Gas Pipe, Hose Bibs, Water Heater Ep.99

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[Music] this is our frost proof hose bib it's frost proof because it shuts off up here when you turn the handle and it's at an angle so when you shut it off the water drains out of it so it's here in the warm house where it can't freeze there's no water in here if you leave your hose on in the winter time with a anyway if it can't drain it'll freeze and it'll break split you don't know it till spring when you go to use it again and you turn it on and it sprays water into the wall of your house and you shut it off and it's not leaking anymore because it shut off way in here so when we install these dumb things i tighten this nipple up a little bit tighter than this is going to get tightened up so when you unscrew it later when it breaks this comes out it's real hard to put teflon tape on a female thread the inside you put it on the outside of something that's how you want to seal it because there's no way to look and see if it's dripping after you reinstall one in the wall they're a nightmare i hate them i tell people i'm sick and i can't do it and i avoid doing it because you shut the water off to the house you go down you get the right length of things and they're all different they're just a real pain so we've installed the droppier 90 screwed it on and i'm gonna stick this in here and tighten it up but let's put a little bit of goop on here okay so i put a little bit of pipe dope on the threads that was too much and i'll put a little teflon on it and this is my you don't have to go this far you could use just pipe dope or just teflon you want the tough one to squish that pipe don't put too much on there but i've noticed this takes way longer and i get paid more the longer it takes no not seriously though i if if i do this i never have a leak it seems like of course that's not 100 percent true now even though the residential building code doesn't have much to say about how many hose bibs you've got to put in or where they should be located you've got to think carefully and just make sure that you have them where you need them that the water lines are sized adequately to provide enough flow and even though the code does not specify how many or where it does specify that all the bibs be frost proof it doesn't freeze much here but they're good insurance when it does let me just point out though that this is one of the big advantages to building your house on a crawl space rather than a concrete slab on grade adding hose bibs later is a whole bunch less trouble when you can crawl underneath your floor why are you using that thing i love it i don't care little stuff as quick as problems plus you gotta you got a built-in hammer in your hand [Music] see how that's a little bit crooked i did that for my brother so i'm gonna get that started and we'll uh pull this back so when i tighten up that hose bib from outside it'll pull taut is that a word sometimes you have to get a little creative when you're installing the blocking to support these guys i can't even remember how we did this stuff before screw guns and especially cordless drill drivers took over so much of construction the takeaway is this though however you fasten it in place just make sure it is bulletproof because it is one expensive disaster if they work their way loose later this little washer here is tapered to give you the grade that it's supposed to have use a galvanized screw and my long screwdriver bit is for this [Music] sorry you haven't seen much about this water heater yet but you will it's not actually going to be installed until the drywall is all in and painted when the plumbing fixtures are going in and we will go into it in depth then this tankless technology is one of the places that energy efficiency is almost painless and a nice return on your investment begins immediately the idea is that these tankless heaters save energy all the time by not keeping 50 gallons of water piping hot all of the time the water is heated as it is needed as it flows through this gas-fired unit we were careful to get one with a big enough output capacity that nobody should ever be disappointed by a lukewarm shower now phil will be giving the details on how this beast actually works in another video that will be coming up pretty soon and full disclosure we bought this thing but we did receive a pretty substantial discount the details about the cost of this water heater are available for supporters of our channel and if you would like more information about how to access the costs of the work that you've been watching in this series please click the link in the notes below you don't want to quench a joint by pouring cold water on it it's the two metal shrink at different rates okay so you can understand how that could break a bond and it's not like break it so it just leaks but it it uh you call that when it uh compromises the the pureness of the screwing it up yeah don't screw it up so anyway a little booger hanging on the bottom but nobody really cares oh yeah that's the sign of poor workmanship it's my signature soldering copper or sweating it in place as it is known is a fascinating and ancient way to join metals in fact according to wikipedia five minutes ago it's been around for about five thousand years now in a case like this the close fit of the pipes and the cleaning effect of the flux enable the surface tension of the melted solder itself to pull the material towards the higher temperature using capillary action fascinating indeed this is the last plumbing video you're going to see for a while and it's for the natural gas lines in our house the cooktop the water heater and the dryer are all going to use natural gas phil's running the gas to these locations with what is known as black iron pipe this just means that it's made out of mild steel and it is not galvanized this material is a lot less friendly to install than the pvc or the pecs that you saw for the drains and the water the threads are cut right in to the steel pipe and then they thread right into the steel fittings pipe threads are not like the threads on the nuts and bolts in a car for instance they're tapered and they get tighter and tighter the farther in they're turned this technology has been around for a long time and it's still a really great way to do this sort of thing even though it is less plumbing than pipe fitting phil has an electric pipe cutting and threading machine you know it sits on three legs and it's got a real torquey electric motor but our supply house is close by so it's cheaper to let them make the cuts and cut the threads [Music] now basically but [Music] i think what gas pipe doesn't have to be as tight as water pipe without it leaking it seems like [Music] even that little thing is like [Music] yeah you know instead of just totally gooping this stuff on then it gets all over your hands because it squeezes out and then every time you touch a piece it just makes a mess so often i'll just you know half an inch worth makes for a little cleaner day see how it just rolls it forward percent of it the space between the threads and that is a few nano tenths of nothing you know so all that stuff you put on just gets squeezed out and all this stuff is just messy that's left over see why not y'all get shoved up to the next thread you didn't touch anyway it doesn't matter that's a really good it's just that i don't can't take dirt [Music] so there is a a tape product that can be used but this is just plain better you're saying yeah you can just use teflon tape i suppose it all comes down to can you afford to play with the leak you don't have time this stuff kind of seals up better than teflon i think [Music] we've got 172 and 9 16. 172 and 9 16. okay remember that got it 15 more degrees okay uh just a little more yeah that's probably only about 5 16 of actual in bed where it's sitting there now that's going to screw in eight yeah yeah never do as i say not as i do you always have a backup wrench on the fitting and you tighten the pipe into a backup fitting we're backing up a pipe so we're putting extra pressure on that rather than this joint differential pressures are different it doesn't matter a lot but it's just something to point out i'm not sure i understood it okay so right now we're tightening two fit two things at the same time yes and you can't judge how tight it is oh the wrench i should just do one at a time oh i see all right all right and i don't know there's probably some somebody out there that'll tell you why exactly but it's i think what do you call that good practices yeah yeah that's right just don't do it it's rehearsal just don't do everything i do way down yonder we have that elbow pointing this way just because i'm too fat to fit in the corner to tighten everything up so we tighten up these fittings at each end and we want them both to look straight down really good so we won't have trouble screwing the pipes in from underneath lay it on a flat floor floor and make sure that both of them are pointing down that's an easy way to get two fittings to look the same way it's laying on a flat surface and i are going to attempt to start the threads at that end into that elbow and tighten everything up in a nice comfortable area and when we're done we'll just shove this pipe that way and the pipe itself will be a helper wrench we'll also put a pipe wrench on the fitting itself because you don't want to put pressure on the threaded end of the pipe and use it as a wrench just be a helper and we have a couple holes in the floor theoretically lining up with these two fittings we've got our fingers crossed and here we go sounds like it's cutting in i can't believe it started already it usually takes four or five hours to get that to start they make these brushes half inch too short and then they bend them so you can only use a half of the pipe dope it's a marketing thing it's really soft so it makes life easier [Music] but it locks too tall [Music] [Music] are you gonna drop it yeah there's some chandelier down there [Music] so [Music] like that [Music] [Music] [Music] this is for a gas test [Music] another 90. [Music] wall in the building is a funny angle of no knownness it'll make a fitting that makes that angle so we've made a swing joint where an elbow and an elbow are stuck together that'll swing to any angle you want it goes back to digging a ditch with a funny angle you use a swing joint get any angle you want oh maybe we got to pull that so good there's a hole as i return really that's all i care about there's nothing involved here but it's not there okay you could bend it out of the way to throw a drill in there the inspector will not pass this if it leaks but trust me phil doesn't want it to leak either so it's worth carefully testing each joint with soapy water the system has to hold the pressure no leaks allowed if there are leaks you basically have to tear the whole system apart to get back to the leaky fitting very time consuming so if you're going to do this sort of thing use lots of pipe dope get a couple of big wrenches and make everything nice and tight thanks for watching essential craftsman and keep up the good work let me hold something this blue stuff is really good but it gets in your clothes and it don't come out see worried this was going to be another all day without being done [Music] uh yeah actually that's great dude we run all the gas pipe it's all screwed together pretty tight we're gonna put some air pressure to it it's all capped off on the ends and the inspector wants to look at this gauge with air pressure on it when he comes to inspect it so i don't know which way this guy's supposed to go all this down [Music] okay there's 22 pounds we're going to put 25 pounds in it come back in a few minutes and look at it we're going to put soap on every joint all through the system and see if we get a bubbles going on that's how we're testing for leaks gas pipe is only under you know ounces of pressure very little pressure on it compared to a water pipe sometimes you don't have to screw it down nearly as tight as you would a water pipe screwing it together but very few unions in the system i don't like to ever put a union where you can't access it vibration makes a union leak more than a regular fitting does so if you had a leak you have to take the whole son of a gun apart to find that one spot that's why when i put it together i tightened it pretty tight yeah the lower pace you know [Music] you
Channel: Essential Craftsman
Views: 172,717
Rating: 4.9449286 out of 5
Keywords: anvil, forge, blacksmith, forging, craftsman, mentor, trades, tradesman, career, smith, carpetner, builder, wisdom, workbench, fabricate, tools, tool, tips, trick, hacks, protip, tankless water heater, frost free faucets, hose bibs, frost proof faucet, plumbing, residential plumbing, sweating copper, natural gas lines, joining metals, black iron pipe, pipefitting, Teflon tape, outside faucets
Id: bD33YCt2OQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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