Gary Brecka SHOCKS Steven Bartlett With His Own Health Test Results...

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I did a genetic test with 10x you did I did and um like you said you're not able to give me the results of my test but I wanted to invite in Dr Carrie sard who's going to give me those results now and she's going to explain a little bit to me about my results and also what the test is and what it means for me so I'm very excited to see the results I'm excited for you to see them let's get her in a couple of days ago I had someone come to my studio and they did a swab inside of my mouth for something called the 10x genetic methylation test I believe what was that test and why did I do it you did it to look at the five major genes of methylation so remember that if we pulled your entire genetic code we would get a lot of non-actionable information I could see that you have dark olive skin you have dark eyes you have detached to your loes but there's nothing you can do with that genetic information we want genetic information that's actionable so while you can't go in and fix the gene you can very often supplement for its function and the genes of methylation are very special because they code for the process of converting one raw material into the usable form so in other words we take in folic acid or its derivatives but we convert it into a usable form called methyl folate and so this process is called methylation it's the most important process that human beings go through we do it 300 billion times a day and when you have breaks in certain genes this means that your body is not converting one raw material into to the usable form and this causes a deficiency and very often it's this deficiency that leads to some of the most common ailments that we suffer from Dr krie sard hello thanks for having me could you give us a little bit of your bio and your background sure I my original training was surgical it was obstetrical and Gynecology and I just found that um more chronic disease was happening and people weren't really get getting better and so my specialized training has been in functional medicine kind of a more holistic approach have two master's degrees in this and met up with um Mr Brea um eight years ago now it's been a while and in a small room and and we started up um looking at these genetic tests and reasons that people were not getting better so I've got my test results here which full disclosure I'm yet to see so so Jack over here has put them on my iPad and told me that I can swipe up and look at them so what am I looking at here and what does it tell me okay so with your permission that we can share that of course cuz that's important only if it's good I'm taking I do I do want to tell you your your parents did you a solid yeah they did you won the genetic lottery so remember that in genetics I think people get confused jeans are like blueprints so your mother writes half of that blue print and your father writes the other half and you're born with that you'll take that to your grave so when you do have something that isn't quite exactly what you want it to be variant is the term that we tend to use when that does happen we want to find out ways to work around that how we color code this to make it understandable is if you have a kind of a normal copy and a normal copy from each parent that's green and if you have one copy from a parent that is normal but one copy that is not we're we're going to color that yellow and you have one of those and if you have both copies are not normal we that's red and you don't have any of those which is great and the significance to that is the green jeans will Code 100% you're good to go yellow jeans about 40% Red Jeans 10 or less and kind of think of it like putting spokes in a wheel it just kind of clogging it up because these genes do follow a path way it's the methylation pathway I like to think of methylation as activation like we talked about uh taking something raw bring it in and allowing your cells to convert it to what it can use so if you have any glitches in the pathway you're not going to be as efficient so you would want to correct for your one variant Gene there so you come in nicely with that first Gene that's probably the most common one and that's the real popular one um we kind of take it next level we follow the pathway all the way up and the reason why this even matters is because it affects everything on you it affects how you sleep it affects ultimately down the road at a deeper level how you sleep how your thyroid functions how your gut functions how your moods how you detox especially heavy metals how you detox it affects your inflammation in your body how well you can fight free radicals those are all important things and that's why this is more than just data um it's real data so if you do not correct your one yellow you're not going to be as good at doing all those things detoxing fighting inflammation your gut movement those kinds of things and it's a pretty simple fix for you if you don't activate or activate those nutrients then let's give you activated nutrients for example you most likely have trouble activating B12 that's probably an issue that that you not as efficient at of course you do it but you're not as efficient at it because it wasn't green so we you would want to therefore take the activated B12 form the methylated B12 form so by doing that every day I kind of liken it to the road is broken but you've built a bridge over it so that's how you can um compensate for that Gene variant or that Gene break we like to kind of lovingly call them on my results it says one parent passed on a gene mutation which one was it so that right so so that's he wants to know who to blame so that's the thing unless you tested your parents you're not going to really know who gave you what okay you do know that you had one that gave you a a normal Gene and one that gave you a variant and that's why it's yellow what else does this mean for me on a practical level does this mean that I'm G to like you know I want to know if there's any sort of Health implications that I should be aware of so anytime you have any kind of variant in your methylation especially in the lower pathway you have to understand that it is going to affect it all the way up so when so effects can be all the way from Simple Sleep issues to all the way to not being able to sleep at all uh can be mood uh gut issues okay but you can take it out of the loop with the supplement are you able to tell me about the sort of profile you've seen and the sort of real world consequences of that when all five markers of their are are interrupted yeah we've seen them where there's a heavy mix of red and green okay um and this is where you see significant um personality alteration significant um what we would refer to as mental illness severe ADD ADHD OCD manic depression bipolar um you see very high propensity for addiction because of the depleted level of dopamine um you see significant Sleep Disorders um very severe gut issues gas bloating diarrhea constipation irritability cramping that don't seem to be fixable with conventional therapies or dietary changes um those are amazing cases to watch the clinical team work with because by getting methylation right I have seen those cases Sol d by our clinical team and and and many of those symptoms become fully remissive and we get a lot of chances to make good people great but when you can materially change somebody's life um by fixing those gene mutations that's when you're really making an impact there's these five acronyms here compt and then it says mind ahc y then it says mind MTR RR then it says upper gut MTR that says lower gut that's the one that I have this yellow one on and then there's the one I shouldn't say that the Mt HFR which is mind and G these are the five sort of factors for methylation which is really about how I process the ingredients I put in my body yes and I'm guessing that these are different stages in my body so the ones that say mind are in my head the one that says upper gut is sort of higher up in my gut the one that says lower up is in my lower gut and then this Mt HFR that says mind and gut that's that's and the reason is that remember these are sequential right so I always use the analogy that think of it like a sandbag pass right so you have a bunch of guys lined up and you have one guy that's taking the sandbags off the truck and passing it to the next guy and he passes it to the next guy and so on well if if early in that chain he was supposed to take 10 sandbags off the truck but he dropped four the best the rest of the line could do is six so in other words if an early Gene like MTHFR which is early in the methylation cycle is is impaired it impairs the entire Downstream and if several Gene Snips later you have another major Gene snip it will impair things further Downstream and so the reason why MTHFR is one of the worst to have but the easiest to fix is because it's the earliest in the methylation cycle okay it's first right it's first so if that's red meaning both parents gave you that gene mutation you could have consequences through the entire methylation cycle ah so is that what you tend to say if someone has the yes this is why if you Google consequences of MTHFR or MTHFR and um misgar just MTHFR and add MTHFR and ADHD MTHFR and anxiety you're going to see hordes of Articles and and clinical studies linking that gene mutation to what seems like a vast Myriad of consequences well that vast Myriad of consequences is actually related to the genan Snips that are further Downstream but they're affected because they're not getting the raw material they need to do their job and and in my opinion it's one of the most overlooked things in all of modern medicine as simple as this test is and is easily and widely available as it is I'm surprised that more Frontline clinics do not do this because people do it once in their lifetime and they supplement for deficiency and sometimes you see miraculous changes in their life Gary thank you I'm going to put this these results my results in the description of this episode below exactly as it is here in front of me so everyone can see and the details of how I got the test done Etc will all be available there for you guys to to check out if you love the dver CEO brand and you watch this Channel please do me a huge favor become part of the 15% of the viewers on this channel that have hit the Subscribe button it helps us tremendously and the bigger the channel gets the bigger the guests
Channel: The Diary Of A CEO Clips
Views: 133,380
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Keywords: the diary of a ceo, podcast, the diary of a ceo podcast, life lessons, ceo, Steven Bartlett, Steve Bartlett, life advice, doac, diary of a ceo, diary of a ceo clips, Steve Bartlett Podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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