THIS Is Why You Can't Lose Body FAT... (Not Calories) | The Glucose Expert Robert Lustig

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the whole issue of calories has to go down the tubes okay as far as I'm concerned that's the problem and I am here to # kill the calorie as a unit of measure it has no place in our uh in in our dialogue it has no place in medicine calories suck now why do I say that if you take a mole of glucose and you throw it into a bum bom calorimeter you will get four calories per gram that's true if you take fructose and you throw it in a bomb calorimeter you will get four calories per gram that's true we are not bomb calorimeters okay what's a bomb calorimeter it's a contraption that explodes the whatever you put in it and measures the heat that's uh given off from it so it measures the amount of calories in something effectively using some that's what calories are is the amount of heat required to raise 1 gram of water 1° Centigrade okay so it's a measure of heat yeah is what it is that's what calories are now we do our burning in these little organel inside each of our cells called mitochondria this is all about mitochondria and when your mitochondria work efficiently and well you can burn energy uh uh you know to completion and you can capture that energy in the form of chemical energy in your cell called ATP a denzine triphosphate and that's what your cell uses to power all of the functions that the cell needs the little molecular Motors and making stuff and you know basically you know and and also cleaning house you know and recycling junk okay in order to keep your cells Thrive thriving and Alive okay so mitochondria are essential now glucose stimulates mitochondria to work better glucose is actually good it it stimulates two enzymes necessary for mitochondria to work it stimulates an enzyme called amyas which is a the enzyme that actually makes more mitochondria and it's the fuel gauge on the liver cell so it tells the liver make more and it also stimulates an enzyme called HH hydroxy ail coad dehydrogenase which is NE NE to cleave two carbon fragments and uh burn them oxidize them for energy too so glucose we can call good because it helps mitochondria fructose on the other hand this sweet molecule in sugar in sucrose it inhibits three enzymes in mitochondria it inhibits that amp kinas it inhibits an enzyme called aadl asoco dehydrogenase lung chain it inhibits cpt1 cartin pm transferase one that's the enzyme that uh regenerates carnitine which is the shuttle by which fatty acids can get into the mitochondria to be burned so the net effect of fructose is to inhibit mitochondrial function so does fructose constitute energy if fructose is actually keeping you from making chemical energy in your cell this is the conundrum what do you mean by energy if we're talking heat then fructose is energy if you're talking ATP fructose inhibits ATP and that's what we're talking about because that's what leads to systemic health problems not the heat so all of these people as far as I'm concerned anyone who ever uses the word calorie fire them because they don't get it they are part of the problem not part of the solution many people will say that sort of counting calories has helped them with their weight loss goals you tell me virtually everybody who counts calories loses a little bit of weight and then they plateau and then they get um you know tired of their diet and the weight comes rushing back okay 90% of people who try to diet through caloric restriction regain and sometimes yoyo back even higher so are there I don't accept that are there studies that support this idea that sort of the the yo-yo dieting is a byproduct of calorific restriction not because of Cal caloric restriction it's a problem of insulin resistance it's a problem of when you gain the weight back did you gain it in the liver is liver fat because now you've got higher insulin and Insulin blocks this hormone that goes to the brain called leptin that is uh in charge of that set point so the higher your insulin goes the less well your brain can see leptin and so the less well you can regulate and so that's what drives your weight up even higher so you don't regain the weight by eating you know fish and vegetables you regain the weight because you you know went for the bread and the rice and the pasta and the potatoes and the sugar what's a better plan then if I'm trying to cut a couple of pounds what's a a better approach to take versus sort of calorie counting or these kind of things get the insulin down there is no weight gain without insulin insulin is the energy storage hormone 20 years ago from doing the research on kids with hypothalamic tumors who released enormous amounts of insulin insin we gave them a drug that suppressed insulin release they lost weight and they started exercising spontaneously because we got their insulin down we showed that the lower we got the insulin the more weight they lost and the better they felt insulin is the bad guy in this story so numerous investigators you know the world over have now demonstrated that insulin is a primary driver of both obesity and diabetes and metabolic syndrome you got to get the insulin down okay how do you get insulin down best way don't let it go up what makes it go up refine carbohydrate and sugar all the stuff you have over there in that corner just to be clear he's not pointing at my lunch no we have a pile of different sugar products that we brought for the interview over in the cor Corner including various things that you find on a shelf everything from apple juice to some popular snacks to um some like some some other things just don't forget the peanut butter cups The Peanut Butter Cups yeah and even this this is just sort of su um it looks like water but it's flavored water where they've added sugar to it right um so yeah all of that stuff over there all that stuff so so get the insulin down all right so cut the refined carbohydrate cut the sugar the dietary sugar that is the single best way to mitigate this process by improving insulin resistance by getting the insulin down and we have done this time and time again basically I turned my obesity Clinic into an insulin reduction clinic for this reason what so what advice do we give that is simple and actionable for Jennifer or Judith or Dave who's listening to this now they are you know 40 years old potentially they have a N9 to five job they're very busy maybe they have some kids to feed at the same time they they don't have time to be like you know looking at doing a fine sort of tooth comb over every single thing that they're putting into their body they're not a scientist agreed it's a it's a problem because the food industry has made the grocery store a Minefield and it's really easy to set off an explosion if you walk in you're basically lost that's how bad it is understood so the the simple rule is eat real food so what's Real Food well food that came out of the ground or animals that ate food that came out of the ground the problem is we all lead busy lives and we're looking for labor saving devices because people don't even have time to cook most people 33% of Americans don't even know how to cook anymore so like what are they going to do so we understand this I mean it's a problem agreed we need food that is metabolically healthy for us not metabolically detrimental and the problem is that as soon as you put the added sugar in the food you have made it metabolically detrimental now the food industry will say well there are all these other good things in there like vitamins and minerals we fortify it Etc so I'm here to tell you toxin a plus antidote B still equals Death okay just because they put some vitamins in there or you take a dietary supplement if it's not solving your mitochondrial dysfunction what's the point so you can't believe what the food industry is telling you okay if they say something is healthy it's usually the opposite whatever it says on the package believe the opposite because they have an incentive to put wrong stuff on the package and I'll be honest with you I'm part of you know uh numerous lawsuits suing the food industry for deceptive advertising misbranding mislabeling 70% of all of the items in the American Grocery Store are misbranded or mislabeled in what way they say things that are not true give me some examples well first of all any time they use the word healthy okay um they say no added sugar okay but in fact they put in apple puree or raspberry puree or evaporated cane juice you know they they there are 262 names for sugar and the food industry uses all of them and so they will say that something's no added sugar but that in fact is actually not the case okay there's there's a whole you know whole host of this Kelloggs has been sued for Raisin Bran okay everyone thinks raisin BR well it's just raisins and bran what color are the raisins in raisin brand I've never seen it well I mean raisins are purple yeah you know purple brown yeah yeah yeah yeah normally well the the raisins and raisin brand are white why if you take the raisins and raisin brand that's supposed to be 11 gram of sugar but on the side of the package it says that one serving is 18 grams of sugar where' the other seven come from it's the white because they've all been dipped in a sugar solution to make them sweeter as an example okay so post has been sued General Mills theirs theirs was uh dismissed um uh Mand a whole host of uh uh of companies are actually under the gun now to change their practices if you love the dver CEO brand and you watch this Channel please do me a huge favor become part of the 15% of the viewers on this channel that have hit the Subscribe button it helps us tremendously and the bigger the channel gets the bigger the guests
Channel: The Diary Of A CEO Clips
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Keywords: the diary of a ceo, podcast, the diary of a ceo podcast, life lessons, ceo, Steven Bartlett, Steve Bartlett, life advice, doac, diary of a ceo, diary of a ceo clips, Steve Bartlett Podcast
Id: 5ZumpSOBAt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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