Gary Glitter - Come Home Gary Glitter : TV DOCUMENTARY

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six months ago Joel and I set out on the trail of Gary Glitter Britain's best known sex offender we wanted to find out what had happened to the disgraced pop star since he'd fled the UK and what this said about her attitude towards pedophiles glitter had been roaming the world in virtual anonymity so he traveled from country to country in his wake trying to work out what he'd been doing [Music] along the way we met convicted paedophiles and their critics we managed to board glitters yacht locate his home and uncover fresh information about his behavior since he left the UK and then three weeks ago Gary Glitter was discovered and arrested on Vietnam and held on the suspicion of committing obscene acts with children so we had to ask ourselves couldn't more have been done to have stopped almost famous sex offender roaming the world [Music] [Music] this is the Gary Glitter we once thought we knew the self-styled leader of the gang adored by millions [Music] it was early July Joel and I were old friends and we were eager to find out where glitter had gone so badly wrong and why he disappeared off the radar our search had begun here in London with a phone call to the man we assumed would be the best person to help us Gary's former manager I just wanted to try and sign as to whether whether you'd been in contact with him that's quite a broad this was going to be more difficult than it thought but it wasn't hard to understand why those who'd been close to Gary Glitter were now reluctant to talk about him in the past two cases against him of abusing young girls had been thrown out of court on technicalities but in 1999 glitter was convicted for viewing 4000 images of child sexual abuse on his computer some of them featuring infants as young as two years old glitter served two months in prison and upon his release he claimed he was repentant I deeply regret doing what I was sent to prison for I'd served my time I want to put it all behind me sorry I'd live my life shortly after this press conference glitter fled the country the leader had asked for forgiveness but no one was listening surely inevitably the rest of his life would be destroyed another famous sex offender has taken an entirely different approach to glitters living his life after prison quite openly music mogul Jonathan King was once at the top of the charts with everyone's gone to the moon but now he's gone on to become Britain's most famous convicted begorrah but unlike glitter after three and a half years in jail King shows no remorse and in August told us that a conviction for pedophilia needn't mean the end of your life see there's hands no [ __ ] holes in the palms mate I've not been crucified I know you say you're not you're not guilty but it was 14 and 15 year olds it was 14 and 15 so for most people's definition that is pedophilia technically it's not pedophilia and technically I'm innocent of it anyway and technically and actually I wouldn't want to go with 14 and 15 year olds either anyway because to Milly do you good or not I don't know for anyone because I'm now 60 and I'm past the age would you ever go for me no I'm afraid not Jamie no I'm afraid so both of you really now it's only now that I'm 60 when I was younger I think you're both deeply attractive human beings Joe's getting overexcited there the camera sort of going up a bit like that Jonathan was on fighting form brimming with gay abandon I wondered whether Gary Glitter could reenter society as happily if he were able to return I think he'd be absolutely fine I think tabloid world is very different from real world and of course Gary Glitter suffered a lot because of the tabloids and he of course got intimidated by the tabloids having a go at him and I think disappeared off to the far East now of course that's always a problem if you give in to the playground bully then they will constantly be kicking you you just don't give in to them and we were about to leave Jonathan became strangely paranoid about the purpose of the interview like a friendly young fellow and even dare I say possibly positive and supportive especially when he meets me and sees how nice I am and then after a little bit you start realizing that he's a snake in wolf's clothing i I'm not gonna say anything I thought I quite liked you you're very suspicious of me oh the words now I quite like you in the context isn't it I mean no one else likes you don't start on me I'm highly popular I've got an army of fans Wow appreciative of Jonathan's hospitality I made full use of the facilities before we left Jonathan King effectively a playground bully of the worst kind was convinced that the only way to survive in the UK as a convicted pedophile was to stand up to the other playground bully the media it sounded like for Jonathan the strategy was working and it made me wonder why Gary Glitter had run away I decided to confront one of the playground bullies myself Kelvin Mackenzie editor of the Sun for over a decade had done as much as anyone in tabloid world to intimidate pedophiles and characterize them as unforgivable monsters what I have to do in order to change your mind jump off a bloody carpark roof and on the way down say I'm sorry gotta take this cookie I was waiting for Longbourn so I'm a bit tied up I thought there's something important there [ __ ] off I'll speak to you later [ __ ] I just wanted to check what your view is what your approach is gonna be to Gary when you go back to the Sun are you going to give them another kicking I hope so yes I seriously hope so there is no redemption as far as I'm concerned I couldn't give a flying [ __ ] right that Gary Glitter I can't come back to this this land in fact I'm absolutely delighted that this scumbag is sentenced to some far-off place at least he's not abusing children or looking at children you know in outcome what do you feel about the children abroad I feel very sorry for them really in fact what I would do with its ability to bring him back well I bet bringing him back what I do is I think I put an island together where you can put all these bloody pedophiles together and with a bit of luck a big for sting gala come along and kill the lot of them Kelvin was Glitter's nemesis but he wasn't the only one thought me after Gary's release in the year 2000 and in the wake of Sarah Payne's murder the news of the world started its name and shame campaign the rest of the British tabloid press followed suit whipping its readers into an anti pedophile frenzy we've seen justice and once we've got justice then we'll start a large number of sex offenders whose names and addresses were published by the press we're either forced underground or fled the country the tabloid reaction to pedophiles and the public response seemed pretty natural to me the experts believe it's only making matters worse we went to meet pedophile councilor Donald finletter who strongly disagrees with the tabloid approach largely not the headlines that go for the pedophile and the pervert and the monster and all that kind of stuff doesn't help the man himself recognized himself they're doing those things it certainly doesn't happen help his wife or his mum recognize what my son is doing is actually what that's the self same person do so it doesn't help people relate to what to talk to the headlines and to the behavior or indeed to feel inclined to get help the brutal tabloid press was one and as Joel discovered nonce watch was another jolt rolled through dozens of Internet vigilante groups who are willing to mete out primitive justice to pedophiles we were particularly taken by the rock outfit Whitelaw whose big song was called fetch the noose we wondered whether they were entirely serious [Music] since then eight baths Michael and Steve met socially in the mid 90s but have only recently managed to corner the market in anti pedophile Rock I couldn't endorse their enthusiasm for the noose but it got me wondering what kind of homecoming they might organize for the leader should he ever be able to return to the UK not attacking injured thought I'd attack him dragged him in here it'd get way he deserves I push these tables out of the way and I'd run straight at even done that smashed him straight through that window I kick he's [ __ ] they're not killing killing in the context it perhaps wasn't all that surprising that Gary Glitter released from jail in the year 2000 fled Britain as fast as he could he tried to enter Cuba but was instantly deported to Mexico who were according to the tabloids not before he'd fathered a Cuban love child he spent three weeks parting in Colombia then flew to Gibraltar jumped on his yacht and sail to sauter Grande in Spain where he almost drowned drunk in the marina wearing a cowboy hat he parked his yacht and headed back to the UK in 2001 the press hounded him so he fled to Portugal Brazil South Africa and then Cambodia where it's remarkably easy to get sex with children the last thing the Cambodians wanted was another convicted sex offender in their country and they had him deported to Thailand but Thailand didn't want litter either glitter not to be outdone I sneak back into Cambodia bought a house and set up his new home by now it was 2003 Gary Glitter went to ground [Music] Phnom Penh capital of Cambodia and child sex capital of the world the Cambodian government was making it abundantly clear that it wouldn't tolerate pedophile activity this was where the repentant Gary Glitter had chosen to settle to us it seemed suspicious and we wanted to know what he'd been up to since arriving it was the end of the summer and after a week in the city joel had yet to perfect his Khmer language skills [Music] you know it we discovered that the last TV footage of glitter in Cambodia had been shot during his first visit in 2001 we met up with the cameraman to take a look at it I think so there no other cameraman got his picture oh why not because he's a smart man yeah wherever he goes he has a spy around looking the area this is I think the bodyguard of the bank the guard of the bank and this is Gary Glitter get out of his Buy and try to pick for the crafter Wow it's pretty aggressive why do you think he only came into town a couple of times I think he came often he cannot just live in a house for a long time so do you think he's still around no I think so he's in a big house near the Prime Minister's house we've been told where clutters house was and we hoped we'd soon find the leader in his bolt-hole before asking Glitter what possible explanation that could be for choosing to live here we came across some neighbors and wondered whether they were aware of his presence in their midst have you seen this man he's called the leader no one seemed to recognize the photos but then talking to an old lady our luck change minister yes the next-door neighbor your next-door neighbor she said this how children they said we don't know where the children think often often children or something like that he look after them he looks after them orphaned children I was intrigued I form my own gang and headed towards glitter's house a unique colonial villa in the most affluent part of town which glitter had bought using some of the two million pounds he'd made from selling the rights to his music in 1997 The Gatehouse which led to residents contained a family getting ready for lunch come on I couldn't tell whether this family was just scared of us for some reason or whether perhaps they were protecting someone by the way I took my gang through verses gates and on to his property [Music] we were 50 yards from the front door when we were greeted by a friendly young man and shortly afterwards by his decidedly unfriendly mother he's left already I wasn't sure whether the woman was telling the truth or not the weather as Greta's housekeeper she was just being loyal perhaps glitter had fled the area because the government's crackdown on sex offenders had taken effect so was plump and still a place where international pedophiles could find children for sex later that night posing as tourists with a handycam we had supper at one of the many restaurants by the river and got a little closer to finding out to buy sex with children we'd heard that you didn't have to go far many of the bars and restaurants we went into seem to be magnets for older Western men looking for sex with kids here the staff proved numerous attentive and surprisingly young it wasn't long before Joel and I had been encouraged to dance with the young children it all seemed perfectly innocent a bit like a child's birthday party a young girl called Juan started paying me more attention than the others all of a sudden things became a little more frisky [Music] I joked with the staff that Joel preferred boys but they took me seriously and Joel was catered for straight away [Music] noticing how well I was getting on with Juan the older staff encouraged me to stick around to meet the manager and I secretly film low conversation the wine was ushered over and sat silently whilst the manager offered her to me for life for the price of a cheap motorbike [Music] as one showed me out of the restaurant I felt sick that it would only be a matter of time before someone took up the manager's offer and bought her it seemed to me that British tabloid fervor to get rid of pedophiles had succeeded only in exporting the problem to countries like Cambodia which were less capable of dealing with it the next morning we were in SPAC once the world's most infamous child sex district and a short drive from Gary Glitter's house since Glitter's arrival zwei PAC has been shut down and the government claims it's now much more difficult to pick up children here but during a walk through the back streets a 14 year old pimp approached me the pimp led me through a series of dingy alleyways eventually we came across a mother and father who were happy to do business within a few moments I realized that doing business meant trying to sell me their daughter [Music] my mother you have it one month ah one week sorry day every day seems very nice I can have two how old [Music] [Applause] so far we found little evidence that glitter had come to pnom pen for anything other than the scenery but the few clues we've managed to scrape together didn't bode well the Cambodian authorities tried to have him deported amid negative reports about what he'd been doing here but glitter had got back in his neighbours had told us that he'd spent his time looking after children from an orphanage for a sex offender who claimed to have been full of remorse to behave in such a way in the child sex capital of the world ranked several alarm bells a glitter really as he insisted on his release left his past life behind him we took our concerns to an organization called the koto which monitors child sex abuse in Cambodia they already had a file on glitter and our contact Jason barber opened it for us and showed us a typical tabloid photo of glitter from the Sun 12 because the Cambodian women looked quite young sometimes don't they but she's dead yeah tell me about um about Gary Glitter what do you know we're aware of some voices within the government calling for him not to be permitted to be here given the context of Cambodia where child sexual abuse is very prevalent where children are available readily for sex given that law enforcement is very weak obviously we're concerned well so ideally he would leave Cambodia we'd certainly prefer to where do you go though after camo dia that's up to him cuz you know not sure we want him back in the UK did we want litter back in the UK or was it right to let him become someone else's problem perhaps Kelvin Mackenzie's idea of a dedicated pedophile Island wasn't so bad after all we carried on searching for clues and managed to find someone in the Cambodian government who'd been keeping tabs on glitter hello excellencies Jamie Cambell from the BBC the minister of information was a busy man but he said he might be able to help us out while we waited we had the good fortune to bump into the film legend Jackie Chan at our hotel Chand's energy was boundless and he had the annoying habit of running everywhere I wondered whether he might provide the answer to our quest and when I finally caught up with him took a moment to seek his wisdom Jackie I just wanted a bit of advice one big country you're trying to find one guy how'd you track him down I was wondering if he used to be a singer in the UK do you remember him good come on come on you know what he's living in Cambodia but he was convicted on pedophile charges in the UK we've come here we can't find any evidence oh just wondering if you had any methods one two you put a wanted sign up maybe yeah yeah Jan thought we should put up some wanted posters so he did hopefully they'd yield some results [Music] we had a bit of good news we managed to track down a man called yawn who'd worked as glitter's chef and security guard he'd known Glitter personally and I hoped he'd tell us something about the leaders lifestyle in Cambodia we sing songs but he said he only sang song in English his picture appear on the screen and he sing along did he ever have any children around the house joke ah damicofamily can you see the first time there was some younger was there he said that I was not happy for very to have a girl like that in the house because it's not very nya it's a lot of respected statues inside you won't explain to us the Gary Glitter's activity with the young girls was an insult to the sacred statues in the house what were they doing around the satyrs suddenly un clammed up and didn't want to answer any more questions about his former employer with our time in Cambodia running out we had a call from the minister of information there was a break in his schedule and he was prepared to see us straightaway he raced across town to meet his Excellency whose nickname was kay-kay he told us on the phone that you be able to clear up the matter of wet litter was once and for all kaykai's officers had a distinctly colonial feel to them and KK himself was guarded by a slightly mangy dog hello your excellency Jamie Cambell from the BBC this is Joel I was wondering if you could tell me because you're the minister of information if you could give me the information about what happened when this guy came to the country I seen he left already he came back again once and after that we asked him to leave oh so he came how did it but you asked him to leave and he left the country and then he came back yes let the police told me that he to leave me what he's already left I'm not sure I had to call the police not ask him we give the police a call and find out can we do that now yeah can you call the police because if he's not in the country yeah why are we here despite his willingness to help us I couldn't help feeling that the minister had lost control of the Glitter situation he was receiving conflicting reports over his phone but eventually came up with what he said was solid information the police say that they speed here if I'm gonna track him down if you're still in the country how do I do it how should I do it each day before some NGO he's staying with an NGO yeah clitoris staying with an N here this is fantastic information another call to a woman general in the Cambodian army revealed some startling information it appeared that glitter had used a false identity to get close to children she's plan to meet after she get email from England telling her tell me you heard that there's no he's not a doctor and he said liked his home history has history he's not a were a doctor he's or not he was enough was he saying he was a doctor he's saying he should have been Gary Glitter said he was a doctor what in order to get into that NGOs house I don't know he definitely take care of children see that that's a little bit odd isn't it yeah you know the old woman who said he looks after children yeah you know remember yes so she was right that's his house yeah do you think he's there your excellency I don't know maybe because they did a lady she said she told me that his team he might be there yeah like him I cook man a final call secured the whereabouts of the orphanage glitter had visited and also a police escort to take us there a major will go this one major one major that's fantastic protection thank you very much yeah hello major I'm Jamie good to meet you the major thanks for helping us out 20 minutes later we arrived at the Lighthouse foundation a charity which aims to raise and protect orphaned children it turned out that the police major who accompanied us was not just a bodyguard he was in charge at the Gary Glitter case and he'd already established that glitter had visited on a number of occasions glitters purpose and going their detail the man in charge of the orphanage was extremely nervous at the presence of the major and his English took a moment or two to warm up for some reason Gary Glitter came to live here for a bit no it's aroma it's a naughty stuff come here you know just a visitor not just visitors visitors three one one man you know phobic in the one week three day to day he'll come for two days yeah whirring it no stay in they just come in the morning or sometimes evening why was he coming see a fun game you know forget four games fun game just look around with our Phoenicia right yeah did he give some money than for the $600 he gave some money it gave us no money what was he like when you met him Jesus you know still I just you know the garden there yeah and just one day so he was playing games with the children baba you know we the ball football something and play some scooter on the mat here who's easy singing yeah him everybody what songs was he singing a song it's very good to play in keytar you know you know when did he come here this year no last year do you think it's a bit odd that he's a convicted pedophile in the UK and that he's coming to an orphanage of young kids wow you hear that yeah he's in the UK he's a convicted pedophile you know I'm sorry to hear that about him you know I felt sorry for the owner of the orphanage who hadn't realized that the man who'd song romantic songs to the children in his care was not in fact a doctor but a convicted pedophile I wanted to see if the major would give me any more information he was now unwilling to have his face shown but he did agree to talk so where is he now he don't even know where is he now Cambodia what chances do I have a fine again God is it you probably be able to find him better than us because you probably have a better source I was amazed that the major had admitted to me that he'd lost his grip on the investigation into glitter and that glitter was now effectively missing more than ever it seemed like glitter had to be found the major thought I'd have a better chance of tracking him down than him I hoped he was right but I wasn't sure we returned to the UK concerned that glitter had left Cambodia there was now somewhere else possibly up to no good after all I'd found out I wondered whether anybody was concerned enough to track glitter and keep an eye on what he was doing all right we're trying to work out whether you know once you've committed a sex offense in the UK you can just go every you want in the world and no one really cares about it or whether you know you do have that information on record about I'm not all that interested in in the specifics I just want to know whether Interpol might have been on top of the glitter case they might not they wouldn't tell us but what we did discover was that in Britain law enforcement agencies have been working hard to tackle the root of glitters problem since his conviction police forces have increasingly cooperated worldwide to arrest internet pedophiles over 7,000 UK citizens used their credit cards to buy images from this website in America as a result there were raids across the country as the British police acted on information provided by the Americans and hundreds of arrests ensued the most high-profile was rock musician Pete Townsend and inevitably glitter found his name back in the headlines I had a look myself on the net and found that using a few specific keywords provided by an expert consultant I could access a number of child porn sites immediately so what was now in place to prevent Glitter committing online sex offenses again we went to see Jim gamble deputy director of the National Crime Squad the lead agency and tattling internet pornography gamble couldn't talk specifically about glitter but he did show us operation pin designed to catch our internet pedophiles you then will click on whatever it is and you're given a warning on this page by entering this site you accept it you'll see explicit images of young children and you click and you enter what you get instead of the images on several of the pages are cut out on this site is this this is an international law enforcement initiative it identifies what your IP address is and note there that your preference was for pretty boys please view the self-help advice that follows this page and then finally to a page which says people have been identified from the site Mayfield they're like support and someone to talk to in the six years since Glitter's conviction the police had become much more sophisticated in trapping offenders and there was also an increased awareness that they were sick and in need of professional help our message on our simple message to people is this if you're at home if you have these inappropriate feelings towards children for god sake seek help for goodness sake go to a doctor go to a counselor speak to someone get help we don't want to see anyone you know brutalize we don't want to see anyone killing themselves we want to be levelling allegations against people in these circumstances and you say that there is a way back what I'm saying is don't seek out these images seek out help the official line from the British police is that people like Gary Glitter should get help but how is it gonna work practically with glitter it wasn't even in the country there was a time when he could walk the streets without fear of the mob and now perhaps it was time for us to work out whether there were any clues as to what had led to Gary Glitter's deviant behavior in the first place I was in a children's home for a while which was terrible I was Dickensian it was awful you know without going into a whole long detail of what we used to have to do right well let's go into a long detail of what we had to do I used to get up at five o'clock in the morning light all the fires - all the potatoes you know clean all their shoes and things like this I was 11 years of age so I wanted to get out of that ground I'm Jamie we found us like a therapist called Graham bot a lifelong fan who'd known glitter personally Graham had been studying glitters case in great detail and had come up with an analysis of why he was so hungry for success he had a difficult childhood I assume that's what he was doing at 14 was trying to escape his bad childhood by trying to make records to become famous to finally get the adulation that he's so craved you know when you hear them one audience applaud somebody it's to the person performing it's like the love that they didn't have Graham had spent enough time with glitter to see the man behind the showbiz persona he was surrounded by everything he possibly could want but inside very lonely I mean you could see it you could see that he he wasn't a happy man he wasn't happy and I don't think the fame really has ever made him a happy man [Music] let his difficult childhood produce many demons he was a self-confessed slave to drugs and alcohol and years of his career were written off because he was so unhealthy at that point it was the lowest moment and I went on a 48-hour binge and I woke up on the floor and for about ten days I couldn't move off the floor it was almost like a an act of God it just I was absolutely stuck on that floor and I felt like I'd been raped or like I've been abused you know and I had of course i draped myself I'd abused myself so badly all I wanted to do was to get in the shower and wash glitter regularly faced up to his faults in public and fought hard to overcome his addictions I stopped drinking completely it's fantastic I've done a year and a half without drinking I go five miles running every day it's you know Fitness is an incredible buzz on many occasions in the past Gary Glitter had managed to pull himself back from the dead perhaps with the right professional help he could do it again we returned to counselor Donald Finn later to ask him where the Glitter could ever change I believe that all of us can achieve a good life and a wholesome life and an enjoyable life that causes no harm to any other human being whether adult or child I'd like him to acknowledge that and actually say I'd like to grasp hold of an opportunity to develop a good life with good relationships and that frankly facing the demons of my past a part of what I need to do and there's organizations like my own but of course other organizations do that will help people do that that won't collude that will be tough talking of course but will help people take stock and develop a life that hopefully is mutually satisfying to them and their friends and their families and the people they choose to in a Nabal world journey with so it is possible it is entirely possible the police and the medical experts agreed glitter should seek help and the best place for that was back in the UK but how would the public respond to that prospect do you think you should be allowed to come back no wold you do if I have the chance the other chance yes ah nice time should be about checking out this guy yes what'd you do to him anyway he's missing so what do you know about Larry would you feel comfortable with him Fe how many people want him to come back can you do a kind of message into the camera getting a gaggle of teenage girls to sing some of glitters songs wasn't difficult but finding glitter and persuading him to return to the UK for rehabilitation was particularly since we had no idea where he might be we hopped on a plane to Italy having been tipped off that a well-connected maverick lawyer in Rome might help us track letter down his name was Giovanni de Stefano and on his client list were amongst others Saddam Hussein slobodan milosevic Nicholas Van Hook Stratton and Jonathan King if anyone had the power to put us in touch with a man like glitter surely it was Giovanni I mean have you actually met Gary Glitter no good where is no one knows where he is do you know why he's not my client I mean why should I know but I mean it won't be difficult to find out that's why we're coming to see you because you're gonna help us track him down well I might do that yeah I mean I don't see why Knight can't cause it can't do any harm can it we go for drinking yeah I mean who cares about glitter yeah who cares the man was a rock star I presume he's paid his taxes he's committed a criminal offense he has paid the penalty for that criminal offense badger him for we don't want a budget him well what do you want I mean you want we want to find out whether it's possible for him to come back to the UK and be integrated back into UK society I think now that is an admirable that I don't know whether it's through a television station to do that or if it should be for psychologists psychiatrists or social workers probation officers call them whatever the hell you want to call them well I'd call Giovanni from the UK he'd hinted that he knew Glitter's precise whereabouts and I was hoping to wheedle the information out of him over a few drinks well the thing is that he's been out of the country for a number of years some would say good yeah is it possible for him to be reintegrated into UK society there's no reason why anyone shouldn't be reintegrated into society and more important it is a obligation of the state to integrate all United Kingdom citizens into society if you can redeem a mortgage you can certainly down well redeem a man yeah I've done some small verification since you called last night he is not in Cambodia he's not he's not in Cambodia how did you find that out he's not in Cambodia do you know where he is he he is not in Cambodia do you know where he is he is not in combos you've gone because we have we've been looking around everywhere we can't find him that's a matter for you isn't it not a matter for me I'm not a private detective nor am i commissioned by the BBC to find missing person it's not even missing well I know we is missing because we can't find him if we turn the camera off will you tell me who where he is no do you know where he is I do we'll only out of natural curiosity where you do know you don't know where you I don't know where he is then let's keep it at that I don't know where he's not in Cambodia he's in Spain yeah yeah Tom I got to go I'm sorry I've got to go what's your source I'm a man that represents sloughed Hussein's and the loss of each how can you ask me my source I want a stupid question it is in Spain the earth because wouldn't the press in Spain have got him okay you are giving a man too much importance have you noticed that the press leave Jonathan King alone technically speaking King us committed farmer technically speaking far more serious offenses the glitter yeah what on the press are leaving him alone of course they leave him alone it would be easy for him to come back depends who represents him yeah if he did ever say listen I do need representation can't find anyone for the job but what representation can I give him he's not charged with anything I am NOT a literary agent or a PR man I'm not a [ __ ] criminal lawyer we caught the next flight to Spain having failed to locate glitter in Cambodia we were now faced with another huge country with few clues as to where he might be in it but we knew that glitter had once murders yacht the Voyager in the marina at SATA Grande and that's where we picked up our trail no one would tell us if the yacht was still here and mentioning glitters name just seemed to make matters worse the owner of this shop immediately called the police so we had to go hunting in the marina ourselves checking the names on hundreds of boats we're looking for a boat called Voyager yeah I think it's that one there isn't some I think this is it yeah has it been there for a while so you think I can just hop on and have a look to have a look outside with the leader nowhere to be seen we thought he wouldn't begrudge us a few hours of respite aboard his pleasure boat the Voyager had long since been abandoned but it wasn't difficult to imagine Gary frolicking here staggering drunkenly around and almost drowning in the marina wearing a cowboy hat [Music] we went to see max Clifford the public relations guru who is on holiday in the area max had a reputation for representing the most notorious of clients including OJ Simpson and Simon Cowell maybe Max who come up with a strategy to help glitter if we ever had the opportunity to get him back to the UK welcome to la Salamanders this yours this is what a small part of it is mine this apartment that Peters by and I've had it now for nearly five years hi Karen this is Carrie I'm Jamie this is Carrie hi there this is Dave her betcha hi Dave a long way I good to meet you you haven't seen them Gary Glitter have you we're looking for glitter thank you all right what about the lawyer this is slamming of this do you money to suffer no yeah well he thinks that glitter might be in Spain I think if he paid you enough wouldn't you represent him if he paid me 10 million pounds I wouldn't represent him wouldn't you most stars are totally selfish so no matter what Gary Glitter said my instinct would be there's only one person that really matters there's only one person he cares about there's only one person he really feels sorry for I Nancy herself yeah okay that's action replay mmm let's get some water I shall mate when the flood has went straight in it's more water you sure there's no good if you were to give glitter some hypothetical advice you know PR strategy what would what would it be he's got to be seem to be full of remorse he's going to put his hands up he's got to say I'm ashamed of what happened of what I did and what I became I've been having treatment and obviously that would have to be authenticated you know the psychiatrist the doctors if he was able to convince people over a period of time then potentially he could restart his career just maybe Clifford wasn't keen to do the job himself but he'd given us an insight into how Gary Glitter might in the right circumstances and with the right strategy become palatable to the British public once more so where was Gary Glitter it didn't seem likely he'd be sunbathing on any of these delightful beaches in southern Spain but we had a look anyway you seen him you haven't seen it our mission to bring Gary home to get help had failed he was out there somewhere but for the time being he'd given us and everyone else the slip [Music] this is one glitter performance that's never been seen by the public it shows him singing at the wedding of Tessa Dahl Roald Dahl's daughter Tessa was reported by the papers to have been glitters lover and had lived with him with her daughter supermodel Sophie was very young Tessa had been on good terms with glitter right up until he was sent to prison and when she finally agreed to meet us I wanted to know whether she could have a countenance his return because it's a sordid subject but actually although you wouldn't necessarily want to humanize someone that's been committed to this sort of crime the person that you met originally was a human who you liked very much yeah I loved him and still if I see him on television I'm remind myself of the essence of him I still remember how much I loved him but you it's terribly hard to love a person who's behaved as he has and it's also terribly hard to love someone whose life he's lived a lie with you for years and years news news what you felt that he was living a lie even when you knew him well he must have been you know it's it's always that having been friends with a murderer it really is and if you you know you can't believe that that someone has that aspect their personality when they're they appear to be so genuinely kind which has just really proved that he's got the most terrible terrible disease so did you ever leave him alone with no never she was never ever alone were you worried about that for a bit no I wasn't if Joel was committed to pedophilia that's my new word Act would you still be his friend I would hope that I would be as friend why because what you're saying is that once someone does someone like that something like that they become completely inhuman no I just don't think that unless they show that they're willing to get better then he did that I agree if he continued doing it then I would really have to ask myself some questions well and that's the point but not staying in England if you were staying in England where people were really really cared about him you think going to Cambodia is basically just a nice how guilty yes and I can keep much rather good someone hang out and be yeah there's no one in Cambodia looking at his internet well you're a friend of his why don't you try to help I'm not powerful enough to help him you know he could only help himself not even Tessa doll one of glitter's closest friends could do anything for him so who was left to help us help Gary Glitter [Music] bye-bye after all we discovered over the past six months we were sure that Gary Glitter needed to come home and get help and now finally we'd found a way of contacting him Greta's manager who'd previously refused to cooperate with us now admitted he was in touch with glitter we sped through Soho the heart of the entertainment business to drop off a video to him in a last-ditch attempt to reach glitter the video contained clips from our journey and a plea to Gary Glitter to come home and get help he watched the tape with me quite like the tape and he took it and said that he's gonna try to get it to glitter and a half think about some sort of middleman well the appears to know a glitter as he said that glitters always on the move doesn't stay in the same place for more than a couple of days apparently is terrified that someone's going to find them he said that but as sober for only a couple of hours every day it's got a depressing picture that he painted anyway take the tape and hopefully Abbasid onto glitter unfortunately we didn't get there in time the seventies rock star Gary Glitter has been accused of having sex with a 12 year old girl in Vietnam the 61 year old has been arrested at an airport in the Vietnam as he tried to board a ferry glitter is still being held inside a prison in Wilson little has denied having sex with local girls as young as 12 right and he came to Vietnam from Cambodia giving them to share a border with Cambodia I'd say that's very likely don't I don't think he's been here that long [Music] [Applause] we never found out where the Gary Glitter received our tape and now he's going to be held in Vietnamese Jail probably for months if found guilty he faces the possibility of death by firing squad regardless of whether glitter is guilty or not our attempts to get to him had come too late and it seemed that he himself just hadn't been able to reach out for help [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 1,410,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -W45giOZw_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 53sec (3473 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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