I do do a little-- ASHLEY: Touchy, touchy.
MARISHA: Yeah. I just run my finger
along the blade. TRAVIS: A little spider
crawl with your fingers? MARISHA: Yes.
TRAVIS: Ooh. MATT: You run your
finger along-- MARISHA: For anyone who would
probably be seeing this, not that anyone is, it
probably looks fucking insane. LAURA: Yeah.
MATT: Yeah, you were like-- MARISHA: I'm over his body.
MATT: Yeah. LIAM: Yeah.
MATT: It's like a spider-- MARISHA: Caressing the blade.
MATT: -- over a fly that it's bound in its web.
MARISHA: Yeah. LIAM: Uh-huh, little fly.
TALIESIN: ♪ I've got to ♪ (bass beat pulsing)
♪ Run away ♪ MATT: So the blade is
covered by the vines, but there are
parts of the hilt that you can touch freely. As you run your
finger over it, where your finger
runs along it, you see this faint
trail of purple, like a blade that
had been heated, but it's a purple hue
instead of an orange, and it fades slowly after. It hums with power,
with history, with lives lost
and blood spilled. This blade was made long
before Otohan wielded it. LIAM: Sick. MARISHA: Tell me, is it sentient? MATT: "You have to wield
it for me to know." ROBBIE: Must wield it. MARISHA: I try and grip
it a little stronger without removing it. MATT: Okay. Make a
sleight of hand check-- TRAVIS: 16 and 1/2.
MATT: -- with advantage. (laughter)
MARISHA: With what? TRAVIS: (whispering) 16. MATT: I'll say, actually no. You'd be sleeping,
so you're at disadvantage so it's half your
passive perception. LIAM: For Fearne, you just used half of
my passive perception. MATT: That's what
I'm saying, yeah. So half your
passive perception. LIAM: Which is 33. MATT: No, half your
passive perception. LIAM: I know. The full is 33.
MATT: Yeah, yeah. LIAM: Halved.
MATT: So 33 halved to-- TRAVIS: 16 and 1/2.
MATT: 16, right? MARISHA: 16 and 1/2.
TALIESIN: Yes. LAURA: His passive is 33. ROBBIE: (laughs)
TALIESIN: Right? MATT: So, if you wanted to
roll a sleight of hand check. ASHLEY: Okay, I just
had to make sure. MATT: You just have
to beat a 16. TALIESIN: It's insane, right?
LAURA: You just had to double check his-- MARISHA: I need to roll a 10. LAURA: My passive
perception is 11. TRAVIS: You got a plus six? LIAM: Vex had a very high
passive perception. LAURA: I know, yeah.
ASHLEY: That's so high. TALIESIN: Mine too. ROBBIE: That's crazy.
ASHLEY: That's crazy. TRAVIS: You can roll
higher than a 10. MARISHA: I can roll higher than a 10.
LIAM: You can do it. LAURA: Yeah.
MARISHA: I'm just wondering if I can stack the deck--
LAURA: You got this. TRAVIS: You can roll higher than--
MARISHA: -- even more in my favor. TRAVIS: Oh.
MARISHA: His perception-- Here's what I'm going to do.
MATT: Okay. MARISHA: Before I do this.
LAURA: Here's what I'm going to do. TRAVIS: (excited) Mm! MARISHA: Nothing beats a
good solid night's sleep with some blackout curtains. I'm going to cast
Darkness on the room. MATT: Okay.
MARISHA: Magical Darkness. TALIESIN: Oh my god,
you fucking beast! MATT: The room fills to complete umbra.
TRAVIS: Now we're getting serious! MARISHA: I can see
through it. Does that help my odds?
MATT: You are the only one. This is a touch-based
perception. It is attached to his back. So this is whether or not you
could try and grasp the blade and manipulate it
without him feeling it. So the Darkness
doesn't aid that, but it might aid should
anything ensue afterward. ROBBIE: Do it. LAURA: (laughs) MARISHA: It has
to be physical? It can't be Mage Hand? MATT: I mean, you can
try and Mage Hand it. But you then have
to wield it after. TRAVIS: Oops. MARISHA: When you say-- (laughs)
LAURA and MATT: (laugh) MARISHA: When you say
"wield," I've got to remove
it from his person. MATT: Right, and hold
it in your hand. TRAVIS: Put it in his body.
MATT: It would be the equivalent of how you have to spend an
hour to sit with an item to attune with it
or understand it truly. Not that long,
but the same kind of, you have to have the
weapon to understand it. MARISHA: It's entwined
with these vines. MATT: The vines have built
a sheath around it, and I imagine--
MARISHA: A sheath. MATT: -- wrapped over
the hilt as well. LIAM: Yeah, it's not
slide out-able. It's, break glass in an
emergency kind of thing so it was all spidered--
MATT: Yeah, it'll snap the vines to pull it free.
LIAM: -- over the hilt and all down the blade. TALIESIN: You have to prune.
MATT: Now, mind you-- LIAM: The pommel.
MATT: -- if the vines are withered-- MARISHA: So, you-- Don't steal my idea!
MATT: I know, I know, I know! I knew where you were going.
MARISHA: You knew where I was going. MATT: No, I knew where
you were going. (laughter) MATT: I knew exactly
where you were going. MARISHA: I--
ROBBIE: You can't wield it. MARISHA: -- take my
spindly hands and the back of my fingers--
TRAVIS: (dry creaking) MARISHA: -- and I run it almost like an X-ACTO knife,
like the sharpest blade, down the vines and cast
Wither and Bloom on the vines. ASHLEY: That's fucking cool. MARISHA: Sorry.
TRAVIS: Now we're talking. ASHLEY: Let's go, bish.
MARISHA: (laughs) MATT: Go ahead and roll damage
for Wither and Bloom. TALIESIN: Oh my god! MARISHA: Just for the vines.
MATT: I know. LAURA: Don't let anything
happen before I get back. ASHLEY: Okay, okay, okay.
I won't let anything happen. MATT: So this would be
you essentially casting-- TRAVIS: (dark) Not
just the vines! MARISHA: Shut up,
fucking Willingham! TALIESIN: I love--
MARISHA: Shut up! TALIESIN: -- everything
this is! ROBBIE: Do it! ASHLEY: ♪ Do it,
do it, do it ♪ MARISHA and ASHLEY:
♪ Do it, do it, do it ♪ MARISHA: Five.
MATT: Okay. So, Wither and Bloom is a
radius from a point in space. MARISHA: Mm-hmm, 10 feet.
MATT: So yeah. So you will be essentially
maneuvering it-- MARISHA: To the top.
MATT: -- to the top to come down and catch
the bottom at an angle. This is going to be a challenging incision.
LIAM: It's like this much. MATT: Yeah.
MARISHA: Yeah, so I just need-- LIAM: This much--
MARISHA: I just need the-- LIAM: -- to not hit me.
MATT: So-- MARISHA: Uh-huh.
LIAM: But hit the vine. MATT: Correct.
MARISHA: Yeah. MATT: So what I would
like you to do-- LIAM: (chuckles)
MARISHA: You know what, hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on.
MATT: (laughs) ROBBIE: The bargaining! MARISHA: Well, I've
already done it, huh? MATT: Yeah.
MARISHA: I can't backtrack. Nevermind.
MATT: So roll-- LIAM: This is the best. MATT: Roll an arcana
check for me. MARISHA: Because I could have
theoretically Blighted them. An arcana check?
MATT: Yes. MARISHA: Okay. MATT: You could
have Blighted them, but we're here now.
MARISHA: I could've Blight. I should've Blighted them.
MATT: It's okay. ROBBIE: (exhales nervously) ASHLEY: This is stressful.
ROBBIE: Yes. ASHLEY: I love it.
MARISHA: It's okay. 11. MATT: The first thing that
catches your attention, Orym-- MARISHA: (laughs)
MATT: -- is the feeling of air being pulled from your lungs
and this burning sensation along your back
and shoulders. You come to consciousness
to blindness. What do you do? LIAM: Am I damaged? MATT: You take five points of necrotic damage?
MARISHA: Shit! I should have fucking Blighted
those damn fucking vines. LIAM: So I'm feeling both dark, strange pain. MATT: Correct, and then
you come to consciousness and shoot awake
and see nothing. LIAM: Do I feel the
weight of a body of a large spider-like
woman pressing on me? TRAVIS: (laughs)
MATT: There's no pressing on you. MARISHA: I wasn't touching you.
LIAM: So no. LAURA: "I wasn't touching you!"
MATT: Of course, you see him shoot awake.
MARISHA: I'm not touching you. ASHLEY: I'm not touching you. TRAVIS: Yeah--
LIAM: Then I would spin up onto my legs as
I pulled Seedling out and I would do a full
circle with the blade. MATT: Okay.
TRAVIS: (sharp groan) ROBBIE: (agonized groans)
(laughter) MARISHA: You got Chet.
(laughter) TRAVIS: Why did I
decide to spoon? MATT: All right.
(laughter) MATT: What are you doing, Laudna?
TRAVIS: Never again! LAURA: (laughs)
Roll your d100. MATT: You see him shoot awake and then, while
you're loomed over-- MARISHA: I Spider Climb and
climb to the ceiling. MATT: Okay.
LIAM: I mean, I wouldn't wait. It would be, (slashes) as
soon as I felt like I was-- ASHLEY: No.
LIAM: -- being drained. MATT: Here's what I'll do.
LIAM: Yeah. MATT: Because this
is also realization, the moment it takes, because you wake
up with the pain and then it takes a moment
to realize that you're blind and then go into that motion.
While she sees you even coming to consciousness.
MARISHA: The moment he stirs. MATT: So I'm going
to have this be a contested dexterity roll from each of you.
MARISHA: Well, I mean-- MATT: So roll a d20 and add
your dexterity modifier. MARISHA: He's going to be better.
TALIESIN: Yeah. LIAM: Just add the modifier.
MATT: Just the modifier. LIAM: It's not a save.
MATT: Correct. MARISHA: (groans)
LIAM: So I rolled a 19. MARISHA: 10 total. MATT: A 19.
LAURA: Whoa! MATT: Go ahead and roll
an attack and damage. LIAM: So I'm rolling
to hit still, yeah? MATT: You are. This is to see
if the blade catches up before she can leave.
MARISHA: He's in Darkness though, too. MATT: Right, so disadvantage
on the strike. LIAM: Okay. Okay, so that is 17 to hit.
MARISHA: Shield. MATT: So you strike
outward into nowhere, and your blade (thunks)
hits something, but it scrapes off of it, like you hit a stone
wall or something. LIAM: As soon as I feel
that, then (quick slashes) with the second two attacks
on my attack action. MATT: Make two more
attacks at disadvantage. MARISHA: But I Spider Climb,
Spider Climb. MATT: I understand.
He's pursuing you as you're pulling away
at the same speed. You're both essentially--
LIAM: So 21 for the second. MATT: What's your AC
with Shield? MARISHA: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
MATT: 19, so that's one hit. MARISHA: Okay.
LIAM: So 21, 22. I would unload all-- Once I feel someone fucking
with me even further I would press both,
so 21, 22. That means attack
two and three hit. MATT: Correct, so roll
damage for each of those. LIAM: (sighs) I will make the-- I'll make it
a pushing attack. So that's five plus six is 12 plus... So that's 18 points of
damage for the first, and you have to make
a strength save against-- MATT: Or be pushed
back 10 feet. LIAM: Ugh. Later. No, I don't want
to update the software! LAURA: (laughs) Oh no!
(laughter) MARISHA: Oh, no. I fully fail.
ASHLEY: Now?! LIAM: Okay.
MATT: So, one heavy swipe catches you and sends
you flying back 10 feet (crash) into the wall. A loud impact of wood, which starts to rustle all
of you from your slumber. And all of you can't see. Your next attack.
LIAM: That's attack two. I hear my opponent
smack the wall, so then I make the third
attack, I slice the air and the force goes
out from Seedling. Six there, and that's
five plus six. 12. We'll just call it there. I'm not going to add
a superiority die to it. So that's another
12 points of damage. MATT: Another 12 points
of damage to you. I need you to make two concentration checks
for me, Laudna. MARISHA: For what?
TRAVIS: Darkness. MATT: For maintaining Darkness.
LIAM: Darkness. MARISHA: Hmm, okay.
That's fine. MATT: First attack
was 17 damage? MARISHA: That's easy enough.
ROBBIE: She's getting away with it! LIAM: It was high teens.
MARISHA: Yes. ROBBIE: Yes! MARISHA: Yes, it's got to
be over 10, right? MATT: Correct, yep.
with my modifier. MATT: So the strikes--
LIAM: So Darkness stays. MATT: -- go through,
you heard the impact. You still can't see anything. LIAM: Okay. MARISHA: Now skitter, skitter,
skitter, skitter to the roof. TALIESIN: I am up.
MATT: Is that the end of your-- LIAM: That's it, yeah.
MATT: Yeah. LIAM: Yeah, that's it.
I'm just holding my ground. TALIESIN: I am--
MATT: You hear a shifting of movement.
TALIESIN: Hop up. MATT: With your
passive perception, because it's really high
and you're conscious, you can gauge the
sound of movement and skittering at
an angle upward. LAURA: Are we awake? MATT: The rest of you are starting
to come to consciousness. MARISHA: I Mage Hand--
LAURA: Laudna? MARISHA: Mage Hand the sword. MATT: Okay. So you use your action
to cast a Mage Hand. MARISHA: Yeah. MATT: I need you to make a-- Roll a d20 and add your
spellcasting modifier. This is to beat the strength of the vines holding
it to his back. MARISHA: Wouldn't the
vines have also hit the Blight, though? MATT: Yeah. The vine,
she's just pulling-- MARISHA: Yeah,
the vines are gone. MATT: Yeah, just
go ahead and roll. The vines aren't gone,
they're just withered. MARISHA: Okay. Spell
attack or spell-- MATT: Just add your
charisma modifier. MARISHA: Okay. 16. MATT: Easily enough.
MARISHA: Yeah. MATT: In the shadow,
as you do the strikes there and you parry, you hear
the sound going. All of sudden, you feel the
blade dislodge from your back. ASHLEY: Oh my god.
ROBBIE: (gasps) That's good.
MATT: So you, and you pull it toward you?
MARISHA: Mm-hmm. ASHLEY: Oh my god.
MATT: You have it your grasp. LAURA: (gasps) ASHLEY: Oh my god. ROBBIE: Yeah. MARISHA: I say in
my head: Tell me! MATT: "Yes."
LAURA and ROBBIE: (gasp) MATT: "It must be destroyed. "Can I?" MARISHA: This'll
protect Orym. (gasping) LIAM: I think
that's six seconds. By now, I would attack again. MATT: Yeah, go for it. LIAM: Still is at
disadvantage, right? MATT: Correct because
you still can't see. LIAM: Okay, so that is 19 to hit.
MARISHA: Fuck this sword. ASHLEY: Yeah, fuck the sword.
MARISHA: Fuck this. TALIESIN: That would miss, I think.
LIAM: I don't know. If Shield lasts
one round, so-- MATT: Shield lasts
for one round, yeah. ROBBIE: Orym's going
to be mad at you. LIAM: I'm giving you the option
to cast Shield, if you want. I got a 19 to hit.
MARISHA: I'm on the ceiling. He's--
MATT: Right. LIAM: I can send
a slash through the air. MATT: Yeah, Seedling can shoot
air blades out for 15 feet. MARISHA: What did you roll?
TRAVIS: Is it a cone-- LIAM: 19.
MATT: -- or is it a line? MARISHA: 19 is my AC.
MATT: It's a line. It's just a single-- What's that?
MARISHA: 19's my AC, so no. I take it.
MATT: Okay. MARISHA: Actually,
hang on. Wait. Well, you're already moving. LIAM: Okay, so let's make
it a trip attack. Six, 13--
LAURA: Oh! TALIESIN: That'll work?
MATT: He can. LIAM: 10, 22 damage, and you have to make--
MATT: 22 points of damage. LIAM: -- a strength save
or fall prone. MARISHA: How does that
work with Spider Climb? I'm on the ceiling. MATT: In this instance-- MARISHA: Can't trip me,
I'm on the ceiling. MATT: Well, just
tripping is knocking your feet off of the
floor, off the ground, knocking your
feet off the ceiling would still cause
you to fall. LAURA: Hmm. MARISHA: I don't know
if I agree with that. (laughter) MARISHA: Oh, that's
actually pretty good. It's probably still not
good enough, though. 14. MATT: 14.
LIAM: No, fail. MATT: Given the fact
that Spider Climb is an adhesive-type scenario, I would reduce
the DC of that, given this instance, of the trip attack, to situate for that. So what's the DC on it? LIAM: 18.
MATT: 18? Ah, I think
she probably stays with the trip attack
for this one, given the Spider Climb--
MARISHA: But GM's rules, GM's rules, but--
MATT: I know, well, the only thing
is, the Spider Climb is like a magical adhesive-- LIAM: Okay, that's fine. MATT: -- it
holds her there. But that's still
22 points of damage. I need you to make a
constitution saving throw. MARISHA: Okay. Ooh. Wait, plus-- MATT: Constitution
saving throw. MARISHA: -- my constitution. No, fails.
LAURA: (gasps) MATT: (whooshes)
The Darkness vanishes. ASHLEY: (gasps)
MATT: As you all are grabbing your equipment and getting out of
bed and you're-- ROBBIE: Ah!
MATT: -- looking around, Orym, you're getting ready to do your ninja strike.
MARISHA: (laughs) MATT: You look up and you see up in the corner crouched--
LAURA: (laughs) I love it. MATT: -- climbing across
the ceiling, skittering, Laudna, eyes wide and black, you see her clutching
in her hand Ishta. LIAM: I have seen her look
hungry over enemies before, and I will switch
to bonus action, and from Seedling send
out a Grasping Vine to Ishta to pull it back to me. MARISHA: You bitch. MATT: Okay. (nervous laughter) MATT: So-- MARISHA: You bitch. (laughs) LAURA: (laughs) LIAM: Who's a bitch? (laughter) (cheering) MATT: Okay, so--
MARISHA: Oh my god. ROBBIE: But we're friends. LAURA: (laughs) LAURA: Buddies!
TRAVIS: We've been crafting! (laughter) MATT: What's the DC on
the vine from the? (laughter)
LIAM: Yeah, I'm going to look. ROBBIE: That was
my Mod Podge! (laughter) TALIESIN: (scary voice) Get
your own goddam one. LIAM: 14.
LAURA: (laughs) MATT: 14, all right.
MARISHA: Grasping Vine is a spell, correct? LIAM: Mm-hmm.
MATT: It is. MARISHA: Counterspell. ASHLEY: Aw, shit.
TALIESIN: (laughs) ASHLEY: Oh shit!
MATT: Your vine strikes out from the blade, and then halfway
through the air, just (whooshes) turns to ash. ASHLEY: Oh, cool.
TALIESIN: Ah. MARISHA: There's a door
slash window here? MATT: There is. MARISHA: I have Mage Hand
open the door. Or the window.
What's easier? MATT: From where
you are now, they're both equidistant. LIAM: My turn's
not done yet. MATT: Correct. MARISHA: Okay. LIAM: I imagine, even though
I only used one of three, I think switching
to bonus action expends the following two
attacks, I would assume. MATT: No, you can
divvy up the attacks between maneuvering.
MARISHA: (laughs) ASHLEY: I love it. LIAM: Good to know. I then spring
off the ground and swing Seedling
at the sword. No longer at disadvantage. MATT: Mm-hmm. LIAM: That's a 25 to
hit, disarming attack. MATT: Okay, roll
damage on that. LIAM: 22. ASHLEY: Oof!
MATT: 22 points of slashing damage to you. MARISHA: Okay. LIAM: You have to make
a strength save again to hold the blade. MARISHA: That's not my thing.
ASHLEY: This is a nat 20. MARISHA: That's not my thing.
ROBBIE: It's stressing me out.
MARISHA: Got to be a nat 20. No, negative.
ROBBIE: (sighs) MATT: (whooshes) The blade
(whooshes) (vibrates) sticks into the wall
over by the window. LIAM: Action Surge, kick off the wall
towards the blade. Grasp it, yank it out, pick up and roll, and hold it aimed at Laudna. Just breathing hard, I don't
know what the fuck is going on, but I got my sword back. MATT: Okay. So using the Action Surge to go into a dash action, you rush back and
pick up the object as part of the pick
up object action at the end of your turn. Now, holding Ishta
in your hand, the rest of the room now come to consciousness.
ASHLEY: Whoa, whoa. MATT: You see Orym,
blade in hand, faced up towards Laudna, who is on the ceiling, as they both stare breathing. MARISHA: My turn? MATT: Yeah, I mean,
if anybody else wants to jump
in on this, but-- LAURA: What's happening? MARISHA: I drop down. MATT: (whooshes) From the ceiling, which is awesome. (laughs)
ASHLEY: That's so cool. MARISHA: I cast Phantasmal
Force on Orym. ASHLEY: (gasps)
MATT: Okay. ASHLEY: What?
ROBBIE: Phantasmal Force. TALIESIN: Oooh. MATT: So, Orym--
LIAM: Okay. MATT: I need you--
ASHLEY: What is this? MATT: -- to make an intelligence
saving throw for me, please. LIAM: Okay, is this versus
being frightened? MARISHA: No. MATT: No.
LIAM: No, okay. ASHLEY: ("tune of The Next Episode")
♪ Laudi-dadi-da ♪ (laughter) LIAM: This is a save? MARISHA: Yeah.
MARISHA: Okay, he saves. MATT: Yeah.
LIAM: (grunts) MATT: Okay. LIAM: You want to tell me
what the fuck is going on? MARISHA: You're not safe. LIAM: I don't feel very safe. MARISHA: That sword
will corrupt you, just like it
corrupted Otohan. LIAM: Excuse me? Get involved, anybody,
at any time. MARISHA: I'm trying--
LAURA: Laudna, what makes you think that? MARISHA: I sensed it. LAURA: You sensed it? MARISHA: It's an
evil presence. ASHLEY: You sensed it, or--? MARISHA: I sensed it. LAURA: Well, then, Orym,
put the sword down. ASHLEY: Why are you
attacking her? MARISHA: Why are
you holding it? The audacity of you
walking into this room holding that blade, wielding that blade. It should be cast into the
depths of the Lucidian Ocean, and you want to wield it. LIAM: I'm going to
need a little more clarification than
that, Laudna. MARISHA: What more
clarification do you need? I am telling you, it is a cursed sword. You saw your husband
speared upon it, you saw me speared upon it, and you think wielding it is the correct choice
to make. LIAM: I think putting it
through the gut of the man who caused every single
thing you just cited happen makes sense to me. MARISHA: Why do you need
it? You have Seedling. You're perfectly
well equipped. LIAM: You're right.
MARISHA: Why do you want it? LIAM: (snapping sounds) It vines back on my back. Why do I need the
help of some dark force? ROBBIE: This is starting
to feel a little hurtful. Can we just take a
minute here, please? LAURA: Orym, if Laudna says
that it's a corrupted sword, maybe it's not
safe to carry it. LIAM: I can be convinced-- LAURA: Let's have
somebody look at it. LIAM: -- but I
need convincing. LAURA: Somebody that
can Identify it. Maybe Essek can do it, maybe we can
go back to Pumat. LIAM: You know what's
not very convincing? Is being attacked in
the middle of the night. MARISHA: I didn't
attack you. LIAM: Pulls down his shirt and there is a
black bruise from the spell that
she cast on him. MARISHA: It was
a mere incidental-- I was trying to remove
it from your sheath. LAURA: Did you attack him? MARISHA: No, I
attacked his sheath. ROBBIE: He's wearing the sheath.
LIAM: You missed. MARISHA: I was withering
the vines to remove it. Trust me, I was trying to remove
it from the vines. TALIESIN: I'm going to
gently walk over to Laudna. I'm going to
gently put my hands on your shoulders-- MARISHA: What are you doing?
TALIESIN: -- and I'm going lean into your ear. Start with I'm sorry and I let go. I stand just to the side, but in front of you, and I let my eyes
go off of you. I am going to be taking clearly a defensive stance for you from him, but I just wanted to put
that in your ear. Start with I'm sorry. MARISHA: You want
me to apologize? TALIESIN: For hurting him. Nothing more, nothing else. Everything else
is on the table. LIAM: I'm fine to be wrong, but let's just
talk about it. Let's let that be
the opening gambit. MARISHA: I didn't
mean to hurt you, that's the truth. That is the truth. But I find it to
be quite a mockery and a slap in the face that you walk in
with it on your back without any consultation with the rest of us. LIAM: (sighs) ASHLEY: May I? LAURA: Maybe you can
give me the sword. ASHLEY: FCG taught me
how to Identify it, so I can--
LAURA: You know how to do it? ASHLEY: Yeah, I do. LAURA: That's great. You'd be able to tell. MARISHA: Please do. LIAM: I will place
it on a table, in the room, next to Fearne. ASHLEY: You want
me to do this? LIAM: Of course. ASHLEY: Laudna? LIAM: I don't
need to be right, I need us to be able
to work together. LAURA: I'm going to go
stand next to Laudna, behind her just
a little bit. MARISHA: I lean into Imogen for contact and support. LAURA: I hold her-- TALIESIN: I stay
the other side. LAURA: -- shoulder. I'm going to cast Detect
Thoughts on Laudna. TALIESIN: Ooh. MARISHA: I sense
that, correct? LAURA: Not yet.
MATT: Well, no, surface thoughts.
MARISHA: Not yet? MATT: Surface thoughts, no.
MARISHA: Until she pushes? MATT: Do you want to
share with Imogen the quick and
dirty surface thoughts that are on Laudna's mind? MARISHA: Yeah. Laudna feels 100% justified. LAURA: This seems a little
out of character, Laudna. You know you can
always talk to us, you don't have to
do things in secret. MARISHA: Time felt
of the essence. LAURA: Do I sense anything? Can I insight check? MATT: Sure, make
an insight check. Do I get it at advantage
because I Detected Thoughts? MARISHA: (laughs) MATT: This instance, what
are you trying to read for? Then no. LAURA: (sighs) Okay. 21. ROBBIE: (gasps) LAURA: Yes.
ASHLEY: Aw. TALIESIN: Shit just got real. TRAVIS: (snores) (laughter) TRAVIS: (snores) ASHLEY: Chet's just out.
LIAM: This whisper is brought to you by
friends pushing the limit. MARISHA: (laughs) TRAVIS: Nothing like
the sleep on vino. MARISHA: (laughs) Oh, so
you're asleep this whole time? TALIESIN: I like,
this whole thing, you just keep
hearing sleep apnea happening in the corner.
(laughter) (horrible snores) MARISHA: Oh my god. ROBBIE: Oh my god. LAURA: In your
head, you hear: Was this all
you, Laudna? MARISHA: I acted on
my own volition. I take responsibility. LAURA: Okay. MATT: Fearne, what
are you doing? ASHLEY: All right, I'm going
to walk over to the table. MARISHA: (laughs) ASHLEY: I don't want
to touch this sword. I never wanted to
touch this sword. I hate this sword. But I'm going
to pick it up-- LAURA: And run.
ASHLEY: -- and run out of the room! (laughter) MATT: Bye, suckers!
TALIESIN: Be free, be free. ASHLEY: It's mine.
MATT: (smashes) MATT: Though the window. (laughter) LAURA: Capture the flag. (laughter) ASHLEY: I'm going to
gingerly pick it up-- and look at Orym
and Laudna and-- MARISHA: On Orym? Yeah. By accident, but yeah,
I didn't mean to. ASHLEY: Yeah.
MARISHA: I legitimately didn't mean to. Should've fucking cast
Blight, it's more direct. We wouldn't be here
right now. MATT: Blight would've done it.
MARISHA: Blight would've been better.
ASHLEY: Blight would've done it. MATT: It's all good.
But now it's interesting. MARISHA: I forgot that fucking
Wither and Bloom is a sphere. ASHLEY: Yeah,
I'll just pick it up. I'm going to look at Imogen, and cast Identify. MATT: Okay,
you're casting it. Is that one of the spells you
took with your with your--? ASHLEY: With rogue.
MATT: Rogue? Yeah, hell yeah, okay. TALIESIN: Oh man. MATT: Indeed this Ishta,
the Summit Blade, a legendary saber. ROBBIE: (gasps) ♪ Bom, bah, dah, ♪
bom, bom, boo, boo ♪ MATT: You can feel within it a long history of death
at its edge. It is a bloody blade. The very edge of
its darkened metal is almost stained
or rusty red. You're uncertain if
that's by design or if it's just clung
onto the generations and generations of life it's cleaved down. It's a dark blade. ASHLEY: Can I tell from that if it feels like there's
a sentience to it? MATT: You don't sense any
sentience from the blade, you just sense the history. ASHLEY: Okay. TALIESIN: There's a whole
bunch of information that wouldn't show up, too. ASHLEY: Yeah.
LAURA: Yeah. ASHLEY: So that might
be somebody else. TRAVIS: Chet sleepwalks
to the middle of the room and uses Grim Psychometry. (laughter) MATT: Did you sleep
through all this? MARISHA: Yes, yes.
TRAVIS: (snores) (laughter) LIAM: Oh man, the tense moments
punctuated by (snores). (laughter) ASHLEY: Well, I-- This-- TRAVIS: Yeah. LAURA: (laughs) Hello, Feathered-Face. (laughter) ASHLEY: I mean, this
blade feels very dark. I can't tell if there's any-- This is a history of very,
taking a lot of lives. It's very sad. I don't know what
else to say. TALIESIN: I'd be curious what
Chet had to say about it. I would think that. ASHLEY: I'm going to
go over to Chet. TALIESIN: Yeah, you wake him up, he'll perk right up.
ASHLEY: Kick him with my hoof. Hey, wake up!
TRAVIS: What? (coughs) Who kicked me?
ASHLEY: Me. (laughter) ASHLEY: Wake up. TRAVIS: What time is it? ASHLEY: It's not time
to get up yet. TRAVIS: Are we leaving?
ASHLEY: Just for a minute. No, no, no, no, no. There's a little bit of a
problem, little bit of an issue. Can you look at this? LAURA: Use that thing you have,
use that thing you have, Chet. ASHLEY: The thing where you
see geometry and stuff. (laughter) ASHLEY: "Beautiful Mind"
it, please. TRAVIS: I take it. LIAM: I took Psychometry 2
when I was little. TRAVIS: Oh, you're real. LAURA: I thought he just
poked your boob. (laughter) LAURA: That's payment.
TRAVIS: What the? ASHLEY: I'm here. I'm here. TRAVIS: Okay, just checking.
ASHLEY: Still squishy. (laughter) TRAVIS: (snores) LAURA: No, wake up, Chet.
ASHLEY: Wake up! Wake up! (laughter) TALIESIN: Kick him in the
ass again if you have to. ASHLEY: I kick him
again. Get up! TRAVIS: Ow! All right. (not quite snores) ASHLEY: Chet.
TRAVIS: I cast Grim Psychometry. MATT: Okay, so roll your
history check, I think is? TRAVIS: Yes. TALIESIN: (laughs) TRAVIS: With advantage? MATT: Only if it's relating
to fiends, fey or undead, which it's not, so
just a straight roll. TRAVIS: That is a-- ASHLEY: That's a mean blade. TRAVIS: -- 17.
MATT: A 17. TALIESIN: Clearly personal. MATT: You grasp the
blade in your hand and you see flashes of sparks
of the hammer shaping it. and you see flashes of sparks
of the hammer shaping it. You see the one finishing
its blade edge with a whetstone, meticulously
crafting it. They hold up the
blade to inspect it and smile as they're
run through and the person behind
them grasps it, the one who asked to be made. LAURA: Uh, dick.
MATT: You then see flashes. One, two, three,
10, 20, 50. One, two, three,
10, 20, 50. Life after life after
life being cut down. Soldiers of different
historical armors. Every facial expression, that moment of facing
one's mortality before their life's thread
of fate (snaps) cut thin. Splashes of blood. You see different
hands grasping it, hearing laughter and
joyous bloodlust. You see now gauntleted
hands holding it, stoic warriors and large-scale
wars tearing through line after line of warriors. You now see the hand of a
black leather-wrapped assassin leaping from rooftop
to rooftop, cutting the throats of
mothers, of children. You see now another
point in time. You see someone walking
into a throne room. You see an audience with
someone of importance. Their getup, an aesthetic
feeling wealthy. A guild head or
possible royalty. Within a flash, the blade
is through their throat, the sound of their
head smacking wetly on the floor
next to you. You feel hundreds of lives
lost in a matter of seconds. As those flashes
continue through, it begins to slow
down and you feel people wandering
through hallways. You see the edge of Zephrah. You see Zephran soldiers
being cut down left and right. You see the blade sinking
itself into Keyleth, but her blasting back. You see the blade carving
through Fearne, through Orym, through Laudna. You see the blade carving
through all of you, and you, you live in a matter
of seconds the dozens of lives that
were ended by this and you come back to
consciousness. A murderous history. Long. That's it. TRAVIS: (retches) (laughter) TALIESIN: Whoa, whoa, whoa. MARISHA: Oh, not the-- (laughter) (laughter) TALIESIN: Next time, you're
doing it in the fucking bathtub. ROBBIE: That's so funny. LIAM: Put on the bloody bib. That'll make you feel better.
TRAVIS: There you go. ASHLEY: I'm going to put it back down.
LAURA: Wait, no, Chet. TRAVIS: (snores)
ASHLEY: (shouts) Chet! (laughter) ASHLEY: I kick him again. LAURA: Chet.
ASHLEY: Stay up. TRAVIS: What?
ASHLEY: What? TRAVIS: That was horrible. That was the longest one yet. I'm getting so much
better at it. I guess my power's grown. ASHLEY: Don't you close
your eyes. TRAVIS: What? ASHLEY: What'd you see? TRAVIS: That blade
is just death. All it's ever known is death,
and pain and suffering and so many lives
indiscriminate. We all fell to it, Keyleth. It's horrible,
but there's no, what'd you call it? Sentient? MARISHA: I wasn't lying. ASHLEY: I just didn't know
if it had like a life. MARISHA: It's cursed. TRAVIS: It might be cursed. It's certainly really
good at what it does and fucking hell, that was-- Anybody got crackers? LAURA: I still got some steamed
vegetables from earlier. (laughter) ASHLEY: Some steamed
broccoli, it'll be real good. LAURA: Yeah. No? ASHLEY: Little okra. TRAVIS: I'm not sleeping.
I'm just listening. MATT: (laughs) TALIESIN: Well. ASHLEY: Well, it certainly
caused quite a rift already
in the group. I don't know. TRAVIS: Well, now
that I'm awake, what's the rift? LAURA: Oh, Laudna tried
to steal it from Orym because she said it's cursed
and needs to be taken away and it's a terrible
fucking blade. And Orym was wearing it. TALIESIN: I get why. LAURA: I guess you
attacked him in his sleep. MARISHA: I didn't mean
to hurt him. LAURA: Accidentally. MARISHA: It was dark. LAURA: It was very
dark, Laudna. MARISHA: I was careless. ASHLEY: Yeah, I woke up. I
couldn't even see anything. It was like when you close your
eyes and then you open them and it's like
the same thing. MARISHA: I use Mage Hand
to crack the window. LIAM: Chet, you got an apron
that never stops bleeding blood. LIAM: Chet, you got an apron
that never stops bleeding blood. Laudna, I don't even
really need to touch on the weight you carry. I've already made a deal
with Fearne's grandmother to help us do the things
that we have to do. MARISHA: Then give it to me. I will take it in and
then destroy it. I was felled by this blade. LIAM: So was I. TRAVIS: I walk over and fucking
close the drafty-ass window. MATT: (laughs)
LAURA: What do you mean take it in? What do you mean take
it in and destroy it? You mean use the harness? LIAM: You can do
incredible things. All of you can. It was only a handful
of hours ago that we were talking
about how impossible. MARISHA: (sharply) Why
do you need it? LIAM: It will be to
handle Ludinus. I don't have-- MARISHA: Whether it's in
your hands or in my body, what does it matter? We're both fighting Ludinus. If I take it in,
it's destroyed. LAURA: With the harness. MARISHA: Yes, it ends
the cycle. LAURA: Well, anyone could
take it in with the harness. LIAM: I mean, it sounds like
semantics to me, Laudna. You can carry it in energy or
I can carry it in my hand. MARISHA: The blade, let
me take it in. Why do you care so much? LIAM: Does anyone want to
tell her why I care so much? MARISHA: You wield a blade
gifted by the voice of the Tempest and you want this
wretched thing? It should be destroyed,
its energy repurposed. LIAM: The blade's for
my family first. Second, I'm not giving up the
blade that my family gave me. I'm saving the
other one for him. I'm 3' tall. I'm quick. That's what I got, Laudna. Push-ups. Practice. That's what I got. MARISHA: I open my blouse and show the wounds
that Orym left on me. I left a bruise. You left these gashes. Do you want to
have this debate? LIAM: (sighs) I woke up in the
middle of the night in darkness being poisoned. MARISHA: I already
apologized for that. I open the window. MATT: (muffled impact) TRAVIS: What the fuck? LIAM: I'm sorry I hurt you. I was acting on instinct. MARISHA: As was I. TALIESIN: I think quietly: Imogen, tell Fearne to
stand by the window. LAURA: I'll say that
to you in your head. ASHLEY: I just walk
over to the window. LAURA: (laughs) LIAM: My life is not
about revenge. It is about making sure
that we finish this. MARISHA: I open the door. LIAM: If I do it or
if you do it. I don't love what
you did, Laudna. MARISHA: I don't love what
you did, so we're even. TRAVIS: Is that the
sword on the table? LIAM: Yeah.
MARISHA: Mm-hmm. LAURA: I'm going to
hold Laudna's hand. MARISHA: I grip her hand. ROBBIE: I think you
should keep it. It's just a thing. I'm so tired of things
having control over us. You two are friends. It was his to possess and you
tried to steal it from him. MARISHA: It was not
his to possess. ROBBIE: It is just a thing. Its history doesn't shape us. Our actions do. Your actions tell me that you do not have enough
trust in your friends. MARISHA: You do not
know what you speak. ROBBIE: I do not. LAURA: You didn't
watch him. You didn't watch Otohan
cut down Laudna, or Chet or Orym or
Fearne with that blade. ROBBIE: What would it
have mattered if she cut him down
with a handaxe or a stick from the street? It was not the thing that did
the action. It was the person. It does not matter. MARISHA: I Mage Hand
the sword. (gasping) ROBBIE: Ah! LAURA: I'm going to hold it. I'm going to try to
pull it away from you. MATT: What are you-- LIAM: You know, Dorian,
you're right. MARISHA: You tell me. TALIESIN: Oh.
MARISHA: This is half not me. MATT: No. MARISHA: You tell me,
Delilah. (laughter)
ASHLEY: Shit, shit, shit. MARISHA: This warlock shit
is hard. (chuckling) MATT: Here, make a wisdom
saving throw for me. ASHLEY: (grunts)
TALIESIN: I am ready to move. ASHLEY: I love this.
I love this. I love this. TRAVIS: That's interesting. LAURA: Drop it. ASHLEY: Drop it. ROBBIE: Stop fighting! ASHLEY: Leave it. MARISHA: I'll use
this Pâté die. ROBBIE: Come on. MARISHA: 18. MATT: 18. You feel the presence
of Delilah's want pushing through you, that hunger, that drive just pushing to
your fingertips. LAURA: Laudna.
MATT: But she does not have control.
The choice is yours. LAURA: Let it go. MARISHA: Why? LAURA: Because I don't think
it's you that wants this. MARISHA: She shouldn't
be allowed to have it? We're supposed to walk
around following Orym with this blade
in our vision, a constant reminder
of the pain a constant reminder
of the pain that we've all
suffered from it. Why not destroy it? LAURA: I don't love it
anymore than you do, but I think Dorian's right. It wasn't the sword. It was Otohan. MARISHA: It's a symbol. LAURA: I don't understand why
you want to take this sword and absorb it if
it's so cursed. Why do you want it
to be a part of you? MARISHA: I release my grip. MATT: Mm. LAURA: Onto the table. TRAVIS: Can I make
a suggestion? If you look over,
just spinning in my fingers is Scream Needle. It's no sword, but maybe it's
a half measure? Orym keeps the sword, though. I agree, it's his to
do with as he chooses. Laudna, he's lost
more than we have, and I trust him. But I also trust you. MARISHA: Thank you. But do not ever speak
to me about loss again. But do not ever speak
to me about loss again. And I leave. MATT: Okay. LIAM: (sighs) LAURA: I'm going to follow
because I've lost her before in this exact situation.
TRAVIS: (laughs) MATT: Where are you
off to, Laudna? MARISHA: I still have
Spider Climb on. MATT: Mm-hmm. MARISHA: I go out the
fucking window. MATT: Oh, she exits
through the window. TRAVIS: Yeah, why
would you use a door when you can use a window? MATT: Fearne, just so you're
aware, Laudna skitters across the ground--
MARISHA: (skitters frantically) MATT: -- up through
and out the window. ASHLEY: Can I try to-- Can I try to close the
window and stop her? MATT: Sure. You know what? Both of you roll
initiative real fast, just the two of you.
(laughter) ROBBIE: Oh my god! MATT: (laughs fiendishly)
I love this shit! So tasty! ASHLEY: (groans) Roll initiative, you said? MATT: Yes, add your
initiative modifier. ASHLEY: 13.
MARISHA: 21. ASHLEY: Shit. MATT: You go to grab the
window, and as you do, (rushing) she skitters
out and up the-- LAURA: I'm going to cast
Fly and follow her out. LAURA: All right.
TALIESIN: Shit! MATT: You're like, "Shit!"
and then (gusting whoosh) Imogen follows after. You skitter up the side--
ASHLEY: I almost close the window on you.
MATT: -- of the building. ASHLEY: Shit, shit!
MATT: The moonlight coming down. You scamper up to the rooftop.
MARISHA: What was it, Scream? TRAVIS: Otohan's dagger.
MARISHA: Oh, it was her dagger. That's right. Okay.
MATT: You climb up to the top of the Lodge of the Eclipse. Here, the light of Catha is still coasting down
here in the moonlight. You stand on top and you hold
in your hand Scream Needle, the other blade
that carved its way through you and your friends. MARISHA: Form of Dread.
MATT: (transformation begins) Describe to me how your
Form of Dread apparates. MARISHA: It's just Delilah. ASHLEY: Ugh.
MATT: You fly up. As you float above,
you look down. Where Laudna stands up, you see the
high collar emerge. You see the pointed shoulders--
ROBBIE: (laughs) MATT: -- and the dress
fall to the ground. ASHLEY: I love this.
MATT: This energy, dark tendrils swirl off--
ASHLEY: I love this, I love this, I love this.
MATT: -- across the ground. ROBBIE: God.
MATT: As for a moment, you swear you just see
Delilah standing there with the dagger in her hand. LIAM: Psych. MATT: Just floating above and
looking at her from behind. LAURA: Laudna. MARISHA: Take the
dagger, I spin it. (thud) Insert it
into my chest. MATT: (slicing impact)
The blade strikes in, and as it does, you--
(Imogen whooshing up) Do you pursue?
Do you just stay there? What do you do?
LAURA: I watch it happen. MATT: You watch it happen. As she turns around towards
you, the blade in the chest, you do see
Laudna's face within clutching the blade there, and where it hits, that-- MARISHA: The glimpses, when
you get of Laudna's face is profound sadness. MATT: (energy pulses) From where the
wound of this blade is, you see this purple light
(energy pulsing) like a pulse. (energy pulses)
A second time. (energy pounds)
And now when it emerges, you see tendrils of deep
purple energy (crackling) rise out of the wound
and grasp the blade. You watch as it
(sucking absorption) pulls itself into
Laudna's torso. Where it vanishes,
you see that remaining twisting tether
of purple-ish energy, like tiny fingers trying
to grasp and move. As it draws in, (inhales deeply) "(exhales deeply)" you hear an
exhale that is not Laudna's. LAURA: Can I float down?
MATT: Mm-hmm. LAURA: And stand in front of her?
MATT: Mm. LAURA: What do I see? Do I
still see Delilah's face, or do I see Laudna's face? MATT: You see Laudna's face
up close. It's still Laudna. You see her hair. You see her dress.
MARISHA: Welcome back! ROBBIE: What's happening?
(laughter) ROBBIE: What the
fuck is happening? (laughter) ROBBIE: I thought that was
going to be shenanigans! (laughter) ASHLEY: Crafting!
(laughter) LIAM: I think
I'll stab myself later. (laughter) TALIESIN: Best "Family Ties"
episode ever. MATT: Yeah.
TRAVIS: Jeez! MATT: Where you see Laudna--
ROBBIE: (laughs) MATT: -- the shadows
of her blouse, MATT: -- the shadows
of her blouse, of her outfit drift into
the outline of Delilah. of her outfit drift into
the outline of Delilah. The collar is still
somewhat translucent, but it is present. You see almost a shadow You see almost a shadow cast across her body
that takes form around her, like she's in a Delilah cage. LAURA: Can I reach out
and put my hands on either side of your face? Why? MARISHA: Why what?
MATT: (Delilah echo) "Why what?" LAURA: Why'd you
give her more power? MARISHA: It must be done.
MATT: "It must be done." LAURA: (sighs sadly) MARISHA: For you.
MATT: "For you." MARISHA: For us.
MATT: "For us." MARISHA: The fate of the world.
MATT: "The fate of the world." MARISHA: What else do I have to give?
MATT: "What else do I have to give?" MARISHA: Except for myself.
MATT: "Except for myself." LAURA: You didn't
have to do this. We fought so hard. I love you. MARISHA: I love you. MATT: The collar folds away. TRAVIS: Oh! MARISHA: I love you. What makes you think
that might have changed? I love you. MATT: The shadows withdraw. MARISHA: Why are you looking
at me like that? LAURA: (slow, deep breath) MARISHA: Do you--
LAURA: She holds more power than you-- Than you led us to believe. MARISHA: I didn't lie to you. I've never lied to you. I've never lied to you. I love you. Do you still love me? LAURA: I'll always
love you, Laudna. I just don't know
what to do with it. MARISHA: I've always
been a lot. LAURA: Fun scary. MARISHA: Mm-hmm. Still more fun than
scary though, right? LAURA: Uh-huh. MARISHA: Yeah? LAURA: Yeah. MARISHA: I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. LAURA: (sighs softly) I'm going to hug you and
hold the back of your head. MARISHA: I bury my face
into her hair. MATT: Here on the
darkened rooftop under the white,
pale light of Catha, on the eve before you leave into the unknown frozen
waste to the north-- MARISHA: I didn't mean it. LAURA: I know. MATT: You hold each other in pain, in love, in concern. That's going to end
tonight's episode. TRAVIS: Oof! ASHLEY: (heavily) Oh!
MARISHA: Yeah. TRAVIS: (energy pulsing)
MATT: Yeah. Oh boy!
MARISHA: Fuck, Marisha! ROBBIE: Whoa! (excited screams)
ASHLEY: Oh boy! MARISHA: My face is so hot. MATT: (laughs) I agree.
TRAVIS: (energy pulsing) ROBBIE: Uh-oh.
TRAVIS: Warlock shit. LAURA: Oy vey.
TRAVIS: Warlock shit. MARISHA: Warlock shit's hard.
ASHLEY: Shit, shit, shit. MATT: Yeah, you know what
this is like. (laughs) LAURA: (groans)
TRAVIS: Mm-mm. That'll be-- Yeah.
MARISHA: (sighs heavily) LIAM: Wow. LIAM and LAURA: (loud sigh)
MATT: (laughs) TALIESIN: I just want to
go to an alien dungeon. God!
(laughter) (laughter) TALIESIN: (exhausted exhale)
ASHLEY: Oh man. LIAM: (processing sigh) MATT: Well, here's
a fun bit here. TALIESIN: What a-- What?
MARISHA: What? What did I get? MATT: Let me see.
MARISHA: But what did I get? (laughter) LAURA: That's so fucked!
LIAM: Are you already wearing the harness, though? Or is that the Delilah thing?
LAURA: No, she fucking-- TALIESIN: She don't need it.
LAURA: She just-- LIAM: You just fed it to Delilah?
ASHLEY: She just took it in. LAURA: She was lying!
"I never lied to you." She was lying
about the harness! MARISHA: I still maintain--
(flips fan open) LAURA: I said with the harness.
MARISHA: -- Laudna hasn't lied. It's not Laudna.
LAURA: I said, with the harness? And you were like, "Yeah."
MARISHA: Yeah, that too. I could have sucked it
in with the harness. LAURA: (laughs) TRAVIS: Oh?
MATT: That's true. MARISHA: I could've sucked
it in with the harness. Not a lie. (laughs) ASHLEY: (sighs) Oh my god. MARISHA: That would have
been an easier route. ROBBIE: What an end.
LAURA: Fine lines. MARISHA: Uh-huh.
TALIESIN: Every day, you remind me how much
of a fucking danger you are to yourself
and others. Not Imogen. You. I mean, not you guys.
MARISHA: Yeah, not Laudna, it's just me.
TALIESIN: Just you. Damn! MATT: That's what it is.
All right. MARISHA: Could've taken it
in by the harness. Y'all could've been
there for it. It would have been a spectacular show.
TALIESIN: I'm sure it was a lie. MATT: That's true. Well here.
MARISHA: (laughs) MATT: I'll go deep
into my notes here, but we'll go ahead
and end there. We'll pick it up next week.
LAURA: Oh gosh. TALIESIN: (anxious groan)
ASHLEY: Wow. MATT: Thank you all so
much for joining us. We love you very much,
and is it Thursday yet? TALIESIN: Is it Thursday?
MATT: Good night. ASHLEY: Woo!
LIAM: Goodbye!