Gary Mason's location of accident where he died and his final resting place. - Famous Graves

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Mason the big man who's won 32 times inside the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] distance good morning everyone how you doing it's Paul here from unusual things now this morning I am in Wood coat wood coat green sorry in Wallington and you may ask why we're starting here now we're starting here this morning because ultimately we're going to find the final resting place of Gary Mason uh an amazing boxer but I'm coming here today to start off to show you the place where Gary was killed uh because he was hit by a van on his push bike um I'm going to come up here and show you the junction I'll tell you a little bit about Gary as I'm walking up there um it's a very very busy road okay and I don't think anything's changed with the road since it happened I think a lot of people complain to Sutton Council but I don't think anything's happened so I'll just show you where the crash site is now where Gary Mason that amazing boxer lost his life Gabby Mason was born on the 15th of December 1962 and died on the 6th of January 2011 he was a British professional boxer who was based in chattam in Kent um he was born in Jamaica and he fought at the heavyweight level and became the British heavyweight champion in 1989 and he was also a top Contender his main strengths being his punching power and his physical strength now he died on the 6th of January 2011 in a cycling accident in South London he fought 38 times as a professional in his career that spanned over 10 years from 1984 to 1994 with 37 wins 34 by knockout and only one loss being to Lennox Lewis when he challenged for the European title in 1991 Mason gave Lewis his hardest fight up to that point of his career Mason defeated a number of well-known heavyweights including tyrra Briggs James till Alfonso Ratliff Ricky Parky James Pritchard Lou pgu Hugh Roy Curry and David ja he sparred with former WBA World cruiserweight number one and British heavyweight champion David Pierce Pierce helped him inspiring preparations for his Mason's title fights he praised Pierce as he said he was instrumental in helping his career okay so now we've come to the actual accident site where Gary was killed now if you see behind me there's this Junction here where it turns onto the main road there okay I'm going to show it turn around and show it to you so there's this part of the road here and this is where Gary was on his bike and a van come flying around there and cut the corner instead of turning left around the main part he cut the corner and took Gary out right there and there's a picture which I'll put on the screen for you now they at Sandy Lane South where Gary's bike was laid just about here as you can see they come around that corner and there's not much room there so they cut across and sadly that's where Gary lost his life and like I say you see the picture with the sign there Sandy land Sandy Lane South it's sad to think that after all that time that they haven't readjusted that bit of Road they could make that left bit a bit narrower so people got more room to come around to the right but they haven't you know this happened a long time ago um and nothing's been done about it and people have complained and said you know this road needs to be sorted um you know one of our British boxing champions okay he was retired doesn't matter it's still um you know someone's son brother father um lost his life there because of the way that road is you know those things can be easily avoided just help the driver a little bit make them know they got more room or that the other one hasn't it's it's one of those things that can be done U and you'd have thought after the accident that they would have done something about it as well but they haven't which is a shame anyway we are now going to go and head off to Cen uh Cemetery in crematorium and we're going to go find the final resting place of Gary Mason we have come to find the final rest in place of Gary Mason that amazing boxer who had 38 fights with 37 wins and 34 by knockout and the only fight that he lost was to Future heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis so that's a pretty good record if you ask me um Gary sadley uh was killed um on his bike as we saw earlier on the location of his death which is a real sad uh ending I know that he'd already retired by then due to uh his injury with his eye um but it's a real sad ending to his life so what we're going to do is we're going to go and find his final resting place pay all respects to Gary Mason uh I loved watching him box when I was younger um and I always thought he had so much potential and who knows if he hadn't have had that eye injury uh what sort of career he would have had have been tremendous um it's another winry stroke Autumn I don't know we we I suppose beginning December we're in Winter now aren't we um but it's still that timy type of feel you know the leaves coming down um if you like the video today please give it a thumbs up if you haven't done so already subscribe to the channel it's absolutely free doesn't cost you a penny and we're going and have a look and we'll find out a little bit more information about the people's champ Gary Mason he suffered a detached retina in about with Everett Martin in 1990 after a short retirement he staged a comeback which ended with a TKO defeat by lenx Lewis which aggravated Mason's eye injury but he came back once again after winning two fights in the US he retired for good he played three rugby league matches for the London Crusaders now London Broncos scoring a try in his first game he also played theocc soccer matches as part of an Arsenal celebrities team at the old hyb football ground in North London Gary also appeared in special celebrity show of Gladiators that raised money for charity in 1993 with John fashu uh Mason also appeared on the panel of the TV show you bet and the second episode of the first series of games master in 1992 playing Sonic Blast man arcade [Applause] and the arms coming down and looking very ragged and cut now there's blood around the right eye Mason's right eyes seriously [Applause] hurt Le drops his arms again so there's all the information there on Gary Mason um apparently a really nice guy as well now this Cemetery here is um it's just one of those real tranquil ones I thought with it being C I thought I'll be a bit busy you a bit hectic a little white cat over there coming in um but it's standard nice and peaceful you know but yeah with with um Gary it's one of those ones where as a boxing fan I've been wanting to do for a while but I've just never got around to doing it whether it's just because of timings or not being in the area and things like that um but I thought today I'd make the exception because I've really wanted to do it I always wanted to pay my respects to Gary I thought it was such a sad ending to his life the way that um he was just killed and just you know dying at the scene and life over like that and you just never know do you what happens in life you know uh and boxing is a tough sport as it is you know um the guys put their bodies through so much punishment um and you know so he was sort of retired and just enjoying life as best as he could and then it gets taken away and it's so sad anyway I've been having a good look around and you know what I think I found it and you're not going to be disappointed with this IAI now I've obviously seen pictures of Gary's headstone before and it's one of the most I don't know happiest ones I suppose even though it's not happy it's sad but it's one of the happiest ones that just brings a little smile to my face when I see it people's champ ah it's amazing Gary Anthony Mason December the 15th 1962 to January the 6th 2011 I could not stay another day God wanted me now I took his hand this day for all the good times good friends a laugh a kiss I too will miss goodbye here lies a wonderful father brother son and friend so we have it the final resting place of Gary Mason and I want to say as a massive boxing fan and as a fan of yours when you were boxing Gary bless you thank you so much for bringing so much entertainment to the Sports World um I believe you had to possibly if you hadn't had your injury I reckon you'd have gone on to do wonderful things in in and down here there's someone's left him a of Guinness good man love Guinness and there's a Smurf there I don't understand what the reference for the Smurf is maybe I've missed something um and a little snow penguin as well but bless you thank you Gary no Gary Mason there um quite a sad one really it's a sad one because you know I was a fan and um for him to to have his life taken so dramatically and so quickly and literally you know it just makes you think doesn't it and I know we discussed this a lot on the channel but um you could be out doing anything literally anything you know he was riding his bike that morning who knows he might have left his home said I'll be back in 10 minutes never come back again you know because obviously got killed by that that van at that Junction which we saw earlier beggar belief ready it's just um so there you go it's one of nice little lessons isn't it you you know you be respectful to your loved ones around you look after them and you do what you can because you just never know when that last goodbye is going to come and I'm sure many of you may have experienced something like that in your lives you know there's a lot of viewers that watch the channel um and I don't doubt the odds are that one or two of you experien that um I have before with a couple of situations um where friends have just you know you see them and then you don't see them um and it's not a nice nice thing anyway if you like the video today please give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel leave me your comments down below are you a boxing fan did you ever go and see Gary fight uh you know um or did you watch him the same as I did on television sometimes and uh yeah leave me your comments and I will see you all on the next one take it [Music] easy [Music] a
Channel: Unusual Things
Views: 135,731
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Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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