Gary Neville: Secret Management Offers & United Career | Stick to Football EP 28

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hello welcome to this episode of s of football brought to you by Sky Bet oh you can do in his accent no I'm not doing it I'm not doing it in his accent where's the stuff that Gary has is his his notes and stuff where's his cards what swapping seats wow this seat's weird see the hostess with the mostess that's a moment oh cuz he's got the best let see how much money I gave me for this can't believe how much Gary gets with his gig what's happening it's an assault on my on my I think he's a it's a takeover it's a hard takeover that's what it is I feel like my Chi's out this chairs really you what my chi like when I move chairs and like oh you like hoodies don't you do you like hoodies I like hoodies you don't like hoodies but you get to the age now where you know you got to be careful hoodies you know I mean why you old hoodies am I right than got no it's a bit like how old are you old you 50 49 49 what are you going to do for your 50 is when are you then big bash how how old are you 49 now um February next year you're all invited what are you going to do that's you got to plan early go plan early and go big bro go big is 50 man Tom Cruz coming [ __ ] just da aome Beckham are you what did you have a 50 yeah yeah yeah I didn't have a 60 a big bash I canot believe 60 what was your 50 like was it any good such a dick such a dick what you doing what do a big I think he's on his this week I think might have a series of events oh like like it I like it oh you've got different sets of people haven't you football you've changed no I think I might have one I don't know I don't know honestly I literally haven't thought about it actually you know my 50 I had a big plans for my 50th I really I talk definitely do something for my 50 ended up in Pizza Express honestly why arguing with someone you know what M because he threatened Teresa if she organized a surprise might surprise me with something is that my one thank you I do like caramel and toffee like as in the taste of it do you like popcorn at the movies sorry ry's getting the sorry I think I might go put a t-shirt on I'm too warm in this or day oh he's getting Nam all on him don't put right his tongue I'm going to put t-shirt on I'm going to put t-shirt on do you see any good do you like going to the pictures do you like popcorn the whole package I do like going to the pictures do switches off but it's a thought of going there any good movies out of the moment have you seen anything you know what's um I watched June 2 cuz I'm massive into the Sci-Fi you know the Jun I love it yeah I do love it but there's more to come that's why I go back to old that's why I go back to old school because like that's why I say I just watch old school like you know what I watched the other day again what really done me Toy Story 3 toy story is the best K Toy Story 3 when they all sit on that that step when he's going to college you could be a voice over for something like that and then I've heard that there going to be Toy Story five where he's looking for them for his kids oh I can't I'm finished I'm going to cry now a that is cute that is good isn't it honestly the new films at the minute Shrek like Shrek Shrek's funny Shrek was good I just think Toy Story was just a level above that no but Shrek Forever it's yeah but it's the it's layer isn't it you get a message your kids get a message I love um the Shrek when they when they when the P Piper P Piper turned it onto ogre and then they couldn't stop dancing and the song what a bottle of maard was the songs and the songs they used like they used um they used some good funky songs it's like the same with like sing my girls are singing Bowie songs you seen K singing oh my God it's good I love k I love K I need next series is it as good as py blinders you have to go I've never watched py blinders that have you seen seen one or two bit it's brilliant SE PD blind us go out and come in again we got we got to keep this in anyway aren't we right hello and welcome to a new episode of stick to football I'm eating right and no I'm not I'm not eating right you're doing G's voice why am I do do going Voice come on hello and welcome to sck stick football brought to you by Sky [ __ ] am I going too fast go I'd like to do it so I can get into the vial presenting at the end of the game I to shake his hand he walked straight past me and I thought you he's almost like saying go on little boy they used to walk in they used to say who motivates the motivator do you know the Rope the Rope the premise being if your left back moves out towards his right winger you come across and we were literally on rope in training yeah you look back on the England career I'd probably let myself down a little bit in the book where I called it a waste of time I'd been asked to go to middles Bruff an interview Newcastle had asked to speak to me Derby I think had asked to speak to me i' said no to everyone because it wasn't what I wanted to be there's a point I remember in looking in my mirror in the morning thinking I look ill the 40 up and he didn't sub Neymar Messi or Suarez Dan ashith rang me and said this is the perfect move for you to be on that next step when Roy decides that he doesn't want to be a to take over oh look at the yes free go don't [Music] Stu hello and welcome to stick to football brought to you by Sky Bet um I'm in right and today we're going to be turning the taable so in fact Let me let me go in and tell you who Our Guest is okay John BS on Channel 5 here eight Premier Leagues two Champions Leagues three fa cups two League cups one Club World Cup 85 Eng CL 62 Manchester United appearan seven goals Manchester United Captain between 2005 2011 we have to welcome Mr Gary nille come in Gary look at Gary look at his gu got to build up like that he looks scared why am I nervous all of a sudden why you nervous girl you your F you know what G you actually because you're on that side and you're in a situation where I've not I've not seen you been interviewed too many times or spoken about your yourself too many times I could see in your face that you're there's a nervousness to you well it was we we obviously got let down by a guest didn't we who was it go on name names no come on we don't we don't throw people in the bus but Roy then come up with a suggestion of having one of us as the guest and I thought that that was you volunteering I thought you talk about accountability responsibility no no no G because like what you do cuz G is so self-deprecating about exactly you know he's somebody that I remember like as a right back girl easily one of the best one of the best that I played against one of the best I've seen your attitude the way you played everything You' done underrated and like when people talk about you and your footb you always you always bring it down where's that come from where's it come from I find it easier that way it's just easier to sort of say because what what what if I said I was on I'm the best right back in premier league history or I'm one of the best R how's that going to go down with a well you wouldn't have to go that F no you would you know what I mean you never see anything like that you I mean it's like people say you know where do you rank yourself I don't know so when when I read out all everything I'm content I'm content in with everything that I did and I don't feel I need to sort of if you like play it up in any way shape or yeah but don't play it down either yes exactly don't play it down play the and that's just but he doesn't have to keep he does it all the time you you shouldn't do that uh you deserve better where where's the playing down come from gal is it the parent why do you play it down when you worked so hard to get there and doing so great you've done brilliant I think it's because a lot of people would probably say I play play with Rio Ferdinando Yap Stam here I had Roy keeno Paul SKS there I had Beckham kchelski saw Ronaldo in front of me and a lot of people say anyone could have played there yeah a lot of people do s of play along to the actual crowd a little bit with the idea that anyone could have played in the position I played in because I had such unbelievable players around me that's the no but you would have had good when you were younger at United Eric and all these people they would have made you they would have tried to you know obviously your family would have made you stay humble as well wouldn't they yeah they would have hated for you to at any stage to think you are a player you have made it because we know what happens then is that your upbringing almost is it your dad is it a Manchester thing where you can't be seen to be making out that you're bigger or all the people in my life who I would say were in influential positions were people who basically always said never get carried away whether that be the boss whether my dad whether it be Roy in the dressing room you would you were never able to shift an inch in terms of get carried away it was almost like as soon as you started you'd just be brought back down straight away so I think it's just the idea of yeah that idea of always being around people who to quite hard I think I think I lived in a I think my dad the boss maybe you maybe influential people even like say Stuart Pier with England they were quite not fearful characters but characters who were sort of like strict discipline yeah strict quite strict I would say and strict's the word because they they were strict and there's an element of you better be better watch yourself here CU you get clip around the air don't don't mean a clip around the a physically but you get a you get pulled back you know what I mean you get you must respect know you but all neevan think what your family brilliant sportting achievements but it's also fine to sit back and go I did it I done all right yeah yeah no if I if I get asked now and I think about it to actually live in that environment and be there and and survive I suppose in some ways for 21 years which is you know how long was it United for from 16 to 20 years but then obviously five years as a youth player as well I do think that was an achievement to to CU I do genuinely think they didn't passengers and he would have got rid of me or the players would have found me out or something in that 20 you wouldn't have been able to survive yeah you make the point that you were surrounded by good players but you wouldn't only players around you can only do so much for you as you said surv survival is part of the game isn't it yeah for being at the top for so long do you think that fear kept you going that fear of because you're almost talking about Abad all you're a great player but you're looking at these other players as as as great players were you always fearful of I'm not quite a their level so I've got when you were speaking about the way your preparation the way you looked after yourself did you always feel like you had basically you had a fear that you could be moved on from Manchester United to be honest with now if you said if you talked about a position in your life that was influencing you with fee you'd say be very careful because it would be bullying or it would be seen very differently but I think I I couldn't I don't think I would have been anywhere near where I was without being driven by I mean Eric Harrison I forgot to mention there by the way he was he was a he was tough one it was tough you know what I mean like as a youth team coach and knobby Styles they you couldn't lose a tackle that was like forbidden you know what I mean if you misplaced the pass if I if I didn't throw it Forward into a Striker's feet for Old Trafford on a Saturday I threw it back my first throwing I was getting killed so you this idea you always had these sort of voices sort of around you that were great messages don't they step yeah they'd step on you every single move there was nowhere to go in terms of sort of dropping in standard or dropping in work ethic or anything like that it you talk about sorry you talk about I'm me obviously I got to know you a lot now since we we've stopped playing and you don't stop talking you know what I mean you give a strong opinion that's why you're great on TV but when I he you talk about when you first get on the United Team you talk about Roy giving you a b or you talk about the boss you've just mentioned before about Steve Bruce you said Peter schmeichel was hard one with you did you not say nothing back because when I know you now yeah I'm a bit I'm when I hear you speak about when you were a young lad coming into the team it surprises me that you didn't go back at people no I think to be fair I I I genuinely think that um I'm respectful of sort of like the Elder position and the senior position I genely believe that and I think actually I was you team captain I was Foreman in the dressing room which meant that you had to report into Eric Harrison all the jobs were done on that sort of thing I was captain of the reserve team so I wasn't as if I wasn't a leader I was actually sort of doing the roles at my level as a leader but when you went into the first team dressing room I felt as to build that trust and that respectability to become I was subservient I was like I was literally like okay you're at the bottom again right you know I can't go in there and start shouting Myers to be fair they'll just and none of us did so schy buty Becks giggsy all of us did you ever fall out of anyone in there you fall out of anyone no and just something I I was I was always to be fair my view was that I couldn't ever survive whereby I didn't think that and I know others did in the dress room and Roy you had maybe one or two situations and Peter did or Teddy and Co did I could never survive walking into a dress room thinking that I wasn't speaking to someone I I couldn't survive you a bust up a rare one de was that you was that you yeah Raymond and we rude obviously rude van not get physical on I'm yeah yeah but do you know something I would always deal with it the the one time at centry where I've talked about with you I in my mind on that Sunday said I'm going speaking to you tomorrow morning I would confront it I wouldn't let that sort of if you like move on for like a period of time yeah go on I would always say when I was in the dress room and then as I got older and more confident you sort of start then to I was always vocal on the pitch I'd be vocal on the pitch I'd give loads of information to my Center back and to my right winger i' I mean I'd never shut up on the I'd make sure that there was loads of information but in terms of obviously like standing up to people schichel to be fair was brutal with me in the early days in training and he told me one Christmas do he said to me I was I thought you were a risk he said Paul Parker was an amazing Defender with a great back four you the first person to break into that back four and I saw you as a risk thinking that you I didn't think you'd be good enough and I thought that we would sort of cause you know we'd have problems he G he told me that a Christmas dude we all fell down he in '98 in 98 he told me three years after I broke in he and he shook me at it but that that was it was almost like it with you were like that iny was like that the boss was like was almost like an initiation of like Eric Harrison said to me after 10 games in the first team 17 games in the first team and I was picked for England after 17 games he literally came to me and said to me you're not a Manchester United player to you played 100 matches he said you need three seasons right and and that that was the message at the club you literally had to build almost like a three season sort of like Bank of games and then you might get accepted and then they might think okay he's he's done a little bit here and you might then start to grow a it bit you never be a leader giggsy so quiet W it at 17 even 23 24 schoy buty all of us we were mice really for the first four or five years in the dressing room but then obviously as we got more confident than we but that worked for you Lord you nothing think like that Phil was the loudest i Phil I think Phil was probably the one that I was he you say he was quiet was Gary in the early days in the early days I was so how comes Phil's the Phil's Phil used to walk inil used to make me laugh he used to walk in he used to say [ __ ] who motivates the [Laughter] motivator he us to say just me he's like lad you know mean be sub maybe on the Saturday or something the most motivat the [ __ ] motivator I can imagine him see the beauty right when they came across well as you've all know players come across sometimes in train with the first team couple of lads and then you just know they they'll be gone and you'll never get and that's what happens players come even when never them came across and obviously they brilliant players are you not about the stick you were getting because there's also that element of we knew they could take you know what I mean we it's always a fine line of course because players can go everyone's too hard of me but the credit what I would give the L who came across when they come I was like these are here to stay yeah they're not they're not going back and coming with yeah with all of them no with all of them as soon as they came across you talking about four five players obviously giggsy was already headed the group you're looking these These are here to stay and all all really honestly go back to Great Lads but that's the important I go back geez I can only talk about my own experiences but when the players came across yeah they no doubt talented because they would have been at United but they had great great habits and great traits from the people who were working with Eric the you team stuff about listen about the the responsibility play you when you see him so self-deprecating does he annoy you because not Bing himself up a little bit a little bit no I get it some sometimes you got to get the balance right and yeah stay humble and and not get card with but also don't be too hard on yourself because again if you reflect on Gary's career and you just read out what he's W then it's amazing and and and take credit for that when I first went into first team dressing room I remember the first six months you got to remember the dressing room I went into had pister Bruce Cana Hughes iny Roy um all them honestly I used to go in there get changed there was me schy and buty got in first beex was delayed to beex was a year later than us gigy was already in there and I remember I used to walk back into my own dressing room after I got I just didn't I felt oh my this is like massively overwhelming in terms of just the the the the the presence of people because a lot of these Mark Us by the way Mark use was my hero Bri Brian Robson was like still at the club when I made my Premier League debut see these people and it was Tiny to dress was it lit on top of glad you said and now even now Goosebump thinking about how me there thinking actually it scares me to death this a little bit do you know I mean even though in the youth team reserves I was Captain so I go back into the actual youth team dressing room I get changed go back into the youth team dressing room Becks have being there Phil being there The Lads have been there that Ben thornly Keith Gillespie them sort of that I felt like I didn't belong so you had imposter syndrome you didn't believe you should be in there transfer onto the pitch in those first sorts of five or 10 games no I I don't think it did I felt like I was on track f for the first probably like 25 30 games I always remember in the first season it was it was the year we lost the league to Blackburn and that's when I played I think 25 games 30 Games something like that and what he would do he pop me in get me out pop me in get me out he' play Sharpie at left back or he play Roy at right back and say Liverpool away or something like that and it got to a semi-final of the FA Cup against uh Villa Park against Crystal Palace and he come and saw me like in the week he said right I'm putting you in and I thought I felt like it was a moment you know what I mean and never been as ner he put Becks in as well both of us together for the first time I think in terms of a big game I think it's the first big game we played together I think he was more nervous than me and I remember thinking almost like this is the sort of like a massive test so you felt everything was a test you felt like every day was a bit of a test until you got comfortable and it like 25 26 you know you win the treble at 24 out of that you then think right okay I'm established now I've played five years but it took that first three or four years of like it felt like it was like a I don't know like it like a test a massive examp interesting that because when you no no want to look back at your career and think about that game but you don't have games don't you when when you play and you and you go into most people even have a man united fan because you're playing Palace they expect to win they're not saying oh my God Gary n at right back but for you family you you'd passed that message on to your dad he been there with his M thinking oh my God I hope i' been to watch United in the 83 and 85 FA Cup semifinals at Villa Park so for me to play in that game like the you talk about the FA Cup I the history of it and the magnitude of it it was massive so for us play the semi-final at Villa Park was like that was that was that was Monumental that that was like huge and it was a massive big step that in terms of coming through the playing as John salako yeah John Sako was left Winger de a good Winger you know what I mean and did quite well in the first game we actually Drew 3-3 yeah was it 22 two2 or 3- three it was like a tough game we could have gone out and then obviously second game we get through that's the one that you got sent off in but we won the game and then you think right okay and then where I felt a really belongs when he picked me at Wembley in the final to be fair I played first half at right back and then I don't who went off at half time Steve Bruce Steve Bruce went off at half I played center back second half well you went right back did I go right back yeah I went Center back second half so that's prob a big change as well isn't it in a final and so that game I play One n you got I've only got in the team sure you went right back did Nikki book Nikki book came on you I don't remember went right back your sist obviously Tracy very successful netb MBA feel very successful what's it like in the house because you obviously when you got to the training ground you went back to where a safety when you got back to the house talking to your siblings who were very successful as well so what was it like what was the chat like my my sister to be honest with you was a competitive guy I can see why my sister is the best coach in terms of how she is her mentality is unbelievable like literally unbelievable my sister she's like she's ferocious she's known as being being ferocious with her players in terms of the demands she puts on them like literally no non-negotiables are you know I can't imagine how it would be in football trying to think of an example but she would literally have as I'd be like sort of like look come we can work with it a little bit I might sort of she's just straight down the line and that's why I think she's probably been the most successful Phil to be fair to him I don't think anybody's ever worked as hard or thought more about football and Phil he's got an unbelievable work ethic and you talk about even now he'll do 10K runs every day he'll eat the right things every day he's continued his sort of prep his football career into his post football career he needs to chill out it's never no it's never ending never it's never ending for Phil I don't think in terms of his professionalism where's that come from because the drive obviously you took his sister's very ferocious Phil's very driven yourself I I do genely think that it's that I don't I can't remember who it was that said it to me so you've got a choice every single day like wake up and do the very best that you can and never give in or don't and you have that choice every single day I think literally every single day we just saw it as being right got do the very best that we can today like get up this morning like I'm up at 5: I'm at the gym at 600 in Salford training till quarter to 7 go back have a shower see the kids for now then I come go to hotel football see the team then I come here you know that mentality every day of just like where's it come from your mom your dad where's it where's it come from girl I think it's my mom I think it's more my mom my dad was a lry drive so got up early in the morning so that was like 4 5:00 but my mom's still playing netball now at 7 wow 4 wow every every week that's amazing every week 75 she doesn't miss and then she doesn't miss my daughter's game she she's been over in Australia for a month with my sister cuz she's over coaching she's like non-stop my mom I think I think it genuinely is my mom to be fair yeah what would happen if say like you had a plan in your head of going to the gym and you didn't do it that day that's not a good place that Jill yeah it's like the Nando on a Tuesday night no but I can see that with you Jill so this week I'm I'm going to the gym yesterday Tuesday Wednesday 6 o' Friday I'm going 6:00 and Saturday's 8:30 Saturday's 8:30 I will do that yeah that's what I programmed myself to do that's what I will do I know everything else around it to get a 7 o'cl car on Sunday morning I know exactly what's happening every minute of I I I literally plan the whole week and know what I'm doing your wife must be very understanding no but no but seriously she must be because there's got to be an element of selfishness to that LIF style in a way like I'm doing this and I'm not going to budge for kind of anyone like mini retirement do you ever think of any retirements and holidays but that that's the thing to be fair I do your breaks though don't I have got yeah I've got better at that to be fair I think every five or six weeks try and have three or four days if I can just completely like and actually it's like it's up like a think of like a goal almost like right I'm going to run as hard as I can for five six weeks I know what my five six weeks look like and I've got the half term in May which is like May 24 25th around that time that last week I know I'm going away there so I'm already thinking right that's my sort of that's my rest can you switch off girl when you're in that because you you go so hard 4 days I do switch off I I do switch but I also will go to the gym in the morning when I'm on holiday and I'll still do some of the things that I you know what I mean so basically 4: till 600 I'll still look at my emails and do some work in the morning I'll still go to the gym and in between that I'll relax wow I I it I don't know what it is like an itinerary to be fair my family to be fair I don't if anyone anyone else like that I'm a little bit like that think of it the lives in itinery almost like you live to that sort of knowing what you're doing I think what you do now you know your phone and you've got like your calendar did you do before that I go like if I'm bored I'll just look at me calendar like a month ahead just to it's almost like right time I'm doing that I'm doing that I'm doing that what did what if something doesn't go right he always makes me laugh when he says like so someone will say to him you know come around for a cup of tea and he'll think right okay I'll meet you in a couple of hours and they'll say like two weeks on Thursday know you you did you did that to me I was like oh why don't you all come to the coffee shop and you're like Friday the 26th of May 11:00 I was like you I'm away I'm [Music] like every time people speak about you they always talk about that Cricket your Cricket yeah how old was you when you was like playing Cricket cuz they say you could have what could play for England or could no I don't think I could my brother defit could so I I was a batter that bowled a little bit but I basically was still playing Cricket in the summer when I was at United 16 to 18 and then I basically ma Matthew Aiden who's a famous Australian Opening batter I got in a partnership with him in the semi-final of the hmer cup in the Bon league and we I think the part was like 220 we got we got 100 each and there's a picture of us both with holding but it went in the man news and Eric Harrison found out I didn't think anything of it I was just still playing Cricket Eric Harrison found out and said you [ __ ] do it he's still playing and literally that was the last game of cricket I ever played wow strange enough when you were coming the rep the stuff at United was that Phil is L more Talent than you and that's what the time Phil had a bit lot more Talent than Gary but Gary would certainly you'd hang your hat more on Gary to have a really good solid career because of all that professionalism and being on time for training obviously you were captain of the U team but there were more say Phil certainly had a lot more talent in you is that right no do you know right people don't probably remember this um in terms of Phil so Phil was a better football player than me and a better cricketer than me fact and he was stronger than me he was quicker than me he was two-footed left and right foot and Phil got into team so the 95 final we lost in the 96 final against Liverpool Phil started that final um against Liverpool the one where canar scores the goal he started that game he was unbelievable absolutely brilliant Phil got glandula fever right and didn't you I don't know if you remember the time people don't remember this he got Glo fever for about six months and we didn't play for three or four five months and he literally was just knocked out and he lost a lot of strength I think and power and Phil was Phil had legs that were like mine that was really strong and S quite stocky if you look at him in his early days and then what happened he had the glandula fever and he just he lost quite a bit of his strength I think at that point and I just sort of like came back into it and came ahead and that just knocked Phil a little bit I think he never really sort of like from that point he did recover CU an unbelievable career but just he was ahead of me absolutely he was under 16 he went England under 16 England 16s England under 15s Cricket under 15 was you in Eng in England did you get in no I I didn't get in the man I didn't get in the greater Manchester County team under 15s wow how so how did how did you take that girl when how' you take that at the time to be fair skoy and buty were in there and other Lads that i' played with at United was at United from 11 so United sort of believed in me I felt kiddo was really good with me and you know the other people the other coaches but I was not in the sort of what with the representative teams they called them you know I mean like the greater man teams North ofland or England I was never anywhere near that I was never even considered and I was sub for the greater Manchester County couldn't get in the team um it just does that make you may help did that help you drive on a bit more maybe does that you cuz you just said about failing you said you know you've been underrated I always ask this question about like players who you've got the absolute maximum out your career yeah does that make you more proud than that the fact that there's might have been other players maybe who had more talent but didn't achieve what you did and you got the absolute maximum out of it but you know something I don't think any of the players I played with at United um that got into the first team I don't think any of them were less than the maximum out of their careers I don't think I was unique in that United I think you know you even Liverpool all your career righty you think about what you extracted Jill what you I think all of us around this table I think most football players are in that position where they extract the maximum out of their I think everyone is I don't think everyone fulfills you think like Hazard like he could no but I just think every and listen sometimes it's a team game sometimes the club you're at the manager you need a little bit of luck don't get me wrong but if you're talking about someone who doesn't get in the greater Manchester team and then you go from there basically 10 years later you're rated as one of if not the best right back in premier league history and win all that that is that is you that jump is absolutely massive do you where I think I was probably I think where I think I was probably ahead of maybe other players not wasn't work ethic obviously was like maximum but I actually thought I I I learned my position so I think I knew my position really well I think I knew back four play quite well I think I knew organization so I knew where Becks needed to be I knew that sort of if you know I knew there was a danger if I could anticipate danger if someone was going to run inside me and Rio as an example Rio you know I mean I think I think I knew the game pretty well enough to be able to communicate the game on the pitch in my position so I think I knew my position I always remember Nobby Styles and Eric Harrison and I think I think Tony and uh Baldi and I think Lee and Nigel did this at Arsenal at times do you know the Rope the Rope yeah so the other is on rope and basically back for be on rope and obviously the premise being if your left back moves out towards his right winger you come across you all come across and we were literally on rope in training yeah and that just the idea of those sort of simple things yeah and then I think of I think I've just thought of another thing with Don how do you know the one at the back post when the ball's over there and used that one Don how used to put a used to stand on the um used to have two people on the sort of Center Circle um sorry on the edge of the halfway line and used to put a different color bib up so basically if you were if you're ball watching as a Defender let's say you're a right back and the ball's coming in from that side you needed to know what color that bib was over there all the time if you changed it red yeah red that that player running in there or running s you always had an awareness that was unbelievable and another thing was Eric Harrison used to make us go to Old Trafford on a Saturday as you team players and watch the player he said forget the ball I want you to watch the player in your position at all parts during the game so I spent like two years watching Parks Paul Parker who's an amazing Defender with Brucey on that right side of the defense I used to watch what they were doing all the game and he have he'd ask you questions about it on the Monday morning so you're talking about those sort of like you think about going to a game now as a 17-year-old did they watch the game or did they learn from the game you can look but you can't see sometimes I think he made us see what was going on like in terms of like the just them principles I had unbelievable like advice around me on my position and stuff like that see you mentioned like so you got into England after 17 games so that would have definitely helped watching that much football watching that so ter ter rebles um it's it's actually I played in the cut final against um Everton we lost and I went to an under 19s tournament on the Monday Eric said you coming with us blue stars tournament in Zurich he said you're coming with us I don't care you're playing for first team you're coming with us and the boss made said made me go I wanted to go as well it was with the lads that I was playing with so Ben was still going Becks went we all it was there wasn't like a you sp getting carried away you're playing in a Cup Final on a Saturday on the Monday we're on a flight to Zurich to play in a tournament for five days against Bayern Munich Barcelona all the best clubs in I don't know if you know the tournament we but United played in it for years and I was there and Eric Harrison um we went out for a walk to this pool Club I don't know what happened someone came down the street and said Eric wants a word we back in the hotel so I went back to the hotel he said I just had a call from the club you've been selected for England to play in the unbroke cup which was a tournament the year before you're united six I I all played 17 times think 18 times for United right okay and anyway I flew back that day that night I think didn't didn't couldn't play in the tournament when you told everybody what did everybody say when you told I was embarrassed actually I was a bit like I felt like you like big time yeah you all the lads that were there I didn't feel like I didn't go and tell them I just I just S I think I had a word one or two of them and said look I'm going to have to go so did you fly there have that meet and then fly back no I flew back to um to we met up in leads we were playing against I can't remember we met we SW we play we played Japan Sweden and Brazil yeah so I met ter venables he said to me look I'm going to play you against Japan in the first game I played um again that first game against Japan we conceded a goal from a corner and at the end of the game tell it was a new team Colin Cooper played David unsworth there was like loads of new players because I think players have pulled out and at the end we went into the dress room after the game and it's the first time I'd ever come across Don yeah and basically Terry reenable went oh lad's really proud of you well done Terry Terry stop there he said I'm not proud of him he started going on this massive r about conceding a goal from a set piece and he always stuck with me that one that he'd cut across Terry and that Terry was happy for him to do so but the fact of again you think about standards I'm not happy he he's done set pieces with us on the training pitch in the morning we've conceded from a corner and I always remember that anyway ter Terry said look you'll play in the first game but Warren Barton's here he'll play against Sweden and then he'll play against Brazil but I want you to get some experience anyway they played against Sweden at Ellen rad on the Thursday night or Wednesday or Thursday night and it didn't go it wasn't a good performance it was 33 though yeah didn't go very well anyway he said to me I've changed your mind you you're playing against Brazil on on uh Saturday and that was you know Roberto Carlos was left back Ronaldo was up front and literally my second game was it was like oh my God it was like an eye open you know what I mean how' you look back on the England career for yourself what' you think I I probably let myself down a little bit in the book where I called it a waste of time because I at the end of the United Career when you think what was you feeling at the time to say that why would you say that you I was thinking about it was I suppose in might be a little bit of arrogance of thinking that everything's about winning which it is and at United everything was about winning you you didn't win you were dead basically I mean that was just a just the mentality of the club with with the boss and everybody else in the changing room so then you think we don't win something and you've got you know you've been called the Golden generation and then you go and let people down in tournaments after tournaments I've been to five tournaments as a player five tournaments I went to as a player three Euros two World Cups and we got we just let people down we let the country down every time we got kn of the tour apart from EUR ed6 which I think was half accepted every other was a let down so it was almost like you feel like it's a waste of time I've not we've not achieved we've not done what we said we were going to do we've not we've not gone on it and that's probably a bit probably wrong that in some ways because I I actually loved playing for England how did you take the defeats you takeen personally G with England yeah I don't was you always measuring it up against United maybe maybe maybe wondering why it wasn't the same at times maybe wondering why we you know why we didn't get over sometimes it was obvious but then sometimes why couldn't you the thing that still to this day why could we not win on penalties why could we not get through against Germany in the Euros why could we not get through against Portugal in 2004 and six you know why why and I look back now I've never said this probably I never took a penalty in my life ever and I was not a goal scorer scored seven goals but I look back now and think because I was experienced and I was a you know was seen as a senior player in the team or Captain at United why did I not take penalty I even think that sometimes you you remember in 2006 I came on to take a penalty yeah did you you said to me when I walked up are you sure you want it and I was thinking [ __ ] that's no reason been brought on thanks how long did you play I Remember 1 minute one minute the ball did you score no missed I missed I I always remember you saying to me you sure you want you I did that I will have done that I disagreed with the principle of bringing a player on for 30 seconds and then send your first kick press how you're not into the game you're not warmed up you're not like you had to kick a ball you you've not kicked a ball by the way probably for an hour and a half before that and you've come on for a kick after not having kicked the ball for an hour and a half and expected to knock it I knocked the first one in that was all right to take it again but the penties is went no take it again he hadn't BW his whistl the penalties is a massive thing like that though like back say then cuz I know how much prep we did on penties like it used to blow my mind how much we used to do right at the end and I was like shulia just goes on are you having a good game confidence I think that's a massive thing but did you do a lot of prep work in tournaments or was it just like I'll go and take some penties at the end we tried everything so it's I'm just going to go to the an Anthony Gordon interview because he told me what Gareth does so he pulls three players at the end of practice takes them to a quiet area they have a penalty and they take three each mhm they have to pick a side they have to decide where it's going to a go and that's what they do and then they monitor all they do three different players and they they don't take like a big group so what we did and different things you'd have like 10 players in one half 10 players in the other when we worked out we had to practice them at one but 10 players were there queuing up 10 players were here queuing up and then you basically all take if you remember in that tournament car so what what fa nothing think and Steve McLaren did with that tournament they took every all players in the squad took penalties in each half and then whoever had the most penalty successes would be the ones that would be chosen as being the best pen takers for the game and right that's why I was brought up that's why he was brought I didn't miss one say but I used to say was Paul Robinson in goal you I mean it's like so we did practice we went through a phase of not then we went through a phase of some did some didn't then we went through a phase of everyone does it and it's a competition and you measure it yeah and then I just thought interesting listening to Anthony Gordon last week talk about how Gareth because he had has had some success with it just taking three players in a sort of like a quite sort of concentrated way and sort of making them focus and making them sort of do it properly cuz you think about that thing we always say whatever happens in training comes out in games if there's Tenny there and you queing up you have into a bit of a laugh yeah you need to get into but can you replicate it even there when you say it's not quiet about Jamie you saying that Jamie what do you think when he said that to you about you you want to take it and that because he's obviously man united you're Liverpool and how did you take it what was your relationship like when you were in the squad I would I would have been with him at that point in terms of looking I would have been and he would have been looking after me but I would have been at that point that would have been deliver delivered in a way was come on if you if you don't don't worry you know me Al or someone El you know what I mean it was it it probably wasn't the best message to send to him before he walked up thinking about it now but it was it was it was done in the right Spirit it wasn't like I'm going to S didn't the right no no but I mean I understood he was he was probably thinking you know you've just come on it and he's probably thinking you're a bit like me you're a def he probably thought I can't believe you come on it right yeah yeah right that's I didn't I didn't know that before the game to beir it was like there was 30 seconds you had a good technique you I was never asked to say one I was never put up to take one and I always thought about penalties I never find myself in a game in front of goal at all ever in training even because I'm always in training I played right back I didn't go and sort of wander up front and sort of having a bit of a kick around yeah I never found myself in front of goal hardly you know what I mean so this idea that in the highest pressurized situation you would be the right person to be in front of goal and take it but I look back now and I think actually was it about seniority was it about leadership was it about his penalties actually not about being to kick the ball is it about something else like a do you know me I don't know you would had you know I wouldn't have seen you walking up with P Sho and go I'm not sure about that cuz you you would have had a decent technique yeah did you take pant yeah I took a couple yeah over the years right yeah you know when you said about breaking into England and obviously you took Warren Barton's play in that situation um how was he with you because you know sometimes when you have like an older player and was that different at Club to Country when you say about Parker yeah do you know when you say about look sometimes you do have look and the look I had was that Warren Barton obiously didn't take his chance that day but Paul Parker had a really bad ankle injury Rob Jones had really bad injuries with Liverpool Lee was probably coming Lee was probably sort of getting a bit older at Arsenal so all the right backs that sort of existed were almost like almost like fell away through injury or from some other reason so a gap opened up yeah um and not I never you something I felt like even for my club and for my country I didn't really feel like I had competition right for probably but that didn't make me let up in any way shape or form but I didn't feel really feel like I still have to take them chances though yeah but I didn't really feel like I had competition for like 10 years really I think Micah came in towards the end of my career and that was a situation where he thought oh he's talented he's got something you know what I mean but who got question because it's a really good one I quite like this one he says um if Valencia wasn't your first managerial job would you be a manager now as in you know a championship job or would you would you be a manager now you think because of I I took the Valencia job and the more I think about it purely because of the fact that I knew the owner and I felt like I you know I was I was loyal to him I felt like I owed him something because he he believed in me in terms of the businesses and stuff but I'd been asked to go to middles briff an interview Newcastle had asked to speak to me and a couple of other clubs I can't Darby I think had asked to speak to me all in that previous three years when I was on Skype and I said no to everyone because I wasn't it wasn't what I wanted to be so I didn't want I I'd started my businesses I'd started my media career I didn't want to be a coach i' I'd said no to Newcastle and a conversation I've never said this publicly um it was actually someone from Sky who knew a contact at Newcastle said look they want to speak to you someone from Sky contacted about Middlesboro as well believe it or not and said look they want to have a conversation with you which I'm not saying that would have got me the job but it could have got me the job they were obviously speaking to me I was on television I was doing quite well on when I came out of football in those first two years on television I knew every player I felt like I knew the game inside out and I was felt like you know I could probably come across as though I could communicate the game which you know different now 10 years out and you you know youve distanced yourself from the game a little bit and you disconnected but I didn't want to be a manager I didn't want to be a coach I didn't I genuinely didn't but then I said no to Peter the first time and then he just said look I'd really like you to do it for me I don't want to bring a manager in now because I know that they'll want to sign players in the January transfer when know I went in December they want to CLI and I just need to get to the end of the season and he said just do it for me for five months so I went in on a five month contract and didn't even last the five months because it became impossible for him for me for everyone it was had you done your coaching badges then had you your badges no so I I I done I did my B license with you Y which was when I was 31 I did my a license a license a license at 34 whilst I was the United you have obviously left at that point I did my Pro license when I was 37 38 that was fully qualified so I had the pro license to go on any bench I wanted to in Europe right um and to be fair I was always like I said to you know I said look you never know what's going to happen do your B license your A license and your pro license it'll actually help you with your punditry and at the time it does for a period because you're actually you're going that Pro license you with 20 other managers coaches and you're talking about the game um the reason I asked that question because you've done all the coaching courses but that that then gives you a feeling whether you want to go into it or not but yeah but right I I didn't want to go into it I because I really was enjoying the media side and I was enjoying and you know something you can't be arrogant enough I don't think to think that you're going to be a good coach if you're not thinking about coaching every single day of the week which I wasn't yeah yeah and I do you still think about the Valencia do you think about it though like I just shouldn't have done that I shouldn't done no no the I think the lessons from it the learnings from it like I think were massive for me about saying no I mean you were probably the first he he used to say to us in the dressing room no is a sentence he says say h it's one of the things I remember no is a sentence and to Fair no I think around that time I said yes to a couple of things that came my way and you know that the one with Peter was purely around sort of just because of what I said before how long you Valen ago where you start this like was it quickly where you felt I'm not feeling it I listen huge problems with the team language the whole with your staff but when did you cuz it's hard when you're mind you sit going it's not happening do you know was it quickly or there's a point I remember looking in my mirror in the morning thinking I look ill I remember that after how long were you there I'd say probably that was February probably two or three months I'm thinking I I ill I literally looked to myself that oh my God but I remember we played three times against uh bil BAU in the EUR UEFA the Europa League quarterfinal and a league game and Val verie was the coach and I remember him stood there he played a different system than I thought he would and then he changed during the game and I remember thinking I am nowhere near that levels on I remember that time thinking Val you you think about a coach on a cuz you know I blew my mind weren't expected to be on his level no no but what I'm saying to I felt like like massively inferior Ro you something I was watching the game I believe I can see a game from a Gantry and I can see everything that's going on and there's no one can get much past us but you put yourself down stood on the touch line and see a game where all you see is legs or you're down in a bench and on and all you see is legs and how you think of the game tactically or how they spot things I have no idea because I just remember thinking what's actually go what's actually going on out there you know what I mean you you feel but happens to Great managers as well there's something going on in the game you thinking we got to hang in here you have people up there now don't like was definitely the first time I thought oh my God I'm miles off this and then I coached against Simone on I felt as though that day he was beating me up he was beating me his mannerisms his energy down the touch line intimidating I these are great coaches Gary sorry to interrupt but I could feel that I could feel a young coach I was feeling that he's put himself in that situation when you listen to it but they're not all good as coaches yeah but he's put himself in a situation that deep down he's doing a favor for someone I know do you know the other one was Enrique the 7 nil be there quickly he that night it was 70 it was the coer Del Ray not that important a competition to Barcelona so the 40 up 5 up and he didn't sub Neymar Messi or Suarez and he stood there just he did at the end so mque and I watched him last week actually in the Barcelona game and I was looking at him thinking I can see why you're going to get Paris SJ man over the line maybe that night at the end of the game shake his hand he walked straight past me ignored me and I thought you [ __ ] he didn't shake your hand no why so why do you think he's I just thought you something he's almost nastiness he Nast that horribl I thought you know he's almost like saying go home little boy he's I felt like that's what he was sort of the message send me but you still have that respect at the end yeah but Jo je wasn't good to me Rafa bonitz was good to me I played Real Madrid um he was he was under pressure at the time there but after the game he came shook me hand he had a CH he obviously been at Valencia and he was he was actually very good with me he he actually give me a you know probably four or five [Music] minutes you think of sort of the job got at South Gat done now and wasn't like he had a you know he almost fell into the England job didn't he I always think if Valencia would have gone well I think you'd have had a great opportunity because you were involved with England at at the time you an assistant manager to Roy Odin Roy loses his job I know you're part of that region but if if Valencia goes well and then you're involved with England I've I've never I've never said this publicly but I remember getting the job in Valencia in the December and Dan Ashworth rang me and said this is the perfect move for you to be on that next step for when Roy decides that he doesn't want to be a to take over I've never said that W and he was this is and obviously could never say that you know 3 months in four months in cuz it went so badly but he got C this is exactly what you know we wanted we wanted you to get a number one job and yeah I always remember making that call to me saying this is the perfect thing for you and you're absolutely right in my mind you know something there's part of me I took the job for Peter obviously but in your back of your mind also you're thinking go there win seven or eight games you know get Valencia up the league and by the way you could be manager anywhere then you you your life turns in a different way for a reason but when I look back I was it was right that I failed yeah yeah cuz I didn't put the work in all the things I believe in in my life the obsession about work ethic being dedicated to something I needed to fail to give myself a big slap round the face and say get back down you tried you deserve credit for that because people always go well why did you say that yeah you have to be brave sometimes that's courage comes into it because if you think you're smart enough to pick every job that's ideal for you yeah this is like I sorry Sor I was just going to say so so so managerial so then you you're going to the owner sford yeah what's what like 10 years now what I know are you still you still involved you kind of got a little bit of involvement I'm obviously still an owner but the lads now are obviously operational in the club I've not been oper how's that towards management like the management we just heard out I felt massive pressure um at games you'll have seen it obviously you come to a lot of sulfa games less so now because because when you're not making the decisions every single day that are responsible for spending the money or bringing the players in or bringing the managers in or sacking the managers whatever it might be you feel that obviously I I watch every single sulfa game usually by link but generally if I'm not in the stadium by link I watch every game I don't feel I don't feel the same because I'm not making the decisions you feel a bit more disconnected from it but I still want them to obviously desperately win every single week but for them eight years I actually loved it I I I loved it but you also but after three years of not getting promoted for the first five years so first six years we won four promotions um and we uh won a efl trophy at Wembley so that was the first six years and then we had three years where we didn't get promoted they the board Peter the rest of the lads met and said look you know Gary's part-time here he's do it two days a week and actually we're not succeeding with it a wall and they actually in some ways in the right way and I got to the conclusion as well I've had my chance you know I've got three goals at League 2 yeah but I'd on television spoken about you know Ed woodwood I'd spoken about other people at football clubs if you get given three or four years five years as an owner and you're not delivering results or a CEO you're probably not going to deliver them I mean so I think they were right to sort of move me into that director role again they obvious you know the lads take over they're in there every single day they have their three four five years to have a to have a goal he's probably right in terms of doing it you know what I mean five six years I was successful the things you used to say on TV or something or you'd say on Twitter and that and then i' always saved them and then and then sck a manager and I just retweet something every manag deserves three he got to I'm going to put my defense up now my record you say it every time so basically I sack this one then no no no we in my the first managers we appointed with there for three and a half years and the next managers we had graem Alexander were two two years uh two years and a quarter so we had like two managers in like six six seasons basically and then what happened was I sat Graham stupid thing to do as an owner you either sack them at the end of a season or you let them have The Following Season don't basically say look let's give him three months at the start next season because he's managed that transfer window he's met all the players that are coming in he's brought those players in and then you sack them and those players that have been he's brought in think God what's going on it's a bit of carcraft this you just you just signed me so we I I i' never done that before sacked a manager 3 months into the season fact wasn't even three months in season probably about a month or so into the season and thought right and we need to go back to getting someone a bit gritty and a bit sort of feisty pointed uh Richie Wellings and to be fair Richie had been successful before and after Salford so you know no problem there but it was just a disaster you know to the point when I sat Richie I sat down with him I went to sit down with him and say to him look Richie this is just not working he said he said to be honest with you Gary I'm not enjoying it either um he I said look I said I agree it wasn't working for either of us it just wasn't right so that then meant I was sacking two managers in a season Jes and I was pointing Gary Bo then as obviously like sort of intering manager so you end up with three managers in a season but it comes from nowhere it punches you in the face right between the eyes because you think you're sensible you think you've got everything under control you've had two managers in six years but all of a sudden you make one bad decision and it all goes bang and you just think Ang and now I'm chasing myself for the next two or three years all of a sudden you've got a reputation as a club that sack manages you've got a reput and you don't think that way you know what I mean so it's that that's what happened with that it just the first one was a bad decision but this you know it not working with Richie was the one that really cost us really CU right did you really enjoy that like how did you enjoy that compared to like the punditry and everything you've done like since thing you came with the with the punditry and you kind of you went in hard I think Jamie came in after as well you Lo for me took it somewhere else with the analytical side of it and the the real deep stuff I think to basically and I knew this would happen just it happens to everybody like for three or four years when I was coach with England and I'd just come out of the game and I knew every player I was right at the top of my sort of game there in terms of detail and understanding the game and even like I always remember the first time I ever heard um do you know when you say players jump to press yes I'd never heard that as a football player at United jump to press yeah but Jordan started talking to me about what Brendan Rogers and klopp was about jumping to press and things so I was still hearing this sort of like the terminology and the developments within the dressing room I was hearing it live you know what I mean so I was getting like a real insight and you P them becomes better for it and then I I realized that it needed to sort of like you come out of England and you're not in the dressing room you're not in the game and you start to become a little bit more less I suppose intelligent around the tactics and the terminology and then you start to become a bit more you know high level to the point now whereby I'm doing commentary and I'll speak about things but I wouldn't want to go in you know you're into the tactic you watch hours and hours of sort of like the games and you wind it back and you're on y Scout I I can't do that yeah I mean it's not me it's not my type it's not where I'm at so yeah the first few years I felt like I was really in the detail of it can I just go back start this stuff quickly what so when you said you were in Valen you on the sideline you thought you're out of your depth against to be fair great managers and Brilliant team so when you were working with Roy more relaxed going I just Roy's doing all that type of thing yeah there there's two things one is I mean you know this you've been an ass assistant being the man who makes the decision the difference between that the press conferences you know you got remember before Friday yeah Saturday after a game Tuesday before the Wednesday Wednesday after a game Friday again before the SAT you six press conferences a week and that six and if you're losing oh my God I mean it's you were a lot more comfortable letting Roy be the manager and you with with Roy my role was was really clear and it suited me perfectly and I think I still justify to this day that I was I was actually probably the right person to do that job for Roy one I could connect to the dressing room because I was younger but I was actually doing the post sorry the pre and postmatch videos and delivering them for Roy so I was doing that on sky in Monday Night Football so I would basically watch the let's say playing Slovenia I'd watch six to eight Slovenia tapes build the pre-match sort of if you like video of Slovenia deliver that to the players obviously show it to Roy and talk to about sort of the plan and then I would then watch the game back straight after the game I'd get on a bike after an England game at Wembley straight back to the Grove I'd watch the game there and then with the analyst we'd clip it up and we'd have it ready to show the players in International Football you've only got like Saturday to Tuesday or whatever it might be you've got to get that information into on the last the game that you've played before the more after else it's thinking about the next game so we would show it to them at 10 :00 that morning before they went out and did the warm-up and I would basically do the Slovenia post match based on our principles of what we were actually looking to do pre-match so I'd measure it against what we were looking to do pre-match and I did that I'd do the odd little bit of possession where me and Ray had take the players off that was it that was my role and to support Roy obviously and but Roy did all the coaching raid did a bit um but Roy did every tactical main session you know that was Roy Roy was a coach Roy was delivered really good sessions and that's what he did was Phil coaching in Valencia with you cuz I remember we went on the training camp to Valencia and he turned up I wonder if he was like please get us out of this joke he was our man when I look back now I've never spoken to Phil about this really Phil was over there with Nuno um Nuno asked him to go over and be a coach there I think Phil had gone over to do like a a few weeks there just watching him and he they really got on he worked with him and I think Nuno maybe still thinks this day that sort of like Phil or me were honestly there was no sort of like plan to get Nuno out of Valencia he was obviously struggling at the time anyway yeah um but I think when I went over there and got the top job and Phil was already there in so that that it it wasn't right you know what I mean but Peter had asked me to do it and Phil was Phil was obsessed with coaching and loved coaching but I think Peter just saw me as being someone who maybe could sort of handle the media more maybe sort front it a bit more you know what I mean you got a community question in foring fil and it says did you feel properly fall out to any you fall out never never do you know something I would never fall out with my brother never I would never fall out with my brother's children I would never fall out with my sister or my sister's children I can't I couldn't live my life like that there's no I say what could they do that would make me feel like that but you know what I mean I the idea I've got to be bigger than that I've got to be bigger than that I can't you know but my dad had a Fallout with someone in in my family when I was younger for about a year or two and it it has a big impact on a family and I always remember thinking that I couldn't see you know other members of my family that were like my friends in the family because of my dad's Fallout with and you think that I mean that happens and so people watching you but go make up yeah go make up not because you need to make up with that person it's because the impact you'll make the people your your kids lives your cousins lives your uncle Ripp it's the ripple effect through your family is devastating so I would never fall out with my brother it's impossible for me to fall out with my brother I might disagree with him on something but [Music] impossible under Ole episode remember you said about after the trouble you you you'd never done a pull-up you couldn't do one pullup oh just something I was in the gym yesterday morning Ry try again no word of a lie so they went to do the pull-ups and do you know where they put the elastic bands in touch them around you get the hell I'm still with the elastic bands right getting pulled up you know what I mean I don't know what it is tell before tell you what he can do this is remember that night out we went on with sky so burp oh my God and to this day it's the biggest regret of me life I didn't film it 3 in the morning two years ago we like start of the Season bit of a drink we come out me and him in the same Hotel this lad ends up like you know you walk on the street challenging me challeng him he said come on so he said come on then so the the two of them are doing babies at 2: in the morning in the street of London how many and they just we've had a few B beat didn't you did you beat them Jo something I love I'm I'm 50 I'm the oldest person in the gym that I go to right but you what I love the idea of young people inspire you yeah and you think you see like a 25 what really inspires me in the morning is that like like a 23 year old or 26 year old or I don't know how old they are but they're younger than me I've got up at 5: in the morning to go to the gym at 6 and train and that really makes me feel like yeah I I can live off that you know what I mean I I buzz off you know you know what a burp I don't can you show I don't you're going to do burp do a quick burp yeah do a quick Burpee girl can you see him can you get Gary doing his burp don't forget he was drunk he was pissed at the time so basically this young this fit lad he's probably about 30 and I'm like I'll do you at burpees I will I will and you something I will I will keep going till I do you bur good yes that's good oh look at the yes I tell you what that's good join great form yeah we get it we get it okay now you can do that can we can we bring in the things cuz we want to see [ __ ] to try and do a p watch out watch out don't anyone we we think that you've got to have a go at trying to see if you why don't these guys show us how many they can do first I've got I think you who's going to hold it wor you have to put a box underneath Steve show us how it's done Jesus he's got muscles Steve come on Steve lad two arms or one wow Steve Steve away go See's take take your come on [Applause] guys free don't stop J you J you got you look amazing you look amazing come on man come on I do do you have to you have to right J go on I don't know if I could do one easy let him extend down to the bottom yeah heing still done enough there come on CH come no you Jesus I can't even reach it I've never you got ma no I've got two long arms oh W well done that's good I like it can't do that too honestly I can't do you can't do that so when you said about the test City they used to leave me there ladies and gentlemen thanks for tuning to stick to football and our guest Gary Neville what about that and man so proud of you thank you well done can I just say can I just say you red the bar with that episode go that go that's really good I saw your face go somewhere else you didn't was that I want keep chatting to Gary he's the best gu honestly girl we need to know I gu she going have to pay him yeah he pay you know the Valencia and you doing that really surprised me with your character to to do something to please someone like that when it when it's so detrimental in the end to What's happen even though you've probably learned a lot from the experience but like seem in the back of your mind you're still going over there thinking think about it I'll go into more detail with it I finished playing football at 36 right I get a piece of I get two piece of land in Manchester and some of the lads are willing to put in some money when but get to half of it and you need someone to believe in you to put extra money else you have to lose the land don't build it right one of them was the hotel across from Old Trafford and the club were at the time saying I don't think they'll do it and we won't get the money and you got it and to be fair Peter believed in know he put money into us and let us run the project you know what I mean he let us do right and when someone puts money into it's a massive responsibility you know I mean someone gives you their money it's a massive responsibility to be able to look after it to make sure it's used well and make sure that you give them the money back and so he he'd give me a start in my life in terms of business you know what I mean he almost like sort of you felt like you oldow him girl yeah and I feel like that's something that I think naturally all of us would do for people who've sort of helped us you know what I mean you would try and do that thing for them interesting what Roy says about you feel like you're going to make a success of it but right he never asked me for anything wow and never has he asked me one thing would you go over for him and you wasn't right and but I thought how can I say no to him for when he's believed in me you know what I mean he's but sometimes it's good to regret the things you've done instead of you could be sitting here going I could have gone to Valencia and left it go at least at least at least you win for it I love Valencia by the way the place the weather it the city that honestly to take a trip back to let's go go didn't go top was going to knock your hotel down no no there's there's no like ultimat or he wasn't pressurizing me or anything like that he said Gary I'd really like it to do it for me and you know that's I think I felt like I owed him I think I did you know what I mean I think it was the right thing to do for that reason but wrong football reasons maybe or yeah that was where we first met Phil though you know when we on a training camp and then he was the manager after that tournament yeah there you go networking he was he was like get out that was really interesting and you know what you listen we go back to it we don't get I don't embarrass you you're great teammate you and Phil you're really good people good solid people the CH yeah good back good family great guy yeah but my brother and sister now so my sister first ever England coach who ever win a a gold medal in a tournament so like achieved everything in in netball but the best league in the world in Australia so basically she says I'll go over for 6 months and that's it but then she goes back over now for 2 years wow so she's over in Australia for 2 years Phil's over in Portland coaching and I think geez ones in Australia ones in Portland coaching they've really pushed themselves out of theirt out of their comfort zones to be actually coaches in places of the world if you said to me tomorrow move to Portland I said not happening if you said to me tomorrow move to Melbourne beautiful place that's amazing that for like all us to do CU I mean honestly it is inspired in that way get into but you know you don't live once to have all those experiences and do things I always sort of say that to my own kids and you know have a life have a what a story it is to tell you talking about you've just we've spoke about Valencia okay didn't go well we've got a story to tell you know players you met their own has been on the side of the pitch with Simeone you know not everything in your life Works does it all goes the way you want but you've got to so proud what you and your family have done I remember Jill actually when Phil first round me to say he was going to take the England women's team mhm I was like what yeah that was I mean that was a massive shock it I for you probably as well it was a massive shock Phil I'm not sure about this you just left oh he just left United and I thought you know what's your ambition what do you want to be I want to be a number one you know I want to be a number one somewhere and I want to go and I just thought I thought he would get criticized heavily I thought he would um I didn't how it would work for him I I didn't I didn't know how strong he his depth of knowledge of the players that he was going to about to obviously take over you think about it would would would would I would I take a job in um Spain Noy I would say this right righty I would say this right I I can't tell you about the championship or if you ask me to be a pundit or analy on League one or the championship I couldn't I wouldn't take that job I don't know anything about League one or the championship league two I know quite a bit about League to because of sford yeah but I don't know anything about League one I don't know anything about the championship I won't be a pundit on that game so obviously I I just thought it was a big risk for for them thought it was a big risk for Phil and I just but then he said no I'm going for it he's determination I'm going to do it and I thought well done to you you know what I mean but he just treated it as football and that's like like Phil Nick cushion who's at New York now like that's what they said the first thing when they come in look it's women's football men's football it's just football and I think when I was at Everton and Phil was there had a few conversations with him and obviously I think ID and women's team were like part-time and he would always fight for us and say no I can sort out the training times you know just things he didn't have to do so yeah he was great and I I loved him as a manager especially being an older player he knew how to like manage us and if we had fitness test Andy T like me and C look I know you can run there's no point you're doing this fitness test and then missing two days on the grass like he just got it so yeah great great guy he motivates Mo the game I can't I can't picture Phils coming in saying that is that energy pH let him in he could bollock us as well I think the thing with Phil was when he was disappointed he sure disappoint then you felt a bit like right right that's it right thank you very much for joining us stick to football we'll see you again soon right come on let's go hello well everyone yeah I really love that you're well done can we do the picture with with the guest or what can we have a pH Gary just hanging on wait for Jamie wait for Jamie got get in he's actually [Laughter] hanging is it try one justy no I don't know H just try one try one just try one I got PR I couldn't even get it's not under pressure you remember y you know was bringing it y us do it but he should you like do the back I bet he does them ones where he pulls it up here and goes on that bit you know are just naturally Good's Too Tall J can you do that one where you you pull it and then you go up on it like that one come on who's having a go to come on Steve that guy ladies ladies first I lift you go I lift you you're not going to do one no [Music] w
Channel: The Overlap
Views: 1,564,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sky Sports, Sport, Football, Premier League, Champions League, Manchester United, Gary Neville, MNF, Monday Night Football, Jamie Carragher, the overlap, overlap, g nev, nev, overlap interview, interview, Stick to Football, Ian Wright, Jill Scott, Roy Keane, Phil Neville, Gary Neville Interview, Gary Neville Stick to Football, Ronaldo, messi, motivational, cricket, valencia, barca, msn, suarez, neymar, Luis Enrique, psg, beckham, rooney, england, treble 1999, toy story, southgate
Id: nQpJKhMGxp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 6sec (4266 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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