5 SIMPLE Ways To STOP Deficiencies From KILLING You EARLY... | Gary Brecka

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so what are this what are like the societal and individual level things that we can be doing to prevent us even getting these chronic diseases like the simple simple things I'll tell you the simplest thing that we can do first you we should think about having an an invisible fence around us right like like a little force field and we should filter things before they make it to the temple um because either we can filter things for the temple or we can let the temple be the filter so you can drink tap water and if you drink tap water your body will filter out the fluoride the chlorine the microplastics the Pharmaceuticals or you can filter your water before you drink it right and and take one toxic load off your body so what I would say is probably five things that I would commit to doing on a regular basis number one is upon waking I would I would drink a mineral mineralized water I would take 10 ounces of water and I would add either a Celtic Sea salt or a Baja gold salt to my water the reason for that is that most of us are deficient in some or several of the trace minerals in our body the boring ones Boron manganese malum selenium and Stir It Up and just whack it back the second thing I would do is you're not talking about table salt here no no no not sodium chloride no I'm talking about Baja gold sea salt that's probably the best salt that you can put in the human body because it has all 91 trace minerals it's tested down to 250 parts per billion um from microplastics and glyphosat-prozess pink emay and sea salt forget table salt I would just get that permanently out of your life okay so number one I have my b mineralize mineralize um and then number two I would I would take a DHEA EPA fish oil supplement or a a fatty acid supplement with DHEA or EPA oil um an MCT oil I'll take a fatty acid um oil in the morning an Omega supplement an omega omega 3 an omega-3 supplement and then I would develop a morning routine that included the basics from Mother Nature sunlight grounding breath work cold shower okay so I want to zoom in here on grounding mhm I'm a huge fan of grounding my girlfriend grounds and again listen my girlfriend's much smarter than I am at it transpires because everything she says I think I said this to you last time everything she says to me eventually I sit here with like a neuroscientist a year later and turns out she was absolutely right and I thought she was a a little bit cuckoo for thinking that getting outside in the morning and putting her feet on the ground were at all beneficial but I've been told time and time again it is what is grounding and why does it help so we get three things from Mother Nature right we get magnetism from the earth we get oxygen from the air we get light from the sun the further we get away from those things the sicker we become really yes so abolutely the magnetism piece it sounds like uh like a spiritual cuckoo stuff yeah I mean probably 10,000 years ago they probably thought the same thing about gravity you know but um but the Earth has a low gal current right I mean we were meant to spend 85% of our time outside we spend 97% of our time indoors now the truth is most of us are not getting enough Sun we're not getting too much sun we're not getting enough sun and you know because of the way we eat and Seed oils and everything that are that are oxidizing in our skin our cancer rates are are are exploding but not because of our sun exposure it's because of our our diet and we can talk about that later but when you touch the surface of the Earth when bare feet touch bare soil grass sand we discharge into the Earth and by that I mean you actually change the polarity in the body and this is measurable in fact if you want to do a little experiment um find find somebody that has a microscope a basic microscope and get a slide and just take a prick prick your finger and take a drop of your blood and put it on that slide smear it around and look at it under the microscope I think I have a video of this on my Instagram and what you'll see when you look at your blood in real time is you'll see most of your red blood cells are stuck together and clumped up not clotted but they're attracted to each other because when cells have the same charge they repel when they repel it increases the amount of surface area that that cell has to contact the outside environment so now it can exchange waste it can eliminate waste detoxify repair can regenerate so imagine that you have bloodstream full of red blood cells and they start to get opposite charges so they attract and when they attract they touch and everywhere that they touch that cell loses surface area to exchange with the outside environment when you touch the surface of the Earth for a few minutes you will repolarize those prick your finger 10 minutes after you come inside put it back on that same slide look at your blood it's going to look like eggs slithering around in a bowl of oil they will bump into each other and they'll be sliding around but they will not be clumped together and stuck so what's going on then it must be what coming through my feet the charge coming through my feet yeah so you're actually discharging into the Earth you know you're exchanging um ions it's a low gal current so like a magnet you're exchanging ions with the Earth and you're discharging you're you're you're grounding what if I live on the ground floor do I still have to go outside yes you got to touch bare dirt soil grass sand why can't I if I live on the ground floor why doesn't the floor in the lower floor of the house because they that insulates you from um from the Earth's magnetic field there usually steel concrete wood there's other barriers tile asphalt there are things that actually prevent you from actually contacting the surface of the Earth you know there there there are grounding mattresses that you plug into the ground wire and then um that ground wire if you if you look at how you know grounding a circuit occurs at some point is running directly into the ground there will be a pole in the ground that is connected usually by copper to that wire and connected to your outlet to ground that outlet can't I just get some kind of mat that has the same charge you could get a pmf mat but again you know one of the things I get a lot of flack of is is saying that you have to buy all this expensive equipment so there's two ways to do it you can buy a pulse electromagnetic field mat a pmf mat I have one um they cost about five grand um so if you got five grand lying around it's one of the best investments you can make you put it in your bed you go to sleep on it you you run it you run a low gous current at night it will help get you into a deep sleep you'll wake up alkaline every morning um it will push the electr smog right out of your your body um because pmf gets rid of electr smog 5G Wi-Fi when you say you wake up alkaline every morning so when you change the um so the pH of the blood is is a pretty narrow range it's about it's about t0 of a point it's about half a point and it's a complete fallacy that you can change the pH of the blood by drinking alkaline water alkaline water will actually not actually change the pH of your blood if you want to change the pH of your blood amongst other things you you apply a low gous current pH stands for potential hydrogen it's a charge and so by running a low gas current through the body or touching the surface of the Earth you actually can move the pH of the blood slightly and that does an alkaline state is a disease-free State the more acidic we get the sicker we become and so um and so if we want to move the pH of of the blood slightly if we want to wake up alkaline if we want to run a low gous current through our body we can either touch the surface of the Earth or buy a pmf mat see so they've done tests where someone lays on a pfm for a certain amount of time they then do a blood test and they find that their blood is more alkaline yes yes and that that separation of blood cells you can see instantly um getting off of a pmf medic again I've got videos of me doing this to my production manager and um you know in my house breaking his finger putting it on the on a slide putting on the uh the pmf and actually looking at it afterwards the second thing I would do is I would learn to do breath work I use something called a hypermax which is based on um Dr Van Arden and Dr otter warberg um Nobel prize winning work and that is the it's called multi-step oxygen therapy where you actually take an oxygen concentrator you fill up a bag full of 900 L of 95% O2 and you actually just breathe that 95% O2 for 10 to 12 minutes while you're active on a treadmill but if you don't want to have an ewat exercise with oxygen therapy machine you can learn to do breath work engage the auxiliary muscles of respiration get oxygen down into the loes of your lungs and out of the Apex of your lungs one of the one of the articles that I quoted that turned out not to be a study and I still can't find the reference for it was that after age 35 90% of people will never Sprint again and again I haven't been able to find if that came from a clinical study or it was an an article but whether or not that's true the vast majority of people stop engaging their auxiliary muscles of respiration you know really exercising our diaphragm using the intercostal muscles between our ribs pushing air down into loes of our body and as our posture collapses and our CO2 Rises you know if you think about the expired air in your body from the tip of your nose and the tip of your mouth all the way down your esophagus out your bronchials into the farthest reaches of your lungs that's all expired air until you get the oxygen all the way down and out to the edges of the lung you're not getting oxygen into the bloodstream so as we age and our posture collapse our respiratory rate gets more and more shallow we're essentially hyperventilating carbon dioxide right and which is accelerating aging I mean aging is the presence of oxygen is the absence of disease and so by just learning how to do breath work so one I would ground two I would I would learn to do breath work I do a whm Hoff style of breath work I do three rounds of 30 breaths with an extended breath hold every single morning it is the one thing that I never ever ever ever Miss why ever because I make little promises to myself and I try to keep them and I find that I lose confidence in myself when I consistently break really small promises to myself um and I think a lot of people do this and our bodies crave consistency and so you lose confidence in yourself you say you know I'm going to go to bed at you know 10:30 tonight and you go to bed at 1:00 a.m. you know and then you say I'm GNA work out and first thing in the morning and you actually don't work out or you get up in the morning you say I listen to that podcast I'm going to do what Gary said I'm going to ground and get some sunlight and I'm going to do some breath work and then you actually don't do it so the little internal promises that you make to yourself and I feel like a lot of people break these little promises to themselves they're not making them to their spouse or to their kids or to their Partners or you know they're not the big promises that everybody knows about and I think it nibbles away at our self-confidence and our own ability to trust ourselves and so I have a morning routine um I'm very consistent with it but the one thing that is portable for me is the ability to get outside and ground and do breath work and I never ever never ever Miss I can't even tell you how many years I've gone without missing a single morning of breath work the other thing that it does for me because you know human beings crave consistency so if within 30 minutes of waking every day no matter what time zone you're in you're doing three rounds of 30 breaths your body begins to zero in on that and it begins to understand that that's the morning this is go time and so simple to do you know when I'm here I wake up I might be at a different time because I'm usually on the East Coast so I wake up up earlier here but I go I open the door I go out on the balcony I sit on the chair it's nice and cool outside I face the Sun and I do three rounds of 30 BR every single day if you love the dver CEO brand and you watch this Channel please do me a huge favor become part of the 15% of the viewers on this channel that have hit the Subscribe button it helps us tremendously and the bigger the channel gets the bigger the guests
Channel: The Diary Of A CEO Clips
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Keywords: the diary of a ceo, podcast, the diary of a ceo podcast, life lessons, ceo, Steven Bartlett, Steve Bartlett, life advice, doac, diary of a ceo, diary of a ceo clips, Steve Bartlett Podcast
Id: 8GOrr1GKYcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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